- ODF Authors: Few NL projects are working on it. Issue might be that there is not enough visibility inside the project. For example, when writing a documentation on the wiki, other projects see and begin to translate, this is not the case on ODF Authors, this then less inclusive. - Github: The project on Github https://github.com/LibreOffice/OmegaT make the guides much more simple for the translators, even if the approach is a bit difficult, it is much more faster and easy to update the guides without having to retranslate or search for changes. Everything is documented on the wiki and Milos is offering his help for the technical part on Github and cleaning the files (he is taking care of the English guides too) - Wiki: The FAQ translation needs to be finished (I should be able to do it this summer). Dennis will implement the translation module once he has updated the wiki. I will document this part for NLPs. I'll also finish the translation of this page https://wiki.documentfoundation.org/Comparison_between_menus_in_LO_4.4.7.2_and_5.1.0.2 because there will be a lot of demand once the 5.1 will be stable and deployed. It would be good to do something as simple as the https://wiki.documentfoundation.org/FR/but the lack of resources is slowing a lot. - Youtube: Several videos are available, si DE and FR lists too: https://www.youtube.com/playlist?list=PL0pdzjvYW9RFl1ZRu8MkE3QxWQSt7Xktk https://www.youtube.com/playlist?list=PL0pdzjvYW9RHBd6D4KLGhsMe09_JBIjR7 https://www.youtube.com/channel/UCQAClQkZEm2rkWvU5bvCAXQ/playlists A channel dedicated to the documentation project should bring more visibility and attract volunteers too, and even more if we add link in the help files. - HC3: You know better than me :) Kendy has submitted the web project to the board. Things in // that I see: - inventory who is contributing to what in the EN project -> add value, attract people, refine the areas where contribution are needed, - motivate a meeting/workshop at LibOCon, maybe by personally inviting contributors (ask the board before) - animate the blog at https://libodocs.wordpress.com/ (I've rights on it) with news, tips, congrats, joy and enthusiasm :) - revisit tips and tricks on twitter http://pad.documentfoundation.org/p/marketing Charles is twitting each morning at 9h CET, Pierre-Yves is feeding the pad regularly, but a weekly sum-up on the blog would be good too. - monitoring G+ and FB where there are a lot of user questions, this could give visibility to the documentation through the answers (FAQ and Guides mostly).