LibreOffice Will Have New 'MUFFIN' UI
88076355 story Posted by msmash on Wednesday December 21, 2016 @02:20PM from the new-updates dept. New submitter iampiti writes: The Document Foundation has announced a new user interface concept for LibreOffice. Users will be able to choose from several...
LibreOffice 5.3 introduce una nuova UI MUFFIN, per l'editing collaborativo
Scienza e Tecnologia - The Document Foundation annuncia LibreOffice 5.3, una delle release più ricche di nuove funzionalità nella storia dell'applicazione. La suite per ufficio è immediatamente disponibile per Windows, macOS e Linux, ed è pronta per l...
Organizzazioni: barra laterale libreoffice online
Prodotti: libreoffice
Tags: editing muffin
LibreOffice 5.3, l'ufficio open source è ready cloud
Ci sono la versione online con editing collaborativo e una lunga serie di miglioramenti attenti a stabilità, interoperabilità e facilità d'uso in LibreOffice 5.3 , ultima release della suite per
Organizzazioni: libreoffice 5.3 regione
Prodotti: libreoffice isp
DesktopなLinuxの設定とか TOP > スポンサー広告 > openoffice/libreoffice > LibreOfficeの新しいツールバー「MUFFIN」を試してみた
2017/02/04 10:28 ] openoffice/libreoffice | TB(0) | CM(0
LibreOfficeの新しいツールバー「MUFFIN」を試してみた (02/04
openoffice/libreoffice (5
Elérhető a LibreOffice 5.3
A mai napon elérhetővé tették a következő generációs LibreOffice-t, amely végre dizájnban is felnő a nagy riválishoz, a Microsoft Office-hoz
Az aktuálisan legfrissebb LibreOffice, az 5.3 fejlesztése tavaly októberben kezdődött, amely hónap vége felé, 21-én rögtön tartottak is egy bug hunting sessiont, amely nagyban segítette a szoftver elkészülésének következő fázisait
Michael Meeks nyilatkozatából kiderül, hogy rendkívül boldogok a csapatnál, hiszen anno 2010-ben alig néhány kóder dolgozott, és hitt a projektben, majd ugrásszerű növekedésnek indult a használati statisztika és gombamódszerűen jelentek meg a fejlesztők...
A legfontosabb újítás egyértelműen a MUFFIN, amellyel végre a LibreOffice is fel tudja venni a versenyt a Microsoft Office-szal, immár nem csak produktivitásban, hanem megjelenésben is. A MUFFIN a My User Friendly & Flexible INterface kifejezés rövidítése...
LibreOffice 5.3-at hozott a Black Lab Linux 8 első frissítése
2017. februárjában érkezik a LibreOffice 5.3
Об использовании, развитии и проблемах офисного пакета LibreOffice
Странности с рендерингом изображений в текстовых документах LibreOffice
Вчера я внезапно обнаружил, что у меня включен OpenGL в портативной версии LibreOffice, в которой я работаю, и я его отключил. Картинки стали гладкие и прекрасные! На виндовс. Я порадовался, так как к багам со стороны OpenGL отношусь, как к неизбежному...
И вишенка, тот же документ в ОС Linux в LibreOffice БЕЗ OpenGL
При этом мне намного больше нравится работать с документом в LibreOffice под Linux, как-то там все выглядит аккуратнее, и интерфейс и сам документ рендерятся корректно и красиво все
PPS: Mike, если будешь писать комментарии, то пожалуйста озвучь причину такого поведения LibreOffice
Использование разделов в текстовом документе LibreOffice Writer
Что такое раздел в LibreOffice Writer? Это именованный текстовый блок,который позволяет защитить текст или часть текста от изменения, скрывать и показывать части текста, вставлять текст в несколько колонок внутри текста в одну колонку, использовать текст...
Внутренние изменения в LibreOffice 5.3
Michael Meeks опубликовал в своем блоге интересный пост по поводу изменений в LibreOffice 5.3, не видных простому пользователю, но важных для развития проекта. Это так называемые изменения "под капотом" LibreOffice. Итак
Об использовании, развитии и проблемах офисного пакета LibreOffice
Различные взгляды на появление и развитие нового интерфейса Muffin в LibreOffice
На днях я имел нескучную беседу с пользователями LibreOffice и товарищами из команды разработчиков самого LibreOffice на канале его в Телеграме. Началось всё с того, что кто-то вбросил ссылку на статью на стороннем ресурсе о новом интерфейсе LibreOffice...
Товарищ Итало Виньоли начинает свою речь о целях Muffin'a словами "...мы не заботимся о пользователях MS Office, мы заботимся о пользователях LibreOffice...", а заканчивает через предложение "...новый интерфейс MUFFIN позволит мягко перевести...
Господин Виньоли также упрямо настаивает на том, что сам термин Ribbon употреблять нельзя, поскольку это неофициальное название GUI от MS Office, а нужно говорить Fluent UI. Основная мысль в том, чтобы уйти от прямого сравнения с Ribbon и опять кого-то...
К чему я все это выше так эмоционально изложил? К тому, что на появление Muffin даже внутри команды, имеющей отношение к разработке/тестированию/переводам LibreOffice, есть диаметрально противоположные мнения на принципиальную нужность этого новшества, не...
Моя персональная точка зрения такова - этот самый MUFFIN есть копия ленточного интерфейса от MS Office по парадигме, по задумке, по внешнему виду и по тому простому факту, что оно отжирает вертикального пространства даже больше, чем сам Ribbon. В связи с...
Кстати, надо бы попытаться натолкнуть их на мысль провести опрос среди самих разработчиков LibreOffice на предмет их отношения в новшествам в интерфейсе
И вообще, мы уже почти год как перешли на LibreOffice. Сейчас я столкнулся с тем, что пользователи стали уже сказки рассказывать про то, как хорошо было под MS Office, приписывая ему уж совершенно фантастические возможности
LibreOffice FAQ Ru
OpenOffice & LibreOffice
LibreOffice 5.3 : derrière la Notebookbar, The Document Foundation annonce le MUFFIN, un nouveau concept d'interface utilisateur flexible 33
La Document Foundation anuncia LibreOffice 5.3, uno de los lanzamientos más completos de la historia de la aplicación y ya está disponible para Windows, macOS y Linux y por primera vez además también para la nube privada. LibreOffice 5.3 representa un...
LibreOffice está respaldado por una fantástica comunidad de desarrolladores. En 2010, sólo unas pocas personas apostaban sobre nuestra capacidad de atraer a un gran número de colaboradores de código, que son instrumentales para el éxito de una base de...
En el siguiente enlace se encuentran los descargables y recordamos tanto a los usuarios de LibreOffice, a los defensores del software libre y todos los miembros de la comunidad, pueden apoyar a The Document Foundation con una donación en http://donate...
5.3 LibreOffice ofrece una serie de novedades interesantes en cada zona: un nuevo motor de trazado de texto multiplataforma que utiliza HarfBuzz para diseño de texto consistente en todas las plataformas, con importantes ventajas en idiomas y alfabetos, un...
La versión 5.3 de LibreOffice también ha sido mejorada "bajo el capó," gracias al trabajo de cientos de voluntarios. Esto se traduce en una suite de ofimática de código abierto que es más fácil de desarrollar, mantener y depurar. Aunque no es visible para...
LibreOffice está desplegada por las grandes organizaciones en todos los continentes. Una lista de las más importantes migraciones anunciada en los medios de comunicación está disponible aquí
LibreOffice OnLine
LibreOffice 5.3 cuenta con la primera versión de la fuente de LibreOffice Online, una suite de ofimática en la nube que ofrece edición básica colaborativa de documentos en un explorador por volver a utilizar el LibreOffice
LibreOffice Online es fundamentalmente un servicio servidor y debe ser instalado y configurado mediante la incorporación de un almacenamiento en la nube y un certificado SSL, que no están incluidos en la solución. Se puede considerar una tecnología en la...
Las versiones del último código fuente de LibreOffice online están disponibles como imágenes Docker
When will LibreOffice have a ribbon UI (as in MS Office 2007-2013
My school uses MSO 2007/2010, I use LO. If they even glimpse at LibreOffice, they are baffled by it's UI because it looks like MSO 2003. all I ask is "Is it possible for a extension that adds a tabbed UI
Hopefully never. This thing is almost impossible to navigate through. One of the main reasons, other than cost, that I switched exclusively to LibreOffice, it dosane't have a ribbon interface. And. if it dose, I hope the developers are smart enough to...
Different products have different interfaces and work differently. Microsoft Office, LibreOffice / Apache OpenOffice, IBM Lotus SmartSuite, Corel WordPerfect Office, NeoOffice, iWork, and other office suites all have different ways of exposing...
To more directly answer the question, it is highly unlikely that a ribbon-esque toolbar interface (similar to that used by Microsoft Office 2007/2010/2013), will be created for LibreOffice. Since LO v4.1 a sidebar has been implemented, and since LO v4.2...
I think the takeaway is that you don't have to use the sidebar. It is redundant to other elements of the UI and is by no means no more modern than LibreOffice's interface since it comes from Lotus. ... we are NOT interested in becoming a [Microsoft] clone...
Great answer. However, I only wish LibreOffice team will improve existing GUI. Toolbars that keep appearing and disappearing is pretty annoying think about LibreOffice. Secondly, default toolbar icons are far from perfect. On the other hand, sidebar is...
I agree, and in my opinion the Ribbon UI is ill-suited to document design and authoring. LibreOffice has always had two excellent UI components which offer a visualization of and an access to most elements and tasks of document production: the Navigator...
Hi oweng, the reason they are "baffled" is because of the fact that the school revolves around MS's software and services, so something like LibreOffice will be strange and not familiar to them, and from what you're saying is that there is no way to make...
I'm a little baffled by many of the answers here, the only people who hate the ribbon interface are those who've not spent any time with it, put the effort in for a few months and it proves its superiority, its human nature for many to hate change, more...
LibreOffice versüßt Oberfläche mit MUFFIN
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LibreOffice 5.3」公開、UIプロジェクト「MUFFIN
LibreOffice 5.3」公開、UIプロジェクト「MUFFIN」を初導入 | OSDN Magazine
The Document Foundationは 2月1日 ( ドイツ 時間)、 オープンソース のオフィス スイート 「LibreOffiec 5.3」を リリース した。 ユーザー インターフェイスを強化する「MUFFI…続きを表示
tmatsuu あれ、LibreOffice Onlineへの言及があるけどLOOL初出
LibreOffice 5.0」が正式公開。64bit版Windows向けのビルドが利用可能に
LibreOffice office Windows フリーソフト
The Document Foundation、無償の統合オフィス環境「LibreOffice 4」のベータ
Office フリーソフト LibreOffice Software LibreOffice/ Basicハンドブック: 日向 俊二: 本
Best-freesoft » Программы » Текст » Редакторы » LibreOffice - пакет офисных программ Либре Офис
LibreOffice - пакет офисных программ Либре Офис
LibreOffice – бесплатный пакет офисных программ для частного и коммерческого применения, совместимый с 32 и 64-битными системами. Первая версия разработана в 2010 году в качестве ответвления от OpenOffice . Это мощное программное обеспечение, на...
Пакет LibreOffice совместим с популярными операционными системами: Mac OS X, Windows, Linux, FreeBSD. Он широко используется во всем мире, переведен более чем на 30 языков. Функциональные возможности LibreOffice по сути такие же, как у программ Microsoft...
В состав LibreOffice входят следующие программы
LibreOffice Writer – редактор текста, имеющий те же особенности, что и MS Word. Поддерживает множество форматов, наиболее распространенные из них: HTML, TXT, DOCX, DOC. Отличается функцией автозавершения (до того, как слово написано целиком, программа...
LibreOffice Writer
LibreOffice Base – руководство базами данных. Работает с форматом ODB и по функциям не отличается от MS Access, а вот интерфейс программы гораздо проще
LibreOffice Base
LibreOffice Calc – создание электронных таблиц на основе проведения математических операций. Имеет такие же возможности, как MS Excel, также имеет возможность производить экспорт данных в PDF. Кроме этого поддерживает форматы DIF, DBF, HTML, XML, ODS, SXC...
Скриншот LibreOffice
LibreOffice — свободный независимый офисный пакет с открытым исходным кодом, созданный как ответвление от пакета LibreOffice бесплатен как для частного, так и для образовательного или коммерческого использования. Может использоваться без...
Все компоненты LibreOffice хорошо сочетаются и дополняют друг друга, предоставляя пользователю всё необходимое для ежедневной работы с документами, ввода, систематизации и анализа данных, маркетинга, проведения презентаций и обучения. LibreOffice прост в...
LibreOffice состоит из следующих частей
LibreOffice Writer — программа для работы с текстовыми документами и визуальный редактор HTML
LibreOffice Calc — программа для работы с электронными таблицами
LibreOffice Draw — программа для создания и редактирования векторных графических изображений
LibreOffice Impress — программа подготовки презентаций
LibreOffice Base — механизм подключения к внешним СУБД и встроенная СУБД HSQLDB
Включена экспериментальная поддержка проекта MUFFIN (My User Friendly & Flexible INterface
LibreOffice 5.2.5
LibreOffice 5.2.4
LibreOffice 5.2.2
Реализована возможность использования в LibreOffice родных виджетов GTK3+ для основного меню, контекстных меню и всплывающих подсказок
Скриншот LibreOffice
LibreOffice — вільний незалежний офісний пакет з відкритим вихідним кодом, створений як відгалуження від пакета LibreOffice безкоштовний як для приватного, так і для освітнього або комерційного використання. Може використовуватися без будь...
Всі компоненти LibreOffice добре поєднуються і доповнюють один одного, надаючи користувачеві все необхідне для щоденної роботи з документами, введення, систематизації та аналізу даних, маркетингу, проведення презентацій та навчання. LibreOffice простий у...
LibreOffice складається з наступних частин
LibreOffice Writer — програма для роботи з текстовими документами і візуальний редактор HTML
LibreOffice Calc — програма для роботи з електронними таблицями
LibreOffice Draw — програма для створення і редагування векторних графічних зображень
LibreOffice Impress — програма підготовки презентацій
LibreOffice Base — механізм підключення до зовнішніх СУБД і вбудована СУБД HSQLDB
LibreOffice – Linux | Spiele | Open-Source | Server | Desktop | Cloud | Android
12/22/16--00:13: _MUFFIN – Neues und
12/22/16--04:38: _LibreOffice 5.2.4
02/01/17--05:38: _LibreOffice 5.3 „Fr
12/22/16--00:13: MUFFIN – Neues und flexibles UI für LibreOffice vorgestellt
The Document Foundation (TDF) hat MUFFIN vorgestellt. Das steht für oder ist ein Akronym für My User Friendly & Flexible INterface. Die neue Benutzeroberfläche für LibreOffice wurde gemeinsam von den Teams Entwicklung, Design und Marketing auf die Beine...
Der Beitrag MUFFIN – Neues und flexibles UI für LibreOffice vorgestellt ist von Linux | Spiele | Open-Source | Server | Desktop | Cloud | Android
The Document Foundation gibt LibreOffice 3.5 frei
LibreOffice 3.5.4 ist veröffentlicht
I have Nadia and after checked backports, nemo, cinnamon and muffin are in update manager
Everything is working great for me, but on a test system I only upgraded cinnamon and then it broke…. because muffin wasn’t upgraded
Why aren’t muffin, nemo, cinnamon-control-center (correct version numbers for each as a minimum) a dependency of cinnamon? That way many here would not have the broken problems of not getting all the packages updated needed. Just curious as to why these...
Hello mate developers I’m using mate and i have been using it more than 1 month what i wanna say is dat the mate main menu bar needs to be speed up a little bit i can’t describe my problem due to insufficient English but i will do my best what i mean is...
Edit by Clem: No, but it’s something we’re considering in the Muffin project
girl 1.2-muffin-1.0
a have 4 workplaces but sometimes i have freezes when i move programs from one to another. (updates, libreoffice and nero were open
If you wipe XP, all the programs will be lost. To keep using those programs look into WINE ( You basically will use WINE to install those XP programs, but it is not a guarantee that all your programs will work. Another option is to find...
But: Cinnamon 3.x with LM 18 unfortunately suffers from a serious mistake in a VM with VMWare Fusion on my Mac. It offers kind of translucent Windows so that working with many apps like Libreoffice etc. is more or less impossible. These mistakes appear...
Can Notification be customised? For example, by default are Notification set to *not* show if a LibreOffice Impress presentation is being shown
1) can teach Muffin effects ‘ magic lamp ‘, ‘ Wobbly ‘ window and do you plan to do in the future
Home > Linux > LibreOffice 5.3 estrena nueva interfaz
LibreOffice 5.3 estrena nueva interfaz
23 diciembre, 2016 Claudio LibreOffice , Linux
Después de taaaaaaaaaanto se cumplió el deseo de muchos. The Document Foundation anuncia el proyecto MUFFIN, un nuevo concepto de interfaz de usuario para LibreOffice que, algunos dirán, podría parecerse más al Ribbon de Microsoft Office
Según explican, MUFFIN es el acrónimo de My User Friendly & Flexible INterface y su propósito se entiende tal que así (resumiendo del original
My: por la capacidad de personalización que ofrece LibreOffice, y nada va a cambiar en ese aspecto
MUFFIN estará disponible a partir de LibreOffice 5.3, cuyo lanzamiento está previsto para finales de enero, principios de febrero. Sin embargo, se estrenará en modo experimental, por lo que habrá que ver en qué estado llega
Aunque no habría que hablar de MUFFIN como tal, sino de la Notebook Bar, esa será la gran novedad. La razón es que MUFFIN viene a englobar toda la interfaz de LibreOffice, que constará de, digámoslo así, cuatro tipos de vistas o esquemas de interfaz...
Cabe aclarar que si bien es obvio qué aplicación fue la pionera en este tipo de interfaz, MUFFIN no es una copia de Ribbon porque sí. El cambio está sustentado en un estudio que han llevado a cabo que podes leer en este enlace (PDF) y en este otro . Allí...
En otro orden de cosas, The Document Foundation anunció la semana pasada otro rediseño largamente esperado : el de la página de complementos de LibreOffice , donde se puede descargar extensiones y plantillas para la suite ofimática. Era hora que llegara...
Awesome, just 1 thing missing is LibreOffice icons
Je vais te payer une glace, un café et même un muffin chez Starbucks
Libreoffice 5.3 mit Online-Version und MUFFIN
Die Document Foundation hat eine neue Version ihrer Open-Source-Bürosuite LibreOffice veröffentlicht. Trotz der unscheinbare Versionsnummer 5.3 bringt sie laut der Foundation einen der bisher funktionsreichsten Updates. Auf die funktionellen
Libreoffice mit Ribbon-GUI und Web-Version
3. Februar 2017 – Die jüngste Version des Open-Source-Büropakets Libreoffice bietet eine überarbeitete Benutzeroberfläche mit Ribbon-ähnlicher Bedienung und kann dazu auch als Web-Anwendung aufgesetzt werden. Die Document Foundation hat das
The Document Foundation kündigt LibreOffice 5.3 an
PresseBox) (Berlin, 02.02.2017 ) The Document Foundation kündigt LibreOffice 5.3 an, eine der funktionsreichsten Versionen in der Geschichte des freien Office-Pakets. LibreOffice 5.3 kann ab sofort für Windows, macOS und Linux heruntergeladen werden
LibreOffice 5.3 freigegeben
Die Document Foundation hat die Freigabe von LibreOffice 5.3 bekanntgegeben. Die neue Version der freien Office-Suite bringt das neue Oberflächenkonzept MUFFIN und die erste Ausgabe von LibreOffice Online neben zahlreichen weiteren
Bürosoftware: Libreoffice 5.3 rendert besser
Die freie Bürosoftware Libreoffice erhält in der aktuellen Version 5.3 eine verbesserte Rendering-Engine und ein adaptives Menü namens Muffin. Zudem wurde das deutsche Rechtschreibmodul aktualisiert. Libreoffice 5.3 bringt eine Reihe Verbesserungen
Notícia] The Document Foundation Anuncia a Interface Muffin
The Document Foundation, organização sem fins lucrativos criada pelos membros da comunidade para gerenciar e desenvolver o LibreOffice, anunciou em dez/16 o Muffin, uma nova interface de usuário para o LibreOffice, que estará disponível a...
Interface Amigável: A interface amigável já é a base do LibreOffice, a nova proposta é torna-lá modular, possibilitando que o usuário determine o nível do quão amigável que a ferramenta pode ser, ou seja, configurável
Flexível: A maioria dos usuários utilizam o LibreOffice em várias plataformas, como desktop e notebook
15 de janeiro de 2017 Camila Posted in LibreOffice , Software Livre Tagged LibreOffice , Notícia Post Permalink
LibreOffice] Versão Portátil para Windows
LibreOffice Calc] Funções Lógicas e Informações
Administração Atualização Calc Casamento citacao colecaoAutoresFavoritos Desabafo Dica Rápida Ensol Excel Faculdade favoritado favorito Filmes Fotografia GTD Internet LibreOffice Lido Linux Literatura literaturaNacional Livro livros livrosSuasInfluencias...
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New had UI select additional. call to click the recipient while submitting. caller agreement only 's messages and pages through apps. export distorted when providing vegan fat free english muffins, there is a custom performance to ' Define '. release...
Office 2013 theme for LibreOffice by charliecnr
icons #libre #office #skin #theme #libreoffice #2013
This is an icons theme to make LibreOffice look like Office 2013
Compatible with LibreOffice versions 4.x to 5.3
13-febr-2016 : updated for libreoffice 5.1
04-aug-2016 : updated for libreoffice 5.2
08-febr-2017 : updated for libreoffice 5.3
Windows: C:\Program Files (x86)\LibreOffice 5\share\config
Linux: /usr/lib/libreoffice/share/config/ and /usr/share/libreoffice/share/config/ (use a symlink
OS X: LibreOffice/Contents/Resources/config
2016-12-28 LibreOffice 全新使用者界面概念 MUFFIN 出爐
LibreOffice 全新使用者界面概念 MUFFIN 出
Вышел офисный пакет LibreOffice 5.3
После шести месяцев разработки организация The Document Foundation опубликовала релиз офисного пакета LibreOffice 5.3 . Готовые установочные пакеты подготовлены для различных дистрибутивов Linux, Windows и macOS, а также в редакции для создания облачных...
Началось официальное распространение серверной редакции LibreOffice Online, позволяющей организовать систему совместной работы с документами через Web, похожую на Google Docs или Office 365. Для быстрого развёртывания серверной редакции подготовлен...
Включена экспериментальная поддержка проекта MUFFIN (My User Friendly & Flexible INterface) c реализацией концепции модульного интерфейса, предлагающей решения для разных предпочтений пользователей, условий работы и видов оборудования. Кроме поставляемой...
OSS / Projekt Muffin: Libreoffice 5.3 bekommt eine neue Oberfläche
Projekt Muffin: Libreoffice 5.3 bekommt eine neue Oberfläche
Die Document Foundation hat das Projekt Muffin für Libreoffice angekündigt. Muffin steht dabei für My User Friendly & Flexible Interface. Es geht also darum, dem Anwender eine besser konfigurierbare Bedienoberfläche zu bieten. Diese arbeitet mit Toolbars...
Das Muffin-Konzept (Bild: Libreoffice Design Team cc-by-sa 3.0
Die Document Foundation plant, das Muffin-Konzept mit Libreoffice 5.3 einzuführen. Diese Version befindet sich derzeit noch in der Pre-Release-Phase. Aktuell wird die Beta 2 als Download angeboten
Applikationen Document Foundation Libreoffice Open Source
Die Document Foundation hat das Projekt Muffin für Libreoffice… 0 comments
Die Document Foundation hat das Projekt Muffin für Libreoffice angekündigt. Muffin steht dabei
Category LibreOffice on sister projects
English: LibreOffice is a productivity suite that is compatible with other major office suites, and available on a variety of platforms. The goal is to produce a vendor-independent office suite with ODF support and without any copyright assignment...
Created with LibreOffice (5カテゴリ、164ファイル
LibreOffice 3.3 (1カテゴリ、5ファイル
LibreOffice 4 (2カテゴリ、1ファイル
LibreOffice 5 (3カテゴリ、19ファイル
LibreOffice Conference (1カテゴリ、2ファイル
LibreOffice icons (1カテゴリ、20ファイル
Logos of LibreOffice (1カテゴリ、11ファイル
LibreOffice 5.3: Freie Office-Suite mit optionaler Ribbon-Oberfläche
Neue Text-Layout-Engine – LibreOffice Online erstmals vollständig im Source Code erhältlich
Die freie Office-Suite LibreOffice kann eine neue Release verkünden , und diese bringt eine ganze Reihe frischer Funktionen mit sich. Die bisher größte Release in der Geschichte des Projekts nennt die dahinterstehende Document Foundation denn auch das...
LibreOffice 5.3 bringt dabei Verbesserungen quer durch das gesamte Projekt. So werden im Writer nun etwa Table Styles unterstützt, die Seiteneinstellungen sind jetzt über den Sidebar zu erreichen, und es gibt neue Zeichenwerkzeuge. Bei der...
libreoffice - the document foundation
Viele der Änderungen ziehen sich quer durch alle Komponenten. So können nun Keyboard-Shortcuts in Kontextmenüs angezeigt werden, und es gibt Verbesserungen beim Signieren von PDFs. Neu ist auch ein Safe Modus, der bei Problemen mit dem eigenen LibreOffice...
Die wohl größte Neuerung der Release bezeichnet man hingegen noch als experimentell: Im Rahmen eines Projekts namens MUFFIN arbeiten die Entwickler derzeit an einer neuen Oberfläche für die Software. So gibt es etwa nun ein Layout mit nur einem Toolbar...
LibreOffice 5.3 mit "Notebookbar
LibreOffice 5.3 bringt aber noch einen weiteren Meilenstein: Wird doch parallel dazu auch erstmals der vollständige Source Code von LibreOffice Online freigegeben. Dieses kann dazu genutzt werden, um die Software auf einem eigenen Server zu installieren...
LibreOffice 5.3 steht in Versionen für Windows, Linux und macOS zum Download. (Andreas Proschofsky, 1.2.2017
Office Suite LibreOffice KOffice, OO.o KOffice, OO.o
Office Suite GOffice, LibreOffice GOffice, LibreOffice GOffice, LibreOffice GOffice, LibreOffice GOffice, LibreOffice GOffice, LibreOffice
Freies Office - Muffin: LibreOffice bekommt neue Oberfl
Dragplus » Austria » Freies Office - Muffin: LibreOffice bekommt neue Oberfl , 2 months ago, 21 view
EDA-EL: Elementare Datenanalyse mit Excel und LibreOffice
Hier finden Sie den Muffins-Datensatz zum Download, der in dem Tutorial verwendet wird. Hintergründe des Muffin-Datensatzes erfahren Sie hier oder unter (Entstehungs-) Kontext - Hintergründe, Datensätze und Tools
Muffins-Datensatz Download
Esta es la nueva interfaz de LibreOffice 5.3: llega MUFFIN
Ha pasado prácticamente un año desde la llegada de LibreOffice 5.1 , y ya tenemos a la vuelta de la esquina el lanzamiento de LibreOffice 5.3. Esta actualización vendrá acompañada de una interfaz completamente renovada que responderá al nombre de MUFFIN...
The Document Foundation Announces The MUFFIN, A New Tasty User Interface Concept For LibreOffice
The Document Foundation announces the MUFFIN, a new tasty user interface concept for LibreOffice, based on the joint efforts of the development and the design teams, supported by the marketing team. MUFFIN is an acronym for My User Friendly & Flexible...
My: LibreOffice users want a “personal” UI, with different options capable of adapting to the user’s personal habits, and not a single UI without options
User Friendly: of course, any UI should be as user friendly as possible, but LibreOffice users have clearly asked for a “modular” UI, where they can set their own level of user friendliness, and not a single UI without options
Flexible: the increasing number of LibreOffice users deploying the software on different hardware platforms (for instance, a desktop and a laptop), each one with different characteristics and screen size and resolution, have asked for a UI that can be...
Source :
Beiträge markiert mit: Libreoffice
How to Disable LibreOffice’s Startup Splash Screen on Windows and Linux
Every time you open a LibreOffice program, or even the LibreOffice Start Center, a splash screen displays. This splash screen serves no real purpose, so if you’d rather not see it, we’ll show you how to disable it in Windows and Linux
LibreOffice #Linux #Windows
LibreOffice 5.3 estrenará interfaz y, sí, tiene mucho de Ribbon
Se cumplió el deseo de muchos. Tras más de seis años de desarrollo The Document Foundation anuncia el proyecto MUFFIN, “un nuevo y delicioso concepto de interfaz de usuario para LibreOffice” que, guste o no, no podría parecerse más al Ribbon de Microsoft...
LibreOffice 5.3 estrenará interfaz: MUFFIN (My User Friendly & Flexible INterface) y, en parte, no podría parecerse más a Ribbon
MUFFIN - Neues und flexibles UI für LibreOffice vorgestellt
The Document Foundation (TDF) hat MUFFIN vorgestellt. Das steht für oder ist ein Akronym für My User Friendly & Flexible INterface. Die neue Benutzeroberfläche für LibreOffice wurde gemeinsam von den Teams Entwicklung, Design und Marketing auf die Beine...
オープンソースのオフィス統合環境「LibreOffice」の最新版「LibreOffice 5.3」が公開
MUFFIN”コンセプトがお披露目。テキストエンジンの刷新や“LibreOffice Online”も
LibreOffice 5.3」のスタートセンター
The Document Foundationは1日(中央ヨーロッパ時間)、オープンソースのオフィス統合環境「LibreOffice」の最新版「LibreOffice 5.3」を公開した。また、安定版も1月26日付けで「LibreOffice 5.2.5」へとアップデートされている
最新版となる「LibreOffice 5.3」では、 新しいユーザーインターフェイスデザイン(UI)コンセプト“MUFFIN” が実験的に導入された。“MUFFIN”は“My User Friendly & Flexible INterface”の略で、よりパーソナル(My)かつユーザーフレンドリー(User Friendly)で、柔軟性の高い(Flexible)ユーザーインターフェイスを目指したデザインコンセプトだ
MUFFIN”では、「Microsoft Office」の“リボン”に似た“Notebookbar”を含む4つのツールバーをユーザーの好みや環境に応じて選択することが可能。[ツール]-[オプション]ダイアログの[LibreOffice]-[詳細]セクションにある[実験的な機能を有効にする]オプションを有効化すれば試すことができる
そのほかにも、「LibreOffice 5.3」ではユーザーインターフェイスの改善、 カラーパレットの刷新 、「Impress」におけるテンプレート選択機能の追加、OpenXMLフィルターの改良などが施された。また、「LibreOffice」のコア機能を利用したサーバーソフト“LibreOffice Online”が初めてリリースされた。サーバーへセットアップしてコラボレーティブな編集環境を提供することが可能で、「Docker」イメージも“ Docker Hub ”で提供されている
Artikel: Projekt Muffin: Libreoffice 5.3 bekommt eine neue Oberfläche
Themen: Libreoffice , Document Foundation , Applikationen , Open Source
Projekt Muffin: Libreoffice 5.3
Muffin könnte ein Grund für mich sein wieder auf LibreOffice umzusteigen. Werde ich auf jeden Fall ausprobieren. Finde ich gut, und umso besser, dass dem Benutzer die freie Wahl gelassen wird, welche Oberfläche er nutzen möchte
Artikel: Projekt Muffin: Libreoffice 5.3 bekommt eine neue Oberfläche
Themen: Libreoffice , Document Foundation , Applikationen , Open Source
Projekt Muffin: Libreoffice 5.3
Résolu] Lancement rapide de libreoffice
Petite question concernant libreoffice
LibreOffice est très long à démarrer et même pour le lancement d'une impression
Re : [Résolu] Lancement rapide de libreoffice
Je fais la comparaison avec 2 versions sous Centos 6.8 en 32b et centos 7 en 64b avec des versions de libreoffice qui ont une ligne supplémentaire dans
Outils/Options/Mémoire Démarrage rapide. Cette option existe sur les versions du site origine depuis plusieurs versions de libreoffice et faisaient apparaître dans le bureau de Cinnamon un nouvel icône en bas à droite
LibreOffice 5.3 has a new ribbon style interface option
The latest development build of LibreOffice has an experimental feature which when enabled allows users to switch from traditional toolbars to a ribbon style UI. At present it's in the very early stages of development so some functionality and icons are...
When it is finished, users will be able to choose which toolbar style they want from the view menu. the top menu bar is also hidden until you click on the libreoffice icon top left and enable it
Re: LibreOffice 5.3 has a new ribbon style interface option
Its good news. Ribbons make using LibreOffice KISS* compatible
I switched to's linux versions. Its what libreoffice has to match for an interface. And keyboard shortcuts
It won't. The earliest you are likely to see it is F26. Fedora do not upgrade between branches of LibreOffice during a release cycle of the operating system
we are all aware of the fact you use WPS office leslie. libreoffice has keyboard shortcuts too (shock horror!) as did the packages it was forked from. end of discussion as regards comparing the two
mmmm muffins
interface , libreoffice , option , ribbon , style
LibreOffice Will Have New ‘MUFFIN’ UI
Home » LibreOffice Will Have New ‘MUFFIN’ UI
New submitter iampiti writes: The Document Foundation has announced a new user interface concept for LibreOffice. Users will be able to choose from several toolbar configurations including the "Notebook bar" which is similar to Microsoft Office's ribbon...
You read the article LibreOffice Will Have New ‘MUFFIN’ UI. All materials on the site Fsetyt com , as well as the article LibreOffice Will Have New ‘MUFFIN’ UI - written with the purpose of enriching the information and we will be glad if you like our...
Reviews - LibreOffice Will Have New ‘MUFFIN’ UI
libreoffice-extension-texmaths-0.42-1.src.tar.gz 24-Dec-2015 21:05 147K
libreoffice-extension-writer2latex-1.4-1.src.tar.gz 28-Feb-2015 05:04 1.9M
muffin-3.2.2-1.src.tar.gz 30-Jan-2017 08:29 2.6M
LibreOffice 5.3 : derrière la Notebookbar, The Document Foundation annonce le MUFFIN, un nouveau concept d'interface utilisateur flexible
LibreOffice 5.3 : derrière la Notebookbar, The Document Foundation annonce le MUFFINun nouveau concept d'interface utilisateur flexibleThe Document Foundation a annoncé hier ce qu'elle appelle le MUFFIN, un nouveau concept d'interface utilisateur pour...
Fedora 20 Update: muffin-2.4.2-1.fc20
Fedora 20 Update: muffin-2.4.1-1.fc20
SECURITY] Fedora 20 Update: libreoffice-
Home → SoftWare → LibreOffice 5.3 is now available and with new features
LibreOffice 5.3 is now available and with new features
LibreOffice 5.3 comes to all desktop operating systems with an important range of novelties, including from a few modifications in the interface to completely new features such as online collaborative editing
After the first trial version that was distributed at the end of last year, The Document Foundation has announced the release of the new version of LibreOffice 5.3. The program lands for free on Windows, Linux and Mac OS X, as well as debuting for the...
As stated by those responsible for this foundation, version 5.3 of LibreOffice brings new functions in almost every section of the program. Especially noteworthy is the arrival of LibreOffice Online, a cloud service that will allow users to edit online...
In this update there are novelties in each and every one of the different LibreOffice modes. In Writer, the text editor, there are incorporations such as a quick access on one side of the screen that allows to configure the page settings, while Calc -the...
america latina , caribbean , caribe , globalmediait , hardware , internet , latin america , LibreOffice , LibreOffice 5.3 , linux , MAC OS X , miami , microsoft , news , software , technology news , technology news caribbean , windows
Exporting from LyX to MS Word and LibreOffice (Stefan
muFFin- hat Folgendes geschrieben
LibreOffice リボンUI導入へ
LibreOffice リボンUI導入へ」 フリーソフト
LibreOffice リボンUI導入へ
LibreOffice リボンUI導入へ」 フリーソフト
LibreOffice z nowym interfejsem użytkownika
The Document Foundation odpowiedzialne za rozwój popularnego pakietu biurowego LibreOffice zapowiedziało dzisiaj koncept nowego interfejsu użytkownika o nazwie „MUFFIN” (wyglądającego równie smakowicie co zdjęcie posta
Nazwa „MUFFIN” jest akronimem od „My User Friendly & Flexible INterface”, co w całości oddaje zamysł twórców
MUFFIN dostępny będzie począwszy od wersji LibreOffice 5.3, która aktualnie jest w fazie beta i zostanie wydana na początku lutego nadchodzącego roku
LibreOffice The Document Foundation
LibreOffice versüßt Oberfläche mit MUFFIN
Home soft » Программы » Текст » Редакторы » LibreOffice - бесплатный пакет офисных программ Либре Офис
LibreOffice - бесплатный пакет офисных программ Либре Офис
LibreOffice – полностью бесплатная альтернатива всемирно известному пакету Office - продукту компании Microsoft. Данное программное обеспечение представляет собой пакет системных программ, благодаря которому осуществляется обработка презентаций...
Возможности офисного пакета LibreOffice определяются перечнем системных программ, входящих в его состав. К таким относятся
LibreOffice Base – позволяет управлять базами данных. Эта программа практически не уступает популярной на сегодня MS Access. Интерфейс Base выглядит очень просто, что никак не отражается на качестве выполнения возложенных на утилиту задач. При этом...
LibreOffice Writer – ее возможности аналогичны функциям MS Word, включая запись макросов, перекрестные ссылки, индексы, таблицы, сноски, рисование. Работая с программой можно набирать, редактировать тексты, рисунки, создавая письма, отчеты, документы. В...
LibreOffice Writer
LibreOffice Draw – приложение для работы с рисунками, иллюстрациями, логотипами, блок-схемами и прочими графическими материалами. Полноценно заменить графический редактор данная программа не сможет, однако для разработки относительно несложных диаграмм...
LibreOffice Draw
LibreOffice 5.3
trey | 2017. február 1., szerda - 16:14 ) LibreOffice,
LibreOffice 5.3 is now available – and it's full of great new features and improvements. Find out more here:
LibreOffice (@libreoffice) February 1, 2017
Megjelent a LibreOffice 5.3-as kiadása. Részletek itt
Libreoffice Online, yeah \o
A ribbon / muffin bekapcsolása nem triviális és elég ronda is (Win 64 bit), de legalább egy lépés előre
availability of LibreOffice 5.2.4 “still”, the fourth minor release of
the LibreOffice 5.2 family. Based on the upcoming announcement of
LibreOffice 5.3, all users can start to update to LibreOffice 5.2.4 from
LibreOffice 5.1.6 or previous versions
TDF suggests to deploy LibreOffice in large organizations, public
Road to LibreOffice 5.3
With the availability of LibreOffice 5.3 RC1, the project has entered
the last stage of the road to LibreOffice 5.3, which will be announced
LibreOffice、MS Office風のツールバーを含む新UIを発表 53
オープンソースのオフィススイート「 LibreOffice 」が今後の新バージョンで提供するという新ユーザーインターフェイス「MUFFIN」を発表した( 窓の杜 、 LibreOfficeの発表
ギャラリー: LibreOffice MUFFIN UI | 5 枚の写真
LibreOffice получил самое масштабное обновление в истории
The Document Foundation (TDF) сообщила о выходе новой редакции открытого офисного пакета LibreOffice. Этот релиз назван ею одним из самых богатых на новшества в истории данного проекта
Для приложений LibreOffice 5.3 доступны четыре новых экспериментальных стиля оформления экранного интерфейса, MUFFIN (My User Friendly & Flexible INterface), в том числе аналог Microsoft Ribbon и минимальная линейка инструментов с одной панелью
Новый безопасный режим, активируемый из меню Help, запускает LibreOffice с временно очищенным профилем пользователя — для выявления и исправления проблем в конфигурации
В рамках этого релиза впервые выпущены исходники LibreOffice Online — облачной версии данного офисного пакета, предоставляющей базовые функции коллективного редактирования документов в веб-браузере. Сборки кода LibreOffice Online доступны как образы Docker
So, Freunde des heißen Backofens! Nach über 9000 h Arbeit hier mal eine erste Version des Bernd-Backbuchs. Mit einigen Formatierungen bin ich noch nicht ganz zufrieden und die Index-Funktion von Libreoffice ist … nun ja … gewöhnungsbedürftig. Ich habe...
Wollte dich nur noch mal erinnern. Du hattest einige Pfosten früher, so um die Jacky-Muffins - in Backfaden No. 4 wars glaub ich - angekündigt, um die Weihnachtszeit viele Rezepte o.ä. über Leckereien zu pfostieren
Hi Bernd, keine Sorge,auch dieses Jahr gibts leckere Rezepte für Plätzchen, verschiedene Stollen und Muffins. Da wird kein Auge trocken bleiben:3
Gleichmäßiger Abstand der Auslassungspunkte in den Verzeichnissen hat mich Nerven gekostet. Und Hyperlinks im Index/Stichwortverzeichnis scheinen mit LibreOffice nicht zu gehen. (Warum habe ich nicht gleich LaTeX genommen
Dieser Bernd hat gerade einen Engelnahrungskuchen mit Lebkuchengewürz im Rohr. Er sieht ein bisschen wie ein behinderter Muffin aus, aber dass er so aufgegangen ist, ist eigentlich ein gutes Zeichen. :3
Školení LibreOffice
Nabízíme školení LibreOffice a dalšího softwaru. Více informací na webu
Kalendář TDF a LibreOffice pro rok 2017
LibreOffice 5.2.4
MUFFIN: nový koncept GUI pro LibreOffice
Libreoffice Cuba Un espacio desde Cuba para la divulgación de la plataforma ofimática LibreOffice
LibreOffice 5.3 viene con nueva interfaz visual
Saludos a los lectores de LibreOfficeCuba . Quienes siempre se quejaron de la forma tradicionalista que tenía LibreOffice de organizar los menús, están a punto de recibir un gran regalo. De hecho, el “presente” no ha llegado todavía porque la versión...
Desde hace tiempo, The Document Foundation lleva trabajando en una nueva interfaz para su suite ofimática LibreOffice, que le permita renovar casi por completo toda la interfaz de la suite para hacerla lo más sencilla posible. Entre los muchos cambios que...
Cómo activar Notebookbar, la nueva barra de menú basada en Ribbon, en LibreOffice 5.3
Elegiremos la “Notebookbar” y podremos ver cómo automáticamente se nos activa esta nueva interfaz para LibreOffice
LibreOffice 5.3 con la nueva interfaz
Esta nueva barra de herramientas estará disponible para todos los usuarios con el lanzamiento de LibreOffice 5.3, previsto para principios de 2017, por lo que, aunque ya podemos probar la nueva interfaz, es posible que encontremos fallos y problemas e...
Has probado ya esta nueva interfaz en LibreOffice? ¿Te gusta más la clásica o la nueva
Trucos imprescindibles para LibreOffice
LibreOffice – ingyenes irodai programcsomag
LibreOffice 5.2.6
A The Document Foundation bejelentette, hogy megjelent a LibreOffice 5.2.6, a LibreOffice 5.2-es sorozatának hatodik javítókiadása
A részletes változások ( RC1 és RC2 ) a Wikiben olvashatóak, az új változat letölthető a LibreOffice weboldaláról
LibreOffice 5.3: az első hét statisztikája
A LibreOffice 5.2 megjelenésekor jelent meg először az első hét tapasztalatait összefoglaló statisztika. Mivel egy héttel ezelőtt jelent meg a LibreOffice legújabb kiadása az 5.3, ezért a Document Foundation elérhetővé tette az első hét statisztikáit...
410 472 alkalommal töltötték le a LibreOffice 5.3-at. Ez 32%-os növekedés a LibreOffice 5.2-es változatához képest
378 719 egyedi látogató tekintette meg a LibreOffice hivatalos weboldalát. Ez 77%-os növekedés a LibreOffice 5.2-es első heti statisztikájához képest
3 293 adományozó támogatta a Document Foundation-t, ez 79%-os növekedés a LibreOffice 5.2 első heti statisztikájához viszonyítva
LibreOffice – ingyenes irodai programcsomag
MUFFIN: a felhasználói felület megújítása
A hamarosan megjelenő LibreOffice 5.3 -as változata új, jelentős átalakításokat hoz a felhasználói felületen is. Az új koncepció neve MUFFIN. Ez gyakorlatilag az összes változatát magába foglalja a felületeknek. A LibreOffice felhasználói felületének...
A LibreOffice felhasználói felülete (UI) még az első generációs Windows-os felhasználói felülethez volt igazítva. Az idők váltakozásával átalakultak a hardverek és szoftverek ezzel párhuzamosan a felhasználók szokásai is és ez magával hozott változásokat...
A MUFFIN egy rövidítés (szójáték), amely jelentése az alábbiak szerint épül fel ( forrás
Enyém (My): A LibreOffice felhasználók egy személyes grafikus felületet (UI) akarnak, amellyel a saját habitusuknak megfelelően testre szabhatják azt és nem csak egy egyszerű UI-ra van szükségük, beállítási lehetőségek nélkül
Felhasználóbarát (User Friendly): természetesen a felhasználói felület annyira legyen felhasználóbarát amennyire csak lehetséges, de a LibreOffice felhasználók nagyon világosan kérték, hogy a felhasználói felület moduláris legyen, ahol a saját...
Rugalmasság (Flexible): elképesztő mennyiségű felhasználó dolgozik a legkülönfélébb platformokon LibreOffice-szal, így asztali (desktop) gépeken és laptopon egyaránt. Ezek mindegyike egyedi jellemzőkkel bír, így a monitor mérete, felbontása, így a...
Felület (INterface): a MUFFIN koncepciója az, hogy különféle UI variánsokat biztosít – a nemsokára megjelenő LibreOffice 5.3-astól kezdve -, így az alapértelmezett felhasználói felületet (normál vagy klasszikus menü) eszköztárakkal, Single Toolbar-t...
LibreOffice i Danmark - Nyheder
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LibreOffice 5.3
Næste version af LibreOffice kommer til at hedde 5.3, og den frigives omkring første februar
Hvis du vil vide hvad du kan forvente af LibreOffice 5.3 kan du læse om de nye funktioner her:
Hvis du gerne vil se version 5.3 allerede nu, kan du hente en testversion allerede nu: . Men vær opmærksom på at testversionen ikke kan forventes at være helt stabil, og den er ikke helt oversat
Etiketter: 5.3 , LibreOffice 5.3 , Nyt
Jeg har tidligere skrevet om at lave beregninger i tabeller i Writer:
Etiketter: beregninger , LibreOffice Writer , Writer
Представлен концепт нового «вкусного» интерфейса MUFFIN для офиса LibreOffice
В минувшую среду организация The Document Foundation представила MUFFIN — концепт нового пользовательского интерфейса для свободного офисного пакета LibreOffice, названного «вкусным» и созданного в результате сотрудничества команд разработки, дизайна и...
MUFFIN — это аббревиатура, которая обозначает «Мой дружелюбный к пользователям и гибкий интерфейс» (My User Friendly & Flexible INterface). В его основу положены три направления, по которым были собраны отзывы пользователей LibreOffice
LibreOffice Announces "MUFFIN" User Interface - Phoronix Forums
Phoronix: LibreOffice Announces "MUFFIN" User Interface The Document Foundation today announced MUFFIN, a new user-interface concept for
LibreOffice Will Have New 'MUFFIN' UI - Slashdot
New submitter iampiti writes: The Document Foundation has announced a new user interface concept for LibreOffice. Users will be able to choose from several toolbar configurations including the "Notebook bar" which is similar to Microsoft Office's ribbon...
The Document Foundation announces the MUFFIN, a new tasty user interface concept for LibreOffice
Related posts: LibreOffice has a new Extensions & Templates website LibreOffice 5.0.6 available for download LibreOffice 5.1.4 available for download
LibreOffice 'Ribbon Interface' Called MUFFIN, Gets Detailed - OMG! Ubuntu
Microsoft Ribbon UI Coming to LibreOffice" shouted we last week, as we told you about the (experimental) 'Notebook Bar; interface in testing in the latest development builds of LibreOffice, the hugely popular open-source office suite. Today, The Document...
Announcement of LibreOffice 5.2.3
The Document Foundation (TDF) announces the availability of LibreOffice 5.2.3 “fresh”, the third minor release of the LibreOffice 5.2 family, representing
LibreOffice announces new "MUFFIN" user interface concept
Hidden features in LibreOffice Draw
LibreOffice announces new "MUFFIN" user interface
Microsoft Office Ribbon UI Is Coming to LibreOffic
Cómo activar el nuevo menú notebookbar en LibreOffice 5.3
Hace unas semanas que se liberó la nueva versión de LibreOffice. Una versión que incluía su nueva interfaz MUFFIN y con ello la barra de menú nueva llamada NotebookBar. Este nuevo menú se parece al Menú Ribbon de Microsoft Office, una interfaz ya conocida...
La gran diferencia que existe entre ambas interfaces es sin lugar a dudas que NotebookBar puede cambiarse cuando quiera el usuario mientras que Ribbon de Office no. Hasta tal punto que por defecto no está activada en Libreoffice, algo que podemos tener...
NotebookBar de Libreoffice sólo está presente en la versión 5.3 o posteriores
Primero hemos de tener LibreOffice 5.3 o posteriores ya que en versiones anteriores no funcionan. Si tenemos esta versión, primero hemos de ir al menú Herramientas–> Opciones. En la ventana que aparezca hemos de ir a LibreOffice–>Avanzado y pulsar la...
Estos últimos pasos hemos de tenerlos en cuenta ya que de querer volver a tener la interfaz antigua de LibreOffice, sólo hemos de volver sobre nuestros pasos y desactivar NotebookBar en el Menú de Vista para que LibreOffice vuelva a tener esa apariencia...
Y aunque la opción clásica siempre estará disponible en LibreOffice, algo me dice que los usuarios de LibreOffice usarán la nueva interfaz, tal y como pasó con Microsoft Office ya que al final es cuestión de adaptarse ¿ no creéis
El artículo Cómo activar el nuevo menú notebookbar en LibreOffice 5.3 ha sido originalmente publicado en Linux Adictos
Tags: LibreOffice , MUFFIN , personalización , Programas
Artículo original: Cómo activar el nuevo menú notebookbar en LibreOffice 5.3
MUFFIN -- новый интерфейс для LibreOffice
Организация The Document Foundation представила новый концепт пользовательского интерфейса для LibreOffice под названием «MUFFIN» (акроним от My User Friendly & Flexible INterface). Скриншоты доступны на странице новости по основной ссылке
Рациональность MUFFIN более детально описана в маркетинговом обосновании ( PDF ), а также в специальной записи в TDF Design Blog
LibreOffice 5.3.0 Fresh (только для тестирования
libreoffice , ui
Sortie de LibreOffice 5.3
LibreOffice, la suite bureautique libre et interopérable, a été publiée en version 5.3 le 1er février 2017. Au menu de cette version, une mise en page unifiée sur les différentes plates‐formes prises en charge, un nouvel outil de style pour les tableaux...
LibreOffice 5.3 under the hood (136 clics
Notebookbar et Muffin
Autour de LibreOffice
LibreOffice Online
Bien évidemment, la vue en menus « à l’ancienne » est toujours disponible et reste celle par défaut. Cette nouvelle barre n’élimine pas non plus le volet latéral très intéressant, déjà présent dans LibreOffice
Cette Notebookbar est le fruit d’un travail visant à proposer une interface adaptée aux besoins des utilisateurs et vient compléter les possibilités déjà présentes. Notamment, The Document Foundation a annoncé Muffin , le nouveau concept d’interface pour...
Muffin est un acronyme qui signifie My User Friendly & Flexible INterface et a été élaboré en prenant en compte les retours d’utilisateurs dans trois domaines principaux
Flexible : la diversité des plates‐formes sur lesquelles sont installés des LibreOffice, notamment en termes de taille et résolution d’écran, a poussé la demande de pouvoir adapter l’interface à chacune de ces plates‐formes
Journal LibreOffice fait évoluer son interface
Au milieu des nouveautés annoncées pour la version 5.3 de LibreOffice (voir ), il y une nouveauté qui n'est pas mise en avant (du fait de son statut "expérimental"), mais qui mérite à mon avis un...
Cela a été un sujet de débat récurrent lorsque l'on compare LibreOffice avec Microsoft Office : afin de s'adapter aux habitudes des utilisateurs de la suite propriétaire, LibreOffice proposera bientôt d'utiliser une interface avec des "rubans
Il faut croire qu'aucune idée alternative transcendante n'a émergé côté libre. Microsoft a mis des décennies avant de lancer ce changement majeur, preuve que ce n'est pas évident. Pour ma part, utilisant Excel et LibreCalc, je suis un grand fan. Je n'ai...
Ben moi c'est le contraire : je n'ai jamais réussi à me faire à cette interface. Et je souhaiterais pouvoir continuer à utiliser l'alternative sans cette saleté de bandeaux. Et au final, je ne comprends pas cette façon de singer les autres trucs...
N'hésitez pas à tester (menu View > Toolbar Layout) et à faire remonter les problèmes rencontrés. Si vous avez des difficultés à vous exprimer sur bugzilla et/ou en anglais, vous pouvez écrire en français à ; même si vous n'êtes pas...
C'est justement pour cela que l'interface de LibreOffice va offrir plusieurs choix, que ce soit par onglets, menus ou volet latéral, afin de s'adapter aux multiples tailles d'écran qui existent actuellement. LibreOffice se développe aussi bien en ligne...
Note que pour des documents destinés à visualisation sur écran principalement, ce sera en général un choix inverse (mais LibreOffice fait donc le choix de supposer que les documents créés le sont dans le but de les imprimer. Ça se discute bien sûr puisque...
Note que je ne donne pas d'avis car je n'en ai pas vraiment. Je te donne seulement les sortes de "règles populaires" qui expliquent que LibreOffice fait probablement un choix par défaut tout à fait à propos. Ensuite clairement ces règles ne sont nullement...
Megjelent a LibreOffice 5.3
A LibreOffice 5.3 fő jellemzői
A LibreOffice 5.3 minden területen számos érdekes új funkciót kínál: egy új keresztplatformos szövegelrendező rendszer, amely jelentősen javítja a konzisztens szövegelrendezést számos nyelv és ábécé esetén; újjászervezett Súgó menü új gyorshivatkozásokkal...
A legjelentősebb új funkciók listája elérhető rövid, magyarul feliratozott videók formájában is ( ). A legfontosabb új funkciók listája elérhető a weboldalon is:
A LibreOffice 5.3 a felszín alatt is változott több száz önkéntes munkájának köszönhetően. Ez egy egyszerűbben fejleszthető és karbantartható irodai csomagot eredményez. Noha ez felhasználói szemmel láthatatlan, vállalati telepítéseknél különösen fontos
A LibreOffice-t minden kontinensen használják nagy szervezetek is. A médiában bejelentett legfontosabb bevezetések listája itt érhető el
LibreOffice Online
A LibreOffice 5.3 tartalmazza a LibreOffice Online első forráskód kiadását, amely a LibreOffice alaprendszerét használó, a böngészőben alapszintű közös dokumentumszerkesztési funkciókat nyújtó, felhő alapú irodai programcsomag. A megjelenítési minőség...
A LibreOffice Online alapvetően egy kiszolgálóoldali szolgáltatás, és beállításához felhő alapú tárhely és SSL tanúsítvány is szükséges, amik nem képezik a megoldás részét. Ez az internetes szolgáltatók nyilvános felhőiben vagy vállalatok és nagy...
Re: [libreoffice-design] Notebookbar
Subject: Re: [libreoffice-design] Notebookbar
From: Italo Vignoli <
Actually, the concept name might be different from MUFFIN (an acronym
there are rumors about a great new feature upcoming in 5.3 - and we want to feed the hungry. The Notebookbar is going to be introduced and marketing wants to announce it as the MUFFIN concept. We believe this announcement would be perfectly accompanied by...
Italo Vignoli - LibreOffice Marketing & PR
mobile/signal +39.348.5653829 - email
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The Document Foundation 宣布了 开源办公软件 LibreOffice 的新用户界面概念 MUFFIN。MUFFIN是My User Friendly & Flexible INterface的首字母缩写,主要集中于三个方面:My,提供选项个性化用户界面;User Friendly,顾名思义对用户友好;Flexible,适应不同大小的屏幕和分辨率。LibreOffice 将提供多种工具栏布局,包括传统的标准工具栏,单一工具栏,类似 Microsoft Office...
How To Enable The “Ribbon” UI in LibreOffice 5.3
LibreOffice 5.3 was released recently, and among its features is an experimental Microsoft Office style Ribbon toolbar layout. And you may be wondering how to enable it. Well, we’ll show you how to enable the notebookbar toolbar in LibreOffice 5.3 in just...
This post, How To Enable The “Ribbon” UI in LibreOffice 5.3 , was written by Joey Sneddon and first appeared on OMG! Ubuntu
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Cara Install Libreoffice 5.3 dan fitur Ribbon UI
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Seri LibreOffice Writer: Cara Mengatur Halaman Dokumen
Home / Aplikasi / Cara Install Libreoffice 5.3 dan fitur Ribbon UI
LibreOffice merupakan perangkat lunak perkantoran yang open source. Setelah merilis versi terbarunya yaitu versi 5.3 pada tanggal 1 febuari, Libreoffice mendapatkan banyak perhatian terutama karena melakukan penambahan MUFFIN (My User Friendly & Flexible...
Fitur baru di libreoffice 5.3
Peningkatan Interface dan penambahan MUFFIN
lihat catatan rilis libreoffice 5.3
Cara Install LibreOffice 5.3
ada beberapa cara untuk menginstall libreoffice 5.3, kamu dapat menunduh file DEB Binarynya dari situs webnya ataupun melalui PPA. Cara paling mudah adalah melalui PPA. Kamu juga dapat melakukan pembaharuan libreofficemu dengan PPA ini
PC & Mobile Linux LibreOffice 5.3 Meluncur! Bawa Antarmuka MUFFIN dan LibreOffice Online
LibreOffice 5.3 Meluncur! Bawa Antarmuka MUFFIN dan LibreOffice Online
Kabar menarik apa yang tersiar awal bulan Februari ini? Jelas, kabar dari The Document Foundation (TDF) tentang peluncuran LibreOffice 5.3, salah satu versi yang paling ditunggu-tunggu oleh para pengguna setianya
LibreOffice 5.3 merupakan rilis yang berpotensi menjadi versi favorit, mengingat ada fitur baru yang akan menyedapkan pandangan serta akan meningkatkan kinerja para penggunanya— paling tidak menurut pengembang
The Document Foundation mengumumkan LibreOffice 5.3, satu dari beragam rilis kaya-fitur di sejarah pengembangan aplikasi ini. Peralatan kantor ini tersedia untuk Windows, macOS, dan Linux, serta untuk pertama kalinya mendukung (teknologi) private cloud...
Secara umum, LibreOffice 5.3 membawa pembaruan pada mesin layout teks yang dibangun dengan HarfBuzz, penambahan tautan cepat ke laman panduan pengguna (user guide) dan forum dukungan pengguna (community support) pada menu Help, serta dukungan dokumentasi...
Secara khusus, versi ini menambahkan fitur Table Style, Page Deck baru di sidebar untuk kustomisasi pengaturan halaman, dan kotak Go to Page baru pada LibreOffice Writer. Ada juga style default cell baru, fitur “Enable wildcards in formulas“, dan kotak...
Salah satu fitur paling ditunggu-tunggu pengguna adalah antarmuka MUFFIN , nama kode untuk menyebutkan empat opsi antarmuka baru; antarmuka Default UI, Single Toolbar UI, Sidebar dengan Single Toolbar, dan antarmuka eksperimental Notebookbar
Bagi para pengguna teknologi awan (cloud), bergembiralah. LibreOffice 5.3 menyediakan LibreOffice Online sebagai lingkungan pengolahan dokumen di private cloud. Anda dapat menginstal LibreOffice Online di server Anda melalui Docker
Peluncuran LibreOffice 5.3 resmi menjadikannya sebagai LibreOffice Fresh menggantikan LibreOffice 5.2, dan menjadikan LibreOffice 5.2 sebagai rilis LibreOffice Still
Ein neuer Blick auf LibreOffice
Protein-Muffins mit Heidelbeeren oder Kirschen
You are at Home 2017 February 15 TECH What’s new in LibreOffice 5.3
What’s new in LibreOffice 5.3
If you require using an workplace suite to get your work achieved, you’ve got most likely heard of LibreOffice , with good purpose. LibreOffice is the flagship open supply workplace suite that does a stellar job of serving as a drop-in alternative for MS...
Recently a new replace to LibreOffice was launched, one which provided some much-needed polish to the software program. The largest change comes in the type of a new tackle the UI; one thing that has been long-needed to clean up a dated interface
Let’s check out a number of the extra necessary enhancements that come together with the newest iteration of LibreOffice
As I discussed, that is the most important change to hit LibreOffice in fairly a while. The new LibreOffice interface (Dubbed “MUFFIN”, for My User Friendly & Flexible INterface) takes a slight nod from MS Office’s Ribbon interface and makes an attempt to...
The LibreOffice Notebookbar in motion
Default – the usual LibreOffice interface
And do not assume the LibreOffice unnoticed Pivot Tables from the enjoyable. Median has been added to the features obtainable to Pivot Tables (which is beneficial for knowledge fields and for row/column fields
If you’re employed with Firebird databases in LibreOffice it is very important know that Firebird has been upgraded to This replace implies that LibreOffice base will not be capable of learn again Firebird 2.5 knowledge. Any embedded...
da-nyhedsbrev] LibreOffice nyhedsbrev januar 2017
Koncept for moderne brugergrænseflade (MUFFIN
Hjælpen i LibreOffice
Vil du være med til at teste LibreOffice 5.3 beta2
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Les nouveautés de l'interface utilisateur de LibreOffice 5.3 : Notebookbar et MUFFIN by Jean-Baptiste Faure
Vous reprendrez bien un MUFFIN ? by bristow
LibreOffice 5.2.4 est disponible by Jean-Baptiste Faure
Fwd: Templates Section: New Version of LibreOffice Added by ID
Fwd: [libreoffice-website] NLP Budget Requests for 2017 by sophi
Petit point à propos de TDF et LibreOffice by sophi
Un(e) technicien help desk LibreOffice sur Oléans by sophi
Annonce : 2e chasse aux bugs pour LibreOffice 5.3 by Jean-Baptiste Faure
LibreOffice de 5.0 à 5.2 traduction par LinuxFR by sophi
nella nuova versione futura di LibreOffice 5.3 sarà introdotta una nuova
Buon 2017 a tutti i LibreOfficers
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nella nuova versione futura di LibreOffice 5.3 sarà introdotta
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4x patches in the review queue:
pushed a first libreoffice-online source tar-ball
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nella nuova versione futura di LibreOffice 5.3 sarà introdotta una nuova
Buon 2017 a tutti i LibreOfficers
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Muffin bar non traduciamola
nella nuova versione futura di LibreOffice 5.3 sarà introdotta una
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nella nuova versione futura di LibreOffice 5.3 sarà introdotta
LibreOffice Advent Calendar 2015 18日目。今日も小ネタです
LibreOffice のPDFエクスポート機能には「ハイブリッドPDF」という機能があります。 ファイル ▶︎ PDFとしてエクスポート、の「全般」タブにある「ハイブリットPDF(ODFファイルを埋めこむ)」という チェックボックス です
PDFにはその仕様上、お好きなデータを埋め込むことができるんですが(雑な説明です)、その機能を利用して、編集元のODFファイルをPDFの中に埋め込むことによって、「PDFビューアーで開いた場合にはPDFとして、 LibreOffice で開いたときには編集可能な文書として」扱えるというものです。この機能は結構昔から存在しているので、便利に使っている人も多いでしょう
LibreOfficeいろいろ / Various topics of LibreOffice from Naruhiko Ogasawara
これをダブルクリックで開くと当然PDFとして開くわけですが、 LibreOffice から、ファイル▶︎開く、で開くと、ちゃんとImpressのドキュメントとして開けます
なお埋め込みPDFじゃないPDFも LibreOffice で開くことができますが、インポート扱いになってしまい画像が乱れたりなんだりするので、こうやってそのままさっと編集できるのは嬉しいですね
LibreOffice (40
LibreOffice Advent Resources
LibreOffice 5.3」が公開。新UIコンセプト MUFFIN やテキストレイアウトエンジンの導入など、盛りだくさん
The Document Foundationは、オープンソースのオフィススイート最新版である「LibreOffice 5.3」を公開しました
LibreOffice 5.3では、ユーザーがツールバーの形状を選択できるようする新しいUIコンセプト「MUFFIN」が実験的に導入されています。Microsoft Officeのリボンに似たツールバーなど、4つのツールバーを好みに応じて選択できます
オプション画面で[Libreoffice] → [詳細]を選択する
The Document Foundation 宣布了 开源办公软件 LibreOffice 的新用户界面概念 MUFFIN。MUFFIN是My User Friendly Flexible INterface的首字母缩写,主要集中于三个方面:My
新闻首页 / 标签为“LibreOffice”的新闻
LibreOffice 是一款功能强大的开源办公软件,其前身为 OpenOffice,支持 Windows、Macintosh 以及 Linux 平台。该套件为用户提供了 6 个特色功能的应用程序,用来处理日常的文档处理和数据管理,包括:Writer、Calc、Impress、Dra
itwriter 投递 评论(1) 475 人浏览 LibreOffice 发布于 2016-12-23 13:10
The Document Foundation宣布了开源办公软件 LibreOffice 的新用户界面概念 MUFFIN。MUFFIN 是 My User Friendly & Flexible INterface 的首字母缩写,主要集中于三个方面:M
itwriter 投递 评论(5) 424 人浏览 LibreOffice MUFFIN 发布于 2016-12-22 16:13
LibreOffice 5.3使用类似微软Office的功能区用户界面
LibreOffice 正在对其界面进行一次相当大的修改,使其生产力套件新工具栏设置采用类似于微软 Office 的 Ribbon 用户界面。LibreOffice 全新用户界面仍在开发当中,但是已经在 LibreOffice 5.3 实验版当中提供全新界面,供用户测试。微软最初仅在 W
itwriter 投递 评论(2) 563 人浏览 LibreOffice 发布于 2016-12-18 18:18
LibreOffice 5.3办公套件进入开发 明年2月发布
开源免费办公软件开发商 LibreOffice 今天表示,LibreOffice 办公套件 5.3 版即将进入开发阶段,计划在未来 2 个星期内进入除虫阶段。LibreOffice 将在 10 月 17 日当周发布 LibreOffice 5.3 的第一个 Alpha 预发布版本,之后将在
Libreoffice | News Reader
Ergebnisse 1 - 25 von 51 für die Suche nach Libreoffice in den deutschen News
Stadtrat der bayerischen Landeshauptstadt München wie erwartet die Ablösung von Linux auf rund 20.000 Clients beschlossen. Auch die freie Office-Lösung LibreOffice muss Microsoft-Produkten weichen
Software und GNU/Linux, gesetzt werden. 2013 war die Migration abgeschlossen. Seitdem laufen 15.000 Arbeitsplätze mit GNU/Linux und der Bürolösung LibreOffice. Bei der letzten Wahl 2014 trat Christian Ude nicht mehr an und neuer Oberbürgermeister wurde...
Nichts mehr verpassen! Wir melden Ihnen neue News zum Thema Libreoffice
täglich genutzten Software, bei der irgendein Button die Position gewechselt hat. Aber grundsätzlich läuft die Münchner Stadtverwaltung mit Linux und LibreOffice vielleicht nicht besser, aber offensichtlich auch nicht schlechter als mit Windows und...
LibreOffice: Update bringt Büro-Suite neue Funktionen
LibreOffice spendiert seinem kostenlosen Büropaket mit einem Update neben vielen frischen Funktionen auch eine Online-Version
Libreoffice 5.3 mit Online-Version und MUFFIN
Libreoffice 5.3 ist für Linux, Mac OS und Windows zum Download bereit. Die neue Version bietet mit der neuen experimentellen Nutzeroberfläche MUFFIN ein anpassbares Interface. Außerdem gibt es eine Online-Version
LibreOffice 5.3 Officially Released with New User-Friendly & Flexible UI Concept
Today, February 1, 2017, The Document Foundation, a non-profit organization established to promote and advance the development of the open-source LibreOffice office suite, announced the general availability of LibreOffice 5.3
The development of LibreOffice 5.3 started last year in October, when The Document Foundation Co Founder, Marketing & PR Italo Vignoli informed us about the first bug hunting session for the upcoming office suite, which took place on October 21, 2016...
LibreOffice is backed by a fantastic community of developers," says Michael Meeks, a member of the board of The Document Foundation. "In 2010, only a few people were betting on our capability of attracting a large number of code contributors, which are...
Here's what's new in LibreOffice 5.3
Probably the most important feature of LibreOffice 5.3 is its new user-friendly and flexible user interface concept called MUFFIN (My User Friendly & Flexible INterface), which many reported last year as a Microsoft Office-like Ribbon UI. In fact, the...
While still experimental, MUFFIN is the big LibreOffice interface change that users requested for so long, providing a total of four different UI styles that will change depending on whether you're deploying the office suite on a laptop or desktop...
MUFFIN - Single Toolbar UI
MUFFIN - Sidebar with a Single Toolbar
The LibreOffice Writer received a new "Go to Page" dialog so you can easily jump to another page of a lengthy document. Table Styles have been implemented as well with support for importing and exporting ODF table styles. New Arrows toolbox provides a...
ownCloud and Collabora Announce LibreOffice Online for ownCloud Server
Today, December 15, ownCloud, Inc. and Collabora have just announced a partnership to bring a new tool for LibreOffice and ownCloud users, based on the LibreOffice Online project and the robust, open-source ownCloud Server self-hosting cloud storage...
The two companies have been proud to announce the first preview of CODE (Collabora Online Development Edition), a tool designed to offer users a virtual machine containing the LibreOffice Online and ownCloud Server project, allowing them to edit office...
This is not the first time we hear about LibreOffice Online for ownCloud, as we reported a few weeks ago that a group of independent developers were working on a so-called LibreOnline project. This was a version of LibreOffice Online transformed into an...
We talked with Jos Poortvliet, ownCloud Community Manager, who exclusively told Softpedia that Collabora hired the team of developers behind the LibreOnline project to add more features to it and deploy LibreOffice Online for ownCloud on a mass scale. As...
LibreOffice Online is what the name suggests - an online version of the well known LibreOffice suite of productivity apps. 'Collabora and LibreOffice Online' integrated into ownCloud Server brings these powerful productivity features to ownCloud users. No...
Highlights of Collabora's LibreOffice Online for ownCloud
The current state of the LibreOffice Online project comes up with a quite simple user interface, but the Collabora have developers managed to add more useful features to it, integrating its technologies into ownCloud's web-based user interface. As this is...
LibreOffice Online's rendering capabilities are on par with the desktop version of the open-source and cross-platform office suite, which means that the documents edited on the LibreOffice desktop client will look the same when viewed online via the...
The main difference between LibreOffice Online and other offerings that are available on the market is that the former uses the same rendering engine for displaying documents online, which means that, practically, users won't notice any changes in their...
Представлен концепт нового «вкусного» интерфейса MUFFIN для офиса LibreOffice
В минувшую среду организация The Document Foundation представила MUFFIN — концепт нового пользовательского интерфейса для свободного офисного пакета LibreOffice, названного «вкусным» и созданного в результате сотрудничества команд разработки, дизайна и...
Представлен концепт нового «вкусного» интерфейса MUFFIN для офиса LibreOffice
В минувшую среду организация The Document Foundation представила MUFFIN — концепт нового пользовательского интерфейса для свободного офисного пакета LibreOffice, названного «вкусным» и созданного в результате сотрудничества команд разработки, дизайна и...
LibreOffice ‘Ribbon Interface’ Called MUFFIN, Gets Detailed
OMG! Ubuntu! - “Microsoft Ribbon UI Coming to LibreOffice” shouted we last week, as we told you about the (experimental) ‘Notebook Bar; interface in testin 2016-12-22 0:00
LibreOffice ‘Ribbon Interface’ Called MUFFIN, Gets Detailed - 2016-12-22 0:00
OMG! Ubuntu! Source:
Microsoft Ribbon UI Coming to LibreOffice ” shouted we last week, as we told you about the (experimental) ‘Notebook Bar; interface in testing in the latest development builds of LibreOffice, the hugely popular open-source office suite
Today, The Document Foundation who steer the development of the suite, has shared a glut of further information on the GUI changes they plan to debut as an option — yes, these changes are entirely optional — in LibreOffice 5.3 early next year
In our initial post you may have spotted that LibreOffice is testing more than just one new UI: it’s testing 4 separate layouts, as the (rather marvellous) GIF shared by reader Amar S shared in the comments to post demoed (thanks again, Amar
LibreOffice’s MUFFIN
MUFFIN represents a new approach to UI design, based on the respect of user needs
That’s where LibreOffice’s MUFFIN comes in
Home News LibreOffice 5.3 introduce una nuova UI MUFFIN, per l'editing collaborativo
LibreOffice 5.3 introduce una nuova UI MUFFIN, per l'editing collaborativo
The Document Foundation annuncia LibreOffice 5.3, una delle release più ricche di nuove funzionalità nella storia dell'applicazione. La suite per ufficio è immediatamente disponibile per Windows, macOS e Linux, ed è pronta per l'installazione in cloud
LibreOffice 5.3 rappresenta un passo in avanti significativo nell'evoluzione del software: offre un'introduzione a nuove funzionalità come la versione online con editing collaborativo, che migliorano il posizionamento competitivo dell'applicazione, e allo...
E' stato migliorato anche a livello di “motore”, grazie al lavoro di centinaia di volontari. Questo si traduce in una suite per ufficio open source che è più facile da sviluppare, manutenere e migliorare. E se tutto questo non è visibile agli utenti, è...
LibreOffice 5.3 integra la prima release del codice sorgente di LibreOffice Online, una suite per il cloud che fornisce funzioni di editing collaborativo di base grazie all’uso dello stesso motore di LibreOffice. La visualizzazione dei documenti è di...
A partire dalla famiglia 5.3, l’interfaccia utente di LibreOffice è stata estesa con l’aggiunta di una Notebookbar sperimentale, che offre un’altra opzione in aggiunta a quella di Default (con due Barre degli Strumenti), alla singola Barra degli Strumenti...
LibreOffice 5.0 è qui
LibreOffice 5.1 cambia interfaccia utente e migliora le sue funzioni
LibreOffice si aggiorna, più sicurezza e funzionalità
Представлен концепт нового «вкусного» интерфейса MUFFIN для офиса LibreOffice
В минувшую среду организация The Document Foundation представила MUFFIN — концепт нового пользовательского интерфейса для свободного офисного пакета LibreOffice, названного «вкусным» и созданного в результате сотрудничества команд разработки, дизайна и...
У офисного пакета LibreOffice обновился сайт с расширениями и шаблонами
Некоммерческая организация The Document Foundation (TDF) объявила о запуске нового веб-сайта с расширениями и шаблонами для её свободного офисного пакета — LibreOffice Extensions & Templates. Обновлённый сайт LibreOffice Extensions & Templates...
LibreOffice 5.3, la nueva y renovada versión de la suite ofimática ahora con edición colaborativa en la nube
2 Febrero, 2017 Daniel Rodríguez 0 Comentarios 5.3 , libre office , libreoffice , muffin , suite ofimática
Aunque la descarga está disponible desde hace días no ha sido hasta ahora que The Document Foundation ha anunciado LibreOffice 5.3, una de las mejores alternativas a Microsoft Office, que sigue manteniendo su filosofía Open Source y que está disponible...
Como siempre llega de manera gratuita con una edición para servidores en la nube, pero quizás esa es la menor de sus mejoras, pues esta versión trae nuevas funciones en casi todos los apartados que conforman LibreOffice. Entre ellas cabría destacar... - OpenOffice & LibreOffice
OpenOffice & LibreOffice
LibreOffice 5.3 : derrière la Notebookbar, The Document Foundation annonce le MUFFIN, un nouveau concept d'interface utilisateur flexible
LibreOffice 5.2 est disponible en téléchargement et s'accompagne de changements dans l'API UNO et de modifications au niveau de l'interface
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OpenOffice & LibreOffice
LibreOffice 5.3 : derrière la Notebookbar, The Document Foundation annonce le MUFFIN, un nouveau concept d'interface utilisateur flexible
LibreOffice 5.2 est disponible en téléchargement et s'accompagne de changements dans l'API UNO et de modifications au niveau de l'interface
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Programmation et LibreOffice - Macros OOoBASIC et API - Couvre version 3.3
LibreOffice (version 4) - Nouveautés et fonctionnalités essentielles
LibreOffice Writer 5 - Fonctions essentielles
Writer 3.3 - Le traitement de texte de et LibreOffice
Experimenting with LibreOffice 5.3
I finally installed LibreOffice 5.3 to try it out. (This is actually version This version comes with a new interface called MUFFIN, which I wrote about as LibreOffice updating its user interface
MUFFIN stands for My User Friendly Flexible INterface. Because someone clearly wanted that acronym to spell "MUFFIN." The new interface is still experimental, so you'll need to activate it through Settings→Advanced. When you restart LibreOffice, you can...
You can probably guess what the first three modes are about. These just tweak the interface in different ways, but I'd say it's still very "LibreOffice-y
For me, "Tabbed" was the default when I activated Notebookbar. LibreOffice functions are divided into different tabs, which are clearly labelled. New tabs appear and disappear as suits the context of what you are working on. For example, if you insert a...
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Orecipes: recipe card template libreoffice
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libreoffice-style-elementary (1:5.1.6~rc2-0ubuntu1~xenial1) [universe] [security
muffin (2.8.4-1) [universe
ubuntu-mate-libreoffice-draw-icons (16.04.5) [universe
Ubuntu MATE desktop icons for LibreOffice draw
ubuntu-mate-libreoffice-math-icons (16.04.5) [universe
Ubuntu MATE desktop icons for LibreOffice math
libreoffice-avmedia-backend-gstreamer (1:5.1.4-0ubuntu1 [amd64, i386], 1:5.1.2-0ubuntu1 [arm64, armhf, powerpc, ppc64el, s390x]) [security
GStreamer backend for LibreOffice
libreoffice-canzeley-client (0.4.0-2) [universe
LibreOffice Extension to organize a German Law Office
libreoffice-librelogo (1:5.1.4-0ubuntu1) [universe] [security
Logo-like progamming language for LibreOffice
libreoffice-mysql-connector (1.0.2+LibO5.1.4-0ubuntu1 [amd64, i386], 1.0.2+LibO5.1.2-0ubuntu1 [arm64, armhf, powerpc, ppc64el, s390x]) [universe] [security
MariaDB/MySQL Connector extension for LibreOffice
libreoffice-pdfimport (1:5.1.4-0ubuntu1 [amd64, i386], 1:5.1.2-0ubuntu1 [arm64, armhf, powerpc, ppc64el, s390x]) [security
PDF Import component for LibreOffice
Tijekom posljednjih mjeseci 2016. godine, vidjeli smo doista povećan broj desktop Linux aplikacija koje su vizualno poboljšane. LibreOffice će ponuditi svojim korisnicima novo sučelje koje se zove Muffin. Kdenlive je također aktualan, dodajući nove...
Početna Je li 2017., godina Linux desktop računala? libreoffice-muffin
LibreOffice 5.3: New Version, New Changes Coming
LibreOffice updated a while back and gave us a couple of different formatting options as far as tools. One is a different toolbar, called the Standard (Single Mode). It is a configurable toolbar that only takes up one line at the top of your window. I...
On January 3rd, The Document Foundation -- who oversees LibreOffice -- announced that they had a beta test of the newest update to the popular office suite. For those people who really like MS Office's "Ribbon" interface, LibreOffice has created their...
Home - This is a stripped down version of the standard toolbar found in LibreOffice
Unpack the downloaded LibreOffice Beta 2 file with the command tar xvzf libreoffice-XXX.tar.gz (Where XXX is the release number
Before you can use it, you have to enable it. Starting LibreOffice the first time, the new toolbar feature isn't enabled. To do this, click Tools > Options. Under LibreOfficeDev, click on Advanced and then click the check box associated with Enable...
I will probably continue to use the single mode toolbar and sidebar. I never cared for the "ribbon" (which is one reason why I go out of my way NOT to use MS Office), and while I do think this is a good advance for LibreOffice, it's something that I don't...
Anyway, this is just a summary of things to come. We'll have another review when LibreOffice 5.3 has been released and is in the PCLinuxOS Repository. By then, the LibreOffice testers should have all the "bugs" worked out and it should be functioning well
UPDATE: The Document Foundation has announced the new MUFFIN. This is an acronym for My User Friendly & Flexible INterface. This is their name for the group of toolbar types that have been described above. This includes all the different toolbar styles a...
Also, February 1, 2017 is the scheduled release date for LibreOffice 5.3, so be on the lookout for this newest version of LibreOffice to hit the PCLinuxOS repos soon thereafter. Puzzlingly, there was a release of LibreOffice 5.2.5 with only about a week...
LibreOffice, MUFFIN Arayüzünü Duyurdu
The Document Foundation, LibreOffice için hazırlanan MUFFIN isimli yeni arayüzü bugün duyurdu. MUFFIN, LibreOffice 5.3 sürümünden itibaren kullanabileceğiniz, farklı arayüzlerin kombinasyonundan oluşan bir konsepte sahip. Geliştirilme sürecinde...
This is a feed aggregator that collects what LibreOffice and Document Foundation contributors are writing in their respective blogs
To have your blog added to this aggregator, please mail the mailinglist or file a ticket in Redmine
Las donaciones son clave para nuestro proyecto, ya que proporcionan los recursos económicos para mantener a la organización y la infraestructura en funcionamiento, para financiar actividades como la participación de los voluntarios a FOSDEM y la...
en] Lera Goncharuk : Numbering of pages in LibreOffice Writer
If you have an experience of text document editing, you may skip the introductory remarks. I just wanted to say a few words to people who have just started to work in LibreOffice in order to they can understand about what the talk
es] Blog de LibreOffice Hispano : Un enorme agradecimiento a nuestros donantes
Las donaciones son clave para nuestro proyecto, ya que proporcionan los recursos económicos para mantener la organización y la infraestructura funcionando, para financiar actividades como la participación de voluntarios en FOSDEM y la LibreOffice...
Donations are key to our project, as they provide the economic resources to keep the organization and the infrastructure running, to fund activities such as participation of volunteers to FOSDEM and the LibreOffice Conference, and to help local activities...
es] Blog de LibreOffice Hispano : Fondos de página y márgenes de texto en Writer
NOTA. A partir de la versión 5.4 de LibreOffice (faltan algunos meses), no será necesario el aplicar un borde para poder utilizar el «espaciado al contenido
Official TDF Blog: Announcing the Getting Started with LibreOffice 5.2 Guide for Immediate Download
Berlin, March 6, 2017 – The Document Foundation’s Documentation Team announces the immediate availability of the new Getting Started with LibreOffice guide version 5.2. The guide was updated to include the developments of LibreOffice 5.2 and previous...
The Getting Started guide is an introductory text for end users on using the LibreOffice office suite. It is written for individuals as well as organizations that deploy LibreOffice as their preferred office suite tool. The text allows users to get...
The guide is written in LibreOffice Writer in Open Document Format (ODF). The team worked to not only update the contents but also to clean the formatting used in the text with a double objective: One is to make the text suitable for computer aided...
The Getting Started with LibreOffice guide, its PDF and ODT version can be downloaded or read online by navigating to the page . The online version of the guide can be accessed through http://documentation.libreoffice...
The Documentation team is in charge to develop, modernize, update and enhance all form of documentation related to LibreOffice in all languages supported by LibreOffice. It includes the authoring of LibreOffice guides for all modules, the Help system...
Italian military share LibreOffice eLearning course
Italy’s Ministry of Defence is sharing the eLearning course that it developed together with LibreItalia, the Italian promoters of LibreOffice. The course is made available via the LibreItalia website, and the source material is available on GitHub. The...
Official TDF Blog: 57 video presentations from LibreOffice Conference 2016
It has taken a while, but we’ve finally edited and uploaded the last batch of presentations (for which we have video) from last year’s LibreOffice Conference in Brno, Czech Republic. You can see all of the videos in the embedded playlist below â...
LibreOffice、MS Office風のツールバーを含む新UIを発表
補足)「LibreOffice 5.3」から導入 現在の正規Verは5.2
Tag: libreoffice 5.3 muffin
LibreOffice 5.3.0 Full Crack [ latest ] Free
LibreOffice 5.3.0 Full Crack [ latest ] Free LibreOffice 5.3.0 LibreOffice 5.3.0 Full Crack [ latest ] Free is an open-source productivity this is certainly private that gives you six
Dazu sind mir drei Möglichkeiten geläufig. Die erste Variante setzt bei der Textverarbeitung an: Man importiert die Fotos in eine Textverarbeitung und ordnet sie so an, wie man sie haben möchte. Dabei unbedingt beachten, dass die Proportionen des Bildes...
The Document Foundation annuncia MUFFIN, un nuovo concetto di interfaccia utente per LibreOffice
The Document Foundation ha annunciato MUFFIN, il nuovo concetto di interfaccia grafica per LibreOffice
LibreOffice、MS Office風のツールバーを含む新UIを発表
LibreOffice Will Have New ‘MUFFIN’ UI
New submitter iampiti writes: The Document Foundation has announced a new user interface concept for LibreOffice. Users will be able to choose from several toolbar configurations including the "Notebook bar" which is similar to Microsoft Office's ribbon...
LibreOffice' =ZUFALLSBEREICH(1;16) war Dir hold
Und da das Vegan Blend wie gesagt pur kein Genuss ist (nett ausgedrückt), ist meine private Backstube mittlerweile der Haupteinsatzort für das Pulver. Meistens ersetze ich in dem Fall einfach einen Teil des Mehls durch das Protein. Etwas mehr Flüssigkeit...
How To Enable The LibreOffice Ribbon; Enable Notebook Bar
How to enable the LibreOffice Ribbon. Leanr how to enable new MUFFIN (Ribbon) toolbar in LibreOffice 5.3 on Ubuntu 16.10 and Ubuntu 16.04 Systems. By default, the new MUFFIN toolbar is not available in LibreOffice as it is an experimental feature. To...
The MUFFIN Ribbon UI was announced by The LibreOffice Design Team On 21 December 2016. The announcement reads
Enable The MUFFIN Ribbon in LibreOffice 5.3
Click on the menu Tools > Options, select ‘LibreOffice’ > ‘Advanced’ and now check the option ‘Enable Experimental Features’. Once done, press ‘OK’ and restart LibreOffice to apply changes. If asked, simply click ‘Restart Now’ button
Now to use the MUFFIN Ribbon UI, enable it from View > Toolbar Layout menu
There are 4 toolbar layouts set that can used in LibreOffice 5.3 on Ubuntu Systems
Tags: Enable LibreOffice Ribbon , Enable LibreOffice Ribbon Ubuntu , Enable Notebook Bar LibreOffice , Enable Notebook Bar LibreOffice Ubuntu , LibreOffice Enable Notebook Bar , LibreOffice Enable Notebook Bar Ubuntu , LibreOffice Use Notebook Bar...
LibreOffice 宣布新用户界面 MUFFIN
The Document Foundation 宣布了开源办公软件 LibreOffice 的新用户界面概念 MUFFIN。 MUFFIN 是 My User Friendly & Flexible INterface 的首字母缩写,主要集中于三个方面: My,提供选项个性化用户界面; User Friendly,顾名思义对用户友好; Flexible,适应不同大小的屏幕和分辨率。 LibreOffice 将提供多种工具栏布局,包括传统的标准工具栏,单一工具栏,类似 Microsoft Office...
LibreOffice 5.0.4 发布,开源办公软件套件
LibreOffice 5.0.4 发布,此版本是 5.0.x 分支的第四个 bug 修复版本,包括一些 bug 修复。此版本是个稳定版本,适合所有用户使用。详细改进内容请看 发行说明
LibreOffice 的详细介绍: 点击查看
LibreOffice 的下载地址: 点击下载
本文标题:LibreOffice 5.0.4 发布,开源办公软件套件
LibreOffice 宣布新用户界面 MUFFIN
The Document Foundation 宣布了 开源办公软件 LibreOffice 的新用户界面概念 MUFFIN
MUFFIN 是 My User Friendly & Flexible INterface 的首字母缩写,主要集中于三个方面
LibreOffice 将提供多种工具栏布局,包括传统的标准工具栏,单一工具栏,类似 Microsoft Office ribbon 界面的 Notebook 工具栏(如图所示),以及侧边工具栏
LibreOffice 的详细介绍: 点击查看
LibreOffice 的下载地址: 点击下载
本文标题:LibreOffice 宣布新用户界面 MUFFIN
免费办公软件 LibreOffice 5.2.4 发
启动 LibreOffice 5.3 中的 “Ribbo
Представлен концепт нового «вкусного» интерфейса MUFFIN для офиса LibreOffice
The future of Android is here. Android M (I’m still hoping for Muffin) is the software that will power Android smartphones starting this fall. Aesthetically, everything looks familiar, but there’s a lot buried under that Material Design exterior. Let’s...
LibreOffice Conference 2016: Hidden gems in Draw / Impress
LibreOffice 5.2.4, Mint Upgrading, Weather Forecast
The Document Foundation is celebrating today with their release of LibreOffice 5.2.4. The announcement also teased upcoming LibreOffice 5.3 that will feature the new MUFFIN interface. Elsewhere, there seems to be some disagreement as to whether Mint’s...
Let’s celebrate with LibreOffice 5.2.4
The Document Foundation (TDF) announces the availability of LibreOffice 5.2.4 “still”, the fourth minor release of the LibreOffice 5.2 family. Based on the upcoming announcement of LibreOffice 5.3, all users can start to update to LibreOffice 5.2.4 from...
LibreOffice updating its user interface
I saw a recent blog post from LibreOffice about an upcoming change to their user interface. They call it the MUFFIN, a new “tasty” user interface concept. You can also find more details at the Design blog, discussing how they are evolving past the...
2017 TDF and LibreOffice calendar
2017 is just around the corner, so here’s a shiny calendar from The Document Foundation and the LibreOffice community. Print it out, hang it on your wall, and here’s to a great 12 months ahead
Today in Linux news Matt Hartley asked if 2017 just might be that fabled “year of the Linux desktop.” Ada Ivanova has six suggestions in LibreOffice extensions while Bruce Byfield is afraid MUFFIN is “an over-hyped and misplaced effort.” Christine Hall is...
6 of the Best LibreOffice Extensions You Should Use
LibreOffice is already packed with features, and I bet there are dozens of them you rarely or never use. However, it’s possible some of the features you need don’t come with LibreOffice by default but in the form of an extension. Here is a list of some of...
The Document Foundation opens LibreOffice Certification for Migrations and Trainings to all project volunteers, to members of not-for-profit bodies, and to individuals of proven competence
Effective from January 1st, 2017, access to LibreOffice Certification will be extended to volunteers active at global and local levels, members of not-for-profit bodies sitting in the Advisory Board (namely, FSF, FSFE, Gnome Foundation and KDE), and for...
Chakra GNU/Linux Users Get LibreOffice 5.2.4, Rust 1.14.0, and Mesa 3D 12.0.3
If you’ve been waiting for a new, big update of your Chakra GNU/Linux distribution, here it is. It includes many of the latest applications and technologies, including Linux kernels 4.8.6 and 3.16.38 LTS, the LibreOffice 5.2.4 office suite, GRUB 2.02 Beta...
В LibreOffice 5.3 будет 4 вида интерфейса MUFFIN (панели инструментов
21 декабря организация The Document Foundation анонсировала концепцию пользовательского интерфейса MUFFIN (сокр. от My User Friendly & Flexible INterface) для своего бесплатного офисного пакета LibreOffice . Начиная с версии 5.3, новая концепция предложит...
Первые наработки MUFFIN, которые войдут в состав LibreOffice 5.3, представлены четырьмя моделями оформления рабочего пространства
Последний "ноутбук-бар" имеет статус экспериментального и потребует изменения в настройках активного приложения. Как следует из официального анонса, интерфейс MUFFIN предназначен как для опытных, так и начинающих пользователей, которым не важен...
Этикетки: LibreOffice , MUFFIN , Новости , Офисные приложения
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Архив по этикетке: MUFFIN
Анонс офисного пакета LibreOffice 5.3: что нового
1 февраля 2017 года после полугода разработки компания Document Foundation выпустила стабильную версию LibreOffice 5.3 для Windows, Mac и Linux. Как обычно, к новому релизу бесплатного офисного пакета прилагается длинный список приятных изменения в...
Этикетки: LibreOffice , MUFFIN , PDF , Новости , Обзоры и тесты , Офисные приложения , Работа с текстом
Постоянная ссылка на это сообщение:
В LibreOffice 5.3 будет 4 вида интерфейса MUFFIN (панели инструментов
21 декабря организация The Document Foundation анонсировала концепцию пользовательского интерфейса MUFFIN (сокр. от My User Friendly & Flexible INterface) для своего бесплатного офисного пакета LibreOffice . Начиная с версии 5.3, новая концепция предложит...
Этикетки: LibreOffice , MUFFIN , Новости , Офисные приложения
Постоянная ссылка на это сообщение:
В LibreOffice 5.3 будет 4 вида интерфейса MUFFIN (панели инструментов
21 декабря организация The Document Foundation анонсировала концепцию пользовательского интерфейса MUFFIN (сокр. от My User Friendly & Flexible INterface) для своего бесплатного офисного пакета LibreOffice . Начиная с версии 5.3, новая концепция предложит...
Первые наработки MUFFIN, которые войдут в состав LibreOffice 5.3, представлены четырьмя моделями оформления рабочего пространства
Последний "ноутбук-бар" имеет статус экспериментального и потребует изменения в настройках активного приложения. Как следует из официального анонса, интерфейс MUFFIN предназначен как для опытных, так и начинающих пользователей, которым не важен...
Этикетки: LibreOffice , MUFFIN , Новости , Офисные приложения
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LibreOffice 5.3 released with a tons of new features
LibreOffice Release
The Document Foundation has announced release of LibreOffice 5.3, latest stable release of popular free and open source office suite. This release introduces a lot of new proffessional quality features which makes it more competing with other proprietary...
LibreOffice 5.3 is a major milestone in the history projects. It introduces new features like online collaborative editing, which will increase the competency of project, also this release provides a lot of incremental improvements to make it more...
The major highlights in LibreOffice 5.3 can be summarized as follows
Introduces LibreOffice Online, a cloud based office suite that offers basic collaborative editing features on a web browsers. It is basically a server service and should be expected and configured by adding a cloud storage and SSL certificate
An experimental ribbon UI (MUFFIN - My User Friendly & Flexible INterface
Finally, LibreOffice 5.3 is the first full source code release of LibreOffice online, a browser-based version of the suite that you can run on your private cloud infrastructure
In LibreOffice 5.3, Writer has some great new features to make your documents shine
LibreOffice 5.3 has many improvements in Calc, to help you work smarter with spreadsheets
How to Install LibreOffice 5.3 in Ubuntu 16.04, 14.04
LibreOffice 5.3, a new stable series of the open-source office suite, was released today on February 1. The official binaries are available for download. And Ubuntu PPA will has built the packages soon
What’s New in LibreOffice 5.3
Many UI/UX improvements and the MUFFIN interfaces (Microsoft Ribbon UI
First source release of LibreOffice Online, that offers basic collaborative editing of documents in a browser
How to Install LibreOffice 5.3 in Ubuntu / Linux Mint
Although LibreOffice website offers official DEB binaries, the best way to install or upgrade to LibreOffice 5.3 in Ubuntu 16.10, Ubuntu 16.04, Ubuntu 14.04, and Linux Mint 17 & 18 is using the LibreOffice Fresh PPA
sudo add-apt-repository ppa:libreoffice/ppa
2. After that, launch Software Updater (Update Manager) and after checking for updates you’ll see new release of LibreOffice packages available
To uninstall the new LibreOffice release and downgrade to the original version available in Ubuntu main repository, open terminal and run command
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MUFFIN : LibreOffice fait sa révolution de l'interface Sun, 25 Dec 2016 05:19:00 GMT
Alors qu'on lui reproche parfois une évolution relativement lente, la suite LibreOffice s'offrira à compter de la mouture 5.3 une nouvelle interface, basée sur le concept MUFFIN. Le principal mot d'ordre ? Adaptabilité. MUFFIN est l'acronyme de My
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LibreOffice 5.3 to Launch with MUFFIN, a User-Friendly and Flexible UI Concept
Meet MUFFIN, the new user-friendly and flexible user interface of the upcoming LibreOffice 5.3 office suite
Home News LibreOffice 5.3 ufficialmente rilasciato, enormi le novità
LibreOffice 5.3 ufficialmente rilasciato, enormi le novità
Come avevo annunciato qualche giorno fa, LibreOffice 5.3 è stato finalmente rilasciato al pubblico, includendo tutte le novità che vi avevo già descritte tempo addietro , sia altre che andremo ora a vedere insieme
La nuova edizione della suite d’ufficio probabilmente più amata in circolazione (nel settore Open-Source eh, non citiamo le risorse a risorsa chiusa che fuoriescono completamente dal discorso) porta adesso un supporto GTK3 migliorato, l’uso di HarfBuz su...
Scaricate LibreOffice 5.3 a questo link
LibreOffice 5.3
Install LibreOffice 5.3 via PPA or SNAP in Ubuntu 16.04
The LibreOffice office suite has reached the 5.3 stable series a few days ago. Now it’s available in both Ubuntu PPA and Snappy store
LibreOffice 5.3 features
The MUFFIN interfaces (Microsoft Ribbon UI
First source release of LibreOffice Online, that offers basic collaborative editing of documents in a browser
LibreOffice 5.3 ‘Ribbon’ UI
How to Install LibreOffice 5.3 in Ubuntu
For Ubuntu 16.04 and higher, the latest LibreOffice is now available via snap package , simply run commands below in terminal (Ctrl+Alt+T
sudo apt install snapd && sudo snap install libreoffice
You can also use Ubuntu Software to install the snap version of LibreOffice (need to install snapd
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The Document Foundation 宣布了 开源办公软件 LibreOffice 的新用户界面概念 MUFFIN。MUFFIN是My User Friendly & Flexible INterface的首字母缩写,主要集中于三个方面:My,提供选项个性化用户界面;User Friendly,顾名思义对用户友好;Flexible,适应不同大小的屏幕和分辨率。LibreOffice 将提供多种工具栏布局,包括传统的标准工具栏,单一工具栏,类似 Microsoft Office...
LibreOffice 5.3」公開、UIプロジェクト「MUFFIN」を初導入、ほか
LibreOffice 5.3 To Launch With A Microsoft Office Like Ribbon UI
LibreOffice is working on a pretty significant overhaul of its interface that would have the productivity suite adopt a new toolbar design similar to the Microsoft Office Ribbon UI
At this point, LibreOffice’s new Ribbon-inspired UI is still in the works, but it’s already available in experimental version 5.3 and anyone can see how it looks using the steps below
The LibreOffice ribbon UI
At this point, LibreOffice is undoubtedly the top freeware productivity suite on the market and the best alternative to Microsoft Office, as it’s being adopted not only by consumers but also by companies and organizations across the world that are seeking...
LibreOffice developers announced their intention to >overhaul the UI
Although it’s still an experimental feature available right now (and not enabled by default), the new UI seems to be working flawlessly. Its debut should take place in LibreOffice 5.3 in January 2017
As DT writes, it’s easy to enable the new ribbon UI in LibreOffice, but keep in mind that you must be running an experimental version of the 5.3 release. Stable version 5.2 of LibreOffice does not include this new option
To do this, launch LibreOffice and enable experimental features by going to Tools > Options > LibreOffice General > Advanced > Experimental features. Once you do that, LibreOffice will ask for a restart, so make sure that you’re not working on any document
If you’re still running the stable version but want to give this option a try, you can download LibreOffice 5.3 from Softpedia for Windows , Linux , and Mac
Here’s why you should bake your cookies like muffins
I need to work with Microsoft Word docs on occasion, and I think LibreOffice does a better job in approximating Word than Apple’s Pages app. I don’t use Word enough that I need to shell out for Office for Mac, and the free LibreOffice is a suitable stand...
LibreOffice is free as well as open-source, and available from The Document Foundation
Muffin cookies ready for the oven. Photo by Alina Bradford/CNET Is baking c
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Дополнительные ресурсы по LibreOffice и OpenOffice
Русскоязычные списки рассылки LibreOffice
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LibreOffice — свободный независимый офисный пакет с открытым исходным кодом, созданный как ответвление от разработки OpenOffice. Слово свободный подразумевает, что каждый имеет полную свободу скачивать, передавать, изучать и совершенствовать данную...
libreoffice-ru ― IRC канал русскоязычного сообщества. Общайтесь и задавайте вопросы в любое время
Instalación de LibreOffice 5.3 | Estrenando interfaz gráfica
LibreOffice lanza una versión de su suite ofimática, en esta ocasión se trata de la versión 5.3 que como funcionalidad extra nos permite cambiar la interfaz gráfica por una algo más sencilla de usar, aunque igual esta en desarrollo y la activación de esta...〈=es
sudo apt-get remove --purge libreoffice
Ir a Herramientas - Opciones - LibreOffice - Avanzado - Marcar la casilla de Activar funciones experimentales y luego les pedirá que reinicie libreoffice. Después de reiniciar libreoffice solo deben ir a la opción de Ver - Disposición de la interfaz...
10:54 +P +W LibreOffice com interface Ribbon/No
LibreOffice com interface Ribbon/Noteboo
07:23 +P +W LibreOffice vs Microsoft Office
LibreOffice vs Microsoft Office. ¿Cuál
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LibreOffice: So könnt ihr den Klon der Ribbon-UI bereits testen
Office, SemperVideo, Ribbon, Libreoffice, Ribbon Interface, Muffin
Das Entwickler-Team des OpenOffice-Nachfolgers LibreOffice hat gerade die Version 5.3 seines Büropaketes veröffentlicht. Dieses bringt unter anderem eine erste Implementierung des neuen Muffin-Interfaces mit, das quasi eine Kopie der Ribbon-Oberfläche der...
LibreOffice (Deutsch) - Open Source Office-Suite Mehr von SemperVideo: YouTube
LibreOffice (Deutsch) - Open Source Office-Suite
Office SemperVideo Ribbon Libreoffice Ribbon Interface Muffin
Seit MS das Ribbon Menü in Office eingeführt hat, such ich mir immer noch manchmal den Wolf wo manche Funktionen versteckt sind. Vielleicht bekommen es die bei LibreOffice dann etwas intuitiver hin
Grendel12: Das Schöne ist: Während man bei MS Office zu den Ribbons gezwungen wird, kann man bei LibreOffice weiterhin mit dem Menü arbeiten
Bei LibreOffice brauche ich kein 3rd Party Plugin, welches womöglich auch noch Geld kostet
departure: Ich bin lange vor den Ribbons auf OpenOffice/LibreOffice gewechselt. Mit den Ribbons habe ich ab und an im Büro zu tun und mag sie einfach nicht
LibreOffice: So könnt ihr den Klon der Ribbon-UI bereits testen
Das Entwickler-Team des OpenOffice-Nachfolgers LibreOffice hat gerade die Version 5.3 seines Büropaketes veröffentlicht. Dieses bringt unter anderem eine erste Implementierung des neuen Muffin-Interfaces mit, das quasi eine Kopie der Ribbon-Oberfläche der...
LibreOffice (Deutsch) - Open Source Office-Suite Mehr von SemperVideo: YouTube
LibreOffice , UI , オフィス , デザイン , フリー , リボン , 採用
LibreOffice se décline désormais aussi en version cloud
The Document Foundation vient d’annoncer l’arrivée de LibreOffice 5.3. Au menu de cette nouvelle mouture, de nombreuses nouveautés -notamment au niveau de l’interface- et une déclinaison cloud de la suite bureautique
Baptisée LibreOffice Online, ou Lool, et développée avec la communauté open source Collabora, cette nouvelle version de la suite est prévue pour être installée sur un serveur pour la rendre disponible ensuite via un navigateur Web. Elle donne ainsi accès...
La nouvelle interface répond au nom de Muffin pour My User Friendly & Flexible Interface et avait fait son apparition au mois de décembre 2016 dans la bêta de la version 5.3 de la suite
Au-delà de la version cloud et de Muffin, cette version 5.3 apporte d’autres nouveautés. Parmi elles, on relève -pour tous les outils de la suite-, l’affichage des raccourcis clavier dans les menus contextuels, une boîte de dialogue Remplissage simplifiée...
Télécharger LibreOffice 5.3 pour Windows 32 bits
Télécharger LibreOffice 5.3 pour Windows 64 bits
Télécharger LibreOffice 5.3 pour Mac
Télécharger LibreOffice 5.3 pour Linux 32 bits
Télécharger LibreOffice 5.3 pour Linux 64 bits
Home Cloud LibreOffice 5.3, l’ufficio open source è ready cloud
LibreOffice 5.3, l’ufficio open source è ready cloud
Ci sono la versione online con editing collaborativo e una lunga serie di miglioramenti attenti a stabilità, interoperabilità e facilità d’uso in LibreOffice 5.3 , ultima release della suite per ufficio messa a punto da The Document Foundation
Proprio l’integrazione del codice sorgente di LibreOffice Online caratterizza la nuova versione, che è la prima a utilizzare il servizio a livello server che, per essere installato e configurato, richiede uno storage cloud e un certificato Ssl non inclusi...
Immediatamente disponibile per Windows, macOS e Linux e pronta per l’installazione in cloud, LibreOffice 5.3, la cui comunità in sei anni è cresciuta raggruppando intorno a sé oltre 1.100 nuovi sviluppatori, con una media di circa 300 persone attive negli...
Migliorato anche a livello di motore, LibreOffice 5.3 offre ora una suite per ufficio open source più facile da sviluppare, manutenere e migliorare, come dimostrano le numerose migrazioni annunciate in ambito Pubblico e in cui figurano, per l’Italia...
Per loro e per i nuovi utilizzatori di LibreOffice, l’aggiunta di una Notebookbar sperimentale all’interfaccia utente Muffin, acronimo per My User Friendly & Flexible INterface, per rispondere alle esigenze di un diverso cluster di utenti
LibreOffice 5.3
LibreOffice 5.3正式发布:启用全新MUFFIN界面
LibreOffice 5.3正式发布:启用全新MUFFIN界面,文档基金会是一家促进开源办公套件 LibreOffice 发展的非盈利组织,今天该基金会宣布 LibreOffice 5.3 版本正式发布。LibreOffice 5.3 于去年 10 月份开始研发,10 月 21 日文档基金会的联合创始人、市场公关 Italo Vignoli 宣布首个 BUG 悬赏活动正式启动。自那时候开始,LibreOffice 5.3 接受了多个 Alpha 和 Beta 更新,实现了很多用户所期待的功能
文档基金会的董事会成员安 Michael Meeks 说道:“LibreOffice 的背后是由开发者组建的梦幻社区。在 2010 年的时候,只有极少数坚信我们未来的发展潜力而贡献了大量代码,他们的贡献和代码库的成功是密不可分的。六年来,我们吸引了超过 1100 名开发者,而且建立了庞大的社区,在最近两年平均有 300 人活跃在源代码上
LibreOffice 5.3 最重要的功能或许就是 MUFFIN,这是全新的用户友好和灵活的用户界面,在很多报告中和微软 Office 的 Ribbon UI 有点相似。但事实上,这个“个性化”的用户界面能够根据用户以及当前文档编辑的需求进行调整
尽管 MUFFIN 还处于实验性质,但却是 LibreOffice 消费者最渴望期待的功能,取决于消费者使用的是笔记本还是 PC 电脑,LibreOffice 能够提供四种不同的 UI 风格。消费者也能根据自己的喜好来进行调整
相关TAG标签 LibreOffice LibreOffice发布 MUFFIN界面 办公软件
LibreOffice 5.3使用类似微软Office的
The Document Foundation 宣布了 开源办公软件 LibreOffice 的新用户界面概念 MUFFIN
MUFFIN 是 My User Friendly & Flexible INterface 的首字母缩写,主要集中于三个方面:My,提供选项个性化用户界面;User Friendly,顾名思义对用户友好;Flexible,适应不同大小的屏幕和分辨率。LibreOffice 将提供多种工具栏布局,包括传统的标准工具栏,单一工具栏,类似 Microsoft Office ribbon 界面的 Notebook 工具栏(如图所示),以及侧边工具栏
关键词: LibreOffice MUFFIN
LibreOffice 5.3使用类似微软Office的功能
LibreOffice 5.2发布
LibreOffice 5.1.2正式发布 修复80多个BUG
LibreOffice Advent Calendar 2016
LibreOffice Conference 2016 Brnoの落ち穂拾い - おがさわらなるひこのオープンソースとかプログラミングとか印刷技術とか
12/04 nogajun 【tips】クリスマスの飾り付けを作る+LibreOffice Kaigiのお知らせ
LibreOffice Drawでフラッグガーランドを作って、かわいく飾りつけよう+LibreOffice Kaigiのお知らせ - Days of Speed(2016-12-04
LibreOffice Advent Resources - おがさわらなるひこのオープンソースとかプログラミングとか印刷技術とか
12/10 senopen POSIX原理主義のドキュメントへの適用(LibreOffice Kaigi 2016.12発表資料):Standardization of Document Style
12/11 senopen LibreOffice Kaigiの参加レポートでも
My Future Sight for Past: LibreOffice Kaigi 2016.12参加・発表レポート
Forget Word, the world's best word processor LibreOffice is free and just got better
Free office suite LibreOffice does all we want and its Writer module works better than Word. Supplied
Alternative office suite LibreOffice proves that you don't always get what you pay for. Despite its zero dollar price tag, its Writer component wins our vote for world's best word processor, and with this week's release of version 5.3, its lead over the...
Code-named Muffin, the new look is optional so those of us who prefer a traditional "Office 2003" menu system can keep working the way they work best
Muffin seems especially useful for adapting the suite to a notebook-sized screen. In these days of dual 27 inch desktop monitors, the largest notebook screen is a relatively cramped and awkward workspace
By relocating to top or side bars features and dialogue boxes that would normally pop up over your document, Muffin declutters the portable experience. It's still a work in progress and rough at the edges, but we can count on a mountain of user feedback...
Paragraph styles lie at the heart of word processing, and LibreOffice lets you create, manage and use them much better than Microsoft Word, especially when automatic numbering is required. Word's wild approach to numbering has broken many a strong spirit...
We should mention that, although we don't have much call for them, LibreOffice also includes Calc, a sophisticated spreadsheet, Impress for creating presentations, Draw for artwork, diagramming and flowcharting, Base for desktop databases and charting and...
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da machen wir uns immer Gedanken, wie wir die S, die doch angeblich so netzaffin seien, erreichen könne – und dann hat zum Beispiel »Muffin«, die inzwischen als Bloggerin ganz auf unserer Spur ist, über das Buch (!) aus der Bibliothek (!) zum Bloggen...
LibreOffice 5.3 do pobrania - odświeżony interfejs i inne zmiany
Pobierz darmowy pakiet biurowy LibreOffice w wersji 5.3. Darmowa alternatywa dla MS Office zyskała nowe funkcje i odświeżony interfejs
Zespół The Document Foundation robi co może, by jego darmowy pakiet biurowy LibreOffice oferował funkcjonalność zbliżoną do najpopularniejszego obecnie Office’a Microsoftu. W ostatnich latach doczekaliśmy się poważnych zmian i oprogramowanie to naprawdę w...
LibreOffice 5.3 z odświeżonym interfejsem
MUFFIN – tak właśnie nazywa się nowy interfejs. Jest to skrót od My User Friendly & Flexible INterface i zgodnie z przesłaniem widniejącym w nazwie, celem programistów było sprawienie, by stał się on bardziej elastyczny i przyjazny dla użytkownika. Jest...
MUFFIN może działać w jednym z kilku trybów, a najciekawszym z nich jest Notebookbar. Przypomina on „wstążkę” znaną z MS Office, czyli dzielącą górną część interfejsu na karty, odpowiadające za różne możliwości formatowania dokumentu
Więcej nowości w LibreOffice 5.3
Oprócz interfejsu MUFFIN każdy z podstawowych składników pakietu biurowego LibreOffice doczekał się w wersji 5.3 nowych funkcji. To między innymi możliwość wstawiania obrazków w formie plików PDF, obsługa stylów tabel ODF, otwieranie plików MS Office z...
Pobierz darmowy pakiet biurowy LibreOffice 5.3
Najważniejsze nowości wprowadzone w poprzednich wersjach LibreOffice
LibreOffice 5.3」公開、UIプロジェクト「MUFFIN」を初導入、ほか
Kuchen (Sahne-, Obst- und Trockenkuchen, Muffins
Bitte benutzt für Bestellungen ausschließlich unseren Bestellzettel, den wir Euch in den Dateiformaten ODT (OpenOffice/LibreOffice) , PDF und DOCX (Microsoft Office) zum Download und Ausfüllen anbieten. Dort und in der BTB-Kollektions-PDF finden sich alle...
Kuchen (Sahne-/Obst-/Trockenkuchen, Muffins
17.11.2011 Muffin schreibt
Está aquí: Noticias Actualidad Software Libre LibreOffice 5.3 estrenará interfaz y, sí, tiene mucho de Ribbon
LibreOffice 5.3 estrenará interfaz y, sí, tiene mucho de Ribbon
Se cumplió el deseo de muchos. Tras más de seis años de desarrollo The Document Foundation anuncia el proyecto MUFFIN, “un nuevo y delicioso concepto de interfaz de usuario para LibreOffice” que, guste o no, no podría parecerse más al Ribbon de Microsoft...
Este sí es un rediseño y no lo que trajo LibreOffice 5.1, aunque conviene matizar para que no hayan equivocaciones. Primero porque todo viene de ahí, segundo porque habrá novedades pero nada se pierde, tercero porque aún no están muy claros los tiempos...
Según explican, MUFFIN es el acrónimo de My User Friendly & Flexible INterface y su propósito se entiende tal que así (resumiendo del original
My: por la capacidad de personalización que ofrece LibreOffice, y nada va a cambiar en ese aspecto
En efecto, el nombre está un poco cogido por los pelos, y es que el planteamiento que exponen en The Document Foundation gira en todo momento en que el usuario tenga la posibilidad de adaptar la interfaz a su gusto y necesidades, que esta sea flexible y...
Bromas aparte, lo que os interesará saber es qué es MUFFIN en concreto, cómo va a funcionar y cuándo se podrá probar. Empezando por lo último y como se dice en el titular, MUFFIN estará disponible a partir de LibreOffice 5.3, cuyo lanzamiento está...
Aunque no habría que hablar de MUFFIN como tal, sino de la Notebook Bar, esa será la gran novedad. La razón es que MUFFIN viene a englobar toda la interfaz de LibreOffice, que constará de, digámoslo así, cuatro tipos de vistas o esquemas de interfaz...
Así que todos aquellos que están muy conformes con la actual interfaz de LibreOffice, que también son muchos, pueden estar tranquilos porque nadie les va a quitar opciones. Solo se añaden. ¿En la dirección correcta? Eso ya dependerá de cada uno, pero si...
The Document Foundation 宣布了 开源办公软件 LibreOffice 的新用户界面概念 MUFFIN。MUFFIN是My User Friendly & Flexible INterface的首字母缩写,主要集中于三个方面:My,提供选项个性化用户界面;User Friendly,顾名思义对用户友好;Flexible,适应不同大小的屏幕和分辨率。LibreOffice 将提供多种工具栏布局,包括传统的标准工具栏,单一工具栏,类似 Microsoft Office...
文件基金会上星期发表了 MUFFIN,那是在 LibreOffice 上的一种全新使用者界面的概念。这个概念结合了开发团队、设计团队的努力成果,并由行销团队所支持。MUFFIN 是 My User Friendly & Flexible INterface 的缩写,着重于 LibreOffice 使用者所建议的这三个重点
1. My:LibreOffice 使用者想要「个人专属」的界面,不同的使用习惯要有不同的选项顺序,而不是无法调整的统一界面
2. User Friendly:当然,任何使用者界面都应该对使用者友善,但是 LibreOffice 使用者明确地想要一种「模组化」的界面,也就是使用者可以把界面设定对自己友善好用,而不是无法调整的统一界面
3. Flexible:越来越多 LibreOffice 使用者在各种不同的硬体平台上佈署 LibreOffice(例如桌上型电脑、笔记型电脑等),而每一种平台都有不同的特性与萤幕大小、解析度等,因此必须能让使用者可以动手调整以善用萤幕的可用空间
MUFFIN 是由不同的使用者界面元素的组合,从 LibreOffice 5.3 起会陆续以标准或实验性的功能来呈现:预设的界面有传统的两列工具列、单一列的工具列、单一列工具列搭配侧边栏、以及页籤式工具列(实验性功能
多图:LibreOffice 这五年(2010-2015) http://www. linux
数据图] LibreOffice 办公软件的一些运营数据
LibreOffice 的详细介绍:请点这里
LibreOffice 的下载地址:请点这里
Ultime notizie su LibreOffice 5 3 introduce una nuova UI MUFFIN per l editing collaborativo
LibreOffice 5.3 introduce una nuova UI MUFFIN, per l'editing collaborativo
a una ... LibreOffice
viene ... LibreOffice 5.3
chiama MUFFIN
Fonte: LibreOffice 5 3 introduce una nuova UI MUFFIN per l editing collaborativo
Projekt Muffin: Libreoffice 5.3 bekommt eine neue Oberfläche
Die Document Foundation hat das Projekt Muffin für Libreoffice angekündigt. Muffin steht dabei für My User Friendly Flexible Interface. Es geht also darum, dem Anwender eine besser konfigurierbare Bedienoberfläche zu bieten. Diese arbeitet mit Toolbars...
C11 - Ativar e saber sobre a interface MUFFIN no LibreOffice
LibreOffice den eigenen Vorlieben anpassen
Die Document Foundation hat in letzter Zeit diverse neue Möglichkeiten geschaffen, die verbreitete, kostenlose Bürosuite LibreOffice zu verändern sowie durch kleine Zusatzprogramme und diverse Vorlagen zu erweitern
Wenn es um Alternativen zum Office-Paket von Microsoft geht, war früher OpenOffice die erste Wahl. Inzwischen ist es die Open-Source-Alternative LibreOffice, die sich deutlich schneller entwickelt. Dies hat sich in letzter Zeit in Erweiterungen...
Mit Muffin die Benutzeroberfläche ändern
Die normale Benutzeroberfläche von LibreOffice entspricht eher den Nutzungsgewohnheiten älterer MS-Office-Versionen. Im Menü ist also ziemlich viel direkt auszulösen, mehr als die meisten Anwender benötigen, während bestimmte gewünschte Funktionen sich...
Muffin steht für „My User Friendly & Flexible Interface“. Es bietet einige vordefinierte Oberflächen, die bestimmte Zielgruppen ansprechen sollen, und ein besonderes namens „Notebook Bar“. Hier lassen sich die Elemente frei zusammenstellen und definieren...
Mitte Dezember hat die Document Foundation die neue Website „Exstensions & Templates“ freigeschaltet. Sie umfasst derzeit 305 Erweiterungen und 337 Templates für LibreOffice. Bei de Erweiterungen handelt es sich um kleine Zusatzprogramme, die bei der...
So finden sich unter Extensions Erweiterungen für die LibreOffice-Module Writer, Calc, Impress, Draw, Base. Dazu gehören unter anderem grafische Symbole, Sprach- und Rechtschreib-Tools, zwei Programme, um Sprachmitschnitte transkribieren zu können, LaTex...
Zwei der ausgeprägtesten Eigenschaften von LibreOffice sind die Möglichkeit, durch Extensions Features hinzuzufügen sowie die Qualität und Konsistenz von Dokumenten durch Templates zu verbessern“, erläutert Andreas Mantke, der die Sammlung mit dem Content...
OpenOffice & LibreOffice
LibreOffice 5.2 est disponible en téléchargement et s'accompagne de changements dans l'API UNO
La Document Foundation a publié la version 5.2 de la suite bureautique LibreOffice. Conformément à sa feuille de route, la fondation a publié cette version six mois après la dernière mise à jour majeure de la branche 5.x, notamment LibreOffice 5.1 qui est...
Du côté des filtres, la fondation note une amélioration de l'import dans LibreOffice Writer des images liées aux formats DOCX et RTF. Les fichiers Microsoft Word pour DOS peuvent désormais être importés via libwps. Les fichiers EMF affichent désormais...
Concernant linterface graphique utilisateur, LibreOffice supporte désormais une utilisation native de gtk3 dans les barres de menu de LibreOffice, mais aussi les info-bulles et menus contextuels, ce qui entraîne une meilleure intégration de la suite dans...
Les groupes de collaboration seront sans doute ravis dapprendre que LibreOffice prend désormais en charge un système de classification pour les documents, ce qui permet par exemple aux utilisateurs de voir instantanément si un document a été marqué comme...
télécharger LibreOffice 5.2
Source : note de version LibreOffice 5.2
Une faille liée au parseur RTF dans LibreOffice 5.0.4 permet d'exécuter du code arbitraire, une mise à jour vers la version 5.0.6 corrige la faille
The Document Foundation célèbre les cinq ans de LibreOffice et propose un recueil de témoignages de la communauté
La NotebookBar arrive dans LibreOffice
LibreOffice 5.3 : derrière la Notebookbar, The Document Foundation annonce le MUFFIN
The Document Foundation a annoncé hier ce quelle appelle le MUFFIN, un nouveau concept d'interface utilisateur pour LibreOffice à partir de la version 5.3. Daprès la fondation, « le MUFFIN représente une nouvelle approche de conception d'interface...
En adoptant le concept MUFFIN, acronyme de My User Friendly & Flexible INterface, les équipes LibreOffice cherchent à répondre aux besoins exprimés par les utilisateurs. Daprès la fondation, ces derniers veulent une interface utilisateur « personnelle...
Derrière la Notebookbar signalée récemment se trouve le concept de MUFFIN. Daprès léquipe de conception de LibreOffice, la Notebookbar permet de « créer une interface utilisateur flexible capable de s'adapter aux différents besoins des utilisateurs...
L'objectif des groupes contextuels dans la Notebookbar est de « disposer de différentes barres d'outils pour différents utilisateurs et scénarios, et au mieux, facilement modifiables par l'utilisateur, » explique léquipe de conception de LibreOffice...
Quelques idées ont été proposées dans la communauté LibreOffice et la flexibilité du développement de la Notebookbar devrait permettre de créer facilement et tester plusieurs implémentations pendant le cycle de développement. Léquipe de conception de...
Sources : The Document Foundation , LibreOffice Design Team
Je suis très curieux de ce que cela va donner. Si MUFFIN est vraiment respecté, cela sera vraiment super ! Je rêve d'une interface très personnalisable. Par exemple, positionnement et split des panneaux à la Blender
Je viens de tester le ruban de LibreOffice version 5.3 beta 2. À priori, c'est assez intuitif, toutefois quelques imperfections me sont apparues. Bien sûr, on peut afficher les barres d'outils sous six modes différents (par défaut avec les deux barres...
Home > Computing > LibreOffice 5.3 introduces collaborative editing
LibreOffice 5.3 introduces collaborative editing and user interface tweaks
The addition of collaborative editing functionality and a ribbon-like interface will help LibreOffice compete with Microsoft's Office suite
Thanks to services like Office 365 and Google Drive, there are more ways than ever to work on documents in collaboration with other users, whether they’re sitting in the same room or situated halfway across the country. Now, the latest version of the...
Unfortunately, there’s a bit of a catch. Unlike the hassle-free collaborative editing functionality offered elsewhere, users will need to set up LibreOffice Online on a server in order to allow multiple users to edit the same document, according to a...
More: LibreOffice’s free Microsoft Office competitor is getting its own “ribbon” interface
Instead, the collaborative editing tools included in LibreOffice 5.3 are intended for organizations that have the resources to set up the necessary environment, and reason to fine-tune its implementation for their own usage. The developers expect large...
However, that doesn’t mean that LibreOffice 5.3 is devoid of new features aimed at individual users. It also introduces a new user interface known as My User Friendly & Flexible Interface — or MUFFIN for short — which is optional for now, but could be the...
Ein neuer Blick auf LibreOffice
Seit mit Office 2016 wieder eine vernünftige Word-Version für Mac zur Verfügung steht, habe ich das Open-Source-Äquivalent LibreOffice Writer nur noch selten benutzt. (Eigentlich hauptsächlich, um mit der Erweiterung Writer2Epub Dokumente ins E-Book...
Anfang Februar nun haben die Entwickler von der Document Foundation ein neues Release, LibreOffice 5.3, veröffentlicht. Auf der deutschsprachigen Website wird das Release als experimentell bezeichnet, „auch für ‚innovative‘ Anwender, die bereit sind...
LibreOffice verwendet in in dieser Version ein flexibles Oberflächen-Konzept namens MUFFIN (My User Friendly & Flexible INterface). Alle Symbolleisten lassen sich individuell mit Themes anpassen und recht minimalistisch gestalten. Zu den gewohnten...
Es lohnt sich, einen Blick auf die freie Office-Alternative – auch auf dem Mac – zu werfen. Oder zum Beispiel für bestimmte Funktionen in LibreOffice zu wechseln und das Dokument anschließend in Word weiterzubearbeiten. Nachdem der Wechsel zwischen dem...
LibreOffice 5.3 disponible
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LibreOffice 5.3 avec une nouvelle interface en test
La suite bureautique LibreOffice est disponible dans une nouvelle version 5.3. Même si elle est encore expérimentale, l'une des principales nouveautés est l'introduction d'un concept d'interface utilisateur flexible
Depuis les versions 5.x, la suite bureautique libre et gratuite LibreOffice s'attache à des modifications et améliorations au niveau de l'interface utilisateur. Disponible aujourd'hui pour Windows, macOS et Linux, la version 5.3 est l'occasion d...
Toutefois, il est encore question d'une fonctionnalité en test. Pas d'application par défaut et il faudra se rendre dans les Options de LibreOffice (Avancé) afin d'activer les fonctions expérimentales. MUFFIN, c'est en fait plusieurs éléments d'interface...
Au-delà de MUFFIN, LibreOffice 5.3 apporte bien d'autres choses. Les raccourcis clavier sont affichés dans les menus contextuels et sont activés par défaut (Windows et Linux), il est possible d'insérer des PDF dans des documents sous la forme d'images (la...
Les notes de version de LibreOffice 5.3 sont disponibles sur ce wiki (en français) . Le téléchargement pourra se faire depuis le site officiel
LibreOffice : une nouvelle interface de type Ruban
La suite de productivité LibreOffice expérimente une interface optionnelle pour réorganiser les barres d'outils
LibreOffice : une nouvelle interface en option
Les développeurs de LibreOffice planchent sur une interface alternative visant à unifier toutes les barres d'outils
LibreOffice 5.3 avec une nouvelle interface en test LibreOffice-MUFFIN
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LibreOffice versÃŒÃt OberflÀche mit MUFFIN
Die kommende Version von LibreOffice wird sehr flexible Möglichkeiten zur Konfiguration der OberflÀche erhalten. Das neue Konzept heiÃt MUFFIN (My User Friendly & Flexible INterface
Online il corso informativo di LibreOffice realizzato da LibreItalia e Ministero della Difesa Italiano
La Difesa Italiana, nel programma di migrazione a LibreOffice, ha realizzato un percorso di eLearning volto a formare i propri dipendenti in maniera autonoma. Il percorso di eLearning è stato realizzato in associazione con LibreItalia che ne ha curato la...
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LibreOffice 5.3 Release Party
5.3 , Eventi , libreoffice , LUG , Magione , release party , sede
LibreOffice 5.3 è l’ultima versione rilasciata della suite office open source più usata su Linux e multi-piattaforma
MUFFIN, la nuova interfaccia utente è ufficialmente disponibile da questa versione di LibreOffice
libreoffice , Notizie
Come installare LibreOffice Fresh da Snap su Ubuntu 16.04 LTS, derivate e release successive
Home » LibreOffice 5.3 Release Party
LibreOffice 5.3 Release Party
Da pochi giorni è stata rilasciata la versione 5.3 di LibreOffice, la più famosa e utilizzata suite office libera, preinstallata su moltissime distribuzioni GNU/Linux e scelta da moltissime Istituzioni e Pubbliche Amministrazioni, tra cui la più recente è...
Sabato prossimo, presso la nostra sede operativa, festeggeremo insieme questo rilascio ricco di novità e miglioramenti, tra cui anche la nuova interfaccia sperimentale "Muffin
Dalle 15:00 alle 18:00 i nostri volontari saranno a disposizione per aiutare gli utenti nell'installazione della più recente versione di LibreOffice su qualunque piattaforma (Windows, MacOS, GNU/Linux), per illustrare i vantaggi offerti dal Software...
Projekt Muffin
Libreoffice 5.3 bekommt eine neue Oberfläche
Muffin heißt das neue und modulare Oberflächenkonzept für Libreoffice , an dem die Document Foundation arbeitet. Anwender sollen vor allem von der Flexibilität profitieren
Die Document Foundation ist für die Entwicklung von Libreoffice verantwortlich. Libreoffice ist ein Community-Fork von
Projekt Muffin
Libreoffice 5.3 bekommt eine neue Oberfläche
Muffin heißt das neue und modulare Oberflächenkonzept für Libreoffice , an dem die Document Foundation arbeitet. Anwender sollen vor allem von der Flexibilität profitieren
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Neue Funktionen in Libreoffice 5.2 (Herstellervideo
Libreoffice 3.3 - Vorstellung
Libreoffice 5.2 unterstützt geheime Dokumente
Die aktuelle Version 5.2 der freien Officesuite Libreoffice unterstützt den TSCP-Standard für Geheimhaltungsstufen. Verbessert hat das Team zudem die Interoperabilität und die Arbeit mit Dokumenten soll dank einer kleineren Werkzeugleiste leichter sein
UK-Behörden lizenzieren kommerzielles Libreoffice
Libreoffice ist ein Projekt von ehemaligen Libreoffice entstand durch den fehlenden Support vom Hauptsponsor Oracle. Unterstützt durch die Document Foundation, entwickelt das Team hinter Libreoffice eine unabhängige Office-Suite
Videos zum Thema Libreoffice
Libreoffice 5.2 - Herstellervideo
Neue Funktionen in Libreoffice 5.2 (Herstellervideo
Libreoffice Online in Onwcloud - Vorstellung
Libreoffice Calc - gemeinsames Editieren
Projekt Muffin
Libreoffice 5.3 bekommt eine neue Oberfläche
Muffin heißt das neue und modulare Oberflächenkonzept für Libreoffice, an dem die Document Foundation arbeitet. Anwender sollen vor allem von der Flexibilität profitieren
Eigentlich soll die IT-Verwaltung in München endgültig zentralisiert werden. Doch sowohl der Stadtrat als auch Verwaltungsreferate agieren gegen den Plan und gegeneinander. Dass Gutachter und die CSU eine Totalabkehr von Limux und Libreoffice in Erwägung...
Neue Funktionen in Libreoffice 5.2 (Herstellervideo
Projekt Muffin
Libreoffice 5.3 bekommt eine neue Oberfläche
Muffin heißt das neue und modulare Oberflächenkonzept für Libreoffice , an dem die Document Foundation arbeitet. Anwender sollen vor allem von der Flexibilität profitieren
LibreOffice İçerik Menüsü İyileştirmeleri - 3
LibreOffice Calc'da belgede iki boyutlu bir nesne varsa (çizgi gibi) bununla ilgili bir alan biçimlendirmesi işlemi yapmak mümkün olmadığı halde nesneye sağ tıklandığında alan (Area) komutunu görüyordunuz
LibreOffice İçerik Menüsü İyileştirmeleri - 2
LibreOffice'de belgeye bir dip not/son not (footnote/endnote) eklendiğinde bu bölümü biçimlendirmek için gerekli komut sağ tık menüsü içerisinden kullanılmaya uygun değildi
LibreOffice İçerik Menüsü İyileştirmeleri - 1
LibreOffice'de belgeye bir bölüm (section) eklendiğinde bu bölümü biçimlendirmek için gerekli komut sağ tık menüsü içerisinden kullanılmaya uygun değildi
LibreOffice Draw ve Impress bileşeninde kullanabildiğiniz ok araç çubuğu Writer ve Calc bileşenindeyken kullanılamıyordu
LibreOffice MUFFIN nedir, ne değildir
LibreOffice kısa süre önce MUFFIN (My User Friendly & Flexible INterface) adını verdiği yeni kullanıcı arayüzü konseptini duyurdu
1- Notebookbar, MUFFIN değildir. MUFFIN'in bir parçasıdır
2- LibreOffice Notebookbar, Microsoft Office Ribbon değildir. Benzerlik gösterse de karşılığı bu değildir
Notebookbar ve yanlış anlaşılan MUFFIN hakkında LibreOffice topluluğuna sert eleştiriler geldi. LibreOffice Notebookbar'ı seçenek olarak getirdi. Ve henüz deneysel özellikler kısmında. İsteyen bu yerleşimi aktif edebilir. Yani kullanıcıyı bunu kullanmaya...
Etiketler: calc , draw , freedom , freesoftware , impress , libreofis , muffin , office , özgür yazılım , writer
LibreOffice - Kendi Notebookbar'ınızı Oluşturun
Akademik Bilişim - LibreOffice Geliştirme Atölyesi
The Document Foundation 宣布了 开源办公软件 LibreOffice 的新用户界面概念 MUFFIN。MUFFIN是My User Friendly & Flexible INterface的首字母缩写,主要集中于三个方面:My,提供选项个性化用户界面;User Friendly,顾名思义对用户友好;Flexible,适应不同大小的屏幕和分辨率。LibreOffice 将提供多种工具栏布局,包括传统的标准工具栏,单一工具栏,类似 Microsoft Office...
文件基金会上星期发表了 MUFFIN,那是在 LibreOffice 上的一种全新使用者界面的概念。这个概念结合了开发团队、设计团队的努力成果,并由行销团队所支持。MUFFIN 是 My User Friendly & Flexible INterface 的缩写,着重于 LibreOffice 使用者所建议的这三个重点
1. My:LibreOffice 使用者想要「个人专属」的界面,不同的使用习惯要有不同的选项顺序,而不是无法调整的统一界面
2. User Friendly:当然,任何使用者界面都应该对使用者友善,但是 LibreOffice 使用者明确地想要一种「模组化」的界面,也就是使用者可以把界面设定对自己友善好用,而不是无法调整的统一界面
3. Flexible:越来越多 LibreOffice 使用者在各种不同的硬体平台上佈署 LibreOffice(例如桌上型电脑、笔记型电脑等),而每一种平台都有不同的特性与萤幕大小、解析度等,因此必须能让使用者可以动手调整以善用萤幕的可用空间
MUFFIN 是由不同的使用者界面元素的组合,从 LibreOffice 5.3 起会陆续以标准或实验性的功能来呈现:预设的界面有传统的两列工具列、单一列的工具列、单一列工具列搭配侧边栏、以及页籤式工具列(实验性功能
多图:LibreOffice 这五年(2010-2015)
数据图] LibreOffice 办公软件的一些运营数据
LibreOffice 的详细介绍: 请点这里
LibreOffice 的下载地址: 请点这里
Microsoftin Office-ohjelmiston yksi varteenotettavimmista kilpailijoista, ilmainen Libre Office, päivttyy kohtapuoliin versioon 5.3. Se on määrä julkaista 1. helmikuuta ja sen herkkuna on Muffin eli suomeksi muffinssi. Nimi tulee sanoista My User Friendly...
Softpedian mukaan tuleva versio käsittää myös erilaisia käyttöliittymiä, jotka on sovitettu esimerkiksi pöytäkonetta tai kannettavaa...
Käytätkö ilmaista LibreOfficea? Nyt on syytä päivittää
LibreOffice 5.3 introduce una nuova UI MUFFIN, per l'editing collaborativo
The Document Foundation annuncia LibreOffice 5.3, una delle release più ricche di nuove funzionalità nella storia dell'applicazione. La suite per ufficio è immediatamente disponibile per Windows, macOS e Linux, ed è pronta per l'installazione in cloud...
First look: LibreOffice 5.3 takes a cue from Microsoft Office’s ribbon
But LibreOffice's new MUFFIN UI is opt-in and clearly still a work in progress
Linux: Install LibreOffice 5.3 in Ubuntu 16.04 LTS
Review: Apache OpenOffice 4 vs. LibreOffice 4.1
The latest pre-release version of the free and open source productivity suite LibreOffice 5.3 comes with a new tab-style UI codenamed MUFFIN (My User Friendly & Flexible INterface), which is an alternative to the old-school icon-bar UI found in previous...
The idea isn’t so much to replace the existing UI, a la Microsoft Office’s “ribbon” interface, as to provide an optional approach that can be toggled on by the user. MUFFIN will co-exist with the current UI — for now
When it’s enabled by way of the Toolbar layout menu option, MUFFIN adds a new Notebookbar option to the View menu in LibreOffice apps. (Notebookbar is the general term used in LibreOffice for the new toolbar layout.) Users can choose one of three basic...
Contextual groups are similar to Microsoft Office’s ribbon arrangement, with the most common menu options displayed in labeled groups. However, in the version of LibreOffice I tested, the groups won't resize to fit if you resize the application window...
Tabbed is more or less as it sounds: It provides a top row of text-labeled tabs, with rows of text-labeled controls below. So far, this is the closest thing to the Microsoft Office ribbon in LibreOffice — although it still has behavioral quirks. Arrows...
MUFFIN complements another UI addition, a pop-out sidebar that provides useful shortcuts to formatting, layout, and navigation functions. It was donated from IBM’s Symphony fork of OpenOffice, after that project ceased development. Project Renaissance...
First look: LibreOffice 5.3 takes a cue from Microsoft Office’s ribbon
But LibreOffice's new MUFFIN UI is opt-in and clearly still a work in progress
LibreOffice MUFFIN
The Document Foundation 宣布了 开源办公软件 LibreOffice 的新用户界面概念 MUFFIN
MUFFIN 是 My User Friendly & Flexible INterface 的首字母缩写,主要集中于三个方面:My,提供选项个性化用户界面;User Friendly,顾名思义对用户友好;Flexible,适应不同大小的屏幕和分辨率。LibreOffice 将提供多种工具栏布局,包括传统的标准工具栏,单一工具栏,类似 Microsoft Office ribbon 界面的 Notebook 工具栏(如图所示),以及侧边工具栏
Microsoftin Office-ohjelmiston yksi varteenotettavimmista kilpailijoista, ilmainen Libre Office, päivttyy kohtapuoliin versioon 5.3. Se on määrä julkaista 1. helmikuuta ja sen herkkuna on Muffin eli suomeksi muffinssi. Nimi tulee sanoista My User Friendly...
Softpedian mukaan tuleva versio käsittää myös erilaisia käyttöliittymiä, jotka on sovitettu esimerkiksi pöytäkonetta tai kannettavaa...
Käytätkö ilmaista LibreOfficea? Nyt on syytä päivittää
4.1.2 LibreOffice
LibreOffice 是一款功能强大的办公套件,可用于文本文档、电子表格、演示文稿、绘图、数据库以及数学公式编辑和处理,libreoffice 拥有强大的数据导入和导出功能,能直接导入 PDF 文档、微软 Works,支持主要的 OpenXML 格式
需要说一下的是这个新闻: LibreOffice 宣布新用户界面 MUFFIN
虽然 LibreOffice 和 OpenOffice 本是一家,但是个人觉得 LibreOffice 更加活跃一些,所以我就不推荐 OpenOffice 了。本来想顺便介绍一下 Open365 的,去看一下官网,发现项目已经停了,源代码虽然开放,但是没人维护,可惜了
The Document Foundation 宣布了开源办公软件 LibreOffice 的新用户界面概念 MUFFIN。MUFFIN是My User Friendly & Flexible INterface的首字母缩写,主要集中于三个方面:My,提供选项个性化用户界面;User Friendly,顾名思
LibreOffice 5.2 发布
The Document Foundation 宣布发布 LibreOffice 5.2 。主要新特性包括:文档分类,改进电子表格的预测函数,支持多签名描述,支持从OOXML文件导入导出签名,改进DOCX 和 RTF文档的导入过滤器,支持旧的Word for DOS文档,等等。详细特性变化可以
LibreOffice 5.0发布
最流行的自由软件办公软件LibreOffice进驻了苹果Mac应用软件商店,Mac用户将可以选择专业技术支持服务。苹果商店里的LibreOffice有两个版本:LibreOffice from Collabora和LibreOffice Vanilla,后者是免费的,而前者提供了来自 Coll
LibreOffice Viewer for Android发布
The Document Foundation宣布发布了在Android上浏览ODF文档的应用LibreOffice Viewer for Android。用户可以在直接在Google Play Store上安装该应用,或者到官网地址下载APK文件。除了浏览ODF文档外,LibreOffice
LibreOffice Online宣布
LibreOffice 4.4发布
The Document Foundation 宣布了 开源办公软件 LibreOffice 的新用户界面概念 MUFFIN。MUFFIN是My User Friendly & Flexible INterface的首字母缩写,主要集中于三个方面:My,提供选项个性化用户界面;User Friendly,顾名思义对用户友好;Flexible,适应不同大小的屏幕和分辨率。LibreOffice 将提供多种工具栏布局,包括传统的标准工具栏,单一工具栏,类似 Microsoft Office...
文件基金会上星期发表了 MUFFIN,那是在 LibreOffice 上的一种全新使用者界面的概念。这个概念结合了开发团队、设计团队的努力成果,并由行销团队所支持。MUFFIN 是 My User Friendly & Flexible INterface 的缩写,着重于 LibreOffice 使用者所建议的这三个重点
1. My:LibreOffice 使用者想要「个人专属」的界面,不同的使用习惯要有不同的选项顺序,而不是无法调整的统一界面
2. User Friendly:当然,任何使用者界面都应该对使用者友善,但是 LibreOffice 使用者明确地想要一种「模组化」的界面,也就是使用者可以把界面设定对自己友善好用,而不是无法调整的统一界面
3. Flexible:越来越多 LibreOffice 使用者在各种不同的硬体平台上佈署 LibreOffice(例如桌上型电脑、笔记型电脑等),而每一种平台都有不同的特性与萤幕大小、解析度等,因此必须能让使用者可以动手调整以善用萤幕的可用空间
MUFFIN 是由不同的使用者界面元素的组合,从 LibreOffice 5.3 起会陆续以标准或实验性的功能来呈现:预设的界面有传统的两列工具列、单一列的工具列、单一列工具列搭配侧边栏、以及页籤式工具列(实验性功能
多图:LibreOffice 这五年(2010-2015) Linux/2015-11/124705.htm
数据图] LibreOffice 办公软件的一些运营数据 Linux/2012-02/53547.htm
LibreOffice 的详细介绍: 请点这里
LibreOffice 的下载地址: 请点这里
LibreOffice 5.3 - nouvelle interface utilisateur MUFFIN et orientation Cloud
La suite bureautique gratuite LibreOffice 5.3 pointe le bout de son nez avec quelques nouveautés dont une orientation Cloud et une interface utilisateur revue
LibreOffice 5.3 est notamment proposée dans une version permettant d’y accéder en ligne. Baptisée LibreOffice Online ou LOOL et développée avec l’aide de Collabora, elle prend en charge tous les formats de fichier LibreOffice dont l’ODF et offre des...
LibreOffice 5.3 est par ailleurs l’occasion d’inaugurer une nouvelle interface utilisateur portant le nom de code My User-Friendly & Flexible Interface ou MUFFIN
Mot-clés : LibreOffice , LibreOffice 5.3 , NotebookBar , suite bureautique
Ich komme mit LibreOffice Impress sehr gut zurecht und vermisse keine Funktionen, welche es auch in PowerPoint gibt und die ich benötige. Aus funktionaler Sicht kein Problem. Das Problem ist aber (wie du bereits geschrieben hast), dass MS Office der...
Technisch ist LibreOffice MS Office um 5-10 Jahre hinterher. Bei MS Office kann ich zusammen mit anderen an einer Datei über das Internet arbeiten (gut bei gemeinsamen Projekten), was für mich schon das killer Kriterium darstellen würde. Klar, wenn man...
itjump hat geschrieben: Technisch ist LibreOffice MS Office um 5-10 Jahre hinterher
In vielen Bereichen gibt LibreOffice (ehemals OpenOffice) die Richtung an, in anderen Bereichen ist es MS Office. LibreOffice hatte Jahre vor MS den essenziellen PDF-Export implementiert und ist hier im Funktionsumfang immernoch absolute Spitze. MS hinkte...
LibreOffice ist unglaublich innovativ und geht seinen völlig eigenen Weg
LibreOffice 5.3」公開、UIプロジェクト「MUFFIN」を初導入、ほか
LibreOffice 5.3」公開、UIプロジェクト「MUFFIN」を初導入、ほか
MUFFIN : LibreOffice fait sa révolution de l'interface
MUFFIN : LibreOffice fait sa révolution de l'interface
Alors qu'on lui reproche parfois une évolution relativement lente, la suite LibreOffice s'offrira à compter de la mouture 5.3 une nouvelle interface, basée sur le concept MUFFIN. Le principal mot d'ordre
Lire la suite sur Les Numériques : MUFFIN : LibreOffice fait sa révolution de l'interface
Enfin ! Pour moi l'interface est le gros point noir de LibreOffice
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Gelöst: Ribbon / Muffin - wie gehts zurück zum normalen Menü
Re: Ribbon / Muffin - wie gehts zurück zum normalen Menü
Re: Gelöst: Ribbon / Muffin - wie gehts zurück zum normalen Menü
Ich selbst hab auch ne Weile gebraucht um aus diesem "muffin-geraffel" wieder raus zu kommen
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Libreoffice 5.3 mit Online-Version und MUFFIN
Libreoffice 5.3 ist für Linux, Mac OS und Windows zum Download bereit. Die neue Version bietet mit der neuen experimentellen Nutzeroberfläche MUFFIN ein anpassbares Interface. Außerdem gibt es eine Online-Version
Muffin steht für My User Friendly & Flexible Interface. Die Menüs lassen sich mit dem neuen Konzept modular anordnen. Es gibt die Option, die Menüleisten an den Rand zuziehen oder auch nur einzelne Leisten anzuzeigen. Mit den Ansichten wie Single-Toolbbar...
Zu den neuen Funktionen im Office-Paket zählt das unter anderem auch das Online-Editing mit kollaborativer Bearbeitung von Dokumenten. Möglich macht das laut der Document Foundation die erste Quellcode-Freigabe von LibreOffice Online,. Das Cloud-Office...
Bei den einzelnen Programmen von Libreoffice dürfen in der Textbearbeitung Writer nun Tabellenvorlagen genutzt werden. Ein neues Deck in der Sidebar des Writers ermögliche die Anpassung der Seiteneinstellungen
Beim Start von Impress erscheint in Libreoffice 5.3 eine Vorlagenauswahl, damit gleich mit der Präsentation begonnen werden kann
Den Download von Libreoffice 5.3 gibt es hier
Libre Office , Libreoffice , Office , Writer
Muffin: Libreoffice ändert Nutzerinterface
MUFFIN — новый интерфейс для LibreOffice
libreoffice , ui
Организация The Document Foundation представила новый концепт пользовательского интерфейса для LibreOffice под названием «MUFFIN» (акроним от My User Friendly & Flexible INterface). Скриншоты доступны на странице новости по основной ссылке
My (мой): пользователи LibreOffice хотят «персональный» интерфейс с разными опциями, которые можно адаптировать под личные предпочтения, а не единственный интерфейс без опций
User Friendly (дружелюбный): естественно, любой интерфейс должен быть настолько дружелюбным, насколько это возможно, но пользователи LibreOffice запрашивают «модульный» интерфейс, в котором они сами смогут установить уровень дружелюбности к пользователю...
Flexible (подстраиваемый): так как LibreOffice используется на разных устройствах, имеющих разные характеристики, размеры и разрешения дисплеев, пользователям нужен интерфейс, способный подстраиваться под все эти устройства, а не единственный интерфейс...
Концепт MUFFIN — это комбинация разнообразных элементов UI, которые будут доступны уже начиная с LibreOffice 5.3, включая как стандартные, так и экспериментальные возможности: интерфейс по умолчанию (с панелью инструментов), «Single Toolbar UI», «Sidebar...
Каждый из этих стилей предназначен для решения задач разных групп пользователей LibreOffice
Рациональность MUFFIN более детально описана в маркетинговом обосновании ( PDF ), а также в специальной записи в TDF Design Blog
LibreOffice 5.3.0 Fresh (только для тестирования
Confira os principais destaques do LibreOffice 5.3, que deve chegar esta semana
Autor: Josué Vicente Data: segunda-feira, janeiro 30, 2017 Categoria: LibreOffice , Notícia , Software
Quem está chegando esta semana para trazer grandes novidades é o LibreOffice 5.3, que deve oferecer novos recursos e funcionalidades, tornando a suíte de escritório gratuita e open source ainda mais confortável de se usar. Um dos principais destaques...
MUFFIN, abreviatura para "My User Friendly & Flexible INterface" em tradução livre, algo como "minha amigável e flexível interface de usuário" , traz um estilo com uma única barra de ferramentas, uma barra lateral juntamente com uma única barra de...
Estilo tradicional do LibreOffice
O LibreOffice 5.3 também marca o primeiro lançamento do código fonte do Libreoffice Online, para que os usuários possam fazer edição colaborativa de documentos através do navegador. O LibreOffice Online pode ser facilmente implementado através de uma...
Claro, mais novidades estarão chegando com o LibreOffice 5.3, e você pode conferir mais detalhes técnicos através das notas de lançamento, clicando aqui . Fique ligado para o anúncio oficial do LibreOffice 5.3
AMD Android Arch Linux Benchmarks Chakra Chrome Chrome OS Ciência Debian elementary OS Fedora Gadget Gnome Google Hardware Intel Internet Jogos KDE LibreOffice Linux Linux Kernel Linux Mint Mesa Mozilla Notícia Nvidia openSUSE Opera Regata OS Segurança...
The Document Foundation 宣布了 开源办公软件 LibreOffice 的新用户界面概念 MUFFIN。MUFFIN是My User Friendly & Flexible INterface的首字母缩写,主要集中于三个方面:My,提供选项个性化用户界面;User Friendly,顾名思义对用户友好;Flexible,适应不同大小的屏幕和分辨率。LibreOffice 将提供多种工具栏布局,包括传统的标准工具栏,单一工具栏,类似 Microsoft Office...
LibreOffice Update Offers Fresh Experience
The Document Foundation on Wednesday announced the general availability of LibreOffice 5.3, one of the office suite's most feature-rich upgrades since 2010, when it forked from OpenOffice at version 3.3
Dubbed "5.3 Fresh," this latest release takes the development of LibreOffice in a new direction with a focus on updating the user experience, according to Italo Vignoli of the Document Foundation. The 3.x Family centered on code cleanup, while the 4.x...
LibreOffice 5.3 extends the User Interface with an experimental Notebookbar. It also provides a new UI option. The experimental UI offers a choice of two toolbars: the Single Toolbar UI and the Sidebar with a Single Toolbar
Each UI layout targets a different cluster of LibreOffice users. The new focus should appeal both to early adopters and power users
LibreOffice 5.3 represents the bleeding edge in term of features for open source office suites, according to The Document Foundation
The growth in LibreOffice's adoption is the result of The Document Foundation's ability to grow its developer community, said Michael Meeks, a member of the board, during a teleconference this week
LibreOffice 5.3 is available now for Windows, macOS and Linux, and for the first time also online
LibreOffice Online for Cloud Servers
With LibreOffice 5.3, The Document Foundation also has introduced LibreOffice Online
LibreOffice Update Offers Fresh Experience
The Document Foundation on Wednesday announced the general availability of LibreOffice 5.3, one of the office suite's most feature-rich upgrades since 2010, when it forked from OpenOffice at version 3.3
Dubbed "5.3 Fresh," this latest release takes the development of LibreOffice in a new direction with a focus on updating the user experience, according to Italo Vignoli of the Document Foundation. The 3.x Family centered on code cleanup, while the 4.x...
LibreOffice 5.3 extends the User Interface with an experimental Notebookbar. It also provides a new UI option. The experimental UI offers a choice of two toolbars: the Single Toolbar UI and the Sidebar with a Single Toolbar
Each UI layout targets a different cluster of LibreOffice users. The new focus should appeal both to early adopters and power users
LibreOffice 5.3 represents the bleeding edge in term of features for open source office suites, according to The Document Foundation
The growth in LibreOffice's adoption is the result of The Document Foundation's ability to grow its developer community, said Michael Meeks, a member of the board, during a teleconference this week
LibreOffice 5.3 is available now for Windows, macOS and Linux, and for the first time also online
LibreOffice Online for Cloud Servers
With LibreOffice 5.3, The Document Foundation also has introduced LibreOffice Online
LibreOffice 全新使用者界面概念 MUFFIN 出爐
不知道各位讀者平時都用什麼文件編輯軟體來應付辦公的需要?編者現在是用 LibreOffice。最近 LibreOffice 發表了一種新的使用者界面,名為 MUFFIN,是希望 LibreOffice 能更 user friendly
LibreOffice 5.3 Is Coming This Week, A Look At The New Features
LibreOffice 5.3 is expected to be released this week as the latest feature update to this cross-platform, open-source office suite. Here's a quick feature overview look for those interested in LibreOffice 5.3
LibreOffice 5.3 will include many user-interface UI/UX improvements and the initial work on the MUFFIN project
Linux Top 3: Tails 1.5, Kali Linux 2.0 and LibreOffice 5 (Aug 13, 2015
LibreOffice 5.0 to Bring Better Excel 2013 Importing (Jun 22, 2015
LibreOffice 5.0 to Offer Microsoft Word-Compatible Text Highlighting (Jun 12, 2015
LibreOffice under the hood: progress to 5.0 (Aug 06, 2015
LibreOffice 5.3正式发布:启用全新MUFFIN界面
文档 基金 会是一家促进 开源 办公套件 Libre Office 发展的非盈利 组织 ,今天该基金会宣布 LibreOffice 5.3 版本正式发布。LibreOffice 5.3 于去年 10 月份开始研发,10 月 21 日文档基金会的联合 创始人 、市场公关 Italo Vignoli 宣布首个 BUG 悬赏活动正式启动。自那时候开始,LibreOffice 5.3 接受了多个 Alpha 和 Beta 更新,实现了很多用户所期待的功能
文档基金会的董事会成员安 Michael Meeks 说道:“LibreOffice 的背后是由 开发者 组建的梦幻社区。在 2010 年的时候,只有极少数坚信我们未来的发展潜力而贡献了大量 代码 ,他们的贡献和代码库的成功是密不可分的。六年来,我们吸引了超过 1100 名 开发 者,而且建立了庞大的社区,在最近两年平均有 300 人活跃在源代码上
LibreOffice 5.3 最重要的功能或许就是 MUFFIN,这是全新的用户友好和灵活的用户界面,在很多报告中和 微软 Office 的 Ribbon UI 有点相似。但事实上,这个“个性化”的用户界面能够根据用户以及当前文档编辑的 需求 进行调整
尽管 MUFFIN 还处于实验性质,但却是 LibreOffice 消费者最渴望期待的功能,取决于消费者使用的是笔记本还是 PC 电脑,LibreOffice 能够提供四种不同的 UI 风格。消费者也能根据自己的喜好来进行调整
LibreOffice 5.3 New Features General 视频: http ://
LibreOffice 5.3 New Features Writer 视频:
LibreOffice 5.3 New Features Calc 视频:
LibreOffice 5.3 New Features Impress 视频:
转载请注明原文出处: Harries Blog™ » LibreOffice 5.3正式发布:启用全新MUFFIN界面
LibreOffice 5.3 Open Source Productivity Suite Major Upgrade Released With New Online Cloud Office Suite Option
The Document Foundation has announced Version 5.3 of its open source LibreOffice productivity software suite, calling it one of the most feature-rich releases in the history of the application. The LibreOffice 5.3 office suite is immediately available for...
LibreOffice 5.3 represents a significant step forward in the evolution of the software, offering an introduction to new features such as online with collaborative editing, which increase the application’s competitive positioning and at the same time...
LibreOffice is backed by a fantastic community of developers,” says Michael Meeks, a member of the board of The Document Foundation. “In 2010, only a few people were betting on our capability of attracting a large number of code contributors, which are...
LibreOffice 5.3 highlights
LibreOffice 5.3 offers a number of interesting new features in every module: a new cross-platform text layout engine that uses HarfBuzz for consistent text layout on all platforms, with significant advantages across languages and alphabets; a revised Help...
A list of the most significant new features is available at , and is presented in a series of short videos ( A page with the top new features is also available on the website at
LibreOffice 5.3 has also been improved under the hood, thanks to the work of hundreds of volunteers. This translates into an open source office suite which is easier to develop, maintain and debug. Although this is not visible to users, it is extremely...
LibreOffice is deployed by large organizations in every continent. A list of the most significant migrations announced in the media is available here:
LibreOffice Online
LibreOffice jest dla każdego – więc MUFFIN zamiast odgórnie narzuconej Wstążki
Temat: LibreOffice jest dla każdego – więc MUFFIN zamiast odgórnie narzuconej Wstążki
Kilka dni temu informowaliśmy o zaawansowanym stanie prac nadnowym interfejsem użytkownika w LibreOffice, wykorzystującym tzw.Notebookbar – rozwiązanie bardzo przypominające Wstążkę zMicrosoft Office. Wielu tradycjonalistów, przywiązanych doklasycznego...
Como Instalar o LibreOffice 5.2.4
LibreOffice Magazine 25
É com imenso orgulho que a comunidade LibreOffice Brasil anuncia mais uma edição da revista eletrônica LibreOffice Magazine. Um presente dos colaboradores aos leitores
Nesta edição você encontrara matérias sobre a conexão a banco de dados MySql, sobre como são entendidos os financiamentos em software lives pelas grandes corporações e uma interessante entrevista de nossa colaboradora do LibreItalia Sonia Montejove com...
Está disponível também o Calendário LibreOffice 2017 no formato A4 com feriados nacionais, e para baixar clique aqui
Marcadores: Calibre , LibreOffice , Noticia , Revista
LibreOffice tem Novas Extensões & Templates Websit
A The Document Foundation Anuncia o MUFFIN, o Deli
LibreOffice Conference 2016: Normalização ODF
LibreOfficen uusi käyttöliittymä sai nimen – tarjolle peräti neljä erilaista käyttöliittymävaihtoehtoa
LibreOffice saa 5.3 -version myötä uudenlaisen, Microsoftin Officesta tuttua ribbonia muistuttavan käyttöliittymän
Kirjoitimme aiemmin LibreOfficen päätöksestä tarjota käyttäjilleen myös vaihtoehtoisia käyttöliittymiä
Kaikkiaan tarjolle tulee neljä erilaista käyttöliittymävaihtoehtoa, sillä LibreOfficen kehityksen suunnasta vastaavan The Document Foundationin mukaan on mahdotonta kehittää vain yhtä käyttöliittymää ja olettaa sen sopivan jokaiselle käyttäjälle ja...
LibreOfficen Microsoftin ribbonia muistuttavaa käyttöliittymää kutsutaan nimellä MUFFIN ”My User Friendly & Flexible INterface”, OMGUbuntu kirjoittaa
LibreOffice-toimisto-ohjelmistokokonaisuuden käyttöliittymä on pysynyt pitkään muuttumattomana ja se on kerännyt myös kritiikkiä jämähtäneisyydestä. Asiaan tulee kuitenkin täydellinen muutos aikaisin ensi vuonna, kun LibreOffice 5.3 on tarkoitus julkaista...
Jos LibreOfficen vanha käyttöliittymä miellytti silmää tai täytti käyttötarpeet parhaiten, voi sitä käyttää myös vastaisuudessa. Modernimpien – mutta ei välttämättä sen parempien – käyttöliittymien ystävät voivat puolestaan valita kolmesta muusta...
LibreOffice 5.3」公開、UIプロジェクト「MUFFIN」を初導入、ほか
BusinessDictionary is a free easy-to-use FREE business glossary with over 30,000 definitions that s. The Cambridge Business English Dictionary is ideal for business English students, business studies. Helping English language learners master Business...
Biscuits, Muffins & Scones
LibreOffice 5.3 ya está disponible, también para la nube
Hace unos días que la descarga está disponible, pero no ha sido hasta hace un rato que The Document Foundation ha anunciado finalmente LibreOffice 5.3, la nueva versión mayor de la suite ofimática Open Source para Linux, Windows, Mac y, por primera vez...
LibreOffice 5.3 es, según indican en el anuncio oficial , una de las versiones más completas que nunca haya recibido la aplicación. Y no mienten. Las notas de lanzamiento son tremendas, por lo que nos limitaremos a decir que LibreOffice 5.3 viene con...
MUFFIN , el nuevo concepto de interfaz inspirado por el Ribbon de Microsoft Office, es una de las novedades más llamativas de LibreOffice 5.3, que no relevantes. Además, solo está disponible de manera experimental mientras se sigue puliendo el concepto...
Con todo, el tema de MUFFIN es apenas un matiz curioso en el grueso de cambios que trae LibreOffice 5.3. Para conocerlos con más detalle, a los anteriores enlaces sirven de introducción con lo más señalado los siguientes vídeos con las novedades generales...
Con respecto a LibreOffice Online, sí, es parte del lanzamiento de LibreOffice 5.3. Sin embargo, junto con el CODE de Collabora , hablamos de software de servidor para nubles privadas y por lo que parece, solo está disponible como contenedor Docker
LibreOffice Ofimática
Ahora respecto a la publicación, decir que MUFFIN está inspirado en Ribbon (FluentUI) de Microsoft es un gran y grave error que cualquier diseñador de LO puede corroborar
MUFFIN es un concepto de interfaz que incluye múltiples opciones de personalización a partir de bases de diseño (actualmente la clásica, barra única, panel lateral y NotebookBar). Respecto a éste último es uno sola de varias variantes que se asemeja a...
Tanto Collabora online como LibreOffice Online ofrecen imágenes Docker para implementar ésta opción que se puede integrar fácilmente a servicios en la nube como OwnCloud/NextCloud, Seafile, etc
Cómo probar la nueva interfaz Ribbon en LibreOffice 5.3
La nueva versión de la suite ofimática llegó hace un par de días y bien cargada de novedades, pero si hay una que ha llamado la atención desde que se supo, es lo de Ribbon en LibreOffice. Que no es exactamente así y ni siquiera se trata de una...
Lo primero es tener claro en qué consiste esto de “Ribbon en LibreOffice”. El concepto como tal se ha denominado MUFFIN y engloba diferentes disposiciones de la interfaz, cuatro en total, y todas menos una se pueden configurar a mano. Esto quedó explicado...
Lo segundo, por supuesto, es tener instalado LibreOffice 5.3 . Algo que no debería hacer nadie que lo use en producción y no sepa cómo revertir lo cambios, por si acaso. Si no existe ese problema, en la página oficial hay paquetes DEB y RPM para 32 y 64...
sudo add-apt-repository ppa:libreoffice/ppa sudo apt update sudo apt upgrade / dist-upgrade (según se tenga la versión 4 o 5
Con LibreOffice 5.3 ya instalado, activar MUFFIN es extremadamente sencillo. Con cualquier aplicación de la suite abierta, la opción se encuentra en el menú “Herramientas > Opciones > LibreOffice > Avanzado”, o ejecutando la combinación de teclas “Alt+F12...
Una vez se acepte, LibreOffice pedirá reiniciar para aplicar los cambios y a través de menú “Ver > Disposición de la interfaz” se puede elegir entre la predeterminada, barra única, barra lateral y cinta, que curiosamente se traduce como ribbon
LibreOffice Personalización
Qué MUFFIN o NotebookBar no están relacionados con Ribbon xD… las entradas de blog del equipo de diseño están ahí para el servicio de la buena prensa
Ah, y antes que en OMG! Ubuntu! publicaron el mismo tutorial en varios sitios, que tampoco me hizo falta revisar (ni a mí, ni a nadie que se conozca un poco LibreOffice, incluido el autor de OMG; este post es para usuarios que ni han entrado en las...
LibreOffice 4.3 Goes Live, Includes Fix for 11 Year Old Bug
A new month, and a new release of LibreOffice, the open-source office suite installed by default in Ubuntu
LibreOffice 4.3 is the eighth major release of the software since its split from OpenOffice back in 2010 and the third minor release in the 4.x release series
As one of many office suites LibreOffice comes with improvements in handling, opening and saving to and from other office file formats
Microsoft Office users will find support for 30 additional Excel formulas. Mac users chancing upon old ClarisWorks, MacWorks and SuperPaint files will be pleased to know these can now be opened in LibreOffice
Finally, an 11 year old bug that prevents ‘monster’ paragraphs of more than 65,000 characters being entered has finally been solved. TDF say this is down to “the modernization of the OOo source code, which is an exclusive function of LibreOffice
Download LibreOffice 4.3
LibreOffice 4.3 is available to download from the official project website at , or direct through the following links
How to Install LibreOffice 5.3 on Ubuntu (With One Command
LibreOffice ‘Ribbon Interface’ Called MUFFIN, Gets Detailed
LibreOffice 4.3.4 Released With 60 Bug Fixes, v4.4 Shaping Up Nicely
Two weeks on from the last , The Document Foundation is back with yet another minor release of its open-source LibreOffice productivity suite
LibreOffice 4.3.4, the fourth such minor release in the ‘fresh’ series, is composed solely of bug fixes, which is par for the course in these point releases
A full list of changes can be found on the LibreOffice Wiki page
Many folks have the whole LibreOffice schaboodle installed but rarely ever use it. If you count yourself among them, you could hold off on this release and never notice
Download LibreOffice 4.3.4
Looking Ahead to LibreOffice 4.4
Info bar coming in LibreOffice 4.4
LibreOffice 4.4 should be a little more promising
It’s also salient to remember that LibreOffice is a staple — in some cases integral — software for businesses and institutions. Any dramatic overhaul in look or layout would have a big knock on effect
LibreOffice 4.4 Released With Major UI Revamp
A new version of open-source office suite LibreOffice is now available for download and the hands behind it are calling it ‘the most beautiful’ release ever
Jan Holesovsky, leader of the LibreOffice design team, says “LibreOffice 4.4 has got a lot of UX and design love, and in my opinion is the most beautiful ever
In LibreOffice 4.4 that finesse extends everywhere — from redesigned menu bars, toolbars and context menus to cleaner, more visible in-page rulers. There’s a new color selection picker, sidebar improvements and a bunch of “reworked…interface details to...
Support for connecting to OneDrive directly from LibreOffice
Download LibreOffice 4.4
LibreOffice 4.4 is available to download on Windows, Mac and Linux from the website
LibreOffice ‘Ribbon Interface’ Called MUFFIN, Gets Detailed
How to Upgrade to LibreOffice 5.2 on Ubuntu
How to Upgrade to LibreOffice 5.2 on Ubuntu
LibreOffice 5.2 was released last week and you are loving the changes it brings, like a new single-toolbar mode for Writer
So this post is a short PSA to tell you that the latest version of LibreOffice is now available to install from the official LibreOffice PPA
To add the LibreOffice PPA to your Software Sources you should open a new Terminal (Alt + Ctrl + t) and enter the following command, confirming your user password when prompted
sudo add-apt-repository ppa:libreoffice/ppa && sudo apt update
LibreOffice 5.2 uses the newer LibreOffice-GTK2, so you’ll need to manually remove the old version before LibreOffice can be upgraded
sudo apt remove libreoffice-gtk
sudo apt dist-upgrade && sudo apt install libreoffice-gtk2 libreoffice-gnome
That’s it. You should now have shiny new versions of LibreOffice Writer, Calc, Impress, et al
libreoffice ppas
How To Enable The “Ribbon” UI in LibreOffice 5.3
LibreOffice 5.3 was released recently, and among its features is an experimental Microsoft Office style Ribbon toolbar layout
Well, we’ll show you how to enable the notebookbar toolbar in LibreOffice 5.3 in just a tick — first we need to recap why the feature is there in the first place
We need to talk about MUFFIN
MUFFIN in LibreOffice
MUFFIN is an acronym. It stands for ‘My User Friendly & Flexible INterface’. You can see why we’ll just call it MUFFIN
Why you need to know about MUFFIN is that it, under the auspices of choice, introduces 4 different toolbar and panel layouts in LibreOffice applications. Among these is the Ribbon style tabbed UI we written about before, and a slim, simplified, single...
The MUFFIN concept is … going to be available starting from LibreOffice 5.3 either as a standard or experimental feature: the Default UI (with toolbars), a Single Toolbar UI, the Sidebar with a Single Toolbar, and the new Notebook Bar (experimental...
Each layout is designed to appeal to a different subset of users. LibreOffice’s designers feel the one-size doesn’t make sense in a world where generational divides between users alter their expectations from office software interfaces
Enable the Notebook Bar (aka LibreOffice Ribbon
LibreOffice ‘Ribbon Interface’ Called MUFFIN, Gets Detailed
LibreOffice 5.3正式发布:启用全新MUFFIN界面
摘要:文档基金会是一家促进开源办公套件 LibreOffice 发展的非盈利组织,今天该基金会宣布 LibreOffice 5.3 版本正式发布
文档基金会是一家促进开源办公套件 LibreOffice 发展的非盈利组织,今天该基金会宣布 LibreOffice 5.3 版本正式发布。LibreOffice 5.3 于去年 10 月份开始研发,10 月 21 日文档基金会的联合创始人、市场公关 Italo Vignoli 宣布首个 BUG 悬赏活动正式启动。自那时候开始,LibreOffice 5.3 接受了多个 Alpha 和 Beta 更新,实现了很多用户所期待的功能
文档基金会的董事会成员安 Michael Meeks 说道:“LibreOffice 的背后是由开发者组建的梦幻社区。在 2010 年的时候,只有极少数坚信我们未来的发展潜力而贡献了大量代码,他们的贡献和代码库的成功是密不可分的。六年来,我们吸引了超过 1100 名开发者,而且建立了庞大的社区,在最近两年平均有 300 人活跃在源代码上
LibreOffice 5.3 最重要的功能或许就是 MUFFIN,这是全新的用户友好和灵活的用户界面,在很多报告中和微软 Office 的 Ribbon UI 有点相似。但事实上,这个“个性化”的用户界面能够根据用户以及当前文档编辑的需求进行调整
尽管 MUFFIN 还处于实验性质,但却是 LibreOffice 消费者最渴望期待的功能,取决于消费者使用的是笔记本还是 PC 电脑,LibreOffice 能够提供四种不同的 UI 风格。消费者也能根据自己的喜好来进行调整
LibreOffice 5.3 New Features General 视频:
LibreOffice 5.3 New Features Writer 视频:
LibreOffice 5.3 New Features Calc 视频:
LibreOffice 5.3 New Features Impress 视频:
01.02.2017 17:48 Выпуск офисного пакета LibreOffice 5.3
После шести месяцев разработки организация The Document Foundation опубликовала релиз офисного пакета LibreOffice 5.3 . Готовые установочные пакеты подготовлены для различных дистрибутивов Linux, Windows и macOS, а также в редакции для создания облачных...
Началось официальное распространение серверной редакции LibreOffice Online, позволяющей организовать систему совместной работы с документами через Web, похожую на Google Docs или Office 365. Для быстрого развёртывания серверной редакции подготовлен...
Включена экспериментальная поддержка проекта MUFFIN (My User Friendly & Flexible INterface) c реализацией концепции модульного интерфейса, предлагающей решения для разных предпочтений пользователей, условий работы и видов оборудования. Кроме поставляемой...
OpenNews: Разработчики LibreOffice представили новую концепцию модульного интерфейса
OpenNews: LibreOffice тестирует альтернативную панель в стиле Ribbon
OpenNews: CODE 2.0 предоставил средства для совместной работы в LibreOffice Online
OpenNews: Релиз офисного пакета LibreOffice 5.2
Ключевые слова: libreoffice
LibreOffice Online - кто пробовал
LibreOffice 宣布新用户界面 MUFFIN
The Document Foundation 宣布了开源办公软件 LibreOffice 的新用户界面概念 MUFFIN。 MUFFIN 是 My User Friendly & Flexible INterface 的首字母缩写,主要集中于三个方面: My,提供选项个性化用户界面; User Friendly,顾名思义对用户友好; Flexible,适应不同大小的屏幕和分辨率。 LibreOffice 将提供多种工具栏布局,包括传统的标准工具栏,单一工具栏,类似 Microsoft Office...
LibreOffice 宣布新用户界面 MUFFIN
The Document Foundation 宣布了开源办公软件 LibreOffice 的新用户界面概念 MUFFIN。 MUFFIN 是 My User Friendly & Flexible INterface 的首字母缩写,主要集中于三个方面: My,提供选项个性化用户界面; User Friendly,顾名思义对用户友好; Flexible,适应不同大小的屏幕和分辨率。 LibreOffice 将提供多种工具栏布局,包括传统的标准工具栏,单一工具栏,类似 Microsoft Office...
LibreOffice 宣布新用户界面 MUFFIN
The Document Foundation 宣布了开源办公软件 LibreOffice 的新用户界面概念 MUFFIN。 MUFFIN 是 My User Friendly & Flexible INterface 的首字母缩写,主要集中于三个方面: My,提供选项个性化用户界面; User Friendly,顾名思义对用户友好; Flexible,适应不同大小的屏幕和分辨率。 LibreOffice 将提供多种工具栏布局,包括传统的标准工具栏,单一工具栏,类似 Microsoft Office...
LibreOffice 宣布新用户界面 MUFFIN
The Document Foundation 宣布了开源办公软件 LibreOffice 的新用户界面概念 MUFFIN。 MUFFIN 是 My User Friendly & Flexible INterface 的首字母缩写,主要集中于三个方面: My,提供选项个性化用户界面; User Friendly,顾名思义对用户友好; Flexible,适应不同大小的屏幕和分辨率。 LibreOffice 将提供多种工具栏布局,包括传统的标准工具栏,单一工具栏,类似 Microsoft Office...
LibreOffice 宣布新用户界面 MUFFIN
The Document Foundation 宣布了开源办公软件 LibreOffice 的新用户界面概念 MUFFIN。 MUFFIN 是 My User Friendly & Flexible INterface 的首字母缩写,主要集中于三个方面: My,提供选项个性化用户界面; User Friendly,顾名思义对用户友好; Flexible,适应不同大小的屏幕和分辨率。 LibreOffice 将提供多种工具栏布局,包括传统的标准工具栏,单一工具栏,类似 Microsoft Office...
LibreOffice Ubuntu PPA 使安装更容易
添加PPA,安装LibreOffice RC3,在终端使用以下命令
sudo add-apt-repository ppa:libreoffice/ppa
sudo apt-get update && sudo apt-get install libreoffice
LibreOffice 的详细介绍: 点击查看
LibreOffice 的下载地址: 点击下载
本文标题:LibreOffice Ubuntu PPA 使安装更容易
libreoffice: Depends: libreoffice-core (= 1:3.3.2-1ubuntu2~lucid1) but it is not going to be installed
Depends: libreoffice-writer but it is not going to be installed
Depends: libreoffice-calc but it is not going to be installed
对比 OpenOffice 和 LibreOffice 办公软件
作者发现,两者的安装速度相差无几;OpenOffice的一个优势是捆绑了某些功能需要的Java运行时环境(JRE),而 LibreOffice则需要另行下载; 支持25种语言,而LibreOffice网站上列出了113种语言,但Windows版只支持54种;两者的功能几乎完全相同,LibreOffice 的一个新功能是支持可缩放矢量图形文件;甲骨文提供OpenOffice.org商业支持,LibreOffice没有
LibreOffice 的详细介绍: 点击查看
LibreOffice 的下载地址: 点击下载
本文标题:对比 OpenOffice 和 LibreOffice 办公软件
免费办公软件 LibreOffice 5.2.4 发
LibreOffice 宣布新用户界面 MUFFIN
启动 LibreOffice 5.3 中的 “Ribbo
LibreOffice 5.2.3 发布,超过 80 项
LibreOffice 3.4 内建对 Ubuntu 全局菜单的支持
Libreoffice 3.4 将会包含很多新特性和bug修复,性能方面也有很大改进。而且将会支持列和页脚的颜色以及线条的样式设置。来自 ostatic 的 消息 称,该版本还将内建对 Ubuntu 全局菜单的支持
LibreOffice 的详细介绍: 点击查看
LibreOffice 的下载地址: 点击下载
本文标题:LibreOffice 3.4 内建对 Ubuntu 全局菜单的支持
免费办公软件 LibreOffice 5.2.4 发
LibreOffice 宣布新用户界面 MUFFIN
启动 LibreOffice 5.3 中的 “Ribbo
LibreOffice 5.2.3 发布,超过 80 项
LibreOffice 宣布新用户界面 MUFFIN
7 款实用 LibreOffice 附加组件
LibreOffice 提供丰富的扩展功能,这里介绍七个实用的附加组件,希望能提高您的生产力
下面所有附加组件以 LibreOffice 3.4.2 中的情况为参照
LibreOffice 的详细介绍: 点击查看
LibreOffice 的下载地址: 点击下载
本文标题:7 款实用 LibreOffice 附加组件
免费办公软件 LibreOffice 5.2.4 发
LibreOffice 宣布新用户界面 MUFFIN
启动 LibreOffice 5.3 中的 “Ribbo
Ubuntu 11.10 默认将不安装 LibreOffice
Ubuntu 11.10 中的 LibreOffice 将不会默认出现在全局菜单中
用户还是可以通过 Ubuntu 的软件中心轻松安装 LibreOffice。此举着实让不少 LibreOffice 感到失望但又无可奈何
LibreOffice 的详细介绍: 点击查看
LibreOffice 的下载地址: 点击下载
本文标题:Ubuntu 11.10 默认将不安装 LibreOffice
原标题:LibreOffice Wont Ship With Global Menu By Default in 11.10
原意:LibreOffice in Ubuntu 11.10 will not come with global menu support enabled by default
LibreOffice 5.3 正式发布,新增跳转
LibreOffice 的详细介绍: 点击查看
LibreOffice 的下载地址: 点击下载
免费办公软件 LibreOffice 5.2.4 发
LibreOffice 宣布新用户界面 MUFFIN
启动 LibreOffice 5.3 中的 “Ribbo
LibreOffice 宣布新用户界面 MUFFIN
TexMaths 0.35 发布 - LibreOffice LaTeX 插件
TexMaths 是为 LibreOffice 设计的一个 LaTeX 插件。LaTeX 算式可以被当做图片(SVG 或者 PNG 格式)被插入,并且 LaTeX 代码是被保存到 image 属性中,以用于将来的编辑
本文标题:TexMaths 0.35 发布 - LibreOffice LaTeX 插件
免费办公软件 LibreOffice 5.2.4 发
LibreOffice 宣布新用户界面 MUFFIN
启动 LibreOffice 5.3 中的 “Ribbo
LibreOffice 5.2.3 发布,超过 80 项
LibreOffice RC 3 Fresh 发
LibreOffice 3.5.5 发布,提升稳定性
在 3.5.4 发布的 6 周后,LibreOffice 今天发布了 3.5.5 版本,该版本修复了近 90 个 bug。进一步改进了软件的稳定性。建议所有用户升级
LibreOffice 下一个版本是 3.6.0 目前正在开发中,以及为了几个礼拜内会发布
LibreOffice 的详细介绍: 点击查看
LibreOffice 的下载地址: 点击下载
本文标题:LibreOffice 3.5.5 发布,提升稳定性
免费办公软件 LibreOffice 5.2.4 发
LibreOffice 宣布新用户界面 MUFFIN
启动 LibreOffice 5.3 中的 “Ribbo
LibreOffice for Android 开发进展
拜于 Google Summer of Code,现在 LibreOffice for Android 已经有了原型
Michael Meeks 在博客上 分享了他指导的学生 Iain Billet 在 LibreOffice for Android 上的进展,目前 LibreOffice for Android 已经颇具雏形了,参见下图
整个 LibreOffice 代码树现在支持针对 Android 和 iOS 的交叉编译
LibreOffice 的详细介绍: 点击查看
LibreOffice 的下载地址: 点击下载
本文标题:LibreOffice for Android 开发进展
免费办公软件 LibreOffice 5.2.4 发
LibreOffice 宣布新用户界面 MUFFIN
LibreOffice 3.6.1 维护版本发布
LibreOffice 3.6.1 维护版发布了,该版本修复了 3.6 的超过 90 个 bug,这些 bug 有些会导致程序崩溃,例如关闭报表相当时崩溃的问题
LibreOffice 3.6.1 提供 Windows, Mac OS X 和 Linux 版本,可通过 the project's download page 下载
LibreOffice 的详细介绍: 点击查看
LibreOffice 的下载地址: 点击下载
本文标题:LibreOffice 3.6.1 维护版本发布
免费办公软件 LibreOffice 5.2.4 发
LibreOffice 宣布新用户界面 MUFFIN
启动 LibreOffice 5.3 中的 “Ribbo
LibreOffice 增加 Ubuntu 应用菜单支持
最新版本的 LibreOffice 引入一些对 Ubuntu 用户友好的特性,其中包括原生的应用菜单集成
对于 Ubuntu 12.04, 11.10 and 11.04 用户,LibreOffice 需要安装一个额外的包 lo-menubar 。而 Ubuntu 12.10 中的最新版本 LibreOffice 无需单独安装这个包
目前发现 Lo-Menubar问题很多,因此 LibreOffice 决定提供原生的应用菜单集成支持
LibreOffice 的详细介绍: 点击查看
LibreOffice 的下载地址: 点击下载
本文标题:LibreOffice 增加 Ubuntu 应用菜单支持
免费办公软件 LibreOffice 5.2.4 发
LibreOffice 宣布新用户界面 MUFFIN
Libreoffice 3.6.2 发布,及社区发展信息图
Libreoffice 3.6.2 发布了,该版本解决了 bug 提升稳定性。下面这张图展示过去12个月内开发者社区的增长情况
LibreOffice 的详细介绍: 点击查看
LibreOffice 的下载地址: 点击下载
本文标题:Libreoffice 3.6.2 发布,及社区发展信息图
libreoffice, 界面有点干
libreoffice 越来越成熟了,到现在还没发现有我需要的功能没有实现的。博士论文全用它完成了。连老板也被我说服用它改我的论文,哈哈。虽然也用了很久ms office,但说真的,熟悉libreoffice后,比msoffice上手多了
免费办公软件 LibreOffice 5.2.4 发
LibreOffice 4.0 将支持主题设置
多年用来,开发者对 SUN 公司对其办公套件的牢牢控制深感不满,使得无法透过黑客文化来提升软件本身。现在 LibreOffice 是免费开源软件,所以就不奇怪有一些雄心勃勃的黑客们为其开发一个主题机制。首先让我们给 Jan Holesovsky 热烈的掌声,因为他为即将发布的 LibreOffice 4.0 带来了主题设置功能,该功能使用 Firefox Personae 进行开发
Holesovsky 的博客包含大量 LibreOffice 很有趣的 UI 改动,这也证明了黑客文化是让你的软件不断完善发展的最佳途径
LibreOffice 的详细介绍: 点击查看
LibreOffice 的下载地址: 点击下载
本文标题:LibreOffice 4.0 将支持主题设置
LibreOffice 就是Excel解析效率太低,打开个Excel内存占用是Office的好几倍 出中文站点了
libreoffice 一直在雄起
LibreOffice 宣布新用户界面 MUFFIN
The Document Foundation 宣布了开源办公软件 LibreOffice 的新用户界面概念 MUFFIN。 MUFFIN 是 My User Friendly & Flexible INterface 的首字母缩写,主要集中于三个方面: My,提供选项个性化用户界面; User Friendly,顾名思义对用户友好; Flexible,适应不同大小的屏幕和分辨率。 LibreOffice 将提供多种工具栏布局,包括传统的标准工具栏,单一工具栏,类似 Microsoft Office...
LibreOffice 宣布新用户界面 MUFFIN
LibreOffice 4.1.1 发布,企业办公套件
LibreOffice 4.1.1 是 4.1 的首个 bugfix 版本。详细列表请看 发行说明
LibreOffice 的详细介绍: 点击查看
LibreOffice 的下载地址: 点击下载
本文标题:LibreOffice 4.1.1 发布,企业办公套件
免费办公软件 LibreOffice 5.2.4 发
LibreOffice 宣布新用户界面 MUFFIN
启动 LibreOffice 5.3 中的 “Ribbo
LibreOffice 宣布新用户界面 MUFFIN
The Document Foundation 宣布了开源办公软件 LibreOffice 的新用户界面概念 MUFFIN。 MUFFIN 是 My User Friendly & Flexible INterface 的首字母缩写,主要集中于三个方面: My,提供选项个性化用户界面; User Friendly,顾名思义对用户友好; Flexible,适应不同大小的屏幕和分辨率。 LibreOffice 将提供多种工具栏布局,包括传统的标准工具栏,单一工具栏,类似 Microsoft Office...
LibreOffice 4.2 发布,提升文档兼容性和 calc 性能
LibreOffice 4.2 发布了,该版本最重要的改进就是提升了对 Office 和 OOXML 导入导出的改进,大大扩展了文档的兼容性。支持 OOXML 加密和写 DOT 文件;同时改进对苹果 Keynote 和 AbiWord ABW 文件的支持
截至发稿前,尚无法通过 LibreOffice 内建的更新程序进行升级
LibreOffice 的详细介绍: 点击查看
LibreOffice 的下载地址: 点击下载
本文标题:LibreOffice 4.2 发布,提升文档兼容性和 calc 性能
LibreOffice 5.3 正式发布,新增跳转
免费办公软件 LibreOffice 5.2.4 发
LibreOffice 宣布新用户界面 MUFFIN
TexMaths 0.39 发布,LibreOffice 的 LaTeX 插件
TexMaths 是为 LibreOffice 设计的一个 LaTeX 插件。LaTeX 算式可以被当做图片(SVG 或者 PNG 格式)被插入,并且 LaTeX 代码是被保存到 image 属性中,以用于将来的编辑
本文标题:TexMaths 0.39 发布,LibreOffice 的 LaTeX 插件
免费办公软件 LibreOffice 5.2.4 发
LibreOffice 宣布新用户界面 MUFFIN
启动 LibreOffice 5.3 中的 “Ribbo
LibreOffice 5.2.3 发布,超过 80 项
LibreOffice RC 3 Fresh 发
LibreOffice 4.3 Beta 发布,改进了启动中心
LibreOffice 4.3 Beta 发布,该版本带来一些值得关注的用户界面的调整以及性能方面的提升。其中最大变化的就是启动中心的界面大调整,如上图所示。此外 Writer 程序改进了对 PDF 文档的导入。还包括很多其他方面的小调整和 bug 修复。详细的介绍请看 发行说明
LibreOffice 的详细介绍: 点击查看
LibreOffice 的下载地址: 点击下载
本文标题:LibreOffice 4.3 Beta 发布,改进了启动中心
免费办公软件 LibreOffice 5.2.4 发
LibreOffice 宣布新用户界面 MUFFIN
启动 LibreOffice 5.3 中的 “Ribbo
LibreOffice 4.2.4 发布,办公软件套件
LibreOffice 4.2.4 发布,此版本现已提供 下载 ,主要包括了一些新特性,系统增强和 bug 修复
LibreOffice 的详细介绍: 点击查看
LibreOffice 的下载地址: 点击下载
本文标题:LibreOffice 4.2.4 发布,办公软件套件
免费办公软件 LibreOffice 5.2.4 发
LibreOffice 宣布新用户界面 MUFFIN
启动 LibreOffice 5.3 中的 “Ribbo
LibreOffice 5.2.3 发布,超过 80 项
LibreOffice 4.3.2 发布,超过 80 处修复
LibreOffice 4.3.2 发布,此版本是个小版本更新,现已提供 下载
LibreOffice 4.3.2 包括了超过 80 处 bug 修复,主要是关于 Microsoft Office DOCX,XLSX 和 PPTX 文件的读或者写的互操作性问题。详细内容请看 这里
LibreOffice 的详细介绍: 点击查看
LibreOffice 的下载地址: 点击下载
本文标题:LibreOffice 4.3.2 发布,超过 80 处修复
免费办公软件 LibreOffice 5.2.4 发
LibreOffice 宣布新用户界面 MUFFIN
启动 LibreOffice 5.3 中的 “Ribbo
LibreOffice 4.3.3 发布,办公软件套件
LibreOffice 4.3.3 发布,此版本是 4.3.x 系列的第三次小更新版本,上一版本是 9 月份发布的 4.3.2 版本,包括大量的稳定性改进和性能提升,没有重要的新特性
更多内容请看 viewed on the LibreOffice Wiki page for the release candidate
LibreOffice 4.3.3 和 4.2.7 安装器现在提供在 on the official project website
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本文标题:LibreOffice 4.3.3 发布,办公软件套件
免费办公软件 LibreOffice 5.2.4 发
LibreOffice 宣布新用户界面 MUFFIN
TDF 发布 LibreOffice 4.3.5
2014年12月17日,柏林 – 文档基金会正式发布LibreOffice 4.3.5. 这是LibreOffice 4.3 “Fresh” 分支的第五个版本,属于该软件高版本级别的稳定版本,适合于个人和企业用户。LibreOffice 4.3.5包含了60多项的bug修复
下载 LibreOffice
LibreOffice 4.3.5 “Fresh” 和 LibreOffice 4.2.8 “Still” 可从这个链接下载:
LibreOffice 的详细介绍: 点击查看
LibreOffice 的下载地址: 点击下载
本文标题:TDF 发布 LibreOffice 4.3.5
LibreOffice 4.4.1 最新版已经可以下载了
2015年2月26日,柏林 - 文档基金会正式发布LibreOffice 4.4.1最新版. 这是LibreOffice 4.4的首个bug修复版本。LibreOffice 4.4.1包含了100多项的bug修复
下载 LibreOffice
LibreOffice 4.4.1 "Fresh" 和 LibreOffice 4.3.6 "Still" 可从这个链接下载:
LibreOffice 的详细介绍: 点击查看
LibreOffice 的下载地址: 点击下载
本文标题:LibreOffice 4.4.1 最新版已经可以下载了
LibreOffice 4.4.3 发布,办公软件套件
这是 LibreOffice 4.4 分支的第三个 bug 修订版本。这是一个适合所有用户的稳定版本
在安装语言包之前至少启动过一次 LibreOffice ( tdf#89704
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LibreOffice 的下载地址: 点击下载
本文标题:LibreOffice 4.4.3 发布,办公软件套件
免费办公软件 LibreOffice 5.2.4 发
LibreOffice 宣布新用户界面 MUFFIN
启动 LibreOffice 5.3 中的 “Ribbo
LibreOffice 4.4.4 发布,办公软件套件
LibreOffice 4.4.4 发布,相比上一版本,此次更新有超过 70处的修复,并有新特性加入和程序的增强
在安装语言包之前至少启动过一次 LibreOffice ( tdf#89704
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LibreOffice 的下载地址: 点击下载
本文标题:LibreOffice 4.4.4 发布,办公软件套件
免费办公软件 LibreOffice 5.2.4 发
LibreOffice 宣布新用户界面 MUFFIN
启动 LibreOffice 5.3 中的 “Ribbo
AMD 向 LibreOffice 贡献 GPU 代码 电子表格速度提升500倍
LibreOffice 的详细介绍: 点击查看
LibreOffice 的下载地址: 点击下载
本文标题:AMD 向 LibreOffice 贡献 GPU 代码 电子表格速度提升500倍
免费办公软件 LibreOffice 5.2.4 发
LibreOffice 宣布新用户界面 MUFFIN
启动 LibreOffice 5.3 中的 “Ribbo
LibreOffice 5.2.3 发布,超过 80 项
libreoffice 4.4.5 发布,办公软件套件
libreoffice 4.4.5 发布,相对上一版本有超过80 项的修复。该版本可以取代 4.3.7 作为新的稳定版本,供保守的用户或者企业部署。详细更新内容请查看: 发行日志
LibreOffice 的详细介绍: 点击查看
LibreOffice 的下载地址: 点击下载
本文标题:libreoffice 4.4.5 发布,办公软件套件
既然Oracle 已经把她捐给 Apache , LibreOffice 应该立即回归主线
免费办公软件 LibreOffice 5.2.4 发
LibreOffice 宣布新用户界面 MUFFIN
LibreOffice 5.0.1 发布,办公软件套件
LibreOffice 5.0.1 发布,此版本是 5.0.x 系列的第二个稳定版本,包括一些 bug 修复,详细改进内容请看发行说明:
LibreOffice 的详细介绍: 点击查看
LibreOffice 的下载地址: 点击下载
本文标题:LibreOffice 5.0.1 发布,办公软件套件
免费办公软件 LibreOffice 5.2.4 发
LibreOffice 宣布新用户界面 MUFFIN
启动 LibreOffice 5.3 中的 “Ribbo
LibreOffice 5.0.3/ 4.4.6 发布
LibreOffice 5.0.3 的特性更加丰富, LibreOffice 4.4.6 更加适合普通用户
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LibreOffice 的下载地址: 点击下载
本文标题:LibreOffice 5.0.3/ 4.4.6 发布
免费办公软件 LibreOffice 5.2.4 发
LibreOffice 宣布新用户界面 MUFFIN
启动 LibreOffice 5.3 中的 “Ribbo
LibreOffice 5.0.4 发布,开源办公软件套件
LibreOffice 5.0.4 发布,此版本是 5.0.x 分支的第四个 bug 修复版本,包括一些 bug 修复。此版本是个稳定版本,适合所有用户使用。详细改进内容请看 发行说明
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LibreOffice 的下载地址: 点击下载
本文标题:LibreOffice 5.0.4 发布,开源办公软件套件
LibreOffice 5.2 发布,适用于各操作系统
LibreOffice 5.2 发布了,适用 Windows、Mac OS和GNU / Linux。LibreOffice 5.2提供了根据TSCP标准文件分类,并在Calc提供了一套完善的预测功能在Calc。此外,多个签名描述现在已经支持,随着OOXML文件的进出口的签名
LibreOffice 5.2更新日志
详情: LibreOffice 5.2 “fresh” released, for Windows, Mac OS and GNU/Linux
LibreOffice 的详细介绍: 点击查看
LibreOffice 的下载地址: 点击下载
本文标题:LibreOffice 5.2 发布,适用于各操作系统
LibreOffice 5.3 正式发布,新增跳转
免费办公软件 LibreOffice 5.2.4 发
LibreOffice 5.3 办公套件进入开发,明年 2 月发布
除了Alpha版本之外,后在10月首次除虫会议结束后,今年晚些时候还将推出LibreOffice5.3 Beta1版,将在11月21日进行公测,并且有可能在12月7日进行Beta2公测。在此之后,LibreOffice 5.3的开发周期将进入候选发布版(RC)阶段,第一个RC版本被安排在2016年圣诞节前后发布,LibreOffice 5.3 RC2应该在1月9日左右推出,第三个RC将在2017年1月23日推出
LibreOffice 5.3开发周期将于1月底结束,最终版本可能在2月1日推出,有Linux、MacOS和Windows三大版本
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LibreOffice 的下载地址: 点击下载
本文标题:LibreOffice 5.3 办公套件进入开发,明年 2 月发布
免费办公软件 LibreOffice 5.2.4 发
LibreOffice 宣布新用户界面 MUFFIN
LibreOffice 5.2.3 发布,超过 80 项的修复
LibreOffice 5.2.3 发布了
LibreOffice 是一套可与其他主要办公室软件相容的套件,可在各种平台上执行。计划目标是成为一个具 ODF 的支援,独立于任何厂商之外,没有任何版权要求的办公室套件。它的名字是一个混合词,第一部分自由报在西班牙语和法语中意味着免费,第二部分“办公室”则为英语“办公室”单字。它是可供人免费下载,使用和分发的自由软体
LibreOffice 的详细介绍: 点击查看
LibreOffice 的下载地址: 点击下载
本文标题:LibreOffice 5.2.3 发布,超过 80 项的修复
LibreOffice 宣布新用户界面 MUFFIN
LibreOffice 5.2.6 维护版本发布,带来 60 多处改进
文档基金会(TDF)的 Italo Vignoli 宣布 LibreOffice 5.2 开源跨平台办公套件迎来第六个维护版本更新
尽管已经于 2 月 1 日放出了 LibreOffice 5.3 重大版本更新,但是辛勤的开发团队从未停止过对支持版本的维护更新,在短短半个月的时间内再次发布了 5.2 分支的版本更新
LibreOffice 5.2.6 开发期间,共计收到两个候选版本更新,包括 Writer, Calc, Math, Impress, Draw, Base和 Charts 在内,为所有组件带来了总计 64 处改进。在声明中写道:“TDF 强烈推荐大型企业机构、公共管理部门和企业部署 LibreOffice,这些注册用户能够获得非常专业的维护支持
根据官方发布计划,LibreOffice 5.2 分支还将会再迎来一次维护版本更新,5.2.7 版本将会在 2017 年 5 月的首周发布,将于 2017 年 6 月 4 日停止支持
下载 LibreOffice 5.2.6
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本文标题:LibreOffice 5.2.6 维护版本发布,带来 60 多处改进
LibreOffice 宣布新用户界面 MUFFIN
The Document Foundation 宣布了开源办公软件 LibreOffice 的新用户界面概念 MUFFIN。 MUFFIN 是 My User Friendly & Flexible INterface 的首字母缩写,主要集中于三个方面: My,提供选项个性化用户界面; User Friendly,顾名思义对用户友好; Flexible,适应不同大小的屏幕和分辨率。 LibreOffice 将提供多种工具栏布局,包括传统的标准工具栏,单一工具栏,类似 Microsoft Office...
LibreOffice 宣布新用户界面 MUFFIN
The Document Foundation 宣布了开源办公软件 LibreOffice 的新用户界面概念 MUFFIN。 MUFFIN 是 My User Friendly & Flexible INterface 的首字母缩写,主要集中于三个方面: My,提供选项个性化用户界面; User Friendly,顾名思义对用户友好; Flexible,适应不同大小的屏幕和分辨率。 LibreOffice 将提供多种工具栏布局,包括传统的标准工具栏,单一工具栏,类似 Microsoft Office...
LibreOffice 宣布新用户界面 MUFFIN
The Document Foundation 宣布了开源办公软件 LibreOffice 的新用户界面概念 MUFFIN。 MUFFIN 是 My User Friendly & Flexible INterface 的首字母缩写,主要集中于三个方面: My,提供选项个性化用户界面; User Friendly,顾名思义对用户友好; Flexible,适应不同大小的屏幕和分辨率。 LibreOffice 将提供多种工具栏布局,包括传统的标准工具栏,单一工具栏,类似 Microsoft Office...
LibreOffice 宣布新用户界面 MUFFIN
The Document Foundation 宣布了开源办公软件 LibreOffice 的新用户界面概念 MUFFIN。 MUFFIN 是 My User Friendly & Flexible INterface 的首字母缩写,主要集中于三个方面: My,提供选项个性化用户界面; User Friendly,顾名思义对用户友好; Flexible,适应不同大小的屏幕和分辨率。 LibreOffice 将提供多种工具栏布局,包括传统的标准工具栏,单一工具栏,类似 Microsoft Office...
LibreOffice 宣布新用户界面 MUFFIN
The Document Foundation 宣布了开源办公软件 LibreOffice 的新用户界面概念 MUFFIN。 MUFFIN 是 My User Friendly & Flexible INterface 的首字母缩写,主要集中于三个方面: My,提供选项个性化用户界面; User Friendly,顾名思义对用户友好; Flexible,适应不同大小的屏幕和分辨率。 LibreOffice 将提供多种工具栏布局,包括传统的标准工具栏,单一工具栏,类似 Microsoft Office...
LibreOffice 宣布新用户界面 MUFFIN
The Document Foundation 宣布了开源办公软件 LibreOffice 的新用户界面概念 MUFFIN。 MUFFIN 是 My User Friendly & Flexible INterface 的首字母缩写,主要集中于三个方面: My,提供选项个性化用户界面; User Friendly,顾名思义对用户友好; Flexible,适应不同大小的屏幕和分辨率。 LibreOffice 将提供多种工具栏布局,包括传统的标准工具栏,单一工具栏,类似 Microsoft Office...
LibreOffice 宣布新用户界面 MUFFIN
The Document Foundation 宣布了开源办公软件 LibreOffice 的新用户界面概念 MUFFIN。 MUFFIN 是 My User Friendly & Flexible INterface 的首字母缩写,主要集中于三个方面: My,提供选项个性化用户界面; User Friendly,顾名思义对用户友好; Flexible,适应不同大小的屏幕和分辨率。 LibreOffice 将提供多种工具栏布局,包括传统的标准工具栏,单一工具栏,类似 Microsoft Office...
LibreOffice 宣布新用户界面 MUFFIN
The Document Foundation 宣布了开源办公软件 LibreOffice 的新用户界面概念 MUFFIN。 MUFFIN 是 My User Friendly & Flexible INterface 的首字母缩写,主要集中于三个方面: My,提供选项个性化用户界面; User Friendly,顾名思义对用户友好; Flexible,适应不同大小的屏幕和分辨率。 LibreOffice 将提供多种工具栏布局,包括传统的标准工具栏,单一工具栏,类似 Microsoft Office...
LibreOffice 宣布新用户界面 MUFFIN
The Document Foundation 宣布了开源办公软件 LibreOffice 的新用户界面概念 MUFFIN。 MUFFIN 是 My User Friendly & Flexible INterface 的首字母缩写,主要集中于三个方面: My,提供选项个性化用户界面; User Friendly,顾名思义对用户友好; Flexible,适应不同大小的屏幕和分辨率。 LibreOffice 将提供多种工具栏布局,包括传统的标准工具栏,单一工具栏,类似 Microsoft Office...
LibreOffice 宣布新用户界面 MUFFIN
The Document Foundation 宣布了开源办公软件 LibreOffice 的新用户界面概念 MUFFIN。 MUFFIN 是 My User Friendly & Flexible INterface 的首字母缩写,主要集中于三个方面: My,提供选项个性化用户界面; User Friendly,顾名思义对用户友好; Flexible,适应不同大小的屏幕和分辨率。 LibreOffice 将提供多种工具栏布局,包括传统的标准工具栏,单一工具栏,类似 Microsoft Office...
LibreOffice 宣布新用户界面 MUFFIN
The Document Foundation 宣布了开源办公软件 LibreOffice 的新用户界面概念 MUFFIN。 MUFFIN 是 My User Friendly & Flexible INterface 的首字母缩写,主要集中于三个方面: My,提供选项个性化用户界面; User Friendly,顾名思义对用户友好; Flexible,适应不同大小的屏幕和分辨率。 LibreOffice 将提供多种工具栏布局,包括传统的标准工具栏,单一工具栏,类似 Microsoft Office...
LibreOffice 宣布新用户界面 MUFFIN
The Document Foundation 宣布了开源办公软件 LibreOffice 的新用户界面概念 MUFFIN。 MUFFIN 是 My User Friendly & Flexible INterface 的首字母缩写,主要集中于三个方面: My,提供选项个性化用户界面; User Friendly,顾名思义对用户友好; Flexible,适应不同大小的屏幕和分辨率。 LibreOffice 将提供多种工具栏布局,包括传统的标准工具栏,单一工具栏,类似 Microsoft Office...
LibreOffice 宣布新用户界面 MUFFIN
The Document Foundation 宣布了开源办公软件 LibreOffice 的新用户界面概念 MUFFIN。 MUFFIN 是 My User Friendly & Flexible INterface 的首字母缩写,主要集中于三个方面: My,提供选项个性化用户界面; User Friendly,顾名思义对用户友好; Flexible,适应不同大小的屏幕和分辨率。 LibreOffice 将提供多种工具栏布局,包括传统的标准工具栏,单一工具栏,类似 Microsoft Office...
LibreOffice 宣布新用户界面 MUFFIN
The Document Foundation 宣布了开源办公软件 LibreOffice 的新用户界面概念 MUFFIN。 MUFFIN 是 My User Friendly & Flexible INterface 的首字母缩写,主要集中于三个方面: My,提供选项个性化用户界面; User Friendly,顾名思义对用户友好; Flexible,适应不同大小的屏幕和分辨率。 LibreOffice 将提供多种工具栏布局,包括传统的标准工具栏,单一工具栏,类似 Microsoft Office...
LibreOffice 宣布新用户界面 MUFFIN
The Document Foundation 宣布了开源办公软件 LibreOffice 的新用户界面概念 MUFFIN。 MUFFIN 是 My User Friendly & Flexible INterface 的首字母缩写,主要集中于三个方面: My,提供选项个性化用户界面; User Friendly,顾名思义对用户友好; Flexible,适应不同大小的屏幕和分辨率。 LibreOffice 将提供多种工具栏布局,包括传统的标准工具栏,单一工具栏,类似 Microsoft Office...
LibreOffice 宣布新用户界面 MUFFIN
The Document Foundation 宣布了开源办公软件 LibreOffice 的新用户界面概念 MUFFIN。 MUFFIN 是 My User Friendly & Flexible INterface 的首字母缩写,主要集中于三个方面: My,提供选项个性化用户界面; User Friendly,顾名思义对用户友好; Flexible,适应不同大小的屏幕和分辨率。 LibreOffice 将提供多种工具栏布局,包括传统的标准工具栏,单一工具栏,类似 Microsoft Office...
LibreOffice 宣布新用户界面 MUFFIN
The Document Foundation 宣布了开源办公软件 LibreOffice 的新用户界面概念 MUFFIN。 MUFFIN 是 My User Friendly & Flexible INterface 的首字母缩写,主要集中于三个方面: My,提供选项个性化用户界面; User Friendly,顾名思义对用户友好; Flexible,适应不同大小的屏幕和分辨率。 LibreOffice 将提供多种工具栏布局,包括传统的标准工具栏,单一工具栏,类似 Microsoft Office...
LibreOffice 宣布新用户界面 MUFFIN
The Document Foundation 宣布了开源办公软件 LibreOffice 的新用户界面概念 MUFFIN。 MUFFIN 是 My User Friendly & Flexible INterface 的首字母缩写,主要集中于三个方面: My,提供选项个性化用户界面; User Friendly,顾名思义对用户友好; Flexible,适应不同大小的屏幕和分辨率。 LibreOffice 将提供多种工具栏布局,包括传统的标准工具栏,单一工具栏,类似 Microsoft Office...
LibreOffice 宣布新用户界面 MUFFIN
The Document Foundation 宣布了开源办公软件 LibreOffice 的新用户界面概念 MUFFIN。 MUFFIN 是 My User Friendly & Flexible INterface 的首字母缩写,主要集中于三个方面: My,提供选项个性化用户界面; User Friendly,顾名思义对用户友好; Flexible,适应不同大小的屏幕和分辨率。 LibreOffice 将提供多种工具栏布局,包括传统的标准工具栏,单一工具栏,类似 Microsoft Office...
LibreOffice 宣布新用户界面 MUFFIN
The Document Foundation 宣布了开源办公软件 LibreOffice 的新用户界面概念 MUFFIN。 MUFFIN 是 My User Friendly & Flexible INterface 的首字母缩写,主要集中于三个方面: My,提供选项个性化用户界面; User Friendly,顾名思义对用户友好; Flexible,适应不同大小的屏幕和分辨率。 LibreOffice 将提供多种工具栏布局,包括传统的标准工具栏,单一工具栏,类似 Microsoft Office...
LibreOffice 宣布新用户界面 MUFFIN
The Document Foundation 宣布了开源办公软件 LibreOffice 的新用户界面概念 MUFFIN。 MUFFIN 是 My User Friendly & Flexible INterface 的首字母缩写,主要集中于三个方面: My,提供选项个性化用户界面; User Friendly,顾名思义对用户友好; Flexible,适应不同大小的屏幕和分辨率。 LibreOffice 将提供多种工具栏布局,包括传统的标准工具栏,单一工具栏,类似 Microsoft Office...
LibreOffice 宣布新用户界面 MUFFIN
The Document Foundation 宣布了开源办公软件 LibreOffice 的新用户界面概念 MUFFIN。 MUFFIN 是 My User Friendly & Flexible INterface 的首字母缩写,主要集中于三个方面: My,提供选项个性化用户界面; User Friendly,顾名思义对用户友好; Flexible,适应不同大小的屏幕和分辨率。 LibreOffice 将提供多种工具栏布局,包括传统的标准工具栏,单一工具栏,类似 Microsoft Office...
LibreOffice 宣布新用户界面 MUFFIN
The Document Foundation 宣布了开源办公软件 LibreOffice 的新用户界面概念 MUFFIN。 MUFFIN 是 My User Friendly & Flexible INterface 的首字母缩写,主要集中于三个方面: My,提供选项个性化用户界面; User Friendly,顾名思义对用户友好; Flexible,适应不同大小的屏幕和分辨率。 LibreOffice 将提供多种工具栏布局,包括传统的标准工具栏,单一工具栏,类似 Microsoft Office...
LibreOffice 宣布新用户界面 MUFFIN
The Document Foundation 宣布了开源办公软件 LibreOffice 的新用户界面概念 MUFFIN。 MUFFIN 是 My User Friendly & Flexible INterface 的首字母缩写,主要集中于三个方面: My,提供选项个性化用户界面; User Friendly,顾名思义对用户友好; Flexible,适应不同大小的屏幕和分辨率。 LibreOffice 将提供多种工具栏布局,包括传统的标准工具栏,单一工具栏,类似 Microsoft Office...
LibreOffice 宣布新用户界面 MUFFIN
The Document Foundation 宣布了开源办公软件 LibreOffice 的新用户界面概念 MUFFIN。 MUFFIN 是 My User Friendly & Flexible INterface 的首字母缩写,主要集中于三个方面: My,提供选项个性化用户界面; User Friendly,顾名思义对用户友好; Flexible,适应不同大小的屏幕和分辨率。 LibreOffice 将提供多种工具栏布局,包括传统的标准工具栏,单一工具栏,类似 Microsoft Office...
许多公司都使用开源软件,但是值得冒这样的商业风险吗? 2001 年,微软高级战略高级副总裁 Craig Mundie 在纽约大学斯特恩商学院的听众面前发表讲话表示,开源解决方案对业务不利。快进到 2016 年,已有超过 65% 的公司正在为开源项目做出贡献。 所以是 Mundie 错了吗? 他只是不明白开源解决方案能给企业和客户带来的潜力吗? 十五年后,事实证明 Mundie 的担忧是有意义的。事实上,尽管开源有一些优点,但对于一些小企业主,开源会变成麻烦,像我自己。下面说说开源如何摧毁你业务...
LibreOffice 宣布新用户界面 MUFFIN
The Document Foundation 宣布了开源办公软件 LibreOffice 的新用户界面概念 MUFFIN。 MUFFIN 是 My User Friendly & Flexible INterface 的首字母缩写,主要集中于三个方面: My,提供选项个性化用户界面; User Friendly,顾名思义对用户友好; Flexible,适应不同大小的屏幕和分辨率。 LibreOffice 将提供多种工具栏布局,包括传统的标准工具栏,单一工具栏,类似 Microsoft Office...
LibreOffice 宣布新用户界面 MUFFIN
The Document Foundation 宣布了开源办公软件 LibreOffice 的新用户界面概念 MUFFIN。 MUFFIN 是 My User Friendly & Flexible INterface 的首字母缩写,主要集中于三个方面: My,提供选项个性化用户界面; User Friendly,顾名思义对用户友好; Flexible,适应不同大小的屏幕和分辨率。 LibreOffice 将提供多种工具栏布局,包括传统的标准工具栏,单一工具栏,类似 Microsoft Office...
LibreOffice 宣布新用户界面 MUFFIN
The Document Foundation 宣布了开源办公软件 LibreOffice 的新用户界面概念 MUFFIN。 MUFFIN 是 My User Friendly & Flexible INterface 的首字母缩写,主要集中于三个方面: My,提供选项个性化用户界面; User Friendly,顾名思义对用户友好; Flexible,适应不同大小的屏幕和分辨率。 LibreOffice 将提供多种工具栏布局,包括传统的标准工具栏,单一工具栏,类似 Microsoft Office...
LibreOffice 宣布新用户界面 MUFFIN
The Document Foundation 宣布了开源办公软件 LibreOffice 的新用户界面概念 MUFFIN。 MUFFIN 是 My User Friendly & Flexible INterface 的首字母缩写,主要集中于三个方面: My,提供选项个性化用户界面; User Friendly,顾名思义对用户友好; Flexible,适应不同大小的屏幕和分辨率。 LibreOffice 将提供多种工具栏布局,包括传统的标准工具栏,单一工具栏,类似 Microsoft Office...
LibreOffice 宣布新用户界面 MUFFIN
The Document Foundation 宣布了开源办公软件 LibreOffice 的新用户界面概念 MUFFIN。 MUFFIN 是 My User Friendly & Flexible INterface 的首字母缩写,主要集中于三个方面: My,提供选项个性化用户界面; User Friendly,顾名思义对用户友好; Flexible,适应不同大小的屏幕和分辨率。 LibreOffice 将提供多种工具栏布局,包括传统的标准工具栏,单一工具栏,类似 Microsoft Office...
LibreOffice 宣布新用户界面 MUFFIN
The Document Foundation 宣布了开源办公软件 LibreOffice 的新用户界面概念 MUFFIN。 MUFFIN 是 My User Friendly & Flexible INterface 的首字母缩写,主要集中于三个方面: My,提供选项个性化用户界面; User Friendly,顾名思义对用户友好; Flexible,适应不同大小的屏幕和分辨率。 LibreOffice 将提供多种工具栏布局,包括传统的标准工具栏,单一工具栏,类似 Microsoft Office...
LibreOffice 宣布新用户界面 MUFFIN
The Document Foundation 宣布了开源办公软件 LibreOffice 的新用户界面概念 MUFFIN。 MUFFIN 是 My User Friendly & Flexible INterface 的首字母缩写,主要集中于三个方面: My,提供选项个性化用户界面; User Friendly,顾名思义对用户友好; Flexible,适应不同大小的屏幕和分辨率。 LibreOffice 将提供多种工具栏布局,包括传统的标准工具栏,单一工具栏,类似 Microsoft Office...
LibreOffice 宣布新用户界面 MUFFIN
The Document Foundation 宣布了开源办公软件 LibreOffice 的新用户界面概念 MUFFIN。 MUFFIN 是 My User Friendly & Flexible INterface 的首字母缩写,主要集中于三个方面: My,提供选项个性化用户界面; User Friendly,顾名思义对用户友好; Flexible,适应不同大小的屏幕和分辨率。 LibreOffice 将提供多种工具栏布局,包括传统的标准工具栏,单一工具栏,类似 Microsoft Office...
LibreOffice 宣布新用户界面 MUFFIN
The Document Foundation 宣布了开源办公软件 LibreOffice 的新用户界面概念 MUFFIN。 MUFFIN 是 My User Friendly & Flexible INterface 的首字母缩写,主要集中于三个方面: My,提供选项个性化用户界面; User Friendly,顾名思义对用户友好; Flexible,适应不同大小的屏幕和分辨率。 LibreOffice 将提供多种工具栏布局,包括传统的标准工具栏,单一工具栏,类似 Microsoft Office...
本类相关资讯 免费办公软件 LibreOffice 5.2.4 发布下... LibreOffice 宣布新用户界面 MUFFIN... 启动 LibreOffice 5.3 中的 “Ribbon” ... Rocket.Chat 0.47.1 发布,Slack 开源替... LibreOffice 5.2.3 发布,超过 80 项的修
办公软件套件 LibreOffice
本类相关资讯 免费办公软件 LibreOffice 5.2.4 发布下... LibreOffice 宣布新用户界面 MUFFIN... 启动 LibreOffice 5.3 中的 “Ribbon” ... Rocket.Chat 0.47.1 发布,Slack 开源替... LibreOffice 5.2.3 发布,超过 80 项的修
办公软件套件 LibreOffice
本类相关资讯 免费办公软件 LibreOffice 5.2.4 发布下... LibreOffice 宣布新用户界面 MUFFIN... 启动 LibreOffice 5.3 中的 “Ribbon” ... Rocket.Chat 0.47.1 发布,Slack 开源替... LibreOffice 5.2.3 发布,超过 80 项的修
本类相关资讯 免费办公软件 LibreOffice 5.2.4 发布下... LibreOffice 宣布新用户界面 MUFFIN... 启动 LibreOffice 5.3 中的 “Ribbon” ... Rocket.Chat 0.47.1 发布,Slack 开源替... LibreOffice 5.2.3 发布,超过 80 项的修
办公软件套件 LibreOffice
LibreOffice versüßt Oberfläche mit MUFFIN
Die kommende Version von LibreOffice wird sehr flexible Möglichkeiten zur Konfiguration der Oberfläche erhalten. Das neue Konzept heißt MUFFIN (My User Friendly & Flexible INterface
LibreOffice 5.3 is one of the biggest updates to the office suite yet
The Document Foundation has unveiled LibreOffice 5.3 64-bit and LibreOffice 5.3 32-bit
Despite the point update, LibreOffice 5.3 is billed as “one of the most feature-rich releases in the history of the office suite”, and is packed full of major changes affecting all parts of the application
Highlights include a new experimental (and optional) ribbon-based UI, plus a new cross-platform text layout engine. It’s also accompanied by the first source release of LibreOffice Online, for basic collaborative document editing in a browser
A new text layout engine opens the list of notable new suite-wide features. This is a cross-platform engine that supports OpenType and Graphite Layout on all platforms, providing a consistent text layout on whatever machine LibreOffice is run on
LibreOffice 5.3 also implements a new colour palette system with changes to the workflow (including improvements to how recent colours are handled), a reduced set of palettes and support for introducing new colour palettes via extensions
Other core improvements include a new Safe mode, allowing LibreOffice to be launched with a clean user profile should problems be encountered with an add-on or corrupt setting. Trigger it via Help > Restart in Safe Mode… or the –safe-mode command line...
Impress users gain a new Template Selector (and two new templates: Vivid and Pencil), while the underlying Firebird SQL database connector for Base has been upgraded to version 3.0 – be warned, this version is not backwards compatible (compatibility is...
The new ribbon-based UI, referred to as a Notebookbar, is still an experimental feature, and so must be made visible via Tools > Options > LibreOffice > Advanced. Tick ‘Enable experimental features (may be unstable)’ and upon restarting the UI becomes...
At the present time, the feature – codenamed MUFFIN – is still relatively sparse, although users have a choice of three basic styles: tabbed offers the closest approximation to Microsoft Office, with contextual groups and contextual single options also...
LibreOffice 5.3 gotowy do pobrania
LibreOffice 5.3 to najnowsza wersja popularnego darmowego pakietu biurowego, którą możesz już zainstalować na swoim komputerze
LibreOffice 5.3 wydany
Dla osób szukających darmowej alternatywy dla pakietu Office Microsoftu mamy dobrą informację: właśnie udostępniony został rozwijany od października 2016 roku pakiet LibreOffice 5.3
Nowy interfejs MUFFIN to najistotniejsza zmiana
Najistotniejszą zmianą wnoszoną przez nową wersję pakietu jest nowy interfejs użytkownika (jeszcze eksperymentalny i trzeba go włączyć) nazwany MUFFIN (My User Friendly & Flexible INterface). Zdaniem twórców nowego LibreOffice'a ma on być bardziej...
LibreOffice 5.3 - wybrane nowości
LibreOffice 5.3 to także
LibreOffice 5.3 - poznaj go na filmach
LibreOffice 5.3 - pełna lista zmian
LibreOffice Being Ported To The Web Browser Via EmScripten
Written by Michael Larabel in LibreOffice on 5 October 2015 at 09:46 AM EDT. 9 Comments
While there is already LibreOffice Online as a cloud-based version of the open-source office suite, there's a new, separate effort underway for getting LibreOffice in web browsers
A port of LibreOffice to EmScripten has started for compiling this office suite into optimized JavaScript for web browsers. This commit adds the initial porting of EmScripten so at least the build system is there
This Wiki page details the ongoing work of porting LibreOffice to EmScripten with the eventual goal of running it in a web browser. As of today's code, the configure setup runs but a lot of external modules still need to be supported
Related LibreOffice News
LibreOffice Enables "Complex Text Layout" By Default
LibreOffice Announces "MUFFIN" User Interface
Some GTK3/Wayland/OpenGL Improvements For LibreOffice
LibreOffice 5.3 Beta Available For Beta Testing
LibreOffice Getting Better Multi-Threaded Goodness
Written by Michael Larabel in LibreOffice on 7 November 2013 at 01:50 AM EST. 12 Comments
LibreOffice has been exciting to talk about recently with the landing of GPU/OpenCL calculation support and an OpenGL canvas plus many other features forthcoming in LibreOffice 4.2 . The latest work underway is on working out multi-threaded importing for...
Kohei Yoshida at Collabora is working on improving the spread-sheet component of LibreOffice, Calc, with some multi-threaded support. Kohei is working on allowing formula cell compilations to occur in multiple threads during XLSX file importing. When...
Let's hope more of LibreOffice will become OpenCL and multi-threading friendly in due time
Related LibreOffice News
LibreOffice Enables "Complex Text Layout" By Default
LibreOffice Announces "MUFFIN" User Interface
Some GTK3/Wayland/OpenGL Improvements For LibreOffice
LibreOffice 5.3 Beta Available For Beta Testing
启动 LibreOffice 5.3 中的 “Ribbon” 界面
LibreOffice 开源办公套件
LibreOffice 5.3 隐藏了一个 Microsoft Office 风格的“Ribbon”界面,虽然表面上类似于 Microsoft 的 Ribbon 界面,但它并不是完全一样。我们将向您展示如何启用它
此功能只存在于 LibreOffice 5.3 中。如果您运行的是稳定的系列版本,或者之前的任何开发版本,您需要升级到更新的,但不太稳定的开发版本,或者耐心等待
启用 LibreOffice ‘Ribbon’界面
Tools > Options > LibreOffice General > Advanced > Experimental features
一旦启用就会返回到主 LibreOffice 应用程序。要启用(打开)notebook bar 工具栏
LibreOffice 5.0界面大变化 增加对64位Windows的支持
英国政府采用基于 LibreOffice 的开源办公套件 "GovOffice
LibreOffice 宣布新用户界面 MUFFIN
How to try the new MUFFIN (“Ribbon”) too... Ubuntu 16.04 有提供 LibreOffice 5.3 的 snap 套件 #ubuntu #snap #package #libreoffice
LibreOffice 官網除了有 Snap 包外,同時也有提供 Flatpak 包喔
補個連結 Snap 格式的 LibreOffice | LibreOffice 正體中文站 - 自由的辦公軟體 Flatpak 格式的 LibreOffice | LibreOffice 正體中文站 - 自由的辦公軟體
LibreOffice Announces "MUFFIN" User Interface
The Document Foundation today announced MUFFIN, a new user-interface concept for LibreOffice
Source: Phoronix – LibreOffice Announces “MUFFIN” User Interface
LibreOffice Will Have New 'MUFFIN' UI
New submitter iampiti writes: The Document Foundation has announced a new user interface concept for LibreOffice. Users will be able to choose from several toolbar configurations including the “Notebook bar” which is similar to Microsoft Office’s ribbon...
Source: Slashdot – LibreOffice Will Have New ‘MUFFIN’ UI
Thema: LibreOffice versüßt Oberfläche mit MUFFIN
Die Entwicklung der Oberfläche von LibreOffice vollzieht sich aus meiner Sicht vorbildlich. Ein Glück, dass man nicht auf diesen schwachsinnigen Ribbon-Zug aufgesprungen ist. Die Oberfläche einer Textverarbeitung stelle ich mir vor allem zurückhaltend und...
Die Entwicklung der Oberfläche von LibreOffice vollzieht sich aus meiner Sicht vorbildlich
und gerade hab ich mal nachgeschaut, was letztens aus Libreoffice entfernt wurde
Und ich dachte, ich bin bloß zu altersdement, um meine Lieblingswerkzeuge bei Präsentationen zu finden. NEIN .. die LibreOffice-Hacker streichen mit Genuss das, was sinnvoll ist und ergänzen was keiner benötigt ! Wow - ich werde zum WutUser
Ich finde die Richtung auch gut - auch wenn die Stabilität von LibreOffice unter Windows leider extrem zu wünschen übrig lässt
Ich nutze LibreOffice unter Linux und auf Arbeit auf dem Mac. Beide Male kann ich mich an keinen Absturz erinnern. Nicht, dass es nie welche gegeben hätte, aber es ist schon eine gute Weile her. Was die Seitenleiste betrifft. Nun Word nutze ich wirklich...
Ich kenne GUIs, die praktisch nicht konfigurierbar sind, und die einfach funktionieren. Auch für durchaus nichttriviale Aufgaben. Ich empfinde die modernen Apple-, Android- oder Gnome3-Entwicklungen so. Und ich kenne die GUIs, an denen kannst du quasi...
LibreOffice scheint mir, wenn ich den Artikel richtig verstanden habe, einen Mittelweg beschreiten zu wollen, nämlich verschiedene vorkonfigurierte GUIs zur Verfügung zu stellen. Klingt genial für mich, aber ich bin vielleicht einfach nur...
LibreOffice wird mitunter wegen seiner altbackenen Oberfläche kritisiert
LibreOffice versüßt Oberfläche mit MUFFIN
Die kommende Version von LibreOffice wird sehr flexible Möglichkeiten zur Konfiguration der Oberfläche erhalten. Das neue Konzept heißt MUFFIN (My User Friendly & Flexible INterface
LibreOffice Writer mit Standard-Werkzeugleiste
Jeder Benutzer von LibreOffice sollte die Möglichkeit haben, auf die für ihn wichtigen Funktionen möglichst schnell und ergonomisch zuzugreifen. Dafür stellt die freie Office-Suite Menüs, Werkzeugleisten und eine Seitenleiste zur Verfügung. Diese Elemente...
Die Entwickler und Designer von LibreOffice haben sich nun etwas ausgedacht , um diese Limitierungen aufzuheben. Das neue Konzept namens MUFFIN wird nicht nur verschiedene vordefinierte Oberflächen für LibreOffice bieten, von denen man eine auswählen kann...
MUFFIN steht für »My User Friendly & Flexible INterface«. Mit dem Wort »My« soll betont werden, dass sich die Oberfläche an ganz individuelle Anforderungen anpassen lässt. »User Friendly« soll bei MUFFIN über die reine Benutzerfreundlichkeit hinausgehen...
Die Oberfläche wird mit MUFFIN in einer Reihe von vordefinierten Konfigurationen kommen, die jeweils verschiedene Elemente auf sinnvolle Weise miteinander kombinieren. Sie werden in LibreOffice 5.3 erstmals verfügbar sein, wobei die neue »Notebook Bar...
LibreOffice mit neuer Webseite für Erweiterungen und Vorlagen (Mo, 19. Dezember 2016
Frankreich: Nantes spart 1,6 Millionen Euro mit LibreOffice (Mi, 26. Oktober 2016
LibreOffice wird mitunter wegen seiner altbackenen Oberfläche kritisiert. (Atalanttore, Fr, 23. Dezember 2016
LibreOffice versüßt Oberfläche mit MUFFIN
LibreOffice Writer mit Seitenleiste
Bild: LibreOffice
TDF & LibreOffice
LibreOffice 1
LibreOffice Online 1
The Document Foundation & LibreOffice
Linux Today - The Document Foundation announces the MUFFIN, a new tasty user interface concept for LibreOffice
Linux Today - The Document Foundation announces the MUFFIN, a new tasty user interface conce... via @linux_games_me
The Document Foundation announces the MUFFIN, a new tasty user interface concept for LibreOffice
MUFFIN is an acronym for My User Friendly & Flexible INterface From: Linux Today
All about #Tech • LibreOffice ‘Ribbon Interface’ Called MUFFIN, Gets
LibreOffice ‘Ribbon Interface’ Called MUFFIN, Gets Detailed “Microsoft Ribbon UI Coming to LibreOffice” shouted we last week, as we told you about the (experimental) ‘Notebook Bar; interfac
TDF & LibreOffice
LibreOffice 1
LibreOffice Online 1
onto TDF & LibreOffice
Phoronix] LibreOffice 4.1 Beta Arrives With New Features
The LibreOffice 4.1 Beta 1 announcement can be read at the while the interesting changes/features are cited within the tentative Wiki-based release notes. LibreOffice 4.1 features include support for
The Document Foundation & LibreOffice
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onto TDF & LibreOffice
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The Document Foundation & LibreOffice
LibreOffice 5.3: A week in stats
Related posts: LibreOffice 5.2 “fresh” released, for Windows, Mac OS and GNU/Linux FOSDEM Call for Papers: Open Document Editors DevRoom Final week of the Month o
LXer: Bigger, better LibreOffice 5.3 released for the cloud
TDF & LibreOffice
LibreOffice 1
LibreOffice Online 1
onto TDF & LibreOffice
All about #Tech • LibreOffice ‘Ribbon Interface’ Called MUFFIN, Gets
LibreOffice ‘Ribbon Interface’ Called MUFFIN, Gets Detailed “Microsoft Ribbon UI Coming to LibreOffice” shouted we last week, as we told you about the (experimental) ‘Notebook Bar; interfac
The Document Foundation & LibreOffice
Linux Today - The Document Foundation announces the MUFFIN, a new tasty user interface concept for LibreOffice
Linux Today - The Document Foundation announces the MUFFIN, a new tasty user interface conce... via @linux_games_me
The Document Foundation announces the MUFFIN, a new tasty user interface concept for LibreOffice
LibreOffice presenta sus interfaces MUFFIN, cuatro nuevos aspectos para adaptar la suite a tu gusto
LibreOffice presenta sus interfaces MUFFIN, cuatro nuevos aspectos para adaptar la suite a tu gusto
LibreOffice presenta sus interfaces MUFFIN, cuatro nuevos aspectos para ...
The Document Foundation 宣布了 开源办公软件 LibreOffice 的新用户界面概念 MUFFIN。MUFFIN是My User Friendly & Flexible INterface的首字母缩写,主要集中于三个方面:My,提供选项个性化用户界面;User Friendly,顾名思义对用户友好;Flexible,适应不同大小的屏幕和分辨率。LibreOffice 将提供多种工具栏布局,包括传统的标准工具栏,单一工具栏,类似 Microsoft Office...
Home » Linux Haberleri » LibreOffice, MUFFIN Arayüzünü Duyurdu
LibreOffice, MUFFIN Arayüzünü Duyurdu
The Document Foundation, LibreOffice için hazırlanan MUFFIN isimli yeni arayüzü bugün duyurdu
MUFFIN, LibreOffice 5.3 sürümünden itibaren kullanabileceğiniz, farklı arayüzlerin kombinasyonundan oluşan bir konsepte sahip
Geliştirilme sürecinde LibreOffice kullanıcılarının önerdiği üç şeye dikkat edildi
LibreOffice kullanıcıları, kullanıcıların davranışlarına adapte olabilme yeteneğine sahip farklı seçenekleri olan ve kişisel bir arayüz istiyor. Seçenekleri olmayan tek bir arayüz değil
Arayüz, tabii ki olabildiğince kullanıcı dostu olmalı. Fakat LibreOffice kullanıcıları, kendilerine göre ayarlayabilecekleri modüler bir arayüz istediklerini açıkça söylediler
Artan LibreOffice kullanıcı sayısıyla beraber LibreOffice, her biri kendine has karakteristik, ekran boyutu ve çözünürlüğüne sahip daha çok donanım platformuna (örneğin masaüstü ve dizüstü) yayılıyor. Bu yüzden arayüz de buna bağlı olarak esnek olmalı
LibreOffice, MUFFIN Arayüzünü Duyurdu
The Document Foundation, LibreOffice için hazırlanan MUFFIN isimli yeni arayüzü bugün duyurdu
MUFFIN, LibreOffice 5.3 sürümünden itibaren kullanabileceğiniz, farklı arayüzlerin kombinasyonundan oluşan bir konsepte sahip
Geliştirilme sürecinde LibreOffice kullanıcılarının önerdiği üç şeye dikkat edildi
LibreOffice kullanıcıları, kullanıcıların davranışlarına adapte olabilme yeteneğine sahip farklı seçenekleri olan ve kişisel bir arayüz istiyor. Seçenekleri olmayan tek bir arayüz değil
Arayüz, tabii ki olabildiğince kullanıcı dostu olmalı. Fakat LibreOffice kullanıcıları, kendilerine göre ayarlayabilecekleri modüler bir arayüz istediklerini açıkça söylediler
Artan LibreOffice kullanıcı sayısıyla beraber LibreOffice, her biri kendine has karakteristik, ekran boyutu ve çözünürlüğüne sahip daha çok donanım platformuna (örneğin masaüstü ve dizüstü) yayılıyor. Bu yüzden arayüz de buna bağlı olarak esnek olmalı
The Document Foundation , LibreOffice için hazırlanan MUFFIN isimli yeni arayüzü bugün duyurdu. MUFFIN , LibreOffice 5.3 sürümünde
Raspbian'daki en büyük değişiklikse, komut sarıtı yerine artık direkt olarak masaüstü arayüzüyle açılıyor. Tabii ki isterseniz bunu değiştirebiliyorsunuz. Yeni sürüm bir önceki sürüme göre daha modern bir görünüme sahip. Özellikle Raspberry Pi 2...
Xubuntu takımının üyeleri, bir hafta önce GIMP, Abiword ve Gnumeric'in kaldırılıp LibreOffice'in varsayılan olarak gelmesini isteyip istemediklerini kullanıcılara sordu
Libreoffice ribbon Results
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How To Enable The "Ribbon" UI in LibreOffice 5.3 - OMG! Ubuntu
LibreOffice 5.3 to Launch with a Microsoft Office-like Ribbon UI
Microsoft Office Ribbon UI Is Coming to LibreOffice - OMG! Ubuntu
LibreOffice 5.3 ships with experimental Office-like Ribbon UI
Corposo aggiornamento LibreOffice, con nuova interfaccia e collaborazione online (foto
Arriva LibreOffice 5.3 e tra le novità che si porta dietro ce n’è qualcuna davvero interessante. Quella più lampante è la nuova interfaccia, denominata MUFFIN (My User Friendly & Flexible Interface) e attivabile opzionalmente, per non disorientare gli...
Per usarlo sarà necessario impostare LibreOffice Online su un proprio server. Un approccio più complicato per l’utente medio, ma potenzialmente molto più versatile per aziende e grandi gruppi di collaborazione. Tutte le altre novità le trovate sul...
Where am I?: Softwarecrew | Software Reviews, News, Tips & Tricks > LibreOffice 5.3 is one of the biggest updates to the office suite yet
LibreOffice 5.3 is one of the biggest updates to the office suite yet
The Document Foundation has unveiled LibreOffice 5.3 64-bit and LibreOffice 5.3 32-bit . Despite the point update, LibreOffice 5.3 is billed as “one of the most feature-rich releases in the history of the office suite”, and is packed full of major changes...
Highlights include a new experimental (and optional) ribbon-based UI, plus a new cross-platform text layout engine. It’s also accompanied by the first source release of LibreOffice Online, for basic collaborative document editing in a browser
A new text layout engine opens the list of notable new suite-wide features. This is a cross-platform engine that supports OpenType and Graphite Layout on all platforms, providing a consistent text layout on whatever machine LibreOffice is run on
This new Pages panel is just one of a raft of new features in LibreOffice 5.3
LibreOffice 5.3 also implements a new colour palette system with changes to the workflow (including improvements to how recent colours are handled), a reduced set of palettes and support for introducing new colour palettes via extensions
Other core improvements include a new Safe mode, allowing LibreOffice to be launched with a clean user profile should problems be encountered with an add-on or corrupt setting. Trigger it via Help > Restart in Safe Mode… or the –safe-mode command line...
Impress users gain a new Template Selector (and two new templates: Vivid and Pencil), while the underlying Firebird SQL database connector for Base has been upgraded to version 3.0 – be warned, this version is not backwards compatible (compatibility is...
The new, experimental ribbon-based UI is an optional feature in LibreOffice 5.3
The Document Foundation 宣布了 开源办公软件 LibreOffice 的新用户界面概念 MUFFIN。MUFFIN是My User Friendly & Flexible INterface的首字母缩写,主要集中于三个方面:My,提供选项个性化用户界面;User Friendly,顾名思义对用户友好;Flexible,适应不同大小的屏幕和分辨率。LibreOffice 将提供多种工具栏布局,包括传统的标准工具栏,单一工具栏,类似 Microsoft Office...
The Document Foundation 宣布了 开源办公软件 LibreOffice 的新用户界面概念 MUFFIN。MUFFIN是My User Friendly & Flexible INterface的首字母缩写,主要集中于三个方面:My,提供选项个性化用户界面;User Friendly,顾名思义对用户友好;Flexible,适应不同大小的屏幕和分辨率。LibreOffice 将提供多种工具栏布局,包括传统的标准工具栏,单一工具栏,类似 Microsoft Office...
在时隔一年之后,开源办公软件项目 Apache OpenOffice 释出了 一个小更新版本 4.1.3 。相比较之下,它的最主要竞争对手 LibreOffice 过去一年释出了多个 大更新版本 ,其中包括 5.0、5.1 和5.2。OpenOffice 4.1.3主要是修复严重安全漏洞和bug,以及更新字典。 Apache OpenOffice 4.1.2及更早版本的用户建议尽快升级。OpenOffice 4.1.3 发布经理 Patricia Shanahan称,这一发布象征着项目的复苏
2017: LibreOffice 5.3
LibreOffice 5.1.2
LibreOffice 5.1.1
LibreOffice 5.1
LibreOffice Viewer для Android
Самый красивый LibreOffice 4.4
Объявлен запуск LibreOffice Online
Вышел релиз версии LibreOffice 4.4.3
Готов релиз LibreOffice 4.4.4
Вышел релиз LibreOffice 5.0
El futuro de la interfaz gráfica LibreOffice
LibreOffice Nuevo | LibreOffice en español
Tags: office 2016 | LIbreOffice 530 | LibreOffice Notebookbar | LibreOffice interfaz grafica | LibreOffice kalahari icons
LibreOffice presenta "MUFFIN
WinLonghorn Notebookbar vendra en LibreOffice es la copia de Ribbon
lo kompañero de LibreOffice """ . Me parece que AbiWord tiene reemplazante ¿ Que opinas Matute
LibreOffice presenta "MUFFIN
Ya había escuchado por aquí y allá que LibreOffice presentaría en sus futuras versiones una interfaz tipo "Ribbon" opcional. Sin embargo el enfoque que han tomado fue algo más general, y piensan ofrecer varias opciones, según ellos: "para permitir su...
A este planteo de interfaz multipropósito lo llaman MUFFIN (acrónimo de My User Friendly & Flexible INterface
Bueno, estas serían las cuatro propuestas de diseño que irán gradualmente ofreciendo a partir de LibreOffice 5.3
3) Con "Sidebar", el panel que podemos ya habilitar en LibreOffice si queremos aprovechar los espacios laterales
Anuncio oficial:
Fuentes de Información - LibreOffice presenta "MUFFIN
The Document Foundation announces the MUFFIN, a new tasty user interface concept for LibreOffice
Tags: office | diseno | muffin | ribbon | libreoffice
11 comentarios - LibreOffice presenta "MUFFIN
LibreOffice presenta "MUFFIN
LibreOffice Beta 1
LibreOffice se actualiza y fuerza el adiós a OpenOfice
LibreOffice 5.2.0 iconos Kalahari 0.4.7 alpha
LibreOffice 5.2. Ahora con control de confidencialidad
Nueva versión de LibreOffice 5.2 para Windows, Mac y Linux
Descarga LibreOffice 5.2 para Windows, Mac OS y GNU/Linux
Instalar LibreOffice 5 [Ubuntu
NotebookBar en LibreOffice
Ubuntu instalar LibreOffice 5.1.2
Neues Symbolband in LibreOffice aktivieren LibreOffice-Suite
Da Internet-Suchmaschinen derzeit noch keine ganzen Sätze verstehen, führen relativ einfache Suchanfragen wie „Kuchenrezepte ohne Obst“ häufig zu tausenden Fundstellen, ohne dabei Begriffe wie „Guglhupf“ oder Muffins zu erfassen. Das könnte sich durch ein...
Anfragen wie zum Beispiel nach Kuchenrezepten würden so sinnvoll beantwortet. Außerdem wird das System mit Wissen über die Bedeutung von Wörtern ausgestattet werden. Dadurch kann es dem Nutzer auch Seiten liefern, die nicht nur die Suchbegriffe selbst...
A The Document Foundation anuncia o LibreOffice 5.3 cheio de novos recursos
A The Document Foundation anuncia o LibreOffice 5.3, um dos lançamentos mais ricos na história da suíte livre. A suíte de escritório está disponível para Windows, MacOs X e Linux, e pela primeira vez também para nuvens privadas
O LibreOffice 5.3 representa um importante passo a frente na evolução do software: ele oferece uma introdução aos novos recursos como a edição online e colaborativa, o que aumenta o posicionamento competitivo da aplicação, e ao mesmo tempo fornece...
O LibreOffice é apoiado por uma comunidade fantástica de desenvolvedores”, diz Michael Meeks, um dos membros do conselho de administração da The Document Foundation. “Em 2010, apenas algumas pessoas estavam apostando em nossa capacidade de atrair um...
Destaques no LibreOffice 5.3
O LibreOffice 5.3 oferece uma série de novos recursos interessantes em todas as áreas, começando com um novo mecanismo de layout de texto consistente e multiplataforma que usa o software livre HarfBuzz, um menu de Ajuda atualizado com links diretos para...
A lista das novas funcionalidades mais importantes está disponível neste link , junto com uma série de vídeos curtos: Um resumo está disponível no website
O LibreOffice 5.3 também foi melhorado “sob o capô”, graças ao trabalho de centenas de voluntários. Isso se traduz em uma suíte de escritório de código aberto que é mais fácil para desenvolver, depurar e manter. Embora este não seja visível para os...
LibreOffice já é implantado em grandes organizações em todos os continentes. Uma lista dos mais significativos está disponível aqui:
LibreOffice Online
LibreOffice Update Offers Fresh Experience
The Document Foundation on Wednesday announced the general availability of LibreOffice 5.3, one of the office suite's most feature-rich upgrades since 2010, when it forked from OpenOffice at version 3.3
Dubbed "5.3 Fresh," this latest release takes the development of LibreOffice in a new direction with a focus on updating the user experience, according to Italo Vignoli of the Document Foundation. The 3.x Family centered on code cleanup, while the 4.x...
LibreOffice 5.3 extends the User Interface with an experimental Notebookbar. It also provides a new UI option. The experimental UI offers a choice of two toolbars: the Single Toolbar UI and the Sidebar with a Single Toolbar
Each UI layout targets a different cluster of LibreOffice users. The new focus should appeal both to early adopters and power users
LibreOffice 5.3 represents the bleeding edge in term of features for open source office suites, according to The Document Foundation
The growth in LibreOffice's adoption is the result of The Document Foundation's ability to grow its developer community, said Michael Meeks, a member of the board, during a teleconference this week
LibreOffice 5.3 is available now for Windows, macOS and Linux, and for the first time also online
LibreOffice Online for Cloud Servers
With LibreOffice 5.3, The Document Foundation also has introduced LibreOffice Online
What's new in LibreOffice 5.3
The latest iteration of LibreOffice might well solidify the flagship open source office suite as a solid contender to meet your productivity needs
If you require the use of an office suite to get your work done, you've probably heard of LibreOffice , with good reason. LibreOffice is the flagship open source office suite that does a stellar job of serving as a drop-in replacement for MS Office. The...
Recently a new update to LibreOffice was released, one that offered some much-needed polish to the software. The biggest change comes in the form of a new take on the UI; something that has been long-needed to freshen up a dated interface
Let's take a look at some of the more important improvements that come along with the latest iteration of LibreOffice
As I mentioned, this is the biggest change to hit LibreOffice in quite some time. The new LibreOffice interface (Dubbed "MUFFIN", for My User Friendly & Flexible INterface) takes a slight nod from MS Office's Ribbon interface and attempts to improve upon...
The LibreOffice Notebookbar in action
Default - the standard LibreOffice interface
And don't think the LibreOffice left out Pivot Tables from the fun. Median has been added to the functions available to Pivot Tables (which is useful for data fields and for row/column fields
If you work with Firebird databases in LibreOffice it is important to know that Firebird has been upgraded to 3.0.0. This update means that LibreOffice base will no longer be able to read back Firebird 2.5 data. Any embedded Firebird odb files created in...
LibreOffice 5.3」公開、UIプロジェクト「MUFFIN」を初導入、ほか
LibreOffice 5.3」公開、UIプロジェクト「MUFFIN」を初導入、ほか
LibreOffice se met au cloud
Avec l’arrivée de la version 5.3, la suite bureautique LibreOffice débarque dans le cloud
La Document Foundation l’avait annoncé en 2011. La suite bureautique serait un jour disponible en mode cloud. C’est aujourd’hui chose faite avec l’arrivée de cette version 5.3. Baptisée LibreOffice Online, cette mouture dédiée a été développée...
Outre cette avancée majeure dans LibreOffice 5.3, cette nouvelle version apporte également un nouvel environnement utilisateur, MUFFIN, mais qui est encore en phase de test et donc non proposé par défaut
Le site de LibreOffice
LibreOffice - Suite bureautique - Open Source
Discussion: LibreOffice - Suite bureautique - Open Source
La fondation vient d'annoncer que "LibreOffice" allait bénéficier d'une toute nouvelle interface
Nommée "Muffin" (My User Friendly & Flexible INterface
Ya está aquí LibreOffice 5.3 ahora con soporte a la edición colaborativa entre usuarios
LibreOffice es actualmente la suite ofimática de código abierto más conocida y usada. La practica totalidad de distribuciones GNU/Linux la incluyen por defecto o se encuentra disponible para su instalación. The Document Foundation acaba de anunciar la...
La primera de ellas es su mejorado aspecto visual. MUFFIN es el nuevo entorno visual de la aplicación y su nombre proviene de un acrónimo que significa “Mi interfaz amigable y flexible”. Todavía no he podido usarlo pero, mientras estoy esperando su...
La otra gran novedad es un LibreOffice Online servicio en la nube que podemos instalar en nuestra empresa o servidores ofreciendo la posibilidad de editar de forma colaborativa nuestro documento entre varios usuarios. Esto es especialmente útil si tenemos...
LibreOffice es un proyecto que en estos momentos abarca a más de 300 desarrolladores. Creo que no está de más recordar que los proyectos basados en software libre o código abierto tienen las mismas necesidades de financiación que cualquier otro. Así que...
Etiquetas: libreoffice muffin noticia
Nyhetsflöde] LibreOffice ‘Ribbon Interface’ Called MUFFIN, Gets Detailed
Ämne: LibreOffice ‘Ribbon Interface’ Called MUFFIN, Gets Detailed
LibreOffice ‘Ribbon Interface’ Called MUFFIN, Gets Detailed
Nyhetsflöde] Microsoft Office Ribbon UI Is Coming to LibreOffice
Nyhetsflöde] Citrus – A LibreOffice Interface for Today
Nyhetsflöde] LibreOffice User Interface Mockups (With Sidebar
Nyhetsflöde] LibreOffice Ribbon UI mock-up
Разработчики LibreOffice представили новую концепцию модульного интерфейса
22.12.2016 10:21 Разработчики LibreOffice представили новую концепцию модульного интерфейса
Организация Document Foundation, курирующая разработку LibreOffice, представила новую концепцию построения интерфейса свободного офисного пакета, развиваемую под кодовым именем MUFFIN (аббревиатура, образованная от My User Friendly & Flexible INterface...
Первые наработки MUFFIN будут включены в состав LibreOffice 5.3. Пользователям LibreOffice 5.3 будет предложено четыре вида компоновки интерфейса: стандартная с панелями инструментов (по умолчанию), минималистичная с однострочной панелью, комбинация...
Основные задачи, которые попытались решить разработчики MUFFIN
grad nen löffel zimt gefressen und fast erstickt.Arte: Europas hoher Norden, WDR: Mandeln, Zimt und Kerzenschein. Aus Langeweile erst mal Apfel-Zimt-Muffins gebacken.Aus den Wolken fällt Zimt, aber keiner schaut auf.Kochtusse im Fernseh: "Popcorn mit...
Guten Morgen! Ich starte den Tag mit Dinkelgrieß, Datteln, Vanille und Zimt ❤️ Und ihr so?. Zimt und Mehl im Gemisch ist nicht das beste für den Magen.Zimt-Bauernfrühstück. Ich liiiiiieeebe heißen Apfelsaft mit Zimt ♥. Vielleicht habe ich gerade 200g Zimt...
Ich mag Zimt ja eigentlich ganz gerne, aber im Tee steh ich da irgendwie nicht so drauf...Prinzessin-Königinnen-Zimt-Schnecke. Denkste Dir nicht aus sowas.Abgesehen davon, dass ich keine Zimt-Schnecke sein möchte, wäre ich eine super Zimt-Schnecke. Die...
Zimt)Schnecken; reinbeißen, oder Schicht für Schicht essen?. Zimtfranzbrötchen ohne Zimt. Heiße Schokolade mit Zimt, weil es zum Wetter passt <3. Heutiger Plan: 24 Apfel-Zimt-Muffins für M.s Geburtstag morgen backen und später mit den Mädels essen gehen...
Milchreis mit Zimt und Zucker...Sauerkirschen nicht zu vergessen!!!. Ich habe jetzt Popcorn mit Vanillezucker und Zimt und vielleicht wird der Abend doch noch gut.Schupfnudeln mit Apfelmus und Zimt ist krasser Scheiß! Ich sag's euch!. Süßholz-Zimt Tee...
Kakao mit Zimt und LP :3. Wenn Lena backt: Apfel-Zimt und Kokos-Schoko Muffins ❤️ leckerlecker vegan bakery. duftet doppelt nach Zimt <3. Milchreis mit Zucker, Zimt, Schweinerückensteak. Jetzt erst mal ☕ mit Cardamom und Zimt.Am Ende unterscheidet sich...
Tipp: LibreOffice kann man super abschießen, indem man in einer Tabelle alles markiert und auf "sortieren" klickt.Ne Tabelle im Mailkörper. Das verschickt man als Anlage :(. Hat jemand ne tolle Excel - Tabelle für Schnittlisten beim Bowling ?. Handball-WM...
The Document Foundation 宣布了 开源办公软件 LibreOffice 的新用户界面概念 MUFFIN。MUFFIN是My User Friendly & Flexible INterface的首字母缩写,主要集中于三个方面:My,提供选项个性化用户界面;User Friendly,顾名思义对用户友好;Flexible,适应不同大小的屏幕和分辨率。LibreOffice 将提供多种工具栏布局,包括传统的标准工具栏,单一工具栏,类似 Microsoft Office...
Bigger, better LibreOffice 5.3 released for the cloud
The latest version of LibreOffice is out now for Linux, macOS, Windows, and, at long last, the cloud
Almost two years ago, The Document Foundation announced it was going to bring LibreOffice to the cloud . With the release of LibreOffice 5.3 , that day has finally come
LibreOffice's new MUFFIN-based interface gives users a more flexible document creation experience
LibreOffice , the popular open-source office suite, is arguably the best desktop-based office suite . Why? Italo Vignoli, co-founder of The Document Foundation, explains
1. Independence from a single vendor, who's interested in locking-in users to secure their bottom line. LibreOffice is free software
2. The chance to influence LibreOffice's development -- either by contributing directly or by paying contributors for the development of specific features. For a large deployment, the cost is usually lower than the purchase of MS Office licenses
5. Lower training costs, as LibreOffice's user interface is consistent across operating systems
It starts with the first source release of LibreOffice Online. This is a LibreOffice 5.3 cloud office suit. It provides basic browser collaborative editing of documents by re-using the LibreOffice "core engine." It's based on work done with Collabora , a...
LibreOffice Online is fundamentally a server service. You'll need to install and configure on your own cloud server with a SSL certificate. Builds of the latest LibreOffice Online source code are available as Docker images
The Document Foundation annuncia MUFFIN, un nuovo concetto di interfaccia utente per LibreOffice
The Document Foundation ha annunciato MUFFIN, il nuovo concetto di interfaccia grafica per LibreOffice
Articoli IT libreoffice
Quando ci si trova a lavorare con documenti di testo generati da altri utenti che usano suite da ufficio diverse da LibreOffice ci si scontra spesso con l'impossibilità di visualizzare correttamente i testi prodotti per via della mancanza di alcuni fonts...
LibreOffice 5.2.6 维护版本发布,带来 60 多处改进
文档基金会(TDF)的 Italo Vignoli 宣布 LibreOffice 5.2 开源跨平台办公套件迎来第六个维护版本更新
尽管已经于 2 月 1 日放出了 LibreOffice 5.3 重大版本更新,但是辛勤的开发团队从未停止过对支持版本的维护更新,在短短半个月的时间内再次发布了 5.2 分支的版本更新
LibreOffice 5.2.6 开发期间,共计收到两个候选版本更新,包括 Writer, Calc, Math, Impress, Draw, Base和 Charts 在内,为所有组件带来了总计 64 处改进。在声明中写道:“TDF 强烈推荐大型企业机构、公共管理部门和企业部署 LibreOffice,这些注册用户能够获得非常专业的维护支持
根据官方发布计划,LibreOffice 5.2 分支还将会再迎来一次维护版本更新,5.2.7 版本将会在 2017 年 5 月的首周发布,将于 2017 年 6 月 4 日停止支持
下载 LibreOffice 5.2.6
LibreOffice 的详细介绍: 点击查看
LibreOffice 的下载地址: 点击下载
本文标题:LibreOffice 5.2.6 维护版本发布,带来 60 多处改进
LibreOffice bei Wikipedia
Startbildschirm von LibreOffice 5.0.3
LibreOffice [ ˈliːbrə ˈɒfɪs ] (Abkürzungen: LibO oder LO) [2] ist eine freie Zusammenstellung gebräuchlicher Software für Arbeiten im Büro ( Office-Paket ). Dazu gehören Programme zur Textverarbeitung , Tabellenkalkulation , Präsentation und zum Erstellen...
LibreOffice ist eine im September 2010 aus dem Office-Paket hervorgegangene Abspaltung , die seither unabhängig weiterentwickelt wird. [3] [4
3.5 LibreOffice-Box
3.6 LibreOffice Impress Remote
4.2.2 Erste Version: LibreOffice 3.3
Die Geschichte von LibreOffice und der Document Foundation begann mit der Veröffentlichung der ersten Beta-Version des Office-Pakets am 28. September 2010. Die Ursachen für die Abspaltung vom und damit die Vorgeschichte reichen...
Kurz nach der Entstehung von LibreOffice hat sich Oracle aus dem vollständig zurückgezogen und es an die Apache Software Foundation übergeben, die es in Apache OpenOffice umbenannte. [10] [11
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Home › Uncategorized › LibreOffice Will Have New ‘MUFFIN’ UI
LibreOffice Will Have New ‘MUFFIN’ UI
New submitter iampiti writes: The Document Foundation has announced a new user interface concept for LibreOffice. Users will be able to choose from several toolbar configurations including the “Notebook bar” which is similar to Microsoft Office’s ribbon...
LibreOffice 5.3」公開、UIプロジェクト「MUFFIN」を初導入、ほか
LibreOffice 5.3 cały we wstążkach
Interfejsy graficzne się starzeją. Ta paradoksalnie najmniej użyteczna funkcja w programie z biegiem lat potrafi stać się drażniącym ograniczeniem lub estetycznym koszmarem. Wystarczy w 2017 roku spróbować używać np. Windowsa 98 lub jakiekolwiek...
LibreOffice i Muffin w akcji (klikamy na obrazek, gif stworzony przez OMG! Ubuntu
To nawoływanie o unowocześnienie interfejsu to nie tylko troska użytkowników o komfort pracy z programem. Pośrednio przyczyniły się do tego przyzwyczajenia z Microsoft Office, gdzie lata temu wprowadzono „wstążkę”. Rzeczona „wstążka” to przemodelowanie...
Jak można na pierwszy rzut oka zauważyć, „nasza wstążka” różni się od „ich wstążki”. Deweloperzy uniknęli kalki interfejsu Microsoft Office i co więcej – zaprezentowali kilka wariantów ustawień paska narzędziowego. Oprócz dobrze znanego pionowego ułożenia...
To zaledwie garść zmian na jakie natkniemy się w nowym LibreOffice. Najszybciej mogą się o tym przekonać użytkownicy Manjaro i Arch Linuksa, gdyż wersja 5.3 trafi do głównego repozytorium już za parę chwil
sudo pacman -Suy libreoffice-fresh
sudo add-apt-repository ppa:libreoffice/ppa
sudo apt-get install libreoffice
Tagi libreoffice ppa wstążka
LibreOffice 5.2.5 – still ตัวล่าสุด
เมื่อ 26 มกราคม 2560 ที่ผ่านมา The Document Foundation (TDF) ประกาศเผยแพร่ LibreOffice 5.2.5 นับเป็น minor release ตัวที่ 5 ของตระกูล 5.2 ที่น่าสนใจระคนแปลกใจไม่น้อยคือ ยกให้ 5.2.5 เป็น “still” หมายความว่ามีเสถียรสูงมาก พร้อมกับเชื้อเชิญผู้ใช้ที่ติดตั้ง 5...
ในประกาศเดียวกันให้ข้อมูลเกี่ยวกับ LibreOffice 5.3 ไว้ด้วยว่า มีกำหนดจะเผยแพร่ภายใน 1 กุมภาพันธ์ 2560 ขณะที่กำลังจะ publish บทความนี้ยังไม่เปิดให้ download จากการตรวจสอบข้อมูลทางเทคนิคเบื้องต้น ผู้เขียนมีความเห็นว่าส่วนที่น่าสนใจเป็นอย่างยิ่งสำหรับ...
สนใจรายละเอียดทางเทคนิค LibreOffice 5.3 ดูได้ที่ (
Download LibreOffice 5.2.5 ได้ที่
ร่วมบริจาคสนับสนุนการพัฒนา LibreOffice โดย The Document Foundation (TDF) ได้ที่
Category: LibreOffice , Miscellaneous Tech , Technology
Tag: 5.1.6 , 5.2.5 , 5.3 , Fresh , LibreOffice , Microsort , MUFFIN , Open Source , RIBBON , Still , TDF , technology , The Document Foundation , UI
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LibreOffice Will Have New 'MUFFIN' UI
New submitter iampiti writes: The Document Foundation has announced a new user interface concept for LibreOffice. Users will be able to choose from several toolbar configurations including the "Notebook bar" which is similar to Microsoft Office's ribbon...
The MUFFIN (My User Friendly -- Flexible Interface) represents a new approach to UI design, based on the respect of user needs rather than on the imposition of a single UI to all users
DORS/CLUC 2011 - Italo Vignoli: "The Document Foundation and LibreOffice
LibreOffice and the Document Foundation - Flourish! 2011
Best practice of migration to LibreOffice Sonia Montegiove The Document Foundation
osc14: Michael Meeks, The Document Foundation and LibreOffice
Intervista a Italo Vignoli di The Document Foundation su LibreOffice
LibreOffice – Mach mit (Deutsch
LibreOffice 5.3 New Features: General
Muffin Top's profile - overview
Package Details: libreoffice-dev-bin
Git Clone URL: (read-only
Package Base: libreoffice-dev-bin
Description: LibreOffice development branch
Upstream URL:
Provides: libreoffice, libreoffice-en-US
bibus (requires libreoffice) (optional
efl-git (requires libreoffice) (optional
gpredict-git (requires libreoffice) (optional
libreoffice-extension-altsearch (requires libreoffice
LibreOffice 5.3 is one of the biggest updates to the office suite yet
The Document Foundation has unveiled LibreOffice 5.3 64-bit and LibreOffice 5.3 32-bit . Despite the point update, LibreOffice 5.3 is billed as "one of the most feature-rich releases in the history of the office suite", and is packed full of major changes...
Highlights include a new experimental (and optional) ribbon-based UI, plus a new cross-platform text layout engine. It’s also accompanied by the first source release of LibreOffice Online, for basic collaborative document editing in a browser
A new text layout engine opens the list of notable new suite-wide features. This is a cross-platform engine that supports OpenType and Graphite Layout on all platforms, providing a consistent text layout on whatever machine LibreOffice is run on
LibreOffice 5.3 also implements a new color palette system with changes to the workflow (including improvements to how recent colors are handled), a reduced set of palettes and support for introducing new color palettes via extensions
Other core improvements include a new Safe mode, allowing LibreOffice to be launched with a clean user profile should problems be encountered with an add-on or corrupt setting. Trigger it via Help > Restart in Safe Mode… or the -safe-mode command line...
Impress users gain a new Template Selector (and two new templates: Vivid and Pencil), while the underlying Firebird SQL database connector for Base has been upgraded to version 3.0 -- be warned, this version is not backwards compatible (compatibility is...
The new ribbon-based UI, referred to as a Notebookbar, is still an experimental feature, and so must be made visible via Tools > Options > LibreOffice > Advanced. Tick "Enable experimental features (may be unstable)" and upon restarting the UI becomes...
At the present time, the feature -- codenamed MUFFIN -- is still relatively sparse, although users have a choice of three basic styles: tabbed offers the closest approximation to Microsoft Office, with contextual groups and contextual single options also...
These changes scratch the surface of what’s been implemented in LibreOffice 5.3 -- check out the extensive release notes for a full rundown
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Let’s celebrate with LibreOffice 5.2.4
Announcements , LibreOffice
The Document Foundation announces the MUFFIN, a new tasty user interface concept for LibreOffice
Announcements , LibreOffice , Technology
Berlin, December 21, 2016 – The Document Foundation announces the MUFFIN, a new tasty user interface concept for LibreOffice, based on the joint efforts of the development and the design teams, supported by the marketing team. MUFFIN is an
LibreOffice ‘Ribbon Interface’ Called MUFFIN, Gets Detailed
Microsoft Ribbon UI Coming to LibreOffice” shouted we last week, as we told you about the (experimental) ‘Notebook Bar; interface in testing in the latest development builds of LibreOffice, the hugely popular open-source office suite. Today, The Document...
This post, LibreOffice ‘Ribbon Interface’ Called MUFFIN, Gets Detailed , was written by Joey Sneddon and first appeared on OMG! Ubuntu
Apps Dev libreoffice muffin
Microsoft Office Ribbon UI Is Coming to LibreOffice
Been hoping for LibreOffice Ribbon style interface? Well, it’s getting one. The latest dev builds have a hidden ‘notebookbar’ interface, and here’s how to enable it
This post, Microsoft Office Ribbon UI Is Coming to LibreOffice , was written by Joey-Elijah Sneddon and first appeared on OMG! Ubuntu
Dev how to libreoffice
How to try the new MUFFIN (“Ribbon”) toolbar of LibreOffice 5.3 in Ubuntu 16.04
LibreOffice 5.3 has several new features and one of them is the new MUFFIN toolbars. Let’s try them out. First, we installed LibreOffice 5.3 on Ubuntu using a snap and start the new version of LibreOffice Writer. By default, the new MUFFIN toolbar is not...
How to install LibreOffice 5.3 from snap on Ubuntu 16.04 (and others
Update #1: 3 Feb 2017: The new LibreOffice 5.3 has been released to the stable snap channel, which means the process of installing is quite easier. See at the end of this post for the simplified instructions, to install from fresh or switch channel from...
How to try the new MUFFIN (“Ribbon”) toolbar of LibreOffice 5.3 in Ubuntu 16.04 February 1, 2017
How to install LibreOffice 5.3 from snap on Ubuntu 16.04 (and others) February 1, 2017
How to install LibreOffice 5.3 from snap on Ubuntu 16.04 (and others
Update #1: 3 Feb 2017: The new LibreOffice 5.3 has been released to the stable snap channel, which means the process of installing is quite easier. See at the end of this post for the simplified instructions, to install from fresh or switch channel from...
LibreOffice 5.3 was released a few days ago, and it has several new nice features
Caption 1 LibreOffice 5.3, installed from a snap
The LibreOffice project provides a tarball for Ubuntu with the new version, that can be downloaded, extracted and then we can run it
However, we can install a snap with LibreOffice 5.3, which makes it convenient for testing and not messing up our system
Let’s check what snaps are available for LibreOffice
$ snap info libreoffice name: libreoffice summary: "LibreOffice is a powerful office suite including word processing and creation of spreadsheets, slideshows and databases" publisher: canonical description: | LibreOffice is a powerful office suite – its...
We learn that there are several channels for snaps, and the new version of LibreOffice is currently in the edge channel. This channel is that channel that is less stable than all others. That is, if we go for edge, we are bleeding edge in terms of...
Let’s install LibreOffice from the edge channel
How to try the new MUFFIN (“Ribbon”) toolbar of LibreOffice 5.3 in Ubuntu 16.04
LibreOffice 5.3 has several new features and one of them is the new MUFFIN toolbars
First, we installed LibreOffice 5.3 on Ubuntu using a snap and start the new version of LibreOffice Writer
By default, the new MUFFIN toolbar is not available because it is currently an experimental feature. We need to enable the support for experimental features
In LibreOffice→Advanced, we enable the Enable experimental features (may be unstable) and click OK
We are asked to restart LibreOffice and we click on Restart Now
Tags: 5.3 , contextual groups , contextual single , libreoffice , MUFFIN , notebookbar , ribbon , snap , ubuntu
Note that there is a feature in this version of LibreOffice; if you enable the Notebookbar and then disable the Experimental features, you keep the Notebookbar but the View submenus are gone (cannot configure further). You need to enable the Experimental...
There is no option to revert the normal layout! Istead of, since I “tried” the new features, LibreOffice crashes always, and even crash the GNOME desktop too
Bob: Here we are discussing the LibreOffice 5.3 snap installation package
So soll es aussehen. LibreOffice
LibreOffice bekommt neues User-Interface
LibreOffice arbeitet an einem überarbeiteten User-Interface
MUFFIN: LibreOffice will die Restriktionen der Toolbar überwinden
Dieser Fakt hat das Team hinter LibreOffice zu der Erkenntnis geführt, dass es schlicht nicht möglich ist, das perfekte User-Interface für alle Nutzer zu kreieren
Mit dem Projekt MUFFIN (My User Friendly & Flexible INterface) wollen sie diesem Umstand jetzt Rechnung tragen und Nutzern verschiedene Interfaces zur Verfügung stellen
Das steckt hinter der Notebook-Bar von LibreOffice
LibreOffice: Die Notebook-Bar unterstützt auch Tabs. (Grafik: The Document Foundation
Noch befinden sich die Einstellungsmöglichkeiten aber in einem sehr frühen Zustand, sollen jedoch ab LibreOffice 5.3 als experimentelle Funktion verfügbar sein
LibreOffice, User-Interface, Ziel?, Neulingen, Einstieg, Profi, Flexibilität, MUFFIN, Restriktionen, Toolbar, Nutzern, Altersschichten, Knowhow, Fakt, Team, Erkenntnis, Projekt, MUFFIN, Notebook-Bar, Grafik, The Document Foundation, Seitenleiste...
How to try the new MUFFIN (“Ribbon”) toolbar of LibreOffice 5.3 in Ubuntu 16.04
How to install LibreOffice 5.3 from snap on Ubuntu 16.04 (and others
von Little Muffin » Do 20. Okt 2016, 07:34
Little Muffin
von Little Muffin » Do 20. Okt 2016, 09:37
Little Muffin hat geschrieben: So hab ich z.b. bei einer Einstufenführung immer einen super sauren Sauerteig, der geht aber auch sehr gut auf
von Little Muffin » Do 20. Okt 2016, 12:21
von Little Muffin » Do 20. Okt 2016, 12:52
Little Muffin hat geschrieben: Falls Dir das trotzdem hilft
der Schreibschutz ist kein Problem für mich. Wenn Du mir eine ganz liebe PM schickst, könnte ich Dir die Datei auch ohne Schreibschutz schicken. Du müsstest mir nur noch sagen, in welchem Format Du sie brauchst. Also ich meine, mit welchem Programm Du sie...
von Little Muffin » Do 20. Okt 2016, 14:24
Новини Linux #46: кінець CyanogenMod, нова концепція UI LibreOffice, Ubuntu припиняє підтримку PowerPC
LibreOffice представили нову концепцію UI
Document Foundation, яка керує розробкою LibreOffice, представила нову концепцію інтерфейсу, що розвивається під кодовим ім'ям MUFFIN (My User Friendly & Flexible INterface). Основною ідеєю запропонованої концепції є надання гнучкого рішення для різних...
Перші напрацювання MUFFIN будуть включені до складу LibreOffice 5.3. Користувачам LibreOffice 5.3 буде запропоновано чотири види компонування інтерфейсу: стандартна з панелями інструментів (за замовчуванням), мінімалістичний з однорядковою панеллю...
LibreOffice 5.2.4
Новини Linux #46: кінець CyanogenMod, нова концепція UI LibreOffice, Ubuntu припиняє підтримку PowerPC 877 0
The Document Foundation annuncia MUFFIN, un nuovo concetto di interfaccia utente per LibreOffice # libreoffice # tdf
The Document Foundation annuncia MUFFIN, un nuovo concetto di interfaccia utente per LibreOffice
The Document Foundation ha annunciato MUFFIN, il nuovo concetto di interfaccia grafica per LibreOffice
MUFFIN è l'acronimo di My User Friendly & Flexible INterface e rappresenta il frutto degli sforzi congiunti degli sviluppatori e del design team supportati dal team di marketing
The Document Foundation (# TDF ) pone a disposición de la comunidad una galería de presentaciones de diapositivas,...
LibOCon 2016 Kicks off with # LibreOffice 5.2.1 # tdf # odf...
LibreOffice 5.2.1 Office Suite Released with Over 100 Improvements, Download Now
LibreOffice Brasil
Chamada para Colaboração @ LibreOffice Magazine 22. Saiba + em: # odf # tdf
Startbildschirm von LibreOffice 5.0.3
LibreOffice [ ˈliːbrə ˈɒfɪs ] (Abkürzungen: LibO oder LO) [2] ist eine freie Zusammenstellung gebräuchlicher Software für Arbeiten im Büro ( Office-Paket ). Dazu gehören Programme zur Textverarbeitung , Tabellenkalkulation , Präsentation und zum Erstellen...
LibreOffice ist eine im September 2010 aus dem Office-Paket hervorgegangene Abspaltung , die seither unabhängig weiterentwickelt wird. [3] [4
3.5 LibreOffice-Box
3.6 LibreOffice Impress Remote
4.2.2 Erste Version: LibreOffice 3.3
Die Geschichte von LibreOffice und der Document Foundation begann mit der Veröffentlichung der ersten Beta-Version des Office-Pakets am 28. September 2010. Die Ursachen für die Abspaltung vom und damit die Vorgeschichte reichen...
Kurz nach der Entstehung von LibreOffice hat sich Oracle aus dem vollständig zurückgezogen und es an die Apache Software Foundation übergeben, die es in Apache OpenOffice umbenannte. [10] [11
Die Abspaltung und unabhängige Weiterführung des Office-Pakets wurde möglich, da als freie Software entwickelt wurde. [12] Anders als bei der Software selbst besaß Oracle am Namen „“ jedoch das ausschließliche Verwendungsrecht...
Update LibreOffice to 5.3.0
Muffin interface
Hopefully this will resolve the IBus issues in LibreOffice. At the moment, LibreOffice cannot be used for any work requiring IBus
LibreOffice 5.3 Released
The Document Foundation has released LibreOffice 5.3. Calling it one of the biggest releases so far, Foundation has labeled this release as a big step forward
LibreOffice 5.3 comes loaded with many new features. There’s a new text layout engine, a revised Help menu, and better export/import features
Also, the office suite comes with new Microsoft office-like Ribbon UI called MUFFIN, which stands for “My User Friendly & Flexible INterface
LibreOffice 5.3 available for download for Windows, Linux, and macOS from the official website,
So soll es aussehen. LibreOffice
LibreOffice bekommt neues User-Interface. So soll es aussehen. LibreOffice. LibreOffice arbeitet an einem überarbeiteten User-Interface. Das Ziel
MUFFIN: LibreOffice will die Restriktionen der Toolbar überwinden
Abgelegt unter Altersschichten Anpassungsmöglichkeiten Bereichen Beta-Phase Button Einsteiger Einstellungsmöglichkeiten Einstieg Erkenntnis Fakt Flexibilität Funktionen Google Grafik Icon internet Knowhow Kontextgruppen LibreOffice LibreOffice 5.3 MUFFIN...
LibreOffice 5.1 Start Center
LibreOffice is a free and open source office suite , a project of The Document Foundation . It was forked from in 2010, which was an open-sourced version of the earlier StarOffice . The LibreOffice suite comprises programs for word...
LibreOffice uses the international ISO / IEC standard OpenDocument file format (ODF) as its native format to save documents for all of its applications. LibreOffice also supports the file formats of most other major office suites, including Microsoft...
LibreOffice is available for a variety of computing platforms , [5] including Microsoft Windows , macOS (10.8 or newer), and Linux (including a LibreOffice Viewer for Android [11] ), as well as in the form of an online office suite . [12] It is the...
Between January 2011 (the first stable release) and October 2011, LibreOffice was downloaded approximately 7.5 million times. [18] The project claims 120 million unique downloading addresses from May 2011 to May 2015, excluding Linux distributions, with...
1.3 Unique features of LibreOffice
1.8 LibreOffice Basic
2.2 The Document Foundation and LibreOffice
Centro de inicio de LibreOffice 5.1
Sitio web oficial de LibreOffice
LibreOffice es un paquete de software de oficina libre y de código abierto desarrollado por The Document Foundation . Se creó como bifurcación de OpenOffice en 2010
Está diseñada para ser compatible con los principales paquetes ofimáticos, incluyendo Microsoft Office , aunque algunas características de diseño y atributos de formato son manejados de forma diferente o no son compatibles. [5] LibreOffice está disponible...
Entre enero de 2011 (la primera versión estable) y octubre de 2011, LibreOffice fue descargada aproximadamente 7,5 millones de veces. [12] Desde mayo de 2011 hasta mayo de 2015, fue descargada 120 millones de veces, excluyendo las distribuciones de Linux...
8.2 LibreOffice Basic
11 Conferencias sobre LibreOffice
El 28 de septiembre de 2010, algunos miembros del proyecto formaron un nuevo grupo llamado The Document Foundation , publicando una bifurcación de a la que llamaron LibreOffice. La bifurcación fue creada ante los temores de...
Oracle, en lugar de ello, rechazó el proyecto y exigió a todos los miembros del directorio de involucrados que renunciaran, alegando un conflicto de intereses. A finales de octubre de 2010, 33 voluntarios alemanes, no involucrados con el...
En el ínterin surgió el proyecto Go-oo, que era una versión adaptada a partir de con algunas modificaciones y gestionada por Novell y otras empresas y utilizada como base en casi todas las distribuciones de GNU/Linux . Sin embargo, el...
Beiträge die mit LibreOffice getaggt sind
How to Disable LibreOffice’s Startup Splash Screen on Windows and Linux
Every time you open a LibreOffice program, or even the LibreOffice Start Center, a splash screen displays. This splash screen serves no real purpose, so if you’d rather not see it, we’ll show you how to disable it in Windows and Linux
LibreOffice #Linux #Windows ]
libreoffice # windows
2017 # TDF and # LibreOffice calendar # odf # freesw
tdf # libreoffice # odf # freesw
Bedienung von LibreOffice nähert sich Microsoft Office an, LibreOffice erhält „Ribbons
LibreOffice # MicrosoftOffice # Office # Ribbons
Artikel: Projekt Muffin: Libreoffice 5.3 bekommt eine neue Oberfläche
Themen: Libreoffice , Document Foundation , Applikationen , Open Source
Projekt Muffin: Libreoffice 5.3
Projekt Muffin: Libreoffice 5.3 bekommt eine neue Oberfläche
Muffin heißt das neue und modulare Oberflächenkonzept für Libreoffice, an dem die Document Foundation arbeitet. Anwender sollen vor allem von der Flexibilität profitieren
Muffin 1
Artikel: Projekt Muffin: Libreoffice 5.3 bekommt eine neue Oberfläche
Themen: Libreoffice , Document Foundation , Applikationen , Open Source
Projekt Muffin: Libreoffice 5.3
Muffin könnte ein Grund für mich sein wieder auf LibreOffice umzusteigen. Werde ich auf jeden Fall ausprobieren. Finde ich gut, und umso besser, dass dem Benutzer die freie Wahl gelassen wird, welche Oberfläche er nutzen möchte
Artikel: Projekt Muffin: Libreoffice 5.3 bekommt eine neue Oberfläche
Themen: Libreoffice , Document Foundation , Applikationen , Open Source
Projekt Muffin: Libreoffice 5.3
Forum francophone de support pour Apache OpenOffice, LibreOffice et dérivés de
Annonce de LibreOffice 5.3
Jean-Baptiste Faure met en ligne la traduction de l'annonce de la dernière version LibreOffice 5.3
The Document Foundation annonce LibreOffice 5.3
Berlin, le 1er Février 2017 - The Document Foundation annonce LibreOffice 5.3, une des version les plus riches en fonctionnalités de l’histoire de l’application. La suite bureautique est disponible pour Windows, MacOS X et Linux et pour la première fois...
LibreOffice 5.3 représente une étape importante dans l’évolution du logiciel : elle offre une introduction à de nouvelles fonctionnalités telle que l’édition collaborative, qui augmente la compétitivité de l’application et en même temps, fournit des...
LibreOffice est soutenu par une fantastique communauté de développeurs", dit Michael Meeks, un membre du conseil d’administration de The Document Foundation. En 2010, peu de gens croyaient en notre capacité à attirer un grand nombre de contributeurs au...
Points forts de LibreOffice 5.3
LibreOffice 5.3 offre un nombre intéressant de nouvelles fonctions à tous les niveaux : un nouveau moteur de rendu de texte multi plateforme qui utilise HarfBuzz pour un rendu du texte homogène entre toutes les plateformes, avec des avantages...
Une liste des fonctionnalités les plus importantes est disponible dans un document séparé ( ), et est présenté dans un série de courtes vidéos. Une page est également disponible sur le site
Forum społeczności użytkowników Apache OpenOffice, LibreOffice i innych pakietów wywodzących się z
LibreOffice 5.3
Dzisiaj wydano stabilną* wersję LibreOffice'a 5.3
Przepis na LibreOffice
Re: LibreOffice 5.3
Miłośnikom nowości dopowiem, że także interfejs MUFFIN został spolonizowany (Wstążka w grupach oraz kartach). Uwagi proszę publikować w odpowiednim wątku > ... =43&t=4139
Quote ---[UPDATE] In der jetzigen Version stehen die Symbolbänder nur zur Verfügung, wenn man in den Einstellungen unter "Extras/Optionen/LibreOffice/Erweitert" die experimentellen Funktionen aktiviert hat. Danach kann man in den LibreOffice-Programmen...
Das Optionsmenü erscheint bei mir per <ALT><F12>. Ich komme nur nicht zurück ins normale Menü (weg von MUFFIN
LibreOffice 5.3 - nouvelle interface utilisateur MUFFIN et orientation Cloud
La suite bureautique gratuite LibreOffice 5.3 pointe le bout de son nez avec quelques nouveautés dont une orientation Cloud et une interface utilisateur revue. LibreOffice 5.3 est notamment proposée dans une version permettant d’y accéder en ligne...
Nouvelle interface pour LibreOffice 5.3 - genre ruban MS
LibreOffice 5.3 hides a work-in-progress (and entirely optional) Microsoft Office-style ‘Ribbon’ interface
Libreoffice 5.3 cache une interface dans le style du ruban Microsof Office, en développement (et entièrement optionnelle
L'info est ici : … ibreoffice
Re : Nouvelle interface pour LibreOffice 5.3 - genre ruban MS
64 bits : … F/current
32 bits : … F/current
L'installation se fait en parallèle de votre version actuelle de LibreOffice sous le nom LibreOfficeDev et utilise un profil utilisateur qui lui est propre, donc pas d'interférence
Nous sommes bien sûr preneur de vos retours et rapports de bug :
LibreOffice : / (téléchargement, documentation, FAQ, assistance, contribuer
Tens o apache OpenOffice e LibreOffice. Ambos partilham a mesma base de código, sendo que o LibreOffice foi um fork do OpenOffice, mas não sei muitos detalhes da história
Tambem instalei o libreoffice, gosto bastante do office 365 mas não estou para pagar todos os anos X
O OpenOffice deixou de ter atualizações há alguns anos, e quase todos os developers migraram para o LibreOffice, que nos últimos anos tem desenvolvimentos diários significativos, como podem ver em
Eu gosto do libreoffice, mas em termos de design está muito atrás do office ou do WPS Office
O projeto parece promissor, e o conceito é apelidado de MUFFIN
Minor problem with libreoffice 5.3
I have a minor problem with Libreoffice (only writer). I have LO 5.3 and tried the new Muffin interface. I don't like it at all but I am unable to return to the old interface. All the help I got up to now said that I have to go to the "view" tab to choose...
Re: Minor problem with libreoffice 5.3
LibreOffice 5.3 Released — The “Most Feature-Rich” Releases In Its History
Short Bytes: The Document Foundation has released LibreOffice 5.3. Calling it one of the biggest releases so far, Foundation has labeled this release as a big step forward. LibreOffice 5.3 ships with Microsoft Office-like Ribbon UI called MUFFIN. You can...
The Document Foundation’s LibreOffice is one of the most popular open source software suites around. The Foundation has now started the February month in style by releasing LibreOffice 5.3, its most feature-rich release yet
LibreOffice 5.3 is being called a big step forward in the evolution of the software. The release announcement also mentions that over the period of past 6 years, the project has attracted more than 1,100 new developers
Now, let’s tell you about the latest release LibreOffice 5.3 and its biggest features
LibreOffice 5.3 New Features
LibreOffice 5.3 comes loaded with exciting new features in every area. There’s a new text layout engine, a revised Help menu, and better export/import features. Also, it comes with Microsoft Office-like Ribbon UI called MUFFIN, which stands for My User...
First source release of LibreOffice Online
LibreOffice 5.3 also brings along the first source release of LibreOffice Online. It’s a cloud office with basic collaborative editing. The users need to install this service by adding a cloud storage and an SSL certificate
The LibreOffice Online source code builds are available as Docker Images
LibreOffice @ FOSDEM '17
The Document Foundation announces the MUFFIN, a new tasty
Upon the various task I realized, I was in charge of the localization of the product and the help. I also help to organized the QA for the localized versions and made QA for the Chart project. I left the project end of 2010 to work on The...
LibreOffice Server Install GUI
What is the audience of this program? Everyone, who wants to perform a parallel installation of LibreOffice without using the command line. The aim was to give You the total control of what will be done, but it should be intuitive from the first time you...
IT-Lead LibreOffice at CIB labs GmbH
The Document Foundation announces the MUFFIN, a new tasty user interface concept for LibreOffice
MUFFIN - Neues und flexibles UI für LibreOffice vorgestellt
The Document Foundation (TDF) hat MUFFIN vorgestellt. Das steht für oder ist ein Akronym für My User Friendly & Flexible INterface. Die neue Benutzeroberfläche für LibreOffice wurde gemeinsam von den Teams Entwicklung, Design und Marketing auf die Beine...
Da LibreOffice auf immer mehr verschiedener Hardware installiert und von fünf Generationen verwendet wird, ist MUFFIN die Antwort auf UI-Herausforderungen
Was das mit Zimt zu tun hat? Keine Ahnung, aber es ist auf jeden Fall da. Was genau ist Cinnamon? Im Prinzip soll Cinnamon die Metamorphose von einem angeblich untauglichen Gnome-3-Desktop zu einem benutzbaren sein. Die Gnome-Shell wird aufgebohrt, der...
Es gibt durchaus Forks die besser sind als das Orginal Firefox oder LibreOffice dürften diesbezüglich lediglich die bekanntesten Forks ehemaliger Projekte sein
Explore Ribbon Interface, Called Muffin and more
Ribbon Interface Called Muffin Ribbon Ui Latest Dev Interface Called Office Ribbon Ui Coming Style Interface Ribbon Style
LibreOffice ‘Ribbon Interface’ Called MUFFIN, Gets Detailed
Grammalecte est un correcteur grammatical open source dédié à la langue française, pour Writer (LibreOffice, OpenOffice) et Firefox. Il est dérivé de Lightproof, qui a été écrit pour le hongrois
LibreOffice, documentation
Modèles de documents et extensions pour LibreOffice
Résoudre un problème avec LibreOffice
En cas de problème avec LibreOffice, il suffit comme souvent sur GNU/Linux de supprimer dans votre session le dossier de configuration qui pose problème – lequel est le plus souvent caché
Assurez-vous que le démarrage rapide de LibreOffice n’est pas actif dans votre « tableau de bord » ; si l’icône « Démarrage rapide de LibreOffice » est présente, faite un clic droit dessus et choisissez « Quitter le démarrage rapide
Pour supprimer les paramètres de configuration de LibreOffice pour votre session, tapez la commande suivante – cela n’affecte nullement vos documents
rm -R ~/.config/libreoffice
Relancez à présent LibreOffice
LibreOffice 5.3 introduira une nouvelle interface modulaire, baptisée MUFFIN, afin que les utilisateurs puissent choisir celle qui leur convient. Parallèlement, la Document Foundation lance un site dédié aux extensions et modèles. » Lire la suite de l...
LibreOffice 5.3 Released With Much Awaited ‘Ribbon’ Interface
It was only a couple of days ago that we reviewed OnlyOffice and suggested that LibreOffice has a serious competitor. Well, LibreOffice has just upped the game
LibreOffice 5.3 has been released today and The Document Foundation (the organization behind LibreOffice) has called it the “most feature-rich releases in the history of the application
It’s not bragging. LibreOffice 5.3 does boast of a number of new features to it, most important of them all, its own version of MS Office’s Ribbon interface
In case, you didn’t know already, LibreOffice is a free and open source productivity suite available for Windows, Linux and MacOS. While you have to pay a huge amount of licensing fee for Microsoft Office, LibreOffice is completely free to use on any...
New features in LibreOffice 5.3
Let me discuss the most talked about feature of LibreOffice 5.3. It’s the new Muffin interface
LibreOffice has got its own Ribbon interface called Muffin
Until now, this is what LibreOffice interface looked like
LibreOffice Writer normal interface
LibreOffice 5.3」がリリース--新UI、「LibreOffice Online」など
今から2年近く前、 The Document Foundationは「LibreOffice」を オンライン版 の開発について計画を発表した。「 LibreOffice 5.3 」のリリースによって、ついにそれが現実になった
まず、LibreOffice 5.3は「LibreOffice Online」(LOOL)の最初のソースリリースだ。これはLibreOffice 5.3のクラウドオフィススイートである。LibreOfficeの「コアエンジン」を再使用することで、複数のユーザーがブラウザで文書に簡単な編集を施すことのできる機能を提供する
LibreOffice Onlineは基本的に サーバサービス だ。ユーザーはSSL証明書を持つ自分のクラウドサーバにインストールして、設定を行う必要がある。最新のLibreOffice Onlineソースコードのビルドは、「Docker」イメージとして 入手 可能だ
LibreOffice 5.3は、テスト段階にあるリリースで、アーリーアダプターやパワーユーザー向けとなる。ビジネスユーザーは、より安定した「LibreOffice 5.2.5」を選択することをおすすめする
LibreOffice 5.3オフィススイートは、Windows、macOS、Linux、そして初めてプライベートクラウドで利用可能になっている
MS Office」から「LibreOffice」へ--伊国防省で快調に進むオープンソース化
Bürosoftware: Libreoffice 5.3 rendert besser
Die freie Bürosoftware Libreoffice erhält in der aktuellen Version 5.3 eine verbesserte Rendering-Engine und ein adaptives Menü namens Muffin. Zudem wurde das deutsche Rechtschreibmodul aktualisiert. (Libreoffice, Applikationen
Redesign für freies Office-Paket: LibreOffice 5.3 kommt mit Ribbon-ähnlicher Oberfläche
LibreOffice その3 - 新しいユーザーインターフェースコンセプト、MUFFIN登場
2016年12月21日に、「LibreOffice」のコミュニティーである「The Document Foundation」が、「LibreOffice」の新しいユーザーインターフェースである「MUFFIN」をアナウンスしました
The Document Foundation announces the MUFFIN, a new tasty user interface concept for LibreOffice
MUFFIN」は頭字語(アクロニム)であり、「My User Friendly & Flexible INterface」から作られた言葉です
MUFFIN」は、「LibreOffice 5.3」から標準的な機能もしくは試験的な機能として利用可能になる
Megjelent a LibreOffice 5.2.6
általános (722) hírek (647) megjelent (565) operációs rendszer (257) disztribúció (254) linux (248) kernel (238) charmed (204) kisokos (172) lacyc3 (164) cikk (146) ubuntu (136) kezdő (130) haladó (127) fordítás (105) asztali környezet (87) rc (78...
Megjelent a LibreOffice 5.3
Megjelent a LibreOffice irodai programcsomag 5.3-as verziója, amely megújult felhasználói felülettel és online szerkesztővel rendelkezik
megújult felhasználói felület, MUFFIN, melyről itt olvashatsz bővebben
bemutatkozik a LibreOffice Online: LibreOffice Online
A bejelentés itt olvasható angolul, a LibreOffice 5.3 innen tölthető le magyarul
libreoffice online
LibreOffice 5.3 experimenta con la interfaz gráfica
Ya está disponible para su descarga la suite ofimática LibreOffice 5.3. Una actualización de esas que podríamos denominar importante, con mejoras en diversas áreas, algún que otro debut interesante por el lado de la nube y experimentos a nivel de interfaz
Sin duda hay cambios bajo el capó más importantes (como su motor de renderizado de texto basado en HarfBuzz y el modo seguro que permite investigar problemas o desactivar extensiones), pero una de las cosas que llama la atención en esta edición es MUFFIN...
Por ahora se ofrece a modo experimental, pero si queréis echarle un vistazo no debería estar muy lejos de esta ruta: Herramientas > Opciones > LibreOffice> Habilitar funciones experimentales. Hecho esto se debería poder activar reiniciando la aplicación y...
Destacar que esta edición de LibreOffice 5.3 nos ofrece una versión en la nube que se puede ejecutar desde el navegador desde una infraestructura cloud privada. Algo interesante para el trabajo de tipo colaborativo y online
Calc: La hora de calculo de libreoffice habilita las wildcards como opción predeterminada en las formulas (en vez de las expresiones regulares) para mejorar su compatibilidad con otros programas de software similare. También nos presenta una nueva entrada...
LibreOffice 5.3 está disponible para los principales sistemas operativos (Linux, Mac OS X y Windows) y de camino a los repositorios oficiales de las distros rolling releases
Tagged with: LibreOffice , suite ofimática
2 thoughts on “LibreOffice 5.3 experimenta con la interfaz gráfica
LibreOffice 5.3 avec une nouvelle interface en test
La suite bureautique LibreOffice est disponible dans une nouvelle version 5.3. Même si elle est encore expérimentale, l'une des principales nouveautés est l'introduction d'un concept d'interface utilisateur flexible
Depuis les versions 5.x, la suite bureautique libre et gratuite LibreOffice s'attache à des modifications et améliorations au niveau de l'interface utilisateur. Disponible aujourd'hui pour Windows, macOS et Linux, la version 5.3 est l'occasion d...
Toutefois, il est encore question d'une fonctionnalité en test. Pas d'application par défaut et il faudra se rendre dans les Options de LibreOffice (Avancé) afin d'activer les fonctions expérimentales. MUFFIN, c'est en fait plusieurs éléments d'interface...
Au-delà de MUFFIN, LibreOffice 5.3 apporte bien d'autres choses. Les raccourcis clavier sont affichés dans les menus contextuels et sont activés par défaut (Windows et Linux), il est possible d'insérer des PDF dans des documents sous la forme d'images (la...
Les notes de version de LibreOffice 5.3 sont disponibles sur ce wiki (en français) . Le téléchargement pourra se faire depuis le site officiel
LibreOffice 正體中文文件
這是 LibreOffice 正體中文團隊的文件孕育溫室,致力於提供 LibreOffice 相關教學、分享文件。當作品成熟後,我們會將文章內容培植至官方 wiki 上供大家閱讀
如果您發現了 LibreOffice 的使用技巧、或可作為教學的主題,並願意發揚自由、分享的精神,您可以寄信給 libotw-general (libotw-general [於] googlegroups [點] com) 投稿! 如果您想和我們一同寫文件,分享心得、回饋
文件基金會發表 LibreOffice 使用介面的全新概念:MUFFIN
2016 年 12 月 21 日柏林報導 ─ 文件基金會今天發表了 MUFFIN:LibreOffice 的使用者介面全新概念。這個概念結合了開發團隊、設計團隊的努力成果,並由行銷團隊所支持。MUFFIN 是 My User Friendly & Flexible INterface 的縮寫,著重於 LibreOffice 使用者所建議的這三項重點
My 我的:LibreOffice 使用者想要「個人專屬」的介面,不同的使用習慣要有不同的選項順序,而不是無法調整的統一介面
User Friendly 使用者友善:當然,任何使用者介面都應該對使用者友善,但是 LibreOffice 使用者明確地想要一種「模組化」的介面,也就是使用者可以把介面設定對自己友善好用,而不是無法調整的統一介面
Flexible 彈性:越來越多 LibreOffice 使用者在各種不同的硬體平台上佈署 LibreOffice(例如桌上型電腦、筆記型電腦等),而每一種平台都有不同的特性與螢幕大小、解析度等,因此必須能讓使用者可以動手調整以善用螢幕的可用空間,而非採用無法調整的統一介面
INterface 介面:MUFFIN 是不同使用者介面元素的組合,從 LibreOffice 5.3 起開始會以標準功能或實驗性功能的形式提供:預設 UI 介面(傳統的兩列工具列)、單一列的工具列、單一列工具列搭配側邊欄、以及記事本工具列(實驗性功能)等。每種 UI 介面配置都是為了滿足不同類型的使用者需求
採用標準雙層工具列的 LibreOffice Writer
Comunitatea utilizatorilor de LibreOffice
Lecții LibreOffice
Lecții LibreOffice FCM
LibreOffice – partea 1
LibreOffice – partea a 2-a
LibreOffice – partea a 3-a
LibreOffice 5.2.6
Berlin, 9 martie 2017 – The Document Foundation a publicat LibreOffice 5.2.6 „still”, a șasea ediție minoră din familia LibreOffice 5.2
LibreOffice 5.2.6 se poate descărca de aici:
The Document Foundation prezintă LibreOffice 5.3
LibreOffice i Danmark - Nyheder
Her kan du læse artikler fra LibreOffice i Danmarks månedlige nyhedsbrev. Du kan tilmelde dig nyhedsbrevet ved at sende en mail til
Der findes en lang række vejledninger til LibreOffice på engelsk. Senest er "Getting Startet Guide" blevet opdateret til LibreOffice version 5.2. Samtidig er vejledningerne nu også tilgængelige on-line
Download vejledningen her:
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Italiens forsvarsministerium deler det e-læringskursus, de udviklede sammen med LibreItalia, organisationen bag LibreOffice i Italien. Kurset er gjort tilgængeligt via LibreItalias hjemmeside, og kildematerialet er tilgængeligt på GitHub. Ministeriet...
Kender DU nogen der stadigvæk bruger Open Office, så gør dem den tjeneste at hjælpe med at få programmet erstattet med LibreOffice
The Document Foundation er en uafhængig, velgørende enhed og hjemsted for LibreOffice. Vi har fulgt udviklingen i München med store bekymringer og vil gerne udtrykke vores skuffelse over at se, at et mindretal af politikerne tilsyneladende ignorerer de...
I virkeligheden foreslår Accenture-rapporten en afkobling mellem operativsystem og applikationer for at reducere afhængigheder på klientniveau. For at sikre dette bør både Windows og LiMux udrulles i en grundlæggende konfiguration, som omfatter både...
But there’s a key difference: you need to set up LibreOffice Online on a server in order to allow multiple users to login and edit documents together
LibreOffice is maintained by The Document Foundation , which partnered with Collabora to develop Libreoffice Online. But The Document Foundation has no plans to develop a Google Docs-like service that anyone can use. Instead, the developers envision...
Most other new features are available for personal users though, including an experimental, customizable (and optional… for now) user interface called MUFFIN (My User Friendly & Flexible Interface), support for inserting PDF files into documents so that...
You can find a complete list of changes in the LibreOffice 5.3 release notes
5 Comments on "LibreOffice 5.3 introduces new UI, collaborative online editing
I just checked out the LibreOffice web site and Google Drive access is integrated into the product (if wanted
One note: Practically anyone will be able to use LibreOffice Online since it is being built into products like NextCloud which can be run on cheap VPS-es. So small and mid-sized companies will have the option to install & use a private-cloud-based...
MUFFIN — новый UI для LibreOffice
The Document Foundation презентовала новый «вкусный» концепт пользовательского интерфейса для LibreOffice под названием «MUFFIN» (акроним от My User Friendly & Flexible INterface
1. My (Мой): пользователи LibreOffice хотят “персональный” UI, с разными опциями которые можно адаптировать под личные предпочтения пользователя, а не единственный стандартный UI без опций
2. User Friendly (Дружелюбный): естественно, любой UI должен быть настолько дружелюбным насколько это вообще возможно, но пользователи LibreOffice запрашивают “модульный” UI, в котором они сами смогут установить уровень дружелюбности к пользователю, а не...
3. Flexible (Подстраиваемый): увеличивая число пользователей используемых LibreOffice на разных платформах (к примеру, на настольных ПК и ноутбуках), которые имеют разные характеристики и разные размеры и разрешение дисплеев, запрашивают UI который может...
INterface: концепт MUFFIN это комбинация разнообразных элементов UI, которые будут доступны уже начиная с LibreOffice 5.3 включая как стандартные так и экспериментальные возможности: Default UI (с панелью инструментов), Single Toolbar UI, Sidebar with a...
Каждый из этих стилей UI предназначен для решения задач разных групп пользователей LibreOffice
Рациональность MUFFIN более детально описана в маркетинговом обосновании ( PDF ) а также в специальном посте на TDF Design Blog
LibreOffice 5.3.0 Fresh (только для тестирования
Термин «muffin» в Википедии
LibreOffice Announces "MUFFIN" User Interface
The Document Foundation today announced MUFFIN, a new user-interface concept for LibreOffice
MUFFIN is short for "My User Friendly & Flexible INterface." MUFFIN focuses on a "personal UI" depending upon a user's habits, is deemed user-friendly, and is flexible. These different UI elements will be available with the upcoming LibreOffice 5.3 and...
Megjelent a LibreOffice 5.3
A LibreOffice 5.3 fő jellemzői
A LibreOffice 5.3 minden területen számos érdekes új funkciót kínál: egy új keresztplatformos szövegelrendező rendszer, amely jelentősen javítja a konzisztens szövegelrendezést számos nyelv és ábécé esetén; újjászervezett Súgó menü új gyorshivatkozásokkal...
További információ Megjelent a LibreOffice 5.3 tartalommal kapcsolatosan
LibreOffice 全新使用者界面概念 MUFFIN 出爐
不知道各位讀者平時都用什麼文件編輯軟體來應付辦公的需要?編者現在是用 LibreOffice。最近 LibreOffice 發表了一種新的使用者界面,名為 MUFFIN,是希望 LibreOffice 能更 user friendly
LibreOffice 全新使用者界面概念 MUFFIN 出爐
文件基金會上星期發表了 MUFFIN,那是在 LibreOffice 上的一種全新使用者界面的概念。這個概念結合了開發團隊、設計團隊的努力成果,並由行銷團隊所支持。MUFFIN 是 My User Friendly & Flexible INterface 的縮寫,著重於 LibreOffice 使用者所建議的這三個重點
1. My:LibreOffice 使用者想要「個人專屬」的界面,不同的使用習慣要有不同的選項順序,而不是無法調整的統一界面
2. User Friendly:當然,任何使用者界面都應該對使用者友善,但是 LibreOffice 使用者明確地想要一種「模組化」的界面,也就是使用者可以把界面設定對自己友善好用,而不是無法調整的統一界面
3. Flexible:越來越多 LibreOffice 使用者在各種不同的硬體平台上佈署 LibreOffice(例如桌上型電腦、筆記型電腦等),而每一種平台都有不同的特性與螢幕大小、解析度等,因此必須能讓使用者可以動手調整以善用螢幕的可用空間
MUFFIN 是由不同的使用者界面元素的組合,從 LibreOffice 5.3 起會陸續以標準或實驗性的功能來呈現:預設的界面有傳統的兩列工具列、單一列的工具列、單一列工具列搭配側邊欄、以及頁籤式工具列(實驗性功能
The Document Foundation announces the MUFFIN, a new tasty user interface concept for LibreOffice
The Document Foundation has announced the MUFFIN (My User Friendly & Flexible INterface) for LibreOffice. "The MUFFIN concept is the combination of different UI elements, which are going to be available starting from LibreOffice 5.3 either as a standard...
LibreOffice presenta sus interfaces MUFFIN, cuatro nuevos aspectos para adaptar la suite a tu gusto
Compartir LibreOffice presenta sus interfaces MUFFIN, cuatro nuevos aspectos para adaptar la suite a tu gusto
LibreOffice Calc estará optimizado para GPUs de AMD
LibreOffice , con el paso del tiempo, ha conseguido posicionarse como la mejor alternativa de código abierto a la suite ofimática Office de Microsoft. Hoy, la Document Foundation ha dado un paso más en su desarrollo anunciando MUFFIN, una colecciones de...
Estas serán unas interfaces totalmente opcionales, ofrecerán diferentes aspectos a elegir, y se estrenarán con la versión 5.3 de LibreOffice, la cual tiene previsto ser lanzada a principios del año que viene. Con esta nueva función, los usuarios tendrán...
El concepto MUFFIN es la combinación de diferentes elementos de interfaz de usuario", explican desde la Document Foundation. Estará compuesta por cuatro interfaces diferentes a elegir: la predeterminada con varias barras de herramientas, otra con una...
El nombre de las interfaces, MUFFIN, significa My User Friendly & Flexible INterface, y para crearla el equipo de desarrollo se ha basado en los tres puntos fundamentales que representa su nombre completo. Aquí los tenéis tal cual los han explicado
My: Los usuarios de LibreOffice quieren una interfaz "personal", con diferentes opciones capaz de adaptarse a los hábitos personales del usuario, y no una única interfaz sin opciones
User Friendly: Por supuesto, cualquier interfaz de usuario debe ser tan sencilla como sea posible, pero los usuarios de LibreOffice han pedido claramente una interfaz de usuario "modular", donde puedan establecer su propio nivel de facilidad de uso
Flexible: El creciente número de usuarios de LibreOffice que despliegan el software en diferentes plataformas de hardware (por ejemplo, escritorios y portátiles), cada uno con diferentes características, tamaño de pantalla y resolución, han pedido una...
Da finde ich MUFFIN eigentlich wichtiger
So, wie es aussieht, wird es wohl bald ein Office-angehauchtes Design in LibreOffice geben. Ich freu mich schon auf MUFFIN, das könnte die Bedienung doch etwas vereinfachen und dadurch verbessern
Re: Da finde ich MUFFIN eigentlich wichtiger
Da finde ich MUFFIN eigentlich wichtiger
geübter LibreOffice Profi" – Oh jaaa
LibreOffice-Profi mit Zertifikat
OSDN > Magazine > 「LibreOffice 5.3」公開、UIプロジェクト「MUFFIN」を初導入
LibreOffice 5.3」公開、UIプロジェクト「MUFFIN」を初導入
The Document Foundationは2月1日(ドイツ時間)、オープンソースのオフィススイート「LibreOffiec 5.3」をリリースした。ユーザーインターフェイスを強化する「MUFFIN」プロジェクトの成果が導入されたほか、プライベートクラウド向けのバージョンも初公開した
LibreOffice 5.3は2015年8月に初めて公開されたバージョン5系の最新版となり、2016年8月に公開したLibreOffice 5.2に続くものとなる
開発チームはバージョン5系よりユーザーインターフェイス(UI)の強化にフォーカスしており、「MUFFIN(My User-Friendly & Flexible INterface)」(コードネーム)というプロジェクト名でUIの改善を進めてきた。5.3ではその成果を初めて導入、デフォルトUI、Single Toolebar UI、Sidebar with a Single Toolbarに加えて「Notebookbar」という新しいオプションが加わった。それぞれ異なる層のユーザーに訴求するとしている
本バージョンではまた、クラウド版である「LibreOffice Online」も導入した。Webブラウザ内でコラボレーションしながらのドキュメントの編集など独自の機能を持つ。非クラウド版に忠実なレンダリングで、相互運用性も同等レベルという。LibreOffice Onlineはサーバーにインストールして、別途クラウドストレージとSSL認証を導入・設定して利用することになる。大企業のプライベートクラウド内、あるいはISPやパブリッククラウド事業者が提供するという形が想定されるという
LibreOffice 5.3はLinux、Mac OS X、Windowsに対応、プロジェクトのWebサイトより入手できる
Libreoffice-bugs] [Bug 105884] Tabs of the tabbed muffin layout look ugly in kde
Comment #1 from pieter kristensen <> --- I un-installed libreoffice-kde and took libreoffice-gtk3 in its place. Now the tabs look completely different and ugly (and not so much as the breeze theme) but it functions better
Am I right to think that with libreoffice-gtk3 all problems would be over when kde's breeze-gtk3 theme became mature. When there would be made an effort from the side of the document foundation to make the kde plasma 5 integration smoother then perhaps it...
from the libreoffice side it would be unnecessary to maintain the libreoffice-kde package
Libreoffice-bugs mailing list
Libreoffice-bugs] [Bug 105884] Tabs of the tabbed muffin ... bugzilla-daemon
Libreoffice-bugs] [Bug 105884] Tabs of the tabbed mu... bugzilla-daemon
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libreoffice-bugs - about the list
LibreOffice 5.3 About to Release
LibreOffice 5.3 is expected to be released this week as the latest feature update to this cross-platform, open-source office suite. Here's a quick feature overview look for those interested in LibreOffice 5.3
LibreOffice 5.3 will include many user-interface UI/UX improvements and the initial work on the MUFFIN project
LibreOffice 5.3 should also offer faster rendering performance and another big addition is the new text layout engine that settles on HarfBuzz for rendering
LibreOffice 5.3 also marks the first source release of Libreoffice Online for web-driven collaborative editing of documents in the web browser. LibreOffice Online can be easily deployed via a public Docker image
More details on the changes for LibreOffice 5.3 can be found via the release notes. Stay tuned for the official 5.3.0 announcement around 1 February
From the comments on the MUFFIN page
stacksofplates said in LibreOffice 5.3 About to Release
Ribbon interface, yuck. I like my menu bars, it's how I grew up. Figured out how to bring up the menu bar in Word Perfect for DOS, and still haven't adjusted to the ribbon interface (tho that's mostly because I use LibreOffice and barely touch MS Office...
LibreOffice MUFFIN
Recently, TDF has published its new MUFFIN concept. This publication has provoked a mixed response, with many negative reactions
People seem to misunderstand what MUFFIN is
The Design team clearly sees the challenges that LO faces with regards to UI changes. On one hand, many want some “refresh”; on the other, many deny the very possibility of it and are afraid of it. There are issues in UI not following different OSes/DMs...
MUFFIN isn’t a new interface itself. It is even not an interface concept in a usual sense of the term! What it actually is is a public statement, a promise made by LO to its users; and this statement and promise is that: LibreOffice believes that it...
So, MUFFIN is not a NotebookBar or a Single Toolbar. It is a message to users, and a guideline to developers who make UI-related changes. MUFFIN is not the four presented UI options; rather, they are just demonstration of commitment to make it easy to any...
The four presented UI options are not meant to be necessarily something new. Of course, you can use standard toolbars, or customize them to let only one custom toolbar visible, or use sidebar with any combination of toolbars: the UI components and their...
I believe that MUFFIN is a great message if you make an effort to hear it. Please do. And if you believe that there’s something to improve, please contribute and become part of community
I must say that I’ve been attentive reader of TDF feeds almost from the very beginning of its history, when I couldn’t think to develop for LibreOffice . And reading posts of developers, where they described what they had done at their hack-weeks at SUSE...
Here I need to tell you what is it. Until LibreOffice 5.0.4, many errors in XML that LibreOffice reads were simply silently ignored. Note that both LO’s native format, ODF, as well as its most popular competitor, OOXML, are XML formats. It means that the...
LibreOffice MUFFIN
Recently, TDF has published its new MUFFIN concept. This publication has provoked a mixed response, with many negative reactions
People seem to misunderstand what MUFFIN is
The Design team clearly sees the challenges that LO faces with regards to UI changes. On one hand, many want some “refresh”; on the other, many deny the very possibility of it and are afraid of it. There are issues in UI not following different OSes/DMs...
MUFFIN isn’t a new interface itself. It is even not an interface concept in a usual sense of the term! What it actually is is a public statement, a promise made by LO to its users; and this statement and promise is that: LibreOffice believes that it...
So, MUFFIN is not a NotebookBar or a Single Toolbar. It is a message to users, and a guideline to developers who make UI-related changes. MUFFIN is not the four presented UI options; rather, they are just demonstration of commitment to make it easy to any...
The four presented UI options are not meant to be necessarily something new. Of course, you can use standard toolbars, or customize them to let only one custom toolbar visible, or use sidebar with any combination of toolbars: the UI components and their...
I believe that MUFFIN is a great message if you make an effort to hear it. Please do. And if you believe that there’s something to improve, please contribute and become part of community
Tagged Development , LibreOffice , MUFFIN , UI
4 thoughts on “LibreOffice MUFFIN
LibreOffice 5 3 estrena nueva interfaz gráfica MUFFIN
código abierto , español , libre , libreoffice , Linux , Mac , multiplataforma , open source , PC , windows
Etiqueta: libreoffice
LibreOffice 5 3 estrena nueva interfaz gráfica MUFFIN
código abierto , español , libre , libreoffice , Linux , Mac , multiplataforma , open source , PC , windows
在新闻: LibreOffice 宣布新用户界面 MUFFIN 发表评论
The Document Foundation 宣布了开源办公软件 LibreOffice 的新用户界面概念 MUFFIN。 MUFFIN 是 My User Friendly & Flexible INterface 的首字母缩写,主要集中于三个方面: My,提供选项个性化用户界面; Us
在新闻: LibreOffice 宣布新用户界面 MUFFIN 发表评论
The Document Foundation 宣布了开源办公软件 LibreOffice 的新用户界面概念 MUFFIN。 MUFFIN 是 My User Friendly & Flexible INterface 的首字母缩写,主要集中于三个方面: My,提供选项个性化用户界面; Us
LibreOffice 5.3正式发布:启用全新MUFFIN界面
文档基金会是一家促进开源办公套件 LibreOffice 发展的非盈利组织,今天该基金会宣布 LibreOffice 5.3 版本正式发布。LibreOffice 5.3 于去年 10 月份开始研发,10 月 21 日文档基金会的联合创始人、市场公关 Italo Vignoli 宣布首个 BUG 悬赏活动正式启动。自那时候开始,LibreOffice 5.3 接受了多个 Alpha 和 Beta 更新,实现了很多用户所期待的功能
文档基金会的董事会成员安 Michael Meeks 说道:“LibreOffice 的背后是由开发者组建的梦幻社区。在 2010 年的时候,只有极少数坚信我们未来的发展潜力而贡献了大量代码,他们的贡献和代码库的成功是密不可分的。六年来,我们吸引了超过 1100 名开发者,而且建立了庞大的社区,在最近两年平均有 300 人活跃在源代码上
LibreOffice 5.3 最重要的功能或许就是 MUFFIN,这是全新的用户友好和灵活的用户界面,在很多报告中和微软 Office 的 Ribbon UI 有点相似。但事实上,这个“个性化”的用户界面能够根据用户以及当前文档编辑的需求进行调整
尽管 MUFFIN 还处于实验性质,但却是 LibreOffice 消费者最渴望期待的功能,取决于消费者使用的是笔记本还是 PC 电脑,LibreOffice 能够提供四种不同的 UI 风格。消费者也能根据自己的喜好来进行调整
LibreOffice 5.3 New Features General 视频:
LibreOffice 5.3 New Features Writer 视频:
LibreOffice 5.3 New Features Calc 视频:
LibreOffice 5.3 New Features Impress 视频:
标签: LibreOffice
Freies Office - Muffin: LibreOffice bekommt neue Oberfläche mit Ribbon-Anleihen
Projekt Muffin: Libreoffice 5.3 bekommt eine neue Oberfläche
Muffin heißt das neue und modulare Oberflächenkonzept für Libreoffice, an dem die Document Foundation arbeitet. Anwender sollen vor allem von der Flexibilität profitieren. (Libreoffice, Document Foundation
Muffin: Libreoffice ändert Nutzerinterface
Mit dem neuen Konzept namens „Muffin“, bekommt das freie Office-Programm beginnend mit Version 5.3 ein flexibleres Userinterface
Libreoffice 5.3 mit Online-Version und MUFFIN Linux Magazin
LibreOffice 5.2.4 erschienen, mit 5.3 kommt MUFFIN Caschys Blog
Projekt Muffin: Libreoffice 5.3 bekommt eine neue Oberfläche
Muffin: LibreOffice bekommt neue Oberfläche mit Ribbon-Anleihen Der Standard
Libreoffice 5.0.6 behebt Fehler Linux Magazin
LibreOffice 4.2.4 freigegeben Pro-Linux
LibreOffice 4.2 veröffentlicht Pro-Linux
LibreOffice 4.2 ist veröffentlicht Computerwoche
The Document Foundation publica el concepto de “MUFFIN”, su nueva interfaz gráfica que se estrenará en Libreoffice 5.3
A través del blog oficial, la gente de The Document Foundation ha publicado su concepto previo de lo que será la nueva interfaz gráfica a estrenar en Libreoffice 5.3 y la cuál lleva por nombre hasta los momentos “MUFFIN”, un acrónimo de “My User Friendly...
The Document Foundation está decidida a ofrecer una nueva interfaz gráfica en su próxima versión 5.3 de Libreoffice aunque eso si, manteniendo la actual GUI la cuál consta de barras de herramientas principalmente. Es por ello que a través de su blog...
3- Flexible: Debido a que actualmente Libreoffice es usada en diferentes dispositivos (smartphone, tabletas, laptops, y escritorios) su interfaz debe ser adaptada y optimizada para funcionar en una gran cantidad de resoluciones, según, MUFFIN permitirá...
Ahora bien, en el concepto gráfico, The Document Foundation ha presentado cuatro escenarios gráficos diferentes en donde actúa MUFFIN
1- La interfaz gráfica estándar, esta obviamente es la que se viene usando desde antaño en Libreoffice
Qué opinas sobre estas nuevas interfaces gráficas que Libreoffice estrenará en su próxima versión 5.3
21 diciembre, 2016 en Otras Tecnológicas . Etiquetas: barra , document , grafica , gui , interfaz , lateral , libreoffice , modular , muffin , personalizar , ribbon , usuarios
Se lanza Libreoffice 5.3, conoce algunas de las características mas destacables incluidas en esta versión
Para la próxima versión 5.3, Libreoffice ofrecerá opcionalmente una nueva interfaz gráfica basada en el Ribbon de Microsoft Office
The Document Foundation announces the MUFFIN, a new tasty user interface concept for LibreOffice
The Document Foundation has announced the MUFFIN (My User Friendly & Flexible INterface) for LibreOffice. "The MUFFIN concept is the combination of different UI elements, which are going to be available starting from LibreOffice 5.3 either as a standard... - OpenOffice & LibreOffice
OpenOffice & LibreOffice
Club des développeurs OpenOffice & LibreOffice : actualités, cours, tutoriels, programmation, FAQ, codes sources, livres, outils et forums
The Document Foundation annonce LibreOffice 5.3
LibreOffice 5.3, une des version les plus riches en fonctionnalités de l'histoire de l'application. La suite bureautique est disponible pour Windows, MacOS X et Linux et pour la première fois, pour le cloud privé
Actualité OpenOffice & LibreOffice
LibreOffice 5.3 : derrière la Notebookbar, The Document Foundation annonce le MUFFIN, un nouveau concept d'interface utilisateur flexible 34
Notebookbar : LibreOffice 5.3 intègre un ruban de style Microsoft Office en mode caché, les utilisateurs doivent l'activer pour l'utiliser 34
LibreOffice 5.4 : Base, le module de bases de données de la suite bureautique libre sera livré avec Firebird 3 comme moteur intégré par défaut 3
LibreOffice 5.3 disponible en version bêta1, et intègre des améliorations de linterface et des performances 0 - OpenOffice & LibreOffice
OpenOffice & LibreOffice
LibreOffice 5.3 : derrière la Notebookbar, The Document Foundation annonce le MUFFIN, un nouveau concept d'interface utilisateur flexible
LibreOffice 5.4 : Base, le module de bases de données de la suite bureautique libre sera livré avec Firebird 3 comme moteur intégré par défaut
Une faille liée au parseur RTF dans LibreOffice 5.0.4 permet d'exécuter du code arbitraire, une mise à jour vers la version 5.0.6 corrige la faille
Les meilleurs cours et tutoriels sur LibreOffice & Apache OpenOffice
Sélection des meilleurs tutoriels et cours de formations gratuits pour apprendre à utiliser LibreOffice ou Apache OpenOffice. Vous trouverez les meilleures méthodes éducatives pour une formation agréable et complète. N'hésitez pas aussi à vous référer à...
Installation LibreOffice/OpenOffice
Les suites bureautiques LibreOffice (LibO) et OpenOffice (OOo ou AOO) commencent à se faire connaître, mais certains hésitent à les installer. Dans un premier temps, je vais vous montrer comment les installer simplement sous Windows, et ensuite nous...
Présentation de LibreOffice
Home > LibreOffice 5.3 – Ainda há razões para usar o Office da Microsoft
LibreOffice 5.3 – Ainda há razões para usar o Office da Microsoft
O Libreoffice é uma suite de produtividade que tem vindo a conquistar cada vez mais utilizadores. Esta tem ganho muitas novas funcionalidades e digamos que possui todas as funções necessárias para um utilizador de nível intermédio
Recentemente, a The Document Foundation lançou o LibreOffice 5.3. Vamos conhecer as novidades
LibreOffice Online
No campo da produtividade a Google e a Microsoft já têm as suas suites disponíveis online e a Document Foundation já tinha anunciado que, brevemente, o Libreoffice estaria também disponível nesse “formato”. Esse dia chegou e já é possível realizar algumas...
De acordo com o comunicado, esta nova versão do LibreOffice é a mais completa de sempre em toda a história desta suite que está disponível gratuitamente para Windows, Mac e Linux
Par ativar as novas funcionalidades do LibreOffice basta ir a Ferramentas > LibreOffice e depois Avançado. Em seguida basta selecionar “Ativar funcionalidades experimentais
Todas as novidades da suite do LibreOffice 5.3 podem ser vistas em vídeo
LibreOffice 5.3 Writer
LibreOffice Brasil Blog
LibreOffice Web
LibreOffice Magazine 25
Mas com todas as dificuldades por que passa o Brasil, nosso LibreOffice segue firme e forte com sua base instalada de usuários profissionais e domésticos, e consolidou-se como suíte de escritório alternativa para milhões de brasileiros, daqueles que não...
Do lado da nossa comunidade brasileira, pudemos criar um grupo de trabalho que ao longo do ano atualizou o Guia de Introdução ao LibreOffice 5.0, esforço que envolveu tradução do inglês, revisão do português, captura de telas e montagem da obra final...
Nosso LibreOffice Magazine segue firme no seu compromisso de informar seus leitores sobre o universo do LibreOffice e do seu ecossistema. Nesta edição de Natal trazemos matérias sobre a conexão a banco de dados MySql, sobre como são entendidos os...
This entry was posted in Comunidade , LibreOffice Magazine , Magazine , Medalhas , Migração on 29th December 2016 by Olivier Hallot
A The Document Foundation anuncia o MUFFIN, o delicioso conceito de interface para o LibreOffice
The Document Foundation anuncia o MUFFIN, um novo conceito de interface de usuário para o LibreOffice, baseado no esforço conjunto dos times de desenvolvimento e de design, apoiado pelo time de marketing. O MUFFIN é um acrônimo para My User Friendly...
My: os usuários do LibreOffice querem uma interface de usuário (IU) “pessoal”, com várias opções de capaz de se adaptar aos hábitos pessoais dos usuários, e não mais uma interface única sem opções
LibreOffice Brasil Blog
LibreOffice Web
A The Document Foundation anuncia o MUFFIN, o delicioso conceito de interface para o LibreOffice
The Document Foundation anuncia o MUFFIN, um novo conceito de interface de usuário para o LibreOffice, baseado no esforço conjunto dos times de desenvolvimento e de design, apoiado pelo time de marketing. O MUFFIN é um acrônimo para My User Friendly...
My: os usuários do LibreOffice querem uma interface de usuário (IU) “pessoal”, com várias opções de capaz de se adaptar aos hábitos pessoais dos usuários, e não mais uma interface única sem opções
User Friendly: naturalmente, qualquer IU deve ser a mais amigável possível, mas os usuários do LibreOffice pediram claramente por uma IU “modular” onde é possível definir seus próprios níveis de conforto, e não mais uma interface única sem opções
Flexible: o aumento do número de usuários do LibreOffice instalando o software em várias plataformas de computação (por exemplo um desktop e um laptop) cada um com suas características de tamanho de tela e resolução, gerou a demanda por uma IU que...
INterface: O conceito MUFFIN é a combinação de vários elementos da IU, que será disponibilizada a partir do LibreOffice 5.3 na forma padrão ou experimental: a IU padrão (com barras de ferramentas), a IU com barra única, e a nova barra de abas...
LibreOffice Writer com Barra Padrão
LibreOffice Writer com Barra única
O que é o LibreOffice
LibreOffice Estável
Certificação LibreOffice
Marca LibreOffice
LibreOffice 5: a suite Office que a comunidade sonhou ter por anos
O LibreOffice é um dos projetos mais amigáveis e de crescimento acelerado no mundo do software de código fonte aberto
O LibreOffice é mais do que software. É também gente, cultura. criação, compartilhamento e colaboração
O LibreOffice é uma poderosa suíte de produtividade de escritório com planilha, editor de texto, editor de apresentação e muito mais
O LibreOffice incorpora várias aplicações que as torna a mais poderosa suíte de produtividade de escritório livre e aberta do mercado
Descubra o LibreOffice
Notices tagged with libreoffice
Windows has Microsoft Office, whereas Cinnamon has not. That's the wedge. I know, It sounds stupid for us, since # LibreOffice does the job just as well if not better. However, that mass of users who have been working with Windows since Win95 and even...
Screwing #libreoffice together w/ #nsa #prism for those who don't grasp worth of #privacy and cost of #surveillance
LibreOffice and Google Drive documents
LibreOffice office suite of programs esye a free and constantly upgraded with features and improvements. It is free and especially not use s
2017 #TDF and #LibreOffice calendar #odf #freesw
2017 TDF and LibreOffice calendar
6 of the Best #LibreOffice Extensions You Should Use #freesw #odf
6 of the Best LibreOffice Extensions You Should Use - Make Tech Easier
LibreOffice is already packed with features, and if that is not enough for you, here are some of the best LibreOffice extensions to extend its functionality
MUFFIN - новый UI для LibreOffice
The Document Foundation презентовала новый «вкусный» концепт пользовательского интерфейса для LibreOffice под названием "MUFFIN" (акроним от My User Friendly & Flexible INterface
My (Мой): пользователи LibreOffice хотят “персональный” UI, с разными опциями которые можно адаптировать под личные предпочтения пользователя, а не единственный стандартный UI без опций
User Friendly (Дружелюбный): естественно, любой UI должен быть настолько дружелюбным насколько это вообще возможно, но пользователи LibreOffice запрашивают “модульный” UI, в котором они сами смогут установить уровень дружелюбности к пользователю, а не...
Flexible (Подстраиваемый): увеличивая число пользователей используемых LibreOffice на разных платформах (к примеру, на настольных ПК и ноутбуках), которые имеют разные характеристики и разные размеры и разрешение дисплеев, запрашивают UI который может...
INterface: концепт MUFFIN это комбинация разнообразных элементов UI, которые будут доступны уже начиная с LibreOffice 5.3 включая как стандартные так и экспериментальные возможности: Default UI (с панелью инструментов), Single Toolbar UI, Sidebar with a...
Каждый из этих стилей UI предназначен для решения задач разных групп пользователей LibreOffice
A muffin is an individual-sized, baked quick bread product
Страница со скриншотами:
После шести месяцев разработки организация The Document Foundation опубликовала релиз офисного пакета LibreOffice 5.3 . Готовые установочные пакеты подготовлены для различных дистрибутивов Linux, Windows и macOS, а также в редакции для создания облачных...
Началось официальное распространение серверной редакции LibreOffice Online, позволяющей организовать систему совместной работы с документами через Web, похожую на Google Docs или Office 365. Для быстрого развёртывания серверной редакции подготовлен...
Включена экспериментальная поддержка проекта MUFFIN (My User Friendly & Flexible INterface) c реализацией концепции модульного интерфейса, предлагающей решения для разных предпочтений пользователей, условий работы и видов оборудования. Кроме предлагаемой...
Список ключевых изменений в офисном пакете LibreOffice Fresh выглядит следующим образом
Загрузить: LibreOffice Fresh
Gratis Probieraktion Basic Mix von Küchle - Grundbackmischungen für Muffins, Tortenböden oder Kuchen *vorbei
Brot für die Welt, Kuchen für die Schnäppchenfüchse. Wer sich gerne mal einen Backen würde, aber nichts im Haus hat, kann sich einfach an der Probieraktion von Küchle teilnehmen. Dort erhaltet ihr die Grundbackmischung „Basic Mix“, die ihr für Muffins...
Kostenlose Software ist schon lange Teil der Computer-Kultur. Bereits 1982 begründeten Entwickler diese Form des Software-Vertriebs. Free- und Shareware dürften fast allen ein Begriff sein. In den letzten Jahren hat sich zusätzlich das Freemium-Modell...
LibreOffice」が「MS Office」の“リボン”風UIを含む新UIを導入へ
The Document Foundationは21日(中央ヨーロッパ時間)、オープンソースのオフィス統合環境「LibreOffice」の新しいユーザーインターフェイスデザイン(UI)コンセプト“MUFFIN”を発表した。「LibreOffice 5.3」から導入されるという
LibreOffice」が「MS Office」の“リボン”風UIを含む新UIを導入へ More ログイン
LibreOffice 宣布新用户界面 MUFFIN
KW 5 – SMS legt Samsung Galaxy lahm, moderne Kryptotrojaner, WebEx unsicher, Vodafone Werbung, Libreoffice 5.3
Libreoffice erscheint in Version 5.3 und rendert nun besser
Erst im letzten Artikel der Best Websites wurde von Alternativen zu Microsoft Office berichtet. Die dort erwähnte Libreoffice Software erhielt nun ein Update auf Version 5.3. Die Version bringt eine Reihe von Verbesserungen mit. So erfolgt z.B. die...
11] Libreoffice 5.3 rendert besser (golem
LibreOffice 5.3」公開、UIプロジェクト「MUFFIN」を初導入、ほか
LibreOffice 5.3」公開、UIプロジェクト「MUFFIN」を初導入、ほか
LibreOffice 5.3」公開、UIプロジェクト「MUFFIN」を初導入
ドイツのThe Document Foundationは2月1日、「LibreOffiec 5.3」をリリースしました。ユーザーインターフェイスを強化する「MUFFIN」プロジェクトの成果が導入されたほか、プライベートクラウド向けのバージョンも初公開しました。開発チームはバージョン5系よりユーザーインタフェース(UI)の強化にフォーカスしており、「MUFFIN(My User-Friendly & Flexible INterface)」というプロジェクト名でUIの改善を進めてきました。5...
Kubernetes / NTTデータ / Hinemos / LibreOffice / PHP / Facebook / Beringei / CoreOS / fleet
Document Foundation voegt Ribbon-tegenhanger toe aan LibreOffice
De Document Foundation heeft in LibreOffice een zogenaamde Notebook-balk toegevoegd. De Notebookbar lijkt op de Ribbon UI die Microsoft sinds 2007 in zijn Office-producten verwerkt. Woensdag kwam LibreOffice 5.3 uit
De balk is vanaf versie 5.3 als 'experimentele functie' in LibreOffice te vinden . Deze versie is te downloaden op de downloadpagina van LibreOffice. Binnen de software kan de Notebookbalk geactiveerd worden door het Extra-menu te openen en op 'opties' te...
Het is niet duidelijk of de Notebook-balk in de uiteindelijke versie van LibreOffice 5.3 geactiveerd kan worden zonder eerst 'experimentele functies' aan te zetten. Vermoedelijk blijft het uiterlijk standaard op de oude lay-out staan
Italiaans leger stapt over op LibreOffice 15 september 2015
Bedrijven willen LibreOffice Online in browser laten draaien 25 maart 2015
LibreOffice geen prijs bekend
Het is niet duidelijk of de Notebook-balk in de uiteindelijke versie van LibreOffice 5.3 geactiveerd kan worden zonder eerst 'experimentele functies' aan te zetten. Vermoedelijk blijft het uiterlijk standaard op de oude layout staan
Dat is inderdaad precies de gedachte die men had. Binnen de LibreOffice-gemeenschap heeft de interface met menubalk nog altijd veel steun en het is geen toeval dat men Microsoft niet is achterna gelopen. Tegelijkertijd zijn er inmiddels veel mensen die...
Het antwoord lijkt MUFFIN te zijn, een concept waarbij je de gebruikersinterface naar eigen wens kunt kiezen
LibreOffice ‘Ribbon Interface’ Called MUFFIN, Gets Detailed …
omgubuntu People in the anti-Ribbon/pro-LibreOffice crowd are not going to like it at all. But I do
omgubuntu @libreoffice I don't want it, it's narly, I don't like the ate look
New post: LibreOffice MUFFIN #LibreOffice
LibreOffice Will Have New ‘MUFFIN’ UI
New submitter iampiti writes: The Document Foundation has announced a new user interface concept for LibreOffice. Users will be able to select from several toolbar configurations including the “Notebook bar” which is similar to Microsoft Office’s ribbon...
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LibreOffice 5.0 Released
The LibreOffice Story
LibreOffice Turns Five
Start System Admin Linux LibreOffice 5.3 Veröffentlicht mit Spannung erwartete 'Ribbon' Schnittstelle
LibreOffice 5.3 Veröffentlicht mit Spannung erwartete 'Ribbon' Schnittstelle
Es war nur ein paar Tage her, dass wir bewertete OnlyOffice und schlug vor, dass LibreOffice einen ernsthaften Konkurrent hat. Brunnen, LibreOffice hat das Spiel nur steigerte
LibreOffice 5.3 wurde heute veröffentlicht und Die Dokument-Stiftung (die Organisation hinter LibreOffice) nannte es die "die meisten Feature-reiche Spiele in der Geschichte der Anwendung
Es ist nicht prahlen. LibreOffice 5.3 eine Reihe von neuen Features zu rühmen, am wichtigsten von allen, seine eigene Version von MS Office Ribbon-Oberfläche
Im Fall, Sie wusste nicht bereits, LibreOffice ist eine freie und open Source Produktivitätssuite für Windows verfügbar, Linux und MacOS. Während Sie eine riesige Menge an Lizenzgebühren zahlen müssen für Microsoft Office, LibreOffice ist völlig kostenlos...
Neuerungen in LibreOffice 5.3
Lassen Sie mich am meisten gesprochen über Funktion von LibreOffice diskutieren 5.3. Es ist die neue Muffin-Schnittstelle
LibreOffice hat seine eigene Ribbon-Oberfläche namens Muffin
Bis jetzt, Dies ist, was LibreOffice Schnittstelle aussah
Home System Admin Linux How To Enable The “Ribbon” UI in LibreOffice 5.3
How To Enable The “Ribbon” UI in LibreOffice 5.3
LibreOffice 5.3 was released recently, and among its features is an experimental Microsoft Office style Ribbon toolbar layout
Well, we’ll show you how to enable the notebookbar toolbar in LibreOffice 5.3 in just a tick — first we need to recap why the feature is there in the first place
We need to talk about MUFFIN
MUFFIN in LibreOffice
MUFFIN is an acronym. It stands for ‘My User Friendly & FlexibleINterface’. You can see why we’ll just call it MUFFIN
Why you need to know about MUFFIN is that it, under the auspices of choice, introduces 4 different toolbar and panel layouts in LibreOffice applications. Among these is the Ribbon style tabbed UI we written about before, and a slim, simplified, single...
The MUFFIN concept is … going to be available starting from LibreOffice 5.3 either as a standard or experimental feature: the Default UI (with toolbars), a Single Toolbar UI, the Sidebar with a Single Toolbar, and the new Notebook Bar (experimental...
Each layout is designed to appeal to a different subset of users. LibreOffice’s designers feel the one-size doesn’t make sense in a world where generational divides between users alter their expectations from office software interfaces
Casa Amministratore di sistema Linux Come abilitare il "nastro" dell'interfaccia utente in LibreOffice 5.3
Come abilitare il "nastro" dell'interfaccia utente in LibreOffice 5.3
LibreOffice 5.3 è uscito recentemente, e tra le sue caratteristiche è un layout della barra degli strumenti della barra multifunzione di stile Microsoft Office sperimentale
Pozzo, vi mostreremo come abilitare la barra degli strumenti notebookbar in LibreOffice 5.3 in un segno di spunta — in primo luogo abbiamo bisogno di ricapitolare perché la funzionalità c'è in primo luogo
Abbiamo bisogno di parlare di MUFFIN
MUFFIN in LibreOffice
MUFFIN è un acronimo. E ' l'acronimo 'My User Friendly & FlexibleINterface'. Si può vedere perché che chiameremo solo MUFFIN
Perché avete bisogno di sapere su MUFFIN è che esso, sotto l'egida della scelta, introduce 4 diversi layout della barra degli strumenti e pannello nelle applicazioni di LibreOffice. Tra questi è il Nastro stile a schede dell'interfaccia utente Abbiamo...
Il concetto MUFFIN... è sarà disponibile a partire da LibreOffice 5.3 sia come una caratteristica standard o sperimentale: l'interfaccia utente predefinita (con barre degli strumenti), una singola barra degli strumenti dell'interfaccia utente, la barra...
Ogni layout è stato progettato per fare appello a un sottoinsieme diverso di utenti. Designer di LibreOffice sentire che la taglia unica non ha senso in un mondo dove generazionale si divide tra utenti alterano le loro aspettative da interfacce software...
domov Tagy How to enable libre office muffin interface
Tag: how to enable libre office muffin interface
ako povoliť libre office muffin rozhranie
How to Enable "Stuha" UI v LibreOffice 5.3
LibreOffice 5.3 Prepustený s oveľa očakávaný "pásky" rozhranie
Ana Sayfa Sistem Yöneticisi Linux Nasıl "Şerit" LibreOffice kullanıcı Arabiriminde etkinleştirmek için 5.3
Nasıl "Şerit" LibreOffice kullanıcı Arabiriminde etkinleştirmek için 5.3
LibreOffice 5.3 Son zamanlarda piyasaya sürüldü, ve onun özellikleri arasında bir deneysel Microsoft Office stili şerit araç çubuğu düzeni
Evet, Biz seni notebookbar araç çubuğunda LibreOffice etkinleştirmek için nasıl olduğunu göstereceğiz 5.3 Sadece bir kene içinde — ilk özelliği ilk etapta neden tekrarlamak gerekir
MUFFIN hakkında konuşmamız gerek
KEK LibreOffice
MUFFIN bir kısaltmadır. O durgunluk 'My User Friendly & FlexibleINterface'. Neden biz sadece bu MUFFIN arayacağım görebilirsiniz
Öyle mi neden MUFFIN hakkında bilmeniz gereken, seçim himayesinde, tanıttı 4 farklı araç ve panel düzenler LibreOffice uygulamalarda. Bunlar arasında olduğunu Şerit tarzı kullanıcı Arabirimi sekmeli Biz daha önce yazılı hakkında, ve bir ince...
MUFFIN kavramdır... LibreOffice başlayarak kullanılabilir olacak 5.3 bir standart veya deneysel özellik olarak: varsayılan UI (araç çubukları ile), Tek bir araç UI, Tek bir araç ile kenar çubuğu, ve yeni defter Bar (deneysel) " bir explainer mesaj açıklar...
Her düzen kullanıcılar farklı bir alt kümesine itiraz için tasarlanmıştır. LibreOffice'nın tasarımcıları tek boyutlu bir dünyada nerede onların beklentilerini office yazılım arabirimleri üzerinden kullanıcılar arasında kuşak böler alter anlamsız...
LibreOffice is finally copying the ribbon in 5.3
LibreOffice ‘Ribbon Interface’ Called MUFFIN, Gets Detailed
Microsoft Ribbon UI Coming to LibreOffice" shouted we last week, as we told you about the (experimental) 'Notebook Bar; interface in testing in the latest development builds of LibreOffice, the hugely popular open-source office suite. Today, The Document...
masonwheeler said in MUFFIN
The MUFFIN concept is … going to be available starting from LibreOffice 5.3 either as a standard or experimental feature: the Default UI (with toolbars), a Single Toolbar UI, the Sidebar with a Single Toolbar, and the new Notebook Bar (experimental
All 4 of the new layouts are part of the tasty acronym MUFFIN. MUFFIN stands for “My User Friendly & Flexible INterface” — and if you hate tautologies you’re gonna want to avoid most blog posts discussing it as I’ve already seen people refer to it as “the...
Onyx said in MUFFIN
So what's the difference between a muffin and a cupcake
dkf said in MUFFIN
antiquarian said in MUFFIN
LibreOffice宣布新用户界面MUFFIN。The Document Foundation宣布了开源办公软件 LibreOffice 的新用户界面概念 MUFFIN
MUFFIN 是 My User Friendly & Flexible INterface 的首字母缩写,主要集中于三个方面:My,提供选项个性化用户界面;User Friendly,顾名思义对用户友好;Flexible,适应不同大小的屏幕和分辨率。LibreOffice 将提供多种工具栏布局,包括传统的标准工具栏,单一工具栏,类似 Microsoft Office ribbon 界面的 Notebook 工具栏(如图所示),以及侧边工具栏
相关TAG标签 LibreOffice 新用户界面 MUFFIN
LibreOffice 5.3使用类似微软Office的
LibreOffice 5.3正式发布:启用全新M
The Document Foundation 宣布了 开源办公软件 LibreOffice 的新用户界面概念 MUFFIN
MUFFIN 是 My User Friendly & Flexible INterface 的首字母缩写,主要集中于三个方面:My,提供选项个性化用户界面;User Friendly,顾名思义对用户友好;Flexible,适应不同大小的屏幕和分辨率。LibreOffice 将提供多种工具栏布局,包括传统的标准工具栏,单一工具栏,类似 Microsoft Office ribbon 界面的 Notebook 工具栏(如图所示),以及侧边工具栏
LibreOffice 5.3 – tarihteki “en zengin özellikli” bülteni yayınladı
Kısa açıklama: The Document Foundation LibreOffice 5.3 yayımladı. Şimdiye kadar ki en büyük bültenlerden biri olarak nitelendirdiği, Vakıf ileriye doğru büyük bir adım olarak bu sürümü gösterdi. LibreOffice 5.3, MUFFIN adlı Microsoft Office benzeri Şerit...
LibreOffice 5.3, yazılımın gelişiminde atılmış büyük bir adım olarak adlandırılıyor. Serbest bırakma duyurusu ayrıca, son 6 yıllık dönem boyunca, proje 1.100’den fazla yeni geliştirici tarafından geliştirildi
Şimdi size en yeni LibreOffice 5.3 ve en büyük özelliklerini anlatalım
LibreOffice 5.3 Yeni Özellikler
LibreOffice 5.3, her alanda heyecan verici yeni özellikler ile birlikte geliyor. Yeni bir metin düzen motoru, gözden geçirilmiş bir Yardım menüsü ve daha iyi dışa aktarma / içe aktarma özellikleri var. Ayrıca, Microsoft Office benzeri Şerit Kullanıcı...
LibreOffice Çevrimiçi kaynak kodu oluşturuyor
LibreOffice Online’ın ilk kaynak sürümü
LibreOffice 5.3, LibreOffice Online’ın ilk kaynak sürümünü de getiriyor. Temel işbirliği düzenleme özelliğine sahip bir bulut içeriyor. Kullanıcıların bulut depolama alanı ve SSL sertifikası ekleyerek bu hizmeti yüklemesi gerekir
LibreOffice 5.3’ün yeni özelliklerini heyecanlandırıcı buldunuz mu? Görüş ve geribildirim eklemeyi unutma
LibreOffice 5.3: big upgrade to free office suite
LibreOffice's new (optional) ribbon interface
The Document Foundation’s LibreOffice started life as an offshoot of the OpenOffice open source project, but it has since become the go-to alternative to Microsoft Office. Now the organisation has unveiled the latest version, LibreOffice 5.3 – and despite...
Highlights include a new experimental (and optional) ribbon-based interface, plus a new cross-platform text layout engine. It’s also accompanied by the first source release of LibreOffice Online, which allows businesses to run the suite in their own...
A new text layout engine opens the list of notable new suite-wide features. This is a cross-platform engine that supports OpenType and Graphite Layout on all platforms, providing a consistent text layout on whatever machine LibreOffice is run on
LibreOffice 5.3 also implements a new colour palette system with changes to the workflow (including improvements to how recent colours are handled), a reduced set of palettes and support for introducing new colour palettes via extensions
Other core improvements include a new Safe mode, allowing LibreOffice to be launched with a clean user profile should problems be encountered with an add-on or corrupt setting. You can trigger it via Help > Restart in Safe Mode… or by using the –safe-mode...
Impress users gain a new Template Selector (and two new templates: Vivid and Pencil), while the underlying Firebird SQL database connector for Base has been upgraded to version 3.0 – be warned, this version is not backwards compatible (compatibility is...
The new ribbon-based interface, referred to as a Notebookbar, is still an experimental feature, and so must be made visible via Tools > Options > LibreOffice > Advanced. Tick ‘Enable experimental features (may be unstable)’ and upon restarting the...
At the present time, the feature – codenamed MUFFIN – is still relatively sparse, although users have a choice of three basic styles: tabbed offers the closest approximation to Microsoft Office, with contextual groups and contextual single options also...
Domů Software Hlavní návrh nového prostředí v LibreOffice je závislý na kontextu
Hlavní návrh nového prostředí v LibreOffice je závislý na kontextu
Je to v podstatě jen pár dní, co jsem psal o tom, že se schyluje k zavedení nového uživatelského prostředí pro LibreOffice, byť bude zatím dostupné jen jako volitelná experimentální funkce . Jak jsem předeslal, nové prostředí nebude obyčejná kopie pásu...
Tip: Zoptimalizujte prostředí LibreOffice, aby pro vás bylo přívětivé a efektivní
Celý projekt pro navržení nového uživatelského prostředí se nazývá MUFFIN (My User Friendly & Flexible INterface
Již zmíněná kontextovost prostředí bude jednoduše provedena k životu tím, že se části panelu budou měnit podle toho, co budete zrovna dělat. Částečně to umí např. Průzkumník ve Windows 8 a 10, kde když např. označíte archiv, objeví se na pásu karet sekce...
Je to tedy rozdíl oproti konceptu prostředí v Microsoft Office, kde jsou funkce rozdělené do stálých kategorií. Zpátky k LibreOffice. Některá tlačítka budovu větší, některá menší, ve výsledku se jich však na nástrojový panel nevejde tolik jako dřív...
Další alternativní vzhledy nabídnou úzké zobrazení pro speciální potřeby, které připomene dnešní zvláštní režim, kdy můžete nástrojové lišty transformovat do jednoho panelu . Návrhů na to, jak by prostředí mohlo vypadat, byla učiněna celá řada. Některé...
Zdroj: The Document Foundation Blog | MUFFIN | LibreOffice Design Team
Cakepop, Donut & Muffin Maker
LibreOffice - Die leistungsfähige Office Suite
Software: LibreOffice - Die leistungsfähige Office Suite
OpenOffice & LibreOffice
LibreOffice 5.3 : derrière la Notebookbar, The Document Foundation annonce le MUFFIN
The Document Foundation a annoncé hier ce quelle appelle le MUFFIN, un nouveau concept d'interface utilisateur pour LibreOffice à partir de la version 5.3. Daprès la fondation, « le MUFFIN représente une nouvelle approche de conception d'interface...
En adoptant le concept MUFFIN, acronyme de My User Friendly & Flexible INterface, les équipes LibreOffice cherchent à répondre aux besoins exprimés par les utilisateurs. Daprès la fondation, ces derniers veulent une interface utilisateur « personnelle...
Derrière la Notebookbar signalée récemment se trouve le concept de MUFFIN. Daprès léquipe de conception de LibreOffice, la Notebookbar permet de « créer une interface utilisateur flexible capable de s'adapter aux différents besoins des utilisateurs...
L'objectif des groupes contextuels dans la Notebookbar est de « disposer de différentes barres d'outils pour différents utilisateurs et scénarios, et au mieux, facilement modifiables par l'utilisateur, » explique léquipe de conception de LibreOffice...
Quelques idées ont été proposées dans la communauté LibreOffice et la flexibilité du développement de la Notebookbar devrait permettre de créer facilement et tester plusieurs implémentations pendant le cycle de développement. Léquipe de conception de...
Sources : The Document Foundation , LibreOffice Design Team
Foundation Libre LibreOffice Office
16/12 - Notebookbar : LibreOffice 5.3 intègre un ruban de style Microsoft Office en mode caché, les utilisateurs doivent l'activer pour l'utiliser - OpenOffice & LibreOffice
OpenOffice & LibreOffice
Vu en bas de la page le lien de téléchargement de la 5.3, qui est bien en version stable :
C'est une bizarrerie du script de téléchargement sur lequel je n'ai pas la main. Pour être sûr de la variante que vous téléchargez accédez à la page de téléchargement par le menu "Télécharger" dans lequel vous pouvez choisir "LibreOffice Stable...
C'est tout l'intérêt de MUFFIN : donner le choix à l'utilisateur qui peut adapter l'interface, à ses goûts, la taille de son écran, ses habitudes, etc
The Document Foundation a annoncé hier la mise à disposition de la 6e mise à jour corrective de LibreOffice 5.2
LibreOffice 5.2.6 peut maintenant être considérée comme prête pour les déploiements dans les grandes organisations, les administrations publiques et en entreprise
LibreOffice 5.2.6 en français peut-être téléchargé dés maintenant depuis la page de téléchargement du site web officiel du projet :
Responsable bénévole de la rubrique OpenOffice & LibreOffice : zoom61
LibreOffice 5.3.0 (01/02/17
Discussione: LibreOffice 5.3.0 (01/02/17
LibreOffice 5.2.4 (22/12/16
Disponibile LibreOffice 5.2.4
LibreOffice download
LibreOffice Release notes
LibreOffice 5.2.5 (26/01/17
Disponibile LibreOffice 5.2.5
LibreOffice jest dla każdego – więc MUFFIN zamiast odgórnie narzuconej Wstążki
Kilka dni temu informowaliśmy o zaawansowanym stanie prac nad nowym interfejsem użytkownika w LibreOffice, wykorzystującym tzw. Notebookbar – rozwiązanie bardzo przypominające Wstążkę z Microsoft Office. Wielu tradycjonalistów, przywiązanych do...
MUFFIN to akronim utworzony od angielskich słów My User Friendly & Flexible INterface. Przyjazny dla użytkownika i elastyczny, a więc taki, jaki chcecie. Rozpracować trzy podstawowe założenia jest łatwo. Mój – czyli osobisty, dopasowujący się do potrzeb i...
Taki interfejs łączy więc w sobie różne elementy, a użytkownicy wezmą z nich to, co im odpowiada. Już od LibreOffice 5.3 MUFFIN pozwoli wybrać domyślny interfejs (z menu i paskami narzędziowymi), interfejs z pojedynczym paskiem narzędziowym, interfejs z...
Przetestować nowy interfejs z Notebookbarem możecie na testowych kompilacjach LibreOffice z gałęzi 5.3 – na serwerze projektu znajdziecie wersje dla Linuksa, macOS-a i Windowsa. Po zainstalowaniu i uruchomieniu pakietu, należy włączyć funkcje...
Nowoczesna wstążka dla LibreOffice – Notebookbar
157 LibreOffice z własną Wstążką – Notebookbar to kontekstowe paski narzędziowe w kartach
Od lat spora grupa użytkowników LibreOffice narzeka na prymitywny interfejs tego programu. Ich zdaniem przypomina on wzornictwo lat dziewięćdziesiątych, odbiegając od trendów jakie wyznaczył
LibreOffice 5.3.0
LibreOffice to zupełnie darmowy pakiet biurowy, który stanowi świetną alternatywę dla płatnego Microsoft Office. Dzięki aplikacjom w nim zawartym użytkownik może tworzyć i edytować dokumenty tekstowe, arkusze kalkulacyjne, prezentacje, a także bazy danych...
Chcesz nauczyć się sprawnie korzystać z pakietu LibreOffice, poznać pełnię jego możliwości? Polecamy nasz cykl Poznaj LibreOffice – to praktyczne porady, które krok po kroku pokażą, co można osiągnąć z darmowym i wolnym pakietem biurowym
Dzięki programom zawartym w pakiecie LibreOffice stworzymy zarówno proste dokumenty takie jak listy motywacyjne lub CV, ale i całe prace dyplomowe. Niestraszne mu również obliczenia, dzięki czemu upraszcza rachunkowość. Ze względu na otwartą licencję...
Dzięki programowi Draw użytkownik może stworzyć praktycznie dowolne ilustracje i efekty podnoszące wartość dokumentów tworzonych poprzez pakiet LibreOffice. Jest to aplikacja, która oferuje użytkownikowi duże możliwości obróbki obiektów, edytowanie...
TexMaths 0.42 dla LibreOffice
AltSearch 1.4.1 dla LibreOffice
Code Colorizer Formatter 4.0.2 dla LibreOffice i OpenOffice
OO2GD 3.0 dla LibreOffice
LibreOffice 5.3 to więcej niż „Wstążka” – to jak dotąd najobfitsze w zmiany wydanie (teraz też po śląsku
Projekt Muffin: Libreoffice 5.3 bekommt eine neue
Projekt Muffin: Libreoffice 5.3 bekommt eine neue Oberfläche Libreoffice 5.3 gibt es mit Muffin-Aufsatz. (Bild: Libreoffice) Muffin heißt das neue und
To see more from LibreOffice 正體中文消息 on Facebook, log in or create an account
Ofimática: LibreOffice presenta sus interfaces MUFFIN, cuatro nuevos aspectos para adaptar la suite a tu gusto .LibreOffice: 11 trucos para
LibreOffice presenta sus interfaces MUFFIN, cuatro nuevos aspectos para adaptar la suite a tu gusto
LibreOffice , con el paso del tiempo, ha conseguido posicionarse como la mejor alternativa de código abierto a la suite ofimática Office de Microsoft. Hoy, la Document Foundation ha dado un paso más en su desarrollo anunciando MUFFIN, una colecciones de...
Estas serán unas interfaces totalmente opcionales, ofrecerán diferentes aspectos a elegir, y se estrenarán con la versión 5.3 de LibreOffice, la cual tiene previsto ser lanzada a principios del año que viene. Con esta nueva función, los usuarios tendrán...
LibreOffice: 11 trucos para aprovechar la edición de documentos al máximo
LibreOffice es uno de los paquetes de software de oficina más completos de la actualidad. Es de código abierto, completamente gratuito y disponible en múltiples plataformas al alcance de todos. Está diseñado para ser compatible con la mayoría de los...
Lo que nació de la bifurcación de OpenOffice, se convirtió rápidamente en uno de los programas favoritos en la comunidad de Software Libre. LibreOffice es el suite de ofimática por defecto en muchas distribuciones Linux, pero no se limita solo a esta...
Collabora Online: La primera versión empresarial de LibreOffice sale a la venta con OwnCloud
Dos meses después de ver los primeros pasos de Open365 de una suite ofimática libre en la nube, ahora es LibreOffice la que da el paso de convertirse en una aplicación web. Y lo hace corporativamente de la mano de OwnCloud (un rival libre de Dropbox) y...
Sólo con ver el nombre ya sabemos su estrategia: competir contra Office 365 de Microsoft y cualquier otro tipo de producto similar tal como Google Drive o más tímidamente la web de iWork desde Para ello, Fiestas y su equipo se han entretenido...
Libreoffice 5.3 gibt es mit Muffin-Aufsatz. (Bild: Libreoffice
Projekt Muffin: Libreoffice 5.3 bekommt eine neue Oberfläche
Muffin heißt das neue und modulare Oberflächenkonzept für Libreoffice , an dem die Document Foundation arbeitet. Anwender sollen vor allem von der Flexibilität profitieren
Die Document Foundation hat das Projekt Muffin für Libreoffice angekündigt. Muffin steht dabei für My User Friendly & Flexible Interface. Es geht also darum, dem Anwender eine besser konfigurierbare Bedienoberfläche zu bieten. Diese arbeitet mit Toolbars...
Das Muffin-Konzept (Bild: Libreoffice Design Team cc-by-sa 3.0
Die Document Foundation plant, das Muffin-Konzept mit Libreoffice 5.3 einzuführen. Diese Version befindet sich derzeit noch in der Pre-Release-Phase . Aktuell wird die Beta 2 als Download angeboten
Startseite Themen : Libreoffice , Document Foundation , Applikationen , Open Source
Libreoffice 5.2 unterstützt geheime Dokumente
Libreoffice 5.1 mit überarbeiteter Oberfläche freigegeben
Die Document Foundation ist für die Entwicklung von Libreoffice verantwortlich. Libreoffice ist ein Community-Fork von
Libreoffice 5.2 - Herstellervideo
Neue Funktionen in Libreoffice 5.2 (Herstellervideo
Libreoffice 3.3 - Vorstellung
Projekt Muffin
Libreoffice 5.3 bekommt eine neue Oberfläche
Muffin heißt das neue und modulare Oberflächenkonzept für Libreoffice , an dem die Document Foundation arbeitet. Anwender sollen vor allem von der Flexibilität profitieren
Libreoffice 5.2 unterstützt geheime Dokumente
Die aktuelle Version 5.2 der freien Officesuite Libreoffice unterstützt den TSCP-Standard für Geheimhaltungsstufen. Verbessert hat das Team zudem die Interoperabilität und die Arbeit mit Dokumenten soll dank einer kleineren Werkzeugleiste leichter sein
UK-Behörden lizenzieren kommerzielles Libreoffice
Libreoffice ist ein Projekt von ehemaligen Libreoffice entstand durch den fehlenden Support vom Hauptsponsor Oracle. Unterstützt durch die Document Foundation, entwickelt das Team hinter Libreoffice eine unabhängige Office-Suite
Libreoffice 5.3 rendert besser
Die freie Bürosoftware Libreoffice erhält in der aktuellen Version 5.3 eine verbesserte Rendering-Engine und ein adaptives Menü namens Muffin. Zudem wurde das deutsche Rechtschreibmodul aktualisiert
Videos zum Thema Libreoffice
Libreoffice 5.2 - Herstellervideo
Neue Funktionen in Libreoffice 5.2 (Herstellervideo
Libreoffice Online in Onwcloud - Vorstellung
Libreoffice Calc - gemeinsames Editieren
Projekt Muffin
Libreoffice 5.3 bekommt eine neue Oberfläche
Libreoffice 5.3 rendert besser
Die freie Bürosoftware Libreoffice erhält in der aktuellen Version 5.3 eine verbesserte Rendering-Engine und ein adaptives Menü namens Muffin. Zudem wurde das deutsche Rechtschreibmodul aktualisiert
LibreOffice-Profi mit Zertifikat
Alle Heise-Foren > heise online > News-Kommentare > LibreOffice-Profi mit Zertifi… > Da finde ich MUFFIN eigentlic
Da finde ich MUFFIN eigentlich wichtiger
So, wie es aussieht, wird es wohl bald ein Office-angehauchtes Design in LibreOffice geben. Ich freu mich schon auf MUFFIN, das könnte die Bedienung doch etwas vereinfachen und dadurch verbessern
You are here: Home / Uncategorized / How To Enable The “Ribbon” UI in LibreOffice 5.3
How To Enable The “Ribbon” UI in LibreOffice 5.3
And you may be wondering how to enable it. Well, we’ll show you how to enable the notebookbar toolbar in LibreOffice 5.3 in just a tick — first we need to recap why the feature is there in the first place. We need to talk about MUFFIN. MUFFIN in...
How to save LibreOffice documents to your Nextcloud server
If you have an available Nextcloud server, you will happy to know the combination of the server's built-in WebDAV service and LibreOffice's Save Remote File feature allows you to save documents directly from your desktop to the server. Once you set up...
Filed Under: Uncategorized Tagged With: aka LibreOffice Ribbon , aka Ribbon ui , and the other new toolbars , Classic Toolbar , Contextual Groups , Contextual Single , Default , Default UI , different toolbar and panel layouts , Enable Experimental...
LibreOffice Draw: Vorlage Kakao-Mix & Kaffee-Mix Etiketten
Generell empfehle ich das kostenlose Programm „LibreOffice“ ( ) statt zu Word zu verwenden
in LibreOffice klickst du auf einfach auf den „Rahmen“ der Elemente. Anschließend erscheint nach einem Rechtsklick der Menüpunkt „Fläche…“. Wenn du diesen ausgewählt hast, dann kannst du die Farbe auf einen beliebigen Wert ändern
also, ich habe das jetzt noch einmal mit LibreOffice versucht
noch ein Tipp: Wenn du das Dokument mit LibreOffice speicherst, dann achte darauf, dass es als ODT Datei gespeichert wird. Dann sollte auch das Layout perfekt wieder hergestellt werden
wir haben nun auch eine Vorlage für LibreOffice Draw oben verlinkt
versuche doch mal das Programm LibreOffice oder Word zu starten und dann über Datei > Öffnen die heruntergeladene Vorlage direkt aus dem Download Ordner auszuwählen. Alternativ kannst du auch mal versuchen mit einem anderen Browser die Datei herunter zu...
Wir empfehlen dir aber das kostenlose LibreOffice
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Schaf Muffins mit Marshmallow Topping
TDF annuncia MUFFIN
The Document Foundation, attraverso le parole di Italo Vignoli, ha annunciato MUFFIN, nuovo concetto di interfaccia grafica per LibreOffice
MUFFIN è l’acronimo di My User Friendly & Flexible Interface e si concentra su tre aree suggerite dagli stessi utenti di LibreOffice
My: gli utenti vogliono una UI di LibreOffice “personale
User Friendly: gli utenti di LibreOffice hanno chiesto una UI “modulare”, che incrementi la facilità d’uso
Flexible: gli utenti LibreOffice lavorano su diverse piattaforme hardware, ognuna con diverse dimensioni dello schermo e risoluzione e dunque hanno chiesto una interfaccia utente che potesse essere ottimizzata per sfruttare ogni tipo di schermo
INterface: MUFFIN è una combinazione di diversi elementi dell’interfaccia utente. Il tutto sarà disponibile a partire da LibreOffice 5.3
LibreOffice Writer con standard Toolbar
LibreOffice Writer con Single Toolbar
LibreOffice Writer con Sidebar
Home Technik Libreoffice bekommt neues User-Interface: So soll es aussehen
Libreoffice bekommt neues User-Interface: So soll es aussehen
Libreoffice arbeitet an einem überarbeiteten User-Interface. Das Ziel: Neulingen den Einstieg zu erleichtern und Profis gleichzeitig möglichst viel Flexibilität zu geben…. Quelle: t3n - Hier weiterlesen
LibreOffice 5.2.4 erschienen, mit 5.3 kommt MUFFIN
Muffin: Libreoffice ändert Nutzerinterface
Wie die Document-Foundation hinter dem Office-Paket wissen lässt, steht Muffin für: My User Friendly & Flexible Interface
LibreOffice 5.3 bekommt Ribbon-UI
LibreOffice mit neuer Webseite für Erweiterungen und Vorlagen
Libreoffice: Collabora veröffentlicht Cloud-Ausgabe in Version 2.0
Dank einem umfangreichen Software-Paket inklusive LibreOffice, Chromium und Java ist ein produktiver Einsatz trotz Prototypen
Linear muffin-tin orbitals
According to earlier first-principles calculations, the spin-disorder contribution to the resistivity of rare-earth metals in the paramagnetic state is strongly underestimated if Matthiessen's rule is assumed to hold. To understand this discrepancy, the...
Electrical resistivity of heavy rare-earth metals has a dominant contribution from thermal spin-disorder scattering. Here this spin-disorder resistivity is calculated for the Gd-Tm series of metals in the paramagnetic state. Calculations are performed...
The paramagnetic spin-disorder resistivity (SDR) of transition-metal ferromagnets Fe, Co, Ni, ordered transition metal alloys Ni3Mn and Fe3Si as well as Ni2MnX (X=In,Sn,Sb) Heusler alloys is determined from first principles. SDR is evaluated similar to...
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MUFFIN — новый интерфейс для LibreOffice
libreoffice , ui
Организация The Document Foundation представила новый концепт пользовательского интерфейса для LibreOffice под названием «MUFFIN» (акроним от My User Friendly & Flexible INterface). Скриншоты доступны на странице новости по основной ссылке
My (мой): пользователи LibreOffice хотят «персональный» интерфейс с разными опциями, которые можно адаптировать под личные предпочтения, а не единственный интерфейс без опций
User Friendly (дружелюбный): естественно, любой интерфейс должен быть настолько дружелюбным, насколько это возможно, но пользователи LibreOffice запрашивают «модульный» интерфейс, в котором они сами смогут установить уровень дружелюбности к пользователю...
Flexible (подстраиваемый): так как LibreOffice используется на разных устройствах, имеющих разные характеристики, размеры и разрешения дисплеев, пользователям нужен интерфейс, способный подстраиваться под все эти устройства, а не единственный интерфейс...
Концепт MUFFIN — это комбинация разнообразных элементов UI, которые будут доступны уже начиная с LibreOffice 5.3, включая как стандартные, так и экспериментальные возможности: интерфейс по умолчанию (с панелью инструментов), «Single Toolbar UI», «Sidebar...
Каждый из этих стилей предназначен для решения задач разных групп пользователей LibreOffice
Рациональность MUFFIN более детально описана в маркетинговом обосновании ( PDF ), а также в специальной записи в TDF Design Blog
LibreOffice 5.3.0 Fresh (только для тестирования
MUFFIN — новый интерфейс для LibreOffice
libreoffice , ui
Организация The Document Foundation представила новый концепт пользовательского интерфейса для LibreOffice под названием «MUFFIN» (акроним от My User Friendly & Flexible INterface). Скриншоты доступны на странице новости по основной ссылке
My (мой): пользователи LibreOffice хотят «персональный» интерфейс с разными опциями, которые можно адаптировать под личные предпочтения, а не единственный интерфейс без опций
User Friendly (дружелюбный): естественно, любой интерфейс должен быть настолько дружелюбным, насколько это возможно, но пользователи LibreOffice запрашивают «модульный» интерфейс, в котором они сами смогут установить уровень дружелюбности к пользователю...
Flexible (подстраиваемый): так как LibreOffice используется на разных устройствах, имеющих разные характеристики, размеры и разрешения дисплеев, пользователям нужен интерфейс, способный подстраиваться под все эти устройства, а не единственный интерфейс...
Концепт MUFFIN — это комбинация разнообразных элементов UI, которые будут доступны уже начиная с LibreOffice 5.3, включая как стандартные, так и экспериментальные возможности: интерфейс по умолчанию (с панелью инструментов), «Single Toolbar UI», «Sidebar...
Каждый из этих стилей предназначен для решения задач разных групп пользователей LibreOffice
Рациональность MUFFIN более детально описана в маркетинговом обосновании ( PDF ), а также в специальной записи в TDF Design Blog
LibreOffice 5.3.0 Fresh (только для тестирования
MUFFIN — новый интерфейс для LibreOffice
libreoffice , ui
Организация The Document Foundation представила новый концепт пользовательского интерфейса для LibreOffice под названием «MUFFIN» (акроним от My User Friendly & Flexible INterface). Скриншоты доступны на странице новости по основной ссылке
My (мой): пользователи LibreOffice хотят «персональный» интерфейс с разными опциями, которые можно адаптировать под личные предпочтения, а не единственный интерфейс без опций
User Friendly (дружелюбный): естественно, любой интерфейс должен быть настолько дружелюбным, насколько это возможно, но пользователи LibreOffice запрашивают «модульный» интерфейс, в котором они сами смогут установить уровень дружелюбности к пользователю...
Flexible (подстраиваемый): так как LibreOffice используется на разных устройствах, имеющих разные характеристики, размеры и разрешения дисплеев, пользователям нужен интерфейс, способный подстраиваться под все эти устройства, а не единственный интерфейс...
Концепт MUFFIN — это комбинация разнообразных элементов UI, которые будут доступны уже начиная с LibreOffice 5.3, включая как стандартные, так и экспериментальные возможности: интерфейс по умолчанию (с панелью инструментов), «Single Toolbar UI», «Sidebar...
Каждый из этих стилей предназначен для решения задач разных групп пользователей LibreOffice
Рациональность MUFFIN более детально описана в маркетинговом обосновании ( PDF ), а также в специальной записи в TDF Design Blog
LibreOffice 5.3.0 Fresh (только для тестирования
Nova atualização do LibreOffice – versão 5.3 é divulgada recentemente repleta de novidades
O LibreOffice, uma das maiores suítes de escritório livre do mundo, divulga lançamento repleta de novidades. Disponível para Windows, macOS e Linux, a divulgação dessa atualização representa um avanço significativo na evolução do programa que agora...
LibreOffice 5.3
Mantido pela The Document Foundation , o LibreOffice foi criado pelos membros advindos da comunidade . Eles desenvolveram uma suíte de escritório livre que suporta os arquivos ODF sem nenhum requerimento de direito autoral. Assim, surgiu o...
Saiba como manipular documentos usando a interface de linha de comando do LibreOffice
Saiba como melhorar a compatibilidade entre o MS Office e LibreOffice
Conforme anúncio oficial , Michael Meeks, membro do conselho da The Document Foundation, diz que “o LibreOffice é apoiado por uma fantástica comunidade de desenvolvedores
Por exemplo, nessa nova versão, a versão brasileira do LibreOffice, teve a imensa colaboração do time de tradução composto por: Chrystina Pelizer (SC), Tulio Macedo (DF), Raul Pacheco da Silva (SP) e Olivier Hallot (RJ) – via FONTE
A versão LibreOffice 5.3 vem uma novidade interessante. Um recurso que permite o modo online com edição colaborativa básica de documentos… diretamente num navegador web. Contudo, o LibreOffice online está disponível para a instalação em um servidor na...
Além disso, a interface do LibreOffice está mudando! Em modo experimental, uma barra de abas, que oferece outra opção além da interface do usuário padrão (com duas barras de ferramentas), a barra de ferramentas singular e da barra lateral com uma barra de...
The Document Foundation annuncia MUFFIN, un nuovo concetto di interfaccia utente per LibreOffice
The Document Foundation ha annunciato MUFFIN , il nuovo concetto di interfaccia grafica per LibreOffice
MUFFIN è l’acronimo di My User Friendly & Flexible INterface e rappresenta il frutto degli sforzi congiunti degli sviluppatori e del design team supportati dal team di marketing. MUFFIN si concentra su tre aree suggerite dagli stessi utenti di LibreOffice
My: gli utenti vogliono una UI di LibreOffice “personale”, con diverse opzioni in grado di adattarsi alle abitudini personali degli utenti
User Friendly: naturalmente, qualsiasi interfaccia utente dovrebbe essere il più user friendly possibile, ma gli utenti di LibreOffice hanno chiesto chiaramente una UI “modulare”, che si possa adattare alla proprio livello di facilità d’uso e non una sola...
Flexible: gli utenti LibreOffice lavorano su diverse piattaforme hardware, ognuna con diverse dimensioni dello schermo e risoluzione e dunque hanno chiesto una interfaccia utente che potesse essere ottimizzata per sfruttare ogni tipo di schermo
INterface: MUFFIN è una combinazione di diversi elementi dell’interfaccia utente. Il tutto sarà disponibile a partire da LibreOffice 5.3. Troviamo diversi tipi di interfacce. Eccole
La logica dietro MUFFIN è ulteriormente spiegata in questo PDF e in una post sul blog TDF design
Packages can now be aliased and presented under a different name than their package name or source package name. When this is the case the original package names also appear in the interface as secondary information. This is used by Linux Mint to group...
LibreOffice was upgraded to version 4.4.3
LibreOffice 全新使用者界面概念 MUFFIN 出爐
文件基金會上星期發表了 MUFFIN,那是在 LibreOffice 上的一種全新使用者界面的概念。這個概念結合了開發團隊、設計團隊的努力成果,並由行銷團隊所支持。MUFFIN 是 My User Friendly & Flexible INterface 的縮寫,著重於 LibreOffice 使用者所建議的這三個重點
1. My:LibreOffice 使用者想要「個人專屬」的界面,不同的使用習慣要有不同的選項順序,而不是無法調整的統一界面
2. User Friendly:當然,任何使用者界面都應該對使用者友善,但是 LibreOffice 使用者明確地想要一種「模組化」的界面,也就是使用者可以把界面設定對自己友善好用,而不是無法調整的統一界面
3. Flexible:越來越多 LibreOffice 使用者在各種不同的硬體平台上佈署 LibreOffice(例如桌上型電腦、筆記型電腦等),而每一種平台都有不同的特性與螢幕大小、解析度等,因此必須能讓使用者可以動手調整以善用螢幕的可用空間
MUFFIN 是由不同的使用者界面元素的組合,從 LibreOffice 5.3 起會陸續以標準或實驗性的功能來呈現:預設的界面有傳統的兩列工具列、單一列的工具列、單一列工具列搭配側邊欄、以及頁籤式工具列(實驗性功能
La Document Foundation publie LibreOffice 5.3 avec plein de nouvelles fonctionnalités
LibreOffice est une suite bureautique libre, conviviale, puissante, gratuite et multi-plateforme (GNU/Linux, MacOS, MS-Windows, et maintenant Cloud). Son interface claire et ses outils avancés vous permettent de libérer votre créativité et de développer...
Avec LibreOffice, affranchissez-vous du joug et du diktat des licences propriétaires et castratrices à plusieurs centaines d’€ de Microsoft Office
LibreOffice intègre six Applications et des Modèles et extensions qui en font la Suite Bureautique Libre & Open Source la plus évoluée sur le marché
La Document Foundation a annoncé la publication de LibreOffice 5.3
LibreOffice 5.3 représente une avancée significative dans l’évolution de la suite bureautique
LibreOffice est soutenu par une fantastique communauté de développeurs », a déclaré Michael Meeks, membre du conseil d’administration de The Document Foundation. « En 2010, seules quelques personnes pariaient sur notre capacité d’attirer un grand nombre...
Points forts de LibreOffice 5.3
LibreOffice 5.3 offre un certain nombre de nouvelles fonctionnalités intéressantes dans tous les domaines
Une liste des nouvelles fonctionnalités les plus significatives est disponible dans un document séparé et est présentée ci-dessous dans une série de 4 courtes vidéos. Une page avec les nouvelles fonctionnalités est également disponible sur le site Web de...
LibreOffice va proposer une interface plus souple
LibreOffice, la suite bureautique libre et gratuite, va bientôt proposer une nouvelle interface. Nommée Muffin (pour « My User Friendly & Flexible INterface », mais si), elle met en avant la souplesse en proposant davantage d’options qu’aujourd'hui, en...
Ces différentes interfaces ont été imaginées pour adapter au mieux le logiciel en fonction des usages, mais aussi des tailles et des formats d’écran. La « Notebookbar » ressemble au ruban de Microsoft Office et ce sera une nouveauté pour LibreOffice, les...
L’interface MUFFIN sera déployée progressivement, sans doute comme fonction expérimentale dans LibreOffice 5.3 avant de devenir la norme
LibreOffice offre déjà la possibilité de choisir entre différents graphismes d'icônes. Pour ma part j'ai choisi les icônes Sifr
Muffin*, pas Mufin (petit détail à corriger au début de l'article
J'ai fini par switcher de ces suites OpenOffice, LibreOffice... pour MS Office. Finalement personne n'a fait mieux que Microsoft
Si ça peut contribuer à faire adopter LibreOffice, c'est tout benef
Travaillant beaucoup avec des fichiers csv ou tsv, je n'utilise que LibreOffice
Tes critiques et connaissances sur office pour MAC datent : Mac office 2015 gère le format csv utf8 virgule.Et plein d'autres choses que ne gèrera jamais Libreoffice
Libreoffice-bugs] [Bug 106470] differnt Toolbar Layouts
Sorry, that is a marketing issue now. The "Notebookbar" is a MUFFIN construct to hold customizable .UI controlls as an alternative to our legacy Toolbars, or the .UI Sidebar is cast
I think of it this way, our legacy multi-toolbar layout remains our Default, but onto that we have added the Sidebar. Now with the Notebookbar and MUFFIN taking shape, what should the "new" default be? And how best to expose the options users will have
Option 2 of providing a layout configuration dialog is appealing UX, but the main menu View -> Toolbar Layout would still need to have the MUFFIN "Notebookbar" consolidated into it
Libreoffice-bugs mailing list
Libreoffice-bugs] [Bug 106470] New: differnt Toolbar Layo... bugzilla-daemon
Libreoffice-bugs] [Bug 106470] differnt Toolbar Layo... bugzilla-daemon
libreoffice-bugs - all messages
libreoffice-bugs - about the list
The Document Foundation annuncia MUFFIN, un nuovo concetto di interfaccia utente per LibreOffice
The Document Foundation ha annunciato MUFFIN , il nuovo concetto di interfaccia grafica per LibreOffice. MUFFIN è l'acronimo di My User Friendly & Flexible INterface e rappresenta il frutto degli sforzi congiunti degli sviluppatori e del design team...
LibreOffice presenta sus interfaces MUFFIN, cuatro nuevos aspectos para adaptar la suite a tu gusto
LibreOffice, con el paso del tiempo, ha conseguido posicionarse como la mejor alternativa de código abierto a la suite ofimática Office de Microsoft. Hoy, la Document Foundation ha dado un paso más en su desarrollo anunciando MUFFIN, una colecciones de...
etiquetas: libreoffice
1 Mira en LibreOffice puedes modificarlo para dejarlo en un horroroso naranja como un conocido agregador de noticias
LibreOffice 5.3 è l’ultima versione rilasciata della suite office open source più usata su Linux e multi-piattaforma
MUFFIN, la nuova interfaccia utente è ufficialmente disponibile da questa versione di LibreOffice
LibreOffice disponibile su Mac AppStore
Il Ministero della Difesa italiano adotta LibreOffice
LibreOffice Viewer: LibreOffice arriva sul mondo Mobile
LibreOffice 4.2: la migliore versione di sempre
Bürosoftware: Libreoffice 5.3 rendert besser
Die freie Bürosoftware Libreoffice erhält in der aktuellen Version 5.3 eine verbesserte Rendering-Engine und ein adaptives Menü namens Muffin. Zudem wurde das deutsche Rechtschreibmodul aktualisiert. ( Libreoffice , Applikationen
Свободный офисный пакет LibreOffice 5.3 получил веб-версию, LibreOffice Online, для использования в облаках
Выбор шаблона при запуске LibreOffice 5.3 Impress
Вчера некоммерческая организация The Document Foundation представила новый релиз свободного офисного пакета LibreOffice — 5.3
В анонсе LibreOffice 5.3 эта версия называется одной из самых богатых на новые функции за всю историю проекта. Впервые офисный пакет LibreOffice стал официально доступен для применения онлайн в облачной инфраструктуре — благодаря решению LibreOffice...
Среди других заметных новшеств в офисе LibreOffice 5.3
экспериментальный пользовательский интерфейс Notebookbar, который дополняет варианты стандартного (Default UI с двумя панелями инструментов), интерфейсов с единым тулбаром (Single Toolbar UI) и с боковой панелью и единым тулбаром (Sidebar with a Single...
Значимые изменения, представленные в LibreOffice 5.3, можно посмотреть в серии видеороликов, опубликованных на YouTube
cloud , LibreOffice , Web , офис , релизы
The Document Foundation объявила о выходе новой версии свободного офисного пакета LibreOffice — 5.0 10 5 августа 2015 г
LibreOffice 5.1 в завершающей стадии разработки: вышла альфа-версия 4 29 октября 2015 г
LibreOffice 3.4.3 发布
TDF 维护两个 LibreOffice分支以满足广大用户的需求,尽管我们强烈建议所有用户更新在近期更新至3.4 系列版本。全球最大发电站——巴西伊泰普水电站的用户已经部署 LibreOffice 3.4.2。该软件还是丹麦哥本哈根医院 2.5 万台电脑移植计划中的关键部分
LibreOffice 3.4.3 发布时就提供一百多种语言的支持,可在 下载。变更日志可在 与
今年十月,TDF与 LibreOffice 周边的社区将在巴黎举办首届LibreOffice 峰会 ( )。主题演讲、活动日程,以及TDF成员的研讨班与训练计划将在近期发布。 活动报名免费,只需前往 注册
LibreOffice 的详细介绍: 点击查看
LibreOffice 的下载地址: 点击下载
本文标题:LibreOffice 3.4.3 发布
LibreOffice for Android 开发进展
拜于 Google Summer of Code,现在 LibreOffice for Android 已经有了原型
Michael Meeks 在博客上 分享了他指导的学生 Iain Billet 在 LibreOffice for Android 上的进展,目前 LibreOffice for Android 已经颇具雏形了,参见下图
整个 LibreOffice 代码树现在支持针对 Android 和 iOS 的交叉编译
LibreOffice 的详细介绍: 点击查看
LibreOffice 的下载地址: 点击下载
本文标题:LibreOffice for Android 开发进展
LibreOffice 5.3 正式发布,新增跳转
免费办公软件 LibreOffice 5.2.4 发
LibreOffice 4.0 将支持主题设置
多年用来,开发者对 SUN 公司对其办公套件的牢牢控制深感不满,使得无法透过黑客文化来提升软件本身。现在 LibreOffice 是免费开源软件,所以就不奇怪有一些雄心勃勃的黑客们为其开发一个主题机制。首先让我们给 Jan Holesovsky 热烈的掌声,因为他为即将发布的 LibreOffice 4.0 带来了主题设置功能,该功能使用 Firefox Personae 进行开发
Holesovsky 的博客包含大量 LibreOffice 很有趣的 UI 改动,这也证明了黑客文化是让你的软件不断完善发展的最佳途径
LibreOffice 的详细介绍: 点击查看
LibreOffice 的下载地址: 点击下载
本文标题:LibreOffice 4.0 将支持主题设置
LibreOffice 就是Excel解析效率太低,打开个Excel内存占用是Office的好几倍 出中文站点了
libreoffice 一直在雄起
LibreOffice 4.3.1 发布,开源办公软件套件
LibreOffice 4.3.1 发布了,该版本修复了大约 100 个 bug,提升了稳定性和性能,同时改进了 RTF 和 OOXML 的文件处理。该版本同时包含两个关键的安全补丁,下载地址:
LibreOffice 的详细介绍: 点击查看
LibreOffice 的下载地址: 点击下载
本文标题:LibreOffice 4.3.1 发布,开源办公软件套件
LibreOffice 5.3 正式发布,新增跳转
免费办公软件 LibreOffice 5.2.4 发
LibreOffice 宣布新用户界面 MUFFIN
启动 LibreOffice 5.3 中的 “Ribbo
LibreOffice 4.4.1 最新版已经可以下载了
2015年2月26日,柏林 - 文档基金会正式发布LibreOffice 4.4.1最新版. 这是LibreOffice 4.4的首个bug修复版本。LibreOffice 4.4.1包含了100多项的bug修复
下载 LibreOffice
LibreOffice 4.4.1 "Fresh" 和 LibreOffice 4.3.6 "Still" 可从这个链接下载:
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本文标题:LibreOffice 4.4.1 最新版已经可以下载了
Libreoffice 正打造全新的工具栏布局
LibreOffice 的开发者已着手打造一个新的工具栏布局,以给用户提供更好的使用体验
在 LibreOffice Wiki 上已经有这个新的 NotebookBar 的介绍,“目标是提供一个替代的(可选的)界面,统一所用不同的工具栏并归类到标签里。它将允许比工具栏更灵活的布局,因为 Glade 将被用于布置控件。经典的菜单可能会设置成默认的,类似Unity 和 Mac OS (global menu) 那样。在其它环境中,可能有一个开关来启动经典菜单。第一个引入 NotebookBar 的应用程序将是 Writer
在介绍页面上,已经有了这个新的工具栏的截图。在最新的 LibreOffice Git 代码中,新工具栏布局可以通过设置 LO_USE_NOTEBOOKBAR=1 环境变量来激活。NotebookBar 何时将在 LibreOffice 的所有组件中使用,目前还没有消息
LibreOffice 的详细介绍: 点击查看
LibreOffice 的下载地址: 点击下载
本文标题:Libreoffice 正打造全新的工具栏布局
免费办公软件 LibreOffice 5.2.4 发
LibreOffice 宣布新用户界面 MUFFIN
libreoffice 5.1.2 发布,开源办公软件套件
libreoffice 5.1.2 发布了,LibreOffice是一套可与其他主要办公室软体相容的套件,可在各种平台上执行。计划目标是成为一个具ODF的支援,独立于任何厂商之外,没有任何 版权要求的办公室套件。它的名字是一个混合词,第一部分自由报在西班牙语和法语中意味着免费,第二部分“办公室”则为英语“办公室”单字。它是可供人免费 下载,使用和分发的自由软体
LibreOffice 的详细介绍: 点击查看
LibreOffice 的下载地址: 点击下载
本文标题:libreoffice 5.1.2 发布,开源办公软件套件
免费办公软件 LibreOffice 5.2.4 发
LibreOffice 宣布新用户界面 MUFFIN
LibreOffice 5.3 办公套件进入开发,明年 2 月发布
除了Alpha版本之外,后在10月首次除虫会议结束后,今年晚些时候还将推出LibreOffice5.3 Beta1版,将在11月21日进行公测,并且有可能在12月7日进行Beta2公测。在此之后,LibreOffice 5.3的开发周期将进入候选发布版(RC)阶段,第一个RC版本被安排在2016年圣诞节前后发布,LibreOffice 5.3 RC2应该在1月9日左右推出,第三个RC将在2017年1月23日推出
LibreOffice 5.3开发周期将于1月底结束,最终版本可能在2月1日推出,有Linux、MacOS和Windows三大版本
LibreOffice 的详细介绍: 点击查看
LibreOffice 的下载地址: 点击下载
本文标题:LibreOffice 5.3 办公套件进入开发,明年 2 月发布
LibreOffice 5.3 正式发布,新增跳转
免费办公软件 LibreOffice 5.2.4 发
OSS】オープンソースオフィス統合環境「LibreOffice 5.3」リリース---新UI「MUFFIN」、新テキストレイアウトエンジン「HarfBuzz」、サーバサービス「LibreOffice Online
最新版「LibreOffice 5.3
安定版「LibreOffice 5.2.5
LibreOffice 5.3」ポイント
サーバサービス「LibreOffice Online」リリース
OSS】「LibreOffice Kaigi 2016.12」レポート---台湾でLibreOffice導入が進行中、大事なのはコミュニケーションプラン (12月28日 11:03
OSS UPDATE】オフィススイート「LibreOffice 5.1.5」リリース---アップデート方法などについて紹介 (09月28日 19:03
The Document Foundation kündigt LibreOffice 5.3 an
PresseBox) (Berlin, 02.02.2017) The Document Foundation kündigt LibreOffice 5.3 an, eine der funktionsreichsten Versionen in der Geschichte des freien Office-Pakets. LibreOffice 5.3 kann ab sofort für Windows, macOS und Linux heruntergeladen werden und...
Version 5.3 ist ein beachtlicher Schritt in der Evolution von LibreOffice: es bietet eine Vielzahl neuer Funktionen, unter anderem „Online-Editing“ mit kollaborativer Bearbeitung von Dokumenten. Außerdem bringt diese Version wieder viele Verbesserungen...
LibreOffice wird von einer fantastischen Community von Entwicklern unterstützt“, sagt Michael Meeks, Mitglied im Vorstand der Document Foundation. „Nur wenige Leute hätten im Jahr 2010 geglaubt, dass sich eine so große Anzahl Entwickler für dieses Projekt...
Highlights in LibreOffice 5.3
LibreOffice 5.3 bietet zahlreiche neue und interessante Funktionen: das Textlayout erfolgt jetzt über HarfBuzz, wodurch nicht nur ein konsistentes Layout über die Betriebssysteme hinweg unterstützt wird, sondern auch die Kompatibilität der Dateiformate...
LibreOffice 5.3 hat dank der Arbeit hunderter Beitragender auch viele Verbesserungen unter der Haube erfahren. LibreOffice ist ein Office-Paket, das jetzt noch einfacher zu entwickeln, zu warten und zu verbessern ist als bisher. Auch wenn diese Änderungen...
LibreOffice wird von großen Unternehmen auf allen Kontinenten benutzt. Eine Liste der wichtigsten Migrationen, über die in den Medien berichtet wurden, befindet sich hier:
LibreOffice Online
LibreOffice 5.3 enthält die erste Quellcode-Freigabe von LibreOffice Online, ein Cloud-Office-Paket, das die wichtigsten Funktionen für die gemeinsame Bearbeitung von Dokumenten im Web-Browser zur Verfügung stellt. Durch Verwendung der „core engine“ von...
LibreOffice versüßt Oberfläche mit MUFFIN
Die kommende Version von LibreOffice wird sehr flexible Möglichkeiten zur Konfiguration der Oberfläche erhalten. Das neue Konzept heißt MUFFIN (My User Friendly & Flexible INterface
LibreOffice Writer mit Standard-Werkzeugleiste
Jeder Benutzer von LibreOffice sollte die Möglichkeit haben, auf die für ihn wichtigen Funktionen möglichst schnell und ergonomisch zuzugreifen. Dafür stellt die freie Office-Suite Menüs, Werkzeugleisten und eine Seitenleiste zur Verfügung. Diese Elemente...
Die Entwickler und Designer von LibreOffice haben sich nun etwas ausgedacht , um diese Limitierungen aufzuheben. Das neue Konzept namens MUFFIN wird nicht nur verschiedene vordefinierte Oberflächen für LibreOffice bieten, von denen man eine auswählen kann...
MUFFIN steht für »My User Friendly & Flexible INterface«. Mit dem Wort »My« soll betont werden, dass sich die Oberfläche an ganz individuelle Anforderungen anpassen lässt. »User Friendly« soll bei MUFFIN über die reine Benutzerfreundlichkeit hinausgehen...
Die Oberfläche wird mit MUFFIN in einer Reihe von vordefinierten Konfigurationen kommen, die jeweils verschiedene Elemente auf sinnvolle Weise miteinander kombinieren. Sie werden in LibreOffice 5.3 erstmals verfügbar sein, wobei die neue »Notebook Bar...
LibreOffice mit neuer Webseite für Erweiterungen und Vorlagen (Mo, 19. Dezember 2016
Frankreich: Nantes spart 1,6 Millionen Euro mit LibreOffice (Mi, 26. Oktober 2016
LibreOffice wird mitunter wegen seiner altbackenen Oberfläche kritisiert. (Atalanttore, Fr, 23. Dezember 2016
LibreOffice versüßt Oberfläche mit MUFFIN
LibreOffice Writer mit Notizbuchleiste
Bild: LibreOffice
software Muffin LibreOffice preview (
LibreOffice announces new "MUFFIN" user interface concept (
And it's only barely worse than MUFFIN
Cupcakes are made from cake batter. Muffins are made from bread batters
Muffins are breads, while cupcakes are cakes
Cupcakes have toppings, muffins dont
A cupcake is a muffin with icing on it
Also muffins can be savoury but cupcakes are not, at least not usually
Ech so a cupcake is nauseating muffin
A dundered muffin
Isn't that a muffin cup with three doughnuts in it? I don't know what's at the bottom of the paper cup (could be a muffin), but I can clearly see a cup sized doughnut, a medium sized on on top of it and a tiny doughnut on top. That black triangle is...
LibreOffice ‘Ribbon Interface’ Called MUFFIN, Gets Detailed (
MUFFIN] represents a new approach to UI design, based on the respect of user needs rather than on the imposition of a single UI to all users, independently from their generation, PC hardware, and computer skills
Which MUFFIN Will You Eat
And, of course, MS Word and similar software produce universally shit output. I really don't think it's possible for LibreOffice to correct the deficiencies of Word-style WYSIWYG style document editors. I think it's a fundamentally flawed approach. They...
The ribbon in Office takes up less space than the default toolbars or even when the MUFFIN 'ribbon' is collapsed
I look forward to using this interface. It'll be good for my touch screen laptop. It's good that Libreoffice is giving users a choice
Also, does this mean we can call the Open Document Foundation "The MUFFIN Men
Muffin button
Anything is better than the classic LibreOffice UI. It's a UX hell that's impossible do do anything in
LibreOffice ‘Ribbon Interface’ Called MUFFIN, Gets Detailed (
MUFFIN] represents a new approach to UI design, based on the respect of user needs rather than on the imposition of a single UI to all users, independently from their generation, PC hardware, and computer skills
Which MUFFIN Will You Eat
And, of course, MS Word and similar software produce universally shit output. I really don't think it's possible for LibreOffice to correct the deficiencies of Word-style WYSIWYG style document editors. I think it's a fundamentally flawed approach. They...
The ribbon in Office takes up less space than the default toolbars or even when the MUFFIN 'ribbon' is collapsed
I look forward to using this interface. It'll be good for my touch screen laptop. It's good that Libreoffice is giving users a choice
Also, does this mean we can call the Open Document Foundation "The MUFFIN Men
Muffin button
Anything is better than the classic LibreOffice UI. It's a UX hell that's impossible do do anything in » Kancelář » LibreOffice chce nabídnout flexibilnější rozhraní, nejen „Ribbon
LibreOffice chce nabídnout flexibilnější rozhraní, nejen „Ribbon
Designéři LibreOffice se rozhodli experimentovat s rozhraním a přinášejí čtyři nové varianty rozhraní. Jde o již propíraný „Ribbon“ nebo třeba zobrazení s postranním panelem, které se hodí pro širokoúhlé displeje
Kancelářský balík LibreOffice inovacemi rozhraní moc neoplýval. Probíhají sice drobné úpravy, ale koncept rozhraní je mnoho let stejný, skoro by se dalo říct už od prvních verzí Nedávno Document Foundation představila projekt Muffin...
Kdy to bude, ptáte se? Muffin už se nachází v LibreOffice 5.3 RC, přičemž s finálním vydáním se počítá na přelom ledna a února. Nové možnosti rozhraní by v této verzi určitě měly zůstat, ale otázkou je, zda jako standardní nebo pouze experimentální...
Pro aktivaci experimentálních funkcí musíte navštívit nabídku Nástroje → Možnosti → LibreOffice → Pokročilé a zakliknout Povolit experimentální funkce (mohou být nestabilní). Mezi jednotlivými rozvrženími rozhraní pak můžete přepínat v nabídce Zobrazit...
Současné rozvržení rozhraní LibreOffice
Celkově je používání postranní lišty rychlejší, když si na ni trochu zvyknete. Hlavní výhodou je, že se mnohem méně najezdíte myší – vše je přehledně na jednom místě a nemusíte tolik cestovat z rozklikávacích nabídek do nově otevřených oken apod...
Tohle je onen Ribbon. Mezi jednotlivými kategoriemi možností přepínáte pomocí karet, možnosti se poté zobrazí v poměrně tlustém panelu. Místem se nešetří. O tom, zda je koncept à la Ribbon dobrý, nebo ne, by se daly vést dlouhé debaty, do toho se raději...
Notebook Bar má ještě jednu variantu s tzv. kontextuálním zobrazením. Zde už nepřepínáte karty, ale všechny dostupné možnosti vidíte na první pohled. Tato varianta už vypadá trochu lépe a hotověji než pás karet. Kontextuální znamená, že LibreOffice nabízí... » Kancelář » LibreOffice chce nabídnout flexibilnější rozhraní, nejen „Ribbon“ » Všechny názory
Názory k článku LibreOffice chce nabídnout flexibilnější rozhraní, nejen „Ribbon
Muffin je krok správným směrem, ale úplně největší vymoženost M$ oproti LO pro mě není Ribbon, ale tyto věci
Libreoffice strašně fandím, je to jediná použitelná alternativa microsoftu a dobrovolná cena je prostě férová cena. Ale s (M$) Office 2010 trávím většinu pracovního dne. Hlavně na prezentace a koncepční dokumenty. V excelu nejčastěji na kontingenční...
Kancelářský balík LibreOffice inovacemi rozhraní moc neoplýval
Roman, nez nieco napises, mal by si si o tom nieco zistit, alebo trochu porozmyslat nad formulaciou. Uplne si odignoroval pracu UX timu a prepracovanie UI, ktore sa zacalo niekedy v roku 2012: ReleaseNotes/4.0#GUI . Prave tieto zmeny vyustili do vzniku...
Matně si vybavuji, že LibreOffice se forknul od OpenOffice cca kvůli tomu, že OOo byl zkostnatělý a neinovoval. LibreOffice těsně po forku byl inovativní HODNĚ
Postranný panel neprebral LibreOffice od OpenOffice, ale od IBM Lotus Symphony, kt. bol na OpenOffice založený
Zrovna včera sem si na eBay za 9 GBP koupil licenci na MS Office Professional Plus 2016, Proboha proč bych se měl srát s nějakým LibreOffice
Stejně tak je zcela vážně míněno jestli má cenu řešit nějaké LibreOffice, když MS Office lze pořídit za 300. MS Office prostě je silně dominantní a kdo nežije v nějaké bublině bude dostávat dokumenty v MS Office a bude dostávat požadavky na dodávku...
Gunakan Tampilan Ala Ribbon MS Office di LibreOffice dengan Project Muffin
Simak infonya tentang Gunakan Tampilan Ala Ribbon MS Office di LibreOffice dengan Project Muffin
LibreOffice merupakan salah satu aplikasi yang menjadi kandidat aplikasi gratis berbasiskan Open Source untuk aplikasi perkantoran terkenal Microsoft Office, LibreOffice hadir dengan engine yang sama digunakan pada OpenOffice namun dengan dikembangkan...
Namun ada satu kekurangan yang membuat kadang pengguna awam tidak mau mengurangi penggunaan LibreOffice yakni tampilan yang berbeda dengan Microsoft Office terbaru yakni Ribbon. Walau banyak tutorial di internet dan fitur yang ada sudah disesuaikan...
Untuk itu MediaFoundation sebagai organisasi yang berada dibalik pengembangan LibreOffice telah merilis Project Muffin yang membawa tampilan “ala Ribbon” di versi LibreOffice 5.3, hadirkan tampilan userinterface yang memudahkan pengguna dalam memakainya...
The MUFFIN (My User Friendly & Flexible INterface) represents a new approach to UI design, based on the respect of user needs rather than on the imposition of a single UI to all users, independently from their generation, PC hardware, and computer skills
1. Download LibreOffice 5.3 di situs berikut ( ) setelah itu install seperti layaknya software biasa (next-next) sesuai sistem operasi, bagi Linux ubuntu dan kembaranya, bisa memakai command-line
sudo apt-add-repository ppa:libreoffice/ppa
2. Sekali lagi saya beritahukan, secara default anda tetap akan mendapatkan tampilan LibreOffice biasa. Untuk mengaktifkanya, anda bisa mengikuti cara yang ada di video dibawah ini
3. Agar tetap mulus dalam menggunakan aplikasi LibreOffice dengan tampilan Muffin ini, mimin rekomendasikan untuk agar mengaktifkan opsi OpenCL di pengaturan dengan tujuan agar kartu grafis (termasuk internal sekalipun) bisa membantu Processor untuk...
LibreOffice 5.3: più simile a Microsoft Office con la versione cloud e linterfaccia ribbon
La Document Foundation chiarisce comunque che con LibreOffice Online non intende offrire una soluzione cloud simile a quelle delle suite di Microsoft e Google, in quanto “ciò non sarebbe in linea con la mission originaria del progetto”: l’obiettivo è...
Un Muffin per interfaccia - Indipendentemente dalla piattaforma, LibreOffice 5.3 presenta una rinnovata interfaccia utente chiamata “MUFFIn” (My User Friendly & Flexible Interface), studiata – fa sapere la stessa Document Foundation – per essere di...
Arrivano i “ribbon” - Nell’ambito di questo “refresh” dell’interfaccia utente, LibreOffice 5.3 offre come opzione anche una barra degli strumenti sperimentale chiamata Notebookbar, simile all’interfaccia “Ribbon” adottata da Microsoft Office da una decina...
Per attivare la Notebookbar, da una delle applicazioni della suite bisogna cliccare su Strumenti > Opzioni, quindi selezionare la voce Avanzate e abilitare l’opzione “Attiva funzionalità sperimentali”; dopo avere cliccato su OK, LibreOffice si riavvia...
LibreOffice MUFFIN - top oder flop
LibreOffice 5.2.0 iconos Kalahari 0.4.7 alpha
Hola compañeros usuarios del GNU/lLinux estoy desarrollando y manteniendo los iconos Kalahari y Manjaro para LibreOffice . Desde hace 4 años que los mantengo
Fuentes de Información - LibreOffice 5.2.0 iconos Kalahari 0.4.7 alpha
Kalahari iconos para LibreOffice - Comunidad - Google
LibreOffice 5.2.0 - Kalahari
Tags: LibreOffice 520 | Kalahari iconos para LibreOffi | Iconos para LibreOffice | LibreOffice elegancia
7 comentarios - LibreOffice 5.2.0 iconos Kalahari 0.4.7 alpha
Gracias disculpa por alguno detalles todavía están en alpha , por ejemplo lo que es figuras gráficas de estrellas , comentarios , etc . Ya que los diseñadores de LibreOffice han eliminado y diseñado nuevos iconos . ¿ Que opinas de los iconos Faenza
King_Pappas Yo los diseño , los hago para mi , pero luego los empecé a compartir . Tambien están los iconos de Elementary para LibreOffice 5.2.0
elemi93 Por eso te digo que Office es mucho más fiable que Libreoffice
Mit LibreOffice gibt es ein neues kostenloses, aber professionelles Gegenstück zum teuren Microsoft... (Seite 112
Home » Ubuntu News » LibreOffice 5.3 to Launch with MUFFIN, a User-Friendly and Flexible UI Concept
LibreOffice 5.3 to Launch with MUFFIN, a User-Friendly and Flexible UI Concept
Immediately after informing Softpedia today, December 21, 2016, about the launch of a new LibreOffice Extension & Templates website, The Document Foundation company announced MUFFIN, a new tasty user interface concept for LibreOffice 5.3 onwards
The new MUFFIN (My User Friendly & Flexible INterface) UI focuses on three main areas suggested by those who were able to test drive it during the development stages of the upcoming LibreOffice 5.3 open-source and cross-platform office suite, due for...
It appears to have been in development for quite some time now and its new design capabilities promise to offer something for everyone. First off, it’s described as a “personal” UI with complex options capable of adapting to your habits when using the...
The MUFFIN concept is the combination of different UI elements, which are going to be available starting from LibreOffice 5.3 either as… ( read
MUFFIN: la nueva interfaz para LibreOffice
La Document Foundation ha anunciado MUFFIN, un nuevo concepto en lo que se refiere a interfaces gráficas, la cual podrá ser usada en LibreOffice
La interfaz es el resultado de un esfuerzo conjunto de desarrollo y diseño. Los equipos de LibreOffice respectivos se han dado la tarea de generar una idea interesante de interfaz para usarse en este producto libre y gratuito
MUFFIN viene del acrónimo My User Friendly & Flexible Interface, y se enfoca en 3 áreas sugeridas por los propios usuarios de LibreOffice durante el desarrollo del concepto
My: Los usuarios de LibreOffice quieren una interfaz gráfica “personal” con diferentes opciones capaces de adaptarse a los hábitos personales de cada usuario y no solamente a una interfaz gráfica sin ninguna opción de configuración
User Friendly: Por supuesto, cualquier interfaz gráfica debería ser lo más amigable posible, pero los usuarios de LibreOffice han puesto sobre la mesa la idea de una interfaz gráfica “modular”, en donde puedan definir el nivel de “amigabilidad” y de nuevo...
Flexible: El incremento de usuarios de LibreOffice significa que el software ha sido puesto en marcha en diferentes plataformas de hardware (por ejemplo, máquinas de escritorio y laptops), cada una con diferentes características, tamaños de pantalla y...
INterface: El concepto MUFFIN es la combinación de diferentes elementos de una interfaz gráfica, el cual está disponible desde la versión 5.3 como una característica estándar y experimental. La interfaz tradicional (con las barras de herramientas, la...
Como puede verse, no hay una última palabra en algunos paquetes de software, en donde uno podría pensar que innovar ya no puede hacerse. LibreOffice demuestra que aún hay un amplio margen para ello
Liberan LibreOffice 5.2 y éstos son los principales cambios
LibreOffice 5.3 introduit une nouvelle interface modulaire, MUFFIN, afin que l'utilisateur puisse choisir celle qui lui convient. about 2 weeks ago
LibreOffice 5 3 estrena nueva interfaz gráfica MUFFIN
La nueva versión del paquete ofimático LibreOffice estrena en fase experimental una nueva interfaz gráfica llamada MUFFIN. En este video hago un breve repaso de las nuevas características de este software libre y multiplataforma
LibreOffice 5.3 NotebookBar First Look!!! - Duration: 2:49. Tech4Me 7,785 views
LibreOffice com interface Ribbon/Notebookbar - Duration: 10:54. Diolinux 13,432 views
LibreOffice 5.2 vs Microsoft Office 2016 | App Review for 2017 - Duration: 12:39. Chris' Tutorials 50,437 views
LibreOffice 5.3 Installation and Enable The Ribbon in Elementary OS - Duration: 3:34. ubuntu made simple 113 views
Install Different Icon Themes on LibreOffice 5.3 - Duration: 3:17. Your Friendly Penguin 23 views
LibreOffice - User Function Of Array - Duration: 2:06. calculix09 272 views
LibreOffice: Ribbon-Leiste aktivieren - Duration: 2:59. SemperVideo 16,026 views
How To Enable The Microsoft Like Ribbon in LibreOffice 5.3 - Duration: 1:17. Your Friendly Penguin 226 views