Hardware & Software - Bunker Gaming Center
LibreOffice 6.0.3 - last post by Falkes
LibreOffice 6.0.3 - Hardware & Software - Bunker Gaming Center
1 LibreOffice 6.0.3: post #1 Download: LibreOffice 6.0.3 (32-bit) | 240 MB (Open Source Download: LibreOffice 6.0.3 (64-bit) | 261 MB 2 LibreOffice 6.0.3: post #2 3 LibreOffice 6.0.3: post #3 4 LibreOffice 6.0.3: post #4 5 LibreOffice 6.0.3: post #5 6 LibreOffice 6.0.3: post #6
Caolán McNamara: native GTK3 message dialogs
In LibreOffice 6.1, when the GTK3 backend is in use, the message dialogs are now native GTK3 message dialogs rather than vcl message dialogs using GTK theming
OpenOffice.info - Foren-Übersicht
Letzter Beitrag Re: Mit LibreOffice 6.x Datei
Mit LibreOffice 6.x Dateien drucken in UBUNTU 18.04 - OpenOffice.info
Mit LibreOffice 6.x Dateien drucken in UBUNTU 18.04 Re: Mit LibreOffice 6.x Dateien drucken in UBUNTU 18.04
Marzo 2018 - Garr-8
The Document Foundation (TDF) annuncia LibreOffice 6.0.2, ovvero la seconda versione minore della famiglia LibreOffice 6 rilasciata poco più di un mese fa. LibreOffice 6.0.2 essendo una versione di manutenzione il rilascio mira a correggere bug o regressioni ... 7 Mar, 2018 in LibreOffice con tag Alternativa / Free Software / LibreOffice / LibreOffice 6.0.2 / LibreOffice 6.0.2 “Fresh” / Notebookbar / Office / Open Source / Software / suite d'ufficio / TDF / The Document Foundation da garr8
Marzo 7, 2018 - Garr-8
The Document Foundation (TDF) annuncia LibreOffice 6.0.2, ovvero la seconda versione minore della famiglia LibreOffice 6 rilasciata poco più di un mese fa. LibreOffice 6.0.2 essendo una versione di manutenzione il rilascio mira a correggere bug o regressioni ... 7 Mar, 2018 in LibreOffice con tag Alternativa / Free Software / LibreOffice / LibreOffice 6.0.2 / LibreOffice 6.0.2 “Fresh” / Notebookbar / Office / Open Source / Software / suite d'ufficio / TDF / The Document Foundation da garr8
Maggio 2018 - Garr-8
The Document Foundation (TDF) annuncia LibreOffice 6.0.4, ovvero la quarta versione minore della famiglia LibreOffice 6 rilasciata ad inizio anno. LibreOffice 6.0.4 Fresh è la versione più aggiornata e non esente da bug ma anche la più ricca di funzionalità ... 14 Mag, 2018 in LibreOffice con tag Free Software / LibreOffice / LibreOffice 6.0.4 / LibreOffice Fresh / lternativa / Office / Open Source / Software / suite d'ufficio / TDF / The Document Foundation da garr8
Maggio 14, 2018 - Garr-8
The Document Foundation (TDF) annuncia LibreOffice 6.0.4, ovvero la quarta versione minore della famiglia LibreOffice 6 rilasciata ad inizio anno. LibreOffice 6.0.4 Fresh è la versione più aggiornata e non esente da bug ma anche la più ricca di funzionalità ... 14 Mag, 2018 in LibreOffice con tag Free Software / LibreOffice / LibreOffice 6.0.4 / LibreOffice Fresh / lternativa / Office / Open Source / Software / suite d'ufficio / TDF / The Document Foundation da garr8
Agosto 6, 2018 - Garr-8
In attesa del del nuovo LibreOffice 6.1 (rilasciato pochi giorni fa la RC1), The Document Foundation (TDF) annuncia LibreOffice 6.0.6. Si tratta della sesta versione minore della famiglia LibreOffice 6 rilasciata ad inizio anno 6 Ago, 2018 in LibreOffice con tag Alternativa / Free Software / LibreOffice / LibreOffice 6.0 / LibreOffice 6.0.6 / LibreOffice 6.0.6 Fresh / Office / Open Source / Software / suite d'ufficio / TDF / The Document Foundation da garr8
LibreOffice Archives - Garr-8
The Document Foundation (TDF) annuncia LibreOffice 6.0.2, ovvero la seconda versione minore della famiglia LibreOffice 6 rilasciata poco più di un mese fa. LibreOffice 6.0.2 essendo una versione di manutenzione il rilascio mira a correggere bug o regressioni ... 7 Mar, 2018 in LibreOffice con tag Alternativa / Free Software / LibreOffice / LibreOffice 6.0.2 / LibreOffice 6.0.2 “Fresh” / Notebookbar / Office / Open Source / Software / suite d'ufficio / TDF / The Document Foundation da garr8
LibreOffice 6.0.2 “Fresh” Archives - Garr-8
Pagina iniziale » LibreOffice 6.0.2 “Fresh Pagina dei Tag per » LibreOffice 6.0.2 “Fresh The Document Foundation (TDF) annuncia LibreOffice 6.0.2, ovvero la seconda versione minore della famiglia LibreOffice 6 rilasciata poco più di un mese fa. LibreOffice 6.0.2 essendo una versione di manutenzione il rilascio mira a correggere bug o regressioni ... 7 Mar, 2018 in LibreOffice con tag Alternativa / Free Software / LibreOffice / LibreOffice 6.0.2 / LibreOffice 6.0.2 “Fresh” / Notebookbar / Office / Open Source / Software / suite d'ufficio / TDF / The Document Foundation da garr8
LibreOffice 6.0.2 Archives - Garr-8
Pagina iniziale » LibreOffice 6.0.2 Pagina dei Tag per » LibreOffice 6.0.2 The Document Foundation (TDF) annuncia LibreOffice 6.0.2, ovvero la seconda versione minore della famiglia LibreOffice 6 rilasciata poco più di un mese fa. LibreOffice 6.0.2 essendo una versione di manutenzione il rilascio mira a correggere bug o regressioni ... 7 Mar, 2018 in LibreOffice con tag Alternativa / Free Software / LibreOffice / LibreOffice 6.0.2 / LibreOffice 6.0.2 “Fresh” / Notebookbar / Office / Open Source / Software / suite d'ufficio / TDF / The Document Foundation da garr8
LibreOffice 6.0.4 Archives - Garr-8
Pagina iniziale » LibreOffice 6.0.4 Pagina dei Tag per » LibreOffice 6.0.4 The Document Foundation (TDF) annuncia LibreOffice 6.0.4, ovvero la quarta versione minore della famiglia LibreOffice 6 rilasciata ad inizio anno. LibreOffice 6.0.4 Fresh è la versione più aggiornata e non esente da bug ma anche la più ricca di funzionalità ... 14 Mag, 2018 in LibreOffice con tag Free Software / LibreOffice / LibreOffice 6.0.4 / LibreOffice Fresh / lternativa / Office / Open Source / Software / suite d'ufficio / TDF / The Document Foundation da garr8
LibreOffice 6.0.6 Fresh Archives - Garr-8
Pagina iniziale » LibreOffice 6.0.6 Fresh Pagina dei Tag per » LibreOffice 6.0.6 Fresh In attesa del del nuovo LibreOffice 6.1 (rilasciato pochi giorni fa la RC1), The Document Foundation (TDF) annuncia LibreOffice 6.0.6. Si tratta della sesta versione minore della famiglia LibreOffice 6 rilasciata ad inizio anno 6 Ago, 2018 in LibreOffice con tag Alternativa / Free Software / LibreOffice / LibreOffice 6.0 / LibreOffice 6.0.6 / LibreOffice 6.0.6 Fresh / Office / Open Source / Software / suite d'ufficio / TDF / The Document Foundation da garr8
LibreOffice 6.0.6 Archives - Garr-8
Pagina iniziale » LibreOffice 6.0.6 Pagina dei Tag per » LibreOffice 6.0.6 In attesa del del nuovo LibreOffice 6.1 (rilasciato pochi giorni fa la RC1), The Document Foundation (TDF) annuncia LibreOffice 6.0.6. Si tratta della sesta versione minore della famiglia LibreOffice 6 rilasciata ad inizio anno 6 Ago, 2018 in LibreOffice con tag Alternativa / Free Software / LibreOffice / LibreOffice 6.0 / LibreOffice 6.0.6 / LibreOffice 6.0.6 Fresh / Office / Open Source / Software / suite d'ufficio / TDF / The Document Foundation da garr8
LibreOffice 6.0.2 - Garr-8
Pagina iniziale » Utilità » Suite d'ufficio » LibreOffice » LibreOffice 6.0.2 7 Mar, 2018 in LibreOffice con tag Alternativa / Free Software / LibreOffice / LibreOffice 6.0.2 / LibreOffice 6.0.2 “Fresh” / Notebookbar / Office / Open Source / Software / suite d'ufficio / TDF / The Document Foundation da garr8 The Document Foundation (TDF) annuncia LibreOffice 6.0.2, ovvero la seconda versione minore della famiglia LibreOffice 6 rilasciata poco più di un mese fa. LibreOffice 6.0.2 essendo una versione di manutenzione il rilascio mira a correggere bug o regressioni ... Infatti, LibreOffice 6.0.2 corregge circa 50 bug. Quindi tutti gli utenti di LibreOffice sono invitati ad aggiornare a LibreOffice 6.0.2 (Fresh) o a LibreOffice 5.4.5 (Still) per risolvere potenziali problemi relativi alla sicurezza Per i dettagli tecnici è possibile trovare i registri delle modifiche di LibreOffice 6.0.2 sul wiki per il rilascio disponibile questa volta della sola RC1
LibreOffice 6.0.4 - Garr-8
Pagina iniziale » Utilità » Suite d'ufficio » LibreOffice » LibreOffice 6.0.4 14 Mag, 2018 in LibreOffice con tag Free Software / LibreOffice / LibreOffice 6.0.4 / LibreOffice Fresh / lternativa / Office / Open Source / Software / suite d'ufficio / TDF / The Document Foundation da garr8 The Document Foundation (TDF) annuncia LibreOffice 6.0.4, ovvero la quarta versione minore della famiglia LibreOffice 6 rilasciata ad inizio anno. LibreOffice 6.0.4 Fresh è la versione più aggiornata e non esente da bug ma anche la più ricca di funzionalità ... Disponibile come sempre i dettagli tecnici delle modifiche di LibreOffice 6.0.4 sul wiki ai seguenti link per RC1 e per RC2
LibreOffice 6.0.6 - Garr-8
Pagina iniziale » Utilità » Suite d'ufficio » LibreOffice » LibreOffice 6.0.6 6 Ago, 2018 in LibreOffice con tag Alternativa / Free Software / LibreOffice / LibreOffice 6.0 / LibreOffice 6.0.6 / LibreOffice 6.0.6 Fresh / Office / Open Source / Software / suite d'ufficio / TDF / The Document Foundation da garr8 In attesa del del nuovo LibreOffice 6.1 (rilasciato pochi giorni fa la RC1), The Document Foundation (TDF) annuncia LibreOffice 6.0.6. Si tratta della sesta versione minore della famiglia LibreOffice 6 rilasciata ad inizio anno LibreOffice 6.0.6 Fresh è la versione più aggiornata e non esente da bug ma anche la più ricca di funzionalità essendo la prima in cui le novità vengono introdotte. Questa versione è quindi rivolta a utenti esperti e a quelli che per primi vogliono provare ...
LibreOffice 6.0 - Garr-8
LibreOffice Stable (2018) PC скачать бесплатно через торрент
Главная » Софт » LibreOffice Stable (2018) PC LibreOffice Stable (2018) PC LibreOffice Stable (2018) PC LibreOffice Stable (2018) PC LibreOffice Stable (2018) PC Скачать LibreOffice Stable (2018) PC бесплатно
File:LibreOffice 6.1 Base Icon.svg - Wikipedia
File:LibreOffice 6.1 Base Icon.svg Estratto da " https://it.wikipedia.org/wiki/File:LibreOffice_6.1_Base_Icon.svg
File:LibreOffice 6.1 Calc Icon.svg - Wikipedia
File:LibreOffice 6.1 Calc Icon.svg Estratto da " https://it.wikipedia.org/wiki/File:LibreOffice_6.1_Calc_Icon.svg
File:LibreOffice 6.1 Draw Icon.svg - Wikipedia
File:LibreOffice 6.1 Draw Icon.svg Estratto da " https://it.wikipedia.org/wiki/File:LibreOffice_6.1_Draw_Icon.svg
File:LibreOffice 6.1 Impress Icon.svg - Wikipedia
File:LibreOffice 6.1 Impress Icon.svg Estratto da " https://it.wikipedia.org/wiki/File:LibreOffice_6.1_Impress_Icon.svg
File:LibreOffice 6.1 Writer Icon.svg - Wikipedia
File:LibreOffice 6.1 Writer Icon.svg Estratto da " https://it.wikipedia.org/wiki/File:LibreOffice_6.1_Writer_Icon.svg
Pagine che puntano a "File:LibreOffice 6.1 Base Icon.svg" - Wikipedia
Pagine che puntano a "File:LibreOffice 6.1 Base Icon.svg File:LibreOffice 6.1 Base Icon.svg Le seguenti pagine contengono dei collegamenti a File:LibreOffice 6.1 Base Icon.svg Estratto da " https://it.wikipedia.org/wiki/Speciale:PuntanoQui/File:LibreOffice_6.1_Base_Icon.svg
Pagine che puntano a "File:LibreOffice 6.1 Calc Icon.svg" - Wikipedia
Pagine che puntano a "File:LibreOffice 6.1 Calc Icon.svg File:LibreOffice 6.1 Calc Icon.svg Le seguenti pagine contengono dei collegamenti a File:LibreOffice 6.1 Calc Icon.svg Estratto da " https://it.wikipedia.org/wiki/Speciale:PuntanoQui/File:LibreOffice_6.1_Calc_Icon.svg
Pagine che puntano a "File:LibreOffice 6.1 Draw Icon.svg" - Wikipedia
Pagine che puntano a "File:LibreOffice 6.1 Draw Icon.svg File:LibreOffice 6.1 Draw Icon.svg Le seguenti pagine contengono dei collegamenti a File:LibreOffice 6.1 Draw Icon.svg Estratto da " https://it.wikipedia.org/wiki/Speciale:PuntanoQui/File:LibreOffice_6.1_Draw_Icon.svg
Pagine che puntano a "File:LibreOffice 6.1 Impress Icon.svg" - Wikipedia
Pagine che puntano a "File:LibreOffice 6.1 Impress Icon.svg File:LibreOffice 6.1 Impress Icon.svg Le seguenti pagine contengono dei collegamenti a File:LibreOffice 6.1 Impress Icon.svg Estratto da " https://it.wikipedia.org/wiki/Speciale:PuntanoQui/File:LibreOffice_6.1_Impress_Icon.svg
Pagine che puntano a "File:LibreOffice 6.1 Math Icon.svg" - Wikipedia
Pagine che puntano a "File:LibreOffice 6.1 Math Icon.svg File:LibreOffice 6.1 Math Icon.svg Le seguenti pagine contengono dei collegamenti a File:LibreOffice 6.1 Math Icon.svg Estratto da " https://it.wikipedia.org/wiki/Speciale:PuntanoQui/File:LibreOffice_6.1_Math_Icon.svg
Pagine che puntano a "File:LibreOffice 6.1 Writer Icon.svg" - Wikipedia
Pagine che puntano a "File:LibreOffice 6.1 Writer Icon.svg File:LibreOffice 6.1 Writer Icon.svg Le seguenti pagine contengono dei collegamenti a File:LibreOffice 6.1 Writer Icon.svg Estratto da " https://it.wikipedia.org/wiki/Speciale:PuntanoQui/File:LibreOffice_6.1_Writer_Icon.svg
JeRuSOFTware - Download von Libreoffice 6.1.5 und 6.2.2
LibreOffice 6.0.6 Writer - neue Oberfläche
JeRuSOFTware - Artikel
LibreOffice 6.0.6 Writer - neue Oberfläche
JeRuSOFTware - LibreOffice 6.0.6 Writer - neue Oberfläche
LibreOffice 6.0.6 Writer - neue Oberfläche
JeRuSOFTware - Experimentelle Funktionen aktivieren
LibreOffice 6.0.6 Writer - neue Oberfläche
SZERKESZTŐK | RENDSZER-SEGÉD PROGRAMOK | Programok | LETOLTOKOZPONT.HU - Ingyenes programok, mobil alkalmazások driverek, letöltése
LibreOffice 6.0.2 (64-bit, magyar LibreOffice 6.0.2 (64bit
LibreOffice 6.0.2 (64bit) letĂśltĂŠs | LETOLTOKOZPONT.HU - Ingyenes programok, mobil alkalmazĂĄsok driverek, letĂśltĂŠse
LibreOffice 6.0.2 (64bit LibreOffice 6.0.2 (64bit) ingyenes letĂśltĂŠse A Microsoft Office-szal kompatibilis ĂŠs annak ingyenes alternatĂ­vĂĄjakĂŠnt felfoghatĂł LibreOffice 6.0.2 letĂśltĂŠs kiadĂĄsa
LibreOffice 6.0.2 (64-bit, magyar) letĂśltĂŠs | LETOLTOKOZPONT.HU - Ingyenes programok, mobil alkalmazĂĄsok driverek, letĂśltĂŠse
LibreOffice 6.0.2 (64-bit, magyar LibreOffice 6.0.2 (64-bit, magyar) ingyenes letĂśltĂŠse A legfrissebb LibreOffice letĂśltĂŠse, termĂŠszetesen a szokĂĄsos magyar nyelven. A LibreOffice ingyenes irodai programcsomag a Microsoft Office teljes ĂŠrtĂŠkĹą ingyenes alternatĂ­vĂĄja, mely a legfontosabb ...
Betűrendbe sorolás javítása – libreoffice.hu
Következő Következő bejegyzés: LibreOffice 6.0.3
LibreOffice 5.4.5 és 6.0.1 – libreoffice.hu
A gond ott van, hogy itthon Debian Linux alatt dolgozom, LibreOffice 6.0.1 csomagot használva, és a képletek, egyenletek nem jelennek meg, szétesik a dokumentum megjelenése
LibreOffice 6.0.2 – libreoffice.hu
LibreOffice logó A The Document Foundation bejelentette, hogy megjelent a LibreOffice 6.0.2, a 6-os sorozat második hibajavító kiadása. A fejlesztők kb. 50 hibát javítottak a 6.0.1-hez képest LibreOffice 6.0.2” bejegyzéshez 35 hozzászólás
LibreOffice 6.0.3 – libreoffice.hu
LibreOffice logó A The Document Foundation bejelentette, hogy megjelent a LibreOffice 6.0.3, a 6-os sorozat harmadik hibajavító kiadása. A fejlesztők kb. 70 hibát javítottak a 6.0.2-höz képest LibreOffice 6.0.3” bejegyzéshez 7 hozzászólás A LibreOffice 6.0.3. telepítéskor és utána is kéri a JRE telepítését, ami már telepített a gépemen
LibreOffice 6.0.5 – libreoffice.hu
LibreOffice logó A The Document Foundation bejelentette, hogy megjelent a LibreOffice 6.0.5, a 6-os sorozat ötödik hibajavító kiadása. A fejlesztők kb. 96 hibát javítottak a 6.0.4-hez képest
LibreOffice 6.0.5 发布,已经为主流用户和企业部署做好了准备_手机搜狐网
LibreOffice 6.0.5 发布,已经为主流用户和企业部署做好了准备
评论-LibreOffice 6.0.5 发布,已经为主流用户和企业部署做好了准备-手机搜狐
LibreOffice 6.0.5 发布,已经为主流用户和企业部署做好了准备
Puppy Linux Discussion Forum :: View topic - LibreOffice + language packs (latest version: 6.1.4)
LibreOffice-6.0.1_en-US_xz.sfs LibreOffice-6.0.1_en-US_xz.pet LibreOffice-6.0.1_64_en-US_xz.pet LibreOffice-6.0.1_64_en-US_xz.sfs
Puppy Linux Discussion Forum :: View topic - LibreOffice + language packs (latest version: 6.1.4)
LibreOffice-6.0.2_64_en-US_xz.pet LibreOffice-6.0.2_64_en-US_xz.sfs LibreOffice-6.0.2_en-US_xz.pet LibreOffice-6.0.2_en-US_xz.sfs
Puppy Linux Discussion Forum :: View topic - LibreOffice + language packs (latest version: 6.1.4)
LibreOffice-6.0.3_64_en-US_xz.pet LibreOffice-6.0.3_64_en-US_xz.sfs LibreOffice-6.0.3_en-US_xz.pet LibreOffice-6.0.3_en-US_xz.sfs
LibreOffice 6.0.2更新:支持诸多文档格式_天极下载
LibreOffice 6.0 terá atualizador automático para Linux, mas há condições! - Portal do Saber
LibreOffice 6.0 terá atualizador automático para Linux, mas há condições O LibreOffice 6.0 esta sendo planejado com tudo cuidado do mundo, e muitas novidades e correções estão sendo pensadas e claro, implementadas. O responsável por este atualizador é o desenvolvedor Markus Mohrhard que contou a boa notícia em seu blog Mas como funcionará o atualizador automático do LibreOffice 6.0 O atualizador já está disponível em versões de testes do LibreOffice 6.0, mas você somente conseguirá testar neste momento se baixar as versões de 64 bits do LibreOffice. O famoso atualizador usa pacotes deltas, o que vai fazer com que seja baixado apenas aquilo ... O atualizador do LibreOffice 6.0 possui um condição Se você quiser testar a versão alfa do LibreOffice 6.0 você pode fazer o download através do botão abaixo, mas lembre-se que são versões que ainda nem são betas, e podem conter erros, não use como uma suíte de produção, pois essa versão é somente para... Download LibreOffice 6.0 ALFA LibreOffice , LibreOffice 6.0 , Linux
O LibreOffice 6.0 iniciará com muitas melhorias de design, usará os Ícones Elementary - Portal do Saber
O LibreOffice 6.0 iniciará com muitas melhorias de design, usará os Ícones Elementary A maior versão do LibreOffice 6.0 está a decorrer na próxima semana, e Mike Saunders, do The Document Foundation, conversou com os membros da comunidade para obter suas perspectivas sobre o novo design do LibreOffice Embora não traga um redesenho maciço, como a maioria dos usuários pode ter esperado, o LibreOffice 6.0 incluirá algumas mudanças de design notáveis, incluindo novos estilos de tabela, novos gradientes, motivos atualizados / salpicos, barras de notebook aprimoradas,... Duas variantes do Notebookbar são implementadas no pacote de escritório LibreOffice 6.0, ou seja, Groupedbar Full for Writer, Calc e Impress, bem como Tabbed Compact for Writer. Você pode vê-los na galeria anexada abaixo, juntamente com os novos ícones Elementares,... Quando perguntado quais são seus novos recursos favoritos no LibreOffice 6.0, a equipe de design disse “a caixa de diálogo de personalização renovada e a caixa de diálogo de caracteres especiais com acesso rápido a partir da barra de ferramentas. Além disso,... O LibreOffice 6.0 chega em 31 de janeiro de 2018 Na próxima semana, em 31 de janeiro, o pacote de escritório do LibreOffice 6.0 será lançado oficialmente para todas as plataformas suportadas, incluindo GNU / Linux, MacOS e Microsoft Windows, e promete ser o maior lançamento desde o LibreOffice 5.0, que foi ... Apenas ontem informamos que o LibreOffice 6.0 vem com um conjunto de novas bibliotecas de código aberto que permitem aos usuários exportar documentos ODT para o formato EPUB3, bem como para importar documentos e modelos de ferramentas bem conhecidas de processamento ... Mais do que os novos recursos incríveis do LibreOffice 6.0 serão revelados na próxima semana, então fique atento para mais detalhes, pois The Document Foundation prepara um grande anúncio com screenshots e todos os detalhes suculentos que você precisa saber ... Ícones Elementary , LibreOffice , LibreOffice 6.0
04/02/2018 - Portal do Saber
O LibreOffice 6.0 é liberado com uma tonelada de melhorias na suite Open Source Source Confira!!! O LibreOffice 6.0 está agora oficialmente disponível! O LibreOffice 6.0 suporta suporte para formulários PDF compatíveis com padrões dentro do Writer, a barra de ferramentas experimental e outras melhorias na interface do usuário, o compo
LibreOffice 6.0 já está disponível e traz várias melhorias - Portal do Saber
LibreOffice 6.0 já está disponível e traz várias melhorias LibreOffice , LibreOffice 6.0 , LibreOffice 6.0 já está disponível , Linux , OpenOffice , Windows
O LibreOffice 6.0 é liberado com uma tonelada de melhorias na suite Open Source Source - Portal do Saber
O LibreOffice 6.0 é liberado com uma tonelada de melhorias na suite Open Source Source O LibreOffice 6.0 está agora oficialmente disponível O LibreOffice 6.0 suporta suporte para formulários PDF compatíveis com padrões dentro do Writer, a barra de ferramentas experimental e outras melhorias na interface do usuário, o componente de apresentação Impress agora usa um tamanho de slide padrão de 16:... O LibreOffice 6.0 também possui melhorias de threading para Calc, transições OpenGL sem cintilação , trabalho Qt5 inicial (mas uma melhor integração do Qt5 / KF5 está no LibreOffice 6.1) e muitas outras melhorias Saiba mais sobre o LibreOffice 6.0 através do anúncio de hoje em DocumentFoundation.org . Você pode baixar o pacote de escritório open-source LibreOffice 6.0 diretamente do LibreOffice.org para todas as principais plataformas LibreOffice , LibreOffice 6.0 , OpenPGP
Arquivos LibreOffice 6.0 já está disponível - Portal do Saber
Tags : LibreOffice 6.0 já está disponível LibreOffice 6.0 já está disponível LibreOffice 6.0 já está disponível e traz várias melhorias
Arquivos LibreOffice 6.0 - Portal do Saber
Tags : LibreOffice 6.0 LibreOffice 6.0 O LibreOffice 6.0 é liberado com uma tonelada de melhorias na suite Open Source Source Confira!!! O LibreOffice 6.0 está agora oficialmente disponível! O LibreOffice 6.0 suporta suporte para formulários PDF compatíveis com padrões dentro do Writer, a barra de ferramentas experimental e outras melhorias na interface do usuário, o compo LibreOffice 6.0 já está disponível e traz várias melhorias O LibreOffice 6.0 iniciará com muitas melhorias de design, usará os Ícones Elementary Ele apresentará novos estilos de mesa e gradientes A maior versão do LibreOffice 6.0 está a decorrer na próxima semana, e Mike Saunders, do The Document Foundation, conversou com os membros da comunidade para obter suas perspectivas sobre o novo desig LibreOffice 6.0 , novidades O LibreOffice 6.0 vem com a Barra em abas bem melhorada. Além de um novo tema de ícones e muitas outras novidades. LibreOffice 6.0 A preocupação em ser amigável ao usuário Windows continua forte no acabamento dado a Barra de abas. Essa ganhou um bom LibreOffice 6.0 terá atualizador automático para Linux, mas há condições
Index of /libreoffice/libreoffice-6-0/ubuntu
Index of /libreoffice/libreoffice-6-0/ubuntu
Index of /libreoffice/libreoffice-6-0/ubuntu
Index of /libreoffice/libreoffice-6-0/ubuntu
Index of /libreoffice/libreoffice-6-0/ubuntu/dists
Index of /libreoffice/libreoffice-6-0/ubuntu/dists
Index of /libreoffice/libreoffice-6-0/ubuntu/dists
Index of /libreoffice/libreoffice-6-0/ubuntu/dists
Index of /libreoffice/libreoffice-6-0/ubuntu/dists
Index of /libreoffice/libreoffice-6-0/ubuntu/dists
Index of /libreoffice/libreoffice-6-0/ubuntu/dists
Index of /libreoffice/libreoffice-6-0/ubuntu/dists
Index of /libreoffice/libreoffice-6-0/ubuntu/dists/artful
Index of /libreoffice/libreoffice-6-0/ubuntu/dists/artful
Index of /libreoffice/libreoffice-6-0/ubuntu/dists/artful
Index of /libreoffice/libreoffice-6-0/ubuntu/dists/artful
Index of /libreoffice/libreoffice-6-0/ubuntu/dists/artful
Index of /libreoffice/libreoffice-6-0/ubuntu/dists/artful
Index of /libreoffice/libreoffice-6-0/ubuntu/dists/artful
Index of /libreoffice/libreoffice-6-0/ubuntu/dists/artful
Index of /libreoffice/libreoffice-6-0/ubuntu/dists/artful
Index of /libreoffice/libreoffice-6-0/ubuntu/dists/artful
Index of /libreoffice/libreoffice-6-0/ubuntu/dists/artful
Index of /libreoffice/libreoffice-6-0/ubuntu/dists/artful
Index of /libreoffice/libreoffice-6-0/ubuntu/dists/artful/by-hash
Index of /libreoffice/libreoffice-6-0/ubuntu/dists/artful/by-hash
Index of /libreoffice/libreoffice-6-0/ubuntu/dists/artful/by-hash/SHA256
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Index of /libreoffice/libreoffice-6-0/ubuntu/dists/artful/main
Index of /libreoffice/libreoffice-6-0/ubuntu/dists/artful/main
Index of /libreoffice/libreoffice-6-0/ubuntu/dists/artful/main
Index of /libreoffice/libreoffice-6-0/ubuntu/dists/artful/main
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Index of /libreoffice/libreoffice-6-0/ubuntu/dists/artful/main/binary-amd64
Index of /libreoffice/libreoffice-6-0/ubuntu/dists/artful/main/binary-amd64
Index of /libreoffice/libreoffice-6-0/ubuntu/dists/artful/main/binary-arm64
Index of /libreoffice/libreoffice-6-0/ubuntu/dists/artful/main/binary-arm64
Index of /libreoffice/libreoffice-6-0/ubuntu/dists/artful/main/binary-armhf
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Index of /libreoffice/libreoffice-6-0/ubuntu/dists/artful/main/binary-s390x
Index of /libreoffice/libreoffice-6-0/ubuntu/dists/artful/main/binary-s390x
Index of /libreoffice/libreoffice-6-0/ubuntu/dists/artful/main/debian-installer
Index of /libreoffice/libreoffice-6-0/ubuntu/dists/artful/main/debian-installer
Index of /libreoffice/libreoffice-6-0/ubuntu/dists/artful/main/debug
Index of /libreoffice/libreoffice-6-0/ubuntu/dists/artful/main/debug
Index of /libreoffice/libreoffice-6-0/ubuntu/dists/artful/main/i18n
Index of /libreoffice/libreoffice-6-0/ubuntu/dists/artful/main/i18n
Index of /libreoffice/libreoffice-6-0/ubuntu/dists/artful/main/source
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Index of /libreoffice/libreoffice-6-0/ubuntu/dists/bionic
Index of /libreoffice/libreoffice-6-0/ubuntu/dists/bionic
Index of /libreoffice/libreoffice-6-0/ubuntu/dists/bionic
Index of /libreoffice/libreoffice-6-0/ubuntu/dists/bionic
Index of /libreoffice/libreoffice-6-0/ubuntu/dists/bionic
Index of /libreoffice/libreoffice-6-0/ubuntu/dists/bionic
Index of /libreoffice/libreoffice-6-0/ubuntu/dists/bionic
Index of /libreoffice/libreoffice-6-0/ubuntu/dists/bionic
Index of /libreoffice/libreoffice-6-0/ubuntu/dists/bionic
Index of /libreoffice/libreoffice-6-0/ubuntu/dists/bionic
Index of /libreoffice/libreoffice-6-0/ubuntu/dists/bionic
Index of /libreoffice/libreoffice-6-0/ubuntu/dists/bionic
Index of /libreoffice/libreoffice-6-0/ubuntu/dists/bionic/by-hash
Index of /libreoffice/libreoffice-6-0/ubuntu/dists/bionic/by-hash
Index of /libreoffice/libreoffice-6-0/ubuntu/dists/bionic/by-hash/SHA256
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Index of /libreoffice/libreoffice-6-0/ubuntu/dists/bionic/main
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Index of /libreoffice/libreoffice-6-0/ubuntu/dists/bionic/main/binary-amd64
Index of /libreoffice/libreoffice-6-0/ubuntu/dists/bionic/main/binary-amd64
Index of /libreoffice/libreoffice-6-0/ubuntu/dists/bionic/main/binary-arm64
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Index of /libreoffice/libreoffice-6-0/ubuntu/dists/bionic/main/binary-armhf
Index of /libreoffice/libreoffice-6-0/ubuntu/dists/bionic/main/binary-armhf
Index of /libreoffice/libreoffice-6-0/ubuntu/dists/bionic/main/binary-i386
Index of /libreoffice/libreoffice-6-0/ubuntu/dists/bionic/main/binary-i386
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Index of /libreoffice/libreoffice-6-0/ubuntu/dists/bionic/main/binary-ppc64el
Index of /libreoffice/libreoffice-6-0/ubuntu/dists/bionic/main/binary-s390x
Index of /libreoffice/libreoffice-6-0/ubuntu/dists/bionic/main/binary-s390x
Index of /libreoffice/libreoffice-6-0/ubuntu/dists/bionic/main/debian-installer
Index of /libreoffice/libreoffice-6-0/ubuntu/dists/bionic/main/debian-installer
Index of /libreoffice/libreoffice-6-0/ubuntu/dists/bionic/main/debug
Index of /libreoffice/libreoffice-6-0/ubuntu/dists/bionic/main/debug
Index of /libreoffice/libreoffice-6-0/ubuntu/dists/bionic/main/i18n
Index of /libreoffice/libreoffice-6-0/ubuntu/dists/bionic/main/i18n
Index of /libreoffice/libreoffice-6-0/ubuntu/dists/bionic/main/source
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Index of /libreoffice/libreoffice-6-0/ubuntu/dists/cosmic
Index of /libreoffice/libreoffice-6-0/ubuntu/dists/cosmic
Index of /libreoffice/libreoffice-6-0/ubuntu/dists/cosmic
Index of /libreoffice/libreoffice-6-0/ubuntu/dists/cosmic
Index of /libreoffice/libreoffice-6-0/ubuntu/dists/cosmic
Index of /libreoffice/libreoffice-6-0/ubuntu/dists/cosmic
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Index of /libreoffice/libreoffice-6-0/ubuntu/dists/cosmic/by-hash
Index of /libreoffice/libreoffice-6-0/ubuntu/dists/cosmic/by-hash
Index of /libreoffice/libreoffice-6-0/ubuntu/dists/cosmic/by-hash/SHA256
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Index of /libreoffice/libreoffice-6-0/ubuntu/dists/cosmic/main
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Index of /libreoffice/libreoffice-6-0/ubuntu/dists/cosmic/main/binary-amd64
Index of /libreoffice/libreoffice-6-0/ubuntu/dists/cosmic/main/binary-amd64
Index of /libreoffice/libreoffice-6-0/ubuntu/dists/cosmic/main/binary-arm64
Index of /libreoffice/libreoffice-6-0/ubuntu/dists/cosmic/main/binary-arm64
Index of /libreoffice/libreoffice-6-0/ubuntu/dists/cosmic/main/binary-armhf
Index of /libreoffice/libreoffice-6-0/ubuntu/dists/cosmic/main/binary-armhf
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Index of /libreoffice/libreoffice-6-0/ubuntu/dists/cosmic/main/debian-installer
Index of /libreoffice/libreoffice-6-0/ubuntu/dists/cosmic/main/debian-installer
Index of /libreoffice/libreoffice-6-0/ubuntu/dists/cosmic/main/debug
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Index of /libreoffice/libreoffice-6-0/ubuntu/dists/cosmic/main/i18n
Index of /libreoffice/libreoffice-6-0/ubuntu/dists/cosmic/main/source
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Index of /libreoffice/libreoffice-6-0/ubuntu/dists/devel/by-hash/SHA256
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Index of /libreoffice/libreoffice-6-0/ubuntu/dists/devel/main/binary-amd64
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Index of /libreoffice/libreoffice-6-0/ubuntu/dists/devel/main/binary-arm64
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Index of /libreoffice/libreoffice-6-0/ubuntu/dists/devel/main/source
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Index of /libreoffice/libreoffice-6-0/ubuntu/dists/trusty
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Index of /libreoffice/libreoffice-6-0/ubuntu/dists/trusty/main/binary-powerpc
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Index of /libreoffice/libreoffice-6-0/ubuntu/dists/trusty/main/binary-ppc64el
Index of /libreoffice/libreoffice-6-0/ubuntu/dists/trusty/main/debian-installer
Index of /libreoffice/libreoffice-6-0/ubuntu/dists/trusty/main/debian-installer
Index of /libreoffice/libreoffice-6-0/ubuntu/dists/trusty/main/debug
Index of /libreoffice/libreoffice-6-0/ubuntu/dists/trusty/main/debug
Index of /libreoffice/libreoffice-6-0/ubuntu/dists/trusty/main/i18n
Index of /libreoffice/libreoffice-6-0/ubuntu/dists/trusty/main/i18n
Index of /libreoffice/libreoffice-6-0/ubuntu/dists/trusty/main/source
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Index of /libreoffice/libreoffice-6-0/ubuntu/dists/xenial/by-hash
Index of /libreoffice/libreoffice-6-0/ubuntu/dists/xenial/by-hash
Index of /libreoffice/libreoffice-6-0/ubuntu/dists/xenial/by-hash/SHA256
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Index of /libreoffice/libreoffice-6-0/ubuntu/dists/xenial/main/binary-amd64
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Index of /libreoffice/libreoffice-6-0/ubuntu/dists/xenial/main/binary-arm64
Index of /libreoffice/libreoffice-6-0/ubuntu/dists/xenial/main/binary-arm64
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Index of /libreoffice/libreoffice-6-0/ubuntu/dists/xenial/main/binary-armhf
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Index of /libreoffice/libreoffice-6-0/ubuntu/dists/xenial/main/debian-installer
Index of /libreoffice/libreoffice-6-0/ubuntu/dists/xenial/main/debian-installer
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Index of /libreoffice/libreoffice-6-0/ubuntu/dists/xenial/main/i18n
Index of /libreoffice/libreoffice-6-0/ubuntu/dists/xenial/main/source
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Index of /libreoffice/libreoffice-6-0/ubuntu/pool/main
Index of /libreoffice/libreoffice-6-0/ubuntu/pool/main
Index of /libreoffice/libreoffice-6-0/ubuntu/pool/main
Index of /libreoffice/libreoffice-6-0/ubuntu/pool/main
Index of /libreoffice/libreoffice-6-0/ubuntu/pool/main
Index of /libreoffice/libreoffice-6-0/ubuntu/pool/main
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Index of /libreoffice/libreoffice-6-0/ubuntu/pool/main/d/dh-autoreconf
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Index of /libreoffice/libreoffice-6-0/ubuntu/pool/main/f/fonts-liberation2
Index of /libreoffice/libreoffice-6-0/ubuntu/pool/main/f/fonts-liberation2
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Index of /libreoffice/libreoffice-6-0/ubuntu/pool/main/h/harfbuzz
Index of /libreoffice/libreoffice-6-0/ubuntu/pool/main/h/harfbuzz
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Index of /libreoffice/libreoffice-6-0/ubuntu/pool/main/libr/libreoffice-l10n
Index of /libreoffice/libreoffice-6-0/ubuntu/pool/main/libr/libreoffice
Index of /libreoffice/libreoffice-6-0/ubuntu/pool/main/libr/libreoffice libreoffice_6.0.6-0ubuntu0.14.04.1.debian.tar.xz 2018-08-04 16:44 2.1M libreoffice_6.0.6-0ubuntu0.14.04.1.dsc 2018-08-04 16:44 17K libreoffice_6.0.6-0ubuntu0.14.04.1_amd64.deb 2018-08-04 16:45 87K libreoffice_6.0.6-0ubuntu0.14.04.1_arm64.deb 2018-08-04 16:46 87K libreoffice_6.0.6-0ubuntu0.14.04.1_armhf.deb 2018-08-04 16:47 87K libreoffice_6.0.6-0ubuntu0.14.04.1_i386.deb 2018-08-04 16:47 87K libreoffice_6.0.6-0ubuntu0.14.04.1_powerpc.deb 2018-08-04 16:47 87K libreoffice_6.0.6-0ubuntu0.16.04.1.debian.tar.xz 2018-08-04 16:44 2.1M libreoffice_6.0.6-0ubuntu0.16.04.1.dsc 2018-08-04 16:44 16K
Index of /libreoffice/libreoffice-6-0/ubuntu/pool/main/s
Index of /libreoffice/libreoffice-6-0/ubuntu/pool/main/s
Index of /libreoffice/libreoffice-6-0/ubuntu/pool/main/s/strip-nondeterminism
Index of /libreoffice/libreoffice-6-0/ubuntu/pool/main/s/strip-nondeterminism
LibreOffice 6.2.0: Statistics | Softoogle.com
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2018 August 03 | Techrights
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Links 3/8/2018: GammaRay 2.9.1, Ubuntu 16.04.5 LTS, Firefox 63 Linux Out-of-process Extensions, LibreOffice 6.0.6 | Techrights
Links 3/8/2018: GammaRay 2.9.1, Ubuntu 16.04.5 LTS, Firefox 63 Linux Out-of-process Extensions, LibreOffice 6.0.6 Mozilla Announces Things Gateway 0.5, Reddit Security Incident, Docker Moving to a New Release Cycle, Artifact Coming in November and LibreOffice 6.0.6 Now Available LibreOffice 6.0.6 Office Suite Released with 55 Bug Fixes, Download Now Coming about six weeks after the LibreOffice 6.0.5 maintenance update, the LibreOffice 6.0.6 point release is here to further improve and stability and reliability of the LibreOffice 6.0 office suite series for all supported platforms by addressing a total ... When they released the LibreOffice 6.0.5 update back in June 2018, The Document Foundation said that the LibreOffice 6.0 series is now ready for mainstream users and enterprise deployments. LibreOffice 6.0.6 continues this trend by offering mainstream users ...
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Uwaga: LibreOffice 6.0 ma wymagania względem systemu operacyjnego – do poprawnego działania potrzebuje przynajmniej Windows 7 SP1, macOS 10.9 lub aktualnego Linuksa Na początku 2018 roku udostępniony został LibreOffice 6.0. Początkowo był kierowany tylko do użytkowników, którzy nie boją się błędów, a ich wystąpienie nie doprowadzi do katastrofy, dlatego też w firmach nie zalecano aktualizacji. Wraz z wydaniem wersji oznaczonej ... LibreOffice 6.0 to między innymi nowy, bardziej intuicyjny i podatny na modyfikacje interfejs użytkownika, dzięki któremu praca z dokumentami ma być bardziej efektywna, łatwa i wygodna. Odświeżone zostały również poszczególne ikony (mają teraz lepiej wyglądać ...
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LibreOffice 6.0.1 RC1 | get GNU
Tag Archives | LibreOffice 6.0.1 RC1 LibreOffice 6.0.1 RC1 çıktı 6.0.0’ın final sürümü 31 Ocak 2018 ‘de duyurulan LibreOffice’in yeni 6.0.1 sürümünün ilk sürüm adayı çıktı. LibreOffice 6.0.1 RC1; sürüm takvimine uygun biçimde The Document Foundation (TDF) tarafından çıkarıldı. The Document Foundation (TDF), henüz resmi duyuruyu ... LibreOffice 6.0.1 RC1 edinmek için aşağıdaki linklerden yararlanabilirsiniz. Resmi duyuru yapılana kadar
LibreOffice 6.0.2 | get GNU
Tag Archives | LibreOffice 6.0.2 LibreOffice 6.0.2 duyuruldu Önce 9 Şubat 2018’de 6.0.1 RC1 ‘i, ardından 23 Şubat 2018’de 6.0.2 RC1 ‘i çıkaran The Document Foundation (TDF) , bu kez LibreOffice 6.0.2 final sürümü duyurarak bir sürpriz yaptı. Sürümü, sürüm takvimine uygun biçimde duyuran Italo Vignoli; 50 hata düzeltmesi ... Bağımsız, kendi kendini yöneten, meritokratik bir organizasyon olarak Özgür yazılım değerleri temelinde Almanya’da kurulan ve kâr amacı gütmeyen bir vakıf olan The Document Foundation (TDF) ; küresel topluluk tarafından OOo’nun meşru varisi seçilmiştir ve günden ...
LibreOffice 6.0.2 RC1 | get GNU
Tag Archives | LibreOffice 6.0.2 RC1 LibreOffice 6.0.2 RC1 çıktı LibreOffice’in yeni 6.0.2 sürümünün ilk sürüm adayı çıktı. LibreOffice 6.0.2 RC1; sürüm takvimine uygun biçimde The Document Foundation (TDF) tarafından çıkarıldı. The Document Foundation (TDF), henüz resmi duyuruyu yapmadı ama paketler test edilmek üzere yansılardaki ... LibreOffice 6.0.2 RC1 edinmek için aşağıdaki linklerden yararlanabilirsiniz. Resmi duyuru yapılana kadar
LibreOffice 6.0.1 RC1 çıktı | get GNU
LibreOffice 6.0.1 RC1 çıktı 6.0.0’ın final sürümü 31 Ocak 2018 ‘de duyurulan LibreOffice’in yeni 6.0.1 sürümünün ilk sürüm adayı çıktı. LibreOffice 6.0.1 RC1; sürüm takvimine uygun biçimde The Document Foundation (TDF) tarafından çıkarıldı. The Document Foundation (TDF), henüz resmi duyuruyu ... LibreOffice 6.0.1 RC1 edinmek için aşağıdaki linklerden yararlanabilirsiniz. Resmi duyuru yapılana kadar LibreOffice 6.0.1 RC1 , sürüm takvimi , The Document Foundation (TDF
LibreOffice 6.0.2 duyuruldu | get GNU
LibreOffice 6.0.2 duyuruldu Önce 9 Şubat 2018’de 6.0.1 RC1 ‘i, ardından 23 Şubat 2018’de 6.0.2 RC1 ‘i çıkaran The Document Foundation (TDF) , bu kez LibreOffice 6.0.2 final sürümü duyurarak bir sürpriz yaptı. Sürümü, sürüm takvimine uygun biçimde duyuran Italo Vignoli; 50 hata düzeltmesi ... Bağımsız, kendi kendini yöneten, meritokratik bir organizasyon olarak Özgür yazılım değerleri temelinde Almanya’da kurulan ve kâr amacı gütmeyen bir vakıf olan The Document Foundation (TDF) ; küresel topluluk tarafından OOo’nun meşru varisi seçilmiştir ve günden ... LibreOffice 6.0.2 , sürüm takvimi , The Document Foundation (TDF
LibreOffice 6.0.2 RC1 çıktı | get GNU
LibreOffice 6.0.2 RC1 çıktı LibreOffice’in yeni 6.0.2 sürümünün ilk sürüm adayı çıktı. LibreOffice 6.0.2 RC1; sürüm takvimine uygun biçimde The Document Foundation (TDF) tarafından çıkarıldı. The Document Foundation (TDF), henüz resmi duyuruyu yapmadı ama paketler test edilmek üzere yansılardaki ... LibreOffice 6.0.2 RC1 edinmek için aşağıdaki linklerden yararlanabilirsiniz. Resmi duyuru yapılana kadar LibreOffice 6.0.2 RC1 , sürüm takvimi , The Document Foundation (TDF
La Fondation Document annonce LibreOffice 6.0.6 - Global Informatique Securite
La Fondation Document annonce LibreOffice 6.0.6 Berlin, 2 août 2018 - The Document Foundation (TDF) annonce LibreOffice 6.0.6, la sixième version mineure de la famille 6.0, prête pour les utilisateurs grand public et les déploiements d'entreprise Les journaux de modifications de LibreOffice 6.0.6 sont disponibles sur les liens suivants: https://wiki.documentfoundation.org/Releases/6.0.6/RC1 (corrigé dans RC1) et https://wiki.documentfoundation.org/Releases/6.0. 6 / RC2 (fixé dans RC2 LibreOffice 6.0.6 est immédiatement disponible en téléchargement sur le lien suivant: https://www.libreoffice.org/download/download
opensource - Global Informatique Securite
La Fondation Document annonce LibreOffice 6.0.6 Berlin, 2 août 2018 - The Document Foundation (TDF) annonce LibreOffice 6.0.6, la sixième version mineure de la famille 6.0, prête pour les utilisateurs grand public et les déploiements d'entreprise. TDF recommande de déployer LibreOffice dans des...
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LibreOffice 6.0.6 Writer - neue Oberfläche
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209 » Linux Magazine
In the news: LibreOffice 6.0 released; Red Hat acquires CoreOS; Red Hat Enterprise Linux 7.5 beta out; Torvalds Is not happy with Intel’s patch, calls it garbage; and more than 2,000 WordPress sites infected by malware
NEWS » Linux Magazine
In the news: LibreOffice 6.0 released; Red Hat acquires CoreOS; Red Hat Enterprise Linux 7.5 beta out; Torvalds Is not happy with Intel’s patch, calls it garbage; and more than 2,000 WordPress sites infected by malware LibreOffice 6.0 Released The Document Foundation announced the release of LibreOffice 6.0, the biggest release of the fully open source office suite since LibreOffice 5.x was released in 2016 One of the biggest improvements in LibreOffice 6.0 is the introduction of Notebook Bar, a ribbon interface that makes it easier to perform many tasks without having to dig through menus. You can enable the feature from the Advanced settings. The new release ... LibreOffice 6.0 claims to offer better file compatibility with Microsoft Office documents. The release also offers the ability to export documents as ePub, an ebook format. "OOXML interoperability has been improved in several areas: import of SmartArt and import/... LibreOffice is available for the cloud through Collabora. LibreOffice 6.x will bring more capabilities to LibreOffice Online. "New features introduced with LibreOffice 6.0 aim to align the functionality of the desktop and cloud versions, especially in areas ... LibreOffice 6.0 is available for Linux, Mac OS, and Windows ( https://www.libreoffice.org/download/download
NEWS » Linux Magazine
LibreOffice 6.0.3 发布,大量问题修复-Linuxeden开源社区
LibreOffice 6.0.3 发布,大量问题修复 TDF 宣布了 LibreOffice 6.0.3,这是 LibreOffice 6 系列的第三个小版本,包含大约 70 个错误和回归修复 LibreOffice 6.0.3 在功能方面表现出色,因此主要针对早期采用者,技术精通和高级用户,而 LibreOffice 5.4.6 作为替代下载选项提供 – 针对主流用户和企业部署 有关 LibreOffice 6.0.3 bug 和回归修复程序的技术细节照常在更改日志中提供 转自 https://www.oschina.net/news/94943/libreoffice-6-0-3-released
Core Download: http://download.documentfoundation.org/libreoffice/src/6.0.1/libreoffice- tar -xf libreoffice- --no-overwrite-dir && cd libreoffice- Due to the large size of the package, you may prefer to install it in /opt , instead of /usr . Depending on your choice, replace <PREFIX> by /usr or by /opt/libreoffice- If installed in /opt/libreoffice- some additional steps are necessary. Issue the following commands, as root user
Submitted By: Bruce Dubbs Date: 2019-01-13 Initial Package Version: Upstream Status: Unknown Origin: Arch Linux and self Description: Fix for poppler 0.70 thru 0.73 and boost 1.69.0 Most of the changes are due to libreoffice using private poppler headers....
Submitted By: Douglas R. Reno Date: 2019-02-01 Initial Package Version: Upstream Status: Applied Origin: Upstream Description: Fix the build of hsqldb using JDK11, and apply changes for syntax in Javadoc under JDK11. diff -Naurp libreoffice-
Getting Started with LibreOffice 6.0 di LibreOffice Documentation Team (Copertina morbida) - Lulu IT
Getting Started with LibreOffice 6.0 LibreOffice is a freely-available, full-featured office suite that runs on Windows, Linux, and macOS computers. This book is for anyone who wants to get up to speed quickly with LibreOffice 6.0. It introduces Writer (word processing), Calc (spreadsheets), Impress ... LibreOffice 6.0 Writer Guide LibreOffice 6.0 Writer... Di LibreOffice Documentation Team Copertina morbida
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LibreOffice 6.0 Writer Guide di LibreOffice Documentation Team (Copertina morbida) - Lulu IT
LibreOffice 6.0 Writer Guide Getting Started with LibreOffice 6.0 Getting Started with... Di LibreOffice Documentation Team Copertina morbida
Puppy Linux Discussion Forum :: View topic - LibreOffice + language packs (latest version: 6.1.4)
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Puppy Linux Discussion Forum :: View topic - LibreOffice + language packs (latest version: 6.1.4)
LibreOffice 6.0.1 & 5.4.5
Puppy Linux Discussion Forum :: View topic - LibreOffice + language packs (latest version: 6.1.4)
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Puppy Linux Discussion Forum :: View topic - LibreOffice + language packs (latest version: 6.1.4)
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Puppy Linux Discussion Forum :: View topic - LibreOffice + language packs (latest version: 6.1.4)
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OpenNews: Выпуск LibreOffice 6.0.1 с устранением уязвимости
09.02.2018 16:53 Выпуск LibreOffice 6.0.1 с устранением уязвимости Организация The Document Foundation объявила о выходе LibreOffice 6.0.1, первого корректирующего выпуска из семейства LibreOffice 6.0 "fresh". Версия 6.0.1 ориентирована на энтузиастов, опытных пользователей и тех, кто предпочитает самые свежие версии программного ...
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Remove LibreOffice 6.0.4 – How to Uninstall Remove LibreOffice 6.0.4 from Mac OS X – Remove Mac Apps
Remove LibreOffice 6.0.4 – How to Uninstall Remove LibreOffice 6.0.4 from Mac OS X Uninstall LibreOffice 6.0.4 Successfully From Mac : Steps To Clean LibreOffice 6.0.4 From Mac OS X Quickly It is true that several times use faces difficulty when try to uninstall LibreOffice 6.0.4 from their Mac machine. It has been also seen that most of the time this application do not get uninstalled from system and remain in trash folder and still capture the ... Common Issues Find While Uninstalling LibreOffice 6.0.4 Usually user encounter some sort of issue either while removing applications or even after uninstalling LibreOffice 6.0.4 or other the required program. Some of the common problems are listed below they may be noticed commonly. Take a look LibreOffice 6.0.4 does not respond while uninstallation process and screen get stuck at a single step LibreOffice 6.0.4 fails to get uninstalled successfully and display unexpected error messages on the computer screen Now LibreOffice 6.0.4 can not be installed or updated again on your computer Mac system perform sluggishly and runs slower than ever before when LibreOffice 6.0.4 get uninstalled There can be severe reasons that can create above mentioned problems and it is important to know about that, because without having idea about the causes, you can not trigger the perfect solution to uninstall LibreOffice 6.0.4 completely
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Remove LibreOffice 6.0.4 – How to Uninstall Remove LibreOffice 6.0.4 from Mac OS X
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Tech Photo of LibreOffice 6.0.7 and 6.1.3 Updated to Integrate a Security Patch with Improved Quality and Stability LibreOffice 6.0.7 and 6.1.3 Updated to Integrate a Security Patch with Improved Quality and Stability LibreOffice recently released LibreOffice 6.0.7 and LibreOffice 6.1.3 on November 5th 2018. The announcement was made on The Document Foundation
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Home > News > Tech >LibreOffice 6.0.7 and 6.1.3 Updated to Integrate a Security Patch with Improved Quality and Stability LibreOffice 6.0.7 and 6.1.3 Updated to Integrate a Security Patch with Improved Quality and Stability LibreOffice recently released LibreOffice 6.0.7 and LibreOffice 6.1.3 on November 5th 2018. The announcement was made on The Document Foundation blog . According to the blog post, the updates will improve the stability and quality of the previous releases and ... All other individual users and organizations of any size should update from any previous version of LibreOffice to LibreOffice 6.0.7, which is more mature and as such targeted at production environments and enterprise-class deployments Organizations are also suggested to source LibreOffice 6.0.7 from one of the companies that are providing a Long Term Supported version of the suite, for additional value-added services that make the software better suited for enterprise deployments. These ... Regression and bug fixes for LibreOffice 6.0.7 are provided here: https://wiki.documentfoundation.org/Releases/6.0.7/RC1 (fixed in RC1), https://wiki.documentfoundation.org/Releases/6.0.7/RC2 (fixed in RC2) and https://wiki.documentfoundation.org/Releases/6....
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Aplicaciones - Desde Linux ( Página 2 )
LibreOffice 6.0.4 disponible ya con más de 88 correcciones Una nueva compilacion de LibreOffice esta disponible ya con más de 88 correcciones para los distintos componentes. Descarga ya LibreOffice 6.0.4
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LibreOffice 6.0.4 disponible ya con más de 88 correcciones
LibreOffice 6.0.4 disponible ya con más de 88 correcciones
Inicio » Aplicaciones » LibreOffice 6.0.4 disponible ya con más de 88 correcciones LibreOffice 6.0.4 disponible ya con más de 88 correcciones LibreOffice 6.0.4 llega solo cinco semanas después de la actualización de mantenimiento anterior y trae un total de 88 arreglos de bugs que afectaban a diversos componentes de la suite ofimática, como Writer, Calc, Impress, Draw, Math y otros Descarga ya LibreOffice 6.0.4 Recuerda que si tienes dudas puedes acceder al canal de #libreoffice-qa en cualquier cliente IRC o directamente al canal de Telegram que puedes encontrar en la página oficial, ahí mismo puedes encontrar toda la información de los errores que corrige LibreOffice ...
LibreOffice 6.0 ya esta listo para usuarios finales y entornos empresariales
LibreOffice 6.0.5 está aquí un mes y medio después de LibreOffice 6.0.4 marcando la disponibilidad de la suite ofimática para usuarios finales y fines empresariales. The Document Foundation considera que LibreOffice 6.0 ha sido probado en toda su extensión ...
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File:LibreOffice 6.1 Math Icon.svg - Wikimedia Commons
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LibreOffice 6.0.2 RC 1 bringt weitere Korrekturen Das Ende Januar 2018 veröffentlichte LibreOffice 6.0 hatte vor zwei Wochen ein erstes Update erhalten . Diese Woche soll LibreOffice 6.0.2 folgen, doch zunächst gibt es einen ersten Veröffentlichungskandidaten für Windows, macOS und Linux Download: LibreOffice 6.0.2 RC 1
LibreOffice 6.0.2 ist fertig - Au-Ja / Forum
LibreOffice 6.0.2 ist fertig Der Bugfix-Release LibreOffice 6.0.2 kümmert sich um 56 Fehler, darunter auch sieben potentielle Stabilitätsprobleme. Beispielsweise kann es unter macOS zum Crash kommen, wenn OpenGL aktiviert ist. Beim Bearbeiten von DOCX-Dateien führt der Versuch, eine Tabellenzeile ... Download: LibreOffice 6.0.2
LibreOffice 6.0.4 ist fertig - Au-Ja / Forum
LibreOffice 6.0.4 ist fertig Das finale LibreOffice 6.0.4 liegt für Windows, macOS und Linux zum Download bereit. Seit der Version 6.0.3 wurden 88 Korrekturen vorgenommen, darunter finden sich allerdings nur vier potentielle Absturzursachen sowie ein Programmhänger. Die finale Fassung ... LibreOffice bleibt nicht mehr hängen, wenn man versucht ein Dialogfenster zu öffnen, während das gesamte Blatt ausgewählt ist. Einer der behobenen Abstürze tritt auf, wenn man ein Fotoalbum, welches ein .MOV-Video enthält, einfügt. Ein weiterer geschieht beim ... Download: LibreOffice 6.0.4
[Solved] OpenOffice not Opening at all (View topic) • Apache OpenOffice Community Forum
OpenOffice 4.1.6 and LibreOffice on Windows 7 Pro & Ultimate
[Solved] Open Office Crashed need help recovering a file (View topic) • Apache OpenOffice Community Forum
OpenOffice 4.1.6 and LibreOffice on Windows 7 Pro & Ultimate
Spacing problem in text document: huge space between words (View topic) • Apache OpenOffice Community Forum
LibreOffice 6.0.4 on Windows 10
[Tutorial] Splitting an "embedded HSQL database" (View topic) • Apache OpenOffice Community Forum
LibreOffice 6.0.2 on MacOS 10.11.6
Spacing problem in text document: huge space between words (View topic) • Apache OpenOffice Community Forum
LibreOffice 6.0.4 on Windows 10
[Solved] OpenOffice not Opening at all (View topic) • Apache OpenOffice Community Forum
OpenOffice 4.1.6 and LibreOffice on Windows 7 Pro & Ultimate
Libre Office 6.0.2 telepítési próbléma (Téma megtekintése) • OpenOffice.org Közösségi fórum
LibreOffice 6.0.2 a Windows 10 -en
Libre Office 6.0.2 telepítési próbléma (Téma megtekintése) • OpenOffice.org Közösségi fórum
LibreOffice 6.0.2 a Windows 10 -en
Libre Office 6 memoria pricipale non c'è più (Leggi argomento) • Apache OpenOffice: forum della comunità
Nelle opzioni di LibreOffice 6 non trovo "memoria principale" come invece c'è in OpenOffice (vedi immagine) e nelle versioni precedenti di Libre mi sembra di ricordare che c'era macOS 10.12 Sierra: Open Office 4.1.5 - LibreOffice 6.0.7
Libreoffice 6 in semi-italiano (Leggi argomento) • Apache OpenOffice: forum della comunità
Libreoffice 6 in semi-italiano LIBREOFFICE SU UBUNTU MATE 16.04 Re: Libreoffice 6 in semi-italiano macOS 10.12 Sierra: Open Office 4.1.5 - LibreOffice 6.0.7
Recupero file Libreoffice 6.0.3(writer) (Leggi argomento) • Apache OpenOffice: forum della comunità
Recupero file Libreoffice 6.0.3(writer Libreoffice 6.0.3 su Windows 10 Re: Recupero file Libreoffice 6.0.3(writer
[Risolto] Variazione formula (Leggi argomento) • Apache OpenOffice: forum della comunità
Libreoffice 6 / Ubuntu 18.04 - PcLinuxOS
Profilo Utente di AOO - Aggiornamento (Leggi argomento) • Apache OpenOffice: forum della comunità
macOS 10.12 Sierra: Open Office 4.1.5 - LibreOffice 6.0.7
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[Risolto]LibreOffice 6.0.2 non si avvia dopo installazione • Forum Ubuntu-it
Risolto]LibreOffice 6.0.2 non si avvia dopo installazione Re: LibreOffice 6.0.2 non si avvia dopo installazione riusci Re: LibreOffice 6.0.2 non si avvia dopo installazione
[Risolto]LibreOffice 6.0.2 non si avvia dopo installazione • Forum Ubuntu-it
Risolto]LibreOffice 6.0.2 non si avvia dopo installazione Re: LibreOffice 6.0.2 non si avvia dopo installazione Re: [Risolto]LibreOffice 6.0.2 non si avvia dopo installazio
[Risolto]LibreOffice 6.0.2 non si avvia dopo installazione • Forum Ubuntu-it
Risolto]LibreOffice 6.0.2 non si avvia dopo installazione Re: LibreOffice 6.0.2 non si avvia dopo installazione riusci Re: LibreOffice 6.0.2 non si avvia dopo installazione
Форум поддержки пользователей. LibreOffice, Apache OpenOffice, OpenOffice.org - Главная страница : Открытые офисные пакеты. Форум поддержки пользователей
в Re: LibreOffice 6.0. Кон
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x86_64) Kubuntu 16.04.3 - LibreOffice 6.0.2 / 6.1 alpha
LibreOffice 6.0. Контроль локализации интерфейса : Открытые офисные пакеты. Форум поддержки пользователей
Форум поддержки пользователей. LibreOffice, Apache OpenOffice, OpenOffice.org > Главная категория > Локализация > Тема: LibreOffice 6.0. Контроль локализации интерфейса Автор Тема: LibreOffice 6.0. Контроль локализации интерфейса (Прочитано 12202 раз LibreOffice 6.0. Контроль локализации интерфейса Re: LibreOffice 6.0. Контроль локализации интерфейса x86_64) Kubuntu 16.04.3 - LibreOffice 6.0.2 / 6.1 alpha
LibreOffice 6.0. Контроль локализации интерфейса : Открытые офисные пакеты. Форум поддержки пользователей
Форум поддержки пользователей. LibreOffice, Apache OpenOffice, OpenOffice.org > Главная категория > Локализация > Тема: LibreOffice 6.0. Контроль локализации интерфейса Автор Тема: LibreOffice 6.0. Контроль локализации интерфейса (Прочитано 12202 раз Re: LibreOffice 6.0. Контроль локализации интерфейса
LibreOffice 6.0. Контроль локализации интерфейса : Открытые офисные пакеты. Форум поддержки пользователей
Форум поддержки пользователей. LibreOffice, Apache OpenOffice, OpenOffice.org > Главная категория > Локализация > Тема: LibreOffice 6.0. Контроль локализации интерфейса Автор Тема: LibreOffice 6.0. Контроль локализации интерфейса (Прочитано 12203 раз Re: LibreOffice 6.0. Контроль локализации интерфейса
LibreOffice 6.0. Контроль локализации интерфейса : Открытые офисные пакеты. Форум поддержки пользователей
Форум поддержки пользователей. LibreOffice, Apache OpenOffice, OpenOffice.org > Главная категория > Локализация > Тема: LibreOffice 6.0. Контроль локализации интерфейса Автор Тема: LibreOffice 6.0. Контроль локализации интерфейса (Прочитано 12202 раз Re: LibreOffice 6.0. Контроль локализации интерфейса
LibreOffice 6.0. Контроль локализации интерфейса : Открытые офисные пакеты. Форум поддержки пользователей
Форум поддержки пользователей. LibreOffice, Apache OpenOffice, OpenOffice.org > Главная категория > Локализация > Тема: LibreOffice 6.0. Контроль локализации интерфейса Автор Тема: LibreOffice 6.0. Контроль локализации интерфейса (Прочитано 12202 раз Re: LibreOffice 6.0. Контроль локализации интерфейса x86_64) Kubuntu 16.04.3 - LibreOffice 6.0.2 / 6.1 alpha Наткнулся в Libreoffice 6 на спорный перевод "Число элементов" в диалоге "Оглавление, указатель или библиография". Ранее (по крайней мере в Libreoffice 3) было куда понятнее - "Пронумеровать элементы Libreoffice_6.png (55.28 Кб, 1300x563 - просмотрено 30 раз LibreOffice (и в LibreOffice тоже), если после удаления пользовательских стилей ячейки посмотреть в список действий для отмены, там написано, что был изменён стиль страницы Непонимающий А в английской локали написано правильно: Edit Cell...
LibreOffice 6.0. Контроль локализации интерфейса : Открытые офисные пакеты. Форум поддержки пользователей
Форум поддержки пользователей. LibreOffice, Apache OpenOffice, OpenOffice.org > Главная категория > Локализация > Тема: LibreOffice 6.0. Контроль локализации интерфейса Автор Тема: LibreOffice 6.0. Контроль локализации интерфейса (Прочитано 12203 раз Re: LibreOffice 6.0. Контроль локализации интерфейса
LibreOffice 6.0. Контроль локализации интерфейса : Открытые офисные пакеты. Форум поддержки пользователей
Форум поддержки пользователей. LibreOffice, Apache OpenOffice, OpenOffice.org > Главная категория > Локализация > Тема: LibreOffice 6.0. Контроль локализации интерфейса Автор Тема: LibreOffice 6.0. Контроль локализации интерфейса (Прочитано 12203 раз Re: LibreOffice 6.0. Контроль локализации интерфейса Наткнулся в Libreoffice 6 на спорный перевод "Число элементов" в диалоге "Оглавление, указатель или библиография". Ранее (по крайней мере в Libreoffice 3) было куда понятнее - "Пронумеровать элементы Libreoffice_6.png (55.28 Кб, 1300x563 - просмотрено 31 раз
LibreOffice 6.0. Контроль локализации интерфейса : Открытые офисные пакеты. Форум поддержки пользователей
Форум поддержки пользователей. LibreOffice, Apache OpenOffice, OpenOffice.org > Главная категория > Локализация > Тема: LibreOffice 6.0. Контроль локализации интерфейса Автор Тема: LibreOffice 6.0. Контроль локализации интерфейса (Прочитано 12202 раз Re: LibreOffice 6.0. Контроль локализации интерфейса LibreOffice (и в LibreOffice тоже), если после удаления пользовательских стилей ячейки посмотреть в список действий для отмены, там написано, что был изменён стиль страницы Непонимающий А в английской локали написано правильно: Edit Cell...
LibreOffice 6.0. Контроль локализации интерфейса : Открытые офисные пакеты. Форум поддержки пользователей
Форум поддержки пользователей. LibreOffice, Apache OpenOffice, OpenOffice.org > Главная категория > Локализация > Тема: LibreOffice 6.0. Контроль локализации интерфейса Автор Тема: LibreOffice 6.0. Контроль локализации интерфейса (Прочитано 12202 раз Re: LibreOffice 6.0. Контроль локализации интерфейса В инсталляторе LibreOffice_6.2.0.3_Win_x64.msi не переведены название словаря Indonesian, и дополнительные языки UI Kabyle и Lower Sorbian
LibreOffice 6.0. Контроль локализации интерфейса : Открытые офисные пакеты. Форум поддержки пользователей
Форум поддержки пользователей. LibreOffice, Apache OpenOffice, OpenOffice.org > Главная категория > Локализация > Тема: LibreOffice 6.0. Контроль локализации интерфейса Автор Тема: LibreOffice 6.0. Контроль локализации интерфейса (Прочитано 12202 раз Re: LibreOffice 6.0. Контроль локализации интерфейса В инсталляторе LibreOffice_6.2.0.3_Win_x64.msi не переведены название словаря Indonesian, и дополнительные языки UI Kabyle и Lower Sorbian
LibreOffice 6.0. Контроль локализации интерфейса : Открытые офисные пакеты. Форум поддержки пользователей
Форум поддержки пользователей. LibreOffice, Apache OpenOffice, OpenOffice.org > Главная категория > Локализация > Тема: LibreOffice 6.0. Контроль локализации интерфейса Автор Тема: LibreOffice 6.0. Контроль локализации интерфейса (Прочитано 12202 раз LibreOffice 6.0. Контроль локализации интерфейса Re: LibreOffice 6.0. Контроль локализации интерфейса x86_64) Kubuntu 16.04.3 - LibreOffice 6.0.2 / 6.1 alpha
LibreOffice 6.0. Контроль локализации интерфейса : Открытые офисные пакеты. Форум поддержки пользователей
Форум поддержки пользователей. LibreOffice, Apache OpenOffice, OpenOffice.org > Главная категория > Локализация > Тема: LibreOffice 6.0. Контроль локализации интерфейса Автор Тема: LibreOffice 6.0. Контроль локализации интерфейса (Прочитано 12202 раз LibreOffice 6.0. Контроль локализации интерфейса Re: LibreOffice 6.0. Контроль локализации интерфейса x86_64) Kubuntu 16.04.3 - LibreOffice 6.0.2 / 6.1 alpha
LibreOffice 6.0. Контроль локализации интерфейса : Открытые офисные пакеты. Форум поддержки пользователей
Форум поддержки пользователей. LibreOffice, Apache OpenOffice, OpenOffice.org > Главная категория > Локализация > Тема: LibreOffice 6.0. Контроль локализации интерфейса Автор Тема: LibreOffice 6.0. Контроль локализации интерфейса (Прочитано 12202 раз Re: LibreOffice 6.0. Контроль локализации интерфейса x86_64) Kubuntu 16.04.3 - LibreOffice 6.0.2 / 6.1 alpha Наткнулся в Libreoffice 6 на спорный перевод "Число элементов" в диалоге "Оглавление, указатель или библиография". Ранее (по крайней мере в Libreoffice 3) было куда понятнее - "Пронумеровать элементы Libreoffice_6.png (55.28 Кб, 1300x563 - просмотрено 30 раз LibreOffice (и в LibreOffice тоже), если после удаления пользовательских стилей ячейки посмотреть в список действий для отмены, там написано, что был изменён стиль страницы Непонимающий А в английской локали написано правильно: Edit Cell...
LibreOffice 6.0. Контроль локализации интерфейса : Открытые офисные пакеты. Форум поддержки пользователей
Форум поддержки пользователей. LibreOffice, Apache OpenOffice, OpenOffice.org > Главная категория > Локализация > Тема: LibreOffice 6.0. Контроль локализации интерфейса Автор Тема: LibreOffice 6.0. Контроль локализации интерфейса (Прочитано 12202 раз Re: LibreOffice 6.0. Контроль локализации интерфейса В инсталляторе LibreOffice_6.2.0.3_Win_x64.msi не переведены название словаря Indonesian, и дополнительные языки UI Kabyle и Lower Sorbian
Adarsh Verma, Author at Fossbytes - Page 5 of 360
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LibreOffice 6.0.5 · Issue #48 · flathub/org.libreoffice.LibreOffice · GitHub
LibreOffice 6.0.5 #48 stbergmann Thank you for building LibreOffice 6.0.5. Is there a way to automatically build LibreOffice flatpak when new versions are available
GitHub - TaharAmine/CVE-2018-10583: An information disclosure vulnerability occurs when LibreOffice 6.0.3 and Apache OpenOffice Writer 4.1.5 automatically process and initiate an SMB connection embedded in a malicious file, as demonstrated by "xlink:href=file://" within an "office:document-content" element in a ".odt XML document".
An information disclosure vulnerability occurs when LibreOffice 6.0.3 and Apache OpenOffice Writer 4.1.5 automatically process and initiate an SMB connection embedded in a malicious file, as demonstrated by "xlink:href=file://" within an ... An information disclosure vulnerability occurs when LibreOffice 6.0.3 and Apache OpenOffice Writer 4.1.5 automatically process and initiate an SMB connection embedded in a malicious file, as demonstrated by "xlink:href=file://" within an ...
लीब्र ऑफ़िस - विकिपीडिया
LibreOffice Start Center Screenshot.png LibreOffice 6.0.1 Start Center
LibreOffice 6.0.3 | HUP
LibreOffice 6.0.3 has been released, with over 70 bugfixes. Learn more and download it: https://t.co/7syOLgmhS5 pic.twitter.com/VpytXvFlQP
( b | 2018. 04. 05., cs - 13:42 ) | HUP
( vmiklos | 2018. 04. 05., cs - 14:55 ) | HUP
( BlinTux | 2018. 04. 05., cs - 20:38 ) | HUP
( nevergone | 2018. 04. 05., cs - 20:41 ) | HUP
( SzBlackY | 2018. 04. 05., cs - 21:30 ) | HUP
( timar | 2018. 04. 05., cs - 22:15 ) | HUP
( hnsz2002 | 2018. 04. 06., p - 12:03 ) | HUP
( BlinTux | 2018. 04. 06., p - 22:50 ) | HUP
( hnsz2002 | 2018. 04. 07., szo - 10:14 ) | HUP
LibreOffice 6.0 Final Release Coming Soon, Find Out What's New - IB Computing
LibreOffice 6.0 Final Release Coming Soon, Find Out What’s New LibreOffice 6.0 Final Release is expected at the end of January 2018. According to the official announcement from LibreOffice Design Team, LibreOffice 6.0 is introducing a unique branding for the release. This is in collaboration with the Open Design Group ... Disclaimer: This post is mainly based on the article LibreOffice 6.0: Release Notes from Official LibreOffice Wiki. If you spot any mistakes please do let us know through the comments
LibreOffice 6.0.4 è disponibile per Linux, Mac e Windows - iGizmo.it
Home windows LibreOffice 6.0.4 è disponibile per Linux, Mac e Windows LibreOffice 6.0.4 è disponibile per Linux, Mac e Windows LibreOffice 6.0.4 arriva cinque settimane dopo la versione 6.0.3 per risolvere un totale di 88 bug che hanno interessato vari componenti della suite dell’ufficio, inclusi Writer, Calc, Impress, Draw, Math e altri. I dettagli sulle modifiche implementate in ... LibreOffice 6.0.4 è immediatamente disponibile su http://libreoffice.org/download
The Document Foundation annuncia LibreOffice 6.0 - iGizmo.it
LibreOffice 6.0.1 è immediatamente disponibile attraverso questo link: http://www.libreoffice.org/download/ . I requisiti minimi per i sistemi operativi proprietari sono Microsoft Windows 7 SP1 e Apple macOS 10.9
资讯投稿 | 我是菜鸟
LibreOffice 6.2发布,看看有什么新功能
通过PPA在Ubuntu 11.10/10.04 上安装 LibreOffice 3.5.0 | 我是菜鸟
LibreOffice 6.2发布,看看有什么新功能
LibreOffice 3.5.1 官方可用 PPA 安装(支持 Lucid, Oneiric) | 我是菜鸟
LibreOffice 6.2发布,看看有什么新功能
在UBUNTU 12.04/12.10/13.04上通过PPA安装 LIBREOFFICE 4.0 | 我是菜鸟
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LibreOffice 6.2发布,看看有什么新功能
LibreOffice 4.1.1 发布 – 开源免费的办公软件 | 我是菜鸟
LibreOffice 6.2发布,看看有什么新功能
LibreOffice 4.1.2 发布 – 90 个 BUG 修复 | 我是菜鸟
LibreOffice 6.2发布,看看有什么新功能
字体工具软件TypeCatcher 0.2 发布-支持Ubuntu 14.04 | 我是菜鸟
LibreOffice 6.2发布,看看有什么新功能
闭源软件中心App Grid 0.1.101发布 | 我是菜鸟
LibreOffice 6.2发布,看看有什么新功能
搜狗输入法Linux版发布1.0.0.0021版本,修复影响部分用户的重要Bug,欢迎体验! | 我是菜鸟
LibreOffice 6.2发布,看看有什么新功能
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Boot-Repair 工具 – 修复频繁的启动问题 | 我是菜鸟
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LibreOffice 4.4 发布 – UI改变 | 我是菜鸟
LibreOffice 6.2发布,看看有什么新功能
在 Ubuntu 14.10 上安装 FileZilla | 我是菜鸟
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Ubuntu 14.10/Ubuntu 15.04 安装测试 Ubuntu Touch Music App 2.0 | 我是菜鸟
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如何安装 Whisker Menu 1.4.3 菜单 | 我是菜鸟
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LibreOffice 6.2发布,看看有什么新功能
Wine 1.7.38 发布 | 我是菜鸟
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开源字体编辑软件 Birdfont | 我是菜鸟
LibreOffice 6.2发布,看看有什么新功能
Ubuntu 用户安装代码编辑器 Sublime Text 3 (Build 3083) | 我是菜鸟
LibreOffice 6.2发布,看看有什么新功能
Ubuntu Touch 已经有超过 1200 款应用 | 我是菜鸟
LibreOffice 6.2发布,看看有什么新功能
Linux 主机管理软件 webmin 1.740 已发布 – 附安装教程 | 我是菜鸟
LibreOffice 6.2发布,看看有什么新功能
Ubuntu 15.04 和 Ubuntu 15.04 GNOME 上轻松安装试用 Wayland | 我是菜鸟
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Ubuntu 15.04 用户安装 Linux 反病毒软件 Antiviral 0.2 | 我是菜鸟
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Wine 1.7.42 发布 | 我是菜鸟
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Ubuntu 用户安装时钟软件 Up Clock 5.5 | 我是菜鸟
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Wine 1.7.47 发布 | 我是菜鸟
LibreOffice 6.2发布,看看有什么新功能
FFmpeg 2.7.2 已经发布 | 我是菜鸟
LibreOffice 6.2发布,看看有什么新功能
Geeqie 1.2 已经发布-开源图像阅读器 | 我是菜鸟
LibreOffice 6.2发布,看看有什么新功能
Android Studio 1.3(谷歌 Android IDE 开发)已被释放 | 我是菜鸟
LibreOffice 6.2发布,看看有什么新功能
键盘音效软件Tickeys – Linux v0.1.3发布 | 我是菜鸟
LibreOffice 6.2发布,看看有什么新功能
开源办公套件 LibreOffice 5.0 已经可用 | 我是菜鸟
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下载管理软件 Uget 2.0.1- PPA 已经更新 | 我是菜鸟
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Wine 1.7.50 发布 | 我是菜鸟
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Ubuntu 用户安装 Gnome-Pie 0.6.5 | 我是菜鸟
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安装视频播放软件 SMPlayer | 我是菜鸟
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Opera 32.0.1963.0 发布 – 基于 Chromium 46 | 我是菜鸟
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Ubuntu 用户安装下载管理软件 Xdman 5.0 | 我是菜鸟
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Ubuntu 用户如何安装轻量级软件中心 App Grid 0.252 | 我是菜鸟
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Ubuntu 和 Arch Linux 安装 Notepadqq 0.50.2 | 我是菜鸟
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Atom 1.0.11 已经发布 – 附安装说明 | 我是菜鸟
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Ubuntu 用户安装完美帅气终端 Guake 0.8.1 | 我是菜鸟
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财务软件 GnuCash 2.6.8 发布 | 我是菜鸟
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Ubuntu 安装视频播放软件 SMPlayer 15.9 | 我是菜鸟
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Ubuntu 用户如何升级到 Kernel 4.2.3 内核 | 我是菜鸟
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免费开源财务软件 GnuCash 2.6.9 发布 | 我是菜鸟
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照片编辑软件 Fotoxx 15.10 发布 | 我是菜鸟
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怎样从 Ubuntu 15.04 升级到 Ubuntu 15.10 | 我是菜鸟
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搜狗输入法新版本发布(2015-10-16) | 我是菜鸟
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Snappy Ubuntu 到底是什么? | 我是菜鸟
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Dock 应用 Plank 0.10.1已经发布 | 我是菜鸟
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多功能文件管理器 DoubleCMD 0.6.6 发布 | 我是菜鸟
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Wine 1.7.55 发布 | 我是菜鸟
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Android Studio 1.5 (Android IDE 开发工具)已发布 | 我是菜鸟
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Kernel 4.4 已经发布-怎样在 Ubuntu 上安装 | 我是菜鸟
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文本编辑软件 Atom 1.5.0 已经发布 | 我是菜鸟
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Wine 1.9.9 发布 | 我是菜鸟
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Wine 1.9.19 发布 | 我是菜鸟
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忆墨笔记-v0.0.2alpha发布 | 我是菜鸟
LibreOffice 6.2发布,看看有什么新功能
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LibreOffice 6.2发布,看看有什么新功能
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LibreOffice 6.2发布,看看有什么新功能
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LibreOffice 6.2发布,看看有什么新功能
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LibreOffice 6.2发布,看看有什么新功能
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LibreOffice 6.2发布,看看有什么新功能
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LibreOffice 6.2发布,看看有什么新功能
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LibreOffice 6.2发布,看看有什么新功能
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LibreOffice 6.2发布,看看有什么新功能
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LibreOffice 6.2发布,看看有什么新功能
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LibreOffice 6.2发布,看看有什么新功能
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LibreOffice 6.2发布,看看有什么新功能
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LibreOffice 6.2发布,看看有什么新功能
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LibreOffice 6.2发布,看看有什么新功能
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LibreOffice 6.2发布,看看有什么新功能
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LibreOffice 6.2发布,看看有什么新功能
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LibreOffice 6.2发布,看看有什么新功能
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LibreOffice 6.2发布,看看有什么新功能
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LibreOffice 6.2发布,看看有什么新功能
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LibreOffice 6.2发布,看看有什么新功能
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LibreOffice 6.2发布,看看有什么新功能
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LibreOffice 6.2发布,看看有什么新功能
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LibreOffice 6.2发布,看看有什么新功能
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LibreOffice 6.2发布,看看有什么新功能
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LibreOffice 6.2发布,看看有什么新功能
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LibreOffice 6.2发布,看看有什么新功能
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LibreOffice 6.2发布,看看有什么新功能
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LibreOffice 6.2发布,看看有什么新功能
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LibreOffice 6.2发布,看看有什么新功能
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LibreOffice 6.2发布,看看有什么新功能
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LibreOffice 6.2发布,看看有什么新功能
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LibreOffice 6.2发布,看看有什么新功能
Linux Mint 19发行日期和功能变化 | 我是菜鸟
LibreOffice 6.2发布,看看有什么新功能
Nitrux 1.0.7 视频介绍 | 我是菜鸟
LibreOffice 6.2发布,看看有什么新功能
LibreOffice 6.0发布了“戏剧性”的改进 | 我是菜鸟
LibreOffice 6.0发布了“戏剧性”的改进 LibreOffice 6.0的发布标志着LibreOffice 5.4自2017年7月发布以来第一次对该套件进行的重大更新。也恰逢2011年1月LibreOffice第一次发布的周年纪念日 LibreOffice 6.0兼容更多的办公文件格式,增加了许多新功能,并改进了整个用户界面 LibreOffice 6.0 – 功能 LibeOffice 6.0拥有更好的与Microsoft Office文档的文件兼容性,可以让你在LibreOffice中打开AbiWord和QuarkExpress文件(无需大惊小怪),并且可以导出为EPUB电子书文件 在LibreOffice 6.0中,这个功能(实际上叫做“笔记本吧”)得到了一些值得欢迎的改进 LibreOffice 6.0能够将Writer文档导出到EPUB。 这种流行和广泛使用的电子书格式在操作系统和移动设备上得到很好的支持,所以很高兴看到LibreOffice增加对它的支持 LibreOffice 6.0还改进了LibreOffice Online,这是一个基于云的功能,允许使用Web浏览器协作编辑文档 LibreOffice 6.0功能一目了然 LibreOffice 6.0下载
如何尝试新的Ubuntu主题 | 我是菜鸟
LibreOffice 6.2发布,看看有什么新功能
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LibreOffice 6.2发布,看看有什么新功能
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LibreOffice 6.2发布,看看有什么新功能
Ubuntu 18.04让Nautilus焕然一新 | 我是菜鸟
LibreOffice 6.2发布,看看有什么新功能
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LibreOffice 6.2发布,看看有什么新功能
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LibreOffice 6.0.3 LibreOffice 6.1 LibreOffice 6.2发布,看看有什么新功能
一个流行的谷歌分支GTK主题 | 我是菜鸟
LibreOffice 6.2发布,看看有什么新功能
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LibreOffice 6.2发布,看看有什么新功能
FreeOffice 2018发布-“全面支持”Microsoft Office文件 | 我是菜鸟
LibreOffice 6.2发布,看看有什么新功能
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LibreOffice 6.2发布,看看有什么新功能
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LibreOffice 6.2发布,看看有什么新功能
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LibreOffice 6.2发布,看看有什么新功能
Deepin linux 15.6 截图欣赏 | 我是菜鸟
LibreOffice 6.2发布,看看有什么新功能
在 Linux 系统上安装服务器管理软件Cockpit | 我是菜鸟
LibreOffice 6.2发布,看看有什么新功能
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LibreOffice 6.2发布,看看有什么新功能
Latte Dock 0.8推出Widget Separators,设置共享,更多功能 | 我是菜鸟
LibreOffice 6.2发布,看看有什么新功能
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LibreOffice 6.2发布,看看有什么新功能
Ubuntu 18.10终究还是不会包含Android集成 | 我是菜鸟
LibreOffice 6.2发布,看看有什么新功能
Steam使数以千计的Windows游戏可以在Linux上轻松玩 | 我是菜鸟
LibreOffice 6.2发布,看看有什么新功能
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LibreOffice 6.2发布,看看有什么新功能
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LibreOffice 6.2发布,看看有什么新功能
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LibreOffice 6.2发布,看看有什么新功能
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LibreOffice 6.2发布,看看有什么新功能
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LibreOffice 6.2发布,看看有什么新功能
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LibreOffice 6.2发布,看看有什么新功能
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LibreOffice 6.2发布,看看有什么新功能
deepin 15.8 官方英文宣传视频 | 我是菜鸟
LibreOffice 6.2发布,看看有什么新功能
2018年wine QQ最完美解决方案(多Linux发行版通过测试并稳定运行) | 我是菜鸟
LibreOffice 6.2发布,看看有什么新功能
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LibreOffice 6.2发布,看看有什么新功能
Linux终端仿真器Tilix 1.8.7发布-以下是如何在Ubuntu上安装它 | 我是菜鸟
LibreOffice 6.2发布,看看有什么新功能
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LibreOffice 6.2发布,看看有什么新功能
Youtube 视频 – Linux Mint 19.1 Cinnamon – 新变化 | 我是菜鸟
LibreOffice 6.2发布,看看有什么新功能
Linux Mint 19.1 MATE 发布 – 视频演示新变化 | 我是菜鸟
LibreOffice 6.2发布,看看有什么新功能
Ubuntu发布“Snap Apps”视频简介 | 我是菜鸟
LibreOffice 6.2发布,看看有什么新功能
LibreOffice 6.2发布,看看有什么新功能 | 我是菜鸟
LibreOffice 6.2发布,看看有什么新功能 LibreOffice 6.2下载,被称为流行免费办公套件的“重要主要版本”,现已推出。LibreOffice 6.2版本的标题更改包括“用户界面的全新方法”(尽管是可选的),Writer,Calc和Draw中的新功能,以及与Microsoft Office文件的改进兼容性 LibreOffice 6.2功能 LibreOffice 6.2对其默认图标主题进行了“实质性更改和改进”,特别关注了Elementary和Karasa Jaga图标集 LibreOffice 6.2还附带了三个基于SVG的图标样式作为“实验性功能”。这将极大地改善HiDPI显示器上工具栏图标的“清晰度 LibeOffice 6.2通过更快地过滤索引关键字来改进帮助系统;签名行现在可以使用手写签名的图像; LibreOffice个性化对话框更精简,更稳定,让用户可以选择多个主题中的一个 有关更多详细信息,请查看Document Foundation维基上的综合 LibreOffice 6.2发行说明 下载LibreOffice 6.2 截至撰写时,LibreOffice 6.2版本尚未升级到Snap商店中的稳定频道,但它可通过Flathub作为Flatpak应用程序提供
IMCN | 我是菜鸟
LibreOffice 6.2发布,看看有什么新功能 LibreOffice 6.2下载,被称为流行免费办公套件的“重要主要版本”,现已推出。LibreOffice 6.2版本的标题更改包括“用
IMCN | 我是菜鸟
LibreOffice 6.2发布,看看有什么新功能
IMCN | 我是菜鸟
LibreOffice 6.1发布了-“有重大变化 您现在可以下载Linux超级流行的开源办公套件的最新稳定版LibreOffice 6.1。LibreOffice 6.1被称为“重要版本”,并 LibreOffice 6.2发布,看看有什么新功能
IMCN | 我是菜鸟
LibreOffice 6.2发布,看看有什么新功能
IMCN | 我是菜鸟
LibreOffice 6.2发布,看看有什么新功能
IMCN | 我是菜鸟
LibreOffice 6.0发布了“戏剧性”的改进 您现在可以下载LibreOffice 6.0,这个非常流行的免费办公软件的最新主要版本。 LibreOffice 6.0的发布标志着LibreO LibreOffice 6.2发布,看看有什么新功能
IMCN | 我是菜鸟
LibreOffice 6.2发布,看看有什么新功能
IMCN | 我是菜鸟
LibreOffice 6.2发布,看看有什么新功能
IMCN | 我是菜鸟
LibreOffice 6.2发布,看看有什么新功能
libreoffice | 我是菜鸟
LibreOffice 6.1发布了-“有重大变化 您现在可以下载Linux超级流行的开源办公套件的最新稳定版LibreOffice 6.1。LibreOffice 6.1被称为“重要版本”,并 LibreOffice 6.0发布了“戏剧性”的改进 您现在可以下载LibreOffice 6.0,这个非常流行的免费办公软件的最新主要版本。 LibreOffice 6.0的发布标志着LibreO LibreOffice 6.2发布,看看有什么新功能
开源软件 | 我是菜鸟
LibreOffice 6.2发布,看看有什么新功能 LibreOffice 6.2下载,被称为流行免费办公套件的“重要主要版本”,现已推出。LibreOffice 6.2版本的标题更改包括“用 LibreOffice 6.1发布了-“有重大变化 您现在可以下载Linux超级流行的开源办公套件的最新稳定版LibreOffice 6.1。LibreOffice 6.1被称为“重要版本”,并
开源软件 | 我是菜鸟
LibreOffice 6.2发布,看看有什么新功能
开源软件 | 我是菜鸟
LibreOffice 6.2发布,看看有什么新功能
开源软件 | 我是菜鸟
LibreOffice 6.2发布,看看有什么新功能
开源软件 | 我是菜鸟
LibreOffice 6.2发布,看看有什么新功能
开源软件 | 我是菜鸟
LibreOffice 6.2发布,看看有什么新功能
开源软件 | 我是菜鸟
LibreOffice 6.2发布,看看有什么新功能
开源软件 | 我是菜鸟
LibreOffice 6.2发布,看看有什么新功能
开源软件 | 我是菜鸟
LibreOffice 6.2发布,看看有什么新功能
工具软件 | 我是菜鸟
LibreOffice 6.0发布了“戏剧性”的改进 您现在可以下载LibreOffice 6.0,这个非常流行的免费办公软件的最新主要版本。 LibreOffice 6.0的发布标志着LibreO LibreOffice 6.2发布,看看有什么新功能
工具软件 | 我是菜鸟
LibreOffice 6.2发布,看看有什么新功能
LibreOffice – InkluPedia – das freie & freundliche Wiki
LibreOffice 6.0.5 Startbilschirm.png LibreOffice 6.0.5 auf Windows 10
Ankush Das - It's FOSS
LibreOffice 6.2 is Here: This is the Last Release with 32-bit Binaries LibreOffice version 6.2 has been released with a number of major changes but this will be the last LibreOffice release to provide 32-bit binaries. [Read more...] about LibreOffice 6.2 is Here: This is the Last Release with 32-bit Binaries
News - It's FOSS
LibreOffice 6.2 is Here: This is the Last Release with 32-bit Binaries LibreOffice version 6.2 has been released with a number of major changes but this will be the last LibreOffice release to provide 32-bit binaries. [Read more...] about LibreOffice 6.2 is Here: This is the Last Release with 32-bit Binaries
How to Install LibreOffice 6.0 on Ubuntu and other Linux
LibreOffice 6.0 Released LibreOffice 6.0 Released The best open source office suite has got even better. LibreOffice 6.0 has been released today, on the seventh anniversary of the first stable release of LibreOffice. The new release brings a number of improvements and new features. The Document Foundation ... LibreOffice 6.0 is the first major release of LibreOffice with the last one being 5.4 in July last year LibreOffice 6.0 features If you prefer reading over watching videos, here are some of the major new features in LibreOffice 6.0 Install LibreOffice 6.0 on Ubuntu and other Linux LibreOffice 6.0 should be provided by your Linux distribution sooner or later. You can check which LibreOffice version you are using in the terminal using the command I advise waiting for your distribution to provide LibreOffice 6.0. That’s the best if you want to keep your system pristine and stable Install LibreOffice 6.0 on Ubuntu, Mint using official PPA For those who are more of adventurous nature, you can either download the DEB file or use the official PPA to install LibreOffice 6.0
LibreOffice is Dropping 32-bit Support After Version 6.2
You are here: Home / News / LibreOffice 6.2 is Here: This is the Last Release with 32-bit Binaries LibreOffice 6.2 is Here: This is the Last Release with 32-bit Binaries Now, with the recent LibreOffice 6.2 update, there’s a lot of good stuff to talk about along with a bad news What’s New in LibreOffice 6.2 Installing LibreOffice 6.2 Download LibreOffice 6.2 If you don’t want to use the deb file, you may use the official PPA should provide you LibreOffice 6.2 before Ubuntu (it doesn’t have 6.2 release at the moment). It will update your existing LibreOffice install LibreOffice 6.2 is definitely a major step up to keep it as a better alternative to Microsoft Office for Linux users
32 bit support - It's FOSS
LibreOffice 6.2 is Here: This is the Last Release with 32-bit Binaries LibreOffice version 6.2 has been released with a number of major changes but this will be the last LibreOffice release to provide 32-bit binaries. [Read more...] about LibreOffice 6.2 is Here: This is the Last Release with 32-bit Binaries
King Windows Downloads: LibreOffice 6.0.3 Free (ex BrOffice)
LibreOffice 6.0.x : “LibreOffice Packaging” team
LibreOffice 6.0.x LibreOffice 6.0.x series stable backports ppa (and SRU-testing for b You can update your system with unsupported packages from this untrusted PPA by adding ppa:libreoffice/libreoffice-6-0 to your system's Software Sources. ( Read about installing sudo add-apt-repository ppa:libreoffice/libreoffice-6-0 sudo apt-get update deb http://ppa.launchpad.net/libreoffice/libreoffice-6-0/ubuntu YOUR_UBUNTU_VERSION_HERE main deb-src http://ppa.launchpad.net/libreoffice/libreoffice-6-0/ubuntu YOUR_UBUNTU_VERSION_HERE main
ppc64el build of libreoffice 1:6.0.6-0ubuntu0.14.04.1 : LibreOffice 6.0.x : “LibreOffice Packaging” team
LibreOffice 6.0.x
OpenID transaction in progress
ppc64el build of libreoffice 1:6.0.6-0ubuntu0.16.04.1 : LibreOffice 6.0.x : “LibreOffice Packaging” team
LibreOffice 6.0.x
OpenID transaction in progress
Builds : LibreOffice 6.0.x : “LibreOffice Packaging” team
Builds for LibreOffice 6.0.x LibreOffice 6.0.x
Builds : LibreOffice 6.0.x : “LibreOffice Packaging” team
Builds for LibreOffice 6.0.x LibreOffice 6.0.x
OpenID transaction in progress
OpenID transaction in progress
OpenID transaction in progress
Packages in “LibreOffice 6.0.x” : LibreOffice 6.0.x : “LibreOffice Packaging” team
Packages in “LibreOffice 6.0.x LibreOffice 6.0.x
OpenID transaction in progress
libreoffice_6.0.6-0ubuntu0.18.04.1.debian.tar.xz (2.1 MiB libreoffice_6.0.6-0ubuntu0.18.04.1.dsc (17.4 KiB libreoffice_6.0.6-0ubuntu0.18.04.1_amd64.deb (87.2 KiB libreoffice_6.0.6-0ubuntu0.18.04.1_arm64.deb (87.2 KiB libreoffice_6.0.6-0ubuntu0.18.04.1_armhf.deb (87.2 KiB libreoffice_6.0.6-0ubuntu0.18.04.1_i386.deb (87.2 KiB libreoffice_6.0.6-0ubuntu0.18.04.1_ppc64el.deb (87.2 KiB libreoffice_6.0.6-0ubuntu0.18.04.1_s390x.deb (87.2 KiB libreoffice_6.0.6.orig-helpcontent2.tar.xz (2.3 MiB libreoffice_6.0.6.orig-tarballs.tar.xz (192.6 MiB
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LINUX HOWTO - Page 8 of 65
How to Install LibreOffice 6.0 on Ubuntu/Debian/Mint
How to Install LibreOffice 6.0 on Ubuntu/Debian/Mint
How to Install LibreOffice 6.0 on Ubuntu/Debian/Mint In this article, we'll take you through how you can install LibreOffice 6.0 on Ubuntu 18.04, Debian 9 and Mint 18.3 LibreOffice 6.0 was released on the seventh anniversary of its first stable release which was released on January 25, 2011. It comes with numerous improvements to enhance usability as well as look and feel. These improvements include How to install LibreOffice 6.0 on Ubuntu 18.04 , Mint 18.3 & Debian 9 wget https://download.documentfoundation.org/libreoffice/stable/6.0.4/deb/x86_64/LibreOffice_6.0.4_Linux_x86-64_deb.tar.gz Resolving ftp.wayne.edu (ftp.wayne.edu)... Connecting to ftp.wayne.edu (ftp.wayne.edu)||:443... connected. HTTP request sent, awaiting response... 200 OK Length: 214121980 (204M) [application/x-gzip] Saving to: ‘LibreOffice_6.0.4_... LibreOffice_6.0.4_Linux_x 100%[=====================================>] 204.20M 2.43MB/s in 37s 2018-05-24 10:38:27 (5.47 MB/s) - ‘LibreOffice_6.0.4_Linux_x86-64_deb.tar.gz’ saved [214121980/214121980 install LibreOffice 6.0 on Ubuntu 18.04 https://download.documentfoundation.org/libreoffice/stable/6.0.4/deb/x86/LibreOffice_6.0.4_Linux_x86_deb.tar.gz
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What's new in LibreOffice 6.0.2 LibreOffice 6.0.2 comes with around 50 bug and regression fixes
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Linux dicas e suporte: LibreOffice 6.0.2 é liberado com varias correções.
LibreOffice 6.0.2 é liberado com varias correções A Document Foundation (TDF) anuncia o LibreOffice 6.0.2, o segundo lançamento da família LibreOffice 6 recentemente anunciada em pouco mais de um mês, com cerca de 50 correções de erros e regressões Todos os usuários do LibreOffice são convidados a atualizar o LibreOffice 6.0.2 ou o LibreOffice 5.4.5 para resolver possíveis problemas relacionados à segurança Os detalhes técnicos sobre correções de erro e regressão do LibreOffice 6.0.2 estão disponíveis no log de alterações (corrigido no RC1 Download LibreOffice 6.0.2
Linux dicas e suporte: Libreoffice 6.0.3 com 70 correções
Libreoffice 6.0.3 com 70 correções Libreoffice Berlim, 5 de abril de 2018 - A Document Foundation (TDF) anuncia o LibreOffice 6.0.3, a terceira versão menor da família LibreOffice 6, com cerca de 70 correções de erros e regressões O LibreOffice 6.0.3 representa o limite em termos de recursos e, como tal, é direcionado a usuários pioneiros, conhecedores de tecnologia e usuários avançados, enquanto o LibreOffice 5.4.6 - fornecido como uma opção alternativa de download - é direcionado a ... Detalhes técnicos sobre o LibreOffice 6.0.3 e correções de regressão estão disponíveis, como de costume, nos logs de alterações: https://wiki.documentfoundation.org/Releases/6.0.3/RC1 (corrigido no RC1) e https: // wiki .documentfoundation.org / Releases / ...
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The Document Liberation project announces five new or improved libraries [LWN.net]
The Document Liberation Project has announced five new or improved libraries to export EPUB3 and import AbiWord, MS Publisher, PageMaker and QuarkXPress files. "The libraries have been originally developed for the LibreOffice 6.0 major release, but can be used ... Berlin, January 22, 2018 - The Document Liberation Project announces five new or improved libraries to export EPUB3 and import AbiWord, MS Publisher, PageMaker and QuarkXPress files. The libraries have been originally developed for the LibreOffice 6.0 major ...
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LibreOffice 6.0.4 lanzado para GNU/Linux – masGNULinuX
LibreOffice 6.0.4 lanzado para GNU/Linux LibreOffice 6.0.4 llega cinco semanas después de la versión 6.0.3 para solucionar un total de 88 errores que afectaron a varios de los componentes de la suite ofimática, incluidos Writer, Calc, Impress, Draw, Math y otros. Los detalles sobre los cambios implementados ... LibreOffice 6.0.4 ahora disponible para descargar Si estás utilizando la serie LibreOffice 6.0, debes descargar la actualización de mantenimiento LibreOffice 6.0.4 para GNU/Linux ahora mismo a través de nuestro portal web o directamente desde el sitio web oficial del proyecto. Los binarios están disponibles ...
LibreOffice 6.0 is coming! – FOSSMEC – Medium
LibreOffice 6.0 is coming LibreOffice 6.0 launches on Jan 31 Considered as one of the best alternatives to the widely used yet proprietary Microsoft Office, LibreOffice is back with their latest edition. LibreOffice 6.0 will be released at the end of the month with new libraries helping users to export and import files ... These libraries will give LibreOffice 6.0 compatibility with the EPUB3 (export only), AbiWord, Microsoft Publisher , PageMaker, and QuarkXPress documents (import only). However, they can also be used as standalone libraries for any other open source software ... Additionally, there’s libabw for importing AbiWord documents, libmspub for importing Microsoft Publisher documents, libpagemaker for importing PageMaker 6 and 7 documents, and libqxp for importing documents and templates created with the QuarkXPress 3.1 or ...
Announcing automatically updating Linux LibreOffice builds | moggi's blog about Libreoffice hacking
Pingback: LibreOffice 6.0 to Automatically Update Itself on GNU/Linux, but There’s a Catch | Linux Press Pingback: Pengembang Benamkan Fitur Pembaruan Otomatis pada LibreOffice 6.0 untuk GNU/Linux Pingback: Pengembang Benamkan Fitur Pembaruan Otomatis pada LibreOffice 6.0 untuk GNU/Linux - Montoska Pingback: LibreOffice 6.0 on Linux enables automatic updates - Open Source For You Pingback: LibreOffice 6.0 to Automatically Update Itself on GNU/Linux, but There’s a Catch | SmartArena Post Pingback: La Conférence LibreOffice 2017 aura lieu à Rome en Italie, pour LibreOffice 6.0 | QuebecOS
MX-18 Release Candidate 1 available for testing | MX Community
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MX-17.1-RC1 Release Candidate 1 available for testing | MX Community
Office suite: LibreOffice 6.0.1
MX-17.1 Released | MX Community
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LibreOffice 6.0 首个更新发布,提高安全性和健壮性 LibreOffice 5.4.5 和 LibreOffice 6.0.1 已发布,包含各种 bug 和回归错误修复。其中,LibreOffice 6.0.1 总共修复了 75 个问题,LibreOffice 5.4.5 则解决了开源办公套件中几个组件的 69 个
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Tag: LibreOffice 6.0.6 Activaton Code LibreOffice 6.0.6 Latest Portable Final Version Full Download Posted by Waleed Hashmi — August 3, 2018 in LibreOffice 6.0.6 Download Crack + Setup LibreOffice 6.0.6 Crack Latest Portable Final Version Full Free Download Introduction LibreOffice 6.0.6 LibreOffice is an all-in-one professional office productivity and management package for your PC. In the same vein as other open source ...
LibreOffice 6.0.6 and 2019 Archives - Free My Crack
Tag: LibreOffice 6.0.6 and 2019 LibreOffice 6.0.6 Latest Portable Final Version Full Download Posted by Waleed Hashmi — August 3, 2018 in LibreOffice 6.0.6 Download Crack + Setup LibreOffice 6.0.6 Crack Latest Portable Final Version Full Free Download Introduction LibreOffice 6.0.6 LibreOffice is an all-in-one professional office productivity and management package for your PC. In the same vein as other open source ...
LibreOffice 6.0.6 Crack Download Archives - Free My Crack
Tag: LibreOffice 6.0.6 Crack Download LibreOffice 6.0.6 Latest Portable Final Version Full Download Posted by Waleed Hashmi — August 3, 2018 in LibreOffice 6.0.6 Download Crack + Setup LibreOffice 6.0.6 Crack Latest Portable Final Version Full Free Download Introduction LibreOffice 6.0.6 LibreOffice is an all-in-one professional office productivity and management package for your PC. In the same vein as other open source ...
LibreOffice 6.0.6 Crack Archives - Free My Crack
Tag: LibreOffice 6.0.6 Crack LibreOffice 6.0.6 Latest Portable Final Version Full Download Posted by Waleed Hashmi — August 3, 2018 in LibreOffice 6.0.6 Download Crack + Setup LibreOffice 6.0.6 Crack Latest Portable Final Version Full Free Download Introduction LibreOffice 6.0.6 LibreOffice is an all-in-one professional office productivity and management package for your PC. In the same vein as other open source ...
LibreOffice 6.0.6 Download Archives - Free My Crack
Tag: LibreOffice 6.0.6 Download LibreOffice 6.0.6 Latest Portable Final Version Full Download Posted by Waleed Hashmi — August 3, 2018 in LibreOffice 6.0.6 Download Crack + Setup LibreOffice 6.0.6 Crack Latest Portable Final Version Full Free Download Introduction LibreOffice 6.0.6 LibreOffice is an all-in-one professional office productivity and management package for your PC. In the same vein as other open source ...
LibreOffice 6.0.6 Features Archives - Free My Crack
Tag: LibreOffice 6.0.6 Features LibreOffice 6.0.6 Latest Portable Final Version Full Download Posted by Waleed Hashmi — August 3, 2018 in LibreOffice 6.0.6 Download Crack + Setup LibreOffice 6.0.6 Crack Latest Portable Final Version Full Free Download Introduction LibreOffice 6.0.6 LibreOffice is an all-in-one professional office productivity and management package for your PC. In the same vein as other open source ...
LibreOffice 6.0.6 Free Download Archives - Free My Crack
Tag: LibreOffice 6.0.6 Free Download LibreOffice 6.0.6 Latest Portable Final Version Full Download Posted by Waleed Hashmi — August 3, 2018 in LibreOffice 6.0.6 Download Crack + Setup LibreOffice 6.0.6 Crack Latest Portable Final Version Full Free Download Introduction LibreOffice 6.0.6 LibreOffice is an all-in-one professional office productivity and management package for your PC. In the same vein as other open source ...
LibreOffice 6.0.6 Free Archives - Free My Crack
Tag: LibreOffice 6.0.6 Free LibreOffice 6.0.6 Latest Portable Final Version Full Download Posted by Waleed Hashmi — August 3, 2018 in LibreOffice 6.0.6 Download Crack + Setup LibreOffice 6.0.6 Crack Latest Portable Final Version Full Free Download Introduction LibreOffice 6.0.6 LibreOffice is an all-in-one professional office productivity and management package for your PC. In the same vein as other open source ...
LibreOffice 6.0.6 Full Download Archives - Free My Crack
Tag: LibreOffice 6.0.6 Full Download LibreOffice 6.0.6 Latest Portable Final Version Full Download Posted by Waleed Hashmi — August 3, 2018 in LibreOffice 6.0.6 Download Crack + Setup LibreOffice 6.0.6 Crack Latest Portable Final Version Full Free Download Introduction LibreOffice 6.0.6 LibreOffice is an all-in-one professional office productivity and management package for your PC. In the same vein as other open source ...
LibreOffice 6.0.6 Full Free Archives - Free My Crack
Tag: LibreOffice 6.0.6 Full Free LibreOffice 6.0.6 Latest Portable Final Version Full Download Posted by Waleed Hashmi — August 3, 2018 in LibreOffice 6.0.6 Download Crack + Setup LibreOffice 6.0.6 Crack Latest Portable Final Version Full Free Download Introduction LibreOffice 6.0.6 LibreOffice is an all-in-one professional office productivity and management package for your PC. In the same vein as other open source ...
LibreOffice 6.0.6 Full Archives - Free My Crack
Tag: LibreOffice 6.0.6 Full LibreOffice 6.0.6 Latest Portable Final Version Full Download Posted by Waleed Hashmi — August 3, 2018 in LibreOffice 6.0.6 Download Crack + Setup LibreOffice 6.0.6 Crack Latest Portable Final Version Full Free Download Introduction LibreOffice 6.0.6 LibreOffice is an all-in-one professional office productivity and management package for your PC. In the same vein as other open source ...
LibreOffice 6.0.6 Key Archives - Free My Crack
Tag: LibreOffice 6.0.6 Key LibreOffice 6.0.6 Latest Portable Final Version Full Download Posted by Waleed Hashmi — August 3, 2018 in LibreOffice 6.0.6 Download Crack + Setup LibreOffice 6.0.6 Crack Latest Portable Final Version Full Free Download Introduction LibreOffice 6.0.6 LibreOffice is an all-in-one professional office productivity and management package for your PC. In the same vein as other open source ...
LibreOffice 6.0.6 Latest Version Archives - Free My Crack
Tag: LibreOffice 6.0.6 Latest Version LibreOffice 6.0.6 Latest Portable Final Version Full Download Posted by Waleed Hashmi — August 3, 2018 in LibreOffice 6.0.6 Download Crack + Setup LibreOffice 6.0.6 Crack Latest Portable Final Version Full Free Download Introduction LibreOffice 6.0.6 LibreOffice is an all-in-one professional office productivity and management package for your PC. In the same vein as other open source ...
LibreOffice 6.0.6 License Key Archives - Free My Crack
Tag: LibreOffice 6.0.6 License Key LibreOffice 6.0.6 Latest Portable Final Version Full Download Posted by Waleed Hashmi — August 3, 2018 in LibreOffice 6.0.6 Download Crack + Setup LibreOffice 6.0.6 Crack Latest Portable Final Version Full Free Download Introduction LibreOffice 6.0.6 LibreOffice is an all-in-one professional office productivity and management package for your PC. In the same vein as other open source ...
LibreOffice 6.0.6 Serial Key Archives - Free My Crack
Tag: LibreOffice 6.0.6 Serial Key LibreOffice 6.0.6 Latest Portable Final Version Full Download Posted by Waleed Hashmi — August 3, 2018 in LibreOffice 6.0.6 Download Crack + Setup LibreOffice 6.0.6 Crack Latest Portable Final Version Full Free Download Introduction LibreOffice 6.0.6 LibreOffice is an all-in-one professional office productivity and management package for your PC. In the same vein as other open source ...
News: Early availability of LibreOffice 5.4.5 and LibreOffice 6.0.1: all users are invited to update for improved robustness and security
Early availability of LibreOffice 5.4.5 and LibreOffice 6.0.1: all users are invited to update for improved robustness and security LibreOffice 5.4.5 and LibreOffice 6.0.1 are available for immediate download Berlin, Germany--February 8, 2018) The Document Foundation announces the earlier than planned release of LibreOffice 5.4.5 and LibreOffice 6.0.1, to solve issues which have popped up after the launch of LibreOffice 6.0. In addition, the new release has been ... Power users, early adopters and technology enthusiasts should update from the recently installed LibreOffice 6.0 to LibreOffice 6.0.1 LibreOffice 5.4.5 bug and regression fixes are described here: https://wiki.documentfoundation.org/Releases/5.4.5/RC1 while LibreOffice 6.0.1 bug and regression fixes are described here: https://wiki.documentfoundation.org/Releases/6.0.1/RC1 LibreOffice 5.4.5 and LibreOffice 6.0.1 are immediately available for download from the following link: https://www.libreoffice.org/download/download
News: The Document Foundation announces LibreOffice 6.0.2
The Document Foundation announces LibreOffice 6.0.2 Berlin, Germany--March 1, 2018) The Document Foundation announces LibreOffice 6.0.2, the second minor release of the recently announced LibreOffice 6 family in just over a month, with around 50 bug and regression fixes. All LibreOffice users are invited to ... Technical details about LibreOffice 6.0.2 bug and regression fixes are available in the changelog: https://wiki.documentfoundation.org/Releases/6.0.2/RC1 (fixed in RC1 LibreOffice 6.0.2 is immediately available for download at the following link: https://www.libreoffice.org/download/download
Google News -
Opening https://www.ghacks.net/2018/02/01/libreoffice-6-0-is-out
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Opening https://www.phoronix.com/scan.php?page=news_item&px=LibreOffice-6.0-Not-5.5
LibreOffice 6.0.2更新上线:支持诸多文档格式_电脑办公_太平洋电脑网资讯中心
LibreOffice 6.0.2更新上线:支持诸多文档格式
Open Source Software
LibreOffice 6.2 Officially Released with New NotebookBar UI, Many Improvements LibreOffice 6.1 Is Now Ready for Mainstream Users and Enterprise Deployments LibreOffice 6.1.5 released with over 70 bug fixes LibreOffice 6.2 Slated for Release on February 7, Will Introduce a New Tabbed UI The LibreOffice 6.1.5 point release will also be available
Open Source Software - Page 2
LibreOffice 6.2 Officially Released with New NotebookBar UI, Many Improvements LibreOffice 6.1.4 Office Suite Released with More Than 125 Bug Fixes, Update Now
Open Source Software - Page 3
LibreOffice 6.2 Officially Released with New NotebookBar UI, Many Improvements LibreOffice 6.2 Enters Beta with New User Interface Design Called "Notebookbar LibreOffice 6.1.3 Open-Source Office Suite Released with 66 Bug Fixes LibreOffice 6.0.7 is also available for download LibreOffice 6.2 Launches February 2019, May Drop Support for 32-bit Linux Builds
Open Source Software - Page 4
LibreOffice 6.2 Officially Released with New NotebookBar UI, Many Improvements LibreOffice 6.1.2 Open-Source Office Suite Lands with 70 Bug Fixes, Download Now LibreOffice 6.1 Gets First Point Release with More Than 120 Bug Fixes LibreOffice 6.1.1 now available to download on all platforms
Open Source Software - Page 5
LibreOffice 6.2 Officially Released with New NotebookBar UI, Many Improvements LibreOffice 6.1 Open-Source Office Suite Officially Released, Here's What's New
Open Source Software - Page 6
LibreOffice 6.2 Officially Released with New NotebookBar UI, Many Improvements LibreOffice 6.0.6 Office Suite Released with 55 Bug Fixes, Download Now LibreOffice 6.1 On Track for Mid-August Release as Second RC Is Out for Testing
Open Source Software - Page 7
LibreOffice 6.2 Officially Released with New NotebookBar UI, Many Improvements LibreOffice 6.1 Release Candidate Available Now for Final Bug Hunting Session Final LibreOffice 6.1 bug hunting session takes place July 6 LibreOffice 6.0 Is Now Ready for Mainstream Users and Enterprise Deployments LibreOffice 6.0.5 is now available to download
Open Source Software - Page 8
LibreOffice 6.2 Officially Released with New NotebookBar UI, Many Improvements LibreOffice 6.1 Beta Arrives Next Week for Second Bug Hunting Session on May 28 The final release of LibreOffice 6.1 is expected in August
Open Source Software - Page 9
LibreOffice 6.2 Officially Released with New NotebookBar UI, Many Improvements LibreOffice 6.0.4 Released for Linux, Mac, and Windows with 88 Bug Fixes All LibreOffice 6.0 users are urged to update immediately LibreOffice Conference 2018 Takes Place in Tirana, Albania, for LibreOffice 6.1
Marius Nestor - Softpedia editor profile and review archive
more on this topic KDE Frameworks 5.55 Released for KDE Plasma 5.15, Improves Android Notifications OpenMandriva 4.0 Enters Beta with Linux 4.20, KDE Plasma 5.15 & LibreOffice 6.2 more on this topic OpenMandriva 4.0 Enters Beta with Linux 4.20, KDE Plasma 5.15 & LibreOffice 6.2 Canonical Apologizes for Boot Failure in Ubuntu 18.10 & 18.04, Fix Available Now OpenMandriva 4.0 Enters Beta with Linux 4.20, KDE Plasma 5.15 & LibreOffice 6.2 more on this topic KDE Applications 19.04 Open-Source Software Suite Slated for Release on April 18 LibreOffice 6.2 Officially Released with New NotebookBar UI, Many Improvements more on this topic LibreOffice 6.2 Officially Released with New NotebookBar UI, Many Improvements LibreOffice 6.1 Is Now Ready for Mainstream Users and Enterprise Deployments LibreOffice 6.2 Officially Released with New NotebookBar UI, Many Improvements
Marius Nestor - Softpedia editor profile and review archive (page 2)
LibreOffice 6.1 Is Now Ready for Mainstream Users and Enterprise Deployments LibreOffice 6.1.5 released with over 70 bug fixes
Marius Nestor - Softpedia editor profile and review archive (page 3)
more on this topic Tails 3.12 Anonymous OS Is Out with Linux 4.19, Tor Browser 8.0.5, and USB Image LibreOffice 6.2 Slated for Release on February 7, Will Introduce a New Tabbed UI more on this topic LibreOffice 6.2 Slated for Release on February 7, Will Introduce a New Tabbed UI Kodi 18 "Leia" Released with Support for Gaming Emulators, DRM Support, and More LibreOffice 6.2 Slated for Release on February 7, Will Introduce a New Tabbed UI The LibreOffice 6.1.5 point release will also be available
Marius Nestor - Softpedia editor profile and review archive (page 7)
more on this topic LibreOffice 6.1.4 Office Suite Released with More Than 125 Bug Fixes, Update Now Mozilla Firefox 64 Is Now Available for All Supported Ubuntu Linux Releases LibreOffice 6.1.4 Office Suite Released with More Than 125 Bug Fixes, Update Now
Marius Nestor - Softpedia editor profile and review archive (page 8)
more on this topic Red Hat Enterprise Linux 8 Enters Beta with Hardened Code and Security Fixes LibreOffice 6.2 Enters Beta with New User Interface Design Called "Notebookbar more on this topic LibreOffice 6.2 Enters Beta with New User Interface Design Called "Notebookbar" Canonical Outs New Kernel Security Updates for All Supported Ubuntu Releases LibreOffice 6.2 Enters Beta with New User Interface Design Called "Notebookbar
Marius Nestor - Softpedia editor profile and review archive (page 9)
more on this topic Linux Kernel 4.19 Gets First Point Release, It's Now Ready for Mass Deployments LibreOffice 6.1.3 Open-Source Office Suite Released with 66 Bug Fixes LibreOffice 6.1.3 Open-Source Office Suite Released with 66 Bug Fixes LibreOffice 6.0.7 is also available for download
PulseAudio 12 Open-Source Sound System Released with AirPlay, A2DP Improvements
LibreOffice 6.2 Officially Released with New NotebookBar UI, Many Improvements more on: LibreOffice 6.2
Canonical Apologizes for Boot Failure in Ubuntu 18.10 & 18.04, Fix Available Now
LibreOffice 6.2 Officially Released with New NotebookBar UI, Many Improvements LibreOffice 6.1 Is Now Ready for Mainstream Users and Enterprise Deployments LibreOffice 6.1.5 released with over 70 bug fixes
GNOME 3.32 Desktop Environment Enters Beta, Final Release Arrives March 13th
Patch included in LibreOffice 6.0.7 and 6.1.3 and newer
How to Install LibreOffice 6.0 on Ubuntu or Linux Mint
How to Install LibreOffice 6.0 on Ubuntu or Linux Mint LibreOffice 6.0 is the most significant update ever to the open-source office suite used by millions of computer users worldwide, and it's easy to install on the popular Ubuntu and Linux Mint operating systems While users of various rolling GNU/Linux distributions, such as Arch Linux, OpenSuSE or Solus, can already install the major LibreOffice 6.0 office suite directly from the official software repositories of their distros, that's not the case for Ubuntu or Linux ... Here's how to install LibreOffice 6.0 on Ubuntu or Linux Mint First thing first, you'll want to remove any previous LibreOffice installation from your operating system, so run the first command below in the Terminal app. After that, you must choose one of the next two sets of commands, for either 32-bit or 64-bit systems,... wget http://download.documentfoundation.org/libreoffice/stable/6.0.1/deb/x86_64/LibreOffice_6.0.1_Linux_x86-64_deb.tar.gz tar xvf LibreOffice_6.0.1_Linux_x86-64_deb.tar.gz wget http://download.documentfoundation.org/libreoffice/stable/6.0.1/deb/x86/LibreOffice_6.0.1_Linux_x86_deb.tar.gz tar xvf LibreOffice_6.0.1_Linux_x86_deb.tar.gz sudo dpkg -i DEBS/*.deb Install LibreOffice 6.0 using a PPA
KDE Plasma 5.15 Desktop Environment Officially Released, Here's What's New
OpenMandriva 4.0 Enters Beta with Linux 4.20, KDE Plasma 5.15 & LibreOffice 6.2
LibreOffice 6.0.2 Released for Download on Windows, Linux, Mac
LibreOffice 6.0.2 Released for Download on Windows, Linux, Mac
LibreOffice 6.0.3 Now Available for Download
LibreOffice 6.0.3 Now Available for Download LibreOffice 6.0.3 is the third release of version 6.0, and even though The Document Foundation says it’s just a “minor” update, it bundles no less than 70 bugs and regression fixes
LibreOffice 6.0.4 Released for Linux, Mac, and Windows with 88 Bug Fixes
LibreOffice 6.0.4 Released for Linux, Mac, and Windows with 88 Bug Fixes All LibreOffice 6.0 users are urged to update immediately LibreOffice 6.0.4 released The Document Foundation announced today the release and immediate availability for download of the fourth maintenance update to the latest stable LibreOffice 6.0 open-source office suite LibreOffice 6.0.4 comes five weeks after version 6.0.3 to address a total of 88 bugs that affected various of the office suite's components, including Writer, Calc, Impress, Draw, Math, and others. Details about the changes implemented in this new release can ... However, the Document Foundation still recommends LibreOffice 6.0 only to early adopters, as well as power, tech-savvy users as it contains bleeding edge features that need more thorough testing before it can be validated for deployments in production environments,... LibreOffice 6.0.4 now available to download If you're using the LibreOffice 6.0 series, you should download the LibreOffice 6.0.4 maintenance update for GNU/Linux , macOS or Microsoft Windows operating systems right now through our web portal or directly from the official website of the project. Binaries ... If you want to use a more stable release of LibreOffice, The Document Foundation suggests the well-tested LibreOffice 5.4.6 release, which is more suitable for enterprise deployments and mainstream users. Meanwhile, The Document Foundation works on the next ... LibreOffice 6.0.4 # LibreOffice # office suite # open source
LibreOffice 6.0.6 Office Suite Released with 55 Bug Fixes, Download Now
LibreOffice 6.0.6 Office Suite Released with 55 Bug Fixes, Download Now LibreOffice 6.0.6 released The Document Foundation announced today the release and general availability of the sixth point release of the LibreOffice 6.0 open-source and cross-platform office suite for GNU/Linux, macOS, and Microsoft Windows systems Coming about six weeks after the LibreOffice 6.0.5 maintenance update, the LibreOffice 6.0.6 point release is here to further improve and stability and reliability of the LibreOffice 6.0 office suite series for all supported platforms by addressing a total ... When they released the LibreOffice 6.0.5 update back in June 2018, The Document Foundation said that the LibreOffice 6.0 series is now ready for mainstream users and enterprise deployments. LibreOffice 6.0.6 continues this trend by offering mainstream users ... LibreOffice 6.0 will reach end of life on November 26, 2018 Even if The Document Foundation prepares to launch the LibreOffice 6.1 major release next week, the LibreOffice 6.0 series will continue to be updated, and the next point release, LibreOffice 6.0.7, is expected to hit the streets in late October 2018. However,... Until then, The Document Foundation recommends that you update your LibreOffice 6.0 installations to the LibreOffice 6.0.6 point release as soon as possible for a better LibreOffice experience. You can download LibreOffice 6.0.6 for GNU/Linux , macOS , and ... LibreOffice 6.0.6 # LibreOffice 6.0 # office suite # open source # Linux LibreOffice 6.2 Officially Released with New NotebookBar UI, Many Improvements
LibreOffice 6.0 Gets First Point Release to Improve Security and Robustness
LibreOffice 6.0 Gets First Point Release to Improve Security and Robustness LibreOffice 6.0.1 released A bit earlier than expected, the first point release of the LibreOffice 6.0 open-source and cross-platform office suite popped up today on the official channels for all supported platforms, along with the fifth maintenance update to the LibreOffice 5.4... LibreOffice 6.0.1 and 5.4.5 are now available for GNU/Linux, macOS, and Windows platforms with various bug and regression fixes. While a total of 75 issues were fixed in the first point of LibreOffice 6.0 , the LibreOffice 5.4.5 update addresses about 69 bugs ... The Document Foundation urges all LibreOffice users to update their installations to the new LibreOffice 6.0.1 and 5.4.5 versions. While LibreOffice 6.0.1 is recommended to early adopters, power users, and technology enthusiasts, the non-profit company suggests ... In time, LibreOffice 6.0 will become as stable and thoroughly tested as the LibreOffice 5.4 series, but, until then, a few more similar point releases need to be issued. The next one, LibreOffice 6.0.2, is expected to arrive at the end of the month or in early ... The LibreOffice 5.4 series will reach end of life on June 11, 2018, when LibreOffice 6.0 is getting its fifth maintenance update. The end of life for the LibreOffice 6.0 series is currently set for November 26, 2018. Until then, you can download LibreOffice ... LibreOffice 6.0.1 # LibreOffice 5.4.5 # LibreOffice # office suite # open source
LibreOffice 6.0 Is Now Ready for Mainstream Users and Enterprise Deployments
LibreOffice 6.0.5 is now available to download LibreOffice 6.0.5 released LibreOffice 6.0.5 is here one and a half months after the LibreOffice 6.0.4 point release to mark the open-source office suite as ready for mainstream users and enterprise deployments. The Document Foundation considers that LibreOffice 6.0 has been tested thoroughly ... All users are urged to update to LibreOffice 6.0.5 LibreOffice 6.0.5 fixes numerous bugs across various of its components, including Writer, Calc, Impress, Draw, Math, and Base. These improvements made the LibreOffice 6.0 office suite series more stable and reliable, and that's the main reason The Document ... For details on the changes, check out the changelogs here and here . Meanwhile, you can download LibreOffice 6.0.5 for GNU/Linux , macOS , and Microsoft Windows operating systems right now through our web portal. All LibreOffice 6.0 and 5.4 users are urged ... LibreOffice 6.0.5 # LibreOffice 6.0 # office suite # LibreOffice # open source
LibreOffice 6.1.2 Open-Source Office Suite Lands with 70 Bug Fixes, Download Now
LibreOffice 6.1.2 Open-Source Office Suite Lands with 70 Bug Fixes, Download Now LibreOffice 6.1.2 released The Document Foundation announced today the availability of the second point release in the latest LibreOffice 6.1 open-source and cross-platform office suite series , LibreOffice 6.1.2 Coming only two weeks after the release of the first maintenance update, LibreOffice 6.1.1 , the LibreOffice 6.1.2 point release is here to address 70 bugs discovered by the development team or reported by users across several components of the office suite.... The Document Foundation announces LibreOffice 6.1.2, the second minor release of the LibreOffice 6.1 family, targeted at early adopters, technology enthusiasts, and power users," said Italo Vignoli in today's announcement . "The new release was launched during ... LibreOffice 6.1.3 expected to land at the end of October 2018 All users of the LibreOffice 6.1 office suite series are urged to update their installations to the LibreOffice 6.1.2 point release. However, The Document Foundation still recommends the LibreOffice 6.1 series for early adopters and power users, as enterprise ... LibreOffice 6.0 will get one more point release until its end of life, LibreOffice 6.0.7, which is expected to hit the streets at the end of October 2018 along with the third LibreOffice 6.1 point release, LibreOffice 6.1.3. By that time, The Document Foundation ... Download LibreOffice 6.1.2 for GNU/Linux , macOS , and Windows LibreOffice 6.1.2 # LibreOffice 6.1 # LibreOffice # office suite # open source
LibreOffice 6.1.3 Open-Source Office Suite Released with 66 Bug Fixes
LibreOffice 6.1.3 Open-Source Office Suite Released with 66 Bug Fixes LibreOffice 6.0.7 is also available for download LibreOffice 6.1.3 and 6.0.7 released The Document Foundation announced today two new LibreOffice versions, LibreOffice 6.1.3 and LibreOffice 6.0.7, in an attempt to continue improving the overall stability and reliability of its open-source and cross-platform office suite While it remains the choice of early adopters, technology enthusiasts, and power users, the latest LibreOffice 6.1 series of the open-source office suite, which is used by default in numerous Linux-based operating systems, gets no less than 66 bug fixes in ... Coincidentally, the LibreOffice 6.0.7 point release also comes with a total of 66 bug fixes, detailed here , here , and here . The LibreOffice 6.0 series remains the main choice for enterprises and all sorts of organizations who want to use the best free and ... Organizations should source LibreOffice 6.0.7 from one of the companies providing a Long Term Supported version of the suite, for additional value-added services which make the software better suited to enterprise deployments, thanks to professional support ... The Document Foundation recommends all LibreOffice users to update their installations to the new versions released today, namely LibreOffice 6.1.3 and LibreOffice 6.0.7, depending on what branch are you using on your personal computer. It's also possible to ... While the release cycle of the LibreOffice 6.1 series will continue with the LibreOffice 6.1.4 point release, which should be out near the Christmas holidays, you should keep in mind that LibreOffice 6.0 series will reach end of life support later this month,... Meanwhile, The Document Foundation works hard on the next major release, LibreOffice 6.2 , which is expected to land in February 2019 as the last version to support 32-bit installations on Linux systems. You can download LibreOffice 6.1.3 and LibreOffice 6....
LibreOffice 6.1.4 Office Suite Released with More Than 125 Bug Fixes, Update Now
LibreOffice 6.1.4 Office Suite Released with More Than 125 Bug Fixes, Update Now LibreOffice 6.1.4 released The Document Foundation announced today the general availability of the fourth incremental update to the latest LibreOffice 6.1 series of the widely used open-source office suite LibreOffice 6.1.4 comes one and a half months after version 6.1.3 with yet another layer of bug fixes across all the components of the office suite, including Writer, Calc, Draw, Impress, Base, and Math. However, it remains the choice of bleeding-edge users ... LibreOffice 6.1.4 represents the bleeding edge in term of features for open source office suites, and as such is not optimized for enterprise-class deployments, where features are less important than robustness," said Italo Vignoli in today's announcement .... LibreOffice 6.1.5 to arrive early February 2019 The release cycle of the LibreOffice 6.1 office suite series will continue in early February 2019 with the fifth incremental update, LibreOffice 6.1.5, which should address more bugs in an attempt to stabilize the software further and make it ready for enterprise ... If you're using LibreOffice 6.1 on your personal computer, we recommend upgrading to the LibreOffice 6.1.4 release, which you can download right now for GNU/Linux , macOS , and Windows systems from our web portal of free software. The LibreOffice 6.1 series ... LibreOffice 6.1.4 # LibreOffice # office suite # open source # Linux
LibreOffice 6.1 Beta Arrives Next Week for Second Bug Hunting Session on May 28
LibreOffice 6.1 Beta Arrives Next Week for Second Bug Hunting Session on May 28 The final release of LibreOffice 6.1 is expected in August LibreOffice 6.1 beta bug hunting session The Document Foundation announced that the second bug hunting session for the upcoming LibreOffice 6.1 office suite would take place early next week on May 28, 2018, for the first beta release Now that the first bug hunting session , which took place last month on April 27 for the alpha milestone, was a success leading to 91 bugs (8 of them marked as critical and 4 already fixed) being reported by those who attended the event, it's time for a second ... Mentors will be available on May 28th, 2018, from 8 AM UTC to 8 PM UTC for questions or help in the IRC channel: #libreoffice-qa (connect via webchat) and its Telegram bridge. Of course, hunting bugs will be possible also on other days, as the builds of this ... LibreOffice 6.1 expected to arrive early August 2018 As mentioned before, the tests that will be performed during the second bug hunting session to find, report and triage bugs will be carried against the beta version of LibreOffice 6.1, which should be available for download on all supported platforms, including ... Once the beta is out, the Document Foundation could release a second beta throughout June if more bugs are discovered on May 28, and plan a third bug hunting session, which could be announced at a later date. According to the release schedule, at least three ... LibreOffice 6.1 beta # LibreOffice 6.1 # bug hunting # office suite # open source
LibreOffice 6.1 Gets First Point Release with More Than 120 Bug Fixes
LibreOffice 6.1 Gets First Point Release with More Than 120 Bug Fixes LibreOffice 6.1.1 now available to download on all platforms LibreOffice 6.1.1 released The Document Foundation announced today the general availability of the first point release of the LibreOffice 6.1 open-source office suite for all supported platforms, including Linux, macOS, and Windows Coming more than a month after the launch of the major LibreOffice 6.1 series , which introduced a revamped and much faster image handling feature, a new Page menu and reorganized Draw menus, a new icon theme for Windows users, new Online Help pages, and a ... LibreOffice 6.1.1 represents the bleeding edge in term of features for open source office suites, and as such is targeted at technology enthusiasts, early adopters and power users," said The Document Foundation. "For any enterprise class deployment, TDF maintains ... While The Document Foundation still recommends the new LibreOffice 6.1 office suite series to bleeding edge, early adopters, and power users, nothing stops you from getting the latest version and install it on your personal computer. LibreOffice 6.1.1 is now ... If you want to build the latest LibreOffice Online source code, you can access the Docker images at https://hub.docker.com/r/libreoffice/online/ . The LibreOffice 6.1 release cycle will continue at the end of the month with the second point release, LibreOffice ... LibreOffice 6.1.1 # LibreOffice 6.1 # office suite # LibreOffice # open source LibreOffice 6.2 Officially Released with New NotebookBar UI, Many Improvements
LibreOffice 6.1 Is Now Ready for Mainstream Users and Enterprise Deployments
LibreOffice 6.1 Is Now Ready for Mainstream Users and Enterprise Deployments LibreOffice 6.1.5 released with over 70 bug fixes LibreOffice 6.1.5 released The Document Foundation released today LibreOffice 6.1.5, the fifth of six maintenance updates for the LibreOffice 6.1 series of the popular open-source and cross-platform office suite LibreOffice 6.1.5 is now available, coming one and a half months after the LibreOffice 6.1.4 point release, marking the open-source office suite as ready for mainstream users and enterprise deployments as The Document Foundation considers the LibreOffice 6.... Until LibreOffice 6.1.4, the LibreOffice 6.1 series was only recommended to bleeding-edge and power users, but now The Document Foundation considers the office suite ready for deployment in organizations across a large number of computers starting with LibreOffice ... LibreOffice 6.1.5 is a more mature version which includes some months of back-ported fixes and is better suited for enterprise-class deployments, where features are less important than robustness as the main objective is individual productivity," said The Document ... LibreOffice 6.1.6 scheduled for release in early May 2019 LibreOffice 6.1 users should update their office suites to version 6.1.5 as soon as possible. You can download LibreOffice 6.1.5 for GNU/Linux , macOS , and Windows systems right now from our web portal of free software. However, LibreOffice 6.1 series will ... The next and last LibreOffice 6.1 point release is LibreOffice 6.1.6, which is expected to see the light of day at the end of April or in early May 2019. After that, there will be no more maintenance updates published for the LibreOffice 6.1 series, so we suggest ...
LibreOffice 6.1 On Track for Mid-August Release as Second RC Is Out for Testing
LibreOffice 6.1 On Track for Mid-August Release as Second RC Is Out for Testing LibreOffice 6.1 RC2 released The Document Foundation announced the availability of the second Release Candidate (RC) milestone towards the LibreOffice 6.1 open-source office suite release Coming only two weeks after the first Release Candidate , LibreOffice 6.1 RC2 (Release Candidate 2) is here to fix more of those annoyances and bugs that might block the final release. A total of 84 bugs have been squashed across various components in LibreOffice ... While LibreOffice 6.1 is on track for its mid-August release, the development team still needs your help to test these Release Candidate versions and report any bugs or issues you may encounter, or just give positive feedback if everything works well for you ... As you might know, LibreOffice 6.1 will be released as final in mid-August, 2018, and the Release Candidate 2 is just one release away from the final release, being the Release Candidate 3 (RC3) the last one," reads the blog announcement LibreOffice 6.1 RC2 is available for download now If you want to help The Document Foundation further polish the LibreOffice 6.1 release, which promises to introduce more enhancements and new features our beloved office suite, you can download LibreOffice 6.1 RC2 for GNU/Linux , Mac , and Windows right now.... The next step in the development cycle of LibreOffice 6.1 is the third and last Release Candidate (RC) build, which is expected to hit the streets early next month in case there are some remaining issues that need to be fixed. If not, the final release of LibreOffice ... After its mid-August release, LibreOffice 6.1 will be supported for the next nine months, until May 29, 2019, when it reaches end of life. A total of six maintenance updates are planned for the LibreOffice 6.1 series almost monthly, and the first one is expected ...
LibreOffice 6.1 Open-Source Office Suite Officially Released, Here's What's New
LibreOffice 6.1 Open-Source Office Suite Officially Released, Here's What's New The Document Foundation announced today the official release and general availability for download of the LibreOffice 6.1 open-source office suite, the second major update of the LibreOffice 6 series introduced in early 2018, for all supported platforms LibreOffice 6.1 has been in development for the past six months and it's now ready to conquer your Linux, Mac, or Windows office workstations with new features like revamped image handling functionality that's significantly faster and smoother, especially when ... LibreOffice 6.1 also adds a new Page menu and re-organizes the menus of the Draw component for better consistency across the different modules, improves the EPUB export filter with additional options for customizing metadata and better support for links, images,... LibreOffice 6.1's new features have been developed by a large community of code contributors: 72% of commits are from developers employed by companies sitting in the Advisory Board like Collabora, Red Hat and CIB and by other contributors such as SIL and Pardus,... For Linux users, LibreOffice 6.1 brings better integration with the KDE Plasma desktop environment, enables the use of Elementary icons by default on GNOME-based desktop environments, uses native GTK+ 3 interfaces on dialog windows. The import filter for Microsoft ... With the LibreOffice 6.1 releases, The Document Foundation introduces Colibre, a new icon theme for Windows users that follows the design guidelines of Microsoft's default icon theme for the Windows operating system. With this, they hope Windows users will ... LibreOffice Online, the server-side service for deploying LibreOffice in private and public cloud environments, also received significant improvements in LibreOffice 6.1, for all of its modules. Highlights include a revamped user interface that's more appealing ... Last but not least, LibreOffice 6.1 enriches the Online Help pages with text and example files to guide users through the office suite's features and help them easily localize LibreOffice. LibreOffice 6.1 is now available to download for GNU/Linux , macOS ,... The Document Foundation considers LibreOffice 6.1 a bleeding-edge release that should be used only by power users, technology enthusiasts, and early adopters. For enterprise deployments, The Document Foundation still recommends the LibreOffice 6.0 series , ...
LibreOffice 6.1 Release Candidate Available Now for Final Bug Hunting Session
LibreOffice 6.1 Release Candidate Available Now for Final Bug Hunting Session Final LibreOffice 6.1 bug hunting session takes place July 6 LibreOffice 6.1 RC1 released The Document Foundation released the first Release Candidate (RC) build of the upcoming LibreOffice 6.1 open-source office ahead of the final bug hunting session that'll take place on July 6, 2018 Tomorrow, July 6, The Document Foundation plans to host the third and final bug hunting session for the LibreOffice 6.1 office suite, due for release in mid-August 2018. This bug hunting session is aimed at fixing last remaining issue against the Release Candidate ... Those interested in joining the final bug hunting session to find, report and triage bugs can now download the first Release Candidate version of LibreOffice 6.1 for GNU/Linux as DEB and RPM packages, as well as for macOS and Microsoft Windows platforms Second LibreOffice 6.1 Release Candidate available end of July If you can't join the final bug hunting session on July 6, you'll be able to help by testing the LibreOffice 6.1 Release Candidate build until the end of the month when the second Release Candidate version will be available to download In early August, a third and last Release Candidate version will be released to eliminate any remaining bugs before the final release of LibreOffice 6.1 hits the streets sometime in the week of August 6. For more details, visit the dedicated wiki page LibreOffice 6.1 is the first major release of the open-source, free, and cross-platform office suite since LibreOffice 6.0. It will be available this summer for Linux, Mac, and Windows operating systems with a plethora of new features and improvements
LibreOffice 6.2 Enters Beta with New User Interface Design Called "Notebookbar"
LibreOffice 6.2 Enters Beta with New User Interface Design Called "Notebookbar LibreOffice 6.2 beta The Document Foundation has kicked off today the second bug hunting session for the upcoming LibreOffice 6.2 open-source office suite update, which is coming early next year with numerous improvements and some new features Expected to arrive next year on February, LibreOffice 6.2 will be the second semi-major update to the LibreOffice 6 office suite series, bringing a bunch of enhancements and new features to make your daily office tasks easier and more enjoyable. One of these ... The Notebookbar UI is included in the beta version of LibreOffice 6.2 if you want to take it for a test drive (details below), along with the KDE Plasma 5 integration and numerous other improvements we talked about in a previous article . Of course, LibreOffice ... Second LibreOffice 6.2 bug hunting session takes place on November 19 The second LibreOffice 6.2 bug hunting session is taking place as we speak, today, November 19th, 2018, from 7 AM UTC to 9 PM UTC via the IRC channel #libreoffice-qa or the Telegram bridge for the first beta version of the upcoming release, which is now available ... Of course, if you can't make it, you'll be able to join the said IRC channel and help with the bug hunting on other days as the LibreOffice 6.2.0 Beta builds will be available until mid-December 2018, which you'll be able to run on your computer alongside the ... LibreOffice 6.2 beta # LibreOffice 6.2 # LibreOffice # office suite # open source
LibreOffice 6.2 Enters Beta with New User Interface Design Called "Notebookbar"
LibreOffice 6.2 Enters Beta with New User Interface Design Called "Notebookbar LibreOffice 6.2 beta The Document Foundation has kicked off today the second bug hunting session for the upcoming LibreOffice 6.2 open-source office suite update, which is coming early next year with numerous improvements and some new features Expected to arrive next year on February, LibreOffice 6.2 will be the second semi-major update to the LibreOffice 6 office suite series, bringing a bunch of enhancements and new features to make your daily office tasks easier and more enjoyable. One of these ... The Notebookbar UI is included in the beta version of LibreOffice 6.2 if you want to take it for a test drive (details below), along with the KDE Plasma 5 integration and numerous other improvements we talked about in a previous article . Of course, LibreOffice ... Second LibreOffice 6.2 bug hunting session takes place on November 19 The second LibreOffice 6.2 bug hunting session is taking place as we speak, today, November 19th, 2018, from 7 AM UTC to 9 PM UTC via the IRC channel #libreoffice-qa or the Telegram bridge for the first beta version of the upcoming release, which is now available ... Of course, if you can't make it, you'll be able to join the said IRC channel and help with the bug hunting on other days as the LibreOffice 6.2.0 Beta builds will be available until mid-December 2018, which you'll be able to run on your computer alongside the ... LibreOffice 6.2 beta # LibreOffice 6.2 # LibreOffice # office suite # open source LibreOffice 6.2 Officially Released with New NotebookBar UI, Many Improvements
LibreOffice 6.2 Launches February 2019, May Drop Support for 32-bit Linux Builds
LibreOffice 6.2 Launches February 2019, May Drop Support for 32-bit Linux Builds LibreOffice 6.2 bug hunting session The Document Foundation's Mike Saunders announced the upcoming availability of the first bug hunting session for the forthcoming LibreOffice 6.2 open-source and cross-platform office suite The second major update to the LibreOffice 6 series, LibreOffice 6.2, is expected to arrive next year, in early February, and it may be the first release of the acclaimed and free office suite to drop support for 32-bit Linux builds. This means that 32-bit ... While The Document Foundation assures Linux users in the preliminary release notes for LibreOffice 6.2 that Linux x86 (32-bit) compatibility will not be removed from existing LibreOffice versions, the company noted the fact that no new builds will be produced ... It remains to be seen if LibreOffice 6.2 will be the first release of the open source office suite to drop support for 32-bit Linux builds, as The Document Foundation is yet to make it official which LibreOffice version will deprecate 32-bit builds. The current ... Besides deprecating Linux x86 (32-bit) builds, The Document Foundation also decided to deprecate the KDE4 and GTK+2 VCL (Visual Component Library) backend, which will be removed from the LibreOffice 6.2 release First bug hunting session for LibreOffice 6.2 set for October 22 LibreOffice 6.2 is expected to introduce a wide range of new features and improvements to the office suite, including better import and export of PPTX and PPT documents, better animation rendering, basic accessibility support for KDE Plasma 5 desktops, as well ... Meanwhile, the LibreOffice QA team will join their forces on October 22, 2018, for the first bug hunting session for the first Alpha development version of the upcoming LibreOffice 6.2 release. Mentors will be available for questions the IRC channel at #libreoffice-...
LibreOffice 6.2 Slated for Release on February 7, Will Introduce a New Tabbed UI
LibreOffice 6.2 Slated for Release on February 7, Will Introduce a New Tabbed UI The LibreOffice 6.1.5 point release will also be available LibreOffice 6.2's new tabbed UI The awesome folks over at The Document Foundation have informed us today about the worldwide availability of their highly anticipated LibreOffice 6.2 release of the popular open-source and cross-platform office suite So the big news we want to share with you today is the LibreOffice 6.2 office suite will be officially released in about a week from the moment of writing this article, on Thursday, February 7, 2019. It will be available for all supported platforms, including ... As expected, we'll have a detailed story prepared on the LibreOffice 6.2 launch day to tell you all about its new features and improves, but, as a sneak peek, we'd like to inform you now that the upcoming release brings a new tabbed UI called Notebookbar, which ... LibreOffice 6.1.5 to be released next week too While LibreOffice 6.2 promises lots of enhancements and new features, unfortunately, it will only be supported until November 30, 2019, when it reaches end of life, but we promise it'll be a worthy upgrade for all users. Until then, stay tuned for the official ... The Document Foundation also plans to release the LibreOffice 6.1.5 maintenance update next week. This will be a bugfix release for the LibreOffice 6.1 series, which is supported until May 29, 2019. You can always download the latest LibreOffice release from ... LibreOffice 6.2 # LibreOffice # office suite # LibreOffice 6.1.5 # open source
LibreOffice Conference 2018 Takes Place in Tirana, Albania, for LibreOffice 6.1
LibreOffice Conference 2018 Takes Place in Tirana, Albania, for LibreOffice 6.1 The LibreOffice Conference is the perfect opportunity for new and existing LibreOffice developers, users, supporters, and translators, as well as members of the Open Source community to meet up, share their knowledge, and plan the new features of the next major ... As expected, LibreOffice 6.1 will be a major update of the open source office suite, introducing a revamped online experience , along with new features and improvements for Writer and Calc components. We'll have a more in-depth look at its new features in the ... LibreOffice 6.1 # LibreOffice Conference 2018 # LibreOffice # office suite # open source LibreOffice 6.1 Lands Mid August 2018, First Bug Hunting Session Starts April 27 Devs to hack on the first LibreOffice 6.1 alpha release
OpenMandriva 4.0 Enters Beta with Linux 4.20, KDE Plasma 5.15 & LibreOffice 6.2
OpenMandriva 4.0 Enters Beta with Linux 4.20, KDE Plasma 5.15 & LibreOffice 6.2 Among the main components included in OpenMandriva Lx 4.0 Beta, we can mention the KDE Plasma 5.15 Beta desktop environment, which is accompanied by the KDE Frameworks 5.54.0 and KDE Applications 18.12.1 software suites, as well as Qt 5.12 application framework.... OpenMandriva Lx 4.0 Beta - KPatience card game OpenMandriva Lx 4.0 Beta - LibreOffice 6.2 OpenMandriva Lx 4.0 Beta - Krita LibreOffice 6.2 Officially Released with New NotebookBar UI, Many Improvements
RCE Flaw Found in LibreOffice for Windows and Linux, Users Must Update ASAP
Patch included in LibreOffice 6.0.7 and 6.1.3 and newer The Document Foundation acknowledged the bug in CVE-2018-16858 , adding that the flaw is already resolved in LibreOffice 6.0.7 and 6.1.3, so installing a newer version should technically keep users protected LibreOffice 6.2 Slated for Release on February 7, Will Introduce a New Tabbed UI The LibreOffice 6.1.5 point release will also be available LibreOffice 6.1.4 Office Suite Released with More Than 125 Bug Fixes, Update Now LibreOffice 6.2 Enters Beta with New User Interface Design Called "Notebookbar
Stories about LibreOffice 6.2
Softpedia > News > Stories about LibreOffice 6.2 (4 items Stories about: LibreOffice 6.2 LibreOffice 6.2 Officially Released with New NotebookBar UI, Many Improvements LibreOffice 6.2 Slated for Release on February 7, Will Introduce a New Tabbed UI The LibreOffice 6.1.5 point release will also be available LibreOffice 6.2 Enters Beta with New User Interface Design Called "Notebookbar LibreOffice 6.2 Launches February 2019, May Drop Support for 32-bit Linux Builds
LibreOffice 6.1 è pronto: migliorie su interfaccia e prestazioni - Notebook Italia
Home News LibreOffice 6.1 è pronto: migliorie su interfaccia e prestazioni LibreOffice 6.1 è pronto: migliorie su interfaccia e prestazioni LibreOffice 6.1 è pronto: migliorie su interfaccia e prestazioni Grazie al contributo di utenti volontari, organizzazioni e aziende, The Document Foundation ha terminato lo sviluppo di LibreOffice 6.1 con importanti novità sia a livello estetico che tecnico.... The Document Foundation annuncia LibreOffice 6.1, la seconda major release della famiglia LibreOffice 6 presentata a gennaio 2018, con un numero significativo di funzionalità completamente nuove o migliori rispetto alle precedenti versioni Le nuove funzionalità di LibreOffice 6.1 sono state sviluppate da una grande comunità di volontari: il 72% dei contributi provengono da dipendenti di aziende che fanno parte dell’Advisory Board come Collabora, Red Hat e CIB, e da altre organizzazioni come SIL ... LibreOffice 6.1 rappresenta lo stadio più avanzato – in termini di funzionalità – per le suite per ufficio open source, e in quanto tale è indirizzato agli appassionati di tecnologia, agli early adopter e ai power user. Per l’utilizzo in ambito aziendale, TDF ... LibreOffice 6.1 è immediatamente disponibile dal seguente link . I requisiti minimi per i sistemi operativi proprietari sono Microsoft Windows 7 SP1 e Apple macOS 10.9. LibreOffice Online è disponibile come immagine Docker . LibreOffice Online è un servizio ... LibreOffice 6.2 con NotebookBar: nuova UI e prestazioni migliorate
LibreOffice 6.1 è pronto: migliorie su interfaccia e prestazioni - Notebook Italia
Home News LibreOffice 6.1 è pronto: migliorie su interfaccia e prestazioni LibreOffice 6.1 è pronto: migliorie su interfaccia e prestazioni LibreOffice 6.1 è pronto: migliorie su interfaccia e prestazioni Grazie al contributo di utenti volontari, organizzazioni e aziende, The Document Foundation ha terminato lo sviluppo di LibreOffice 6.1 con importanti novità sia a livello estetico che tecnico.... The Document Foundation annuncia LibreOffice 6.1, la seconda major release della famiglia LibreOffice 6 presentata a gennaio 2018, con un numero significativo di funzionalità completamente nuove o migliori rispetto alle precedenti versioni Le nuove funzionalità di LibreOffice 6.1 sono state sviluppate da una grande comunità di volontari: il 72% dei contributi provengono da dipendenti di aziende che fanno parte dell’Advisory Board come Collabora, Red Hat e CIB, e da altre organizzazioni come SIL ... LibreOffice 6.1 rappresenta lo stadio più avanzato – in termini di funzionalità – per le suite per ufficio open source, e in quanto tale è indirizzato agli appassionati di tecnologia, agli early adopter e ai power user. Per l’utilizzo in ambito aziendale, TDF ... LibreOffice 6.1 è immediatamente disponibile dal seguente link . I requisiti minimi per i sistemi operativi proprietari sono Microsoft Windows 7 SP1 e Apple macOS 10.9. LibreOffice Online è disponibile come immagine Docker . LibreOffice Online è un servizio ... LibreOffice 6.2 con NotebookBar: nuova UI e prestazioni migliorate
LibreOffice 6.2 con NotebookBar: nuova UI e prestazioni migliorate - Notebook Italia
Home News LibreOffice 6.2 con NotebookBar: nuova UI e prestazioni migliorate LibreOffice 6.2 con NotebookBar: nuova UI e prestazioni migliorate LibreOffice 6.2 con NotebookBar: nuova UI e prestazioni migliorate The Document Foundation ha rilasciato LibreOffice 6.2 con NotebookBar e LibreOffice 6.1.5, per le installazioni in ambiente enterprise e gli utenti individuali alla ricerca di una suite di produttività ... The Document Foundation ha annunciato LibreOffice 6.2 con NotebookBar, una significativa major release della suite per ufficio libera che offre un nuovo approccio alla user interface – basato sul concetto di MUFFIN – e alla user experience, capaci di soddisfare ... LibreOffice 6.2 con NotebookBar La comunità degli esperti di design ha ulteriormente modificato e migliorato i set di icone, e in particolare Elementary e Karasa Jaga. Le nuove funzionalità di LibreOffice 6.2 Le nuove funzionalità di LibreOffice 6.2 sono state sviluppate da una grande comunità di sviluppatori: il 74% dei contributi arriva dai dipendenti delle aziende che siedono nell’Advisory Board come Collabora, Red Hat e CIB, e da altre come City of Munich e ... The Document Foundation ha rilasciato anche LibreOffice 6.1.5, una versione più matura che include diversi mesi di manutenzione e per questo è più adatta per uso aziendale, dove le funzionalità sono meno importanti della robustezza dato che l’obiettivo principale ... LibreOffice 6.2 e LibreOffice 6.1.5 sono immediatamente disponibili da questa pagina, mentre le ultime versioni dei sorgenti di LibreOffice Online sono disponibili come immagine Docker da questo link. LibreOffice Online è un servizio che va installato su un ...
LibreOffice 6.2 con NotebookBar: nuova UI e prestazioni migliorate - Notebook Italia
Home News LibreOffice 6.2 con NotebookBar: nuova UI e prestazioni migliorate LibreOffice 6.2 con NotebookBar: nuova UI e prestazioni migliorate LibreOffice 6.2 con NotebookBar: nuova UI e prestazioni migliorate The Document Foundation ha rilasciato LibreOffice 6.2 con NotebookBar e LibreOffice 6.1.5, per le installazioni in ambiente enterprise e gli utenti individuali alla ricerca di una suite di produttività ... The Document Foundation ha annunciato LibreOffice 6.2 con NotebookBar, una significativa major release della suite per ufficio libera che offre un nuovo approccio alla user interface – basato sul concetto di MUFFIN – e alla user experience, capaci di soddisfare ... LibreOffice 6.2 con NotebookBar La comunità degli esperti di design ha ulteriormente modificato e migliorato i set di icone, e in particolare Elementary e Karasa Jaga. Le nuove funzionalità di LibreOffice 6.2 Le nuove funzionalità di LibreOffice 6.2 sono state sviluppate da una grande comunità di sviluppatori: il 74% dei contributi arriva dai dipendenti delle aziende che siedono nell’Advisory Board come Collabora, Red Hat e CIB, e da altre come City of Munich e ... The Document Foundation ha rilasciato anche LibreOffice 6.1.5, una versione più matura che include diversi mesi di manutenzione e per questo è più adatta per uso aziendale, dove le funzionalità sono meno importanti della robustezza dato che l’obiettivo principale ... LibreOffice 6.2 e LibreOffice 6.1.5 sono immediatamente disponibili da questa pagina, mentre le ultime versioni dei sorgenti di LibreOffice Online sono disponibili come immagine Docker da questo link. LibreOffice Online è un servizio che va installato su un ... LibreOffice 6.1 è pronto: migliorie su interfaccia e prestazioni
LibreOffice 6.0 è pronto. Supporto per OpenPGP, filtri ePUB e tanto altro - Notebook Italia
Home News LibreOffice 6.0 è pronto. Supporto per OpenPGP, filtri ePUB e tanto altro LibreOffice 6.0 è pronto. Supporto per OpenPGP, filtri ePUB e tanto altro LibreOffice 6.0 è pronto. Supporto per OpenPGP, filtri ePUB e tanto altro The Document Foundation annuncia LibreOffice 6.0, una nuova versione significativamente migliore della suite libera per ufficio, che celebra il settimo anniversario della prima versione ... LibreOffice 6.0 è già disponibile a questo indirizzo per Windows, macOS, Linux e per il cloud, per tutti i PC con Windows 7 SP1 e Apple macOS 10.9 (o successivi). La nuova versione aggiunge un gran numbero di nuove e importanti funzionalità sia al motore che ... Notebook Bar di LibreOffice 6.0 Il vecchio WikiHelp è stato sostituito da un nuovo sistema di Help Online, basato su pagine web che possono essere visualizzate anche sugli apparati mobili. In generale, l'Help di LibreOffice è stato aggiornato sia in termini di contenuti che di codice, e altri ... LibreOffice 6.0 Le nuove funzionalità introdotte da LibreOffice 6.0 hanno l'obiettivo di allineare le funzionalità delle versioni desktop e cloud, soprattutto nelle aree in cui gli utenti si aspettano un comportamento simile. Per esempio, è stata aggiunta la funzionalità Salva ... LibreOffice 6.0 rappresenta l'espressione più avanzata - in termini di funzionalità e di innovazione - delle suite open source per la produttività individuale, e in quanto tale è indirizzato agli appassionati di tecnologia e agli utenti più avanzati e competenti ...
LibreOffice 6.0 è pronto. Supporto per OpenPGP, filtri ePUB e tanto altro - Notebook Italia
Home News LibreOffice 6.0 è pronto. Supporto per OpenPGP, filtri ePUB e tanto altro LibreOffice 6.0 è pronto. Supporto per OpenPGP, filtri ePUB e tanto altro LibreOffice 6.0 è pronto. Supporto per OpenPGP, filtri ePUB e tanto altro The Document Foundation annuncia LibreOffice 6.0, una nuova versione significativamente migliore della suite libera per ufficio, che celebra il settimo anniversario della prima versione ... LibreOffice 6.0 è già disponibile a questo indirizzo per Windows, macOS, Linux e per il cloud, per tutti i PC con Windows 7 SP1 e Apple macOS 10.9 (o successivi). La nuova versione aggiunge un gran numbero di nuove e importanti funzionalità sia al motore che ... Notebook Bar di LibreOffice 6.0 Il vecchio WikiHelp è stato sostituito da un nuovo sistema di Help Online, basato su pagine web che possono essere visualizzate anche sugli apparati mobili. In generale, l'Help di LibreOffice è stato aggiornato sia in termini di contenuti che di codice, e altri ... LibreOffice 6.0 Le nuove funzionalità introdotte da LibreOffice 6.0 hanno l'obiettivo di allineare le funzionalità delle versioni desktop e cloud, soprattutto nelle aree in cui gli utenti si aspettano un comportamento simile. Per esempio, è stata aggiunta la funzionalità Salva ... LibreOffice 6.0 rappresenta l'espressione più avanzata - in termini di funzionalità e di innovazione - delle suite open source per la produttività individuale, e in quanto tale è indirizzato agli appassionati di tecnologia e agli utenti più avanzati e competenti ...
News - Notebook Italia
23 LibreOffice 6.2 con NotebookBar: nuova UI e prestazioni migliorate 09/02/2019 Redazione
News - Notebook Italia
23 LibreOffice 6.2 con NotebookBar: nuova UI e prestazioni migliorate 09/02/2019 Redazione
News - Notebook Italia
23 LibreOffice 6.2 con NotebookBar: nuova UI e prestazioni migliorate 09/02/2019 Redazione
News - Notebook Italia
23 LibreOffice 6.2 con NotebookBar: nuova UI e prestazioni migliorate 09/02/2019 Redazione
News - Notebook Italia
23 LibreOffice 6.2 con NotebookBar: nuova UI e prestazioni migliorate 09/02/2019 Redazione
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LibreOffice 6.2 é agora oficial com uma nova interface Libbreoffice 6.1 já está disponível gratuitamente para download
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LibreOffice 6.2 é agora oficial com uma nova interface
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libreoffice 6.1 - Aí está o primeiro vídeo oficial de Red Dead Redemption 2 Libbreoffice 6.1 já está disponível gratuitamente para download
Arquivo de Aplicações | Página 2 de 51 | Noticias e Tecnologia
LibreOffice 6.2 é agora oficial com uma nova interface
Arquivo de Aplicações | Página 3 de 52 | Noticias e Tecnologia
LibreOffice 6.2 é agora oficial com uma nova interface
Libbreoffice 6.1 já está disponível gratuitamente para download | Noticias e Tecnologia
Libbreoffice 6.1 já está disponível gratuitamente para download Além disso, há um filtro de exportação melhorado para os arquivos EPUB e a barra do bloco de notas experimental deveria ter sido muito melhorada. Agora é totalmente funcional para o gravador, mas algum trabalho ainda está a aguardar pelos outros módulos do ... Etiquetas Document Foundation Libbreoffice 6.1 LibreOffice Office O Renascimento do parto - Libbreoffice 6.1 já está disponível gratuitamente para download Red Dead Redemption 2 - Libbreoffice 6.1 já está disponível gratuitamente para download
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libreoffice 6.1 - O Renascimento do Parto chegou hoje à Netflix Libbreoffice 6.1 já está disponível gratuitamente para download
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LibreOffice 6.2 é agora oficial com uma nova interface
Arquivo de Libbreoffice 6.1 | Noticias e Tecnologia
Etiqueta: Libbreoffice 6.1 Libbreoffice 6.1 já está disponível gratuitamente para download
Arquivo de LibreOffice 6.2 | Noticias e Tecnologia
Etiqueta: LibreOffice 6.2 LibreOffice 6.2 é agora oficial com uma nova interface
基于 Debian 的 Xfce 桌面发行版 MX Linux 发布 17.1 版 - 开源工场
LibreOffice 6.0 released with its bouquet of benefits
Home Content News LibreOffice 6.0 arrives LibreOffice 6.0 arrives With bunch of tweaks, Open Source productivity suite LibreOffice reaches version 6.0. The release is nicely timed with the seventh anniversary celebration. It is a popular alternative to Microsoft’s Office. Updates for LibreOffice 6.0 are available across Windows,... For enterprises though, The Document Foundation suggests that, “LibreOffice 6.0 represents the bleeding edge in term of features for open source office suites, and as such is targeted at technology enthusiasts, early adopters and power users An improved Form menu has been added to LibreOffice 6.0 for well, designing forms, and there’s easier access to special characters – great for those of us that type “µ” a lot. A version for Android is also in the works, scheduled for the Spring, which will,...
LibreOffice 6.0 - Open Source For You
Home Tags LibreOffice 6.0 Tag: LibreOffice 6.0 LibreOffice 6.0 arrives LibreOffice 6.0 on Linux enables automatic updates
LibreOffice 6.0.3 / OpenOffice 4.1.5 Information Disclosure ≈ Packet Storm
LibreOffice 6.0.3 / OpenOffice 4.1.5 Information Disclosure Version: LibreOffice 6.0.3, OpenOffice 4.1.5
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I downloaded libreoffice 6.0.2 (now latest is 6.0.3) short while ago. On running it, task-manager shows it's running in 32-bit mode, not 64
[Fixed] Libreoffice 6.0.5 doesn't start on machines missing Visual C runtimes | PortableApps.com
Fixed] Libreoffice 6.0.5 doesn't start on machines missing Visual C runtimes LibreOffice_6.0.5.2_Win_x86.msi LibreOffice_6.0.5.2_Win_x64.msi
Linux Arquivos - Página 4 de 154 - Pplware
Chegou o LibreOffice 6.1! Para quê gastar dinheiro com o Office da Microsoft Foi no início do ano que a Document Foundation lançou o LibreOffice 6.0 que trouxe várias novidades a esta suite de produtividade
Software Arquivos - Pplware
Novo LibreOffice 6.2 confunde-se com o Office da Microsoft A Document Foundation lançou agora o novo LibreOffice 6.2. Vamos conhecer as novidades
Chegou o LibreOffice 6.1! Para quê gastar dinheiro com o Office da Microsoft?
Chegou o LibreOffice 6.1! Para quê gastar dinheiro com o Office da Microsoft Foi no início do ano que a Document Foundation lançou o LibreOffice 6.0 que trouxe várias novidades a esta suite de produtividade. Agora, sete meses depois, foi lançada a versão 6.1 que traz um conjunto de novidades relevantes Novidade do LibreOffice 6.1 Outra das novidades presentes no LibreOffice 6.1 é a gestão e edição melhorada das imagens. Desta forma passa a ser mais rápido e simples adicionar, gerir, imagens em qualquer documento Veja, em vídeo, todas as novidades do LibreOffice 6.1 O Office da Microsoft, é muito bom, não se lhe apontam quais queres problemas. O LibreOffice _6.1.03, “e + outros” são também muito bons. Cada um no seu galho. Versões, iguais ou parecidas, são sempre bom, assim haverá poder de escolha. Um é pago, outros são ... A Microsoft tem uma lógica tentacular (polvo). O Office é bom porque funciona em tudo o que é institucional: estado, autarquias, financeiras e outras áreas com peso económico, mediante contratos de exclusividade e de longo prazo em ambiente windows. Depois ...
MX Linux - A distribuição Linux que o fará abandonar o Windows?
Suite Office: LibreOffice 6.0.1 (x64
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LibreOffice Stable » Скачать Windows через торрент - софт для Windows через торрент
Скачать Windows через торрент - программы для Windows!!! » Офис » LibreOffice Stable LibreOffice Stable Торрент LibreOffice Stable подробно Скриншоты LibreOffice Stable торрент Скачать LibreOffice Stable через торрент
LibreOffice – Wikipédia, a enciclopédia livre
A tela de início do LibreOffice
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LibreOffice Stable (2018) PC Скачать LibreOffice_6.0.1.1_Stable_MultiRu.torrent
Выпуск офисного пакета LibreOffice 6.0 - Форум по информационной безопасности
Выпуск LibreOffice 6.0.1 с устранением уязвимости Организация The Document Foundation объявила о выходе LibreOffice 6.0.1, первого корректирующего выпуска из семейства LibreOffice 6.0 "fresh". Версия 6.0.1 ориентирована на энтузиастов, опытных пользователей и тех, кто предпочитает самые свежие версии программного ... OpenNews: Выпуск LibreOffice 6.0.1 с устранением уязвимости
Download LibreOffice 6.0.1 (x86/x64) - SoftArchive
LibreOffice 6.0.1 (x86/x64 usenet.nl/download/LibreOffice 6.0.1 (x86/x64
Download LibreOffice 6.0.4 - SoftArchive
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Download LibreOffice 6.0.5 - SoftArchive
usenet.nl/download/LibreOffice 6.0.5
Download LibreOffice 6.0.6 - SoftArchive
usenet.nl/download/LibreOffice 6.0.6
Download LibreOffice 6.0.2 - SoftArchive
usenet.nl/download/LibreOffice 6.0.2
Download LibreOffice 6.0.3 - SoftArchive
usenet.nl/download/LibreOffice 6.0.3
SpringBoot使用LibreOffice转换PDF - 个人文章 - SegmentFault 思否
本例使用 LibreOffice-6.0.4 、 jodconverter-4.2.0 、 spring-boot-1.5.9.RELEASE wget -P /tmp/office http://mirrors.ustc.edu.cn/tdf/libreoffice/stable/6.0.4/rpm/x86_64/LibreOffice_6.0.4_Linux_x86-64_rpm.tar.gz wget -P /tmp/office http://mirrors.ustc.edu.cn/tdf/libreoffice/stable/6.0.4/rpm/x86_64/LibreOffice_6.0.4_Linux_x86-64_rpm_langpack_zh-CN.tar.gz tar zxvf /tmp/office/LibreOffice_6.0.4_Linux_x86-64_rpm.tar.gz -C /tmp/office tar zxvf /tmp/office/LibreOffice_6.0.4_Linux_x86-64_rpm_langpack_zh-CN.tar.gz -C /tmp/office ll /tmp/office/LibreOffice_6.0.4.2_Linux_x86-64_rpm/RPMS/*.rpm ll /tmp/office/LibreOffice_6.0.4.2_Linux_x86-64_rpm_langpack_zh-CN/RPMS/*.rpm yum install /tmp/office/LibreOffice_6.0.4.2_Linux_x86-64_rpm/RPMS/*.rpm yum install /tmp/office/LibreOffice_6.0.4.2_Linux_x86-64_rpm_langpack_zh-CN/RPMS/*.rpm
Você pesquisou por libreo | SempreUPdate
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Você pesquisou por libreoffice | SempreUPdate
como-instalar-o-libreoffice-6-2-no-ubuntu-fedora-debian-linux-mint-e-derivados como-instalar-o-libreoffice-6-2-no-ubuntu-fedora-debian-linux-mint-e-derivados Como instalar o LibreOffice 6.2 no Ubuntu, Fedora, Debian, CentOS, RHEL, Linux Mint e derivados O LibreOffice 6.2 foi lançado e nós já apresentamos as novidades por aqui. No entanto, no artigo de hoje saiba como instalar o LibreOffice 6.2 acaba de ser lançado LibreOffice 6.2 acaba de ser lançado LibreOffice 6.2 acaba de ser lançado como-instalar-o-libreoffice-6-1-4-no-fedora-2928-e-no-centos-rhel-7-5 como-instalar-o-libreoffice-6-1-4-no-fedora-2928-e-no-centos-rhel-7-5 Como instalar o LibreOffice 6.1.4 no Fedora 29,28 e no CentOS/RHEL 7.5 Já tem algum tempo que a série do LibreOffice 6.1.x foi lançado, no entanto, a Comunidade LibreOffice sempre orienta que a instalação seja LibreOffice 6.2 com lançamento previsto para Fevereiro apresentará uma nova interface com guias As pessoas incríveis da The Document Foundation nos informaram hoje sobre a disponibilidade mundial de seu lançamento altamente antecipado do LibreOffice 6.2 o
50 melhores aplicativos do Ubuntu que você deveria usar | SempreUPdate
como-instalar-o-libreoffice-6-2-no-ubuntu-fedora-debian-linux-mint-e-derivados como-instalar-o-libreoffice-6-2-no-ubuntu-fedora-debian-linux-mint-e-derivados Como instalar o LibreOffice 6.2 no Ubuntu, Fedora, Debian, CentOS, RHEL, Linux Mint e derivados
Claylson, Autor em SempreUPdate | Página 2 de 75
LibreOffice 6.2 acaba de ser lançado LibreOffice 6.2 acaba de ser lançado LibreOffice 6.2 acaba de ser lançado
Claylson, Autor em SempreUPdate | Página 3 de 75
LibreOffice 6.2 acaba de ser lançado LibreOffice 6.2 acaba de ser lançado LibreOffice 6.2 acaba de ser lançado
Fábio Trentino, Autor em SempreUPdate | Página 2 de 9
LibreOffice 6.2 com lançamento previsto para Fevereiro apresentará uma nova interface com guias As pessoas incríveis da The Document Foundation nos informaram hoje sobre a disponibilidade mundial de seu lançamento altamente antecipado do LibreOffice 6.2 o
Frédney Ramllo Moronari, Autor em SempreUPdate | Página 3 de 3
Saiba instalar o LibreOffice 6 no Mint, Ubuntu e Fedora Saiba instalar o LibreOffice 6 no Mint, Ubuntu e Fedora Saiba instalar o LibreOffice 6 no Mint, Ubuntu e Fedora Saiba instalar o LibreOffice 6 no Mint, Ubuntu e Fedora com funcionalidade de ser atualizada automaticamente além de novos recursos. Para quem ainda não conhece
Emanuel Negromonte, Autor em SempreUPdate
como-instalar-o-libreoffice-6-2-no-ubuntu-fedora-debian-linux-mint-e-derivados como-instalar-o-libreoffice-6-2-no-ubuntu-fedora-debian-linux-mint-e-derivados Como instalar o LibreOffice 6.2 no Ubuntu, Fedora, Debian, CentOS, RHEL, Linux Mint e derivados O LibreOffice 6.2 foi lançado e nós já apresentamos as novidades por aqui. No entanto, no artigo de hoje saiba como instalar o
Emanuel Negromonte, Autor em SempreUPdate | Página 2 de 293
como-instalar-o-libreoffice-6-1-4-no-fedora-2928-e-no-centos-rhel-7-5 como-instalar-o-libreoffice-6-1-4-no-fedora-2928-e-no-centos-rhel-7-5 Como instalar o LibreOffice 6.1.4 no Fedora 29,28 e no CentOS/RHEL 7.5 Já tem algum tempo que a série do LibreOffice 6.1.x foi lançado, no entanto, a Comunidade LibreOffice sempre orienta que a instalação seja
Arquivos Dicas | SempreUPdate
Como instalar o LibreOffice 6.2 no Ubuntu, Fedora, Debian, CentOS, RHEL, Linux Mint e derivados
Arquivos Dicas | Página 2 de 122 | SempreUPdate
Como instalar o LibreOffice 6.2 no Ubuntu, Fedora, Debian, CentOS, RHEL, Linux Mint e derivados como-instalar-o-libreoffice-6-1-4-no-fedora-2928-e-no-centos-rhel-7-5 como-instalar-o-libreoffice-6-1-4-no-fedora-2928-e-no-centos-rhel-7-5 Como instalar o LibreOffice 6.1.4 no Fedora 29,28 e no CentOS/RHEL 7.5 Já tem algum tempo que a série do LibreOffice 6.1.x foi lançado, no entanto, a Comunidade LibreOffice sempre orienta que a instalação seja
Arquivos Dicas | Página 3 de 122 | SempreUPdate
Como instalar o LibreOffice 6.2 no Ubuntu, Fedora, Debian, CentOS, RHEL, Linux Mint e derivados
Arquivos Dicas | Página 4 de 122 | SempreUPdate
Como instalar o LibreOffice 6.2 no Ubuntu, Fedora, Debian, CentOS, RHEL, Linux Mint e derivados
Arquivos Dicas | Página 5 de 122 | SempreUPdate
Como instalar o LibreOffice 6.2 no Ubuntu, Fedora, Debian, CentOS, RHEL, Linux Mint e derivados Como obter o novo LibreOffice 6.1.4 Como obter o novo LibreOffice 6.1.4 Como obter o novo LibreOffice 6.1.4 Acaba de ser lançado o LibreOffice 6.1.4. Esta é a nova versão da popular suíte de escritório gratuita. Como se sabe, está disponível tanto
Arquivos Dicas | Página 6 de 122 | SempreUPdate
Como instalar o LibreOffice 6.2 no Ubuntu, Fedora, Debian, CentOS, RHEL, Linux Mint e derivados
Arquivos Notícias | Página 2 de 122 | SempreUPdate
LibreOffice 6.2 acaba de ser lançado LibreOffice 6.2 acaba de ser lançado LibreOffice 6.2 acaba de ser lançado
Arquivos Notícias | Página 3 de 123 | SempreUPdate
LibreOffice 6.2 acaba de ser lançado LibreOffice 6.2 acaba de ser lançado LibreOffice 6.2 acaba de ser lançado
Arquivos Linux | SempreUPdate
LibreOffice 6.2 com lançamento previsto para Fevereiro apresentará uma nova interface com guias
Arquivos Linux | Página 2 de 130 | SempreUPdate
LibreOffice 6.2 com lançamento previsto para Fevereiro apresentará uma nova interface com guias
Arquivos Linux | Página 3 de 130 | SempreUPdate
LibreOffice 6.2 com lançamento previsto para Fevereiro apresentará uma nova interface com guias
Arquivos Linux | Página 4 de 130 | SempreUPdate
LibreOffice 6.2 com lançamento previsto para Fevereiro apresentará uma nova interface com guias
Arquivos Linux | Página 5 de 130 | SempreUPdate
LibreOffice 6.2 com lançamento previsto para Fevereiro apresentará uma nova interface com guias
Collabora Online 3.2 traz recursos mais poderosos para o LibreOffice na nuvem | SempreUPdate
Com base na suíte de escritório de código aberto do LibreOffice 6.1 , o Collabora Online 3.2 introduz suporte para criar e inserir gráficos em documentos do Writer e Impress e a capacidade de validar dados no Calc. Assim, isso pode ser útil para engenheiros ...
Como descompactar arquivos pelo terminal no Linux | SempreUPdate
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Como instalar a última versão do LibreOffice | SempreUPdate
Como obter o novo LibreOffice 6.1.4 Como obter o novo LibreOffice 6.1.4 LibreOffice_6.0.6_Linux_x86-64_deb LibreOffice_6.0.6_Linux_x86-64_deb_langpack_pt-BR LibreOffice_6.0.6_Linux_x86-64_deb_helppack_pt-BR tar -vzxf LibreOffice_6.0.6_Linux_x86-64_deb.tar.gz tar -vzxf LibreOffice_6.0.6_Linux_x86-64_deb_helppack_pt-BR.tar.gz tar -vzxf LibreOffice_6.0.6_Linux_x86-64_deb_langpack_pt-BR.tar.gz dpkg -i LibreOffice_6.0.6.2_Linux_x86-64_deb/DEBS/*.deb dpkg -i LibreOffice_6.0.6.2_Linux_x86-64_deb_langpack_pt-BR/DEBS/*.deb dpkg -i LibreOffice_6.0.6.2_Linux_x86-64_deb_helppack_pt-BR/DEBS/*.deb
Como instalar e habilitar o comando sudo no Debian! | SempreUPdate
como-instalar-o-libreoffice-6-2-no-ubuntu-fedora-debian-linux-mint-e-derivados como-instalar-o-libreoffice-6-2-no-ubuntu-fedora-debian-linux-mint-e-derivados Como instalar o LibreOffice 6.2 no Ubuntu, Fedora, Debian, CentOS, RHEL, Linux Mint e derivados
Saiba instalar o LibreOffice 6 no Mint, Ubuntu e Fedora | SempreUPdate
Saiba instalar o LibreOffice 6 no Mint, Ubuntu e Fedora Saiba instalar o LibreOffice 6 no Mint, Ubuntu e Fedora Saiba instalar o LibreOffice 6 no Mint, Ubuntu e Fedora Saiba instalar o LibreOffice 6 no Mint, Ubuntu e Fedora com funcionalidade de ser atualizada automaticamente além de novos recursos Instalando o LibreOffice 6.0 no Fedora tar xfvz LibreOffice_6.0.0_Linux_x86-64_rpm.tar.gz cd LibreOffice_6.0.0.3_Linux_x86-64_rpm/RPMS Feito isso já teremos nosso LibreOffice 6 instalado, mas se você for abrir algum aplicativo da suíte agora perceberá que estão em inglês. Isso por que ainda não instalamos o pacote de tradução que baixamos tar xfvz LibreOffice_6.0.0_Linux_x86-64_rpm_langpack_pt-BR.tar.gz cd LibreOffice_6.0.0.3_Linux_x86-64_rpm_langpack_pt-BR/RPMS Instalando o LibreOffice 6.0 no Ubuntu, Debian, Linux Mint e derivados
Como instalar o LibreOffice 6.1.4 no Fedora 29,28 e no CentOS/RHEL 7.5 | SempreUPdate
Como instalar o LibreOffice 6.1.4 no Fedora 29,28 e no CentOS/RHEL 7.5 Instale a versão do LibreOffice 6.1.4, a mais recente até o momento no Fedora, CentOS ou RHEL, é simples, fácil e grátis como-instalar-o-libreoffice-6-1-4-no-fedora-2928-e-no-centos-rhel-7-5 como-instalar-o-libreoffice-6-1-4-no-fedora-2928-e-no-centos-rhel-7-5 Já tem algum tempo que a série do LibreOffice 6.1.x foi lançado, no entanto, a Comunidade LibreOffice sempre orienta que a instalação seja feita diretamente do código fonte distribuído pela The Document Foundation. Essa recomendação parte do princípio de que ... Instalando o LibreOffice 6.1.4 no Fedora 29,28 e no CentOS7.5 ou RHEL 7.5 Para instalar o LibreOffice 6.1.4 é muito simples e não tem como errar. Primeiro nós vamos fazer o download do arquivo mais recente. Este arquivo contém todo o código fonte da versão recente do LibreOffice e vamos compilar e instalar. Lembre-se que a Comunidade ... No momento da escrita deste artigo, a versão mais recente é a LibreOffice 6.1.4. Abra um Terminal e execute os comandos conforme exemplificado abaixo e fique atento a arquitetura da sua distribuição Download do LibreOffice 6.1.4 wget http://download.documentfoundation.org/libreoffice/stable/6.1.4/rpm/x86_64/LibreOffice_6.1.4_Linux_x86-64_rpm.tar.gz wget http://download.documentfoundation.org/libreoffice/stable/6.1.4/rpm/x86/LibreOffice_6.1.4_Linux_x86_rpm.tar.gz
Como instalar o LibreOffice 6.2 no Ubuntu, Fedora, Debian, CentOS, RHEL, Linux Mint e derivados! | SempreUPdate
Como instalar o LibreOffice 6.2 no Ubuntu, Fedora, Debian, CentOS, RHEL, Linux Mint e derivados O LibreOffice 6.2 é a versão mais recente do LibreOffice já lançada, saiba como instalar o LibreOffice nas distribuições GNU/Linux mais populares como-instalar-o-libreoffice-6-2-no-ubuntu-fedora-debian-linux-mint-e-derivados como-instalar-o-libreoffice-6-2-no-ubuntu-fedora-debian-linux-mint-e-derivados O LibreOffice 6.2 foi lançado e nós já apresentamos as novidades por aqui. No entanto, no artigo de hoje saiba como instalar o LibreOffice 6.2 no Ubuntu, Fedora, Debian, CentOS, RHEL, Linux Mint e derivados. É muito importante e recomendado, que a instalação ... Vamos dividir a instalação do LibreOffice 6.2 em duas etapas, a primeira para distribuições baseadas no Debian, como Ubuntu, Linux Mint e muitas outras, e a segunda parte das distribuições baseadas no Fedora e muitas outras Como instalar o LibreOffice 6.2 no Ubuntu,Debian, Linux Mint e derivados Vamos primeiramente entrar na nossa pasta de download, que fica localizado na nossa home, no entanto via Terminal e depois fazer o download do LibreOffice 6.2 para as distribuições como Debian, Ubuntu, Linux Mint e derivados Para baixar o LibreOffice 6.2 de 32 bits, execute wget https://download.documentfoundation.org/libreoffice/stable/6.2.0/deb/x86/LibreOffice_6.2.0_Linux_x86_deb.tar.gz Para baixar o LibreOffice 6.2 de 64 bits, execute
Como instalar o VirtualBox 6.0.4 no Fedora, CentOS e RHEL | SempreUPdate
como-instalar-o-libreoffice-6-2-no-ubuntu-fedora-debian-linux-mint-e-derivados como-instalar-o-libreoffice-6-2-no-ubuntu-fedora-debian-linux-mint-e-derivados Como instalar o LibreOffice 6.2 no Ubuntu, Fedora, Debian, CentOS, RHEL, Linux Mint e derivados
Como obter o novo LibreOffice 6.1.4 | SempreUPdate
Como obter o novo LibreOffice 6.1.4 Como obter o novo LibreOffice 6.1.4 Como obter o novo LibreOffice 6.1.4 Acaba de ser lançado o LibreOffice 6.1.4. Esta é a nova versão da popular suíte de escritório gratuita. Como se sabe, está disponível tanto para GNU/ Linux e MacOS quanto para o Windows., Portanto, todos os usuários desses sistemas operacionais podem desfrutar ... De acordo com The Document Foundation, é uma nova atualização incremental para a série 6.1. Nesta versão 6.1.4, existem mais de 125 bugs corrigidos. Além desses erros, há também algumas atualizações ou novos recursos no LibreOffice 6.1.4. Esses bugs de que ... Baixar LibreOffice 6.1.4 Após este trabalho, The Document Foundation está pronto para começar a trabalhar na nova série, LibreOffice 6.2 . Então, o fim do suporte à série 6.1 deve chegar em 29 de maio de 2019 LibreOffice 6.1 LibreOffice 6.2 como-instalar-o-libreoffice-6-2-no-ubuntu-fedora-debian-linux-mint-e-derivados como-instalar-o-libreoffice-6-2-no-ubuntu-fedora-debian-linux-mint-e-derivados Como instalar o LibreOffice 6.2 no Ubuntu, Fedora, Debian, CentOS, RHEL, Linux Mint e derivados
Como utilizar aplicativos portáteis no Linux | SempreUPdate
Próximo artigo LibreOffice 6.0.4 liberado com 88 correções de bugs LibreOffice 6.0.4 liberado com 88 correções de bugs
Confira as novidades do LibreOffice 6.1 | SempreUPdate
Confira as novidades do LibreOffice 6.1 Confira as novidades do LibreOffice 6.1 Confira as novidades do LibreOffice 6.1 O LibreOffice 6.1 acaba de ser oficialmente lançado. O anúncio foi feito pela Document Foundation, que também liberou a suíte de escritório para ser baixada . Esta é a segunda grande atualização da série 6 do LibreOffice , lançada no início de 2018, para todas ... O LibreOffice 6.1 também adiciona um novo menu Página e reorganiza os menus do Draw para melhor consistência entre os diferentes módulos. Ainda aprimora o filtro de exportação EPUB com opções adicionais para personalizar metadados e melhor suporte para links,... Os novos recursos do LibreOffice 6.1 foram desenvolvidos por uma grande comunidade de contribuidores de código. 72% dos commits são de desenvolvedores empregados por empresas do Conselho Consultivo como Collabora, Red Hat e CIB. Outros contribuidores são SIL ... Novos ícones do LibreOffice 6.1 O LibreOffice 6.1 traz uma melhor integração com o KDE Plasma O LibreOffice Online , o serviço paralelo para implantar o LibreOffice em ambientes de nuvem pública e privada, também recebeu melhorias significativas no LibreOffice 6.1. Os destaques incluem uma interface de usuário renovada que é mais atraente e consistente ... Por último, o LibreOffice 6.1 enriquece as páginas da Ajuda on-line. Deste modo, foram inseridos arquivos de texto e de exemplo para guiar os usuários sobre os recursos. Assim, espera ajudá-los a localizar facilmente os recursos do LibreOffice O LibreOffice 6.1 já está disponível para download para sistemas operacionais GNU/Linux , macOS e Microsoft Windows para instalações novas e existentes
Neptune Debian 5.4 estreia Novo Tema Escuro | SempreUPdate
Pacote de escritório do LibreOffice 6.0.6
Experimente o novo SoftMaker Office 2018 para Linux | SempreUPdate
Se a versão recente do LibreOffice 6.0 com sua interface do ribbon aprimorada (ainda que experimental) não atiçou sua produtividade, você pode estar interessado em saber se o SoftMaker Office 2018 garante melhor suas necessidades
Interesse por distribuições Linux populares estão em queda no DistroWatch! | SempreUPdate
LibreOffice 6.0.1 (x64
Lançadas novas versões do LibreOffice | SempreUPdate
A Document Foundation anunciou duas novas versões do LibreOffice , o LibreOffice 6.1.3 e o LibreOffice 6.0.7. Portanto, esta é uma tentativa de continuar melhorando a estabilidade e a confiabilidade de sua suíte de escritório de código aberto e multiplataforma.... LibreOffice 6.2 não terá suporte para 32 bits LibreOffice 6.2 não terá suporte para 32 bits O LibreOffice 6.1 é o preferido de novos usuários, entusiastas de tecnologia e usuários avançados. Então, esta é a mais recente série da suíte de escritório de código aberto, que é usada por padrão em vários sistemas operacionais baseados em Linux. Foram aplicados ... O lançamento do LibreOffice 6.1.3, está detalhado aqui e aqui Coincidentemente, o lançamento do LibreOffice 6.0.7 também vem com um total de 66 correções de bugs, detalhadas aqui , aqui e aqui . A série LibreOffice 6.0 é indicada para empresas e organizações que desejam usar o melhor pacote de escritório gratuito e de ... As organizações devem adquirir o LibreOffice 6.0.7 de uma das empresas que fornecem uma versão de longo prazo do pacote, para serviços adicionais de valor agregado que tornem o software mais adequado para implantações corporativas, graças ao suporte profissional ... A Document Foundation recomenda que todos os usuários do LibreOffice atualizem suas instalações para as novas versões lançadas. Ou para o LibreOffice 6.1.3 ou LibreOffice 6.0.7, dependendo de qual você está usando em seu computador pessoal. Também é possível ... Confira as novidades do LibreOffice 6.1 Confira as novidades do LibreOffice 6.1 O ciclo de lançamento da série LibreOffice 6.1 continuará com o lançamento do LibreOffice 6.1.4. Ele deve chegar próximo aos feriados de Natal. Além disso, fique atento. A série LibreOffice 6.0 terá o fim de suporte no final deste, dia 26 de novembro. Então,... Enquanto isso, o The Document Foundation trabalha duro no próximo grande lançamento, o LibreOffice 6.2. Ela deve chegar em fevereiro de 2019 como a última versão a suportar instalações de 32 bits em sistemas Linux
Lançados Linux Mint 19.1, Sparky, MX Linux e ArchLabs | SempreUPdate
LibreOffice 6.0.4 liberado com 88 correções de bugs.
LibreOffice 6.0.4 liberado com 88 correções de bugs O LibreOffice 6.0.4 vem cinco semanas após a versão 6.0.3 para resolver um total de 88 bugs que afetaram vários componentes da suíte de escritório. Ente os problemas corrigidos, incluindo Writer, Calc, Impress, Draw, Math e outros. Detalhes sobre as mudanças ... No entanto, a Document Foundation ainda recomenda o LibreOffice 6.0 apenas para usuários avançados e experientes em tecnologia. Assim, a empresa alega que o pacote contém recursos inovadores que precisam de testes mais detalhados antes de serem validados para ... LibreOffice 6.0.4 está disponível para download LibreOffice 6.0.4 LibreOffice 6.0.4 Se você estiver usando a série LibreOffice 6.0, baixe a atualização de manutenção do LibreOffice 6.0.4. Ela está disponível para sistemas operacionais GNU/Linux , macOS ou Microsoft Windows. Os binários estão disponíveis para plataformas de 32 e 64 bits. Também ... Se você quiser usar uma versão mais estável do LibreOffice, o Document Foundation sugere o LibreOffice 5.4.6. Ela é mais adequada para implantações corporativas e usuários comuns. Enquanto isso, a The Document Foundation trabalha na próxima grande série, o ... Baixar LibreOffice 6.0.4 LibreOffice 6.0.4
LibreOffice 6.0 terá atualizador automático para Linux, mas há condições! | SempreUPdate
LibreOffice 6.0 terá atualizador automático para Linux, mas há condições O LibreOffice 6.0 esta sendo planejado com tudo cuidado do mundo, e muitas novidades e correções estão sendo pensadas e claro, implementadas. O responsável por este atualizador é o desenvolvedor Markus Mohrhard que contou a boa notícia em seu blog Mas como funcionará o atualizador automático do LibreOffice 6.0 O atualizador já está disponível em versões de testes do LibreOffice 6.0, mas você somente conseguirá testar neste momento se baixar as versões de 64 bits do LibreOffice. O famoso atualizador usa pacotes deltas, o que vai fazer com que seja baixado apenas aquilo ... O atualizador do LibreOffice 6.0 possui um condição Se você quiser testar a versão alfa do LibreOffice 6.0 você pode fazer o download através do botão abaixo, mas lembre-se que são versões que ainda nem são betas, e podem conter erros, não use como uma suíte de produção, pois essa versão é somente para... Download LibreOffice 6.0 Alfa LibreOffice 6.0
LibreOffice 6.0 chega perto da marca milionária em número de downloads | SempreUPdate
LibreOffice 6.0 chega perto da marca milionária em número de downloads O LibreOffice 6.0 foi lançado já no final de janeiro e em poucos dias, cerca de 14 dias, o número de downloads chegou perto de 1 milhão e a essa altura do campeonato já deve ter ultrapassado. Isso deu-se pelo fato de que blogosfera mundial e também os entusiastas ... Os dados foram divulgados pela TDF ou The Document Foundation, que a empresa que mantém o LibreOffice até hoje. A TDF esclarece que este número de downloads, exatos 969,108, são apenas da nova versão do LibreOffice 6.0, não estão inclusos os downloads do LibreOffice ... Desejamos sucesso ao LibreOffice 6.0, e agradecemos por mais um belíssimo trabalho. Caso você queira ver o post realizado pela TDF, consulte o link no item via deste post Download – LibreOffice 6.0 LibreOffice 6.0 Saiba instalar o LibreOffice 6 no Mint, Ubuntu e Fedora
LibreOffice 6.1.1 foi lançado! | SempreUPdate
LibreOffice 6.1.1 foi lançado A The Document Foundation anunciou o lançamento mais recente do LibreOffice, o LibreOffice 6.1.1. A versão é mercada com mais de 120 correções que foram identificadas na versão anterior, o 6.1. O principal público deste lançamento são os usuários avançados,... Você pode ler mais sobre o LibreOffice 6.1.1 e encontrar os links para download no anúncio de lançamento publicado pela The Document Foundation Instalando o LibreOffice 6.1.1 no Ubuntu 18.04 ou Ubuntu 16.04 Agora, se você ainda não usou a PPA para fazer a instalação do LibreOffice 6.1.1 no Ubuntu, você pode executar os comandos abaixo, e sempre que uma nova versão for lançada você poderá atualizar automaticamente E se por acaso você queira desinstalar o LibreOffice 6.1.x você pode executar o comando abaixo que vai remover o LibreOffice e também a PPA
LibreOffice 6.1 ficará pronto em agosto | SempreUPdate
LibreOffice 6.1 ficará pronto em agosto LibreOffice 6.1 ficará pronto em agosto LibreOffice 6.1 ficará pronto em agosto O LibreOffice 6.1 está previsto para chegar em meados de agosto. Os desenvolvedores já disponibilizaram para testes o segundo RC. A The Document Foundation fez o anúncio apenas 2 semanas após o RC 1 do LibreOffice 6.1. Confira neste post que o LibreOffice 6.... Assim, o objetivo é corrigir mais aborrecimentos e bugs que podem bloquear a versão final. Deste modo, um total de 84 bugs foram corrigidos neste LibreOffice 6.1 RC2 em comparação com o primeiro Release Candidate bs-quote quote=”Como você deve saber, o LibreOffice 6.1 versão final será lançado em meados de agosto de 2018. Assim, o Release Candidate 2 está a apenas um passo do lançamento final, sendo o Release Candidate 3 (RC3) o último” style=”default” align=”center”... Embora o LibreOffice 6.1 esteja previsto para meados de agosto, a equipe de desenvolvimento ainda precisa da sua ajuda para testar as versões do Release Candidate. Portanto, será possível relatar quaisquer bugs ou problemas que você possa encontrar. Da mesma ... LibreOffice 6.1 RC2 está disponível para download A nova versão promete introduzir mais aprimoramentos e novos recursos da suíte de escritório. O LibreOffice 6.1 RC2 está disponível para GNU/Linux , Mac e Windows. Se você quiser ajudar a The Document Foundation a aperfeiçoar o lançamento do LibreOffice 6.1,... BAIXAR LibreOffice 6.1 RC2 A terceira e última versão do Candidato à Liberação (RC), que deve chegar no início do próximo mês, caso haja alguns problemas remanescentes que precisam ser corrigidos. Caso contrário, a versão final do LibreOffice 6.1 deve chegar até dia 6 de agosto de...
LibreOffice 6.2 acaba de ser lançado | SempreUPdate
LibreOffice 6.2 acaba de ser lançado LibreOffice 6.2 acaba de ser lançado LibreOffice 6.2 acaba de ser lançado Se o Microsoft Office 2019 não faz parte dos seus objetivos, que tal ir de alternativas prática e gratuitas? The Document Foundation está lançando o LibreOffice 6.2 como a versão mais recente para esta suíte de escritório de plataforma aberta. Assim, o LibreOffice ... Características do novo LibreOffice 6.2 Além disso, o LibreOffice 6.2 também apresenta melhorias no visualizador do Android e continua o trabalho no LibreOffice Online. Assim, o LibreOffice Online tem uma interface de usuário móvel simplificada, melhorias na entrada de texto do Android Chrome, melhor ... Do mesmo modo, o LibreOffice 6.2 marca o fim de linha para os binários de 32 bits do Linux x86. Então, após esta versão eles não enviarão compilações oficiais do Linux x86 Mais detalhes sobre as várias alterações para descobrir o LibreOffice 6.2 e para capturas de tela, acesse as notas de lançamento No geral, o LibreOffice 6.2 se configura como mais uma atualização bastante interessante para esse software amplamente usado no Linux. Portanto, as novas opções de interface do usuário são certamente bem-vindas. As mudanças devem tornar o software mais familiar ... LibreOffice 6.2
LibreOffice 6.2 com lançamento previsto para Fevereiro apresentará uma nova interface com guias | SempreUPdate
LibreOffice 6.2 com lançamento previsto para Fevereiro apresentará uma nova interface com guias As pessoas incríveis da The Document Foundation nos informaram hoje sobre a disponibilidade mundial de seu lançamento altamente antecipado do LibreOffice 6.2 o popular pacote de escritório de código aberto e multiplataforma Portanto, a grande notícia que queremos compartilhar com você hoje, é que o pacote de escritório do LibreOffice 6.2 será lançado oficialmente em cerca de uma semana a partir do momento em que este artigo for escrito, na quinta-feira, 7 de fevereiro de 2019.... Como esperado, teremos uma história detalhada, preparada no dia do lançamento do LibreOffice 6.2, para informá-lo sobre seus novos recursos e melhorias, mas, como uma prévia, gostaríamos de informá-lo agora que o próximo lançamento traz uma nova UI com guias ... LibreOffice 6.1.5 será lançado na próxima semana também Embora o LibreOffice 6.2 promete muitos aprimoramentos e novos recursos, infelizmente, ele só será suportado até 30 de novembro de 2019, quando chegar ao fim de sua vida útil, mas prometemos que será uma atualização valiosa para todos os usuários. Até lá, fique ... A Document Foundation também planeja lançar a atualização de manutenção do LibreOffice 6.1.5 na próxima semana. Esta será uma versão de correção de bugs da série LibreOffice 6.1, que é suportada até 29 de maio de 2019. Você sempre pode fazer o download da versão ... LibreOffice 6.2 como-instalar-o-libreoffice-6-2-no-ubuntu-fedora-debian-linux-mint-e-derivados como-instalar-o-libreoffice-6-2-no-ubuntu-fedora-debian-linux-mint-e-derivados Como instalar o LibreOffice 6.2 no Ubuntu, Fedora, Debian, CentOS, RHEL, Linux Mint e derivados
LibreOffice 6.2 não terá suporte para 32 bits | SempreUPdate
LibreOffice 6.2 não terá suporte para 32 bits Como obter o novo LibreOffice 6.1.4 Como obter o novo LibreOffice 6.1.4 A segunda grande atualização da série 6 do LibreOffice, o LibreOffice 6.2, tem a data de lançamento prevista para os primeiros dias de fevereiro. Esta deve ser a primeira versão da suíte de escritório a remover o suporte a arquiteturas de 32 bits. Portanto,... Ainda temos que ver se o LibreOffice 6.2 será a primeira versão deste conjunto sem compilações de 32 bits porque o TDF ainda não fez o anúncio oficial. As compilações atuais ainda são oferecidas em 32 bits Além das compilações para 32 bits, a empresa também decidiu deixar para trás o backend KDE 4 e GTK+ 2 VCL, que será removido do LibreOffice 6.2 O LibreOffice 6.2 trará muitas mudanças e melhorias em todo o conjunto. É esperado um melhor funcionamento de exportação e importação de documentos PPTX e PPT. Além disso, deve haver melhor renderização de animações e suporte básico para a acessibilidade do ... Enquanto isso, a equipe do LibreOffice realizou a primeira caça aos bugs no dia 22 de outubro. Para isto, foi usada a primeira versão alfa do LibreOffice 6.2. Se você quiser saber mais, pode verificar o wiki com todas as informações LibreOffice 6.0 LibreOffice 6.0.4 LibreOffice 6.1
LibreOffice é atualizado com 70 correções de bugs | SempreUPdate
A Document Foundation anunciou a disponibilidade da segunda versão da série 6.1 do LibreOffice. O LibreOffice 6.1.2 é atualizado com 70 correções de bugs. Ela chega apenas duas semanas após o lançamento da primeira atualização de manutenção, o LibreOffice 6.... A Document Foundation anuncia o LibreOffice 6.1.2, a segunda versão da família LibreOffice 6.1, voltada para usuários iniciantes, entusiastas de tecnologia e usuários avançados”, disse Italo Vignoli no anúncio . “A nova versão foi lançada durante a Conferência ... LibreOffice 6.1.3 deverá chegar ao final de outubro de 2018 Confira as novidades do LibreOffice 6.1 Confira as novidades do LibreOffice 6.1 Todos os usuários da série de suítes de escritório do LibreOffice 6.1 devem atualizar suas instalações para a liberação pontual do LibreOffice 6.1.2. No entanto, o The Document Foundation ainda recomenda a série LibreOffice 6.1 para usuários pioneiros e avançados.... O LibreOffice 6.0 terá mais um lançamento até o final de sua vida útil, o LibreOffice 6.0.7. No entanto, ele só deve chegar no final de outubro de 2018. Então, ele virá junto com o terceiro lançamento do LibreOffice 6.1, LibreOffice 6.1.3. Até lá, a The Document ... LibreOffice 6.0.4 LibreOffice 6.1
LibreOffice traz melhorias na integração do Qt5 e suporte LXQt | SempreUPdate
LibreOffice 6.1.1 foi lançado LibreOffice 6.1.1 foi lançado Todos os relatos podem ser conferidos aqui. Porém, eles só farão parte da versão do LibreOffice 6.2, que será lançada no início de 2019 LibreOffice 6.0.4 LibreOffice 6.1 LibreOffice 6.2
OpenMandriva Lx 4 chega em breve com o KDE Plasma 5.13, GCC 8.1 e Linux 4.18 | SempreUPdate
Você pesquisou por libreo | Página 2 de 23 | SempreUPdate
A Document Foundation anunciou a disponibilidade da segunda versão da série 6.1 do LibreOffice. O LibreOffice 6.1.2 é atualizado com 70 correções de bugs. Ela LibreOffice 6.1.1 foi lançado A The Document Foundation anunciou o lançamento mais recente do LibreOffice, o LibreOffice 6.1.1. A versão é mercada com mais de 120 correções Confira as novidades do LibreOffice 6.1 Confira as novidades do LibreOffice 6.1 Confira as novidades do LibreOffice 6.1 O LibreOffice 6.1 acaba de ser oficialmente lançado. O anúncio foi feito pela Document Foundation, que também liberou a suíte de escritório para ser Como obter o novo LibreOffice 6.1.4 Como obter o novo LibreOffice 6.1.4 LibreOffice 6.1 ficará pronto em agosto LibreOffice 6.1 ficará pronto em agosto LibreOffice 6.1 ficará pronto em agosto O LibreOffice 6.1 está previsto para chegar em meados de agosto. Os desenvolvedores já disponibilizaram para testes o segundo RC. A The Document
Você pesquisou por libreoffice | Página 2 de 23 | SempreUPdate
A Document Foundation anunciou a disponibilidade da segunda versão da série 6.1 do LibreOffice. O LibreOffice 6.1.2 é atualizado com 70 correções de bugs. Ela LibreOffice 6.1.1 foi lançado A The Document Foundation anunciou o lançamento mais recente do LibreOffice, o LibreOffice 6.1.1. A versão é mercada com mais de 120 correções Confira as novidades do LibreOffice 6.1 Confira as novidades do LibreOffice 6.1 Confira as novidades do LibreOffice 6.1 O LibreOffice 6.1 acaba de ser oficialmente lançado. O anúncio foi feito pela Document Foundation, que também liberou a suíte de escritório para ser Como obter o novo LibreOffice 6.1.4 Como obter o novo LibreOffice 6.1.4 LibreOffice 6.1 ficará pronto em agosto LibreOffice 6.1 ficará pronto em agosto LibreOffice 6.1 ficará pronto em agosto O LibreOffice 6.1 está previsto para chegar em meados de agosto. Os desenvolvedores já disponibilizaram para testes o segundo RC. A The Document
Você pesquisou por libreo | Página 3 de 23 | SempreUPdate
LibreOffice 6.0 chega perto da marca milionária em número de downloads O LibreOffice 6.0 foi lançado já no final de janeiro e em poucos dias, cerca de 14 dias, o número de downloads chegou
Você pesquisou por libreoffice | Página 3 de 23 | SempreUPdate
LibreOffice 6.0 chega perto da marca milionária em número de downloads O LibreOffice 6.0 foi lançado já no final de janeiro e em poucos dias, cerca de 14 dias, o número de downloads chegou
Você pesquisou por libreo | Página 4 de 23 | SempreUPdate
LibreOffice 6.0 terá atualizador automático para Linux, mas há condições O LibreOffice 6.0 esta sendo planejado com tudo cuidado do mundo, e muitas novidades e correções estão sendo pensadas e claro, implementadas. O
Você pesquisou por libreoffice | Página 4 de 23 | SempreUPdate
LibreOffice 6.0 terá atualizador automático para Linux, mas há condições O LibreOffice 6.0 esta sendo planejado com tudo cuidado do mundo, e muitas novidades e correções estão sendo pensadas e claro, implementadas. O
Robolinux, Elementary, Linux Lite, pfSense e outras lançam atualizações | SempreUPdate
Jerry Bezencon anunciou que a versão beta inicial do próximo Linux Lite 4.2, uma distribuição de desktop amigável ao iniciante baseada no Ubuntu. Esta versão foi definida como um “refinamento” e não como uma “grande atualização”. Há alguns novos papéis de parede ...
Arquivos Atualização | SempreUPdate
LibreOffice 6.2 com lançamento previsto para Fevereiro apresentará uma nova interface com guias As pessoas incríveis da The Document Foundation nos informaram hoje sobre a disponibilidade mundial de seu lançamento altamente antecipado do LibreOffice 6.2 o
Arquivos CentOS | SempreUPdate
como-instalar-o-libreoffice-6-2-no-ubuntu-fedora-debian-linux-mint-e-derivados como-instalar-o-libreoffice-6-2-no-ubuntu-fedora-debian-linux-mint-e-derivados Como instalar o LibreOffice 6.2 no Ubuntu, Fedora, Debian, CentOS, RHEL, Linux Mint e derivados O LibreOffice 6.2 foi lançado e nós já apresentamos as novidades por aqui. No entanto, no artigo de hoje saiba como instalar o como-instalar-o-libreoffice-6-1-4-no-fedora-2928-e-no-centos-rhel-7-5 como-instalar-o-libreoffice-6-1-4-no-fedora-2928-e-no-centos-rhel-7-5 Como instalar o LibreOffice 6.1.4 no Fedora 29,28 e no CentOS/RHEL 7.5 Já tem algum tempo que a série do LibreOffice 6.1.x foi lançado, no entanto, a Comunidade LibreOffice sempre orienta que a instalação seja
Arquivos Fedora | SempreUPdate
como-instalar-o-libreoffice-6-2-no-ubuntu-fedora-debian-linux-mint-e-derivados como-instalar-o-libreoffice-6-2-no-ubuntu-fedora-debian-linux-mint-e-derivados Como instalar o LibreOffice 6.2 no Ubuntu, Fedora, Debian, CentOS, RHEL, Linux Mint e derivados O LibreOffice 6.2 foi lançado e nós já apresentamos as novidades por aqui. No entanto, no artigo de hoje saiba como instalar o como-instalar-o-libreoffice-6-1-4-no-fedora-2928-e-no-centos-rhel-7-5 como-instalar-o-libreoffice-6-1-4-no-fedora-2928-e-no-centos-rhel-7-5 Como instalar o LibreOffice 6.1.4 no Fedora 29,28 e no CentOS/RHEL 7.5 Já tem algum tempo que a série do LibreOffice 6.1.x foi lançado, no entanto, a Comunidade LibreOffice sempre orienta que a instalação seja
Arquivos LibreOffice 6.0.4 | SempreUPdate
Tag: LibreOffice 6.0.4 Como obter o novo LibreOffice 6.1.4 Como obter o novo LibreOffice 6.1.4 LibreOffice 6.2 não terá suporte para 32 bits A segunda grande atualização da série 6 do LibreOffice, o LibreOffice 6.2, tem a data de lançamento prevista para os primeiros dias de fevereiro. Esta A Document Foundation anunciou a disponibilidade da segunda versão da série 6.1 do LibreOffice. O LibreOffice 6.1.2 é atualizado com 70 correções de bugs. Ela LibreOffice 6.0.4 liberado com 88 correções de bugs O LibreOffice 6.0.4 vem cinco semanas após a versão 6.0.3 para resolver um total de 88 bugs que afetaram vários componentes da suíte de escritório
Arquivos LibreOffice 6.0 | SempreUPdate
Tag: LibreOffice 6.0 Como obter o novo LibreOffice 6.1.4 Como obter o novo LibreOffice 6.1.4 LibreOffice 6.2 não terá suporte para 32 bits A segunda grande atualização da série 6 do LibreOffice, o LibreOffice 6.2, tem a data de lançamento prevista para os primeiros dias de fevereiro. Esta Saiba instalar o LibreOffice 6 no Mint, Ubuntu e Fedora Saiba instalar o LibreOffice 6 no Mint, Ubuntu e Fedora Saiba instalar o LibreOffice 6 no Mint, Ubuntu e Fedora Saiba instalar o LibreOffice 6 no Mint, Ubuntu e Fedora com funcionalidade de ser atualizada automaticamente além de novos recursos. Para quem ainda não conhece LibreOffice 6.0 chega perto da marca milionária em número de downloads O LibreOffice 6.0 foi lançado já no final de janeiro e em poucos dias, cerca de 14 dias, o número de downloads chegou LibreOffice 6.0 terá atualizador automático para Linux, mas há condições
Arquivos LibreOffice 6.1 | SempreUPdate
Tag: LibreOffice 6.1 Como obter o novo LibreOffice 6.1.4 Como obter o novo LibreOffice 6.1.4 Como obter o novo LibreOffice 6.1.4 Acaba de ser lançado o LibreOffice 6.1.4. Esta é a nova versão da popular suíte de escritório gratuita. Como se sabe, está disponível tanto A Document Foundation anunciou duas novas versões do LibreOffice, o LibreOffice 6.1.3 e o LibreOffice 6.0.7. Portanto, esta é uma tentativa de continuar melhorando a estabilidade LibreOffice 6.2 não terá suporte para 32 bits A segunda grande atualização da série 6 do LibreOffice, o LibreOffice 6.2, tem a data de lançamento prevista para os primeiros dias de fevereiro. Esta A Document Foundation anunciou a disponibilidade da segunda versão da série 6.1 do LibreOffice. O LibreOffice 6.1.2 é atualizado com 70 correções de bugs. Ela LibreOffice 6.1 ficará pronto em agosto LibreOffice 6.1 ficará pronto em agosto LibreOffice 6.1 ficará pronto em agosto
Arquivos LibreOffice 6.2 | SempreUPdate
Tag: LibreOffice 6.2 como-instalar-o-libreoffice-6-2-no-ubuntu-fedora-debian-linux-mint-e-derivados como-instalar-o-libreoffice-6-2-no-ubuntu-fedora-debian-linux-mint-e-derivados Como instalar o LibreOffice 6.2 no Ubuntu, Fedora, Debian, CentOS, RHEL, Linux Mint e derivados O LibreOffice 6.2 foi lançado e nós já apresentamos as novidades por aqui. No entanto, no artigo de hoje saiba como instalar o LibreOffice 6.2 acaba de ser lançado LibreOffice 6.2 acaba de ser lançado LibreOffice 6.2 acaba de ser lançado LibreOffice 6.2 com lançamento previsto para Fevereiro apresentará uma nova interface com guias As pessoas incríveis da The Document Foundation nos informaram hoje sobre a disponibilidade mundial de seu lançamento altamente antecipado do LibreOffice 6.2 o Como obter o novo LibreOffice 6.1.4 Como obter o novo LibreOffice 6.1.4 Como obter o novo LibreOffice 6.1.4
Arquivos LibreOffice | SempreUPdate
como-instalar-o-libreoffice-6-2-no-ubuntu-fedora-debian-linux-mint-e-derivados como-instalar-o-libreoffice-6-2-no-ubuntu-fedora-debian-linux-mint-e-derivados Como instalar o LibreOffice 6.2 no Ubuntu, Fedora, Debian, CentOS, RHEL, Linux Mint e derivados O LibreOffice 6.2 foi lançado e nós já apresentamos as novidades por aqui. No entanto, no artigo de hoje saiba como instalar o como-instalar-o-libreoffice-6-1-4-no-fedora-2928-e-no-centos-rhel-7-5 como-instalar-o-libreoffice-6-1-4-no-fedora-2928-e-no-centos-rhel-7-5 Como instalar o LibreOffice 6.1.4 no Fedora 29,28 e no CentOS/RHEL 7.5 Já tem algum tempo que a série do LibreOffice 6.1.x foi lançado, no entanto, a Comunidade LibreOffice sempre orienta que a instalação seja Como obter o novo LibreOffice 6.1.4 Como obter o novo LibreOffice 6.1.4 Como obter o novo LibreOffice 6.1.4 Acaba de ser lançado o LibreOffice 6.1.4. Esta é a nova versão da popular suíte de escritório gratuita. Como se sabe, está disponível tanto A Document Foundation anunciou duas novas versões do LibreOffice, o LibreOffice 6.1.3 e o LibreOffice 6.0.7. Portanto, esta é uma tentativa de continuar melhorando a estabilidade
Arquivos LibreOffice | Página 2 de 5 | SempreUPdate
LibreOffice 6.1.1 foi lançado A The Document Foundation anunciou o lançamento mais recente do LibreOffice, o LibreOffice 6.1.1. A versão é mercada com mais de 120 correções Como obter o novo LibreOffice 6.1.4 Como obter o novo LibreOffice 6.1.4 LibreOffice 6.1 ficará pronto em agosto LibreOffice 6.1 ficará pronto em agosto LibreOffice 6.1 ficará pronto em agosto O LibreOffice 6.1 está previsto para chegar em meados de agosto. Os desenvolvedores já disponibilizaram para testes o segundo RC. A The Document LibreOffice 6.0.4 liberado com 88 correções de bugs O LibreOffice 6.0.4 vem cinco semanas após a versão 6.0.3 para resolver um total de 88 bugs que afetaram vários componentes da suíte de escritório Com base na suíte de escritório de código aberto do LibreOffice 6.1, o Collabora Online 3.2 introduz suporte para criar e inserir gráficos LibreOffice 6.0 chega perto da marca milionária em número de downloads
Arquivos LibreOffice | Página 4 de 5 | SempreUPdate
LibreOffice 6.0 terá atualizador automático para Linux, mas há condições O LibreOffice 6.0 esta sendo planejado com tudo cuidado do mundo, e muitas novidades e correções estão sendo pensadas e claro, implementadas. O
Ubuntu 16.04.4 LTS (Xenial Xerus) já tem data marcada para lançamento! | SempreUPdate
LibreOffice 6.0 chega perto da marca milionária em número de downloads
LibreOffice – Wikipédia
LibreOffice Start Center Screenshot.png Štartovacie menu LibreOffice 6.0.1
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LibreOffice 6.0.1 - SoftVisia.com
LibreOffice 6.0.0 - SoftVisia.com
LibreOffice 6.0.3 per Mac disponibile per il download : SPIDER-MAC
LibreOffice 6.0.3 per Mac disponibile per il download LibreOffice 6.0.3 è il terzo update da quando è stata rilasciata la versione 6.0 , e stando alle note di rilascio risolve oltre 70 problemi, ma, forse ben più importante, con questo aggiornamento è finalmente possibile installare anche LibreOffice 5.4 (le due ...
Disponibile LibreOffice 6.0.4, alternativa gratuita a Microsoft Office : SPIDER-MAC
Disponibile LibreOffice 6.0.4, alternativa gratuita a Microsoft Office The Document Foundation ha rilasciato LibreOffice 6.0.4 , un aggiornamento dell’ultima suite per l’ufficio antagonista di Office per Mac, che ha una funzione killer: è completamente gratuita
Disponibile LibreOffice, la migliore alternativa gratuita a Microsoft Office : SPIDER-MAC
Disponibile LibreOffice, la migliore alternativa gratuita a Microsoft Office Gli sviluppatori raccolti dietro al sigla The Document Foundation hanno rilasciato LibreOffice 6.0.6 , l’ultima versione della suite gratuita per l’ufficio antagonista di Office per Mac
LibreOffice 6.0.3 发布,大量问题修复 - 开源中国社区
LibreOffice 6.0.6 发布,多项内容更新
LibreOffice 打造了一个原生文件选择器,更好集成 KDE 5 - 开源中国社区
LibreOffice 6.0.6 发布,多项内容更新
LibreOffice 6.0.6 发布,多项内容更新 - 开源中国社区
LibreOffice 6.0.6 发布,多项内容更新 LibreOffice 6.0.6 发布了。主要更新内容如下 本文标题:LibreOffice 6.0.6 发布,多项内容更新 本文地址: https://www.oschina.net/news/98667/libreoffice-6-0-6-released
LibreOffice 6.0.2 - Kalahari icons - KDE Store
LibreOffice 6.0.2 - Kalahari icons
How do I create an autoincrement field within sentence in LibreOffice Writer? - Super User
I'm using LibreOffice 6.0.2 on a Mac. I have a need to be able to use an autoincrement that occurs within sentences that occur multiple times throughout a document
Newest 'libreoffice' Questions - Super User
I'm using LibreOffice 6.0.2 on a Mac. I have a need to be able to use an autoincrement that occurs within sentences that occur multiple times throughout a document. For example: A sentence that
Newest 'libreoffice' Questions - Page 1 - Super User
I'm using LibreOffice 6.0.2 on a Mac. I have a need to be able to use an autoincrement that occurs within sentences that occur multiple times throughout a document. For example: A sentence that
LibreOffice - PDQ.com
Support LibreOffice LibreOffice
LibreOffice - PDQ.com
Support LibreOffice LibreOffice
LibreOffice - PDQ.com
Support LibreOffice LibreOffice
LibreOffice - PDQ.com
Support LibreOffice LibreOffice
Libreoffice 6: Das beliebte Open-Source-Office erscheint in neuer Version | t3n – digital pioneers
Libreoffice 6: Das beliebte Open-Source-Office erscheint in neuer Version Libreoffice 6: Das beliebte Open-Source-Office erscheint in neuer Version Bilder Screenshot: Libreoffice 6.0 Libreoffice 6.0 in Bildern Screenshot: Libreoffice 6.0) (Screenshot: Libreoffice 6.0) Bilder Libreoffice 6 kommt mit neuem Hilfesystem Libreoffice 6.0 könnt ihr ab sofort von der offiziellen Website des Open-Source-Projekts herunterladen. Die Software steht für Windows, macOS und Linux zum Download bereit. Demnächst soll außerdem eine neue Version des Libreoffice Viewer for Android erscheinen....
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libreoffice-6.0-writer-calc-6 | t3n – digital pioneers
Libreoffice 6: Das beliebte Open-Source-Office erscheint in neuer Version libreoffice-6.0-writer-calc-6 libreoffice-6.0-writer-calc-5 libreoffice-6.0-writer-calc-4 libreoffice-6.0-writer-calc-3 libreoffice-6.0-writer-calc-2 libreoffice-6.0-writer-calc-1 libreoffice-6.0-writer-calc-6 (Screenshot: Libreoffice 6.0
「Microsoft Office」関連の 事例・比較・解説 などの記事一覧 - ITmedia Keywords
LibreOffice 6.0」は「Microsoft Office」の代わりになるか
「LibreOffice 6.0」は「Microsoft Office」の代わりになるか:「Office 2019」のサポート対象はWindows 10のみ - TechTargetジャパン 情報系システム
Office 2019」のサポート対象はWindows 10のみ「LibreOffice 6.0」は「Microsoft Office」の代わりになるか The Document Foundationは、コストに敏感な組織のために、「Microsoft Office」の代替となるオープンソース業務用ソフトウェアの最新版「LibreOffice 6.0」を提供している LibreOffice 6.0は2018年2月にリリースし、標準的なOfficeファイルから、「Office 365」でさえも対応していないような古いレガシーファイルにまで対応する。高度な電卓、辞書、類語辞典といった包括的な拡張機能もダウンロードして利用できる。LibreOffice 6.0では、スプレッドシートエディタの新しい計算コマンドや、プレゼンテーション資料作成ツールの新しいテンプレートといった機能も加わった
LibreOffice 6.0 já está disponível e traz várias melhorias - Computadores - SAPO Tek
LibreOffice 6.0 já está disponível e traz várias melhorias libreoffice 6.0
libreoffice 6.0 - SAPO Tek
libreoffice 6.0 LibreOffice 6.0 já está disponível e traz várias melhorias
Telegram: Share Web Page
https://igizmo.it/libreoffice-6-0-4-e-disponibile-per-linux-mac-e-windows LibreOffice 6.0.4 è disponibile per Linux, Mac e Windows
Telegram: Share Web Page
LibreOffice 6.0.5 lançado e já é recomendado para usuários comuns
Telegram: Share Web Page
LibreOffice 6.0.6 lançado com 55 correções de bugs e outros problemas
LibreOffice on Twitter: "Early availability of LibreOffice 5.4.5 and LibreOffice 6.0.1: all users are invited to update for improved robustness and security https://t.co/9IihslNnBZ @libreoffice @tdforg"
Early availability of LibreOffice 5.4.5 and LibreOffice 6.0.1: all users are invited to update for improved robustness and security https://blog.documentfoundation.org/blog/2018/02/09/early-availability-libreoffice-5-4-5-libreoffice-6-0-1/ … @libreoffice...
LibreOffice 6.0.4 (magyar) letöltés
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All this is available in master (towards LibreOffice 6.0), or you can grab a daily build and try it out right now
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So installieren Sie LibreOffice 6.0 unter Ubuntu & Trisquel - WebSetNet
Wie man LibreOffice 6.0 unter Ubuntu & Trisquel installiert Dieses kurze Tutorial erklärt, wie Sie LibreOffice 6.0 unter Ubuntu und Trisquel GNU / Linux installieren. Dies setzt voraus, dass Sie die vorinstallierte ältere Version durch diese 6.0-Version ersetzen möchten (folgen Sie daher nicht, wenn Sie es nicht möchten)... Hinweis: Das erste Bild oben zeigt LibreOffice 6.0 RC2 mit aktivierter Notebookbar (kein Standard) auf Ubuntu 18.04 “Bionic Beaver” mit Unity Desktop 1. Laden Sie LibreOffice 6.0 herunter Öffnen Sie Ihren Dateimanager, um die Datei LibreOffice_6.0.0.2_Linux_x86-64_deb.tar.gz anzuzeigen. Klicken Sie mit der rechten Maustaste auf die Datei> Hier extrahieren> Warten Sie auf die extrahierte Datei> Die Extraktion ist abgeschlossen> Sie erhalten einen ... Führen Sie LibreOffice 6.0 aus Öffnen Sie Ihr Desktop-Menü und finden Sie dort LibreOffice 6.0. Frohes Schaffen Das installierte LibreOffice 6.0 wird auf Ihrem System unter / opt abgelegt. Das Begrüßungsfenster heißt "libreoffice6.0" und befindet sich in / usr / lib / libreoffice6.0. Um Module manuell aufzurufen, verwenden Sie die Befehlszeile $ libreoffice6.0 –writer ... https://wiki.documentfoundation.org/ReleasePlan/6.0 Zeitplan für die offizielle Veröffentlichung von LibreOffice 6.0
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Download LibreOffice 6.0.4 (32-bit) [2019 ] - Windows 10 64 bit, 32 bit (6662) | Windows10Store
Download LibreOffice 6.0.4 (32-bit) [2019] for Windows 10 - Latest Version Download LibreOffice 6.0.4 (32-bit) latest version 2019 free for windows 10 and Windows 7 Download LibreOffice 6.0.4 (32-bit) Latest Version Free LibreOffice 6.0.4 (32-bit) Product Preview for Windows 10 LibreOffice 6.0.4 (32-bit) Free Download LibreOffice 6.0.4 (32-bit) Screenshot libreoffice-icon-32 LibreOffice is a powerful office suite; its clean interface and powerful tools let you unleash your creativity and grow your productivity. LibreOffice embeds several applications that make it the most ... LibreOffice 6.0.4 (32-bit) safe and free to download LibreOffice 6.0.4 (32-bit) latest version LibreOffice 6.0.4 (32-bit) is compatible with windows 10 Check these other apps while you download LibreOffice 6.0.4 (32-bit
Download LibreOffice 6.0.4 (64-bit) [2019 ] - Windows 10 64 bit, 32 bit (6664) | Windows10Store
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È disponibile la nuova “linea evolutiva” della suite office open source LibreOffice 6. L’ultima versione, alla sua prima release, è consigliata per gli entusiasti delle nuove tecnologie. LibreOffice 6.0.0, al suo debutto, offre tante nuove funzionalità ma potrebbe ... Le novità di LibreOffice 6.0 LibreOffice 6.0 è disponibile per Linux, Windows e macOS e c’è anche una versione cloud
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LibreOffice SDK version by The Document Foundation - How to uninstall it
Application LibreOffice SDK How to uninstall LibreOffice SDK from your system This web page contains detailed information on how to remove LibreOffice SDK for Windows. It was developed for Windows by The Document Foundation. Open here where you can find out more on The Document Foundation. You can see more info on LibreOffice ... The following executable files are contained in LibreOffice SDK. They occupy 7.87 MB (8254512 bytes) on disk This data is about LibreOffice SDK version only How to uninstall LibreOffice SDK from your PC with the help of Advanced Uninstaller PRO LibreOffice SDK is a program marketed by The Document Foundation. Sometimes, computer users decide to erase it. This can be easier said than done because deleting this manually requires some advanced knowledge related to removing Windows programs manually.... 6. Scroll the list of programs until you locate LibreOffice SDK or simply activate the Search field and type in "LibreOffice SDK". If it is installed on your PC the LibreOffice SDK app will be found very quickly. When you select LibreOffice ... Star rating (in the left lower corner). This tells you the opinion other users have about LibreOffice SDK, from "Highly recommended" to "Very dangerous For example you can see that for LibreOffice SDK
LibreOffice version by The Document Foundation - How to uninstall it
LibreOffice LibreOffice How to uninstall LibreOffice from your computer LibreOffice is a Windows application. Read below about how to remove it from your computer. It was created for Windows by The Document Foundation. You can find out more on The Document Foundation or check for application updates here . Click on http:... The following executables are installed together with LibreOffice They occupy about 4.55 MB (4772592 bytes) on disk The information on this page is only about version of LibreOffice Following the uninstall process, the application leaves some files behind on the computer. Some of these are listed below The files below were left behind on your disk when you remove LibreOffice How to delete LibreOffice using Advanced Uninstaller PRO LibreOffice is an application marketed by The Document Foundation. Frequently, computer users decide to erase this program. Sometimes this can be efortful because performing this by hand takes some skill regarding removing Windows applications by hand.... 6. Navigate the list of applications until you find LibreOffice or simply activate the Search feature and type in "LibreOffice". If it exists on your system the LibreOffice program will be found automatically. When you select LibreOffice ... Safety rating (in the lower left corner). This explains the opinion other users have about LibreOffice, from "Highly recommended" to "Very dangerous
Getting Started with LibreOffice 6.0: LibreOffice Documentation Team: 9781921320545: Amazon.com: Books
Getting Started with LibreOffice 6.0 Paperback – February 14, 2019
Getting Started with LibreOffice 6.0: LibreOffice Documentation Team: 9781921320545: Amazon.com: Books
Getting Started with LibreOffice 6.0 Paperback – February 14, 2019
Getting Started with LibreOffice 6.0: LibreOffice Documentation Team: 9781921320545: Amazon.com: Books
Getting Started with LibreOffice 6.0 Paperback – February 14, 2019
LibreOffice 6.0 Writer Guide: LibreOffice Documentation Team: 9781680922646: Amazon.com: Books
LibreOffice 6.0 Writer Guide Paperback – April 19, 2019
LibreOffice 6.0 Writer Guide: LibreOffice Documentation Team: 9781680922646: Amazon.com: Books
LibreOffice 6.0 Writer Guide Paperback – April 19, 2019
Amazon.com: Customer reviews: Use LibreOffice Base
Getting Started with LibreOffice 6.0 LibreOffice 6.0 Writer Guide
Amazon.com: Customer reviews: Use LibreOffice Calc: A Beginners Guide
Getting Started with LibreOffice 6.0 LibreOffice 6.0 Writer Guide
Amazon.com: Customer reviews: LibreOffice 5.2 Getting Started Guide
Getting Started with LibreOffice 6.0
Amazon.com: Customer reviews: Getting Started with LibreOffice 6.0
Getting Started with LibreOffice 6.0 LibreOffice 6.0 Writer Guide See all details for Getting Started with LibreOffice 6.0
Amazon.com: Customer reviews: LibreOffice 5.0 Getting Started Guide
Getting Started with LibreOffice 6.0 LibreOffice 6.0 Writer Guide
Amazon.com: Customer reviews: LibreOffice 2019 Software Office Suite DVD Word & Excel Compatible for Windows PC & Mac - Home and Business {Professional Bonuses, No Subscription}
Getting Started with LibreOffice 6.0
Amazon.com: Customer reviews: LibreOffice 2019 Software Office Suite DVD Word & Excel Compatible for Windows PC & Mac - Home and Business {Professional Bonuses, No Subscription}
Getting Started with LibreOffice 6.0
PinePhone: Lo smartphone con Linux arriverà entro la fine del 2019
LibreOffice 6.2: Download e Novità
Microsoft: Office 365 è migliore di Office 2019
LibreOffice 6.2: Download e Novità
Software (Download & Update) - Internet & Geek Blog
LibreOffice 6.2: Download e Novità
LibreOffice 6.1 disponibile tra novità e migliorie
LibreOffice 6.2: Download e Novità Home Software (Download & Update) LibreOffice 6.1 disponibile tra novità e migliorie LibreOffice 6.1 disponibile tra novità e migliorie Se avete già il software installato sul PC non vi resta che aggiornare, in caso contrario potete scaricare LibreOffice 6.1 dal sito web ufficiale. VI ricordiamo o informiamo che Libre Office è una valida alternativa “Open Source” gratuita a Microsoft Office,...
Software (Download & Update) - Pagina 3 di 58 - Internet & Geek Blog
LibreOffice 6.2: Download e Novità LibreOffice 6.1 disponibile tra novità e migliorie
LibreOffice 6.0.3 / OpenOffice 4.1.5 Information Disclosure-漏洞情报、漏洞详情、安全漏洞、CVE - 安全客,安全资讯平台
LibreOffice 6.0.3 / OpenOffice 4.1.5 Information Disclosure Exploit Title: Malicious ODF File Creator # Date: 1st May 2018 # Exploit Author: Richard Davy # Vendor Homepage: https://www.libreoffice.org/ # Software Link: https://www.libreoffice.org/ # Version: LibreOffice 6.0.3, OpenOffice 4.1.5 # Tested on: Windows 10 ...
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Linux | Spiele | Open-Source | Server | Desktop | Cloud | Android
LibreOffice 6.2 mit NotebookBar und LibreOffice 6.1.5 sind veröffentlicht Ich bin leider gerade etwas eingespannt, deswegen kann ich LibreOffice 6.2 nicht ausführlicher beschreiben. Das
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LibreOffice 6.2 mit NotebookBar und LibreOffice 6.1.5 sind veröffentlicht Ich bin leider gerade etwas eingespannt, deswegen kann ich LibreOffice 6.2 nicht ausführlicher beschreiben. Das
Absolut genial: Mit Raspberry Pi eine Timelapse- / Zeitraffer-Schiene gebastelt » Linux | Spiele | Open-Source | Server | Desktop | Cloud | Android
LibreOffice 6.2 mit NotebookBar und LibreOffice 6.1.5 sind veröffentlicht Ich bin leider gerade etwas eingespannt, deswegen kann ich LibreOffice 6.2 nicht ausführlicher beschreiben. Das
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LibreOffice 6.2 mit NotebookBar und LibreOffice 6.1.5 sind veröffentlicht Ich bin leider gerade etwas eingespannt, deswegen kann ich LibreOffice 6.2 nicht ausführlicher beschreiben. Das
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LibreOffice 6.2 mit NotebookBar und LibreOffice 6.1.5 sind veröffentlicht Ich bin leider gerade etwas eingespannt, deswegen kann ich LibreOffice 6.2 nicht ausführlicher beschreiben. Das
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LibreOffice 6.2 mit NotebookBar und LibreOffice 6.1.5 sind veröffentlicht Ich bin leider gerade etwas eingespannt, deswegen kann ich LibreOffice 6.2 nicht ausführlicher beschreiben. Das
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LibreOffice 6.2 mit NotebookBar und LibreOffice 6.1.5 sind veröffentlicht Ich bin leider gerade etwas eingespannt, deswegen kann ich LibreOffice 6.2 nicht ausführlicher beschreiben. Das
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LibreOffice 6.2 mit NotebookBar und LibreOffice 6.1.5 sind veröffentlicht Ich bin leider gerade etwas eingespannt, deswegen kann ich LibreOffice 6.2 nicht ausführlicher beschreiben. Das
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LibreOffice 6.2 mit NotebookBar und LibreOffice 6.1.5 sind veröffentlicht Ich bin leider gerade etwas eingespannt, deswegen kann ich LibreOffice 6.2 nicht ausführlicher beschreiben. Das
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LibreOffice 6.2 mit NotebookBar und LibreOffice 6.1.5 sind veröffentlicht Ich bin leider gerade etwas eingespannt, deswegen kann ich LibreOffice 6.2 nicht ausführlicher beschreiben. Das
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LibreOffice 6.2 mit NotebookBar und LibreOffice 6.1.5 sind veröffentlicht Ich bin leider gerade etwas eingespannt, deswegen kann ich LibreOffice 6.2 nicht ausführlicher beschreiben. Das
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LibreOffice 6.2 mit NotebookBar und LibreOffice 6.1.5 sind veröffentlicht Ich bin leider gerade etwas eingespannt, deswegen kann ich LibreOffice 6.2 nicht ausführlicher beschreiben. Das
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LibreOffice 6.2 mit NotebookBar und LibreOffice 6.1.5 sind veröffentlicht Ich bin leider gerade etwas eingespannt, deswegen kann ich LibreOffice 6.2 nicht ausführlicher beschreiben. Das
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LibreOffice 6.2 mit NotebookBar und LibreOffice 6.1.5 sind veröffentlicht Ich bin leider gerade etwas eingespannt, deswegen kann ich LibreOffice 6.2 nicht ausführlicher beschreiben. Das
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LibreOffice 6.2 mit NotebookBar und LibreOffice 6.1.5 sind veröffentlicht Ich bin leider gerade etwas eingespannt, deswegen kann ich LibreOffice 6.2 nicht ausführlicher beschreiben. Das
Linux | Spiele | Open-Source | Server | Desktop | Cloud | Android
LibreOffice 6.2 mit NotebookBar und LibreOffice 6.1.5 sind veröffentlicht Ich bin leider gerade etwas eingespannt, deswegen kann ich LibreOffice 6.2 nicht ausführlicher beschreiben. Das
Linux | Spiele | Open-Source | Server | Desktop | Cloud | Android
LibreOffice 6.2 mit NotebookBar und LibreOffice 6.1.5 sind veröffentlicht Ich bin leider gerade etwas eingespannt, deswegen kann ich LibreOffice 6.2 nicht ausführlicher beschreiben. Das Highlight ist aber die NotebookBar, die auf dem MUFFIN-Konzept basiert. Die Entwickler stellen die Neuerungen in einem Video vor. Es gibt auch sonst ... Ich bin leider gerade etwas eingespannt, deswegen kann ich LibreOffice 6.2 nicht ausführlicher beschreiben. Das
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LibreOffice 6.2 mit NotebookBar und LibreOffice 6.1.5 sind veröffentlicht Ich bin leider gerade etwas eingespannt, deswegen kann ich LibreOffice 6.2 nicht ausführlicher beschreiben. Das
Collabora Online (LibreOffice) für Nextcloud - Schritt für Schritt (Docker)
LibreOffice 6.2 mit NotebookBar und LibreOffice 6.1.5 sind veröffentlicht Ich bin leider gerade etwas eingespannt, deswegen kann ich LibreOffice 6.2 nicht ausführlicher beschreiben. Das
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LibreOffice 6.2 mit NotebookBar und LibreOffice 6.1.5 sind veröffentlicht Ich bin leider gerade etwas eingespannt, deswegen kann ich LibreOffice 6.2 nicht ausführlicher beschreiben. Das
Datenschutzerklärung » Linux | Spiele | Open-Source | Server | Desktop | Cloud | Android
LibreOffice 6.2 mit NotebookBar und LibreOffice 6.1.5 sind veröffentlicht Ich bin leider gerade etwas eingespannt, deswegen kann ich LibreOffice 6.2 nicht ausführlicher beschreiben. Das
Der frühe Vogel ... LibreOffice 6.1.1 Fresh ist veröffentlicht
Der frühe Vogel … LibreOffice 6.1.1 Fresh ist veröffentlicht Über 120 Bug und Regression Fixes sind in LibreOffice 6.1.1 Fresh eingeflossen. Es wurde gerade eben von The Document Foundation zur Verfügung gestellt. Zur Zeit werden wir Open-Source-Anwender aber verwöhnt. Heute morgen haben ich schon das Update auf Firefox ... LibreOffice 6.1.1 Mehr oder weniger zeitgleich mit dem Eintreffen der Ankündigung bekam ich einen Hinweis von Linux Mint 19 , dass LibreOffice 6.1.1 RC2 zum Download bereitsteht, das wiederum der finalen Version entspricht. Ich bekomme die Updates auf die neueste LibreOffice-... LibreOffice 6.1.1 bereits als PPA verfügbar LibreOffice 6.1.1 wird Enthusiasten und frühen Vögeln emfpohlen. Konservativere User und Firmen sind mit LibreOffice Still ( derzeit 6.0.x ) besser beraten. Dafür gibt es schon mehrere Punktversionen und sie gelten als stabiler LibreOffice 6.1.1 herunterladen Die Voraussetzungen für LibreOffice 6.1 sind unter anderem Microsoft Windows 7 SP1 und Apple macOS 10.9. Für Linux kompilierst Du eben selber oder hast einen netten PPA Maintainer, der das Paket eben zur Verfügung stellt. LibreOffice gibt es darüber hinaus ... Wartungsversion: LibreOffice 6.0.3 „Fresh“ ist verfügbar Neue Fresh-Version: LibreOffice 6.0.4 ist Veröffentlicht
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LibreOffice 6.2 mit NotebookBar und LibreOffice 6.1.5 sind veröffentlicht Ich bin leider gerade etwas eingespannt, deswegen kann ich LibreOffice 6.2 nicht ausführlicher beschreiben. Das
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LibreOffice 6.2 mit NotebookBar und LibreOffice 6.1.5 sind veröffentlicht Ich bin leider gerade etwas eingespannt, deswegen kann ich LibreOffice 6.2 nicht ausführlicher beschreiben. Das
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LibreOffice 6.2 mit NotebookBar und LibreOffice 6.1.5 sind veröffentlicht Ich bin leider gerade etwas eingespannt, deswegen kann ich LibreOffice 6.2 nicht ausführlicher beschreiben. Das
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LibreOffice 6.2 mit NotebookBar und LibreOffice 6.1.5 sind veröffentlicht Ich bin leider gerade etwas eingespannt, deswegen kann ich LibreOffice 6.2 nicht ausführlicher beschreiben. Das
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LibreOffice 6.2 mit NotebookBar und LibreOffice 6.1.5 sind veröffentlicht Ich bin leider gerade etwas eingespannt, deswegen kann ich LibreOffice 6.2 nicht ausführlicher beschreiben. Das
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LibreOffice 6.2 mit NotebookBar und LibreOffice 6.1.5 sind veröffentlicht Ich bin leider gerade etwas eingespannt, deswegen kann ich LibreOffice 6.2 nicht ausführlicher beschreiben. Das
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LibreOffice 6.2 mit NotebookBar und LibreOffice 6.1.5 sind veröffentlicht Ich bin leider gerade etwas eingespannt, deswegen kann ich LibreOffice 6.2 nicht ausführlicher beschreiben. Das
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LibreOffice 6.2 mit NotebookBar und LibreOffice 6.1.5 sind veröffentlicht Ich bin leider gerade etwas eingespannt, deswegen kann ich LibreOffice 6.2 nicht ausführlicher beschreiben. Das
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LibreOffice 6.2 mit NotebookBar und LibreOffice 6.1.5 sind veröffentlicht Ich bin leider gerade etwas eingespannt, deswegen kann ich LibreOffice 6.2 nicht ausführlicher beschreiben. Das
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LibreOffice 6.2 mit NotebookBar und LibreOffice 6.1.5 sind veröffentlicht Ich bin leider gerade etwas eingespannt, deswegen kann ich LibreOffice 6.2 nicht ausführlicher beschreiben. Das
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LibreOffice 6.2 mit NotebookBar und LibreOffice 6.1.5 sind veröffentlicht Ich bin leider gerade etwas eingespannt, deswegen kann ich LibreOffice 6.2 nicht ausführlicher beschreiben. Das
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LibreOffice 6.2 mit NotebookBar und LibreOffice 6.1.5 sind veröffentlicht Ich bin leider gerade etwas eingespannt, deswegen kann ich LibreOffice 6.2 nicht ausführlicher beschreiben. Das
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LibreOffice 6.2 mit NotebookBar und LibreOffice 6.1.5 sind veröffentlicht Ich bin leider gerade etwas eingespannt, deswegen kann ich LibreOffice 6.2 nicht ausführlicher beschreiben. Das
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LibreOffice 6.2 mit NotebookBar und LibreOffice 6.1.5 sind veröffentlicht Ich bin leider gerade etwas eingespannt, deswegen kann ich LibreOffice 6.2 nicht ausführlicher beschreiben. Das
GIMP: Bilder mit Hochpass-Filter (High Pass) schnell nachschärfen und Bild-Rauschen minimal halten » Linux | Spiele | Open-Source | Server | Desktop | Cloud | Android
LibreOffice 6.2 mit NotebookBar und LibreOffice 6.1.5 sind veröffentlicht Ich bin leider gerade etwas eingespannt, deswegen kann ich LibreOffice 6.2 nicht ausführlicher beschreiben. Das
GIMP und Fotografie: Bildschirme durchsichtig machen und Sachen schweben lassen » Linux | Spiele | Open-Source | Server | Desktop | Cloud | Android
LibreOffice 6.2 mit NotebookBar und LibreOffice 6.1.5 sind veröffentlicht Ich bin leider gerade etwas eingespannt, deswegen kann ich LibreOffice 6.2 nicht ausführlicher beschreiben. Das
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LibreOffice 6.2 mit NotebookBar und LibreOffice 6.1.5 sind veröffentlicht Ich bin leider gerade etwas eingespannt, deswegen kann ich LibreOffice 6.2 nicht ausführlicher beschreiben. Das
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LibreOffice 6.2 mit NotebookBar und LibreOffice 6.1.5 sind veröffentlicht Ich bin leider gerade etwas eingespannt, deswegen kann ich LibreOffice 6.2 nicht ausführlicher beschreiben. Das
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LibreOffice 6.2 mit NotebookBar und LibreOffice 6.1.5 sind veröffentlicht Ich bin leider gerade etwas eingespannt, deswegen kann ich LibreOffice 6.2 nicht ausführlicher beschreiben. Das
HDR-Workflow (High Dynamic Range Foto) mit Open-Source-Programmen realisieren: Luminance HDR und GIMP » Linux | Spiele | Open-Source | Server | Desktop | Cloud | Android
LibreOffice 6.2 mit NotebookBar und LibreOffice 6.1.5 sind veröffentlicht Ich bin leider gerade etwas eingespannt, deswegen kann ich LibreOffice 6.2 nicht ausführlicher beschreiben. Das
Humble Bundle for Android ... und Mac, Linux und Windows » Linux | Spiele | Open-Source | Server | Desktop | Cloud | Android
LibreOffice 6.2 mit NotebookBar und LibreOffice 6.1.5 sind veröffentlicht Ich bin leider gerade etwas eingespannt, deswegen kann ich LibreOffice 6.2 nicht ausführlicher beschreiben. Das
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LibreOffice 6.2 mit NotebookBar und LibreOffice 6.1.5 sind veröffentlicht Ich bin leider gerade etwas eingespannt, deswegen kann ich LibreOffice 6.2 nicht ausführlicher beschreiben. Das
Impressum » Linux | Spiele | Open-Source | Server | Desktop | Cloud | Android
LibreOffice 6.2 mit NotebookBar und LibreOffice 6.1.5 sind veröffentlicht Ich bin leider gerade etwas eingespannt, deswegen kann ich LibreOffice 6.2 nicht ausführlicher beschreiben. Das
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LibreOffice 6.2 mit NotebookBar und LibreOffice 6.1.5 sind veröffentlicht Ich bin leider gerade etwas eingespannt, deswegen kann ich LibreOffice 6.2 nicht ausführlicher beschreiben. Das
KeePassXC 2.2.0 mit Passwort-Generator ist veröffentlicht
LibreOffice 6.1 für Linux, macOS und Windows ist veröffentlicht LibreOffice 6.2 mit NotebookBar und LibreOffice 6.1.5 sind veröffentlicht Ich bin leider gerade etwas eingespannt, deswegen kann ich LibreOffice 6.2 nicht ausführlicher beschreiben. Das
Kein PINE A64 im Gepäck - hoffentlich Geld zurück
LibreOffice 6.2 mit NotebookBar und LibreOffice 6.1.5 sind veröffentlicht Ich bin leider gerade etwas eingespannt, deswegen kann ich LibreOffice 6.2 nicht ausführlicher beschreiben. Das
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LibreOffice 6.2 mit NotebookBar und LibreOffice 6.1.5 sind veröffentlicht Ich bin leider gerade etwas eingespannt, deswegen kann ich LibreOffice 6.2 nicht ausführlicher beschreiben. Das
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LibreOffice 6.2 mit NotebookBar und LibreOffice 6.1.5 sind veröffentlicht Ich bin leider gerade etwas eingespannt, deswegen kann ich LibreOffice 6.2 nicht ausführlicher beschreiben. Das
Kodi 17 Alpha mit LibreELEC auf einem Raspberry Pi testen
LibreOffice 6.2 mit NotebookBar und LibreOffice 6.1.5 sind veröffentlicht Ich bin leider gerade etwas eingespannt, deswegen kann ich LibreOffice 6.2 nicht ausführlicher beschreiben. Das
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LibreOffice 6.2 mit NotebookBar und LibreOffice 6.1.5 sind veröffentlicht Ich bin leider gerade etwas eingespannt, deswegen kann ich LibreOffice 6.2 nicht ausführlicher beschreiben. Das
Kodi, OpenELEC, OSMC und Raspberry Pi: Die Unterschiede
LibreOffice 6.2 mit NotebookBar und LibreOffice 6.1.5 sind veröffentlicht Ich bin leider gerade etwas eingespannt, deswegen kann ich LibreOffice 6.2 nicht ausführlicher beschreiben. Das
Kore 2.0.0 ist da: Kodi-Fernbedienung für Android
LibreOffice 6.2 mit NotebookBar und LibreOffice 6.1.5 sind veröffentlicht Ich bin leider gerade etwas eingespannt, deswegen kann ich LibreOffice 6.2 nicht ausführlicher beschreiben. Das
Kore - neue offizielle Android-Fernbedienung für Kodi
LibreOffice 6.2 mit NotebookBar und LibreOffice 6.1.5 sind veröffentlicht Ich bin leider gerade etwas eingespannt, deswegen kann ich LibreOffice 6.2 nicht ausführlicher beschreiben. Das
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LibreOffice 6.2 mit NotebookBar und LibreOffice 6.1.5 sind veröffentlicht Ich bin leider gerade etwas eingespannt, deswegen kann ich LibreOffice 6.2 nicht ausführlicher beschreiben. Das
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LibreOffice 6.2 mit NotebookBar und LibreOffice 6.1.5 sind veröffentlicht Ich bin leider gerade etwas eingespannt, deswegen kann ich LibreOffice 6.2 nicht ausführlicher beschreiben. Das
LibreELEC 8 ist ausgegeben - einfach auf dem Raspberry Pi 3 installieren
LibreOffice 6.2 mit NotebookBar und LibreOffice 6.1.5 sind veröffentlicht Ich bin leider gerade etwas eingespannt, deswegen kann ich LibreOffice 6.2 nicht ausführlicher beschreiben. Das
LibreELEC USB-SD Creator v1.2 ist veröffentlicht » Linux | Spiele | Open-Source | Server | Desktop | Cloud | Android
LibreOffice 6.2 mit NotebookBar und LibreOffice 6.1.5 sind veröffentlicht Ich bin leider gerade etwas eingespannt, deswegen kann ich LibreOffice 6.2 nicht ausführlicher beschreiben. Das
LibreOffice 6.0.6 ist für Linux, Windows und macOS verfügbar
LibreOffice 6.0.6 ist für Linux, Windows und macOS verfügbar The Document Foundation hat die Verfügbarkeit von LibreOffice 6.0.6 angekündigt. Wie Du an der Versionsnummer siehst, handelt es sich um eine Wartungsversion, die keine neuen Funktionen bringt. Genauer genommen ist es die sechste Wartungsversion der derzeitigen ... Du kannst LibreOffice 6.0.6 ab sofort aus dem Download-Bereich der Projektseite für Linux, macOS und Windows herunterladen LibreOffice 6.0.6 ist fertig Unter Linux Mint benutze ich das PPA für LibreOffice Fresh . Damit bekomme ich immer die aktuelle Version. Das bedeutet auch, sollte nächste Woche LibreOffice 6.1 erscheinen, wird mir das Fresh-PPA die neueste Version liefern. Meist dauert es einen oder zwei ... Wartungsversion: LibreOffice 6.0.3 „Fresh“ ist verfügbar Neue Fresh-Version: LibreOffice 6.0.4 ist Veröffentlicht LibreOffice 6.1 für Linux, macOS und Windows ist veröffentlicht LibreOffice 6.2 mit NotebookBar und LibreOffice 6.1.5 sind veröffentlicht Ich bin leider gerade etwas eingespannt, deswegen kann ich LibreOffice 6.2 nicht ausführlicher beschreiben. Das
LibreOffice 6.0 ist veröffentlicht - für Linux, macOS und Windows » Linux | Spiele | Open-Source | Server | Desktop | Cloud | Android
LibreOffice 6.0 ist veröffentlicht – für Linux, macOS und Windows Ich habe nicht viel Zeit im Moment, wollte aber darauf hinweisen, dass The Document Foundation gerade eben LibreOffice 6.0 veröffentlicht hat. Die besten Neuerungen und Änderungen findest Du im YouTube-Video hier (es gibt Untertitel auf Deutsch Die offizielle Ankündigung ist hier und wer es gar nicht erwarten kann, findet LibreOffice 6.0 im Download-Bereich der Projektseite. Wie immer gibt es die neueste Version für Linux, macOS und Windows LibreOffice 6.0 ist ab sofort die Fresh-Variante und LibreOffice 5.4 wird zu Still. Konservativere Anwender sollten sich an die Still-Version halten und vielleicht erst ein paar Punkt-Versionen abwarten, bevor sie umsteigen. Ich warte auch – aber nur bis es ... LibreOffice 6.1 für Linux, macOS und Windows ist veröffentlicht LibreOffice 6.2 mit NotebookBar und LibreOffice 6.1.5 sind veröffentlicht Ich bin leider gerade etwas eingespannt, deswegen kann ich LibreOffice 6.2 nicht ausführlicher beschreiben. Das
LibreOffice 6.1 für Linux, macOS und Windows ist veröffentlicht
LibreOffice 6.1 für Linux, macOS und Windows ist veröffentlicht The Document Foundation (TDF) hat LibreOffice 6.1 zur Verfügung gestellt. Wie immer gibt es das Open Source Office gleichzeitig für Linux, Windows und macOS. LibreOffice 6.1 ist die zweite große Version der Familie LibreOffice 6 , das im Januar 2018 veröffentlicht ... Die Neuerungen in LibreOffice 6.1 LibreOffice 6.1 verarbeitet Bilder anders. Dank eines neuen Grafik-Managers geht alles lauf eigenen Aussagen schneller und geschmeidiger. Es soll sich auch positiv bei den proprietären Dokumentenformaten von Microsoft auswirken. Vor allen Dingen würden Dokumente ... In LibreOffice 6.1 lassen sich Menüs und Symbolleisten einfacher anpassen In LibreOffice 6.1 lassen sich Menüs und Symbolleisten einfacher anpassen (Quelle: YouTube-Video Schnell eine Unterschriftenzeile in LibreOffice 6.1 einfügen Schnell eine Unterschriftenzeile in LibreOffice 6.1 einfügen (Quelle: YouTube-Video Download LibreOffice 6.1 Unter Ubuntu und Linux Mint kannst Du mehrere PPAs nutzen. Entweder nimmst Du eine bestimmte Versions-Nummer oder die entsprechenden PPAs für Fresh oder Still. Damit bekommst Du automatisch die entsprechend aktuellen Varianten. Ich habe bei mir unter Linux ...
LibreOffice 6.2 mit NotebookBar und LibreOffice 6.1.5 sind veröffentlicht
LibreOffice 6.2 mit NotebookBar und LibreOffice 6.1.5 sind veröffentlicht Ich bin leider gerade etwas eingespannt, deswegen kann ich LibreOffice 6.2 nicht ausführlicher beschreiben. Das Highlight ist aber die NotebookBar, die auf dem MUFFIN-Konzept basiert. Die Entwickler stellen die Neuerungen in einem Video vor Es gibt auch sonst einige Verbesserungen. Bei Writer ist es nun möglich, Daten aus der Tabellenkalkulation in Tabellen zu kopieren anstelle sie als Objekte einzufügen. Weitere Informationen zu LibreOffice 6.2 findest Du in der offiziellen Ankündigung Gleichzeitig haben die Entwickler LibreOffice 6.1.5 veröffentlicht. Unternehmen und konservativere Anwender sollten bei dieser Version bleiben, da sie als stabiler gilt Download LibreOffice 6.2 Du findest die aktuellen Versionen von LibreOffice in der Download-Sektion der Projektseite. Die Office Suite gibt es wie immer für Linux, macOS und Windows. Anwender von Ubuntu und Linux Mint können ein PPA nutzen, um die aktuellste Version von LibreOffice ... LibreOffice 6.2 und 6.1.5 sind verfügbar Ich bin leider gerade etwas eingespannt, deswegen kann ich LibreOffice 6.2 nicht ausführlicher beschreiben. Das
Linux auf Notebooks: Allgemeine Stromspar-Tipps für längere Akku-Laufzeit » Linux | Spiele | Open-Source | Server | Desktop | Cloud | Android
LibreOffice 6.2 mit NotebookBar und LibreOffice 6.1.5 sind veröffentlicht Ich bin leider gerade etwas eingespannt, deswegen kann ich LibreOffice 6.2 nicht ausführlicher beschreiben. Das
Linux-Client von NordVPN auf 2.0.0 aktualisiert - interessante Neuerungen
LibreOffice 6.2 mit NotebookBar und LibreOffice 6.1.5 sind veröffentlicht Ich bin leider gerade etwas eingespannt, deswegen kann ich LibreOffice 6.2 nicht ausführlicher beschreiben. Das
Linux Mint 18.1 Serena Cinnamon und MATE sind veröffentlicht
LibreOffice 6.2 mit NotebookBar und LibreOffice 6.1.5 sind veröffentlicht Ich bin leider gerade etwas eingespannt, deswegen kann ich LibreOffice 6.2 nicht ausführlicher beschreiben. Das
Linux Mint 18.3 Beta wird noch diese Woche veröffentlicht
LibreOffice 6.2 mit NotebookBar und LibreOffice 6.1.5 sind veröffentlicht Ich bin leider gerade etwas eingespannt, deswegen kann ich LibreOffice 6.2 nicht ausführlicher beschreiben. Das
Linux Mint 18.3 “Sylvia” Beta Cinnamon und MATE sind da
LibreOffice 6.2 mit NotebookBar und LibreOffice 6.1.5 sind veröffentlicht Ich bin leider gerade etwas eingespannt, deswegen kann ich LibreOffice 6.2 nicht ausführlicher beschreiben. Das
Linux Mint 18.3 heißt Sylvia und eine zweite Backup-Anwendung liefern
LibreOffice 6.2 mit NotebookBar und LibreOffice 6.1.5 sind veröffentlicht Ich bin leider gerade etwas eingespannt, deswegen kann ich LibreOffice 6.2 nicht ausführlicher beschreiben. Das
Linux Mint 18.3 wird verbessertes Backup Tool liefern
LibreOffice 6.2 mit NotebookBar und LibreOffice 6.1.5 sind veröffentlicht Ich bin leider gerade etwas eingespannt, deswegen kann ich LibreOffice 6.2 nicht ausführlicher beschreiben. Das
Linux Mint 18 "Sarah" Cinnamon und MATE sind nun verfügbar
LibreOffice 6.2 mit NotebookBar und LibreOffice 6.1.5 sind veröffentlicht Ich bin leider gerade etwas eingespannt, deswegen kann ich LibreOffice 6.2 nicht ausführlicher beschreiben. Das
Linux Mint auf einem iMac installieren - das läuft wunderbar
LibreOffice 6.2 mit NotebookBar und LibreOffice 6.1.5 sind veröffentlicht Ich bin leider gerade etwas eingespannt, deswegen kann ich LibreOffice 6.2 nicht ausführlicher beschreiben. Das
Linux Mint 19 Beta und der Client für PIA (Private Internet Access) VPN
LibreOffice 6.2 mit NotebookBar und LibreOffice 6.1.5 sind veröffentlicht Ich bin leider gerade etwas eingespannt, deswegen kann ich LibreOffice 6.2 nicht ausführlicher beschreiben. Das
Linux Mint ignoriert statische IP-Adresse im Netzwerk-Manager
LibreOffice 6.2 mit NotebookBar und LibreOffice 6.1.5 sind veröffentlicht Ich bin leider gerade etwas eingespannt, deswegen kann ich LibreOffice 6.2 nicht ausführlicher beschreiben. Das
Linux Mint stellt die KDE-Version ein - Cinnamon 3.6 - Flatpak integriert
LibreOffice 6.2 mit NotebookBar und LibreOffice 6.1.5 sind veröffentlicht Ich bin leider gerade etwas eingespannt, deswegen kann ich LibreOffice 6.2 nicht ausführlicher beschreiben. Das
Linux-Notebook: TUXEDO InfinityBook 13" im Test - 6 Wochen im Einsatz
LibreOffice 6.2 mit NotebookBar und LibreOffice 6.1.5 sind veröffentlicht Ich bin leider gerade etwas eingespannt, deswegen kann ich LibreOffice 6.2 nicht ausführlicher beschreiben. Das
MagPi 43 ist da und Stromverbrauch des Raspberry Pi 3 gemessen
LibreOffice 6.2 mit NotebookBar und LibreOffice 6.1.5 sind veröffentlicht Ich bin leider gerade etwas eingespannt, deswegen kann ich LibreOffice 6.2 nicht ausführlicher beschreiben. Das
MagPi 68 mit großem Artikel und Spezial über Raspberry Pi 3+
LibreOffice 6.2 mit NotebookBar und LibreOffice 6.1.5 sind veröffentlicht Ich bin leider gerade etwas eingespannt, deswegen kann ich LibreOffice 6.2 nicht ausführlicher beschreiben. Das
Matt Cutts: Google will aktiv gegen "SEO-Spezialisten: Wir hätten da einen tollen Deal für Dich" vorgehen » Linux | Spiele | Open-Source | Server | Desktop | Cloud | Android
LibreOffice 6.2 mit NotebookBar und LibreOffice 6.1.5 sind veröffentlicht Ich bin leider gerade etwas eingespannt, deswegen kann ich LibreOffice 6.2 nicht ausführlicher beschreiben. Das
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LibreOffice 6.2 mit NotebookBar und LibreOffice 6.1.5 sind veröffentlicht Ich bin leider gerade etwas eingespannt, deswegen kann ich LibreOffice 6.2 nicht ausführlicher beschreiben. Das
Weg von Windows: Meine Erfahrung mit Linux-Konvertierungen » Linux | Spiele | Open-Source | Server | Desktop | Cloud | Android
LibreOffice 6.2 mit NotebookBar und LibreOffice 6.1.5 sind veröffentlicht Ich bin leider gerade etwas eingespannt, deswegen kann ich LibreOffice 6.2 nicht ausführlicher beschreiben. Das
Mint-Y anstatt Mint-X ausprobiert und dabei geblieben
LibreOffice 6.2 mit NotebookBar und LibreOffice 6.1.5 sind veröffentlicht Ich bin leider gerade etwas eingespannt, deswegen kann ich LibreOffice 6.2 nicht ausführlicher beschreiben. Das
Mit Ubuntu realisiert: Rechner für die Mama - Einfache Bedienbarkeit als Voraussetzung » Linux | Spiele | Open-Source | Server | Desktop | Cloud | Android
LibreOffice 6.2 mit NotebookBar und LibreOffice 6.1.5 sind veröffentlicht Ich bin leider gerade etwas eingespannt, deswegen kann ich LibreOffice 6.2 nicht ausführlicher beschreiben. Das
mosh (mobile Shell) statt ssh - echt Klasse bei der Linux-Administration
LibreOffice 6.2 mit NotebookBar und LibreOffice 6.1.5 sind veröffentlicht Ich bin leider gerade etwas eingespannt, deswegen kann ich LibreOffice 6.2 nicht ausführlicher beschreiben. Das
MUFFIN - Neues und flexibles UI für LibreOffice vorgestellt
LibreOffice 6.2 mit NotebookBar und LibreOffice 6.1.5 sind veröffentlicht Ich bin leider gerade etwas eingespannt, deswegen kann ich LibreOffice 6.2 nicht ausführlicher beschreiben. Das
Nach der Installation von Linux Mint 18 - meine ersten Schritte
LibreOffice 6.2 mit NotebookBar und LibreOffice 6.1.5 sind veröffentlicht Ich bin leider gerade etwas eingespannt, deswegen kann ich LibreOffice 6.2 nicht ausführlicher beschreiben. Das
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LibreOffice 6.2 mit NotebookBar und LibreOffice 6.1.5 sind veröffentlicht Ich bin leider gerade etwas eingespannt, deswegen kann ich LibreOffice 6.2 nicht ausführlicher beschreiben. Das
Neue Fresh-Version: LibreOffice 6.0.4 ist Veröffentlicht » Linux | Spiele | Open-Source | Server | Desktop | Cloud | Android
Neue Fresh-Version: LibreOffice 6.0.4 ist Veröffentlicht The Document Foundation hat LibreOffice 6.0.4 zur Verfügung gestellt. Es ist eine weitere Wartungs-Version der aktuellen Fresh-Variante. Sie richtet sich an Technik-Enthusiasten und Leute, die alle neue Funktionen haben wollen Download LibreOffice 6.0.4 LibreOffice 6.0.4 gibt es für Windows, Linux und macOS im Download-Bereich der Projektseite . Ich habe LibreOffice 6.x über ein PPA unter Linux Mint installiert . Dort kommt die neueste Version meist mit einem oder ein paar Tagen Verspätung. Das ist aber OK,... LibreOffice 6.0.4 ist verfügbar Wartungsversion: LibreOffice 6.0.3 „Fresh“ ist verfügbar LibreOffice 6.1 für Linux, macOS und Windows ist veröffentlicht LibreOffice 6.2 mit NotebookBar und LibreOffice 6.1.5 sind veröffentlicht Ich bin leider gerade etwas eingespannt, deswegen kann ich LibreOffice 6.2 nicht ausführlicher beschreiben. Das
Neue Version von Raspbian - Die Neuerungen und so funktioniert das Upgrade
LibreOffice 6.2 mit NotebookBar und LibreOffice 6.1.5 sind veröffentlicht Ich bin leider gerade etwas eingespannt, deswegen kann ich LibreOffice 6.2 nicht ausführlicher beschreiben. Das
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LibreOffice 6.2 mit NotebookBar und LibreOffice 6.1.5 sind veröffentlicht Ich bin leider gerade etwas eingespannt, deswegen kann ich LibreOffice 6.2 nicht ausführlicher beschreiben. Das
Nextcloud 14 - Änderungen und Neuerungen am Web GUI (Frontend)
LibreOffice 6.2 mit NotebookBar und LibreOffice 6.1.5 sind veröffentlicht Ich bin leider gerade etwas eingespannt, deswegen kann ich LibreOffice 6.2 nicht ausführlicher beschreiben. Das
Nextcloud 14 Neuerungen: 2FA-Unterstützung via Signal, Telegram, SMS
LibreOffice 6.2 mit NotebookBar und LibreOffice 6.1.5 sind veröffentlicht Ich bin leider gerade etwas eingespannt, deswegen kann ich LibreOffice 6.2 nicht ausführlicher beschreiben. Das
Nextcloud 15 ist verfügbar: Zweifaktor-Authentifizierung (2FA) erzwingen!
LibreOffice 6.2 mit NotebookBar und LibreOffice 6.1.5 sind veröffentlicht Ich bin leider gerade etwas eingespannt, deswegen kann ich LibreOffice 6.2 nicht ausführlicher beschreiben. Das
Nextcloud Android 3.4.0, Contacts 3.0 und Talk 5.0
LibreOffice 6.2 mit NotebookBar und LibreOffice 6.1.5 sind veröffentlicht Ich bin leider gerade etwas eingespannt, deswegen kann ich LibreOffice 6.2 nicht ausführlicher beschreiben. Das
Nextcloud Desktop Client 2.5 mit End-to-End-Verschlüsselung (E2EE)
LibreOffice 6.2 mit NotebookBar und LibreOffice 6.1.5 sind veröffentlicht Ich bin leider gerade etwas eingespannt, deswegen kann ich LibreOffice 6.2 nicht ausführlicher beschreiben. Das
Noch mal eine Wrack-Safari » Linux | Spiele | Open-Source | Server | Desktop | Cloud | Android
LibreOffice 6.2 mit NotebookBar und LibreOffice 6.1.5 sind veröffentlicht Ich bin leider gerade etwas eingespannt, deswegen kann ich LibreOffice 6.2 nicht ausführlicher beschreiben. Das
NordVPN mit Linux-Client für sein VPN - auch für Raspberry Pi!
LibreOffice 6.2 mit NotebookBar und LibreOffice 6.1.5 sind veröffentlicht Ich bin leider gerade etwas eingespannt, deswegen kann ich LibreOffice 6.2 nicht ausführlicher beschreiben. Das
Neue Linux-Version von NordVPN bringt verschleierte Server (obfuscated)
LibreOffice 6.2 mit NotebookBar und LibreOffice 6.1.5 sind veröffentlicht Ich bin leider gerade etwas eingespannt, deswegen kann ich LibreOffice 6.2 nicht ausführlicher beschreiben. Das
NordVPN implementiert WireGuard als VPN-Protokoll
LibreOffice 6.2 mit NotebookBar und LibreOffice 6.1.5 sind veröffentlicht Ich bin leider gerade etwas eingespannt, deswegen kann ich LibreOffice 6.2 nicht ausführlicher beschreiben. Das
openSUSE Leap 42.2 64-Bit für den Raspberry Pi 3 selbst ausprobiert
LibreOffice 6.2 mit NotebookBar und LibreOffice 6.1.5 sind veröffentlicht Ich bin leider gerade etwas eingespannt, deswegen kann ich LibreOffice 6.2 nicht ausführlicher beschreiben. Das
openSUSE Leap 42.2 mit 64-Bit-Abbild für Raspberry Pi
LibreOffice 6.2 mit NotebookBar und LibreOffice 6.1.5 sind veröffentlicht Ich bin leider gerade etwas eingespannt, deswegen kann ich LibreOffice 6.2 nicht ausführlicher beschreiben. Das
OpenVPN ist gesperrt und nun? SSTP hilft oftmals!
LibreOffice 6.2 mit NotebookBar und LibreOffice 6.1.5 sind veröffentlicht Ich bin leider gerade etwas eingespannt, deswegen kann ich LibreOffice 6.2 nicht ausführlicher beschreiben. Das
Früher wäre ich über Orange Pi Zero begeistert gewesen...
LibreOffice 6.2 mit NotebookBar und LibreOffice 6.1.5 sind veröffentlicht Ich bin leider gerade etwas eingespannt, deswegen kann ich LibreOffice 6.2 nicht ausführlicher beschreiben. Das
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LibreOffice 6.2 mit NotebookBar und LibreOffice 6.1.5 sind veröffentlicht Ich bin leider gerade etwas eingespannt, deswegen kann ich LibreOffice 6.2 nicht ausführlicher beschreiben. Das
Pine A64 hat es endlich in meine Hände geschafft - es ist da!
LibreOffice 6.2 mit NotebookBar und LibreOffice 6.1.5 sind veröffentlicht Ich bin leider gerade etwas eingespannt, deswegen kann ich LibreOffice 6.2 nicht ausführlicher beschreiben. Das
Pinebook - Ein Notebook für 89 US-Dollar - Nicht so schnell ...
LibreOffice 6.2 mit NotebookBar und LibreOffice 6.1.5 sind veröffentlicht Ich bin leider gerade etwas eingespannt, deswegen kann ich LibreOffice 6.2 nicht ausführlicher beschreiben. Das
Raspberry Pi 2 als Multimedia-Center mit Kodi
LibreOffice 6.2 mit NotebookBar und LibreOffice 6.1.5 sind veröffentlicht Ich bin leider gerade etwas eingespannt, deswegen kann ich LibreOffice 6.2 nicht ausführlicher beschreiben. Das
Raspberry Pi 2 B v1.2 hat gleichen BCM2837-Prozessor wie der Pi3
LibreOffice 6.2 mit NotebookBar und LibreOffice 6.1.5 sind veröffentlicht Ich bin leider gerade etwas eingespannt, deswegen kann ich LibreOffice 6.2 nicht ausführlicher beschreiben. Das
Raspberry Pi 3+ ist verfügbar - schnelleres Ethernet / schnelleres WLAN
LibreOffice 6.2 mit NotebookBar und LibreOffice 6.1.5 sind veröffentlicht Ich bin leider gerade etwas eingespannt, deswegen kann ich LibreOffice 6.2 nicht ausführlicher beschreiben. Das
Raspberry Pi 3 nun offiziell angekündigt - kostet 35 US-Dollar
LibreOffice 6.2 mit NotebookBar und LibreOffice 6.1.5 sind veröffentlicht Ich bin leider gerade etwas eingespannt, deswegen kann ich LibreOffice 6.2 nicht ausführlicher beschreiben. Das
Raspberry Pi oder eine scheinbar schnellere Alternative kaufen?
LibreOffice 6.2 mit NotebookBar und LibreOffice 6.1.5 sind veröffentlicht Ich bin leider gerade etwas eingespannt, deswegen kann ich LibreOffice 6.2 nicht ausführlicher beschreiben. Das
Raspberry Pi (Raspbmc) - Video: Full HD von Samba, NFS, SD-Karte und USB-Stick » Linux | Spiele | Open-Source | Server | Desktop | Cloud | Android
LibreOffice 6.2 mit NotebookBar und LibreOffice 6.1.5 sind veröffentlicht Ich bin leider gerade etwas eingespannt, deswegen kann ich LibreOffice 6.2 nicht ausführlicher beschreiben. Das
Raspbian 2018-11-13 ist veröffentlicht - mit VLC und Thonny 3
LibreOffice 6.2 mit NotebookBar und LibreOffice 6.1.5 sind veröffentlicht Ich bin leider gerade etwas eingespannt, deswegen kann ich LibreOffice 6.2 nicht ausführlicher beschreiben. Das
Raspbian sehr einfach mit Etcher auf eine SD-Karte schreiben
LibreOffice 6.2 mit NotebookBar und LibreOffice 6.1.5 sind veröffentlicht Ich bin leider gerade etwas eingespannt, deswegen kann ich LibreOffice 6.2 nicht ausführlicher beschreiben. Das
Raspbian PIXEL und Security: Künftig kein SSH per Standard mehr
LibreOffice 6.2 mit NotebookBar und LibreOffice 6.1.5 sind veröffentlicht Ich bin leider gerade etwas eingespannt, deswegen kann ich LibreOffice 6.2 nicht ausführlicher beschreiben. Das
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LibreOffice 6.2 mit NotebookBar und LibreOffice 6.1.5 sind veröffentlicht Ich bin leider gerade etwas eingespannt, deswegen kann ich LibreOffice 6.2 nicht ausführlicher beschreiben. Das
Remix OS ist eingestampft - Jide verlässt den Verbrauchermarkt
LibreOffice 6.2 mit NotebookBar und LibreOffice 6.1.5 sind veröffentlicht Ich bin leider gerade etwas eingespannt, deswegen kann ich LibreOffice 6.2 nicht ausführlicher beschreiben. Das
Heal Selection (Resynthesizer) in GIMP kann zaubern
LibreOffice 6.2 mit NotebookBar und LibreOffice 6.1.5 sind veröffentlicht Ich bin leider gerade etwas eingespannt, deswegen kann ich LibreOffice 6.2 nicht ausführlicher beschreiben. Das
rsync und exclude, exclude-from plus .htaccess können irre machen
LibreOffice 6.2 mit NotebookBar und LibreOffice 6.1.5 sind veröffentlicht Ich bin leider gerade etwas eingespannt, deswegen kann ich LibreOffice 6.2 nicht ausführlicher beschreiben. Das
Schwenkbare Halterung für das Kamera-Modul des Raspberri Pi selbst gebastelt » Linux | Spiele | Open-Source | Server | Desktop | Cloud | Android
LibreOffice 6.2 mit NotebookBar und LibreOffice 6.1.5 sind veröffentlicht Ich bin leider gerade etwas eingespannt, deswegen kann ich LibreOffice 6.2 nicht ausführlicher beschreiben. Das
Screenshot-Tour: Fedora 25 Workstation mit Wayland macht schon Spaß
LibreOffice 6.2 mit NotebookBar und LibreOffice 6.1.5 sind veröffentlicht Ich bin leider gerade etwas eingespannt, deswegen kann ich LibreOffice 6.2 nicht ausführlicher beschreiben. Das
Sense HAT Emulator für Raspberry Pi - Ohne Hardware coden
LibreOffice 6.2 mit NotebookBar und LibreOffice 6.1.5 sind veröffentlicht Ich bin leider gerade etwas eingespannt, deswegen kann ich LibreOffice 6.2 nicht ausführlicher beschreiben. Das
Wie verlagert man den Sense HAT mit Flachbandkabel nach außen?
LibreOffice 6.2 mit NotebookBar und LibreOffice 6.1.5 sind veröffentlicht Ich bin leider gerade etwas eingespannt, deswegen kann ich LibreOffice 6.2 nicht ausführlicher beschreiben. Das
Sony RX100 IV: Passt sie in das UW-Gehäuse einer RX100 III?
LibreOffice 6.2 mit NotebookBar und LibreOffice 6.1.5 sind veröffentlicht Ich bin leider gerade etwas eingespannt, deswegen kann ich LibreOffice 6.2 nicht ausführlicher beschreiben. Das
SSH-Tunnel (VPN) mit Android, Ki4a, einem root-Server / Raspberry Pi ...
LibreOffice 6.2 mit NotebookBar und LibreOffice 6.1.5 sind veröffentlicht Ich bin leider gerade etwas eingespannt, deswegen kann ich LibreOffice 6.2 nicht ausführlicher beschreiben. Das
Start Update bei Nextcloud reagiert nicht - Kommandozeile benutzen
LibreOffice 6.2 mit NotebookBar und LibreOffice 6.1.5 sind veröffentlicht Ich bin leider gerade etwas eingespannt, deswegen kann ich LibreOffice 6.2 nicht ausführlicher beschreiben. Das
Was ist Stealth VPN oder OpenVPN via SSH, SSL, obfsproxy?
LibreOffice 6.2 mit NotebookBar und LibreOffice 6.1.5 sind veröffentlicht Ich bin leider gerade etwas eingespannt, deswegen kann ich LibreOffice 6.2 nicht ausführlicher beschreiben. Das
Strato als Provider nicht mehr tragbar, Strato Support völlig inkompetent
LibreOffice 6.2 mit NotebookBar und LibreOffice 6.1.5 sind veröffentlicht Ich bin leider gerade etwas eingespannt, deswegen kann ich LibreOffice 6.2 nicht ausführlicher beschreiben. Das
Stromverbrauch des Raspberry Pi Zero mit Kamera gemessen
LibreOffice 6.2 mit NotebookBar und LibreOffice 6.1.5 sind veröffentlicht Ich bin leider gerade etwas eingespannt, deswegen kann ich LibreOffice 6.2 nicht ausführlicher beschreiben. Das
Wracks im Roten Meer: Thistlegorm, Ghiannis D. und Rosalie Moeller
LibreOffice 6.2 mit NotebookBar und LibreOffice 6.1.5 sind veröffentlicht Ich bin leider gerade etwas eingespannt, deswegen kann ich LibreOffice 6.2 nicht ausführlicher beschreiben. Das
Threema Safe - Backups auf eigene Server möglich (auch Nextcloud)
LibreOffice 6.2 mit NotebookBar und LibreOffice 6.1.5 sind veröffentlicht Ich bin leider gerade etwas eingespannt, deswegen kann ich LibreOffice 6.2 nicht ausführlicher beschreiben. Das
TUXEDO InfinityBook Pro 13, OpenShot 2.3 und Thimbleweed Park macht Spaß
LibreOffice 6.2 mit NotebookBar und LibreOffice 6.1.5 sind veröffentlicht Ich bin leider gerade etwas eingespannt, deswegen kann ich LibreOffice 6.2 nicht ausführlicher beschreiben. Das
Ubuntu 18.04 LTS Desktop - Software-Management ist grausames Chaos
Was ich ebenfalls ganz OK finde, ist die per Standard installierte Software. Klar findest Du die üblichen Verdächtigen wie Firefox 59 und LibreOffice 6 . Für E-Mails ist Thunderbird zuständig und Deine Fotos verwaltest Du mit Shotwell. Ich nehme lieber digiKam ... LibreOffice 6.2 mit NotebookBar und LibreOffice 6.1.5 sind veröffentlicht Ich bin leider gerade etwas eingespannt, deswegen kann ich LibreOffice 6.2 nicht ausführlicher beschreiben. Das
Ubuntu 18.04 LTS ist da - Software-Management weiterhin Chaos
LibreOffice 6.2 mit NotebookBar und LibreOffice 6.1.5 sind veröffentlicht Ich bin leider gerade etwas eingespannt, deswegen kann ich LibreOffice 6.2 nicht ausführlicher beschreiben. Das
Ubuntu 18.04 Server LTS Bionic Beaver - Neuer Installer und Raspberry Pi
LibreOffice 6.2 mit NotebookBar und LibreOffice 6.1.5 sind veröffentlicht Ich bin leider gerade etwas eingespannt, deswegen kann ich LibreOffice 6.2 nicht ausführlicher beschreiben. Das
Ubuntu MATE 15.10 auf einem Raspberry Pi 2 installieren
LibreOffice 6.2 mit NotebookBar und LibreOffice 6.1.5 sind veröffentlicht Ich bin leider gerade etwas eingespannt, deswegen kann ich LibreOffice 6.2 nicht ausführlicher beschreiben. Das
Ubuntu MATE 16.04 LTS auf dem Raspberry Pi installieren
LibreOffice 6.2 mit NotebookBar und LibreOffice 6.1.5 sind veröffentlicht Ich bin leider gerade etwas eingespannt, deswegen kann ich LibreOffice 6.2 nicht ausführlicher beschreiben. Das
Ubuntu MATE 18.04 LTS Bionic Beaver für Raspberry Pi erst im Juli 2018
LibreOffice 6.2 mit NotebookBar und LibreOffice 6.1.5 sind veröffentlicht Ich bin leider gerade etwas eingespannt, deswegen kann ich LibreOffice 6.2 nicht ausführlicher beschreiben. Das
Uneinsichtig sind die Link-Builder / angeblichen SEO-Firmen auch noch » Linux | Spiele | Open-Source | Server | Desktop | Cloud | Android
LibreOffice 6.2 mit NotebookBar und LibreOffice 6.1.5 sind veröffentlicht Ich bin leider gerade etwas eingespannt, deswegen kann ich LibreOffice 6.2 nicht ausführlicher beschreiben. Das
Unity 8, Konvergenz und Ubuntu Phone eingestampft - Ubuntu 18.04 geht zurück zu GNOME
LibreOffice 6.2 mit NotebookBar und LibreOffice 6.1.5 sind veröffentlicht Ich bin leider gerade etwas eingespannt, deswegen kann ich LibreOffice 6.2 nicht ausführlicher beschreiben. Das
Updgrade zu OpenELEC 6.0.0 auf einem Raspberry Pi 2
LibreOffice 6.2 mit NotebookBar und LibreOffice 6.1.5 sind veröffentlicht Ich bin leider gerade etwas eingespannt, deswegen kann ich LibreOffice 6.2 nicht ausführlicher beschreiben. Das
Upgrade von 13 auf Nextcloud 14.0.1 hat geklappt - Sicherheitswarnungen
LibreOffice 6.2 mit NotebookBar und LibreOffice 6.1.5 sind veröffentlicht Ich bin leider gerade etwas eingespannt, deswegen kann ich LibreOffice 6.2 nicht ausführlicher beschreiben. Das
Upgrade-Pfade für Linux Mint 18.1 offen - Schritt für Schritt
LibreOffice 6.2 mit NotebookBar und LibreOffice 6.1.5 sind veröffentlicht Ich bin leider gerade etwas eingespannt, deswegen kann ich LibreOffice 6.2 nicht ausführlicher beschreiben. Das
Upgrade von Linux Mint 18.3 auf Linux Mint 19 "Tara" ist ab sofort möglich
LibreOffice 6.2 mit NotebookBar und LibreOffice 6.1.5 sind veröffentlicht Ich bin leider gerade etwas eingespannt, deswegen kann ich LibreOffice 6.2 nicht ausführlicher beschreiben. Das
Vorblitz (Pre-flash) einer Canon EOS 7D mittels einer GoPro Hero3 sichtbar gemacht » Linux | Spiele | Open-Source | Server | Desktop | Cloud | Android
LibreOffice 6.2 mit NotebookBar und LibreOffice 6.1.5 sind veröffentlicht Ich bin leider gerade etwas eingespannt, deswegen kann ich LibreOffice 6.2 nicht ausführlicher beschreiben. Das
Funktioniert mein VPN in Ägypten / Kairo / Rotes Meer?
LibreOffice 6.2 mit NotebookBar und LibreOffice 6.1.5 sind veröffentlicht Ich bin leider gerade etwas eingespannt, deswegen kann ich LibreOffice 6.2 nicht ausführlicher beschreiben. Das
VPN-Protokoll? - OpenVPN, WireGuard, SSTP, PPTP, IPsec, L2TP, IKEv2
LibreOffice 6.2 mit NotebookBar und LibreOffice 6.1.5 sind veröffentlicht Ich bin leider gerade etwas eingespannt, deswegen kann ich LibreOffice 6.2 nicht ausführlicher beschreiben. Das
Wartungsversion: LibreOffice 6.0.3 "Fresh" ist verfügbar
Wartungsversion: LibreOffice 6.0.3 „Fresh“ ist verfügbar The Document Foundation (TDF) hat LibreOffice 6.0.3 zur Verfügung gestellt. Wie Du an der letzen Zahl erkennst, ist es die dritte kleinere Version aus der Reihe LibreOffice 6. Laut eigenen Angaben haben die Entwickler 70 Fixes (Bugs und Regressions... LibreOffice 6.0.3 ist Fresh Bekanntlich gibt es zwei Stränge bei LibreOffice. Einer ist Fresh und richtet sich an Benutzer, die immer die neueste Version mit aktuellen Funktionen nutzen möchten. Derzeit ist LibreOffice 6.0.3 eben Fresh Willst Du genau wissen, was sich in LibreOffice 6.0.3 geändert hat, kannst Du das in den jeweiligen Changelogs nachlesen: RC1 und RC2 Download LibreOffice 6.0.3 und Installation unter Ubuntu / Linux Mint Du kannst LibreOffice 6.0.3 ab sofort aus dem Download-Bereich der Projektseite für Linux, Windows und macOS herunterladen LibreOffice 6.0.3 steht ab sofort zum Download bereit Benutzt Du Linux Mint oder Ubuntu, kannst Du die aktuelle Version auch über ein PPA installieren. Hier gibt es zwei Optionen. Die eine ist, das PPA gezielt für Fresh zu verwenden. Damit bekommst Du immer die aktuelle Fresh-Version, auch wenn sich die Versionsnummer ... Willst Du aber lediglich LibreOffice 6.x nutzen und auf dem Zweig bleiben, auch wenn es zu Still wird, stellen die Entwickler dafür ebenfalls ein spezielles PPA zur Verfügung
Warum funktioniert mein VPN nicht? Probleme mit Virtual Private Network
LibreOffice 6.2 mit NotebookBar und LibreOffice 6.1.5 sind veröffentlicht Ich bin leider gerade etwas eingespannt, deswegen kann ich LibreOffice 6.2 nicht ausführlicher beschreiben. Das
Was bedeutet eigentlich Keine-Protokolle oder Zero-Logs-Richtlinie?
LibreOffice 6.2 mit NotebookBar und LibreOffice 6.1.5 sind veröffentlicht Ich bin leider gerade etwas eingespannt, deswegen kann ich LibreOffice 6.2 nicht ausführlicher beschreiben. Das
Was ist DNS (Domain Name System) und was macht ein DNS-Server?
LibreOffice 6.2 mit NotebookBar und LibreOffice 6.1.5 sind veröffentlicht Ich bin leider gerade etwas eingespannt, deswegen kann ich LibreOffice 6.2 nicht ausführlicher beschreiben. Das
Was ist ein VPN oder Virtual Private Network und wozu brauche ich es?
LibreOffice 6.2 mit NotebookBar und LibreOffice 6.1.5 sind veröffentlicht Ich bin leider gerade etwas eingespannt, deswegen kann ich LibreOffice 6.2 nicht ausführlicher beschreiben. Das
Was ist eine IP-Adresse und warum ist sie beim Thema VPN wichtig?
LibreOffice 6.2 mit NotebookBar und LibreOffice 6.1.5 sind veröffentlicht Ich bin leider gerade etwas eingespannt, deswegen kann ich LibreOffice 6.2 nicht ausführlicher beschreiben. Das
Weg von Strato - schrittweise auf einen vServer oder VPS
LibreOffice 6.2 mit NotebookBar und LibreOffice 6.1.5 sind veröffentlicht Ich bin leider gerade etwas eingespannt, deswegen kann ich LibreOffice 6.2 nicht ausführlicher beschreiben. Das
Wenn das Whitepaper Spam als Spam deklariert, landet es zurecht im Spam! » Linux | Spiele | Open-Source | Server | Desktop | Cloud | Android
LibreOffice 6.2 mit NotebookBar und LibreOffice 6.1.5 sind veröffentlicht Ich bin leider gerade etwas eingespannt, deswegen kann ich LibreOffice 6.2 nicht ausführlicher beschreiben. Das
WireGuard hat auch einige Nachteile - Anonymität ist derzeit geschwächt
LibreOffice 6.2 mit NotebookBar und LibreOffice 6.1.5 sind veröffentlicht Ich bin leider gerade etwas eingespannt, deswegen kann ich LibreOffice 6.2 nicht ausführlicher beschreiben. Das
WireGuard könnte OpenVPN und IPSec bei VPN ablösen - nur: Wann?
LibreOffice 6.2 mit NotebookBar und LibreOffice 6.1.5 sind veröffentlicht Ich bin leider gerade etwas eingespannt, deswegen kann ich LibreOffice 6.2 nicht ausführlicher beschreiben. Das
WireGuard VPN: Ich durfte die Implementierung von NordVPN testen
LibreOffice 6.2 mit NotebookBar und LibreOffice 6.1.5 sind veröffentlicht Ich bin leider gerade etwas eingespannt, deswegen kann ich LibreOffice 6.2 nicht ausführlicher beschreiben. Das
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LibreOffice 6.2 mit NotebookBar und LibreOffice 6.1.5 sind veröffentlicht Ich bin leider gerade etwas eingespannt, deswegen kann ich LibreOffice 6.2 nicht ausführlicher beschreiben. Das
Wow - Raspberry Pi hat erstes Ladengeschäft eröffnet ... » Linux | Spiele | Open-Source | Server | Desktop | Cloud | Android
LibreOffice 6.2 mit NotebookBar und LibreOffice 6.1.5 sind veröffentlicht Ich bin leider gerade etwas eingespannt, deswegen kann ich LibreOffice 6.2 nicht ausführlicher beschreiben. Das
Wrack Tauchsafari: Auch die Thistlegorm war 2015 wieder dabei
LibreOffice 6.2 mit NotebookBar und LibreOffice 6.1.5 sind veröffentlicht Ich bin leider gerade etwas eingespannt, deswegen kann ich LibreOffice 6.2 nicht ausführlicher beschreiben. Das
Xubuntu 16.04 LTS Xenial Xerus auf dem PINE A64 ausprobiert
LibreOffice 6.2 mit NotebookBar und LibreOffice 6.1.5 sind veröffentlicht Ich bin leider gerade etwas eingespannt, deswegen kann ich LibreOffice 6.2 nicht ausführlicher beschreiben. Das
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LibreOffice 6.2 mit NotebookBar und LibreOffice 6.1.5 sind veröffentlicht Ich bin leider gerade etwas eingespannt, deswegen kann ich LibreOffice 6.2 nicht ausführlicher beschreiben. Das
Zu dunkle Fotos unter Wasser? Inon-Blitze und der mysteriöse Magnet - der Vorblitz / Pre-Flash ist Schuld » Linux | Spiele | Open-Source | Server | Desktop | Cloud | Android
LibreOffice 6.2 mit NotebookBar und LibreOffice 6.1.5 sind veröffentlicht Ich bin leider gerade etwas eingespannt, deswegen kann ich LibreOffice 6.2 nicht ausführlicher beschreiben. Das
Zwei Jahre Nichtraucher - keine Zigarette mehr angerührt
LibreOffice 6.2 mit NotebookBar und LibreOffice 6.1.5 sind veröffentlicht Ich bin leider gerade etwas eingespannt, deswegen kann ich LibreOffice 6.2 nicht ausführlicher beschreiben. Das
Das LTE- (4G) Sicherheitsdesaster | Borns IT- und Windows-Blog
openSUSE erhält Linux Kernel 4.15.7 und LibreOffice 6.0.2
openSUSE erhält Linux Kernel 4.15.7 und LibreOffice 6.0.2 | Borns IT- und Windows-Blog
openSUSE erhält Linux Kernel 4.15.7 und LibreOffice 6.0.2 In einer Ankündigung vom 8. März 2018 teilen die Entwickler mit, dass die Linux-Distribution openSUSE eine Aktualisierung auf den Linux Kernel 4.15.7 und LibreOffice 6.0.2 erhält. Ist etwas schwer lesbar, die Ankündigung mit allen Neuerungen. Ein Excerpt findet ... 1 Response to openSUSE erhält Linux Kernel 4.15.7 und LibreOffice 6.0.2
Kurzinfo CB-K18/0621 Update 3
Software: Debian Linux, Open Source LibreOffice < 5.4.6, Open Source LibreOffice < 6.0.2, SUSE Linux, Red Hat Enterprise Linux, Ubuntu Linux
Change Log: Release Notes | LibreOffice - Free Office Suite - Fun Pro...
Branch Still Branch LibreOffice 6.1.2 6.1.3 (2018-09-272018-11-05) - Fresh Branch ... link below. LibreOffice 6.1.2 6.1.3 is the second third bugfix release of the ... fixed in RC1 and RC2 . In case of ... in LibreOffice 6.1 LibreOffice 6.0.6 6.0.7 (2018-08-... Branch Still Branch LibreOffice 6.1.0 6.1.2 (2018-08-082018-09-27) - Fresh Branch ... link below. LibreOffice 6.1.0 6.1.2 is the first second bugfix release of the fresh 6.1 line. For a list of fixed bugs compared to the previous release see the list of bugs ...
LibreOffice 6.0 : plus de puissance, de simplicité et de sécurité !
LibreOffice 6.0 : plus de puissance, de simplicité et de sécurité Comment mieux fêter l'anniversaire d'un logiciel qu'en publiant... une nouvelle version ? C'est ce que vient de faire The Document Foundation, avec LibreOffice 6.0 ! Disponible immédiatement, cette nouvelle version promet plus de puissance, de simplicité mais ... 08793484-photo-libreoffice-6-0.jpg LibreOffice 6.0 : puissance, simplicité et sécurité au cœur de cette mise à jour 01f4000008793486-photo-libreoffice-6-0.jpg Et la liste des autres modifications est longue : ajout de nouvelles polices d'écriture libres de droit, possibilité d'enregistrer ses caractères spéciaux favoris ou encore possibilité de chiffrer tous les documents ODT avec une clé OpenPGP ne sont que 3 des ... 01f4000008793492-photo-libreoffice-6-0.jpg 01f4000008793490-photo-libreoffice-6-0.jpg Hâte de tester cette version 6.0 ? Il est déjà possible de télécharger LibreOffice 6.0 pour essayer toutes ces nouveautés, et profiter des nombreux autres avantages amenés par la mise à jour
MX Linux 17.1 Released
Office suite: LibreOffice 6.0.1
Netrunner 18.03 - Based on Debian Testing - Released
[图]LibreOffice 6.2下月7日发布 正式引入标签化用户界面 - Open Source 开源 - cnBeta.COM
图]LibreOffice 6.2下月7日发布 正式引入标签化用户界面 尽管LibreOffice 6.2承诺提供许多增强功能和新功能,但是它的生命周期非常短,将会在2019年11月30日停止支持。文档基金会还计划在下周发布LibreOffice 6.1.5维护更新,这是LibreOffice 6.1系列的维护修正版本 LibreOffice 6.2正式发布 带来新的NotebookBar UI和更多改进
LibreOffice 6.2正式发布 带来新的NotebookBar UI和更多改进 - Open Source 开源 - cnBeta.COM
LibreOffice 6.2正式发布 带来新的NotebookBar UI和更多改进 libreoffice-6-2-officially-released-with-new-notebookbar-ui-many-improvements-524858-2.jpg libreoffice-6-2-officially-released-with-new-notebookbar-ui-many-improvements-524858-3.jpg 最后但同样重要的是,LibreOffice 6.2使上下文菜单在办公套件的各个组件中更加一致,提高了性能,特别是在处理大型文档时。6.2版还改进了基于云的LibreOffice Online套件,并改进了屏幕键盘以及用于移动设备的简化且响应更快的用户界面 LibreOffice 6.2是LibreOffice 6.x系列中的第二个版本,将在2019年11月30日之前得到技术支持,其中包含不少于7个维护更新 LibreOffice 6.2办公套件现在可供下载,下载地址 图]LibreOffice 6.2下月7日发布 正式引入标签化用户界面
LibreOffice 6.0.3 发布,大量问题修复 | 码农网
LibreOffice 6.0.3 发布,大量问题修复 TDF 宣布了 LibreOffice 6.0.3,这是 LibreOffice 6 系列的第三个小版本,包含大约 70 个错误和回归修复 LibreOffice 6.0.3 在功能方面表现出色,因此主要针对早期采用者,技术精通和高级用户,而 LibreOffice 5.4.6 作为替代下载选项提供 - 针对主流用户和企业部署 有关 LibreOffice 6.0.3 bug 和回归修复程序的技术细节照常在更改日志中提供 以上所述就是小编给大家介绍的《LibreOffice 6.0.3 发布,大量问题修复》,希望对大家有所帮助,如果大家有任何疑问请给我留言,小编会及时回复大家的。在此也非常感谢大家对 码农网 的支持
LibreOffice 6.0.6 发布,多项内容更新 | 码农网
LibreOffice 6.0.6 发布,多项内容更新 LibreOffice 6.0.6 发布了。主要更新内容如下
LibreOffice 6.2: Infos zum kostenlosen Office-Paket - COMPUTER BILD
Kostenlose Bürosoftware: LibreOffice 6.2 ist da LibreOffice 6.2: Das bringt die neue Version der Office-Suite LibreOffice 6: Download © Document Foundation LibreOffice 6.2: Neues Design im Windows-Stil Nachdem das große Update auf LibreOffice 6.0 in erster Linie zahlreiche funktionelle und technische Neuerungen brachte, haben die Entwickler bei Version 6.2 die Nutzeroberfläche im Stil des Windows -Designs freigeschaltet – für einen fließenden Übergang zwischen ... LibreOffice 6.2: Ansichten © COMPUTER BILD
Software-News - COMPUTER BILD
LibreOffice 6 © Document Foundation LibreOffice 6.2: Neues Design für Office-Umsteiger
Juli 2018 | Archiv nach Monat | ComputerWeekly.de | Seite 2
LibreOffice 6.0 eignet sich für den Einsatz in Unternehmen
LibreOffice 6.0 eignet sich für den Einsatz in Unternehmen
LibreOffice 6.0 eignet sich für den Einsatz in Unternehmen LibreOffice 6.0, die jüngste Version der Open Source Office Produktivitäts-Suite, bietet eine Alternative zu Microsoft Office für kostenbewusste Unternehmen LibreOffice 6.0 , veröffentlicht im Februar 2018, unterstützt eine Reihe von Dateitypen, von Standard-Office- bis hin zu älteren Legacy-Dateien, die selbst Office 365 nicht unterstützt. Es bietet eine umfassende Liste von herunterladbaren Erweiterungen, einschließlich ... LibreOffice 6.0 funktioniert unter Windows , Linux , Apple macOS und einigen mobilen Plattformen. Die mobile Bearbeitung ist jedoch noch in Arbeit, aktuell steht lediglich die App LibreOffice Viewer für Google Android sowie Impress Remote for Android und Apple ... Organisationen mit vielen Endgeräten können Geld sparen, wenn sie auf LibreOffice 6.0 umsteigen. Die LibreOffice-Website empfiehlt allerdings den Kauf von professionellem Support, zum Beispiel Beratern, um die Security bei einer Unternehmensbereitstellung zu ...
CVE-2018-10583 : An information disclosure vulnerability occurs when LibreOffice 6.0.3 and Apache OpenOffice Writer 4.1.5 automatically p
An information disclosure vulnerability occurs when LibreOffice 6.0.3 and Apache OpenOffice Writer 4.1.5 automatically process and initiate an SMB connection embedded in a malicious file, as demonstrated by xlink:href=file:// within an office:... 7 Application Libreoffice Libreoffice 6.0.3 Version Details Vulnerabilities
Metasploit modules related to Libreoffice Libreoffice version 6.0.3
Metasploit Modules Related To Libreoffice Libreoffice 6.0.3
Libreoffice Libreoffice 6.0.3 : Related security vulnerabilities
Libreoffice » Libreoffice » 6.0.3 : Vulnerability Statistics Vulnerabilities (7) Related Metasploit Modules (Cpe Name:cpe:/a:libreoffice:libreoffice:6.0.3 This page lists vulnerability statistics for Libreoffice Libreoffice 6.0.3 . Vulnerability statistics provide a quick overview for security vulnerabilities of Libreoffice Libreoffice 6.0.3
Libreoffice Libreoffice version 6.0.3 : Security vulnerabilities
Libreoffice » Libreoffice » 6.0.3 : Security Vulnerabilities (CVSS score >= 1 Cpe Name:cpe:/a:libreoffice:libreoffice:6.0.3 An information disclosure vulnerability occurs when LibreOffice 6.0.3 and Apache OpenOffice Writer 4.1.5 automatically process and initiate an SMB connection embedded in a malicious file, as demonstrated by xlink:href=file:// within an office:...
Libreoffice Libreoffice version 6.0.3 : Security vulnerabilities
Libreoffice » Libreoffice » 6.0.3 : Security Vulnerabilities Published In 2018 (CVSS score >= 1 Cpe Name:cpe:/a:libreoffice:libreoffice:6.0.3 An information disclosure vulnerability occurs when LibreOffice 6.0.3 and Apache OpenOffice Writer 4.1.5 automatically process and initiate an SMB connection embedded in a malicious file, as demonstrated by xlink:href=file:// within an office:...
Libreoffice Libreoffice version 6.0.3 : Security vulnerabilities
Libreoffice » Libreoffice » 6.0.3 : Security Vulnerabilities Published In 2019 (CVSS score >= 1 Cpe Name:cpe:/a:libreoffice:libreoffice:6.0.3
Libreoffice Libreoffice version 6.0.3 : Security vulnerabilities
Libreoffice » Libreoffice » 6.0.3 : Security Vulnerabilities (CVSS score >= 2 Cpe Name:cpe:/a:libreoffice:libreoffice:6.0.3 An information disclosure vulnerability occurs when LibreOffice 6.0.3 and Apache OpenOffice Writer 4.1.5 automatically process and initiate an SMB connection embedded in a malicious file, as demonstrated by xlink:href=file:// within an office:...
Libreoffice Libreoffice version 6.0.3 : Security vulnerabilities
Libreoffice » Libreoffice » 6.0.3 : Security Vulnerabilities Published In 2018 (CVSS score >= 2 Cpe Name:cpe:/a:libreoffice:libreoffice:6.0.3 An information disclosure vulnerability occurs when LibreOffice 6.0.3 and Apache OpenOffice Writer 4.1.5 automatically process and initiate an SMB connection embedded in a malicious file, as demonstrated by xlink:href=file:// within an office:...
Libreoffice Libreoffice version 6.0.3 : Security vulnerabilities
Libreoffice » Libreoffice » 6.0.3 : Security Vulnerabilities Published In 2019 (CVSS score >= 2 Cpe Name:cpe:/a:libreoffice:libreoffice:6.0.3
Libreoffice Libreoffice version 6.0.3 : Security vulnerabilities
Libreoffice » Libreoffice » 6.0.3 : Security Vulnerabilities (CVSS score >= 3 Cpe Name:cpe:/a:libreoffice:libreoffice:6.0.3 An information disclosure vulnerability occurs when LibreOffice 6.0.3 and Apache OpenOffice Writer 4.1.5 automatically process and initiate an SMB connection embedded in a malicious file, as demonstrated by xlink:href=file:// within an office:...
Libreoffice Libreoffice version 6.0.3 : Security vulnerabilities
Libreoffice » Libreoffice » 6.0.3 : Security Vulnerabilities Published In 2018 (CVSS score >= 3 Cpe Name:cpe:/a:libreoffice:libreoffice:6.0.3 An information disclosure vulnerability occurs when LibreOffice 6.0.3 and Apache OpenOffice Writer 4.1.5 automatically process and initiate an SMB connection embedded in a malicious file, as demonstrated by xlink:href=file:// within an office:...
Libreoffice Libreoffice version 6.0.3 : Security vulnerabilities
Libreoffice » Libreoffice » 6.0.3 : Security Vulnerabilities Published In 2019 (CVSS score >= 3 Cpe Name:cpe:/a:libreoffice:libreoffice:6.0.3
Libreoffice Libreoffice version 6.0.3 : Security vulnerabilities
Libreoffice » Libreoffice » 6.0.3 : Security Vulnerabilities (CVSS score >= 4 Cpe Name:cpe:/a:libreoffice:libreoffice:6.0.3 An information disclosure vulnerability occurs when LibreOffice 6.0.3 and Apache OpenOffice Writer 4.1.5 automatically process and initiate an SMB connection embedded in a malicious file, as demonstrated by xlink:href=file:// within an office:...
Libreoffice Libreoffice version 6.0.3 : Security vulnerabilities
Libreoffice » Libreoffice » 6.0.3 : Security Vulnerabilities Published In 2018 (CVSS score >= 4 Cpe Name:cpe:/a:libreoffice:libreoffice:6.0.3 An information disclosure vulnerability occurs when LibreOffice 6.0.3 and Apache OpenOffice Writer 4.1.5 automatically process and initiate an SMB connection embedded in a malicious file, as demonstrated by xlink:href=file:// within an office:...
Libreoffice Libreoffice version 6.0.3 : Security vulnerabilities
Libreoffice » Libreoffice » 6.0.3 : Security Vulnerabilities Published In 2019 (CVSS score >= 4 Cpe Name:cpe:/a:libreoffice:libreoffice:6.0.3
Libreoffice Libreoffice version 6.0.3 : Security vulnerabilities
Libreoffice » Libreoffice » 6.0.3 : Security Vulnerabilities (CVSS score >= 5 Cpe Name:cpe:/a:libreoffice:libreoffice:6.0.3 An information disclosure vulnerability occurs when LibreOffice 6.0.3 and Apache OpenOffice Writer 4.1.5 automatically process and initiate an SMB connection embedded in a malicious file, as demonstrated by xlink:href=file:// within an office:...
Libreoffice Libreoffice version 6.0.3 : Security vulnerabilities
Libreoffice » Libreoffice » 6.0.3 : Security Vulnerabilities Published In 2018 (CVSS score >= 5 Cpe Name:cpe:/a:libreoffice:libreoffice:6.0.3 An information disclosure vulnerability occurs when LibreOffice 6.0.3 and Apache OpenOffice Writer 4.1.5 automatically process and initiate an SMB connection embedded in a malicious file, as demonstrated by xlink:href=file:// within an office:...
Libreoffice Libreoffice version 6.0.3 : Security vulnerabilities
Libreoffice » Libreoffice » 6.0.3 : Security Vulnerabilities Published In 2019 (CVSS score >= 5 Cpe Name:cpe:/a:libreoffice:libreoffice:6.0.3
Libreoffice Libreoffice version 6.0.3 : Security vulnerabilities
Libreoffice » Libreoffice » 6.0.3 : Security Vulnerabilities (CVSS score >= 6 Cpe Name:cpe:/a:libreoffice:libreoffice:6.0.3
Libreoffice Libreoffice version 6.0.3 : Security vulnerabilities
Libreoffice » Libreoffice » 6.0.3 : Security Vulnerabilities Published In 2018 (CVSS score >= 6 Cpe Name:cpe:/a:libreoffice:libreoffice:6.0.3
Libreoffice Libreoffice version 6.0.3 : Security vulnerabilities
Libreoffice » Libreoffice » 6.0.3 : Security Vulnerabilities Published In 2019 (CVSS score >= 6 Cpe Name:cpe:/a:libreoffice:libreoffice:6.0.3
Libreoffice Libreoffice version 6.0.3 : Security vulnerabilities
Libreoffice » Libreoffice » 6.0.3 : Security Vulnerabilities (CVSS score >= 7 Cpe Name:cpe:/a:libreoffice:libreoffice:6.0.3
Libreoffice Libreoffice version 6.0.3 : Security vulnerabilities
Libreoffice » Libreoffice » 6.0.3 : Security Vulnerabilities Published In 2018 (CVSS score >= 7 Cpe Name:cpe:/a:libreoffice:libreoffice:6.0.3
Libreoffice Libreoffice version 6.0.3 : Security vulnerabilities
Libreoffice » Libreoffice » 6.0.3 : Security Vulnerabilities Published In 2019 (CVSS score >= 7 Cpe Name:cpe:/a:libreoffice:libreoffice:6.0.3
Libreoffice Libreoffice version 6.0.3 : Security vulnerabilities
Libreoffice » Libreoffice » 6.0.3 : Security Vulnerabilities (CVSS score >= 8 Cpe Name:cpe:/a:libreoffice:libreoffice:6.0.3
Libreoffice Libreoffice version 6.0.3 : Security vulnerabilities
Libreoffice » Libreoffice » 6.0.3 : Security Vulnerabilities Published In 2018 (CVSS score >= 8 Cpe Name:cpe:/a:libreoffice:libreoffice:6.0.3
Libreoffice Libreoffice version 6.0.3 : Security vulnerabilities
Libreoffice » Libreoffice » 6.0.3 : Security Vulnerabilities Published In 2019 (CVSS score >= 8 Cpe Name:cpe:/a:libreoffice:libreoffice:6.0.3
Libreoffice Libreoffice version 6.0.3 : Security vulnerabilities
Libreoffice » Libreoffice » 6.0.3 : Security Vulnerabilities (CVSS score >= 9 Cpe Name:cpe:/a:libreoffice:libreoffice:6.0.3
Libreoffice Libreoffice version 6.0.3 : Security vulnerabilities
Libreoffice » Libreoffice » 6.0.3 : Security Vulnerabilities Published In 2018 (CVSS score >= 9 Cpe Name:cpe:/a:libreoffice:libreoffice:6.0.3
Libreoffice Libreoffice version 6.0.3 : Security vulnerabilities
Libreoffice » Libreoffice » 6.0.3 : Security Vulnerabilities Published In 2019 (CVSS score >= 9 Cpe Name:cpe:/a:libreoffice:libreoffice:6.0.3
Libreoffice Libreoffice version 6.0.3 : Security vulnerabilities
Libreoffice » Libreoffice » 6.0.3 : Security Vulnerabilities (Gain Information) (CVSS score >= 1 Cpe Name:cpe:/a:libreoffice:libreoffice:6.0.3 An information disclosure vulnerability occurs when LibreOffice 6.0.3 and Apache OpenOffice Writer 4.1.5 automatically process and initiate an SMB connection embedded in a malicious file, as demonstrated by xlink:href=file:// within an office:...
Libreoffice Libreoffice version 6.0.3 : Security vulnerabilities
Libreoffice » Libreoffice » 6.0.3 : Security Vulnerabilities Published In 2018 (Gain Information) (CVSS score >= 1 Cpe Name:cpe:/a:libreoffice:libreoffice:6.0.3 An information disclosure vulnerability occurs when LibreOffice 6.0.3 and Apache OpenOffice Writer 4.1.5 automatically process and initiate an SMB connection embedded in a malicious file, as demonstrated by xlink:href=file:// within an office:...
Libreoffice Libreoffice version 6.0.3 : Security vulnerabilities
Libreoffice » Libreoffice » 6.0.3 : Security Vulnerabilities Published In 2019 (Gain Information) (CVSS score >= 1 Cpe Name:cpe:/a:libreoffice:libreoffice:6.0.3
Libreoffice Libreoffice version 6.0.3 : Security vulnerabilities
Libreoffice » Libreoffice » 6.0.3 : Security Vulnerabilities (Gain Information) (CVSS score >= 2 Cpe Name:cpe:/a:libreoffice:libreoffice:6.0.3 An information disclosure vulnerability occurs when LibreOffice 6.0.3 and Apache OpenOffice Writer 4.1.5 automatically process and initiate an SMB connection embedded in a malicious file, as demonstrated by xlink:href=file:// within an office:...
Libreoffice Libreoffice version 6.0.3 : Security vulnerabilities
Libreoffice » Libreoffice » 6.0.3 : Security Vulnerabilities Published In 2018 (Gain Information) (CVSS score >= 2 Cpe Name:cpe:/a:libreoffice:libreoffice:6.0.3 An information disclosure vulnerability occurs when LibreOffice 6.0.3 and Apache OpenOffice Writer 4.1.5 automatically process and initiate an SMB connection embedded in a malicious file, as demonstrated by xlink:href=file:// within an office:...
Libreoffice Libreoffice version 6.0.3 : Security vulnerabilities
Libreoffice » Libreoffice » 6.0.3 : Security Vulnerabilities Published In 2019 (Gain Information) (CVSS score >= 2 Cpe Name:cpe:/a:libreoffice:libreoffice:6.0.3
Libreoffice Libreoffice version 6.0.3 : Security vulnerabilities
Libreoffice » Libreoffice » 6.0.3 : Security Vulnerabilities (Gain Information) (CVSS score >= 3 Cpe Name:cpe:/a:libreoffice:libreoffice:6.0.3 An information disclosure vulnerability occurs when LibreOffice 6.0.3 and Apache OpenOffice Writer 4.1.5 automatically process and initiate an SMB connection embedded in a malicious file, as demonstrated by xlink:href=file:// within an office:...
Libreoffice Libreoffice version 6.0.3 : Security vulnerabilities
Libreoffice » Libreoffice » 6.0.3 : Security Vulnerabilities Published In 2018 (Gain Information) (CVSS score >= 3 Cpe Name:cpe:/a:libreoffice:libreoffice:6.0.3 An information disclosure vulnerability occurs when LibreOffice 6.0.3 and Apache OpenOffice Writer 4.1.5 automatically process and initiate an SMB connection embedded in a malicious file, as demonstrated by xlink:href=file:// within an office:...
Libreoffice Libreoffice version 6.0.3 : Security vulnerabilities
Libreoffice » Libreoffice » 6.0.3 : Security Vulnerabilities Published In 2019 (Gain Information) (CVSS score >= 3 Cpe Name:cpe:/a:libreoffice:libreoffice:6.0.3
Libreoffice Libreoffice version 6.0.3 : Security vulnerabilities
Libreoffice » Libreoffice » 6.0.3 : Security Vulnerabilities (Gain Information) (CVSS score >= 4 Cpe Name:cpe:/a:libreoffice:libreoffice:6.0.3 An information disclosure vulnerability occurs when LibreOffice 6.0.3 and Apache OpenOffice Writer 4.1.5 automatically process and initiate an SMB connection embedded in a malicious file, as demonstrated by xlink:href=file:// within an office:...
Libreoffice Libreoffice version 6.0.3 : Security vulnerabilities
Libreoffice » Libreoffice » 6.0.3 : Security Vulnerabilities Published In 2018 (Gain Information) (CVSS score >= 4 Cpe Name:cpe:/a:libreoffice:libreoffice:6.0.3 An information disclosure vulnerability occurs when LibreOffice 6.0.3 and Apache OpenOffice Writer 4.1.5 automatically process and initiate an SMB connection embedded in a malicious file, as demonstrated by xlink:href=file:// within an office:...
Libreoffice Libreoffice version 6.0.3 : Security vulnerabilities
Libreoffice » Libreoffice » 6.0.3 : Security Vulnerabilities Published In 2019 (Gain Information) (CVSS score >= 4 Cpe Name:cpe:/a:libreoffice:libreoffice:6.0.3
Libreoffice Libreoffice version 6.0.3 : Security vulnerabilities
Libreoffice » Libreoffice » 6.0.3 : Security Vulnerabilities (Gain Information) (CVSS score >= 5 Cpe Name:cpe:/a:libreoffice:libreoffice:6.0.3 An information disclosure vulnerability occurs when LibreOffice 6.0.3 and Apache OpenOffice Writer 4.1.5 automatically process and initiate an SMB connection embedded in a malicious file, as demonstrated by xlink:href=file:// within an office:...
Libreoffice Libreoffice version 6.0.3 : Security vulnerabilities
Libreoffice » Libreoffice » 6.0.3 : Security Vulnerabilities Published In 2018 (Gain Information) (CVSS score >= 5 Cpe Name:cpe:/a:libreoffice:libreoffice:6.0.3 An information disclosure vulnerability occurs when LibreOffice 6.0.3 and Apache OpenOffice Writer 4.1.5 automatically process and initiate an SMB connection embedded in a malicious file, as demonstrated by xlink:href=file:// within an office:...
Libreoffice Libreoffice version 6.0.3 : Security vulnerabilities
Libreoffice » Libreoffice » 6.0.3 : Security Vulnerabilities Published In 2019 (Gain Information) (CVSS score >= 5 Cpe Name:cpe:/a:libreoffice:libreoffice:6.0.3
Libreoffice Libreoffice version 6.0.3 : Security vulnerabilities
Libreoffice » Libreoffice » 6.0.3 : Security Vulnerabilities (Gain Information) (CVSS score >= 6 Cpe Name:cpe:/a:libreoffice:libreoffice:6.0.3
Libreoffice Libreoffice version 6.0.3 : Security vulnerabilities
Libreoffice » Libreoffice » 6.0.3 : Security Vulnerabilities Published In 2018 (Gain Information) (CVSS score >= 6 Cpe Name:cpe:/a:libreoffice:libreoffice:6.0.3
Libreoffice Libreoffice version 6.0.3 : Security vulnerabilities
Libreoffice » Libreoffice » 6.0.3 : Security Vulnerabilities Published In 2019 (Gain Information) (CVSS score >= 6 Cpe Name:cpe:/a:libreoffice:libreoffice:6.0.3
Libreoffice Libreoffice version 6.0.3 : Security vulnerabilities
Libreoffice » Libreoffice » 6.0.3 : Security Vulnerabilities (Gain Information) (CVSS score >= 7 Cpe Name:cpe:/a:libreoffice:libreoffice:6.0.3
Libreoffice Libreoffice version 6.0.3 : Security vulnerabilities
Libreoffice » Libreoffice » 6.0.3 : Security Vulnerabilities Published In 2018 (Gain Information) (CVSS score >= 7 Cpe Name:cpe:/a:libreoffice:libreoffice:6.0.3
Libreoffice Libreoffice version 6.0.3 : Security vulnerabilities
Libreoffice » Libreoffice » 6.0.3 : Security Vulnerabilities Published In 2019 (Gain Information) (CVSS score >= 7 Cpe Name:cpe:/a:libreoffice:libreoffice:6.0.3
Libreoffice Libreoffice version 6.0.3 : Security vulnerabilities
Libreoffice » Libreoffice » 6.0.3 : Security Vulnerabilities (Gain Information) (CVSS score >= 8 Cpe Name:cpe:/a:libreoffice:libreoffice:6.0.3
Libreoffice Libreoffice version 6.0.3 : Security vulnerabilities
Libreoffice » Libreoffice » 6.0.3 : Security Vulnerabilities Published In 2018 (Gain Information) (CVSS score >= 8 Cpe Name:cpe:/a:libreoffice:libreoffice:6.0.3
Libreoffice Libreoffice version 6.0.3 : Security vulnerabilities
Libreoffice » Libreoffice » 6.0.3 : Security Vulnerabilities Published In 2019 (Gain Information) (CVSS score >= 8 Cpe Name:cpe:/a:libreoffice:libreoffice:6.0.3
Libreoffice Libreoffice version 6.0.3 : Security vulnerabilities
Libreoffice » Libreoffice » 6.0.3 : Security Vulnerabilities (Gain Information) (CVSS score >= 9 Cpe Name:cpe:/a:libreoffice:libreoffice:6.0.3
Libreoffice Libreoffice version 6.0.3 : Security vulnerabilities
Libreoffice » Libreoffice » 6.0.3 : Security Vulnerabilities Published In 2018 (Gain Information) (CVSS score >= 9 Cpe Name:cpe:/a:libreoffice:libreoffice:6.0.3
Libreoffice Libreoffice version 6.0.3 : Security vulnerabilities
Libreoffice » Libreoffice » 6.0.3 : Security Vulnerabilities Published In 2019 (Gain Information) (CVSS score >= 9 Cpe Name:cpe:/a:libreoffice:libreoffice:6.0.3
Libreoffice Libreoffice version 6.0.3 : Security vulnerabilities
Libreoffice » Libreoffice » 6.0.3 : Security Vulnerabilities (File Inclusion) (CVSS score >= 1 Cpe Name:cpe:/a:libreoffice:libreoffice:6.0.3
Libreoffice Libreoffice version 6.0.3 : Security vulnerabilities
Libreoffice » Libreoffice » 6.0.3 : Security Vulnerabilities (File Inclusion) (CVSS score >= 2 Cpe Name:cpe:/a:libreoffice:libreoffice:6.0.3
Libreoffice Libreoffice version 6.0.3 : Security vulnerabilities
Libreoffice » Libreoffice » 6.0.3 : Security Vulnerabilities (File Inclusion) (CVSS score >= 3 Cpe Name:cpe:/a:libreoffice:libreoffice:6.0.3
Libreoffice Libreoffice version 6.0.3 : Security vulnerabilities
Libreoffice » Libreoffice » 6.0.3 : Security Vulnerabilities (File Inclusion) (CVSS score >= 4 Cpe Name:cpe:/a:libreoffice:libreoffice:6.0.3
Libreoffice Libreoffice version 6.0.3 : Security vulnerabilities
Libreoffice » Libreoffice » 6.0.3 : Security Vulnerabilities (File Inclusion) (CVSS score >= 5 Cpe Name:cpe:/a:libreoffice:libreoffice:6.0.3
Libreoffice Libreoffice version 6.0.3 : Security vulnerabilities
Libreoffice » Libreoffice » 6.0.3 : Security Vulnerabilities (File Inclusion) (CVSS score >= 6 Cpe Name:cpe:/a:libreoffice:libreoffice:6.0.3
Libreoffice Libreoffice version 6.0.3 : Security vulnerabilities
Libreoffice » Libreoffice » 6.0.3 : Security Vulnerabilities (File Inclusion) (CVSS score >= 7 Cpe Name:cpe:/a:libreoffice:libreoffice:6.0.3
Libreoffice Libreoffice version 6.0.3 : Security vulnerabilities
Libreoffice » Libreoffice » 6.0.3 : Security Vulnerabilities (File Inclusion) (CVSS score >= 8 Cpe Name:cpe:/a:libreoffice:libreoffice:6.0.3
Libreoffice Libreoffice version 6.0.3 : Security vulnerabilities
Libreoffice » Libreoffice » 6.0.3 : Security Vulnerabilities (File Inclusion) (CVSS score >= 9 Cpe Name:cpe:/a:libreoffice:libreoffice:6.0.3
Libreoffice Libreoffice version 6.0.3 : Security vulnerabilities
Libreoffice » Libreoffice » 6.0.3 : Security Vulnerabilities (Bypass) (CVSS score >= 1 Cpe Name:cpe:/a:libreoffice:libreoffice:6.0.3
Libreoffice Libreoffice version 6.0.3 : Security vulnerabilities
Libreoffice » Libreoffice » 6.0.3 : Security Vulnerabilities Published In 2019 (Bypass) (CVSS score >= 1 Cpe Name:cpe:/a:libreoffice:libreoffice:6.0.3
Libreoffice Libreoffice version 6.0.3 : Security vulnerabilities
Libreoffice » Libreoffice » 6.0.3 : Security Vulnerabilities (Bypass) (CVSS score >= 2 Cpe Name:cpe:/a:libreoffice:libreoffice:6.0.3
Libreoffice Libreoffice version 6.0.3 : Security vulnerabilities
Libreoffice » Libreoffice » 6.0.3 : Security Vulnerabilities Published In 2019 (Bypass) (CVSS score >= 2 Cpe Name:cpe:/a:libreoffice:libreoffice:6.0.3
Libreoffice Libreoffice version 6.0.3 : Security vulnerabilities
Libreoffice » Libreoffice » 6.0.3 : Security Vulnerabilities (Bypass) (CVSS score >= 3 Cpe Name:cpe:/a:libreoffice:libreoffice:6.0.3
Libreoffice Libreoffice version 6.0.3 : Security vulnerabilities
Libreoffice » Libreoffice » 6.0.3 : Security Vulnerabilities Published In 2019 (Bypass) (CVSS score >= 3 Cpe Name:cpe:/a:libreoffice:libreoffice:6.0.3
Libreoffice Libreoffice version 6.0.3 : Security vulnerabilities
Libreoffice » Libreoffice » 6.0.3 : Security Vulnerabilities (Bypass) (CVSS score >= 4 Cpe Name:cpe:/a:libreoffice:libreoffice:6.0.3
Libreoffice Libreoffice version 6.0.3 : Security vulnerabilities
Libreoffice » Libreoffice » 6.0.3 : Security Vulnerabilities Published In 2019 (Bypass) (CVSS score >= 4 Cpe Name:cpe:/a:libreoffice:libreoffice:6.0.3
Libreoffice Libreoffice version 6.0.3 : Security vulnerabilities
Libreoffice » Libreoffice » 6.0.3 : Security Vulnerabilities (Bypass) (CVSS score >= 5 Cpe Name:cpe:/a:libreoffice:libreoffice:6.0.3
Libreoffice Libreoffice version 6.0.3 : Security vulnerabilities
Libreoffice » Libreoffice » 6.0.3 : Security Vulnerabilities Published In 2019 (Bypass) (CVSS score >= 5 Cpe Name:cpe:/a:libreoffice:libreoffice:6.0.3
Libreoffice Libreoffice version 6.0.3 : Security vulnerabilities
Libreoffice » Libreoffice » 6.0.3 : Security Vulnerabilities (Bypass) (CVSS score >= 6 Cpe Name:cpe:/a:libreoffice:libreoffice:6.0.3
Libreoffice Libreoffice version 6.0.3 : Security vulnerabilities
Libreoffice » Libreoffice » 6.0.3 : Security Vulnerabilities Published In 2019 (Bypass) (CVSS score >= 6 Cpe Name:cpe:/a:libreoffice:libreoffice:6.0.3
Libreoffice Libreoffice version 6.0.3 : Security vulnerabilities
Libreoffice » Libreoffice » 6.0.3 : Security Vulnerabilities (Bypass) (CVSS score >= 7 Cpe Name:cpe:/a:libreoffice:libreoffice:6.0.3
Libreoffice Libreoffice version 6.0.3 : Security vulnerabilities
Libreoffice » Libreoffice » 6.0.3 : Security Vulnerabilities Published In 2019 (Bypass) (CVSS score >= 7 Cpe Name:cpe:/a:libreoffice:libreoffice:6.0.3
Libreoffice Libreoffice version 6.0.3 : Security vulnerabilities
Libreoffice » Libreoffice » 6.0.3 : Security Vulnerabilities (Bypass) (CVSS score >= 8 Cpe Name:cpe:/a:libreoffice:libreoffice:6.0.3
Libreoffice Libreoffice version 6.0.3 : Security vulnerabilities
Libreoffice » Libreoffice » 6.0.3 : Security Vulnerabilities Published In 2019 (Bypass) (CVSS score >= 8 Cpe Name:cpe:/a:libreoffice:libreoffice:6.0.3
Libreoffice Libreoffice version 6.0.3 : Security vulnerabilities
Libreoffice » Libreoffice » 6.0.3 : Security Vulnerabilities (Bypass) (CVSS score >= 9 Cpe Name:cpe:/a:libreoffice:libreoffice:6.0.3
Libreoffice Libreoffice version 6.0.3 : Security vulnerabilities
Libreoffice » Libreoffice » 6.0.3 : Security Vulnerabilities Published In 2019 (Bypass) (CVSS score >= 9 Cpe Name:cpe:/a:libreoffice:libreoffice:6.0.3
Libreoffice Libreoffice version 6.0.3 : Security vulnerabilities
Libreoffice » Libreoffice » 6.0.3 : Security Vulnerabilities (Http Response Splitting) (CVSS score >= 1 Cpe Name:cpe:/a:libreoffice:libreoffice:6.0.3
Libreoffice Libreoffice version 6.0.3 : Security vulnerabilities
Libreoffice » Libreoffice » 6.0.3 : Security Vulnerabilities (Http Response Splitting) (CVSS score >= 2 Cpe Name:cpe:/a:libreoffice:libreoffice:6.0.3
Libreoffice Libreoffice version 6.0.3 : Security vulnerabilities
Libreoffice » Libreoffice » 6.0.3 : Security Vulnerabilities (Http Response Splitting) (CVSS score >= 3 Cpe Name:cpe:/a:libreoffice:libreoffice:6.0.3
Libreoffice Libreoffice version 6.0.3 : Security vulnerabilities
Libreoffice » Libreoffice » 6.0.3 : Security Vulnerabilities (Http Response Splitting) (CVSS score >= 4 Cpe Name:cpe:/a:libreoffice:libreoffice:6.0.3
Libreoffice Libreoffice version 6.0.3 : Security vulnerabilities
Libreoffice » Libreoffice » 6.0.3 : Security Vulnerabilities (Http Response Splitting) (CVSS score >= 5 Cpe Name:cpe:/a:libreoffice:libreoffice:6.0.3
Libreoffice Libreoffice version 6.0.3 : Security vulnerabilities
Libreoffice » Libreoffice » 6.0.3 : Security Vulnerabilities (Http Response Splitting) (CVSS score >= 6 Cpe Name:cpe:/a:libreoffice:libreoffice:6.0.3
Libreoffice Libreoffice version 6.0.3 : Security vulnerabilities
Libreoffice » Libreoffice » 6.0.3 : Security Vulnerabilities (Http Response Splitting) (CVSS score >= 7 Cpe Name:cpe:/a:libreoffice:libreoffice:6.0.3
Libreoffice Libreoffice version 6.0.3 : Security vulnerabilities
Libreoffice » Libreoffice » 6.0.3 : Security Vulnerabilities (Http Response Splitting) (CVSS score >= 8 Cpe Name:cpe:/a:libreoffice:libreoffice:6.0.3
Libreoffice Libreoffice version 6.0.3 : Security vulnerabilities
Libreoffice » Libreoffice » 6.0.3 : Security Vulnerabilities (Http Response Splitting) (CVSS score >= 9 Cpe Name:cpe:/a:libreoffice:libreoffice:6.0.3
Libreoffice Libreoffice version 6.0.3 : Security vulnerabilities
Libreoffice » Libreoffice » 6.0.3 : Security Vulnerabilities (Memory Corruption) (CVSS score >= 1 Cpe Name:cpe:/a:libreoffice:libreoffice:6.0.3
Libreoffice Libreoffice version 6.0.3 : Security vulnerabilities
Libreoffice » Libreoffice » 6.0.3 : Security Vulnerabilities (Memory Corruption) (CVSS score >= 2 Cpe Name:cpe:/a:libreoffice:libreoffice:6.0.3
Libreoffice Libreoffice version 6.0.3 : Security vulnerabilities
Libreoffice » Libreoffice » 6.0.3 : Security Vulnerabilities (Memory Corruption) (CVSS score >= 3 Cpe Name:cpe:/a:libreoffice:libreoffice:6.0.3
Libreoffice Libreoffice version 6.0.3 : Security vulnerabilities
Libreoffice » Libreoffice » 6.0.3 : Security Vulnerabilities (Memory Corruption) (CVSS score >= 4 Cpe Name:cpe:/a:libreoffice:libreoffice:6.0.3
Libreoffice Libreoffice version 6.0.3 : Security vulnerabilities
Libreoffice » Libreoffice » 6.0.3 : Security Vulnerabilities (Memory Corruption) (CVSS score >= 5 Cpe Name:cpe:/a:libreoffice:libreoffice:6.0.3
Libreoffice Libreoffice version 6.0.3 : Security vulnerabilities
Libreoffice » Libreoffice » 6.0.3 : Security Vulnerabilities (Memory Corruption) (CVSS score >= 6 Cpe Name:cpe:/a:libreoffice:libreoffice:6.0.3
Libreoffice Libreoffice version 6.0.3 : Security vulnerabilities
Libreoffice » Libreoffice » 6.0.3 : Security Vulnerabilities (Memory Corruption) (CVSS score >= 7 Cpe Name:cpe:/a:libreoffice:libreoffice:6.0.3
Libreoffice Libreoffice version 6.0.3 : Security vulnerabilities
Libreoffice » Libreoffice » 6.0.3 : Security Vulnerabilities (Memory Corruption) (CVSS score >= 8 Cpe Name:cpe:/a:libreoffice:libreoffice:6.0.3
Libreoffice Libreoffice version 6.0.3 : Security vulnerabilities
Libreoffice » Libreoffice » 6.0.3 : Security Vulnerabilities (Memory Corruption) (CVSS score >= 9 Cpe Name:cpe:/a:libreoffice:libreoffice:6.0.3
Libreoffice Libreoffice version 6.0.3 : Security vulnerabilities
Libreoffice » Libreoffice » 6.0.3 : Security Vulnerabilities (Directory Traversal) (CVSS score >= 1 Cpe Name:cpe:/a:libreoffice:libreoffice:6.0.3
Libreoffice Libreoffice version 6.0.3 : Security vulnerabilities
Libreoffice » Libreoffice » 6.0.3 : Security Vulnerabilities Published In 2019 (Directory Traversal) (CVSS score >= 1 Cpe Name:cpe:/a:libreoffice:libreoffice:6.0.3
Libreoffice Libreoffice version 6.0.3 : Security vulnerabilities
Libreoffice » Libreoffice » 6.0.3 : Security Vulnerabilities (Directory Traversal) (CVSS score >= 2 Cpe Name:cpe:/a:libreoffice:libreoffice:6.0.3
Libreoffice Libreoffice version 6.0.3 : Security vulnerabilities
Libreoffice » Libreoffice » 6.0.3 : Security Vulnerabilities Published In 2019 (Directory Traversal) (CVSS score >= 2 Cpe Name:cpe:/a:libreoffice:libreoffice:6.0.3
Libreoffice Libreoffice version 6.0.3 : Security vulnerabilities
Libreoffice » Libreoffice » 6.0.3 : Security Vulnerabilities (Directory Traversal) (CVSS score >= 3 Cpe Name:cpe:/a:libreoffice:libreoffice:6.0.3
Libreoffice Libreoffice version 6.0.3 : Security vulnerabilities
Libreoffice » Libreoffice » 6.0.3 : Security Vulnerabilities Published In 2019 (Directory Traversal) (CVSS score >= 3 Cpe Name:cpe:/a:libreoffice:libreoffice:6.0.3
Libreoffice Libreoffice version 6.0.3 : Security vulnerabilities
Libreoffice » Libreoffice » 6.0.3 : Security Vulnerabilities (Directory Traversal) (CVSS score >= 4 Cpe Name:cpe:/a:libreoffice:libreoffice:6.0.3
Libreoffice Libreoffice version 6.0.3 : Security vulnerabilities
Libreoffice » Libreoffice » 6.0.3 : Security Vulnerabilities Published In 2019 (Directory Traversal) (CVSS score >= 4 Cpe Name:cpe:/a:libreoffice:libreoffice:6.0.3
Libreoffice Libreoffice version 6.0.3 : Security vulnerabilities
Libreoffice » Libreoffice » 6.0.3 : Security Vulnerabilities (Directory Traversal) (CVSS score >= 5 Cpe Name:cpe:/a:libreoffice:libreoffice:6.0.3
Libreoffice Libreoffice version 6.0.3 : Security vulnerabilities
Libreoffice » Libreoffice » 6.0.3 : Security Vulnerabilities Published In 2019 (Directory Traversal) (CVSS score >= 5 Cpe Name:cpe:/a:libreoffice:libreoffice:6.0.3
Libreoffice Libreoffice version 6.0.3 : Security vulnerabilities
Libreoffice » Libreoffice » 6.0.3 : Security Vulnerabilities (Directory Traversal) (CVSS score >= 6 Cpe Name:cpe:/a:libreoffice:libreoffice:6.0.3
Libreoffice Libreoffice version 6.0.3 : Security vulnerabilities
Libreoffice » Libreoffice » 6.0.3 : Security Vulnerabilities Published In 2019 (Directory Traversal) (CVSS score >= 6 Cpe Name:cpe:/a:libreoffice:libreoffice:6.0.3
Libreoffice Libreoffice version 6.0.3 : Security vulnerabilities
Libreoffice » Libreoffice » 6.0.3 : Security Vulnerabilities (Directory Traversal) (CVSS score >= 7 Cpe Name:cpe:/a:libreoffice:libreoffice:6.0.3
Libreoffice Libreoffice version 6.0.3 : Security vulnerabilities
Libreoffice » Libreoffice » 6.0.3 : Security Vulnerabilities Published In 2019 (Directory Traversal) (CVSS score >= 7 Cpe Name:cpe:/a:libreoffice:libreoffice:6.0.3
Libreoffice Libreoffice version 6.0.3 : Security vulnerabilities
Libreoffice » Libreoffice » 6.0.3 : Security Vulnerabilities (Directory Traversal) (CVSS score >= 8 Cpe Name:cpe:/a:libreoffice:libreoffice:6.0.3
Libreoffice Libreoffice version 6.0.3 : Security vulnerabilities
Libreoffice » Libreoffice » 6.0.3 : Security Vulnerabilities Published In 2019 (Directory Traversal) (CVSS score >= 8 Cpe Name:cpe:/a:libreoffice:libreoffice:6.0.3
Libreoffice Libreoffice version 6.0.3 : Security vulnerabilities
Libreoffice » Libreoffice » 6.0.3 : Security Vulnerabilities (Directory Traversal) (CVSS score >= 9 Cpe Name:cpe:/a:libreoffice:libreoffice:6.0.3
Libreoffice Libreoffice version 6.0.3 : Security vulnerabilities
Libreoffice » Libreoffice » 6.0.3 : Security Vulnerabilities Published In 2019 (Directory Traversal) (CVSS score >= 9 Cpe Name:cpe:/a:libreoffice:libreoffice:6.0.3
Libreoffice Libreoffice version 6.0.3 : Security vulnerabilities
Libreoffice » Libreoffice » 6.0.3 : Security Vulnerabilities (Cross Site Scripting (XSS)) (CVSS score >= 1 Cpe Name:cpe:/a:libreoffice:libreoffice:6.0.3
Libreoffice Libreoffice version 6.0.3 : Security vulnerabilities
Libreoffice » Libreoffice » 6.0.3 : Security Vulnerabilities (Cross Site Scripting (XSS)) (CVSS score >= 2 Cpe Name:cpe:/a:libreoffice:libreoffice:6.0.3
Libreoffice Libreoffice version 6.0.3 : Security vulnerabilities
Libreoffice » Libreoffice » 6.0.3 : Security Vulnerabilities (Cross Site Scripting (XSS)) (CVSS score >= 3 Cpe Name:cpe:/a:libreoffice:libreoffice:6.0.3
Libreoffice Libreoffice version 6.0.3 : Security vulnerabilities
Libreoffice » Libreoffice » 6.0.3 : Security Vulnerabilities (Cross Site Scripting (XSS)) (CVSS score >= 4 Cpe Name:cpe:/a:libreoffice:libreoffice:6.0.3
Libreoffice Libreoffice version 6.0.3 : Security vulnerabilities
Libreoffice » Libreoffice » 6.0.3 : Security Vulnerabilities (Cross Site Scripting (XSS)) (CVSS score >= 5 Cpe Name:cpe:/a:libreoffice:libreoffice:6.0.3
Libreoffice Libreoffice version 6.0.3 : Security vulnerabilities
Libreoffice » Libreoffice » 6.0.3 : Security Vulnerabilities (Cross Site Scripting (XSS)) (CVSS score >= 6 Cpe Name:cpe:/a:libreoffice:libreoffice:6.0.3
Libreoffice Libreoffice version 6.0.3 : Security vulnerabilities
Libreoffice » Libreoffice » 6.0.3 : Security Vulnerabilities (Cross Site Scripting (XSS)) (CVSS score >= 7 Cpe Name:cpe:/a:libreoffice:libreoffice:6.0.3
Libreoffice Libreoffice version 6.0.3 : Security vulnerabilities
Libreoffice » Libreoffice » 6.0.3 : Security Vulnerabilities (Cross Site Scripting (XSS)) (CVSS score >= 8 Cpe Name:cpe:/a:libreoffice:libreoffice:6.0.3
Libreoffice Libreoffice version 6.0.3 : Security vulnerabilities
Libreoffice » Libreoffice » 6.0.3 : Security Vulnerabilities (Cross Site Scripting (XSS)) (CVSS score >= 9 Cpe Name:cpe:/a:libreoffice:libreoffice:6.0.3
Libreoffice Libreoffice version 6.0.3 : Security vulnerabilities
Libreoffice » Libreoffice » 6.0.3 : Security Vulnerabilities (SQL Injection) (CVSS score >= 1 Cpe Name:cpe:/a:libreoffice:libreoffice:6.0.3
Libreoffice Libreoffice version 6.0.3 : Security vulnerabilities
Libreoffice » Libreoffice » 6.0.3 : Security Vulnerabilities (SQL Injection) (CVSS score >= 2 Cpe Name:cpe:/a:libreoffice:libreoffice:6.0.3
Libreoffice Libreoffice version 6.0.3 : Security vulnerabilities
Libreoffice » Libreoffice » 6.0.3 : Security Vulnerabilities (SQL Injection) (CVSS score >= 3 Cpe Name:cpe:/a:libreoffice:libreoffice:6.0.3
Libreoffice Libreoffice version 6.0.3 : Security vulnerabilities
Libreoffice » Libreoffice » 6.0.3 : Security Vulnerabilities (SQL Injection) (CVSS score >= 4 Cpe Name:cpe:/a:libreoffice:libreoffice:6.0.3
Libreoffice Libreoffice version 6.0.3 : Security vulnerabilities
Libreoffice » Libreoffice » 6.0.3 : Security Vulnerabilities (SQL Injection) (CVSS score >= 5 Cpe Name:cpe:/a:libreoffice:libreoffice:6.0.3
Libreoffice Libreoffice version 6.0.3 : Security vulnerabilities
Libreoffice » Libreoffice » 6.0.3 : Security Vulnerabilities (SQL Injection) (CVSS score >= 6 Cpe Name:cpe:/a:libreoffice:libreoffice:6.0.3
Libreoffice Libreoffice version 6.0.3 : Security vulnerabilities
Libreoffice » Libreoffice » 6.0.3 : Security Vulnerabilities (SQL Injection) (CVSS score >= 7 Cpe Name:cpe:/a:libreoffice:libreoffice:6.0.3
Libreoffice Libreoffice version 6.0.3 : Security vulnerabilities
Libreoffice » Libreoffice » 6.0.3 : Security Vulnerabilities (SQL Injection) (CVSS score >= 8 Cpe Name:cpe:/a:libreoffice:libreoffice:6.0.3
Libreoffice Libreoffice version 6.0.3 : Security vulnerabilities
Libreoffice » Libreoffice » 6.0.3 : Security Vulnerabilities (SQL Injection) (CVSS score >= 9 Cpe Name:cpe:/a:libreoffice:libreoffice:6.0.3
Libreoffice Libreoffice version 6.0.3 : Security vulnerabilities
Libreoffice » Libreoffice » 6.0.3 : Security Vulnerabilities (Gain Privilege) (CVSS score >= 1 Cpe Name:cpe:/a:libreoffice:libreoffice:6.0.3
Libreoffice Libreoffice version 6.0.3 : Security vulnerabilities
Libreoffice » Libreoffice » 6.0.3 : Security Vulnerabilities (Gain Privilege) (CVSS score >= 2 Cpe Name:cpe:/a:libreoffice:libreoffice:6.0.3
Libreoffice Libreoffice version 6.0.3 : Security vulnerabilities
Libreoffice » Libreoffice » 6.0.3 : Security Vulnerabilities (Gain Privilege) (CVSS score >= 3 Cpe Name:cpe:/a:libreoffice:libreoffice:6.0.3
Libreoffice Libreoffice version 6.0.3 : Security vulnerabilities
Libreoffice » Libreoffice » 6.0.3 : Security Vulnerabilities (Gain Privilege) (CVSS score >= 4 Cpe Name:cpe:/a:libreoffice:libreoffice:6.0.3
Libreoffice Libreoffice version 6.0.3 : Security vulnerabilities
Libreoffice » Libreoffice » 6.0.3 : Security Vulnerabilities (Gain Privilege) (CVSS score >= 5 Cpe Name:cpe:/a:libreoffice:libreoffice:6.0.3
Libreoffice Libreoffice version 6.0.3 : Security vulnerabilities
Libreoffice » Libreoffice » 6.0.3 : Security Vulnerabilities (Gain Privilege) (CVSS score >= 6 Cpe Name:cpe:/a:libreoffice:libreoffice:6.0.3
Libreoffice Libreoffice version 6.0.3 : Security vulnerabilities
Libreoffice » Libreoffice » 6.0.3 : Security Vulnerabilities (Gain Privilege) (CVSS score >= 7 Cpe Name:cpe:/a:libreoffice:libreoffice:6.0.3
Libreoffice Libreoffice version 6.0.3 : Security vulnerabilities
Libreoffice » Libreoffice » 6.0.3 : Security Vulnerabilities (Gain Privilege) (CVSS score >= 8 Cpe Name:cpe:/a:libreoffice:libreoffice:6.0.3
Libreoffice Libreoffice version 6.0.3 : Security vulnerabilities
Libreoffice » Libreoffice » 6.0.3 : Security Vulnerabilities (Gain Privilege) (CVSS score >= 9 Cpe Name:cpe:/a:libreoffice:libreoffice:6.0.3
Libreoffice Libreoffice version 6.0.3 : Security vulnerabilities
Libreoffice » Libreoffice » 6.0.3 : Security Vulnerabilities (CSRF) (CVSS score >= 1 Cpe Name:cpe:/a:libreoffice:libreoffice:6.0.3
Libreoffice Libreoffice version 6.0.3 : Security vulnerabilities
Libreoffice » Libreoffice » 6.0.3 : Security Vulnerabilities (CSRF) (CVSS score >= 2 Cpe Name:cpe:/a:libreoffice:libreoffice:6.0.3
Libreoffice Libreoffice version 6.0.3 : Security vulnerabilities
Libreoffice » Libreoffice » 6.0.3 : Security Vulnerabilities (CSRF) (CVSS score >= 3 Cpe Name:cpe:/a:libreoffice:libreoffice:6.0.3
Libreoffice Libreoffice version 6.0.3 : Security vulnerabilities
Libreoffice » Libreoffice » 6.0.3 : Security Vulnerabilities (CSRF) (CVSS score >= 4 Cpe Name:cpe:/a:libreoffice:libreoffice:6.0.3
Libreoffice Libreoffice version 6.0.3 : Security vulnerabilities
Libreoffice » Libreoffice » 6.0.3 : Security Vulnerabilities (CSRF) (CVSS score >= 5 Cpe Name:cpe:/a:libreoffice:libreoffice:6.0.3
Libreoffice Libreoffice version 6.0.3 : Security vulnerabilities
Libreoffice » Libreoffice » 6.0.3 : Security Vulnerabilities (CSRF) (CVSS score >= 6 Cpe Name:cpe:/a:libreoffice:libreoffice:6.0.3
Libreoffice Libreoffice version 6.0.3 : Security vulnerabilities
Libreoffice » Libreoffice » 6.0.3 : Security Vulnerabilities (CSRF) (CVSS score >= 7 Cpe Name:cpe:/a:libreoffice:libreoffice:6.0.3
Libreoffice Libreoffice version 6.0.3 : Security vulnerabilities
Libreoffice » Libreoffice » 6.0.3 : Security Vulnerabilities (CSRF) (CVSS score >= 8 Cpe Name:cpe:/a:libreoffice:libreoffice:6.0.3
Libreoffice Libreoffice version 6.0.3 : Security vulnerabilities
Libreoffice » Libreoffice » 6.0.3 : Security Vulnerabilities (CSRF) (CVSS score >= 9 Cpe Name:cpe:/a:libreoffice:libreoffice:6.0.3
Libreoffice Libreoffice version 6.0.3 : Security vulnerabilities
Libreoffice » Libreoffice » 6.0.3 : Security Vulnerabilities (Overflow) (CVSS score >= 1 Cpe Name:cpe:/a:libreoffice:libreoffice:6.0.3
Libreoffice Libreoffice version 6.0.3 : Security vulnerabilities
Libreoffice » Libreoffice » 6.0.3 : Security Vulnerabilities (Overflow) (CVSS score >= 2 Cpe Name:cpe:/a:libreoffice:libreoffice:6.0.3
Libreoffice Libreoffice version 6.0.3 : Security vulnerabilities
Libreoffice » Libreoffice » 6.0.3 : Security Vulnerabilities (Overflow) (CVSS score >= 3 Cpe Name:cpe:/a:libreoffice:libreoffice:6.0.3
Libreoffice Libreoffice version 6.0.3 : Security vulnerabilities
Libreoffice » Libreoffice » 6.0.3 : Security Vulnerabilities (Overflow) (CVSS score >= 4 Cpe Name:cpe:/a:libreoffice:libreoffice:6.0.3
Libreoffice Libreoffice version 6.0.3 : Security vulnerabilities
Libreoffice » Libreoffice » 6.0.3 : Security Vulnerabilities (Overflow) (CVSS score >= 5 Cpe Name:cpe:/a:libreoffice:libreoffice:6.0.3
Libreoffice Libreoffice version 6.0.3 : Security vulnerabilities
Libreoffice » Libreoffice » 6.0.3 : Security Vulnerabilities (Overflow) (CVSS score >= 6 Cpe Name:cpe:/a:libreoffice:libreoffice:6.0.3
Libreoffice Libreoffice version 6.0.3 : Security vulnerabilities
Libreoffice » Libreoffice » 6.0.3 : Security Vulnerabilities (Overflow) (CVSS score >= 7 Cpe Name:cpe:/a:libreoffice:libreoffice:6.0.3
Libreoffice Libreoffice version 6.0.3 : Security vulnerabilities
Libreoffice » Libreoffice » 6.0.3 : Security Vulnerabilities (Overflow) (CVSS score >= 8 Cpe Name:cpe:/a:libreoffice:libreoffice:6.0.3
Libreoffice Libreoffice version 6.0.3 : Security vulnerabilities
Libreoffice » Libreoffice » 6.0.3 : Security Vulnerabilities (Overflow) (CVSS score >= 9 Cpe Name:cpe:/a:libreoffice:libreoffice:6.0.3
Libreoffice Libreoffice version 6.0.3 : Security vulnerabilities
Libreoffice » Libreoffice » 6.0.3 : Security Vulnerabilities (Execute Code) (CVSS score >= 1 Cpe Name:cpe:/a:libreoffice:libreoffice:6.0.3
Libreoffice Libreoffice version 6.0.3 : Security vulnerabilities
Libreoffice » Libreoffice » 6.0.3 : Security Vulnerabilities Published In 2019 (Execute Code) (CVSS score >= 1 Cpe Name:cpe:/a:libreoffice:libreoffice:6.0.3
Libreoffice Libreoffice version 6.0.3 : Security vulnerabilities
Libreoffice » Libreoffice » 6.0.3 : Security Vulnerabilities (Execute Code) (CVSS score >= 2 Cpe Name:cpe:/a:libreoffice:libreoffice:6.0.3
Libreoffice Libreoffice version 6.0.3 : Security vulnerabilities
Libreoffice » Libreoffice » 6.0.3 : Security Vulnerabilities Published In 2019 (Execute Code) (CVSS score >= 2 Cpe Name:cpe:/a:libreoffice:libreoffice:6.0.3
Libreoffice Libreoffice version 6.0.3 : Security vulnerabilities
Libreoffice » Libreoffice » 6.0.3 : Security Vulnerabilities (Execute Code) (CVSS score >= 3 Cpe Name:cpe:/a:libreoffice:libreoffice:6.0.3
Libreoffice Libreoffice version 6.0.3 : Security vulnerabilities
Libreoffice » Libreoffice » 6.0.3 : Security Vulnerabilities Published In 2019 (Execute Code) (CVSS score >= 3 Cpe Name:cpe:/a:libreoffice:libreoffice:6.0.3
Libreoffice Libreoffice version 6.0.3 : Security vulnerabilities
Libreoffice » Libreoffice » 6.0.3 : Security Vulnerabilities (Execute Code) (CVSS score >= 4 Cpe Name:cpe:/a:libreoffice:libreoffice:6.0.3
Libreoffice Libreoffice version 6.0.3 : Security vulnerabilities
Libreoffice » Libreoffice » 6.0.3 : Security Vulnerabilities Published In 2019 (Execute Code) (CVSS score >= 4 Cpe Name:cpe:/a:libreoffice:libreoffice:6.0.3
Libreoffice Libreoffice version 6.0.3 : Security vulnerabilities
Libreoffice » Libreoffice » 6.0.3 : Security Vulnerabilities (Execute Code) (CVSS score >= 5 Cpe Name:cpe:/a:libreoffice:libreoffice:6.0.3
Libreoffice Libreoffice version 6.0.3 : Security vulnerabilities
Libreoffice » Libreoffice » 6.0.3 : Security Vulnerabilities Published In 2019 (Execute Code) (CVSS score >= 5 Cpe Name:cpe:/a:libreoffice:libreoffice:6.0.3
Libreoffice Libreoffice version 6.0.3 : Security vulnerabilities
Libreoffice » Libreoffice » 6.0.3 : Security Vulnerabilities (Execute Code) (CVSS score >= 6 Cpe Name:cpe:/a:libreoffice:libreoffice:6.0.3
Libreoffice Libreoffice version 6.0.3 : Security vulnerabilities
Libreoffice » Libreoffice » 6.0.3 : Security Vulnerabilities Published In 2019 (Execute Code) (CVSS score >= 6 Cpe Name:cpe:/a:libreoffice:libreoffice:6.0.3
Libreoffice Libreoffice version 6.0.3 : Security vulnerabilities
Libreoffice » Libreoffice » 6.0.3 : Security Vulnerabilities (Execute Code) (CVSS score >= 7 Cpe Name:cpe:/a:libreoffice:libreoffice:6.0.3
Libreoffice Libreoffice version 6.0.3 : Security vulnerabilities
Libreoffice » Libreoffice » 6.0.3 : Security Vulnerabilities Published In 2019 (Execute Code) (CVSS score >= 7 Cpe Name:cpe:/a:libreoffice:libreoffice:6.0.3
Libreoffice Libreoffice version 6.0.3 : Security vulnerabilities
Libreoffice » Libreoffice » 6.0.3 : Security Vulnerabilities (Execute Code) (CVSS score >= 8 Cpe Name:cpe:/a:libreoffice:libreoffice:6.0.3
Libreoffice Libreoffice version 6.0.3 : Security vulnerabilities
Libreoffice » Libreoffice » 6.0.3 : Security Vulnerabilities Published In 2019 (Execute Code) (CVSS score >= 8 Cpe Name:cpe:/a:libreoffice:libreoffice:6.0.3
Libreoffice Libreoffice version 6.0.3 : Security vulnerabilities
Libreoffice » Libreoffice » 6.0.3 : Security Vulnerabilities (Execute Code) (CVSS score >= 9 Cpe Name:cpe:/a:libreoffice:libreoffice:6.0.3
Libreoffice Libreoffice version 6.0.3 : Security vulnerabilities
Libreoffice » Libreoffice » 6.0.3 : Security Vulnerabilities Published In 2019 (Execute Code) (CVSS score >= 9 Cpe Name:cpe:/a:libreoffice:libreoffice:6.0.3
Libreoffice Libreoffice version 6.0.3 : Security vulnerabilities
Libreoffice » Libreoffice » 6.0.3 : Security Vulnerabilities (Denial Of Service) (CVSS score >= 1 Cpe Name:cpe:/a:libreoffice:libreoffice:6.0.3
Libreoffice Libreoffice version 6.0.3 : Security vulnerabilities
Libreoffice » Libreoffice » 6.0.3 : Security Vulnerabilities (Denial Of Service) (CVSS score >= 2 Cpe Name:cpe:/a:libreoffice:libreoffice:6.0.3
Libreoffice Libreoffice version 6.0.3 : Security vulnerabilities
Libreoffice » Libreoffice » 6.0.3 : Security Vulnerabilities (Denial Of Service) (CVSS score >= 3 Cpe Name:cpe:/a:libreoffice:libreoffice:6.0.3
Libreoffice Libreoffice version 6.0.3 : Security vulnerabilities
Libreoffice » Libreoffice » 6.0.3 : Security Vulnerabilities (Denial Of Service) (CVSS score >= 4 Cpe Name:cpe:/a:libreoffice:libreoffice:6.0.3
Libreoffice Libreoffice version 6.0.3 : Security vulnerabilities
Libreoffice » Libreoffice » 6.0.3 : Security Vulnerabilities (Denial Of Service) (CVSS score >= 5 Cpe Name:cpe:/a:libreoffice:libreoffice:6.0.3
Libreoffice Libreoffice version 6.0.3 : Security vulnerabilities
Libreoffice » Libreoffice » 6.0.3 : Security Vulnerabilities (Denial Of Service) (CVSS score >= 6 Cpe Name:cpe:/a:libreoffice:libreoffice:6.0.3
Libreoffice Libreoffice version 6.0.3 : Security vulnerabilities
Libreoffice » Libreoffice » 6.0.3 : Security Vulnerabilities (Denial Of Service) (CVSS score >= 7 Cpe Name:cpe:/a:libreoffice:libreoffice:6.0.3
Libreoffice Libreoffice version 6.0.3 : Security vulnerabilities
Libreoffice » Libreoffice » 6.0.3 : Security Vulnerabilities (Denial Of Service) (CVSS score >= 8 Cpe Name:cpe:/a:libreoffice:libreoffice:6.0.3
Libreoffice Libreoffice version 6.0.3 : Security vulnerabilities
Libreoffice » Libreoffice » 6.0.3 : Security Vulnerabilities (Denial Of Service) (CVSS score >= 9 Cpe Name:cpe:/a:libreoffice:libreoffice:6.0.3
Libreoffice Libreoffice version 6.0.3 : Security vulnerabilities
Libreoffice » Libreoffice » 6.0.3 : Security Vulnerabilities Cpe Name:cpe:/a:libreoffice:libreoffice:6.0.3 An information disclosure vulnerability occurs when LibreOffice 6.0.3 and Apache OpenOffice Writer 4.1.5 automatically process and initiate an SMB connection embedded in a malicious file, as demonstrated by xlink:href=file:// within an office:...
Libreoffice Libreoffice version 6.0.3 : Security vulnerabilities
Libreoffice » Libreoffice » 6.0.3 : Security Vulnerabilities (Bypass Cpe Name:cpe:/a:libreoffice:libreoffice:6.0.3
Libreoffice Libreoffice version 6.0.3 : Security vulnerabilities
Libreoffice » Libreoffice » 6.0.3 : Security Vulnerabilities (CSRF Cpe Name:cpe:/a:libreoffice:libreoffice:6.0.3
Libreoffice Libreoffice version 6.0.3 : Security vulnerabilities
Libreoffice » Libreoffice » 6.0.3 : Security Vulnerabilities (Directory Traversal Cpe Name:cpe:/a:libreoffice:libreoffice:6.0.3
Libreoffice Libreoffice version 6.0.3 : Security vulnerabilities
Libreoffice » Libreoffice » 6.0.3 : Security Vulnerabilities (Denial Of Service Cpe Name:cpe:/a:libreoffice:libreoffice:6.0.3
Libreoffice Libreoffice version 6.0.3 : Security vulnerabilities
Libreoffice » Libreoffice » 6.0.3 : Security Vulnerabilities (Execute Code Cpe Name:cpe:/a:libreoffice:libreoffice:6.0.3
Libreoffice Libreoffice version 6.0.3 : Security vulnerabilities
Libreoffice » Libreoffice » 6.0.3 : Security Vulnerabilities (File Inclusion Cpe Name:cpe:/a:libreoffice:libreoffice:6.0.3
Libreoffice Libreoffice version 6.0.3 : Security vulnerabilities
Libreoffice » Libreoffice » 6.0.3 : Security Vulnerabilities (Gain Information Cpe Name:cpe:/a:libreoffice:libreoffice:6.0.3 An information disclosure vulnerability occurs when LibreOffice 6.0.3 and Apache OpenOffice Writer 4.1.5 automatically process and initiate an SMB connection embedded in a malicious file, as demonstrated by xlink:href=file:// within an office:...
Libreoffice Libreoffice version 6.0.3 : Security vulnerabilities
Libreoffice » Libreoffice » 6.0.3 : Security Vulnerabilities (Gain Privilege Cpe Name:cpe:/a:libreoffice:libreoffice:6.0.3
Libreoffice Libreoffice version 6.0.3 : Security vulnerabilities
Libreoffice » Libreoffice » 6.0.3 : Security Vulnerabilities (Http Response Splitting Cpe Name:cpe:/a:libreoffice:libreoffice:6.0.3
Libreoffice Libreoffice version 6.0.3 : Security vulnerabilities
Libreoffice » Libreoffice » 6.0.3 : Security Vulnerabilities (Memory Corruption Cpe Name:cpe:/a:libreoffice:libreoffice:6.0.3
Libreoffice Libreoffice version 6.0.3 : Security vulnerabilities
Libreoffice » Libreoffice » 6.0.3 : Security Vulnerabilities (Overflow Cpe Name:cpe:/a:libreoffice:libreoffice:6.0.3
Libreoffice Libreoffice version 6.0.3 : Security vulnerabilities
Libreoffice » Libreoffice » 6.0.3 : Security Vulnerabilities (SQL Injection Cpe Name:cpe:/a:libreoffice:libreoffice:6.0.3
Libreoffice Libreoffice version 6.0.3 : Security vulnerabilities
Libreoffice » Libreoffice » 6.0.3 : Security Vulnerabilities (Cross Site Scripting (XSS Cpe Name:cpe:/a:libreoffice:libreoffice:6.0.3
Libreoffice Libreoffice version 6.0.3 : Security vulnerabilities
Libreoffice » Libreoffice » 6.0.3 : Security Vulnerabilities Published In 2018 Cpe Name:cpe:/a:libreoffice:libreoffice:6.0.3 An information disclosure vulnerability occurs when LibreOffice 6.0.3 and Apache OpenOffice Writer 4.1.5 automatically process and initiate an SMB connection embedded in a malicious file, as demonstrated by xlink:href=file:// within an office:...
Libreoffice Libreoffice version 6.0.3 : Security vulnerabilities
Libreoffice » Libreoffice » 6.0.3 : Security Vulnerabilities Published In 2018 (Gain Information Cpe Name:cpe:/a:libreoffice:libreoffice:6.0.3 An information disclosure vulnerability occurs when LibreOffice 6.0.3 and Apache OpenOffice Writer 4.1.5 automatically process and initiate an SMB connection embedded in a malicious file, as demonstrated by xlink:href=file:// within an office:...
Libreoffice Libreoffice version 6.0.3 : Security vulnerabilities
Libreoffice » Libreoffice » 6.0.3 : Security Vulnerabilities Published In 2019 Cpe Name:cpe:/a:libreoffice:libreoffice:6.0.3
Libreoffice Libreoffice version 6.0.3 : Security vulnerabilities
Libreoffice » Libreoffice » 6.0.3 : Security Vulnerabilities Published In 2019 (Bypass Cpe Name:cpe:/a:libreoffice:libreoffice:6.0.3
Libreoffice Libreoffice version 6.0.3 : Security vulnerabilities
Libreoffice » Libreoffice » 6.0.3 : Security Vulnerabilities Published In 2019 (Directory Traversal Cpe Name:cpe:/a:libreoffice:libreoffice:6.0.3
Libreoffice Libreoffice version 6.0.3 : Security vulnerabilities
Libreoffice » Libreoffice » 6.0.3 : Security Vulnerabilities Published In 2019 (Execute Code Cpe Name:cpe:/a:libreoffice:libreoffice:6.0.3
Libreoffice Libreoffice version 6.0.3 : Security vulnerabilities
Libreoffice » Libreoffice » 6.0.3 : Security Vulnerabilities Published In 2019 (Gain Information Cpe Name:cpe:/a:libreoffice:libreoffice:6.0.3
LibreOffice 6.0- New Features - Vidéo dailymotion
LibreOffice 6.0 - Goodness, Gracious, Great Fonts of Fire!
LibreOffice 6.0 - Goodness, Gracious, Great Fonts of Fire Indeed, LibreOffice 6.0 ships with a load of improvements. But instead of just listing what the official release notes tell us, let's test. I wanted to see whether the program can actually deliver. To wit, I grabbed one of my own books, after it had gone through ... LibreOffice 6.0 is a phenomenal release. Pro-am if you will. The very first version that can proudly wear its laurels. It's almost a completely different product. More elegant, more efficient, with better and smarter layout and work logic, improved functionality ... Technically, LibreOffice is playing catchup with Microsoft Office. We probably may never achieve parity, as office suites take millions of dollars to develop and maintain. But still, in this game of hare and armadillo, the open-source beastling is making great ...
LibreOffice 6.0.3 est disponible en téléchargement et intègre des correctifs pour plusieurs bogues signalés dans des fonctionnalités existantes
LibreOffice 6.0.3 est disponible en téléchargement The Document Foundation recommande cette révision pour les personnes en quête de fonctions avancées. « LibreOffice 6.0.3 représente le dernier cri en matière de fonctionnalités et est destiné aux adopteurs précoces », lit-on sur la note d’information. Les utilisateurs ... fleche: Télécharger LibreOffice 6.0.3 en suivant ce lien fleche: LibreOffice 6.0.3 est disponible en téléchargement, et intègre des correctifs pour plusieurs bogues signalés dans des fonctionnalités existantes
LibreOffice 6.1.3 et 6.0.7 sont disponibles pour Windows, macOS et Linux : zoom sur les mises à jour de l'alternative open source à Microsoft Office
fleche: LibreOffice 6.0.3 est disponible en téléchargement, et intègre des correctifs pour plusieurs bogues signalés dans des fonctionnalités existantes 07/04 - LibreOffice 6.0.3 est disponible en téléchargement et intègre des correctifs pour plusieurs bogues signalés dans des fonctionnalités existantes
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LibreOffice 6.3.4 (12/12/19) - Pagina 25
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Feedback - Software reviews, downloads, news, free trials, freeware and full commercial software - Downloadcrew
LibreOffice Productivity Suite 6.2.0 free download - Software reviews, downloads, news, free trials, freeware and full commercial software - Downloadcrew
What else is new in LibreOffice 6.2 (see changelog for more info
LibreOffice Productivity Suite 6.2.0 (64-bit) free download - Software reviews, downloads, news, free trials, freeware and full commercial software - Downloadcrew
What else is new in LibreOffice 6.2 (see changelog for more info
LibreOffice - OpenSource Office Suite
[Updated] LibreOffice 6.0.2 / 6.0.3 released - Software | DSLReports Forums
Software → [Updated] LibreOffice 6.0.2 / 6.0.3 released Updated] LibreOffice 6.0.2 / 6.0.3 released The Document Foundation announces LibreOffice 6.0.2 Berlin, March 1st, 2018- The Document Foundation (TDF) announces LibreOffice 6.0.2, the second minor release of the recently announced LibreOffice 6 family in just over a month, with around 50 bug and regression fixes. All LibreOffice users are invited to update ... Technical details about LibreOffice 6.0.2 bug and regression fixes are available in the change log: » wiki.documentfoundation. ··· .0.2/RC1 (fixed in RC1 LibreOffice 6.0.2 is immediately available for download at the following link: » www.libreoffice.org/down ··· ownload Re: [Updated] LibreOffice 6.0.2 released
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LibreOffice 6.0.3 - free download for Windows
Lançado o Freespire 3.0.9 - Linspire 8 será baseado no Ubuntu 18.04
Os destaques do Linspire 8.0 Alpha 1 incluem aparência renovada com novos modos claro e escuro, MATE 1.20.1 como ambiente de desktop padrão, App Store com suporte para pacotes Snap e Flatpak, Google Chrome 67 como navegador padrão, LibreOffice 6.0.4 como padrão ...
LibreOffice 6.0 melhora a segurança e a robustez do pacote
É isso mesmo! O LibreOffice 6.0.1 e 5.4.5 estão agora disponíveis para as plataformas Linux, MacOS e Windows, com várias correções de erros Enquanto um total de 75 problemas foram corrigidos no LibreOffice 6.0.1, a atualização do LibreOffice 5.4.5 resolve cerca de 69 bugs em vários componentes da suíte de escritório de código aberto. Além disso, o LibreOffice 6.0.1 inclui um importante patch de ... A The Document Foundation convida todos os usuários do LibreOffice a atualizarem suas instalações para as novas versões do LibreOffice 6.0.1 e 5.4.5 Mas embora o LibreOffice 6.0.1 seja recomendado para usuários iniciantes, avançados e entusiastas da tecnologia, a The Document Foundation sugere que organizações de qualquer tamanho e todos os usuários individuais dever usar o LibreOffice 5.4.5, pois, segundo ... O fim de vida da série LibreOffice 6.0 está configurado para 26 de novembro de 2018. Até então, você pode baixar o LibreOffice 6.0.1 e 5.4.5 para sistemas Linux, MacOS e Windows agora através dos tutoriais listados abaixo
LibreOffice 6.1.1 lançado com mais de 120 correções de bugs
O LibreOffice 6.1.1 representa a maior vantagem em termos de recursos para suítes de escritório de código aberto e, como tal, é direcionado a entusiastas de tecnologia, usuários pioneiros e usuários avançados. Para qualquer implantação de classe empresarial,...
LibreOffice 6.0.5 lançado e já é recomendado para usuários comuns
O LibreOffice 6.0.5 um mês e meio após o lançamento do LibreOffice 6.0.4 para marcar o pacote de escritório de código aberto como pronto para usuários comuns e implantações corporativas
LibreOffice 6.0.6 lançado com 55 correções de bugs e outros problemas
LibreOffice 6.0.6 lançado com 55 correções de bugs e outros problemas Confira as novidades do LibreOffice 6.0.6 e veja como instalar ou atualizar A The Document Foundation anunciou o lançamento da sexta atualização de manutenção para a atual série de seu pacote de escritório de código aberto, o LibreOffice 6.0.6 . Confira as novidades desse update e veja como instalar ou atualizar O LibreOffice é desenvolvido pela The Document Foundation. Na verdade, ele é bem mais que isso, o LibreOffice é uma das mais populares suíte de escritório multiplataforma e de código aberto. LibreOffice 6.0.6 lançado com 55 correções de bugs e outros problemas ... LibreOffice 6.0.6 lançado com 55 correções de bugs Chegando cerca de seis semanas após a atualização de manutenção do LibreOffice 6.0.5, o point release LibreOffice 6.0.6 está aqui para melhorar ainda mais a estabilidade e confiabilidade da série de suítes de escritório do LibreOffice 6.0 para todas as plataformas ... O LibreOffice 6.0.6 continua essa tendência oferecendo aos usuários comuns uma suíte de escritório mais estável, confiável e segura, pronta para substituir alternativas comerciais populares Até lá, a The Document Foundation recomenda que você atualize suas instalações do LibreOffice 6.0 para a versão pontual do LibreOffice 6.0.6 o mais rápido possível para uma melhor experiência no LibreOffice
Linux Lite 4.2 Beta lançado - Confira as novidades, baixe e ajude a testar
Essa beta entrega o kernel do Linux 4.15 (kernels personalizados também disponíveis através do repositório para versões 3.13 – 4.18), Firefox 62.0.2 ‘Quantum’, Thunderbird 52.9.1, LibreOffice 6.0.6, VLC 3.0.3 e GIMP 2.10.6
MX Linux 17.1 lançado – Confira as novidades e baixe
Pacotes dos repositórios Debian, antiX e MX que foram atualizados: Firefox 58.0.2 (59 acessando o repositório em breve), VLC 2.2.8 (3.0 no repositório de teste), Clementine 1.3.1; Thunderbird 52.6.0, LibreOffice 6.0.1, LuckyBackup 0.4.9, Passwords and Keys ...
MX Linux 18 Beta 1 lançado - Confira as novidades e baixe
MX Linux 18 beta 1 traz as atualizações mais recentes dos repositórios Debian 9.6, antiX e MX: GIMP 2.10, MESA 18.2.6, firmware atualizado, kernel Linux 4.19.5, Firefox 63.0.3, VLC 3.0.3, Clementine 1.3.1, Thunderbird 52.9.1, LibreOffice 6.0.1
Netrunner 18.03 lançado com KDE Plasma 5.12 LTS e muito mais
Netrunner 18.03 “Idolon” vem como uma atualização para o lançamento Netrunner 17.10 “Voyager” do Netrunner e traz componentes atualizados, incluindo o kernel Linux 4,14 LTS, o ambiente de desktop KDE Plasma 5.12 LTS, o pacote de escritório LibreOffice 6.0.2,...
Siduction 18.2.0 lançado - Confira as novidades e baixe
openSUSE Tumbleweed recebeu o Kernel 4.15.7, LibreOffice 6.0.2 e outras atualizações
mais Archives - Página 4 de 5 - Blog do Edivaldo
LibreOffice 6.0.5 lançado e já é recomendado para usuários comuns A The Document Foundation anunciou o lançamento da quinta atualização de manutenção para a atual série de seu pacote de escritório de código aberto, o LibreOffice 6.0.5. Confira as novidades desse update e veja como instalar ou atualizar Leia o restante do texto "LibreOffice 6.0.5 lançado e já é recomendado para usuários comuns
openSUSE Tumbleweed recebeu o Kernel 4.15.7, LibreOffice 6.0.2 e mais
openSUSE Tumbleweed recebeu o Kernel 4.15.7, LibreOffice 6.0.2 e outras atualizações Confira os detalhes do anuncio de que o openSUSE Tumbleweed recebeu o Kernel 4.15.7, LibreOffice 6.0.2, inúmeros pacotes atualizados e outras atualizações O projeto openSUSE anunciou que o openSUSE Tumbleweed recebeu o Kernel 4.15.7, LibreOffice 6.0.2, inúmeros pacotes atualizados e outras atualizações, pois no mês de março lançou vários instantâneos para o Tumbleweed. Confira os detalhes desses updates A distribuição Tumbleweed é uma versão de atualização contínua (“rolling release”) do openSUSE. Ela contém as últimas versões estáveis de todos os programas ao invés de contar com os ciclos rígidos de laçamentos periódicos. openSUSE Tumbleweed recebeu o Kernel ... O snapshot mais recente do openSUSE Tumbleweed foi lançado no dia 7 de março, e trouxe várias atualizações, entre as quais é possível citar ImageMagick, Autoyast2 4.0.37, dpdk 18.02_k4.15.7_1, geany-plugins 1.33, libstorage- ng 3.3.185, lightdm-gtk-...
Ubuntu 16.04 LTS agora é certificado em NUCs da Intel
LibreOffice 6.0.5 lançado e já é recomendado para usuários comuns
Ubuntu 18.04 LTS beta lançado - Confira as novidades e baixe
openSUSE Tumbleweed recebeu o Kernel 4.15.7, LibreOffice 6.0.2 e outras atualizações
Ubuntu 16.04.5 LTS lançado - Confira as novidades e atualize seu sistema
LibreOffice 6.0.6 lançado com 55 correções de bugs e outros problemas
LibreOffice < 6.0.1 - '=WEBSERVICE' Remote Arbitrary File Disclosure - Linux remote Exploit
LibreOffice < 6.0.1 - '=WEBSERVICE' Remote Arbitrary File Disclosure
Arabboard Libyanoffice
Arya Jariwala
Engr Bilal Hussain Bugti (بلال حسین بگٹی)
Marina Colt
Dirk Brunken
Flynn Elise Rose Summers (Flynn Summers)
Ghita Razzouk
Greek Life-Office
Hamza Nahin
Henrique Barreti
Kelticus Maximus
Lampropoulos Charis
LibreOffice HC Ufu
Libreoffice Libre
LibreOffice - LibreOffice 6.0.2 is now available, and... | Facebook
LibreOffice 6.0.2 is now available, and include