Creating a directory on GitHub. 1. To be added to the project - create an account on GitHub - ask Sophie to be added to the LO/OmegaT group 2. Adding your language directory - you need to have svn installed on your computer - check out the repository using subversion: svn co - enter OmegaT/trunk and create the xx directory where xx is your language code mkdir xx - download and unzip, which you can get from - change SK for XX in the LOGuides/omegat.project file, where XX is your language code gedit LOGuides/omegat.project - copy the LOGuides and LOGuides-graphic into the OmegaT/trunk/xx directory - add your language (xx is your language code) repository to svn svn add xx (if you do not want the odg files with screenshots, either delete LOGuides-graphics or do not add it to svn. They however may help, since except for screenshots there are also some drawings) - you may try to open the project in OmegaT now (do not do that prior to 'svn add', since OmegaT will create a few files, which should not be stored in the repository) - commit your language project (xx is your language code) svn commit -m "xx project added" 3. Working in OmegaT - Open the project from Omegat, replace xx by your language code in the URL: * use Project -> Download team project * enter "" in the Repository URL Box and hit tab - if OK, OmegaT will detect repository type and confirm that it is a subersion repository just below the field. * enter name of the work folder (or create it - do not use the original which you have used to check out by subversion) * Hit 'OK'. OmegaT in its lower left corner shows progress - start translating. The next steps are: - create glossary with GUI translation - create tmx files from old translations to reuse them - have everything translated by "google translate" to save a lot of typing