Task #2633
openLibreOffice bug report form fails in non-obvious way when JavaScript is unavailable
At the first time I tried to report bugs of LibreOffice by using The Document Foundation's Bugzilla <https://bugs.documentfoundation.org/>, I found that the server rejected my report on the ground of version number field not being filled, despite it already being set to a valid version number of LibreOffice Still. The problem is consistently reproducible.
Exact steps to reproduce:
- Start a web browser with JavaScript disabled and cookies cleared.
- Go to <https://bugs.documentfoundation.org/>
- Click "Log In" on the Bugzilla's topbar navigation, the browser will go to
- Enter username and password, then click "Log in".
- The browser will end up at <https://bugs.documentfoundation.org/index.cgi>
- Click "New" on the Bugzilla's topbar navigation, the browser will go to
- Click a big link "LibreOffice", the browser will go to
- Enter bug's title in "Summary" field
- Fill in the "Description" field with bug's synopsis.
- Select one choice on "Component" field.
- Select "x86 (IA32)" on "Hardware" field.
- Select "Linux (All)" on "Operating System" field.
- Select " release" on "Version" field.
- Select "Happens every time" on "Reproducibility" field.
- Select "Minor: Minor loss of function, and there's an easy workaround"
on "Severity" field.
- Fill in the "Steps to Reproduce" field.
- Fill in the "Actual Results" field.
- Fill in the "Expected Results" field.
- Fill in the "Additional Information" field with system information.
- Make sure that "Did you try resetting your UserProfile?" is not checked.
- Make sure that "Is OpenGL enabled?" is not checked.
- Click "Submit Bug Report", and the browser will post the form data to
- You will now see a big error message "You must select/enter a version."
on a red banner, followed by "Please press Back and try again.";
despite the LibreOffice version was clearly being selected
in the previous screen.
Full screenshot of the "guided" bug report form (before submitting) is attached as `guidedform-enterbug.png`, which clearly shows that the version number field is properly selected. The error message (a result of submission) is attached as `guidedform-submitted-error.png`.
Workaround for this bug is to use the "plain" bug report form instead, which indeed works as expected. While the plain form forgoes most of structure in the "guided" form, as long as information entered there is complete and orderly, it should be used place of guided form without problems.
The plain bug report form for LibreOffice could be reached at:
Important Note:
There does not seem to be any link to the plain form anywhere on TDF's Bugzilla site as far as I could find. This is a bad thing; the URL above is obtained from a deduction from my experience with Wikimedia Commons' upload page. (Wikimedia Commons however, does provide a link to their plain upload form as a choice, directly on the upload page; and when JavaScript is not available, also gracefully fall back to the plan form regardless of the choice)
System Information:
- Browser: Pale Moon 25.8.1 32-bit (binary)
- System: Debian GNU/Linux 7.0 Wheezy i386
P.S. The bug report shown in the screenshots is TDF Bugzilla entry 118810 <https://bugs.documentfoundation.org/show_bug.cgi?id=118810> which is partially rewritten and successfully re-submitted by using a plain form.
Updated by Nutchanon Wetchasit over 6 years ago
- File guidedform-enterbug.png guidedform-enterbug.png added
Updated by Timur Gadzo almost 5 years ago
Steps from https://bugs.documentfoundation.org/show_bug.cgi?id=130461 that was closed as Moved to this one:
Steps to Reproduce:
1.Disavble javascript
2.Attempt to log a bug
3.Hit Submit Bug Report button
4.The website incorrectly blocks you
5.Enabling javascript and trying again has NO EFFECT
Actual Results:
The page submits, then redirects to a fake error message:
" You must select/enter a version.
Please press Back and try again."
If you go Back and confirm the version was already selected, it still refuses to accept the bug.
If you go Back, enable javascript, and try again ... you get the same incorrect error message.
If you go Back, enable javascript, and re-select the version that was already selected ... you get the same incorrect error message.
Expected Results:
If Javascript is required, the error message should say "Error: javascript disabled".
ADDITIONALLY: the javascript needs to be replaced with javascript that works correctly, since the current script still fails even after javascript is enabled.