Task #3688
Header of the aplication confirmation mail
Added by Uwe Altmann about 1 year ago.
Updated about 1 year ago.
The header of teh mail which is sent to the aplicant as well as to the MC mailing list has a header like this:
31.10.23, 09:36
[tdf-membership] [TDF Membership] Application of
So because the mailing list itself adds a "[tdf-membership] " I don't think it's useful to have a "[TDF Membership] " in the mail header when building the mail in proteus.
- Assignee set to Marco Marinello
Does this concern also other emails built in Proteus? Should we remove the "[TDF Membership]" part of the header from all emails? Right now it is contained in headers of application receipt, application undecided, denial and acceptance (new and renew), renewal notice and reminder, vote reminder.
Andrea Esposito wrote in #note-2:
Does this concern also other emails built in Proteus?
I think so, but I'm not sure if all get processed by the list. Let's try changing all of them - after all, it's just cosmetic.
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