


Task #2233

Updated by Mike Saunders over 7 years ago

h1. This ticket is used for tracking the location of TDF and LibreOffice event materials 

 These include booth items, clothing, flyers, brochures, stickers and everything else we can use at events. If you need some materials, *download the latest Marketing_materials.ods file* to see what we have. 

 Then materials for an event, *leave a comment below* (or email with your request, so that we can arrange it and keep the spreadsheet this up-to-date. 

 h1. Stand materials 

 |*Item count* 	 |*Name* 			 |*Description* 			 |*Weight (g)* 	 |*Who has it* 	 |*Where it is* 	 | 
 |1 		 |Koffer           	 | 				 |4500 		 |Walter Pape 	 |Stuttgart, DE 	 | 
 |1 		 |Beach flag       	 |3m long 			 |1000 		 |Walter Pape 	 |Stuttgart, DE 	 | 
 |180 		 |Balloons 		 |LibO, grün 			 |540 		 |Walter Pape 	 |Stuttgart, DE 	 | 
 |1 		 |Tischdecke 		 |weiß 				 |600 		 |Walter Pape 	 |Stuttgart, DE 	 | 
 |1 		 |Verlängerungskabel 	 |        			 |200 		 |Walter Pape 	 |Stuttgart, DE 	 | 
 |200 		 |Gramm grüne Bonbons 	 |verschiedene 			 |200 		 |Walter Pape 	 |Stuttgart, DE 	 | 
 |2 		 |Schachteln Reißnägel 	 | 				 |100 		 |Walter Pape 	 |Stuttgart, DE 	 | 
 |1 		 |Rollen Paketklebeband 	 | 				 |33 		 |Walter Pape 	 |Stuttgart, DE 	 | 
 |1 		 |Schere 			 | 				 |70 		 |Walter Pape 	 |Stuttgart, DE 	 | 
 |7 		 |Name badges 		 |with magnets 			 |112 		 |Walter Pape 	 |Stuttgart, DE 	 | 
 |1 		 |Plakate 		 | 				 | 		 |Walter Pape 	 |Stuttgart, DE 	 | 
 |1 		 |2m high roll-up banner 	 |"Collaborative, productive, open"| 		 |Walter Pape 	 |Stuttgart, DE 	 | 
 |1 		 |2m high roll-up banner 	 |"LibO, free software for all" 	 | 		 |Italo Vignoli 	 |Italy | 
 |1 		 |Telescopic pole 	 |1m, extends up to 6m 		 | 		 |Walter Pape 	 |Stuttgart, DE 	 | 
 |1 		 |Television 		 | 				 | 		 |Walter Pape 	 |Stuttgart, DE 	 | 

 h1. Clothing / merchandise 

 |*Item count* 	 |*Name* 			 |*Description* 			 |*Weight (g)* 	 |*Who has it* 	 |*Where it is* 	 | 
 |2 		 |Rucksack 		 |green 				 |1000 		 |Walter Pape 	 |Stuttgart, DE 	 | 
 |2 		 |T-Shirts 		 |green, XL 			 |500 		 |Walter Pape 	 |Stuttgart, DE 	 | 
 |1 		 |T-Shirts 		 |green, M 			 |500 		 |Walter Pape 	 |Stuttgart, DE 	 | 
 |1 		 |T-Shirts 		 |white, M 			 |250 		 |Walter Pape 	 |Stuttgart, DE 	 | 
 |1 		 |T-Shirts 		 |braun, M 			 |250 		 |Walter Pape 	 |Stuttgart, DE 	 | 
 |1 		 |T-Shirts 		 |dunkelgrau,L 			 |250 		 |Walter Pape 	 |Stuttgart, DE 	 | 
 |11 		 |T-Shirts 		 |dunkelgrau,XL 			 |250 		 |Walter Pape 	 |Stuttgart, DE 	 | 
 |16 		 |T-Shirts 		 |dunkelgrau,XXL 			 |250 		 |Walter Pape 	 |Stuttgart, DE 	 | 
 |26 		 |Rucksack 		 |Dark green, Centrixx with logo 	 | 		 |Mike Saunders 	 |Munich, DE 	 | 
 |1 		 |Men's polo shirt 	 | 				 | 		 |Mike Saunders 	 |Munich, DE 	 | 
 |10 		 |Men's T-shirt 		 | 				 | 		 |Mike Saunders 	 |Munich, DE 	 | 
 |1 		 |Women's hoodies 	 | 				 | 		 |Mike Saunders 	 |Munich, DE 	 | 
 |6 		 |Women's polo shirt 	 | 				 | 		 |Mike Saunders 	 |Munich, DE 	 | 
 |1 		 |Women's T-shirt 	 | 				 | 		 |Mike Saunders 	 |Munich, DE 	 | 
 |11 		 |Men's hoodies 		 | 				 | 		 |Mike Saunders 	 |Munich, DE 	 | 
 |23 		 |Rucksack 		 |Dark green, Centrixx with logo 	 | 		 |Marina Latini 	 |Vicenza, IT 	 | 
 |13 		 |USB sticks 		 |Empty, with TDF logo 		 | 		 |Marina Latini 	 |Vicenza, IT 	 | 

 h1. Leaflets / brochures / stickers 

 |*Item count* 	 |*Name* 			 |*Description* 			 |*Weight (g)* 	 |*Who has it* 	 |*Where it is* 	 | 
 |7 		 |LibreLogo brochures 	 | 				 | 		 |Florian Effenberger|Kaufbeuren, DE| 
 |100 		 |LO migration flyers 	 | 				 | 		 |Florian Effenberger|Kaufbeuren, DE| 
 |60 		 |LO German postcards 	 |"Das Project in Kürze" 		 | 		 |Mike Saunders 	 |Munich, DE| 
 |100 		 |Mixed logos and stickers|LO 5, I love LO, and DLP 	 | 		 |Mike Saunders 	 |Munich, DE| 
 |900 		 |Contributor stickers |From Month of LibreOffice 	 | 		 |Mike Saunders 	 |Munich, DE| 
 |2500 		 |Cards with addresses 	 |English 			 |11500 		 |Walter Pap 	 e 	 |Stuttgart, DE 	 | 
 |1500 		 |Karten mit Adressen 	 |German 				 |6900 		 |Walter Pape 	 |Stuttgart, DE 	 | 
 |5000 		 |Flyer LibO 		 |German 				 |41250 		 |Walter Pape 	 |Stuttgart, DE 	 | 
 |5000 		 |Flyer LibO 		 |English 			 |40000 		 |Walter Pape 	 |Stuttgart, DE 	 | 
 |2500 		 |Flyer: Migrating 	 |English 			 |20000 		 |Walter Pape 	 |Stuttgart, DE 	 | 
 |2500 		 |Flyer: Migrating 	 |English 			 |20000 		 |Walter Pape 	 |Stuttgart, DE 	 | 
 |800 		 |Werbekarten LibO 	 |"Freiheit nehm ich mir" 	 |3680 		 |Walter Pape 	 |Stuttgart, DE 	 | 
 |1700 		 |Flyer 			 |Argumente für Unternehmer 	 |14025 		 |Walter Pape 	 |Stuttgart, DE 	 | 
 |500 		 |Flyer 			 |Argumente für Schulen 		 |4125 		 |Walter Pape 	 |Stuttgart, DE 	 | 
 |1800 		 |Flyer 			 |Argumente für Vereine 		 |14850 		 |Walter Pape 	 |Stuttgart, DE 	 | 

 h1. Books and documentation 

 |*Item count* 	 |*Name* 			 |*Description* 			 |*Weight (g)* 	 |*Who has it* 	 |*Where it is* 	 | 
 |6 		 |Thomas K: Basiswissen LibO 5 Writer | DIN A 4| 		 |550 		 |Walter Pape 	 |Stuttgart, DE 	 | 
 |3 		 |Thomas K: Basiswissen LibO 5 Calc | DIN A 4| 		 |550 		 |Walter Pape 	 |Stuttgart, DE 	 | 
 |1 		 |Thomas K: LibO 5 Handbuch |  				 |1200 		 |Walter Pape 	 |Stuttgart, DE 	 | 
 |150 		 |Thomas K: LibreLogo |  					 |400 		 |Walter Pape 	 |Stuttgart, DE 	 |
