Task #1901
Updated by Mike Saunders over 8 years ago
We should promote the Document Liberation Project (DLP, http://www.documentliberation.org) more effectively. Some ideas include:
* making a very technical topic more widely accessible
* some media placement there would be an excellent place to do a series on Document Liberation (the filters, their history etc.), with some call to action to get involved
* read some git logs, collect the history
* Twitter and other social media
* screenshots
* do a video showing the evolution of some import, e.g.
> find/create a document that we _now_ import faithfully, but didn't early on
> Do a split screen: left as render in Visio, right as rendered by libvisio
> interate over libvisio versions -- from a rough and odd rendering in the first version to the pixelperfect version that recent versions provide
> add a nice soundtrack or some off-screen vocals
* emphasise the practical, real life work (and benefits) that come out of the DLP
* right now the front page of www.documentliberation.org is just a wall of text
* Right from the front page, highlight the big-name application that are using DLP libraries: Scribus, Inkscape, Calligra and of course LO. Shiny logos and links. Underneath we can talk about why it's important.
* Most importantly, get THOSE projects talking about us! On the front pages of Scribus, Inkscape, LO etc. there should be attractive Document Liberation Project badges linking back to the site. This would do a lot to raise awareness of the project
* manage to have all DLP announcements of new or updated libraries consolidated into a single big release