

Juan José González

  • Login: juanjosegzl
  • Registered on: 2022-12-26


open closed Total
Assigned issues 27 41 68
Reported issues 22 33 55


Project Roles Registered on
Design Manager 2022-12-26
Documentation Manager 2022-12-26
Events Manager 2022-12-26
Board Public Manager 2022-12-26
Key Goals Manager 2022-12-26
Infrastructure Manager 2022-12-26
Extensions Manager 2022-12-26
Websites Manager 2023-06-29
Marketing Manager 2022-12-26
Native Language Manager 2022-12-26
Release Engineering Manager 2022-12-26



18:36 Websites Task #3791 (New): Permissions to read nginx error log
Can I get permission to read the error log from nginx?
As far as I can tell is @/var/log/nginx/crashreport....
Juan José González
18:35 Websites Task #3790 (New): Owner of source code in crashreport
Could you help me to fix an issue with crashreport folder in the server? I found that some source files have `...
Juan José González


21:07 Websites Task #3789 (New): [Crashreport] Optimize size of database
In crashreport we are storing the raw dump in the database. It is never used in queries so I propose to move out the ... Juan José González
21:03 Websites Task #3786 (In Progress): Crashreport change intervals of charts
To deploy I need to fix some problems with permissions in the repo Juan José González


16:42 Extensions Task #3787 (New): Translate extensions website
Update the translations files in weblate and receive new strings.
Integrate those strings to the website
Juan José González
16:41 Websites Task #3786 (In Progress): Crashreport change intervals of charts
It makes more sense changing the current intervals to 1 month, 3 months, 6 months and one year Juan José González


19:13 Infrastructure Task #3785 (Feedback): Provide communication channel for extension maintainers
Add banner on home page and links on about pages.
BTW. the content of the pages is edited using the admin...
Juan José González


19:44 Infrastructure Task #3785: Provide communication channel for extension maintainers
How about a banner like the one attached for a couple of weeks? Juan José González
16:26 Infrastructure Task #3784 (Closed): Admin account for crashreport
sorry I forgot I can do it myself :) Juan José González


19:09 Infrastructure Task #3784 (Closed): Admin account for crashreport
Hi Guilhem,
Could I have an admin account for crashreport?
Juan José González

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