

Juan José González

  • Login: juanjosegzl
  • Registered on: 2022-12-26


open closed Total
Assigned issues 32 46 78
Reported issues 25 43 68


Project Roles Registered on
Design Manager 2022-12-26
Documentation Manager 2022-12-26
Events Manager 2022-12-26
Board Public Manager 2022-12-26
Key Goals Manager 2022-12-26
Infrastructure Manager 2022-12-26
Extensions Manager 2022-12-26
Websites Manager 2023-06-29
Marketing Manager 2022-12-26
Native Language Manager 2022-12-26
Release Engineering Manager 2022-12-26



01:52 Extensions Task #3814: Prevent abuse of listting on top updated extensions
1. Order homepage by latest release. Changes in descriptions or such fields do not rerank extensions in homepage.
Juan José González


03:42 Extensions Task #3814 (New): Prevent abuse of listting on top updated extensions
When an extension is updated is listed in the first page of results of the website.
Hence authors can abuse the sy...
Juan José González


18:33 Infrastructure Task #3813 (Closed): Crashreport schedule a migration
The migration was applied, no problems. Juan José González
18:21 Infrastructure Task #3813: Crashreport schedule a migration
Hi Guilhem,
I am gonna try to migrate now
Juan José González


20:05 Infrastructure Task #3813 (Closed): Crashreport schedule a migration
I would like to coordinate with you to run a migration on crashreport db. Maybe this Monday February 3 if you ...
Juan José González


16:40 Infrastructure Task #3812: Help to debug 502 in Crashreport
Yes, terminate the query as far as I read it should be safe to do it.
And yes I will communicate with you before t...
Juan José González
16:17 Infrastructure Task #3812 (Closed): Help to debug 502 in Crashreport
Hi Guilhem
Could you help me to debug a 502 in crahsreport?
I don't have access to see @/var/log/nginx/@ logs
Juan José González


17:47 Websites Task #3811 (New): Run crashreport django applications in separate processes.
How the different django subapps can be run in different process? This way for deployment I can restart stats applica... Juan José González
17:45 Infrastructure Task #3810 (Closed): Crashreport - Permission to write to a folder in filesystem
I would like to write files to the filesystem, to @/srv/crashreport/uploads/@.
And inside let the app to crea...
Juan José González


23:31 Websites Task #3808 (Closed): Update year in footer
Year has been updated Juan José González

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