



Task #2242


manage LibreOffice social media, blog and video channels

Added by Mike Saunders about 7 years ago. Updated about 5 years ago.

In Progress
Target version:
Team - Recurring
Start date:
Due date:
% Done:



Here are our current social media and video channels:

There is also a Reddit subreddit (

Maintain activity on these channels, posting about new releases of LibreOffice, blog posts, new videos, contributor interviews and other items of interest. The Facebook page tends to be more end-user oriented (so it gets some technical support questions), whereas a large part of the Google+ following is more technical in nature.

Keep track of stats for these channels, and every six months, write a blog post with updates and highlights.

Actions #1

Updated by Mike Saunders about 7 years ago

Some stats for the LibreOffice social media accounts:

14 Jun 2016: 10,922 Twitter followers / 40,770 FB page likes / 15,528 G+ followers
14 Jul 2016: 11,255 Twitter followers / 41,267 FB page likes / 15,670 G+ followers
14 Aug 2016: 11,681 Twitter followers / 41,966 FB page likes / 15,802 G+ followers
14 Sep 2016: 12,138 Twitter followers / 42,651 FB page likes / 15,910 G+ followers
14 Oct 2016: 12,556 Twitter followers / 43,296 FB page likes / 15,998 G+ followers
14 Nov 2016: 12,875 Twitter followers / 44,055 FB page likes / 16,094 G+ followers
14 Dec 2016: 13,151 Twitter followers / 44,628 FB page likes / 16,133 G+ followers
14 Jan 2017: 13,486 Twitter followers / 45,209 FB page likes / 16,182 G+ followers
14 Feb 2017: 13,898 Twitter followers / 45,802 FB page likes / 16,229 G+ followers
14 Mar 2017: 14,231 Twitter followers / 46,234 FB page likes / 16,274 G+ followers
14 Apr 2017: 14,485 Twitter followers / 46,707 FB page likes / 16,282 G+ followers

And the YouTube channel:

22 Nov 2016: 2,730 subscribers / 302,540 video views
22 Dec 2016: 2,803 subscribers / 320,868 video views
22 Jan 2017: 2,916 subscribers / 340,818 video views
22 Feb 2017: 3,178 subscribers / 448,325 video views
22 Mar 2017: 3,279 subscribers / 477,825 video views
22 Apr 2017: 3,386 subscribers / 502,847 video views

Actions #2

Updated by Mike Saunders about 7 years ago

  • Description updated (diff)
Actions #3

Updated by Mike Saunders about 7 years ago

  • Status changed from New to In Progress
Actions #4

Updated by Florian Effenberger about 7 years ago

  • Priority changed from Normal to High
Actions #5

Updated by Florian Effenberger about 7 years ago

  • Subject changed from manage LibreOffice social media and video channels to manage LibreOffice social media, blog and video channels
  • Description updated (diff)
Actions #6

Updated by Florian Effenberger about 7 years ago

  • Description updated (diff)
Actions #7

Updated by Florian Effenberger almost 7 years ago

Can you add some updated statistics on the aforementioned channels in time for LibOCon?

Actions #8

Updated by Mike Saunders almost 7 years ago

Contributor interviews coming up:

  • Gokhan Gurbetoglu
  • Andreas Kainz

Plus some others who've said they're willing, but waiting first.

LibreOffice social media stats:

14 Jun 2016: 10,922 Twitter followers / 40,770 FB page likes / 15,528 G+ followers
14 Jul 2016: 11,255 Twitter followers / 41,267 FB page likes / 15,670 G+ followers
14 Aug 2016: 11,681 Twitter followers / 41,966 FB page likes / 15,802 G+ followers
14 Sep 2016: 12,138 Twitter followers / 42,651 FB page likes / 15,910 G+ followers
14 Oct 2016: 12,556 Twitter followers / 43,296 FB page likes / 15,998 G+ followers
14 Nov 2016: 12,875 Twitter followers / 44,055 FB page likes / 16,094 G+ followers
14 Dec 2016: 13,151 Twitter followers / 44,628 FB page likes / 16,133 G+ followers
14 Jan 2017: 13,486 Twitter followers / 45,209 FB page likes / 16,182 G+ followers
14 Feb 2017: 13,898 Twitter followers / 45,802 FB page likes / 16,229 G+ followers
14 Mar 2017: 14,231 Twitter followers / 46,234 FB page likes / 16,274 G+ followers
14 Apr 2017: 14,485 Twitter followers / 46,707 FB page likes / 16,282 G+ followers
14 May 2017: 14,737 Twitter followers / 47,249 FB page likes / 16,339 G+ followers
14 Jun 2017: 14,950 Twitter followers / 47,836 FB page likes / 16,382 G+ followers
14 Jul 2017: 15,236 Twitter followers / 48,191 FB page likes / 16,410 G+ followers
14 Aug 2017: 15,574 Twitter followers / 48,545 FB page likes / 16,454 G+ followers

And YouTube channel:

22 Nov 2016: 2,730 subscribers / 302,540 video views
22 Dec 2016: 2,803 subscribers / 320,868 video views
22 Jan 2017: 2,916 subscribers / 340,818 video views
22 Feb 2017: 3,178 subscribers / 448,325 video views
22 Mar 2017: 3,279 subscribers / 477,825 video views
22 Apr 2017: 3,386 subscribers / 502,847 video views
22 May 2017: 3,512 subscribers / 526,062 video views
22 Jun 2017: 3,584 subscribers / 545,664 video views
22 Jul 2017: 3,662 subscribers / 565,280 video views
22 Aug 2017: 3,902 subscribers / 607,460 video views

Actions #9

Updated by Mike Saunders almost 7 years ago

On Saturday I did these posts on Facebook and Twitter:

A simple picture, a simple call to action (share this) and a link. Here are the stats:

  • Facebook: 20,563 people reached
  • Twitter: 10,913 impressions

Compare this to the average for posts in September so far:

  • Facebook average per post: 5,204 people reached
  • Twitter average per post: 6,176 impressions

It only took me a few minutes to do the posts, but as you can see they had a significant impact, especially on Facebook. I posted on Saturday because studies suggest the weekend is best for things like this.

Anyway, I think we should do this regularly. Not too often as the message would get diluted, but once a month. And each time, to keep things fresh, have a different message and image. I've posted some ideas on marketing-priv@ and will update here when I get feedback, with plans for the next few months.

Actions #10

Updated by Mike Saunders almost 7 years ago

Regarding video interviews at LibOCon 2017, I've started identifying people I'd like to interview. I'll mail them personally, but I don't want the idea of a video interview to sound too intimidating. So I'll say something like:

Hi [name]!

First off all, thanks for all your contributions to LibreOffice in [project or area]. I see you'll be at the LibreOffice Conference in Rome, and it'd be great to talk to you. Would you be interested in doing a video interview? We've done them with various members of the LibreOffice community -- here's what they look like:

They're relaxed and fun, and I'd send the questions in advance. We could try the interview and I'll show you after -- then it's up to you if we put it on our video channel. Videos are a great way to show what we're doing in the project and bring new contributors in.

Let me know if you're interested, and I look forward to meeting you at LibOCon!

For people who want to be interviewed, I'll provide them the questions in advance and some tips like:

  • We can do a rehearsal, and you can start over at any time
  • You don't need to look into the camera -- just talk to me and be yourself
  • If you want to talk about other things, that's cool!
  • You can preview the video before it's published -- and if you're not happy with it, we won't publish it at all
Actions #11

Updated by Florian Effenberger almost 7 years ago

Sounds great to me!

Actions #12

Updated by Mike Saunders almost 7 years ago

I've come up with a list of 12 people in the community I'd like to interview at LibOCon in Rome, so I've emailed them based on the above text. Will update as I get responses and maybe ask a few more if need be.

Actions #13

Updated by Mike Saunders almost 7 years ago

Nine people have agreed to do video interviews at LibOCon (10 if someone interviews me!). I think that's a decent number, and we may get a few more when we're there, bumping into people...

Actions #14

Updated by Florian Effenberger almost 7 years ago

You clearly deserve to be interviewed :-)

The Document Foundation Redmine wrote on 2017-10-05 at 14:17:

Nine people have agreed to do video interviews at LibOCon (10 if someone
interviews me!)

Actions #15

Updated by Mike Saunders almost 7 years ago

A quick update re: video interviews from LibOCon in Rome: I managed to do 7 in the end. I'll aim to edit and upload the first one this week.

Actions #16

Updated by Mike Saunders over 6 years ago

First video interview from LibOCon 2017 is done:

Unlisted at the moment as we're already promoting something on the blog today, but I'll post it tomorrow. I've also added English subtitles (thanks to Franklin for checking)

Actions #17

Updated by Mike Saunders over 6 years ago

Second interview online now, with Bjoern:

More to come.

Actions #18

Updated by Mike Saunders over 6 years ago

Next video interview from LibOCon is done - unlisted at the moment for checking with Gautam, but if he's happy with it I'll make it public:

Actions #19

Updated by Mike Saunders over 6 years ago

Actions #20

Updated by Mike Saunders over 6 years ago

Meanwhile, on Saturday I did some targeted social media promotion, asking users to retweet/share messages to spread awareness about LibreOffice. The result:

So it's worth continuing to do these – not too often, once a month max, with a slightly different message each time to avoid being repetitive. I'll post on marketing-priv@ now for further ideas.

Actions #21

Updated by Mike Saunders over 6 years ago

Updates regarding German social media: I wrote a blog post about 2017 in the DE LibreOffice community, and have spread it on DE Twitter and Facebook:

Actions #22

Updated by Mike Saunders over 6 years ago

FOSDEM devroom videos have been edited, uploaded to YouTube and a playlist created:

Actions #23

Updated by Mike Saunders over 6 years ago

Another video interview is online, Anxhelo Lushka from the Albanian community:

Actions #24

Updated by Mike Saunders about 6 years ago

Here are the latest social media statistics:


14 Jun 2016: 10,922 Twitter followers / 40,770 FB page likes / 15,528 G+ followers
14 Jul 2016: 11,255 Twitter followers / 41,267 FB page likes / 15,670 G+ followers
14 Aug 2016: 11,681 Twitter followers / 41,966 FB page likes / 15,802 G+ followers
14 Sep 2016: 12,138 Twitter followers / 42,651 FB page likes / 15,910 G+ followers
14 Oct 2016: 12,556 Twitter followers / 43,296 FB page likes / 15,998 G+ followers
14 Nov 2016: 12,875 Twitter followers / 44,055 FB page likes / 16,094 G+ followers
14 Dec 2016: 13,151 Twitter followers / 44,628 FB page likes / 16,133 G+ followers
14 Jan 2017: 13,486 Twitter followers / 45,209 FB page likes / 16,182 G+ followers
14 Feb 2017: 13,898 Twitter followers / 45,802 FB page likes / 16,229 G+ followers
14 Mar 2017: 14,231 Twitter followers / 46,234 FB page likes / 16,274 G+ followers
14 Apr 2017: 14,485 Twitter followers / 46,707 FB page likes / 16,282 G+ followers
14 May 2017: 14,737 Twitter followers / 47,249 FB page likes / 16,339 G+ followers
14 Jun 2017: 14,950 Twitter followers / 47,836 FB page likes / 16,382 G+ followers
14 Jul 2017: 15,236 Twitter followers / 48,191 FB page likes / 16,410 G+ followers
14 Aug 2017: 15,574 Twitter followers / 48,545 FB page likes / 16,454 G+ followers
14 Sep 2017: 15,885 Twitter followers / 48,945 FB page likes / 16,485 G+ followers
14 Oct 2017: 16,356 Twitter followers / 49,414 FB page likes / 16,545 G+ followers
14 Nov 2017: 16,723 Twitter followers / 49,912 FB page likes / 16,578 G+ followers
14 Dec 2017: 17,020 Twitter followers / 50,479 FB page likes / 16,599 G+ followers
14 Jan 2018: 17,432 Twitter followers / 51,128 FB page likes / 16,625 G+ followers
14 Feb 2018: 18,090 Twitter followers / 51,940 FB page likes / 16,724 G+ followers
14 Mar 2018: 18,640 Twitter followers / 52,612 FB page likes / 16,788 G+ followers
14 Apr 2018: 19,082 Twitter followers / 52,763 FB page likes / 16,817 G+ followers
14 May 2018: 19,470 Twitter followers / 52,826 FB page likes / 16,829 G+ followers
14 Jun 2018: 19,840 Twitter followers / 52,943 FB page likes / 16,855 G+ followers
14 Jul 2018: 20,148 Twitter followers / 53,036 FB page likes / 16,889 G+ followers

Document Liberation Project

22 Jun 2016: 1,105 Twitter followers / 132 FB page likes / 11 G+ followers
22 Jul 2016: 1,152 Twitter followers / 139 FB page likes / 12 G+ followers
22 Aug 2016: 1,234 Twitter followers / 141 FB page likes / 13 G+ followers
22 Sep 2016: 1,335 Twitter followers / 206 FB page likes / 17 G+ followers
22 Oct 2016: 1,405 Twitter followers / 208 FB page likes / 18 G+ followers
22 Nov 2016: 1,448 Twitter followers / 208 FB page likes / 18 G+ followers
22 Dec 2016: 1,449 Twitter followers / 208 FB page likes / 18 G+ followers
22 Jan 2017: 1,444 Twitter followers / 208 FB page likes / 18 G+ followers
22 Feb 2017: 1,438 Twitter followers / 209 FB page likes / 18 G+ followers
22 Mar 2017: 1,441 Twitter followers / 208 FB page likes / 18 G+ followers
22 Apr 2017: 1,478 Twitter followers / 207 FB page likes / 18 G+ followers
22 May 2017: 1,519 Twitter followers / 207 FB page likes / 18 G+ followers
22 Jun 2017: 1,545 Twitter followers / 207 FB page likes / 18 G+ followers
22 Jul 2017: 1,553 Twitter followers / 207 FB page likes / 17 G+ followers
22 Aug 2017: 1,571 Twitter followers / 208 FB page likes / 17 G+ followers
22 Sep 2017: 1,625 Twitter followers / 207 FB page likes / 17 G+ followers / 197 members of community
22 Oct 2017: 1,690 Twitter followers / 206 FB page likes / 17 G+ followers / 199 members of community
22 Nov 2017: 1,737 Twitter followers / 208 FB page likes / 15 G+ followers / 199 members of community
22 Dec 2017: 1,785 Twitter followers / 209 FB page likes / 15 G+ followers / 201 members of community
22 Jan 2018: 1,828 Twitter followers / 209 FB page likes / 15 G+ followers / 204 members of community
22 Feb 2018: 1,889 Twitter followers / 207 FB page likes / 15 G+ followers / 204 members of community
22 Mar 2018: 1,934 Twitter followers / 207 FB page likes / 15 G+ followers / 204 members of community
22 Apr 2018: 1,973 Twitter followers / 207 FB page likes / 15 G+ followers / 204 members of community
22 May 2018: 1,987 Twitter followers / 207 FB page likes / 15 G+ followers / 203 members of community
22 Jun 2018: 2,024 Twitter followers / 206 FB page likes / 15 G+ followers / 202 members of community
22 Jul 2018: 2,069 Twitter followers / 204 FB page likes / 15 G+ followers / 202 members of community

YouTube - LibreOffice

22 Nov 2016: 2,730 subscribers / 302,540 video views
22 Dec 2016: 2,803 subscribers / 320,868 video views
22 Jan 2017: 2,916 subscribers / 340,818 video views
22 Feb 2017: 3,178 subscribers / 448,325 video views
22 Mar 2017: 3,279 subscribers / 477,825 video views
22 Apr 2017: 3,386 subscribers / 502,847 video views
22 May 2017: 3,512 subscribers / 526,062 video views
22 Jun 2017: 3,584 subscribers / 545,664 video views
22 Jul 2017: 3,662 subscribers / 565,280 video views
22 Aug 2017: 3,902 subscribers / 607,460 video views
22 Sep 2017: 4,021 subscribers / 626,388 video views
22 Oct 2017: 4,141 subscribers / 645,816 video views
22 Nov 2017: 4,279 subscribers / 663,853 video views
22 Dec 2017: 4,392 subscribers / 680,031 video views
22 Jan 2018: 4,501 subscribers / 695,773 video views
22 Feb 2018: 5,409 subscribers / 807,035 video views
22 Mar 2018: 5,640 subscribers / 839,872 video views
22 Apr 2018: 5,855 subscribers / 870,790 video views
22 May 2018: 6,035 subscribers / 900,240 video views
22 Jun 2018: 6,140 subscribers / 924,324 video views
22 Jul 2018: 6,312 subscribers / 953,270 video views
Actions #25

Updated by Florian Effenberger over 5 years ago

  • Priority changed from High to Normal
Actions #26

Updated by Florian Effenberger about 5 years ago

Any recent statistics you can share? ;-)

Actions #27

Updated by Mike Saunders about 5 years ago

Florian Effenberger wrote:

Any recent statistics you can share? ;-)

Yep, I'm still tracking them. I'll post them on the marketing list too for wider discussion, and could make a blog post with graphs...


14 Jun 2016: 10,922 Twitter followers / 40,770 FB page likes / 15,528 G+ followers
14 Jul 2016: 11,255 Twitter followers / 41,267 FB page likes / 15,670 G+ followers
14 Aug 2016: 11,681 Twitter followers / 41,966 FB page likes / 15,802 G+ followers
14 Sep 2016: 12,138 Twitter followers / 42,651 FB page likes / 15,910 G+ followers
14 Oct 2016: 12,556 Twitter followers / 43,296 FB page likes / 15,998 G+ followers
14 Nov 2016: 12,875 Twitter followers / 44,055 FB page likes / 16,094 G+ followers
14 Dec 2016: 13,151 Twitter followers / 44,628 FB page likes / 16,133 G+ followers
14 Jan 2017: 13,486 Twitter followers / 45,209 FB page likes / 16,182 G+ followers
14 Feb 2017: 13,898 Twitter followers / 45,802 FB page likes / 16,229 G+ followers
14 Mar 2017: 14,231 Twitter followers / 46,234 FB page likes / 16,274 G+ followers
14 Apr 2017: 14,485 Twitter followers / 46,707 FB page likes / 16,282 G+ followers
14 May 2017: 14,737 Twitter followers / 47,249 FB page likes / 16,339 G+ followers
14 Jun 2017: 14,950 Twitter followers / 47,836 FB page likes / 16,382 G+ followers
14 Jul 2017: 15,236 Twitter followers / 48,191 FB page likes / 16,410 G+ followers
14 Aug 2017: 15,574 Twitter followers / 48,545 FB page likes / 16,454 G+ followers
14 Sep 2017: 15,885 Twitter followers / 48,945 FB page likes / 16,485 G+ followers
14 Oct 2017: 16,356 Twitter followers / 49,414 FB page likes / 16,545 G+ followers
14 Nov 2017: 16,723 Twitter followers / 49,912 FB page likes / 16,578 G+ followers
14 Dec 2017: 17,020 Twitter followers / 50,479 FB page likes / 16,599 G+ followers
14 Jan 2018: 17,432 Twitter followers / 51,128 FB page likes / 16,625 G+ followers
14 Feb 2018: 18,090 Twitter followers / 51,940 FB page likes / 16,724 G+ followers
14 Mar 2018: 18,640 Twitter followers / 52,612 FB page likes / 16,788 G+ followers
14 Apr 2018: 19,082 Twitter followers / 52,763 FB page likes / 16,817 G+ followers
14 May 2018: 19,470 Twitter followers / 52,826 FB page likes / 16,829 G+ followers
14 Jun 2018: 19,840 Twitter followers / 52,943 FB page likes / 16,855 G+ followers
14 Jul 2018: 20,148 Twitter followers / 53,036 FB page likes / 16,889 G+ followers
14 Aug 2018: 20,606 Twitter followers / 53,239 FB page likes / 16,900 G+ followers
14 Sep 2018: 21,067 Twitter followers / 53,408 FB page likes / 16,915 G+ followers
14 Oct 2018: 21,537 Twitter followers / 53,636 FB page likes / 16,785 G+ followers
14 Nov 2018: 21,999 Twitter followers / 53,852 FB page likes / 16,737 G+ followers
14 Dec 2018: 22,445 Twitter followers / 53,946 FB page likes / 16,705 G+ followers
14 Jan 2019: 22,907 Twitter followers / 54,045 FB page likes / 16,680 G+ followers
14 Feb 2019: 23,495 Twitter followers / 54,330 FB page likes / 16,548 G+ followers
14 Mar 2019: 23,999 Twitter followers / 54,495 FB page likes / 16,509 G+ followers
14 Apr 2019: 24,671 Twitter followers / 54,716 FB page likes / 1,629 Mastodon followers
14 May 2019: 25,109 Twitter followers / 54,901 FB page likes / 2,005 Mastodon followers
14 Jun 2019: 25,666 Twitter followers / 55,054 FB page likes / 2,239 Mastodon followers
14 Jul 2019: 26,056 Twitter followers / 55,232 FB page likes / 2,372 Mastodon followers

Document Liberation Project

22 Jun 2016: 1,105 Twitter followers / 132 FB page likes / 11 G+ followers
22 Jul 2016: 1,152 Twitter followers / 139 FB page likes / 12 G+ followers
22 Aug 2016: 1,234 Twitter followers / 141 FB page likes / 13 G+ followers
22 Sep 2016: 1,335 Twitter followers / 206 FB page likes / 17 G+ followers
22 Oct 2016: 1,405 Twitter followers / 208 FB page likes / 18 G+ followers
22 Nov 2016: 1,448 Twitter followers / 208 FB page likes / 18 G+ followers
22 Dec 2016: 1,449 Twitter followers / 208 FB page likes / 18 G+ followers
22 Jan 2017: 1,444 Twitter followers / 208 FB page likes / 18 G+ followers
22 Feb 2017: 1,438 Twitter followers / 209 FB page likes / 18 G+ followers
22 Mar 2017: 1,441 Twitter followers / 208 FB page likes / 18 G+ followers
22 Apr 2017: 1,478 Twitter followers / 207 FB page likes / 18 G+ followers
22 May 2017: 1,519 Twitter followers / 207 FB page likes / 18 G+ followers
22 Jun 2017: 1,545 Twitter followers / 207 FB page likes / 18 G+ followers
22 Jul 2017: 1,553 Twitter followers / 207 FB page likes / 17 G+ followers
22 Aug 2017: 1,571 Twitter followers / 208 FB page likes / 17 G+ followers
22 Sep 2017: 1,625 Twitter followers / 207 FB page likes / 17 G+ followers / 197 members of community
22 Oct 2017: 1,690 Twitter followers / 206 FB page likes / 17 G+ followers / 199 members of community
22 Nov 2017: 1,737 Twitter followers / 208 FB page likes / 15 G+ followers / 199 members of community
22 Dec 2017: 1,785 Twitter followers / 209 FB page likes / 15 G+ followers / 201 members of community
22 Jan 2018: 1,828 Twitter followers / 209 FB page likes / 15 G+ followers / 204 members of community
22 Feb 2018: 1,889 Twitter followers / 207 FB page likes / 15 G+ followers / 204 members of community
22 Mar 2018: 1,934 Twitter followers / 207 FB page likes / 15 G+ followers / 204 members of community
22 Apr 2018: 1,973 Twitter followers / 207 FB page likes / 15 G+ followers / 204 members of community
22 May 2018: 1,987 Twitter followers / 207 FB page likes / 15 G+ followers / 203 members of community
22 Jun 2018: 2,024 Twitter followers / 206 FB page likes / 15 G+ followers / 202 members of community
22 Jul 2018: 2,069 Twitter followers / 204 FB page likes / 15 G+ followers / 202 members of community
22 Aug 2018: 2,100 Twitter followers / 207 FB page likes / 15 G+ followers / 203 members of community
22 Sep 2018: 2,107 Twitter followers / 223 FB page likes / 15 G+ followers / 206 members of community
22 Oct 2018: 2,129 Twitter followers / 223 FB page likes / 14 G+ followers / 203 members of community
22 Nov 2018: 2,177 Twitter followers / 225 FB page likes / 14 G+ followers / 203 members of community
22 Dec 2018: 2,223 Twitter followers / 226 FB page likes / 14 G+ followers / 200 members of community
22 Jan 2019: 2,276 Twitter followers / 227 FB page likes / 14 G+ followers / 200 members of community
22 Feb 2019: 2,329 Twitter followers / 229 FB page likes / 13 G+ followers / 197 members of community
22 Mar 2019: 2,346 Twitter followers / 229 FB page likes
22 Apr 2019: 2,368 Twitter followers / 227 FB page likes
22 May 2019: 2,381 Twitter followers / 228 FB page likes
22 Jun 2019: 2,387 Twitter followers / 228 FB page likes

YouTube - LibreOffice

22 Nov 2016: 2,730 subscribers / 302,540 video views
22 Dec 2016: 2,803 subscribers / 320,868 video views
22 Jan 2017: 2,916 subscribers / 340,818 video views
22 Feb 2017: 3,178 subscribers / 448,325 video views
22 Mar 2017: 3,279 subscribers / 477,825 video views
22 Apr 2017: 3,386 subscribers / 502,847 video views
22 May 2017: 3,512 subscribers / 526,062 video views
22 Jun 2017: 3,584 subscribers / 545,664 video views
22 Jul 2017: 3,662 subscribers / 565,280 video views
22 Aug 2017: 3,902 subscribers / 607,460 video views
22 Sep 2017: 4,021 subscribers / 626,388 video views
22 Oct 2017: 4,141 subscribers / 645,816 video views
22 Nov 2017: 4,279 subscribers / 663,853 video views
22 Dec 2017: 4,392 subscribers / 680,031 video views
22 Jan 2018: 4,501 subscribers / 695,773 video views
22 Feb 2018: 5,409 subscribers / 807,035 video views
22 Mar 2018: 5,640 subscribers / 839,872 video views
22 Apr 2018: 5,855 subscribers / 870,790 video views
22 May 2018: 6,035 subscribers / 900,240 video views
22 Jun 2018: 6,140 subscribers / 924,324 video views
22 Jul 2018: 6,312 subscribers / 953,270 video views
22 Aug 2018: 6,525 subscribers / 999,716 video views
22 Sep 2018: 6,752 subscribers / 1,034,323 video views
22 Oct 2018: 6,884 subscribers / 1,068,163 video views
22 Nov 2018: 6,994 subscribers / 1,095,005 video views
22 Dec 2018: 7,103 subscribers / 1,119,469 video views
22 Jan 2019: 7,231 subscribers / 1,147,772 video views
22 Feb 2019: 7,662 subscribers / 1,223,418 video views
22 Mar 2019: 7,784 subscribers / 1,253,090 video views
22 Apr 2019: 7,934 subscribers / 1,287,782 video views
22 May 2019: 8,041 subscribers / 1,311,624 video views
22 Jun 2019: 8,170 subscribers / 1,333,051 video views
Actions #28

Updated by Florian Effenberger about 5 years ago


If you think a blogpost makes sense, no objections. :-) Not sure if of
interest to anyone, on the other hand, we have the data in the annual
report as well, nothing secret!


Also available in: Atom PDF