Task #2263
opendocumentation calls
There's a weekly documentation call
Wednesdays, 1930 Berlin time, via Jitsi
Updated by Florian Effenberger over 7 years ago
- Status changed from New to In Progress
Updated by Olivier Hallot over 7 years ago
Recent calls on documentation.
Main topic in these meetings is Guides updates.
Meeting minutes are published in the documentation mailing list.
Wednesday June 7th 2017, 19:00 CET
- Presents: Olivier, Dave Barton
Wednesday June 21st 2017, 19:00 CET
- Presents: Olivier, Dave Barton
Wednesday July 5th 2017, 19:00 CET and July 6th 2017 19:00 CET. (2 h)
- Presents: Olivier, Dave Barton
Wednesday July 19th 2017, 19:00 CET and July 6th 2017 19:00 CET.
- Presents: Olivier, Dave Barton, Paul Figueiredo
Wednesday August 2nd 2017, 19:00 CET
- Presents: Amanda Labby, Paul Figueiredo, Jorge Rodriguez, Olivier
Hallot, Dave Barton
Wednesday August 9th 2017, 19:00 CET
- Presents: Olivier, Paul Figueiredo, Jorge Rodriguez, Dave Barton
Wednesday August 16th 2017, 19:00 CET
- Presents: Paul Figueiredo, Jorge Rodriguez, Olivier Hallot
Wednesday August 23rd 2017, 19:00 CET
- Presents: Olivier, Jorge
Wednesday August 30rd 2017, 19:00 CET
- Presents: Jorge Rodriguez, Dave Barton, Paul Figueiredo, Olivier Hallot
Wednesday September 6th 2017, 19:00 CET
- Presents: Olivier, Paul Figueiredo
Updated by Florian Effenberger over 5 years ago
How are things going at the moment, how's the call participation rate and the outcomes?
Anything we can do to support things from the marketing?
Updated by Olivier Hallot about 4 years ago
Documentation calls are running bi-weekly.
Minutes are posted in the documentation mailing list.