



Task #2439


Poor content of <> etc.

Added by Stephan Bergmann about 7 years ago. Updated over 4 years ago.

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In builds of LO configured to use the online help (like the 5.4.3 flatpak available through <;), doing "Help - LibreOffice Help - Read Help Online" causes pages like <> (with URLs details depending on LO version, OS, etc.) to open in the browser.
However, those pages content currently is just a redirect page (which doesn't automatically redirect, presumably because of the "redirect=no") with some obscure content like "Common/Help#bm id3149178" linking to <;. (And where the latter isn't even the main Writer help page <;, but rather help about LO's "Help" menu.)

Actions #1

Updated by Stephan Bergmann about 7 years ago

(No idea why this redmine stuff decided to corrupt some of the URLs I'd given in the original description, by encoding the enclosing ">" as part of the URL, ">". Just forget about such wannabe-clever fancy text input crap...)

Actions #2

Updated by Olivier Hallot almost 6 years ago


The redirection with a temp file is due to the fact that passing an URL with parameters (file://url/?param-list) through XDG is not possible because the parameters are dropped.

So we had to create a customized HTML temp file with the url and params inside to bypass this restriction.

Actions #3

Updated by Stephan Bergmann almost 6 years ago

Olivier, this is about the online help (configured with --with-help=online), so I think your above comments do not apply, right?

(I re-checked now with a recent LO master build towards LO 6.4, and there doing "Help - LibreOffice Help - Read Help Online" from the start center opens, which looks good. So it may be the case that this issue is no longer very relevant.)

Actions #4

Updated by Olivier Hallot over 5 years ago

  • Status changed from New to Resolved
Actions #5

Updated by Sophie Gautier over 4 years ago

  • Status changed from Resolved to Closed

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