



Task #2630


create LibreOffice 6.1 "New Features" video

Added by Mike Saunders almost 6 years ago. Updated over 5 years ago.

Target version:
Team - Q3/2018
Start date:
Due date:
% Done:



As with previous releases, create a video demonstrating the new features, giving credit to developers, and encouraging people to get involved. Steps required:

  • Write script draft and send to marketing-priv@ for feedback (done; see below)
  • Record audio
  • Record video clips and take screenshots, adding artwork where necessary
  • Assemble into a video, and again send to marketing-priv@ for feedback
  • Add script to the wiki and ask l10n community to translate
  • Make it live on release day, embed on the website, and spread on social media

Script draft:

LibreOffice 6.1 introduces many powerful new features, and improves existing ones.


A new icon theme, Colibre, has been added and is the default on Windows.

Image handling has been improved, so documents with many images will load and display more smoothly. []

It's now possible to sign ODF documents with ECDSA keys on Linux and macOS. [Lock]

For shapes and backgrounds, a new set of fill gradients is now available [], while the background images dialog has been redesigned to be easier to use.

The online help system has been extended with example files, to help you see how features in the suite work. []

It's now even easier to customize toolbars and menus, thanks to the new gear button in the Customize dialog. []

The experimental Notebookbar user interface design has been updated with better layouts and icons.

And thanks to our worldwide community, the user interface has been translated into additional languages, while dictionaries and auto-correct tools have been improved for many languages as well [spinning world]


In the header and footer menus, new options let you quickly add page numbers and page counts. []

The EPUB export feature has been improved, and gives you more options for customising metadata. []

It's now possible to generate a signature line using Insert > Signature Line. []

New chapter numbering styles, which spell out cardinal and ordinal numbers, are now available. []

Finally, performance when converting documents to XHTML has been greatly improved. []


In Calc, the word processor, images that are anchored to cells can now be sorted. []

In addition, there are now three anchor types: to a cell, as usual; to a cell with resizing when the cell size changes; and to a page.

The options dialog lets you customise cell highlight colours. []

When you're merging cells, the dialog box now shows a graphical depiction of the process in advance. []

When linking a sheet to external data, CSV files can now be used as data sources.

Parallel formula compiling on the CPU is now supported, for a significant performance boost. []

Impress, Draw and Base

New drawing styles have been added, while existing ones have been cleaned up. []

The menu in Draw was reorganised to be more intuitive, and a new Page menu was added.

In Base, the embedded Firebird engine is now available by default. Embedded HSQLDB is deprecated, although it's still available in this release, and a migration assistant helps you to switch between the two engines.

LibreOffice Online

In LibreOffice Online, the cloud-based version of the suite, many new dialog boxes have been added, including spelling and grammar [], cell formatting [], and area fill [].

In Calc, it's now possible to collapse or expand any group of columns or rows with a simple click. []

Finally, performance and security has been improved as well, making LibreOffice Online a great complement to the desktop version of the suite.

Thanks to...

[credits and affiliation here]

But there's more to come - help us with LibreOffice 6.2!

We're already working on the next release - join our worldwide community, help to add and test new features - they're made by people like you! etc.


Also available in: Atom PDF