Task #2707
closedOpenGrok: Using wildcard as first character of a search impossible after recent update
Before the recent OpenGrok re-indexing, it was possible to use a wild card "*" at the beginning of a search string. Now, it is no longer possible.
Test steps:
1. Open following link (searching for merk on the core repository): https://opengrok.libreoffice.org/search?project=core&q=*merk*&defs=&refs=&path=&hist=&type=
Expected results:
1. Search results are returned. (As was the case earlier.)
Actual results:
1. "Error message from parser:
Cannot parse '*merk*': '*' or '?' not allowed as first character in WildcardQuery"
Note: According to OpenGrok help under https://opengrok.libreoffice.org/help.jsp , the use of wildcards at beginning of a search string can be enabled using indexer option -a. I guess that the enabling was missed on the recent OpenGrok update.
Thanks in advance!
Updated by Guilhem Moulin about 6 years ago
- Status changed from New to In Progress
- Assignee set to Guilhem Moulin
AFAICT the indexer option is in fact `--leadingWildcards`, and it's indeed off by default. We might have to trigger another (offline) full re-index to support this.