



Task #3051


grow recurring donations (goal 50%)

Added by Florian Effenberger over 5 years ago. Updated over 2 years ago.

Target version:
Team - Q4/2021
Start date:
Due date:
% Done:



One of the larger tasks for the next ~two years is to steadily grow our recurring donor base, with a goal of 50% of donation amount.

During the past two years, we've successfully grown it to 10% and for a few months, we also accept recurring credit card donations next to PayPal.
This list will be extended by other payment methods (eg. SEPA payments) in 2020.

Having recurring donations can make donors feel more engaged as sponsors and also helps wrt. app stores and automatic updates.
Some ideas to encourage that are branding of 'sponsors', or 'regular donors', some videos etc.

Assigning to Mike to take the lead on this, but this clearly needs to be a combined effort of several people.

Actions #1

Updated by Mike Saunders about 4 years ago

  • Target version changed from Q4/2020 to Q4/2021

I'll get the current state of recurring vs normal donations and update here. As this was set as a two-year goal, let's set the target at the end of this yea

Actions #2

Updated by Mike Saunders over 2 years ago

  • Status changed from New to Closed

According to Italo, we are very close to 50%, so I think we can close this now. Of course, we will continue to promote recurring donations, and look into updating the donate page, from the newer website design.


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