Task #3206
closedLibreOffice 7.0/7.1 marketing plan
Start date:
Due date:
% Done:
Status summary:
next step to define
Asked Italo to start evaluating the campaign and to liaise with Michael.
Updated by Florian Effenberger over 4 years ago
- Project changed from 79 to Board Public
Updated by Florian Effenberger over 4 years ago
- Subject changed from Liaise with Marketing to prepare a marketing campaign to LibreOffice 7.0/7.1 marketing plan
Updated by Florian Effenberger over 4 years ago
- Status summary set to Paolo, Franklin, Michael, Thorsten, Mike, Italo continue working on this
Updated by Uwe Altmann over 4 years ago
Updated by Stephan Ficht over 4 years ago
Discussion items from 2020-07-31 board meeting:
- Status: Continue working on this
Updated by Florian Effenberger over 4 years ago
- Status summary changed from Paolo, Franklin, Michael, Thorsten, Mike, Italo continue working on this to Paolo, Franklin, Michael, Thorsten, Mike, Italo continue working on this. Website changes pending.
Discussion from board meeting 2020-08-14:
- further steps promised publicly (Lothar)
- special targets? (Paolo)
- changes for the website (Thorsten)
- "old" group to continue (Lothar)
Updated by Stephan Ficht over 4 years ago
- Status summary changed from Paolo, Franklin, Michael, Thorsten, Mike, Italo continue working on this. Website changes pending. to check again, next step to define
Discussion from board meeting 2020-08-28:
(subgroup Paolo, Franklin, Michael, Thorsten, Mike, Italo)
+ no progress (Paolo)
+ continue to be disappointed in lack of AB feedback (Michael)
+ perhaps vacation time - check again in a week or two (Thorsten)
Updated by Italo Vignoli over 4 years ago
Uploaded third iteration of the strategic marcom plan, with action items:
Complete Document with Action Items:
Short Document with Just Action Items:
Updated by Stephan Ficht over 4 years ago
- Status summary changed from check again, next step to define to next step to define
Discussion from board meeting 2020-09-25:
- plan to move quickly on bits that are not controversial; AI (Italo): write a paragraph on the decision
- idea: label for LibreOffice release managed by TDF
- use the public marketing discuss list as a defined way to provide feedback
- definitely decide not later than end of Nov.
- should make it clear that group that decides is TDF-members so we get to a decision
Updated by Florian Effenberger almost 4 years ago
- Status changed from In Progress to Closed
The marketing plan has been voted on and is in efffect: