Task #3245
closedUpgrade Gerrit version to 3.2
Recent gerrit versions further improved PolyGerrit UI.
The highlights of recent releases:
o Gerrit 3.1 added support for git wire protocol v2.
o Gerrit 3.2 added possibility to upload files directly in browser.
o JDK 11 is now officially supported.
Updated by Guilhem Moulin almost 5 years ago
- Assignee set to Guilhem Moulin
- Target version set to Q4/2020
See the recent infra call minutes (Feb and Jun) in particular for the progress and timeline. Upgrade to 3.1 is planned for the next weeks (either soon before or soon after 7.0), there is no plan regarding 3.2 though. Late 2020 at best.
Updated by David Ostrovsky almost 5 years ago
- Assignee deleted (
Guilhem Moulin)
Upgrade to 3.1 is planned for the next weeks (either soon before or soon after 7.0)
Have you activated git wire protocol v2 in etc/jgit.config? See also comment in: [1].
To test, you need very recent git core client installed locally,
and ls-remote should report git wire protocol 2:
$ GIT_TRACE_PACKET=1 git ls-remote https://gerrit.libreoffice.org/core
> 06:57:55.050010 pkt-line.c:80 packet: git< version 2
> 06:57:55.050058 pkt-line.c:80 packet: git< version 2
[1] https://bugs.eclipse.org/bugs/show_bug.cgi?id=541221#c133
Updated by Guilhem Moulin almost 5 years ago
- Assignee set to Guilhem Moulin
On the stage instance, yes. (That's how I measured the perf improvement on core which can be found in the minutes.) That's on the roadmap for the upcoming 3.1 upgrade.
Updated by David Ostrovsky almost 5 years ago
- Assignee deleted (
Guilhem Moulin)
That's how I measured the perf improvement on core which can be found in the minutes.
Ah, yes, found the minutes:
git wire protocol v2, gives ~95% perf improvement on up to date trees (from 20MiB to ~100kiB, also faster since git doesn't have to traverse as much)
Great news! We also need to communicate with the devs to set up client part of the wire protocol v2, and update their local git core package (2.18 or higher is needed).
Updated by Guilhem Moulin almost 5 years ago
- Assignee set to Guilhem Moulin
[Please don't remove the assignee]
We also need to communicate with the devs to set up client part of the wire protocol v2, and update their local git core package (2.18 or higher is needed).
Sure, that's also planned :-)
Updated by David Ostrovsky over 4 years ago
FTR, here are Gerrit upgrade reports to 3.2.2 from Wikimedia: [1] and Eclipse Foundations: [2].
[1] https://groups.google.com/d/topic/repo-discuss/G5wucKJg9Ag/discussion
[2] https://bugs.eclipse.org/bugs/show_bug.cgi?id=541221
Updated by Guilhem Moulin over 4 years ago
Well in the meantime we're on 3.1 :-)
Updated by David Ostrovsky over 4 years ago
Guilhem Moulin wrote:
Well in the meantime we're on 3.1 :-)
Great news. I have also confirmed, that git wire protocol v2 works now as expected.
Any reasons not to upgrade to the latest patch release available
for Gerrit 3.1 release line which is (atm) 3.1.11, see [1].
[1] https://groups.google.com/d/topic/repo-discuss/JmUTrYS5hls/discussion
Updated by Guilhem Moulin over 4 years ago
David Ostrovsky wrote:
Any reasons not to upgrade to the latest patch release available
for Gerrit 3.1 release line which is (atm) 3.1.11, see [1].[1] https://groups.google.com/d/topic/repo-discuss/JmUTrYS5hls/discussion
I read 3.0.11 not 3.1.11. https://www.gerritcodereview.com/3.1.html list 3.1.7 as the most recent version in the 3.1 branch, and that's also the most recent tag. We ran 3.0.11 before upgrading to 3.1.7. That said the “important security fix” is moot in our deployment, because Content-Security-Policy frame-ancestors (as well as the obsolete X-Frame-Options) headers are added by the reverse proxy (didn't wait 3.0.11 for that :-P), which is arguably better as it provides some sort of defense in depth.
Updated by David Ostrovsky over 4 years ago
Guilhem Moulin wrote:
David Ostrovsky wrote:
Any reasons not to upgrade to the latest patch release available
for Gerrit 3.1 release line which is (atm) 3.1.11, see [1].[1] https://groups.google.com/d/topic/repo-discuss/JmUTrYS5hls/discussion
I read 3.0.11 not 3.1.11.
Oh, thanks for correcting me. I was working on updating the
documentation on new permission I added recently, that wasn't
documented yet. And it was uploaded to 3.0 release lines.
Unrelated here, but would it make sense to grant
'Toggle Work In Progress state' permission
to committers group on TDF gerrit site?
[1] https://gerrit-review.googlesource.com/c/homepage/+/274442
Updated by Guilhem Moulin over 4 years ago
David Ostrovsky wrote:
Unrelated here, but would it make sense to grant 'Toggle Work In Progress state' permission to committers group on TDF gerrit site?
Didn't hear from developers that this is a sorely needed grant to have. Will toggle it only if there is interest, not a priori :-P
Updated by Guilhem Moulin over 4 years ago
- Due date set to 2020-11-14
- Status changed from New to Closed
Forgot to update the ticket due date but it was scheduled earlier today at 00:00 UTC. Done, we're now on 3.2.3.