Task #3793
closedStiftungstag 2025 - Proposal(s) for Community Session
The foundation head association give the oportunity to submit up to 2 proposals for community sessions during the 'Stiftungstag 2025' on May 21/22 2025 in Wiesbaden. They gave it exclusively for free to non-for-profit foundations, which are - like TDF - members of their organisation.
The topic of the 'Stiftungstag 2025' is 'Mutig machen. Wie Stiftungen das Miteinander stärken' and TDF should be able to contribute to that topic.
The proposals has to be send in by latest Nov. 1, 2024: https://www.stiftungen.org/verband/was-wir-tun/vernetzungsangebote/deutscher-stiftungstag.html
The form to send a proposal could be reached from this site: https://www.stiftungen.org/index.php?id=471
Updated by Mike Saunders 5 months ago
I think we should submit something, and can probably attend too. Andreas, will you be available to attend, if we are accepted?
Updated by Andreas Mantke 5 months ago
I need to discuss about our family vacation time. I'd be happy to attend if there is no overlap.
Updated by Mike Saunders 5 months ago
Andreas Mantke wrote in #note-2:
I need to discuss about our family vacation time. I'd be happy to attend if there is no overlap.
OK. Let's submit something now, assuming that at least one of us can attend, and maybe someone else from the community. As the topic is "Wie Stiftungen das Miteinander stärken" (How foundations strengthen togetherness), I suggest we submit a talk about how TDF brings people from around Germany and the world together to work on a common project, regardless of their age, location, gender, qualifications etc. We can point to success stories of collaborative work, but also highlight the challenges and things to improve.
What do you think?
Updated by Andreas Mantke 5 months ago
The format of that proposal would be more a classic one with a presentation, if I don't missunderstand your description. That could be one of the allowed two proposals in my opinion.
It would be great if we submit also another one with a more interactive format (as mentioned on the website 'stiftungen.org'), like workshop, world cafe or the like. That would make it more likely that we get a slot.
Updated by Mike Saunders 5 months ago
Andreas Mantke wrote in #note-4:
The format of that proposal would be more a classic one with a presentation, if I don't missunderstand your description. That could be one of the allowed two proposals in my opinion.
It would be great if we submit also another one with a more interactive format (as mentioned on the website 'stiftungen.org'), like workshop, world cafe or the like. That would make it more likely that we get a slot.
That would be great too, indeed. I'm really short of cycles this week with LibOCon videos and the Month of LibreOffice, but if you can draft a quick idea here I can submit it before the deadline on Friday! :-)
Updated by Andreas Mantke 5 months ago
- Due date changed from 2024-11-01 to 2024-11-06
The submission date has postponed to Nov.,6 2024
Updated by Mike Saunders 5 months ago
As we have limited time (deadline in two days) I've submitted a talk with a Q+A/discussion round. The talk explains how we (TDF) bring people around the world together to work on a common project, that benefits millions of people, and the challenges and opportunities we face.
Updated by Mike Saunders 4 months ago
- Status changed from New to Resolved
Submitted, so marking as resolved. We just need to wait for their approval now.
Updated by Mike Saunders 4 months ago
- Status changed from Resolved to Rejected
Unfortunately we weren't chosen. They said they have slots for 12 community sessions but had 67 submissions, so had to reject the vast majority of them.