

Andreas Mantke

  • Login: andreasma
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  • Registered on: 2013-11-21
  • Last connection: 2019-02-24


open closed Total
Assigned issues 3 22 25
Reported issues 0 7 7


Project Roles Registered on
Proteus Manager 2024-09-27



17:12 Extensions Task #2580 (Closed): Check Compatibilty of LibreOffice Extensions With Newest LibreOffice Versions
The extension website is not using Plone and the for its purpose created add-ons anymore. Thus there are no checkboxe... Andreas Mantke


21:07 Infrastructure Feature #1519: allow to enter feedback to the extensions; public or only for authors
Ai, ai, captain!
Have fun with the feedback form and the new features and improvements
Andreas Mantke


10:24 Infrastructure Feature #1519 (Closed): allow to enter feedback to the extensions; public or only for authors
Andreas Mantke
10:23 Infrastructure Feature #1519 (Resolved): allow to enter feedback to the extensions; public or only for authors
Andreas Mantke
10:23 Infrastructure Feature #1519: allow to enter feedback to the extensions; public or only for authors
Solved Andreas Mantke
10:22 Infrastructure Feature #1519: allow to enter feedback to the extensions; public or only for authors
Maybe there are too few ressources spent for infra, but too much on other topics with no messurable output for the pr... Andreas Mantke


15:27 Infrastructure Task #2955: Run Plone Buildout On LibO Extensions
The latest fix is in Github already available. Andreas Mantke


11:32 Infrastructure Task #2955: Run Plone Buildout On LibO Extensions
It seemed I need some New blasses ;-)
I overlooked the little e. Will fix that soon.
Andreas Mantke


22:18 Infrastructure Task #2955: Run Plone Buildout On LibO Extensions
Thanks for the hint. I fixed it and published a new release. Andreas Mantke
13:34 Infrastructure Task #2955: Run Plone Buildout On LibO Extensions
The 5.0.10 has some bugfixes, but is the last release of that series. Currently the focus is on 5.1 and 5.2. Deadline... Andreas Mantke

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