Task #998
Updated by Florian Effenberger over 9 years ago
We should organize an admin call, inviting also explicitly all participants from the Munich admin meeting in January
Main topic is how to proceed with our infra, whether to go with HA solution and network file system or not, or looking into a SAN
Important decisions are only to be taken either in the call or via the mailing list, not in personal meetings
Some details to share alongside the current infra story:
* information on the admin mailing list, how to get there, how to setup Sieve for filtering all the cronjobs
* our IRC channels, internal and external, and that it'd be good to see people there :-)
* that we need people in the distribution list for e-mail and SMS monitoring, asking for volunteers
* how to better handle the unassigned tickets: https://redmine.documentfoundation.org/projects/infrastructure/issues?c[]=tracker&c[]=status&c[]=priority&c[]=subject&c[]=assigned_to&c[]=updated_on&c[]=due_date&f[]=status_id&f[]=assigned_to_id&f[]=&group_by=&op[assigned_to_id]=!*&op[status_id]=o&set_filter=1&sort=updated_on%3Adesc%2Cdue_date%2Cpriority%3Adesc&utf8=%E2%9C%93
* evaluation of Swiss hosting offer as addition
* infra "horsepower" (buildbot) budget item -> talk with Norbert
** setting up Windows VM to pick up the load
** Having big storage to keep build artefacts of jenkin's tinderbox to build bibisect
** Keep build artefact of gerrit build and make them downloadable for a certain amount of time (a week or 2), so that people can test a gerrit patch