


Task #1070

Updated by Florian Effenberger almost 9 years ago

Our Bugzilla instance needs If the bug is being reported by a patch to restrict regular user, the ability of changing importance and & severity fields to certain should either be greyed out with an explanation included or completely hidden. 
 Dev, QA & UX roles (dev, QA, UX). 
 The first patch has been applied and is running on should be the production instance now, but has unwanted side-effects, so a second patch needs ones with the ability to be 

 # developed set importance & severity. 
 # tested 
 # documented (#1268) 
 # rolled out in due time This will lead to the productive instance 

 Although theoretically suited for EasyHacks, Robinson should work on all these steps, given this is quite urgent happiness and we don't want to delay longer. prosperity.
