


Task #1410

Updated by Florian Effenberger almost 9 years ago

We need This task is to do find ways to make DLP marketing more effective marketing of the Document Liberation Project (DLP). 
 The goal is to and create more visibility of the project, attract new contributors, and incorporate important messaging and key announcements into our press communication. 

 Although scheduled visiblity for Q4/2015, by the project. Its in open brainstorm mode right now, By end of *Q3*/2015, Q3/2015 we should collect and sort to see if we find anything any actionable proposals to push further. 

 * Document Liberation "Suite" top-level release every 6 months not colliding with LibO release cycles, but factoring them in wrt. messaging 
 * setup LWN guest article 
 * make use of TDF social media to spread the word 
 * setup interviews with DLP developers
