


Task #1268

Updated by Florian Effenberger almost 9 years ago

To get more volunteers in, we need a Bugzilla documentation. 

 Steps necessary: 

 * goal 1: How can this instance be setup from scratch? (We do have Salt, but the basic steps should be documented anyways; not overly complicated, but with a shorte note on why something was done.) => Rationale: Someone who wants to clone our instance without Salt, can install it; also helps us to understand what Salt does 

 * goal 2: What does someone need to know who wants to administer our instance? Any special plugins, the modified footer, any special settings, the importance patch applied etc. => Rationale: Someone is promoted administrator of our instance to help out. What do they need to know? Anything we have hosted at Github our Gerrit? *Update:* This should also contain some hints on the test VM. 

 Side task might be: 

 * Creating a dummy database without private data that can be distributed -> Florian unsure whether this is really required, did we do any special database tweaking? 

 Distribution of a ready-to-use VM is not part of this ticket. Instructions should be clear enough that anyone can setup a similar instance on their own.
