



Bug #1055


Add new 'Bugzilla' product to TDF Bugzilla

Added by Robinson Tryon about 10 years ago. Updated about 10 years ago.

Target version:
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% Done:




QA would like to add a new 'Bugzilla' product to the TDF Bugzilla. QA members have expressed that this makes the most sense to them for keeping track of problems, improvements, etc..

I wanted to check-in with infra before creating a 'Bugzilla' product, as we've tracked a number of Bugzilla bugs/tasks in Redmine since the WWW component was removed from Bugzilla.

Florian/Cloph/Alex -- Thoughts?

Actions #1

Updated by Bjoern Michaelsen about 10 years ago

I would very much oppose tracking bugzilla issue differently than other infra issues. We already have too many exceptions. Going from:
  • bugs are reported to TDF bugzilla, except for infra, which go to redmine


  • bugs are reported to TDF bugzilla, except for infra, which go to redmine, except for Bugzilla, which go to Bugzilla

is not an improvement.

In addition: Tracking bugzilla issues on bugziila also has bootstrapping issues: If bugzilla is down, you cant properly file a bug that bugzilla is down.

Actions #2

Updated by Robinson Tryon about 10 years ago

Bjoern Michaelsen wrote:

I would very much oppose tracking bugzilla issue differently than other infra issues. We already have too many exceptions. Going from:
  • bugs are reported to TDF bugzilla, except for infra, which go to redmine


  • bugs are reported to TDF bugzilla, except for infra, which go to redmine, except for Bugzilla, which go to Bugzilla

is not an improvement.

When Redmine was set up and the WWW component abandoned in Bugzilla, I don't think we ever had a discussion about how that would affect the QA Team. Having two bug trackers can present some challenges.

A few of my goals are

  • To make bug filing fast and easy
  • To avoid confusing our users and our community contributors
  • To make it as simple as possible to move bugs filed in the wrong place to the right place

In addition: Tracking bugzilla issues on bugziila also has bootstrapping issues: If bugzilla is down, you cant properly file a bug that bugzilla is down.

By that logic, we should track bugs against Redmine using Bugzilla...

Actions #3

Updated by Robinson Tryon about 10 years ago

Sounds like this is decided issue by those above me, so I'm going to live with the current situation for now.

I've told the QA Team that bugzilla meta-issues will go into the Redmine Infrastructure project w/category 'Bugzilla'. If we run into any issues of triage inside that project, we can always have a Bugzilla sub-project, or a top-level project (e.g. similar to that QA project that Bjoern shut down)

Actions #4

Updated by Florian Effenberger about 10 years ago

Let's talk about this during our team meeting at FOSDEM ;-)

Actions #5

Updated by Robinson Tryon about 10 years ago

  • Status changed from New to Rejected

Idea for separate Bugzilla product insde Bugzilla was rejected. All infra (including ci-infra component bugs) should move to redmine for now.

Actions #6

Updated by Florian Effenberger about 10 years ago

I had a chat with Joel on this topic the other day - did you talk to him
about that recently?

Actions #7

Updated by Robinson Tryon about 10 years ago

Florian Effenberger wrote:

I had a chat with Joel on this topic the other day - did you talk to him
about that recently?

I've talked with Joel pretty recently. Did he have anything further to say on the situation?

Concentrating all of our infra workflow into one tool makes some sense; I just want to make sure that we keep things clear for everyone who isn't very familiar with our TDF systems, and (ideally) it would be nice if people don't have to sign up separately for Redmine and Bugzilla.

Some number of infra bugs will still be filed within Bugzilla (perfect example:, so I'm definitely interested in making it easier to migrate those bug reports from bz -> redmine.


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