



Task #1751


video recordings for talks

Added by Florian Effenberger about 9 years ago. Updated almost 8 years ago.

Target version:
Team - Q1/2017
Start date:
Due date:
% Done:



We attend a load of events, but rarely have good, freely usable video to publish that we could spread on social media sites.

The scope of this ticket is to:

  • identify events we ttend (#1333)
  • select a few we can invest into getting videos from
    • either by getting them from the organizers under a decent license
    • or by recording on our own, which requires budget and logistics for hardware
  • spread the videos on social media (#1376)

It might be worth investigating some acceptance agreement from participants as we have it done during some conference.

Related issues

Related to Marketing - Task #1333: event calendarIn ProgressMike Saunders

Related to Marketing - Task #1978: create a community video encouraging new contributors to get involvedClosedMike Saunders

Actions #1

Updated by Florian Effenberger about 9 years ago

Some data from the Aarhus conference via Thorsten:

video: one high-res DSLR on a tripod per room, set to wide-angle film
the entire front part of the room, and leaving enough resolution to
software-zoom into anything that's interesting. Give it enough flash
memory & battery life to film several hours w/o maintenance

sound: I'll have to ask, but the quality was awesome - some hand-held
recording device able to home in on speakers even in a large room (or
at least recording in a way that this can be done retroactively),
obviating the need to pass around hand-held microphones.

Something to stick into a conference kit pelicase easily IMO, and
trivial to setup/operate. Some more work with post-processing of
Actions #2

Updated by Florian Effenberger about 9 years ago

Actions #3

Updated by Florian Effenberger about 9 years ago

  • Related to Task #1376: month of LibreOffice contribution added
Actions #4

Updated by Florian Effenberger about 9 years ago

  • Assignee changed from Italo Vignoli to Mike Saunders
  • Target version changed from Qlater to Q2/2016
Actions #5

Updated by Florian Effenberger almost 9 years ago

  • Target version changed from Q2/2016 to Qlater
Actions #6

Updated by Mike Saunders almost 9 years ago

Bjoern Michaelsen suggests doing live streaming from the next LibreOffice Conference, if possible, so I'll look into that too.

Actions #7

Updated by Mike Saunders over 8 years ago

I will investigate two options: a cheap one, and a more expensive one, and see what our budget capability is. Italo has two cameras we can use -- we need to find out if they support streaming. He also mentioned as an option.

Actions #8

Updated by Mike Saunders over 8 years ago

OK, here's the results of my research into two options: low and high budget. The former could get us some good videos for the next conference and is easy to work with. The latter brings in the possibility of live streaming and dedicated audio from presenters, at the expense of more complexity and requiring more people to be involved during the filming.


  • Accessories: tripod (€20), camera case (€20), 64GB SD card (€28), extra batteries (pair, €23)

TOTAL: €393


  • Accessories: tripod (€22), camera case (€22), 64GB SD card (€28), extra battery (€32)

TOTAL: €1232

Actions #9

Updated by Florian Effenberger over 8 years ago

  • Target version changed from Qlater to Q3/2016

I think ~1.200 € is within the budget - can you talk to Italo about it? IMHO we had reserve in the budget
Just one question: How problematic would be the transport of the more expensive solution vs. the cheaper one (most people come by plane or train)?
How many people would be required to operate the high budget solution compared to the cheaper one, any gut feeling?

Actions #10

Updated by Florian Effenberger over 8 years ago

That being said, can you check with Sophie/the LibOCon organizers if they do video recordings on their own?
Just to avoid re-inventing the wheel - however, even if there's local organization going on, it might make sense to give it a "dry run" during LibOCon and make a best practice cheatsheet :-)

Actions #11

Updated by Mike Saunders over 8 years ago

Italo says we have the budget for the high-end option, so will check it again today and then proceed with the order.

Actions #12

Updated by Florian Effenberger over 8 years ago

Italo says we have the budget for the high-end option, so will check it
again today and then proceed with the order.

Let me know if you need support for the order or payment
If you order outside Germany (I don't recommend doing so) be aware we
can't do VAT reverse charge, so do not provide our VAT ID please.

Actions #13

Updated by Mike Saunders over 8 years ago

Was waiting for marketing budget approval, and found out today that Kendy is away, so asking Thorsten to give his OK, then can place order.

Actions #14

Updated by Mike Saunders over 8 years ago

  • Status changed from New to In Progress

Order for high-end equipment placed; will get familiar with it before LibOCon and then use it for interviews and other videos there.

Actions #15

Updated by Mike Saunders over 8 years ago

Everything (except for tripod) has arrived, and all seems to be working correctly. Will work with Sophie to add the equipment to our inventory database, and get familiar with all the features in time for LibOCon.

Actions #16

Updated by Mike Saunders over 8 years ago

  • Related to Task #1978: create a community video encouraging new contributors to get involved added
Actions #17

Updated by Mike Saunders over 8 years ago

The video and audio equipment has had real-world use -- I've recorded four community members talking about how they got involved for #1978, and all looks and sounds good. Will work on that community video on return from LibOCon.

Adding a note to create a wiki page with short info on using the camera and radio microphone, for others who borrow the equipment.

Actions #18

Updated by Mike Saunders over 8 years ago

So these are the videos made so far, using the new equipment:

The camera works well in different lighting conditions, and the audio equipment does a good job too (although better inside). I will make a wiki page providing basic instructions that we can give when we lend out the equipment for other events.

Actions #19

Updated by Mike Saunders over 8 years ago

Wiki page with quick start guide created:

Also circulated the info on marketing-priv@ so that others can borrow the equipment.

Actions #20

Updated by Mike Saunders over 8 years ago

Just a note that parts of the "Join the LibreOffice community" video was made using this equipment:

Actions #21

Updated by Florian Effenberger over 8 years ago

If I get it right, everything is in order so we can produce videos, and we "just" have to do this on the next event, right?
FOSDEM comes to mind, so my proposal is to set this to Q1 and aim or some FOSDEM talk recordings
Sounds sensible?

Actions #22

Updated by Mike Saunders over 8 years ago

  • Target version changed from Q3/2016 to Q1/2017

Florian Effenberger wrote:

If I get it right, everything is in order so we can produce videos, and we "just" have to do this on the next event, right?
FOSDEM comes to mind, so my proposal is to set this to Q1 and aim or some FOSDEM talk recordings
Sounds sensible?

Correct, everything is working, documented (as per the wiki page) and ready for use at any events. I've informed marketing-priv that it's available to borrow.

So yes, let's set this to Q1/2017 and I will arrange some interviews and other video plans for FOSDEM in the meantime.

Actions #23

Updated by Florian Effenberger over 8 years ago

After FOSDEM, there's also a Hackfest, which might also be good for some interviews/shots

Actions #24

Updated by Mike Saunders about 8 years ago

I will use this equipment to record the talks in the Open Document Editors devroom at FOSDEM (there will already be video equipment there, but ours may be better).

In addition I'll start planning slots to interview people.

Actions #25

Updated by Mike Saunders about 8 years ago

Got interviews lined up with the team and various other members of the community. Will do more chasing up this week before FOSDEM.

Actions #26

Updated by Mike Saunders about 8 years ago

Updates: I operated the FOSDEM camera for talks in the devroom, and also used our TDF video equipment for interviews with eight people. I'll edit and upload these over the coming weeks.

Actions #27

Updated by Mike Saunders about 8 years ago

I've uploaded the FOSDEM '17 devroom presentation videos to our YouTube channel, and blogged about them with a playlist here:

(I operated the video equipment on the day to switch between side-by-side and fullscreen modes, to add some variation, but that ultimately didn't have an effect, annoyingly.)

Actions #28

Updated by Florian Effenberger about 8 years ago

Very happy to see this coming to life! :-)

Actions #29

Updated by Florian Effenberger almost 8 years ago

  • Status changed from In Progress to Closed

This is taking place now regularly, so closing - let me know if this doesn't make sense ;-)

Actions #30

Updated by Florian Effenberger over 7 years ago

  • Related to deleted (Task #1376: month of LibreOffice contribution)

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