



Task #2108


Changes to email alerts not saved

Added by Peter Williams over 8 years ago. Updated about 5 years ago.

Target version:
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Due date:
% Done:



Using site. If you go to user email alerts and change settings and Update the changes do not come into effect.

This posting details it -

Actions #1

Updated by Florian Effenberger over 8 years ago

  • Assignee set to Evgeny Fadeev

Evgeny, can you have a look? :-) Thanks!

Actions #2

Updated by H J over 8 years ago

  • Priority changed from Normal to High
  • URL set to

This urgent problem with an important user tool for LibreOffice was first reported in August, here: But so far nothing has been done.

And guys, this is sort of a priority! Lots of new users come to, ask a question, or make a comment and then are never heard from again. Even when there is an answer to their question, that someone spent a lot of time writing up, they might never see the answer. Such a waste. I first starting using this site about a month ago and I could tell right off that something was terribly wrong with how there was so little back and forth. So thank for jumping right on this.

Peter Williams wrote:

Using site. If you go to user email alerts and change settings and Update the changes do not come into effect.

This posting details it -

Actions #3

Updated by Evgeny Fadeev over 8 years ago

Fixed, sorry about this.

Actions #4

Updated by Florian Effenberger over 8 years ago

  • Status changed from New to Resolved

Thanks a lot, Evgeny!

Actions #5

Updated by H J over 8 years ago

Evgeny Fadeev wrote:

Fixed, sorry about this.


Not so fast guys.

Yes, the 1st half of this is fixed, and that works great! And thank you very much, as the settings are now sticky.


Step 2: Now we need to fix the result of the bug, i.e. the fact that due to this bug, all of the currently registered users are set to NOT get emails. In other words, if this bug had never existed, many users might be currently signed up to get emails today.

Truth is the vast majority of users don't know about this bug, nor ever will, yet also don't know that they have the option to get emails. They remain un-engaged.

So unless, and until, we fix step 2, our best user base will remain not fully engaged at

So how might we fix this?

Option a) Just turn on everyone's email notifications. If people don't want it they can turn it off. This way everyone will get the chance to re-engage, and get involved again.

Option b) Display a somewhat prominent message at the top of the screen informing users that this bug existed and that they might want to consider turning on their email. (Sort of a messy solution).

Option c) Send an email to all users with a brief notice of the bug and how to turn on the emails if they want them on. (This might be harder to do than option a.)

Unless someone can come up with a better idea, I think Option a is the best idea so far. Or (a compromise) you could combine option a with option c, so that a notice of the bug appears at the top of the first new email they get.

Anyway, how hard is it to update the user database in some way to accomplish this? Hope this makes sense and you can do this.

I'm looking forward to the surge of new activity that will probably occur once this final step is in place. I think it will give LibreOffice a nice boost in use and help make up for the fact that it's been broken for some time.

Thanks again.

-- Howard

Actions #6

Updated by Florian Effenberger over 8 years ago

Step 2: Now we need to fix the result of the bug, i.e. the fact that
due to this bug, all of the currently registered users are set to NOT
get emails. In other words, if this bug had never existed, many users
might be currently signed up to get emails today.

I've asked Sophie and Olivier to give feedback on this - I'd like to
have their feedback before we mass-change existing user accounts

Actions #7

Updated by H J over 8 years ago

Florian Effenberger wrote:

I've asked Sophie and Olivier to give feedback on this - I'd like to
have their feedback before we mass-change existing user accounts

Sounds good. Thanks!

BTW, I got my first email yesterday! It was a delight to finally get new news about an issue I had previously worked on.

And it provided me with a little more insight into this question, which I wanted to share with you: I suppose only when people get a new or additional answer or comment will they get any emails, so it won't be like members will get instantly flooded if email is turned on. Rather I think it will be a trickle more or less depending on their past involvement. In other words, if some old question just remains old and dead, then no email will come from it. Only new posts and comments will trigger emails.

Actions #8

Updated by Peter Williams over 8 years ago

Although the main part is working I find that if I try to change the last line "Choose email tag filter" this will not change from "exclude ignored tags"

Actions #9

Updated by H J over 8 years ago

Florian Effenberger wrote:

Step 2: Now we need to fix the result of the bug, i.e. the fact that
due to this bug, all of the currently registered users are set to NOT
get emails. In other words, if this bug had never existed, many users
might be currently signed up to get emails today.

I've asked Sophie and Olivier to give feedback on this - I'd like to
have their feedback before we mass-change existing user accounts

Thanks guys. A little more new discussion about the importance of getting these emails turned back on is found here:

Actions #10

Updated by Florian Effenberger almost 8 years ago

This ticket fell through the cracks as it was set to resolved, sorry for that
Is this problem still recent?

Actions #11

Updated by Beluga Beluga about 5 years ago

  • Status changed from Resolved to Closed

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