



Task #2127


Non-existent pages

Added by Muhammet Kara about 8 years ago. Updated about 8 years ago.

Target version:
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% Done:




Links to the extensions website from the LibreOffice Start Center refers to localized versions of the extensions web site (like for Turkish UI), but there is no localized version of the web site. So user sees a message titled as "This page does not seem to exist…".

Samuel Mehrbrodt suggested to open a ticket for infra, so that some redirects can be put in place to resolve this issue. You can refer to this patch for details:


pootle_langs.lst (476 Bytes) pootle_langs.lst superset of LO's languages Christian Lohmaier, 2017-01-16 14:02
Actions #1

Updated by Guilhem Moulin about 8 years ago

  • Status changed from New to In Progress
  • Assignee set to Guilhem Moulin

Is the full list of locale available somewhere? We can't use a naive
regex `^/[a-zA-Z_\-]+$` as the redirection shouldn't apply to
[[]] for instance. However
dumping the recent access logs (last 2 months) to

sed nr 's,\S+ \S+ \S+ \[[^\]+\] "GET /([a-zA-Z_\]+) .*,\1,p' | sort -u

it looks like all locale candidates match "^/[a-z]{2}(-[a-z]{2})?$", is
that correct? Using such regex won't lead to false positives either, if
I read the log right.

Actions #2

Updated by Christian Lohmaier about 8 years ago

sorry, you weren't in cc when I described exactly that: a regex to match the locales used in LO.
So a [a-z]{2} , a [a-z]{2}-[a-z]{2} and a few manual ones, for ca-valencia and kmr-latn or vec for venetian for example.

I'll attach a superset of the langauges (AKA all known to pootle, not all are used in LO). Pootle uses _, while LO uses - as delimiter (having both in the regex is fine with me)

If you wish, you can also make it a hardcoded list of langs, but that would blow up the vhost definition without giving much benefit.

Actions #3

Updated by Guilhem Moulin about 8 years ago

  • Status changed from In Progress to Closed
  • % Done changed from 0 to 100

Thanks for the list, cloph. I don't see much benefit in spelling out every single one, either. There are enough locales that don't fit the pattern ;-) In the end I added a 303 redirection for everything matching


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