Task #2182
closedRedirect Slovenian "Help - Feedback" in the HUB to Slovenian page
As requested by Martin Srebotnjak (miles@filmsi.net) in the website list (*) please redirect hub.libreoffice.org/send-feedback/.... for the Slovenian locale to
The forming string is for the hub is
OUString sURL("https://hub.libreoffice.org/send-feedback/?LOversion=" + utl::ConfigManager::getAboutBoxProductVersion() +
"&LOlocale=" + utl::ConfigManager::getLocale() + "&LOmodule=" + module.copy(module.lastIndexOf('.') + 1 ) );
Mar 03, 2017; 8:22am Martin Srebotnjak Martin Srebotnjak
Thanks, Olivier,
there was additional request in my emails in this thread, so please also
implement it (quoting):
could the "feedback" link in the Slovenian (sl) Help menu point to the
fully localized Slovenian feedback webpage and not to the English one?
Here is the link:
Thanks, m.
Updated by Guilhem Moulin about 8 years ago
- Status changed from New to Closed
- % Done changed from 0 to 100
Done (and added to the hub's testsuite so we don't inadvertently break the redirect later)
~$ curl -I 'https://hub.libreoffice.org/send-feedback/?LOversion='
HTTP/1.1 302 Moved Temporarily
Server: nginx/1.6.2
Date: Fri, 03 Mar 2017 12:44:41 GMT
Content-Type: text/html
Content-Length: 160
Connection: keep-alive
Location: http://sl.libreoffice.org/po-pomoc/vas-odziv/?LOversion=