



Task #3019


Partially broken instant notifications on AskLibO

Added by Guilhem Moulin over 5 years ago. Updated almost 5 years ago.

Target version:
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% Done:




2 weeks ago I upgraded the OS of the box serving AskLibO, and upgraded the PG cluster to PG11. I also had to upgrade the virtualenvs due to the Python ABI change. Unfortunately something broke on the way, because the Instant Alert system is not reliable anymore. Sometimes it triggers an email, sometimes not. I've not been able to find a clear pattern; I see

Task askbot.tasks.record_post_update_celery_task[…] raised unexpected: DoesNotExist('Post matching query does not exist.',)
Exception: Post matching query does not exist

lines in the log, which do seem related, but I'm missing the AskBot knowledge to understand where they come from, and why they didn't occur before the upgrade.

I recall we had a similar problem about 1 year ago, with some actions triggering instant alert but not all. You did some magic to fix that, but AFAIK didn't document that. Could you please have a look again, Evgeny Fadeev? And/or point me where to look.

Actions #1

Updated by Mike Kaganski about 5 years ago

The notifications seem to get stuck in some queue, and get delivered when an "update" for the same notification arrives: i.e., when a comment to an answer is added, the notification to the answerer is not delivered; but if later the comment is edited, the original comment content comes as the notification. Next edit of the same comment will push a notification about previous edit, and so on.


Actions #2

Updated by Evgeny Fadeev about 5 years ago

Sorry for missing this ticket and thank you for reminding. Will fix by early next week.

Actions #3

Updated by Guilhem Moulin about 5 years ago

Will fix by early next week.

Thanks! Would be great if you could share your finding and fix too, so perhaps I could do it myself next time :-)

Actions #4

Updated by Mike Kaganski about 5 years ago

Evgeny: I'm sorry to tell that I still don't get new notifications about comments...

Actions #5

Updated by Evgeny Fadeev about 5 years ago

Hmm, I might have an idea now. It may be that the task is executing before the transaction creating the post is committed, will update asap.

Actions #6

Updated by Mike Kaganski almost 5 years ago

Evgeny: I'm sorry for pinging, just not sure if you tried something (and then I wanted to notify that it hasn't worked yet).

Actions #7

Updated by Evgeny Fadeev almost 5 years ago

Mike, could you test it now please? I've made some modifications, but need a test on the production system to confirm.

Actions #8

Updated by Mike Kaganski almost 5 years ago

Saw the request for testing only now, sorry.

Testing seems to be successful (see Thanks!

Actions #9

Updated by Florian Effenberger almost 5 years ago

  • Status changed from New to Closed

Thanks for reporting back!


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