Feature #611
openHave a long-term miniseries on the blog on TDFs employees and highlight what donors enable us to do for the project
- A nice picture
- What is your background?
- How did you get involved in LibreOffice?
- What tasks and responsibilities do you cover for LibreOffice and the Document Foundation?
- A call to action: Where can people help you and the project?
Related issues
Updated by Bjoern Michaelsen over 10 years ago
- Related to Feature #610: Have a Team section on documentfoundation.org showing our employees and the good they do for our donors added
Updated by Charles-H. Schulz over 10 years ago
I concur and I am willing to help on this (interviews etc.)
Updated by Robinson Tryon over 10 years ago
On a related note, I'm hoping to get some short video interviews with people in Bern -- just 1-2 minutes talking about who they are, what involvement they have with LibreOffice, what they most enjoy about the project, etc. I'll edit those together into a short (5 min or less) video that I'll share at QA bug-triaging fests (e.g. https://wiki.documentfoundation.org/Events/2014/Seattle_LibreFest) and other community-building events.
Updated by Florian Effenberger over 10 years ago
Updated by Florian Effenberger about 10 years ago
I'll add this to the agenda for FOSDEM - my proposal is to have the blogposts only every 6-12 months. At least for those who don't blog regularly, it's quite time-consuming and once a month sounds a bit too much, IMHO. Let's discuss at FOSDEM.