Task #893
Updated by Florian Effenberger over 9 years ago
To reflect the changed membership composition, shortly Shortly after the beginning begin of each every quarter, tdf-members@ needs to be propagated with when the new subscriber list. *NOTE*: Don't confuse with tdf-membership@ mailing list * MC will members have their meeting and send draft notes * Sophie and Florian will prepare been approved, the paperwork * MC will send a list of e-mail addresses, containing all current subscribers * all subscribers need to be removed via the web interface (remember to disable notification) * the current private members subscriber list needs to be added via the web interface (disable notification again) adjusted * e-mail Sophie, so she can follow-up to Wait for Florian's (or Cor's) ping with the new members on the list of subscribers, and update it accordingly Note: It's tdf-members, *not* tdf-membership as list name ;-)