


Task #592

Updated by Florian Effenberger almost 9 years ago

The statistics from Bugzilla (bugs, regressions, contributions etc.) are currently manually created. Bugzilla provides sensible means at to automate that process. 

 Steps involved: 

 # Identify required statistics together with development and QA (mentionin We've talked about this topic during the ESC call might be a good idea) 
 # Identify who lot. Currently quite a few people do manual stats which is generating statistics at a pain in the moment ass - once we migrate it would be awesome if stats are automated, easy to use, and if these can be automated (to avoid double work) 
 # Automate the creation of these statistics, possibly via the Sun 24 have some defaults that Cloph will repurpose for this matter, or directly we consistently monitor. 

 Adding: Robinson + Rob as Cronjob within the Bugzilla VM 
 # Document and saltify what has been done 
 # Establish monitoring of important parameters, values and thresholds to identify key issues in advance both have seemed interested here
