Task #592
closedBugzilla statistics generation
The statistics from Bugzilla (bugs, regressions, contributions etc.) are currently manually created. Bugzilla provides sensible means at https://bugs.documentfoundation.org/chart.cgi to automate that process.
Steps involved:
- Identify required statistics together with development and QA (mentionin this topic during the ESC call might be a good idea)
- Identify who is generating statistics at the moment and if these can be automated (to avoid double work)
- Automate the creation of these statistics, possibly via the Sun 24 that Cloph will repurpose for this matter, or directly as Cronjob within the Bugzilla VM
- Document and saltify what has been done
- Establish monitoring of important parameters, values and thresholds to identify key issues in advance
Updated by Bjoern Michaelsen over 10 years ago
Bugzillas "new charts" (reports->new charts) at least make data collection over time easy, although its a UI desaster and its own charts are mighty ugly:
Using it for data collection, and then have $something to nicely present the data in a sensible way without too much repeated manual work would be great.
Updated by Bjoern Michaelsen over 10 years ago
- Project changed from 49 to Infrastructure
moving to infrastructure project as per https://redmine.documentfoundation.org/issues/599#note-2
Updated by Florian Effenberger about 10 years ago
- Due date set to 2015-02-28
With the upcoming BZ migration end-January, setting due date end-February
Updated by Florian Effenberger almost 10 years ago
Infra tries to provide a VM this week, but it depends on a couple of parameters
If you can work on this ticket in the productive instance, please do so
Updated by Florian Effenberger almost 10 years ago
Bugzilla test VM should be up and running again, so you can proceed here
On a side note: Please be cautious of the disk space and make sure not tons of dumps are flying around that suck up space
Updated by Florian Effenberger over 9 years ago
Robinson, what's the status here? Any ideas or work carried out already?
Updated by Florian Effenberger over 9 years ago
- Tracker changed from Feature to Task
- Subject changed from Stats from Bug Tracker to Bugzilla statistics generation
- Description updated (diff)
- Target version set to Q4/2015
Updated by Robinson Tryon over 9 years ago
How will this fit-in with the Dashboard tender?
We had a couple of QA folks working on a small stats project, but they've postponed that work for the moment until we have more information about how the dashboard might address some of these needs.
Updated by Robinson Tryon about 9 years ago
Robinson Tryon wrote:
How will this fit-in with the Dashboard tender?
We had a couple of QA folks working on a small stats project, but they've postponed that work for the moment until we have more information about how the dashboard might address some of these needs.
Bjoern: Based on what I've heard so far, this description is pretty close to the tender. Is one a superset, or are there some non-overlapping parts?
Updated by Bjoern Michaelsen about 9 years ago
Robinson Tryon wrote:
Bjoern: Based on what I've heard so far, this description is pretty close to the tender. Is one a superset, or are there some non-overlapping parts?
As it looks now, not much will happen on the dashboard tender until at least February. Thus anyone wanting to do bugzilla stats should just go ahead now -- dont block on this.
Updated by Robinson Tryon about 9 years ago
Bjoern Michaelsen wrote:
Robinson Tryon wrote:
Bjoern: Based on what I've heard so far, this description is pretty close to the tender. Is one a superset, or are there some non-overlapping parts?
As it looks now, not much will happen on the dashboard tender until at least February. Thus anyone wanting to do bugzilla stats should just go ahead now -- dont block on this.
Ok. I'll let the interested parties know.
Updated by Florian Effenberger about 9 years ago
- Assignee changed from Robinson Tryon to Christian Lohmaier
- Target version deleted (
Moving to Cloph's pile, but un-milestoned yet - let's revisit next year if we still need this and who carries it out; so no action required from your side for the moment, Cloph
Updated by Florian Effenberger about 9 years ago
- Status changed from New to Rejected
We didn't get a hand on this for a couple of reasons
Closing this one for the moment, as I think there will be an overlap with the Dashboard - let's re-open if there's still a need afterwards