Feature #1119
closeddev-tools gerritbot/send-daily-digest: in "about" only include modules from latest patchset
Ci-infra bugs are now tracked in redmine. Copied from bugzilla bug #84227
<http://lists.freedesktop.org/archives/libreoffice/2014-September/063540.html> "LibreOffice Gerrit News for core on 2014-09-23" contains
+ fdo#81356: compiler plugin for rewrite Fraction
in https://gerrit.libreoffice.org/11405 from Juan Picca
about module build, compilerplugins, include, testcompilerplugins, tools
even though <https://gerrit.libreoffice.org/#/c/11405/8> for quite a while now is only about module compilerplugins. That confused me, as I thought the gerrit patch mentioned here is an alternative duplicate variant of the patch I am familiar with (and know only talks about compilerplugins these days), and should be abandoned, while in fact it was the very same patch.
This could probably be fixed in get_digest (gerritbot/send-daily-digest) by changing
fpaths = (set([fileobj['file'] for pset in change['patchSets']
for fileobj in pset['files']]))
to only iterate over the latest patch set, however that would be done.
Updated by Mathias M almost 10 years ago
- Assignee set to Mathias M
Verified in gerrit, pushed in master.
Needs to be deployed on production VM
Updated by Mathias M over 9 years ago
- Status changed from New to Closed
Script is not pushed into production, but production has been disabled