Task #1422
Sun 24 (miranda) re-purpose for developer tasks
Added by Florian Effenberger over 9 years ago.
Updated about 8 years ago.
Target version:
Team - Q2/2016
The existing Sun 24 machine should be re-purposed for certain developer tasks that so far are merely undocumented and on unmaintained machines.
A tool like Jenkins or similar should be used to regularly pull or gather data and mail it around when necessary.
List of things to have there:
- Bugzilla statistics
- IZBot (#973)
- api.libreoffice.org
- docs.libreoffice.org
- cppcheck
- gerrit digest
- coverity
- lcov.libreoffice.org
- regression hotspots list
- MABs/high priority digests
- regression stats
- bibisect stats
- EasyHack digests
- committer stats
- download stats
- tinderbox stats
- clang warnings and plugins
- bazillion other things done manually on releases or elsewhere
- Blocked by Task #1421: Sun 24 reinstallation added
- Related to Task #973: IZBot migration to server and code publication added
Not sure if I poked you via e-mail: Björn, can you add some more thoughts if there are any, to this ticket?
- Description updated (diff)
Adding things from the mail:
Subject: Odd Sunday night thought - [...]
Date: Tue, 30 Jun 2015 00:16:39 +0200
Message-ID: <20150629221639.GA15123@uzi>
Ideally we should host all those jobs on a infra watched machine, if possible1. It might not be possible to do that for resources intense tasks: lets start with the easy ones. For ressource intense tasks, triggering and monitoring for failure from that host should still be something to aim for.
We should avoid reports like:
It seems this job is not running anymore for some weeks now. Was this intentional ? The host on which the job was scheduled (vm140.documentfoundation.org) appears to be down ?
aka "it stopped weeks ago, we dont know why, we dont even know where it was running" in the future.
- Target version changed from Q3/2015 to Q1/2016
- Target version changed from Q1/2016 to Q4/2015
- Status changed from Feedback to New
I think the Sun24 (#1421) has been setup. Best is to check with Alex, so you can proceed with this ticket
- Target version changed from Q4/2015 to Q1/2016
Sun24 is setup, this somehow fell through the cracks - we should setup some brainstorming early next year, as Cloph is still unsure what to run on the box
Florian Effenberger wrote:
The existing Sun 24 machine should be re-purposed for certain developer tasks that so far are merely undocumented and on unmaintained machines.
A tool like Jenkins or similar should be used to regularly pull or gather data and mail it around when necessary.
List of things to have there:
- coverity
That is running on gandalf, by caolan mostly.
- lcov.libreoffice.org
That is running on tb31, under jenkins control.
Talked with Cloph again about this
Several of these items are already at TDF infra, but need to be migrated from gimli/gandalf
AI Cloph:
- identify further services that are not yet inside TDF infra -> in Q1
- work on the migration from gimli/gandalf together w/ Alex
- Target version changed from Q1/2016 to Q2/2016
- Subject changed from Sun 24 re-purpose for developer tasks to Sun 24 (miranda) re-purpose for developer tasks
- Assignee changed from Christian Lohmaier to Florian Effenberger
- Status changed from New to Closed
The Sun24 is in good use now, but the other part of the ticket is not unimportant - moved to #2124
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