



Task #1816


update TDF website with new board

Added by Florian Effenberger about 9 years ago. Updated almost 9 years ago.

Target version:
Team - Pool
Start date:
Due date:
% Done:



The TDF website at still lists the old board.
The listing needs updating with

  • board names
  • blurbs
  • and pictures


simonphipps05.jpg (180 KB) simonphipps05.jpg Simon Phipps, 2016-02-19 14:05
ACopacabana.png (419 KB) ACopacabana.png Osvaldo Gervasi, 2016-03-01 13:30
bjoerntdf.jpeg (12 KB) bjoerntdf.jpeg Bjoern Michaelsen Bjoern Michaelsen, 2016-03-01 13:43
Actions #1

Updated by Simon Phipps about 9 years ago

SImon Phipps

Independent volunteer, first involved in 2000

Simon watched go open source at OSCON in 2000 and has been associated with the project in a variety of roles ever since, most notably as the Chief Open Source Officer at Sun Microsystems until 2010. An electronic engineer and programmer by training, he is now the principal of Meshed Insights Ltd, offering management consulting on open source and digital rights issues. He also serves on the board of the UK's Open Rights Group and was President of the Open Source Initiative from 2012-15. In addition to his role at Sun, in a long technology industry career he has worked on open standards, video conferencing, the introduction of Java and XML at IBM, office productivity workstations at Burroughs and Unisys in the 80s and identity management at ForgeRock. He lives in Southampton in the UK.

Actions #2

Updated by Osvaldo Gervasi about 9 years ago

Osvaldo Gervasi

My first activity related to the project was during the Conference in Orvieto in 2009, where, as President of the Open Source Competence Center of Umbria, I chaired a session focused on Open Source Solutions for European Public Administrations. I inspired the LibreUmbria project and co-founded LibreItalia. I joined The Document Foundation in 2013 and served in migration to LibreOffice Projects (LibreUmbria and the migration of the Italian Army). I'm part of the Italian Localization Team.. I'm involved on a regular basis in dissemination and tutorial activities on LibreOffice in Primary and Secondary schools. I'm a Certified Professional Trainer and a Certified Migration Professional (until Dec 31, 2017). I'm Aggregate Professor at the Department of Mathematics and Computer Science of University of Perugia, Italy. I live in Spello (PG), Italy.

Actions #3

Updated by Bjoern Michaelsen about 9 years ago

Bjoern Michaelsen is a currently employed by Canoncial Ltd. and is responsible for the packaging for LibreOffice on Ubuntu. He joined the company and LibreOffice development in February 2011, coming from Oracle (and before that Sun), where he was working on the same codebase for a few years in the Writer/Framework area. Even since long before that he is an open source enthusiast and did start with minor contributions to a range of open source projects, while he originally studied physics along with computer science and business administration at the University of Hamburg. He has been continuously serving on the Board of Directors as a Member or Deputy for the Document Foundation since it first incorporated in 2012.

Actions #4

Updated by Italo Vignoli about 9 years ago

Text done, will add pictures as soon as I get them all

Actions #5

Updated by Italo Vignoli almost 9 years ago

  • Status changed from New to Closed

Also available in: Atom PDF