Task #1846
closedevaluate CDN offer
We received an offer for using a CDN. A quick evaluation from the infra side on the parameters, and then handing over to interested volunteers, might be desirable.
CDN is a nice addendum, but not high priority from my POV.
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Updated by Norbert Thiebaud about 9 years ago
"5.2 The Customer hereby warrants that it has the consent of the users to disclose their personal data to the Supplier for the purpose of using the service and that for the same purpose the users have agreed that their personal data may be transferred to territories outside the EEA."
That could be a problem no ?
Updated by Norbert Thiebaud about 9 years ago
"5.4 The Customer agrees that the Supplier may, without notice to the Customer, report to the appropriate authorities any conduct by the Customer or any of the Customer's customers or end users that the Supplier believes violates applicable law, and provide any information that it has about the Customer or any of its customers or end users in response to a formal or informal request from a law enforcement or regulatory agency or in response to a formal request in a civil action that on its face meets the requirements for such a request."
that is even a bigger problem: "appropriate authorities" is not defined
"the Supplier believes violates applicable law, " that is vague too...
"response to a formal or informal request "
that is way too lax.
if basically say that any 'law enforcement or regulatory agency' of unspecified jurisdiction can give them a call and get whatever they want.
It also means that in civil action there is no requirement for a judge supervised subpoena , just the supplier gut feeling that it 'looks' legit.
Anyhow.. I always read contract in the worse possible way... and I suppose, as CDN goes they are not that bad....
The question become: do we actually really need a CDN ? does forcing our European user from availing themselves of EU privacy laws is worth whatever gain is expected?
is it possible to limit the cdn to outside-EU connection ? (clearly UK is not really in the EU :-) )
Updated by Jan Iversen about 9 years ago
With the points that Norbert point out, I would be very careful using this service. Being in Europe I am keen to protect my privacy rights.
If we use the service, we should use it with a special org. user, that do not have any special data connected to it.
Updated by Florian Effenberger over 8 years ago
- Target version changed from Q2/2016 to Qlater
Shifting to later due to the infra changes
Updated by Florian Effenberger over 8 years ago
- Assignee changed from Alexander Werner to Guilhem Moulin
re-assigning to Guilhem in order to clean up Redmine queues
nothing concrete to do at the moment
Updated by Florian Effenberger almost 8 years ago
- Status changed from New to Rejected
I think we all agreed to not pursue this further for the moment, so closing