Task #2925
closedwording for small donations
Tax advise sent a breakdown of donations, as of end-June 2019.
# of donations amount in € 1332 0,01 - 1,00 7778 1,01 - 5,00 6349 5,01 - 10,00 7279 10,01 - 20,00 4880 20,01 - 30,00 942 30,01 - 50,00 167 50,01 - 100,00 48 100,01 - 500,00 4 > 500,01
Donations below 1 € cost a high proportion in payment processor fees. We should find a wording to tell donors about the problem - e.g. rather than giving 1 € each month it's better to get 12 € once a year.
Updated by Italo Vignoli over 5 years ago
Drafted a basic message, which can be tweaked according to needs. The idea of this message is to follow up via email when people donate small amounts, suggesting to consolidate donations either quarterly or yearly. In some cases we can suggest a win-win solution, i.e. donate 10 USD/Euro per year instead of 1 USD/Euro per month, with a saving of 2 USD/Euro for the donor, and a net increase of the same 2 USD/Euro for TDF.
Updated by Florian Effenberger about 5 years ago
- Target version changed from Q3/2019 to Q1/2020
Can you share it with the private marketing list for feedback? I like it, would maybe extend a bit more the last paragraph with nice words and thanks - but would like to hear the lists feedback first :-)
Updated by Cor Nouws about 5 years ago
there is also the effect, that people give 5 $ much faster, easier then 60 $ .. Not sure about the statistics, but something to look at, IMO
Updated by Florian Effenberger almost 5 years ago
Italo, can you share it with the private marketing list for feedback? I like it, would maybe extend a bit more the last paragraph with nice words and thanks - but would like to hear the lists feedback first :-)
Updated by Italo Vignoli almost 5 years ago
Sent to private marketing for feedback
Updated by Italo Vignoli almost 5 years ago
- Status changed from New to In Progress
Updated by Italo Vignoli over 4 years ago
- Status changed from In Progress to Closed
Ticket closed, as the task is now handled in a different way, and messages to donors will be managed via the CMS software.