



Task #3479


Weblate needs to list & allow contact with language translation teams

Added by Eyal Rozenberg about 4 years ago. Updated over 1 year ago.

Target version:
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% Done:




As one translates on weblate, one wants to be able to consult members of the translation team for that language. But - these are not visible via weblate, even when you're logged in; nor is there a mechanism for contacting them.

This should be added somehow.

To emphasize: It's useful/important to knowing who the team members are; and to be able to contact them. If they're listed with their addresses, then obviously you can contact them that way; otherwise, IMHO they should still be listed along a more opaque contact mechanism.

Actions #1

Updated by Sophie Gautier about 4 years ago

Hi Eyal,
We maintain that page on the wiki with main contacts for the language listed, see here:
We also have this page to thank contributors

Actions #2

Updated by Eyal Rozenberg about 4 years ago

We maintain that page on the wiki with main contacts for the language listed

Actually, no, you don't. That is, that page is not guaranteed to have a way to write a valid "main contact" on the language team / translation team of every language, nor all members of the team; and the page does not, in fact, have that information as of the time of writing.

Weblate does have knowledge of which people are part of which teams etc; and this should be exposed somehow to the translator, when s/he wants to get in contact with them.

Actions #3

Updated by Sophie Gautier about 4 years ago

Eyal Rozenberg wrote:

We maintain that page on the wiki with main contacts for the language listed

Actually, no, you don't. That is, that page is not guaranteed to have a way to write a valid "main contact" on the language team / translation team of every language, nor all members of the team; and the page does not, in fact, have that information as of the time of writing.

'We' means l10n teams. This is the responsibility of each team to keep this page up to date. See my reminder on the list in January:

Weblate does have knowledge of which people are part of which teams etc; and this should be exposed somehow to the translator, when s/he wants to get in contact with them.

This is not part of Weblate yet but a request has been made, see:

Actions #4

Updated by Sophie Gautier over 1 year ago

  • Status changed from New to Closed

Closing as this was part of Weblate 4.18


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