Eyal Rozenberg
- Login: EyalRozenberg
- Registered on: 2020-12-13
open | closed | Total | |
Assigned issues | 0 | 0 | 0 |
Reported issues | 7 | 5 | 12 |
20:10 Infrastructure Task #3703: @LibreOfficeBugs should be on Mastodon or Bluesky instead of Xitter
- Why leave Twitter/X rather than creating a Bluesky account/page/whatever, in addition?
It's not as though we're su...
17:03 Websites Task #3766 (New): LibreOffice is "created by you"? This title confuses and deters website visitors!
- When I visit:
the main title/slogan, filling most of the page, is:
21:54 Infrastructure Task #2998: Make sure all daily builds have Time at About dialog
- I would like this one to be reopened, for several reasons:
1. *Copy-paste'd appearance*: One often uses the text i...
21:40 Infrastructure Task #3622: Bugzilla refuses query, claims "indexing in progress" with long list of specific bugs
- Guilhem Moulin wrote in #note-2:
> AFAICT there were only 2 requests for that URI today not coming from me, and I sup... -
21:15 Infrastructure Task #3622 (New): Bugzilla refuses query, claims "indexing in progress" with long list of specific bugs
- If I try to run the bugzilla buglist query below, I get a page saying "Database reindex in progress. Please try again...
19:00 Infrastructure Task #3617 (Closed): Incorrent/out-of-data Debian dependencies/prerequisites
- On the "how to build on Linux and *BSD" "page":https://wiki.documentfoundation.org/Development/BuildingOnLinux we hav...
22:52 Infrastructure Task #3615 (New): Write a document anonymizer tool
- When users experience LibreOffice bugs, it is very often (perhaps most often) in documents which they would rather no...
20:56 Infrastructure Task #3570 (New): Create a bugzilla-based community-distributed bibisection mechanism
- Bibisecting is a PITA: Large download, difficult to set up, and very few people do it; see also task #3529 .
But m...
23:15 Infrastructure Task #3512: Weblate translation entry textbox doesn't properly support Hebrew
- Christian Lohmaier wrote in #note-18:
> can you check again? the textedit mode wasn't included in the css rule, so t...
22:09 Infrastructure Task #3512: Weblate translation entry textbox doesn't properly support Hebrew
- Christian Lohmaier wrote in #note-16:
> You did signal that the Assistant font renders the characters OK, so that's w...
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