Task #3605
openExtensions installation instructions. Where are they?
Hi again,
I think the extensions installation instructions on the LibreOffice international website to be very difficult to find (or did I miss smthg?).
On the international webpages, these instrcutions are somewhere in the wiki pages.
You've got to follow the route:
1. 'Improve it' main menu ('Discover' and 'Get help' are dead ends, for what I can tell, while this is where I'd expect to finding the wanted information)
2. 'Wiki' (what's a wiki? John Doe asks)
3. In the 'Teams' column (yes? Does John Doe know about what a Team is?), click the 'FAQ' entry
4. Then 'General'
5. and get to the 'Extensions' section where the Graal entries sit... Ouch!
I think only courageous people and Sherlock Holmes's will find this. Or is this a hide and seek game of sorts?
Suggestion: make this entry (esp. the installation page) prominent right away, from a more direct and understandable page ('Get help' would be a good place, don't you think?). Better yet: a dedicated page that contains what's in the wiki 'Extensions' section. Having a direct link from the Extensions pages is also a need (see my other ticket).
Jean-Francois Nifenecker