



Feature #1553


get-help/installation: Instructions need update to modern versions of LibreOffice

Added by Dennis Roczek over 9 years ago. Updated about 5 years ago.

Target version:
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% Done:




Ticket moved from

Robinson Tryon (qubit) 2013-03-07 05:11:14 CET
The installation instructions on the website need an update to reflect installation of modern versions of LibreOffice:

The installation pages for Windows and Linux mention old versions
(3.3, 3.4, and 3.5) and need an update to reflect currently-shipping
versions of LO (3.6 and 4.0). The Mac installation instructions page
mentions OSX 10.8, so it's possible that the mac page doesn't need any
additional work.

Here are the sub-pages with OS-specific content:
Actions #1

Updated by . Óvári almost 9 years ago

I can not seem to update SilverStripe with the Windows and Linux Instructions. SilverStripe as the buttons 'Restore' and Delete' with no HTML editor. Could you please advise how to fix? Thank you

Actions #2

Updated by Thomas Hackert over 8 years ago

Hello Dennis, *,
Dennis Roczek wrote:

Ticket moved from

maybe we should rewrite these instructions independently from any version mentioned inside. But that would also mean, all translated sites need to be rewritten (e.g., possibly one of the localized as well. Would it not be better to discuss this before on one of the international mailinglists? Otherwise I am willing to help, though I am not a big fan of wiki ... ;) And just one question: shows a reddish remark "Aus Entwurf entfernt" (roughly translated maybe "Removed from draft"?) behind its title. Does it mean, it will vanish sometime?
Have a nice day

Actions #3

Updated by Dennis Roczek over 8 years ago

Thomas Hackert wrote:

Hello Dennis, *,
Dennis Roczek wrote:

Ticket moved from

maybe we should rewrite these instructions independently from any version mentioned inside. But that would also mean, all translated sites need to be rewritten (e.g., possibly one of the localized as well. Would it not be better to discuss this before on one of the international mailinglists? Otherwise I am willing to help, though I am not a big fan of wiki ... ;) And just one question: shows a reddish remark "Aus Entwurf entfernt" (roughly translated maybe "Removed from draft"?) behind its title. Does it mean, it will vanish sometime?
Have a nice day

Hi Thomas,

I have no opinion on that task. Actually I only moved the ticket out of bugzilla as a cleanup tasks since all non-dev tasks should go to redmine.

RobinsonTester Tryon: your input is asked!

Actions #4

Updated by Robinson Tryon over 8 years ago

Dennis Roczek wrote:

RobinsonTester Tryon: your input is asked!

You rang? :-)

The installation instructions on the website need an update to reflect installation of modern versions of LibreOffice:

The installation pages for Windows and Linux mention old versions
(3.3, 3.4, and 3.5) and need an update to reflect currently-shipping

Looks like the current Windows install screenshots have exact version numbers erased, although they do have some large "5" images that are visible, which is fine as we're shipping 5.x builds currently

The Mac installation instructions page
mentions OSX 10.8, so it's possible that the mac page doesn't need any
additional work.

This page seems mostly fine. We're still linking to an article from 2012 ( Perhaps worth it to check that and make sure that particulars haven't changed since then.

Actions #5

Updated by Thomas Hackert over 8 years ago

Hello Robinson, *,

Robinson Tryon wrote:

Dennis Roczek wrote:


The installation instructions on the website need an update to reflect installation of modern versions of LibreOffice:

The installation pages for Windows and Linux mention old versions
(3.3, 3.4, and 3.5) and need an update to reflect currently-shipping

Looks like the current Windows install screenshots have exact version numbers erased, although they do have some large "5" images that are visible, which is fine as we're shipping 5.x builds currently

I have written a draft for GNU/Linux on What do you think about it? Though it needs someone who has done this graphical installation and someone with an RPM based distro to look at these passages, and a native speaker to correct any errors still there ... :( And I would like to remove the instructions for the graphical (de)installation, but as someone has written it as recommended .installation method ... Is it really recommend to install it that way?

Actions #6

Updated by Thomas Hackert over 8 years ago

Hello @ll,
after no reaction on our l10n list about a rewriting of the Linux installation instructions (see, I have done it today (hopefully, without too much errors ... ;) ). I have also rewritten the German instructions on after a short debate on our de@discuss list (with also only two or three other members involved, who have tested it on RPM based distributions). Would someone be so kind to have a look at it (especially, a native English speaker or someone with a better English than mine, and someone who uses an RPM based distro and could try this graphical installation), please? If you think, it is OK, it would be nice if you can close this ticket.

Actions #7

Updated by Beluga Beluga about 5 years ago

  • Status changed from New to Closed

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