



Task #2003


deploy own-/Nextcloud as central upload resource and for document editing (LibO)

Added by Mike Saunders over 8 years ago. Updated almost 8 years ago.

Target version:
Team - Q1/2017
Start date:
Due date:
% Done:



There are various LibreOffice-related events going on, with some great photos which can be used in promotional and marketing materials, but there's no single resource for the photos. As an example, there are pictures here:


  • Create a one-stop-shop location to get photos via own-/Nextcloud
  • Make sure that pictures have the right license and credit
  • Maybe create a category system so people can search by date, location, team (eg design, documentation)
  • It should be an upload-only and then admin-review approach, so we're not some anonymous file storage
  • With the new instance, we should extend this to document editing with LibO at the same time

Related issues

Related to Marketing - Task #1333: event calendarIn ProgressMike Saunders

Is duplicate of Infrastructure - Task #1872: update own-/Nextcloud and install LibO onlineRejectedGuilhem Moulin

Actions #1

Updated by Mike Saunders over 8 years ago

Talked to Cloph about setting up a new VM and own/nextCloud, with the possibility of allowing public uploads. Will report back when we have it running.

Actions #2

Updated by Florian Effenberger over 8 years ago

To drive this forward - Mike, do you have means to play with an own/nextCloud instance? At least the latter one IMHO allows for anonymous uploads that can then be made available to the general public.

Not sure about when we can re-deploy our public ownCloud instance, but if we can test somehow in parallel if that would work for us, we can come up with a roadmap.

Actions #3

Updated by Mike Saunders over 8 years ago

  • Status changed from New to In Progress

I've asked Guilhem to set me up a new VM with nextCloud, so will report back when I've got it running.

Actions #4

Updated by Florian Effenberger over 8 years ago

  • Target version changed from Q3/2016 to Q4/2016
Actions #5

Updated by Florian Effenberger over 8 years ago

If Guilhem can provide a VM just with nginx, I am happy to share my (work in progress) Nextcloud setup documentation from my private box. Should be fully scriptale and thus SALT-able :-)

Actions #6

Updated by Florian Effenberger over 8 years ago

  • Description updated (diff)
Actions #7

Updated by Florian Effenberger over 8 years ago

Actions #8

Updated by Florian Effenberger over 8 years ago

  • Is duplicate of Task #1872: update own-/Nextcloud and install LibO online added
Actions #9

Updated by Florian Effenberger over 8 years ago

  • Status changed from In Progress to Rejected

Rejecting as this is essentially the same as #1872

Actions #10

Updated by Florian Effenberger over 8 years ago

  • Subject changed from create central resource for Creative Commons or public domain event photos to deploy own-/Nextcloud as central upload resource and for document editing (LibO)
  • Description updated (diff)
  • Status changed from Rejected to In Progress
Actions #11

Updated by Guilhem Moulin over 8 years ago

Florian Effenberger wrote:

If Guilhem can provide a VM just with nginx, I am happy to share my (work in progress) Nextcloud setup documentation from my private box. Should be fully scriptale and thus SALT-able :-)

I created vm180 for this, and applied salt states ‘templates.vm’, ‘nginx’ and ‘nginx.dhparams’. I'll leave installing & configuring NextCloud to you, then :-)

Actions #12

Updated by Florian Effenberger over 8 years ago

I'll dig out my notes from my private setup and share with you ~tomorrow :-)

The Document Foundation Redmine wrote on 2016-11-23 at 17:27:

I created vm180 for this, and applied salt states ‘templates.vm’,
‘nginx’ and ‘nginx.dhparams’. I'll leave installing & configuring
NextCloud to you, then :-)

Actions #13

Updated by Florian Effenberger over 8 years ago

I had a look, but it seems there's no PHP-FPM installed yet. Do we have a Salt state for it? I can also install it manually, no problem.

Actions #14

Updated by Guilhem Moulin over 8 years ago

You said you wanted only nginx :-P The relevant salt state is `php5`, which is being applied now.

Actions #15

Updated by Florian Effenberger over 8 years ago

Fair enough ;-)
Thanks a lot, I'll have a look tomorrow from LinuxDay or early next week
and deploy my default Nextcloud setup

The Document Foundation Redmine wrote on 2016-11-25 at 10:23:

You said you wanted only nginx :-P The relevant salt state is `php5`,
which is being applied now.

Actions #16

Updated by Florian Effenberger over 8 years ago

Guilhem Moulin wrote:

You said you wanted only nginx :-P The relevant salt state is `php5`, which is being applied now.

Seems there's still something missing ;-)
ps auxw | grep php reveals no running PHP instance, and /etc/php/fpm or /etc/php/7.0/fpm is missing as well
Can you quickly help me out how PHP is invoked in our setup?

Actions #17

Updated by Guilhem Moulin over 8 years ago

Oops sorry, I applied the wrong the salt state: the correct one was `php5.fpm`, not `php5`. Fixed.

Actions #18

Updated by Florian Effenberger over 8 years ago

Oops sorry, I applied the wrong the salt state: the correct one was
`php5.fpm`, not `php5`. Fixed.

No worries. :-)
I also forgot to ask for a MySQL database - can you set one up and mail
me the password?

Sorry for the back and forth, not done VM setup for quite some time :)

Actions #19

Updated by Florian Effenberger over 8 years ago

Sorry, forget to add a heads-up to this ticket - Nextcloud up and running (without LibO integration for the moment)
Mike now reviewing the upload story (anonymous uploads that need to be approved by an admin before download is possible)
Then we migrate existing ownCloud content and see for the LibO integration

Actions #20

Updated by Mike Saunders over 8 years ago

OK, done some work on this:

  • Enabled public uploads, but with hidden files
  • Created dedicated user for it, for custom text on upload screen (and extra security)
  • I should get emails when new files are uploaded (mail is sent out hourly)
  • Plus a bit of themeing and branding

Will send an example link round in private.

Actions #21

Updated by Mike Saunders over 8 years ago

Could use these to populate one of the Events folders, as an example:

Actions #22

Updated by Mike Saunders about 8 years ago

By tweaking the Nextcloud installation slogan, I've added links to our Impressum and Privacy Policy at the bottom:

I'll talk through a couple of other infra things with Guilhem, but I think this is almost ready to go...

Actions #23

Updated by Florian Effenberger about 8 years ago

By tweaking the Nextcloud installation slogan, I've added links to our
Impressum and Privacy Policy at the bottom:

I'll talk through a couple of other infra things with Guilhem, but I
think this is almost ready to go...

Excellent idea! ;-)
Let's talk about it in Monday's team call - if all is working from your
side, we can fire off IMHO.
Can you check with Guilhem that the box is in the backups?

Actions #24

Updated by Klaus-Jürgen Weghorn about 8 years ago

Mike Saunders wrote:

By tweaking the Nextcloud installation slogan, I've added links to our Impressum and Privacy Policy at the bottom:

The link to TDF-page at the bottom doesn't work right. IMO it should show to

Actions #25

Updated by Klaus-Jürgen Weghorn about 8 years ago

Is it possible to get a TDF-affiliated background at the starting page [1]?


Actions #26

Updated by Klaus-Jürgen Weghorn about 8 years ago

Klaus-Jürgen Weghorn wrote:

Is it possible to get a TDF-affiliated background at the starting page [1]?


.. and the right favicon?

Actions #27

Updated by Mike Saunders about 8 years ago

Klaus-Jürgen Weghorn wrote:

Is it possible to get a TDF-affiliated background at the starting page [1]?


Yes, I've added the LO motifscatter background now.

.. and the right favicon?

I've just sent a proper LO one to Guilhem to replace the current one.

The link to TDF-page at the bottom doesn't work right. IMO it should show to

That's not something we can change without manually poking around inside the PHP, by the looks of it. We may be able to work on a custom theme later, but for now I think we just need to get the essential branding and links (Impressum, Privacy) in place to make this work...

Actions #28

Updated by Guilhem Moulin about 8 years ago

Florian Effenberger wrote:

Can you check with Guilhem that the box is in the backups?

It wasn't, but it's now fixed :-) (Both the database and the uploaded files are now under backup.)

Actions #29

Updated by Florian Effenberger about 8 years ago

It wasn't, but it's now fixed :-) (Both the database and the uploaded
files are now under backup.)


Actions #30

Updated by Mike Saunders about 8 years ago

  • Target version changed from Q4/2016 to Q1/2017

This is pretty much ready to go now (for the public uploads), but bumping into early January so that we don't have to monitor it closely over the Christmas break.

Actions #31

Updated by Mike Saunders about 8 years ago

This has all been set up now, so I've created a short URL and sent it to marketing-priv@ for testing. Once we have some photos and feedback, and know it's all working well, we can go public with it.

Actions #32

Updated by Mike Saunders about 8 years ago

No uploads so far, but some people have said they will upload pics. Some concerns about lack of information on the upload page -- this is hard to customise without manually editing the PHP. I'll investigate before FOSDEM and keep poking people to upload their pics from that event.

Actions #33

Updated by Florian Effenberger about 8 years ago

No uploads so far, but some people have said they will upload pics. Some
concerns about lack of information on the upload page -- this is hard to
customise without manually editing the PHP. I'll investigate before
FOSDEM and keep poking people to upload their pics from that event.

I think customizing indeed will be a problem, we can not do more than
adding a link to a wiki page explaining things

Actions #34

Updated by Mike Saunders about 8 years ago

We've had one batch of uploads from a community member so I will investigate this after LO 5.3 launch. I will promote the service during and after FOSDEM so that we get more picture uploads.

Actions #35

Updated by Mike Saunders about 8 years ago

Talked to Guilhem at FOSDEM about this and we may have some options for custom theming, to provide more information on the upload page, that won't be overwritten when we perform updates. Will investigate more.

Actions #36

Updated by Florian Effenberger almost 8 years ago

IMHO this ticket is dealt with, can it be closed?

Actions #37

Updated by Florian Effenberger almost 8 years ago

Florian Effenberger wrote:

IMHO this ticket is dealt with, can it be closed?

To add on that - one further ticket, installing LibO online in Nextcloud, should be setup for Q2 then; but the rest seems done?

Actions #38

Updated by Mike Saunders almost 8 years ago

Florian Effenberger wrote:

IMHO this ticket is dealt with, can it be closed?

To add on that - one further ticket, installing LibO online in Nextcloud, should be setup for Q2 then; but the rest seems done?

Yes, I think it makes sense to close this and set up a new one for online collaboration.

Actions #39

Updated by Mike Saunders almost 8 years ago

  • Status changed from In Progress to Closed

Closing this now as it has been done.


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