Task #2815
closedimprove donate link in online help
The donate link in the online help is placed at the bottom of the screen, so users can click on it after they read the help. However, this approach is not working out, only a very small amount of users clicks on it. The proposal is to find a more prominent, but not intrusive place to put it and review the results in a few weeks.
One idea is to put it into the top bar and make that bar fixed over the pages, which provides better navigation alongside.
Updated by Mike Saunders about 6 years ago
So I was playing with https://helponline.libreoffice.org/6.2/ and if we add to this div:
div class="header-extrawurst"
this CSS:
position: fixed; width: 100%; top: 0;
Then it stays at the top of the screen, even when we scroll down! So that's a good start for thinking about adding the donate link up there. But the top bar then overlaps the content a bit, but we can add this CSS to the body tag:
padding-top: 60px;
Updated by Olivier Hallot about 6 years ago
The donation link is in the XSLT transformation at
<div class="donation">
<p><a href="https://www.libreoffice.org/donate/?pk_campaign=help&quot; target ="_blank">
<xsl:value-of select="$ui_donate"/>
where <xsl:value-of> contains the translatable string.
So I think we can only change the class "donation" in the css file and upload to the Help pages. The only drawback I need to clear is the responsiveness of the page, something Ilmari cares a lot.
If you need to play, use /6.3/ in the URL as it is the new master.
I can do it but later today.
Thanks for looking at this and providing the hints.
Updated by Adolfo Jayme Barrientos about 6 years ago
I suggest to shorten the link’s text, move it to the green header, and then make that header sticky during scrolling (it’s something I planned to do anyway — please take over)
Updated by Olivier Hallot about 6 years ago
Patch submitted
Updated by Florian Effenberger about 6 years ago
Seems there is some discussion at Gerrit going on. I lack the technical insight, but if our approach of updating the help page is wrong, happy to adjust the task, of course. Can someone share more information with me?
Updated by Olivier Hallot about 6 years ago
- File default.css.txt default.css.txt added
patch is attached. Feel free to adjust and commit.
Updated by Beluga Beluga about 6 years ago
I will rework the patch. It will require adding a grid container element, so body will no longer have that role. Then I will make the header appear before the grid container.
Updated by Beluga Beluga about 6 years ago
Went with a more thoughtful route. Kept body as grid container. I think things are pretty nice now. I'm not a huge fan of sticky headers, but at least ours is not very tall. On IE11 it will not be sticky, so feel free to sue me!
Updated by Florian Effenberger almost 6 years ago
Thanks for your work! Is there a way to test the design and have a look? ;-)
Updated by Olivier Hallot almost 6 years ago
Florian Effenberger wrote:
Thanks for your work! Is there a way to test the design and have a look? ;-)
Updated by Florian Effenberger almost 6 years ago
Looks good to me!
Is there any blocker for putting that live? There was some discussion at
Gerrit - from my POV things look ok?
Updated by Olivier Hallot almost 6 years ago
Florian Effenberger wrote:
Looks good to me!
Is there any blocker for putting that live? There was some discussion at
Gerrit - from my POV things look ok?
There was a change in the donation string which breaks the "String Freeze" policy and will trigger a retranslation. If OK to retranslate, the patch in master should be cherry-picked to LO 6.2 Help or even LO 6.1, at the risk of further work to make it fit.
Bringing to staff meeting.
Updated by Olivier Hallot almost 6 years ago
It is done and released.
Updated by Florian Effenberger almost 6 years ago
- Status changed from In Progress to Closed