I updated the page in the CMS, but to add the other features the stats-collection scripts would need to be tweaked.
reassigning to Xisco, since he asked for instructions (feel free to bump it back to me)
The credits are created via https://bitbucket.org/spaetz/gitanaly/ with small manual touchups (combining the separate templates contributors with the overall one) - and the result (html-page) is also used for the readlicense_oo/license/CREDITS.fodt file for the LO releases (just stripped of the website credits).
So if we were to add additional values like last commit date (do we want that in the first place?) the script would have to be updated to also output that info.
Also not sure about search, as your browser should allow to search anyway.
Also, it is already a table, not a list (but for layout reasons, not semantic, I guess that is what the OP hints at). To make it sortable again the output needs to be changed to reorder the output data in separate cells, and would alter the look quite a bit.
tldr: first part is decision making/whether we want it in a different layout, then part of it: do we also want to change it in LO's CREDITS.fodt - and last step would be to modify the output templates of gitanaly scripts to actually reflect those changes..
I personally don't want to do the decision part, but I can later do the tweaks to the script according to whatever conclusion you came to :-)