Task #3116
closedTask #3115: KG22.04 - Increase the amount of Community Bonding / Hackfest Events Where Coders & Non-Coders Meet, ESC events
KG22.04.1 - Run five Community Bonding / Hackfest Events in significant geographies
Added by Nicolas Christener almost 5 years ago. Updated over 4 years ago.
Updated by Florian Effenberger over 4 years ago
- Subject changed from KG22.04.1 - Run five Community Bonding / Hackfest Events in significant geographies Edit this section to KG22.04.1 - Run five Community Bonding / Hackfest Events in significant geographies
- Status changed from New to In Progress
- hack-fests are hard to plan for the next year (Florian)
- wait until the end of the year - to see how things are progressing - otherwise go virtual.
- now have a great opportunity to learn virtual events (Thorsten)
- can learn how to have virtual events, easier to setup and run, with less cost involved.
- lets take the opportunity.
- second it (Lothar)
- hackfest around the conference ? (Lothar)
- Sophie mentioned mini-sumits.
- can we get talks down in time at conf ? (Michael/Florian)
- 30mins max - perhaps 20mins better ?
- French community had a translation sprint (Thorsten)
- Hackfest in Germany 2 months ago around Corona (#WirVersusVirus - Corona hackathon)
- good ideas to steal from elsewhere.
- meeting in person is super important; really miss it.
- AI: ask the team if they have ideas for a virtual hackfest (Florian)
- eg. bug-hunting sessions ? (Thorsten)
- with Jitsi open all the time, play with it eg.
- really support it (Cor)
- had some 1st thinking in Dutch community some weeks ago
- eg. bug-hunting sessions ? (Thorsten)
Updated by Florian Effenberger over 4 years ago
Some first feedback from the team:
- successful events are those with very practical approach
- ask for concrete objectives
- mentoring is 1:1, pretty hard to do a virtual Hackfest
- videoconferences for extended periods of time are exhausting
- step-by-step could work out better, but is that a Hackfest?
- same language makes things easier
- add survey wrt. topics/agenda
- some prerequisites need to be met for attendees
- Icecream not working out remotely?
- we have virtual VMs though
=> draft plan for first event by next week's team call (Xisco, Cloph, Ilmari)
=> also see what others did, and share our findings later, to avoid reinventing the wheel
Updated by Florian Effenberger over 4 years ago
- Due date changed from 2022-01-31 to 2020-10-15
- Assignee set to Beluga Beluga
- Target version set to Q4/2020
Also this ticket needs some attention. One of the ideas discussed recently was to have an event planned around LibOCon. In order to make that happen, we should have a concrete plan, date and time within the next two or three weeks.
Ilmari, can I task you to drive this forward, coordinate with other team members and come up with a plan? No need to be 100% perfect in first place - the event around LibOCon would be a first try, we can then gradually improve. Most important is we make a start. :)
Updated by Florian Effenberger over 4 years ago
Some more thoughts from the last milestone call:
- turning things into virtual events
- possibly Hackfest around conference, also mini summits planned
- translation sprints, bug hunting sessions
- we can run a survey
- Ilmari did real-time triaging example with QA volunteer who didn't get along with wiki page, could record this and share knowledge this way
Updated by Florian Effenberger over 4 years ago
- Status summary set to First ideas shared in ticket. Have plan the next three weeks. Ilmari to lead.
Updated by Beluga Beluga over 4 years ago
There will be no virtual hackfest and everyone agrees on this, but there will be a happening. Quoting from 2 July ESC meeting minutes:
- Virtual happening around conference time
+ board members suggested a virtual hackfest
+ after much soul-searching, Ilmari, Xisco and Christian came to the
conclusion that it would not be up to the standard we have
traditionally had for hackfests
+ what is special about hackfests, with potential for attracting new
contributors? physical presence
+ what is special about a virtual hackfest? nothing - just another edition
of what we do every day anyway
+ counter-proposal: questions & answers session in Jitsi regarding
+ people send questions in advance
+ in the live event, only have slots for the topics which received
questions (to avoid having people on standby for no reason)
+ encourage the people sending questions to join the session to ask further
+ allow random people to join and ask stuff related to the topic slots, but
with no guarantee of real-time response (can send answers later)
+ Jitsi allows demos via screen sharing
+ who wants to join the panel of experts? don't have to present the answers
live, if it's too much trouble
+ should we run this before or after the conference?
+ some specific pitch sounds like a good idea (Thorsten)
+ maybe some small event in Hamburk (Thorsten)
+ how long it should be? If ~hour, could be even part of the
conference? (Kendy)
+ or something like the C++ training that were done previously? (Thorsten)
+ further questions after the sessions (Thorsten)
+ people in the talk would need to digest - and would be interested more
in a day or two (Thorsten)
+ kind of an interactive hands-on (Ilmari)
Updated by Florian Effenberger over 4 years ago
- Status summary changed from First ideas shared in ticket. Have plan the next three weeks. Ilmari to lead. to First ideas shared in ticket. Have plan the next two weeks. Ilmari to lead.
- Still a good idea? (Ilmari)
- Yes (Italo)
- put call for questions into a blogpost -> ask community what they would like to have covered (Ilmari)
- live event, recorded video possible if needed
- lack of feedback during ESC meetings, not unexpected though
- will turn things into a blogpost (Mike)
- plan in day in time to avoid overlaps (Florian)
- communicate "around LibOCon", set concrete date a bit later
- two weeks of preparation time (Ilmari)
- use conference platform (Sophie)
Updated by Mike Saunders over 4 years ago
I've updated the blogpost text in the .odt file in the Key Goals folder on Nextcloud. Once Ilmari has a date set, we can start to promote it.
Updated by Florian Effenberger over 4 years ago
- Status summary changed from First ideas shared in ticket. Have plan the next two weeks. Ilmari to lead. to First ideas shared in ticket. Have plan the next two weeks. Ilmari to lead. Blogpost draft done by Mike.
Updated by Mike Saunders over 4 years ago
Updated by Beluga Beluga over 4 years ago
- Status changed from In Progress to Closed
- % Done changed from 0 to 100