



Task #3118


Task #3117: KG22.05 - Marketing Must Emphasise Project Over Product

KG22.05.1 - Focused on new / younger contributors

Added by Nicolas Christener about 5 years ago. Updated over 2 years ago.

Target version:
Team - Qlater
Start date:
Due date:
% Done:


Status summary:
project launched, 360+ people in Telegram group, lots of ideas
Actions #1

Updated by Nicolas Christener about 5 years ago

  • Parent task set to #3117
Actions #2

Updated by Thorsten Behrens about 5 years ago

  • Private changed from No to Yes
Actions #3

Updated by Nicolas Christener almost 5 years ago

  • Private changed from Yes to No
Actions #4

Updated by Florian Effenberger over 4 years ago

  • Assignee set to Mike Saunders
  • Target version set to Qlater

Mike, can you wear the hat on this task? You've been working with Café Netzwerk and IIRC also universities in the past. You have to coordinate with Ilmari, Xisco and others, but if you an wear the hat, come up with some ideas and report back here regularly, that'd be great! This ticket also relates to the campus programme (#3125)

Actions #5

Updated by Florian Effenberger over 4 years ago

  • Status summary set to In progress
Actions #6

Updated by Mike Saunders over 4 years ago

Italo has written a draft for the Campus Ambassador Program, that I'm reading now to add my feedback.

I also have some more ideas about this topic, in an early stage, which I'll flesh out next week.

Actions #7

Updated by Mike Saunders over 4 years ago

  • Status changed from New to In Progress

Various ideas:

  • Do more in-depth video/audio interviews with younger contributors and TDF members. The challenge here is that we don't always know someone's age, but we can reach out and ask
  • Build these into success stories, showing how participating in a FOSS project has many advantages - leading towards studies/jobs
  • Prepare an article/video about how LibreOffice is useful in schools/unis, looking at certain features, options and extensions particularly geared to education. Then encourage readers/viewers to join our community
  • Organise an on-line virtual meetup for younger contributors, to answer questions about the project and community. We probably can't say "limited to people X years old", but try to make sure younger people who are already active in LO are available to chat with newcomers

I'll post them to the marketing list now, to get further feedback, before we choose exactly which ones to work on...

Actions #8

Updated by Franklin Weng over 4 years ago

Mike Saunders wrote:

Various ideas:

This is a good idea since Python is attractive, but notice that these Python macro guides are not complete and attractive enough yet. AFAIK currently the documentation team does not have enough energy to work on this part.

I'm writing on a new tutorial (but in Chinese so far) aiming for migrating (rewriting) macros.

Actions #9

Updated by Mike Saunders over 4 years ago

Proposal for "LibreOffice Next Generation" (working title) sent to team list for feedback. This is the starting point for a Telegram channel, which could then develop into interviews and (online) community events.

Actions #10

Updated by Mike Saunders over 4 years ago

Step-for-step for "LibreOffice: New Generation" sent to marketing-private@ for feedback.

Actions #11

Updated by Mike Saunders over 4 years ago

Sophie mentioned this link: – We could add some information about getting involved there

Actions #12

Updated by Mike Saunders over 4 years ago

Following up on this: I've contacted a select group of people who are involved in getting young people into the project (or are young themselves) with some ideas, visual identity and plans for a call. Will update once we've made a plan.

Actions #13

Updated by Florian Effenberger over 4 years ago

  • Status summary changed from In progress to contacted a select group of people with some ideas, visual identity and plans for a call
Actions #14

Updated by Mike Saunders over 4 years ago

Some updates from people I've been talking to:

  • Repeated calls for mentors
  • Interest in "ambassadors" at universities (see: campus programme)
  • Feedback from Celia in Mexico: young people not so interested in interviews (shy?) but like to have "diplomas" or similar
  • Feedback from Sophie: Open Badges also popular in French unis

I'm preparing the next batch of Open Badges, and looking into a shiny page/site to display them, so perhaps this is the best avenue at the moment.

Actions #15

Updated by Mike Saunders about 4 years ago

  • Status summary changed from contacted a select group of people with some ideas, visual identity and plans for a call to going ahead with Open Badges and Telegram group

Going further with the Open Badges idea: define goals, and encourage students/younger people to target them.

I've emailed a bunch of people who work with younger people to ask for feedback on Open Badges for this purpose. Then I'll create a Telegram group to pool ideas, and make it a welcoming place for new/younger contributors. Then reach out and try to bring them into the group, and get them started.

We also have the dev mentor tender up now too, which helps in this.

Actions #17

Updated by Mike Saunders about 4 years ago

  • Status summary changed from going ahead with Open Badges and Telegram group to project launched, 360+ people in Telegram group, lots of ideas

We launched on 29 January on our blog and social media:

This was picked up on various tech sites in several languages, and our Telegram group grew to over 200 members within the first day. (Currently it has 366 members.) The start on Telegram was a bit bumpy, with lots of people joining and asking questions unrelated to the goal of getting younger people involved, but thanks to Sophie, Marina and others, we managed to maintain the focus.

Since then, a number of ideas and proposals have come up, including:

  • Create certificate for skills: creating presentations, spreadsheets, illustrations
  • Provide materials for local training in schools, universities etc.
  • Set up a contest (eg Python macro programming) with rewards
  • Set up a survey for students and teachers to spread around on campus
  • Create flyers and posters for students to distribute
  • Use Open Badges to reward contributors and confirm their work
  • Investigate Paytm, PhonePe, RuPay, WhatsApp and Google Pay as donation options

In the coming weeks I'll work on these, and contact people in the group who've offered to help out in their schools and universities.

Actions #18

Updated by Mike Saunders about 4 years ago

Create flyers and posters for students to distribute

Started this project, based on this flyer design: - It explains what LibreOffice is, and also encourages people to get involved, talking about the benefits.

Will get feedback and (hopefully) translations, then we can get some printed, and send them out to people who want to distribute them.

Actions #19

Updated by Mike Saunders about 4 years ago

Results of the first project announced, the flyer for schools and universities:

I'll now work on encouraging contributions for the other ideas, listed at the end of that blog post.

Actions #20

Updated by Mike Saunders almost 4 years ago

The flyer now has translations in 7 languages, and I've had requests to post out printed copies. (Not many so far, as a lot of schools/unis are still closed, but I'll get some printed.)

Meanwhile I've posted the list of tasks/ideas in the Telegram group and will encourage collaborative work on the next one...

Actions #22

Updated by Mike Saunders over 3 years ago

  • "New Generation" flyers to be handed out at French event later in the year
  • Not much activity otherwise in the "New Generation" project though - we suggest ideas and there's some interest, but then quiet. Will need to keep pushing
Actions #23

Updated by Mike Saunders over 3 years ago

Posted an alternative design for the flyer for schools and universities:

I'm also using this to generate more activity in the New Gen project and encourage people to help with other ideas.

Actions #24

Updated by Italo Vignoli over 2 years ago

  • Status changed from In Progress to Closed

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