Task #3308
To fulfil the E-Learning project of Google Season of Doc 2020, we need a MOODLE instance available in our premises.
Thank you.
Updated by Guilhem Moulin over 4 years ago
As I believe was mentioned in a team call some time ago, we used to have one (#2126) a while ago but were asked to remove it when GDPR was activated (#2592). Probably something to check again before spending time working on the deployment.
To fulfil the E-Learning project of Google Season of Doc 2020
Please set a desired deadline. “Priority high”? It's the holiday season, I'll be gone too, and my plate is quite full already… :-( Would have liked to see that ticket open earlier.
Updated by Sophie Gautier over 4 years ago
Olivier, as I told you, you don't need the tool to build your distance learning content (I pointed you to http://www.sophiegautier.com/localc/referentiel.html that was previously on Ganesha). If you provide a Moodle instance, it means that you also provide the assistance behind, which is much more than the content. My offer to help still is valid :-)
Updated by Olivier Hallot over 4 years ago
Guilhem Moulin wrote:
Please set a desired deadline. “Priority high”? It's the holiday season, I'll be gone too, and my plate is quite full already… :-( Would have liked to see that ticket open earlier.
Confirmation of the need of moodle came in August, when Google granted a second spot to us.
The project is running.
Updated by Guilhem Moulin over 4 years ago
- Status changed from New to Closed
- % Done changed from 0 to 100
https://moodle.documentfoundation.org . Should be properly configured with SSO authentication.
Updated by Emiliano Vavassori over 4 years ago
Sophie Gautier wrote:
If you provide a Moodle instance, it means that you also provide the assistance behind, which is much more than the content.
I agree. If needed, since I am already "managing" an instance, I can/may help. Please poke me if needed.
Updated by Guilhem Moulin over 4 years ago
So over one month after the instance went live no one but Sophie and I tried to log in (as test). No other account is provisioned. 3.10 was recently tagged but I'm shutting down the box instance while it's not used. Maintenance cost is >0 which is simply wasted for unused services. Please open a new ticket if/when you need the service for real. Would have appreciated being informed about the deadline update, especially as it had to be rushed in as LibOCon was approaching…
Updated by Emiliano Vavassori over 4 years ago
Guilhem Moulin wrote:
Please open a new ticket if/when you need the service for real. Would have appreciated being informed about the deadline update, especially as it had to be rushed in as LibOCon was approaching…
It is already there, FYI #3410. In particular, my last update would shed some more light on the issue.