Task #3606
openAllow having extensions projects "on hold"
Hi again,
An extension author might want/need to enter a (new) extension information progressively. That is, s-he might not have time to enter all and every details at once.
As I understand things, once you start creating an extension, you've got to go the whole process route, otherwise you may lose the previously entered details. For instance, I may create an extension infrastructure but not add the .oxt file yet. As of current process, this doesn't stop the (inexistant) "extension" to be updated from the 'Draft' status to 'Published'. Thus the UI is... well... "strange": users can read a description but there's nothing to download.
As an author, I'd prefer having the following states: 'Draft' (remains as such as long as the author decides) -> 'Ready' (the administrator is allowed to check and publish) -> 'Published'
Jean-Francois Nifenecker
Updated by Heiko Tietze over 2 years ago
- Assignee set to Christian Lohmaier
We consider to rename the "Create" to "Save" and not show the saved extensions in the review unless Publish is pressed. Plus, unfinished submissions, eg. without actual extension or without description, cannot be published. Ideally pressing the button gives some feedback, for example by showing the missing fields with a red frame.
Updated by Christian Lohmaier over 2 years ago
- Target version set to Q4/2022
Will add an additional checkbox to put into moderation queue or not, changing button text is too deep in silverstripe's process to be comfortable doing.
Updated by Christian Lohmaier almost 2 years ago
- Due date set to 2023-06-11
- Target version changed from Q4/2022 to Q2/2023