



Bug #698


Making a real test out of the Marketing on Redmine

Added by Marc Pare over 10 years ago. Updated about 10 years ago.

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I am not sure that this month's test of putting the marketing list on Redmine is a real test. There is no real warning to the general public that we are on Redmine neither on the wiki nor on the website. Plus, the workings of Redmine does not have any kind of "universal feel" to it ... that is to mean that, for example, if we were to use any Google tool, most people would have some knowledge or experience using Google tools (Google+, Calendar, GDrive), as Goolge is used universally; a forums would also be more of a "universal feel" and tool as most people would have at one point or another joined a forums (even young individuals [kids] still sign on to forums). HOWEVER, Redmine is not a format that could be said of "universal feel" and is just another hurdle where people need to learn unfamiliar process to contribute to the project. If anything IMO, if we are going to use Redmine, perhaps we should continue with our traditional marketing list as our low level entry point BUT when, on our discussion list, we do agree to any kind of actioned item, that it be put up on Redmine for people to work on; so, at that point, once an item is on Redmine, then the continued discussion on the item would then take place only on Redmine and no longer on the list. At least this way, we would not alienate or turn off any potential new marketing members.

ALSO, we should also seriously consider moving ALL of our "private marketing list", where ALL of our serious discussions with our serious marketing members, to Redmine. We should just completely abandon the private list and have it move completely to Redmine. This, would be a true test of Redmine's ability to handle a previious mailing list group moved to Redmine solution. At least we would then be testing the resolve of our serious marketeers who are presumably knowledgable enough to use Redmine's tools and not our group of global marketing members who are there to see if they could participate in a smaller way to the project. At least, we would then see how a group of professionals deal with such a move.

IMO, we need to keep the global list as simple as possible to join and manage..


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